HomeMy WebLinkAboutCCPR-08-10-10 (Approved: CARMEL /CLAY BOARD OF PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING MINUTES Regular Meeting August 10, 2010, 6:00 P.M. Monon Community Center East 1235 Central Park Drive East CARMEL, IN 46032 MEMBER ATTENDEES MEMBER ABSENTEES OTHERS J Miller J Ketterman M Westermeier S Dillon M Klitzing J Hagan A Kostrzewa R Taylor D Grisham J Kirsh Gregg Calpino (JJR, LLC.) W Franklin Susan Beaurain(MC Division Manager) P Knowles Lindsay Labas J Engledow Kurtis Baumgartner Terry Myers Hal Espey (videographer) ROLL CALL The regular meeting of the Carmel /Clay Board of Parks and Recreation was convened at approximately 6:00 p.m. on August 10, 2010 pursuant to notice. President Joe Miller asked Secretary Rich Taylor to call the roll. Members present other than Mr. Miller and Mr. Taylor were S Dillon, P Knowles, J Kirsh, W Franklin, J Hagan and J Engledow. J Ketterman was absent. Others in attendance are noted above. II. CALL TO ORDER and PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE President Miller called the meeting to order and after the Pledge of Allegiance, noted that Gregg Calpino was present to update the Board on the Central Park East Project. NOTE: Hereinafter these minutes will state the motion, followed parenthetically by the name of the one who made the motion (listed first) and then the one who seconded it. For example the motion would read, "It was moved to approve the minutes...etc. (Engledow, Hackett)." When a motion is carried but not unanimously, the results of the vote will be listed i.e. "(Engledow, Hackett 6 to 2, with 1 abstaining). When the motion was carried unanimously, a "C -Un" will be added i.e. "(Engledow, Hackett C -Un)." Action taken without objection will be noted in brackets as well. III. PUBLIC COMMENTS: A. Presentation by Gregg Calpino of JJR, LLC regarding the Central Park East Project: Mr. Calpino used power point to present and explain the status of the due diligence investigation which included trail surveying /staking and a meeting with regulatory representatives and to show options and request input for completion of the preliminary engineering documents anticipated to be presented at a future meeting. After he reported on the onsite, he emphasized the goal to separate the bid packages into items that do not require permitting from those that do so that the project on be completed by the end of the 2011 summer. Mark noted that a benefit from the creek modeling could be a change in the floodplain map to allow more of the North Campus to be outside of the floodplain as reflected on the current map that was based on a 14" flood of the Interurban. Gregg next reported the cost saving and green focuses which include use of off the -shelf shelters, latrines and pedestrian bridges with minor custom touches as well as board walks and permeable parking. He shared various options of the features including way- finding, overlook and bridge railings, furnishings, gateway enhancements and use of improved materials, citing the advantages of each. In support of the proposed rustic theme, Michael explained the overarching concept of educational opportunities made available by preserving the rustic feel of the East Woods without sacrificing an appropriate transition to the style of The MCC. Park Board members shared their reactions to the various choices which included the following: a request for a cost comparison between State Park style utility -free latrines and those with plumbing, a clear preference for (a) open concept bridge with cable railing, (b) the same furnishings used in earlier development, (c) additional lighting at the Westfield entrance, (d) no drinking fountains, (e) recycling features and (f) an adventure course. IV. STAFF REPORTS Michael Klitzing introduced Susan Beaurain and Kurtis Baumgartner to describe the proposed philosophy for Special Events which focuses on cost recovery: enhance marketing, generate revenue and lower costs. Using a power point presentation, Susan compared the current philosophy to the new and how special events are 1 impacted. She concluded that at least 3 of the most popular events (Kids Summer Koncert Series, Touch a Truck and Tour de Carmel) will continue perhaps with participant fees or increases. Susan agreed to distribute the power point presentation to the Park Board. Michael next reported that the Carmel Clerk Treasurer's report had not arrived until late afternoon deferring acknowledgement until the next meeting. Based on the best information available, he reported that ESE Revenues are up by $208,451 and expenses are down by $82,288. Likewise, the MCC revenues are up $428,161 and expenses down $258,000 with net revenues at $686,338.00 allowing the MCC to have a positive cash flow year to date. He reported that even in the unlikely event that the MCC performs during the balance of 2010 at 25% worse than last year, no additional funds will be needed from the Township. Michael explained the pass sales trending which supports the common use of the rate structure now in place. He reminded the members that the Business Plan anticipated attrition with the pass changes. V. COMMITTEE REPORTS A. Standing Committees 1. Personnel Committee: S Dillon reported that due to lack of business, the Committee had not met recently and that it would meet briefly tonight after the Park Board meeting primarily to approve minutes. 2. Finance Committee: J Engledow reported that the Committee did not meet in July but was scheduled to meet on Thursday, August 12 at 5:00 p.m. at the Administrative Offices. 3. Properties Committee: S Dillon reported that the Committee met prior to tonight's Park Board meeting during which it heard a proposal by the Carmel City arborist to remove at the City's expense, invasive plants growing along the Monon Greenway. After much discussion, the Committee supported the proposal and agreed that his initial focus should be at the south end of the greenway. The Committee also discussed the proposal last received from The Gospel Buffet. VI. ACTION ITEMS A. Minutes Rich Taylor July 27, 2010 Regular Park Board Meeting minutes were approved as presented. (Taylor, Kirsh C -Un without Wendy Franklin who temporarily left the meeting room, noted from this point until her return as "wlout W Franklin B. Financial Reports Jim Engledow 1. June Pentamation Financial Reports were not received in time to acknowledge and will be deferred to the next meeting. 2. Receipt of June Clay Township Financial Reports was acknowledged. (Engledow, Hagan C -Un wlout W Franklin.) C. Claims —Jim Engledow 1. Claim Sheet August 10, 2010 was approved as presented. (Engledow, Taylor C -Un wlout W Franklin.) 2. Clay Township Claim Sheet August 10, 2010 was approved as presented after Mark explained that the Irish Mechanical invoices represented routine services. (Engledow, Hagan C -Un wlout W Franklin.) D. Acceptance and /or Acknowledgement of Monies received Audrey Kostrzewa. The Park Board accepted a $20.00 gift form William E. and Wilma Sue Piland for the benefit of Flowing Well Park. (Hagan, Engledow C -Un.) E. Consideration of Annual Hazardous and Risk Tree Schedule Mark Westermeier Mark explained that the schedule would be presented at a future meeting to which there was no objection. F. Consideration of Professional Services Agreement with The Schneider Corporation for Central Park East Geotechnical Services Mark Westermeier Consistent with the JJR, LLC proposal and contract, the Park Board has the responsibility to contract for the necessary geotechnical engineering work for the Project and staff recommends approval of the draft agreement presented in the Board Packet with The Schneider Corporation to provide the geotechnical engineering and survey/ staking services for The Central Park East Project. Mark suggested that the members review the exhibits containing scope of services and fees. After brief discussion, the Park Board approved the Professional Services Agreement presented in the Board packet engaging The Schneider Corporation to perform the geotechnical and survey /staking services for The Central Park East Project for a sum not to exceed $14,644.00 plus reimbursables and authorized the Park Board President or Vice President to execute the same. (Franklin, Kirsh C -Un.) G. Consideration of Consolidation of Central park parcels Mark Westermeier and Deb Grisham 2 Mark reported that consistent with the suggestion from the Clay Township, Assessor, staff recommended consolidating into one, the various parcels that comprise Central Park. After Deb confirmed J Engledow's observation that the abandoned railway corridor was acquired by the City of Carmel and noted that she had not completed her review of what parcels would be included, she suggested that the Park Board authorize her to prepare the appropriate documents for consolidation and the President and /or Vice President to execute such. The Board agreed. (Kirsh, Hagan C -Un.) VII. ATTORNEY'S REPORT- Debra Grisham A. Tort Claims. Deb reported a tort claim filed on July 6, 2010 for expenses related to the treatment of a head injury that occurred in the MCC lazy river had been denied. B. General. Deb reported that 1. Common Construction Wages would need to be set for the Central Park East project; and 2. The Carmel City had informed CCPR that he was pursuing a claim in a class action lawsuit involving lawn mowing equipment. VIII. DIRECTOR'S REPORT Mark Westermeier In addition to his written report included in the Board Packet, Mark reported that 1. the Council Park, Recreation and Arts Committee was scheduled to meet this afternoon but that 2 of the 3 members failed to attend; 2. As regards item V (f), the Owner's Representative has requested the local fire marshal's official position; 3. As regards item V (b), Mark stated that a meeting was scheduled between Lynn Russell and the Clerk Treasurer's office to explore alternatives as in the 11 hour, the Clerk Treasurer's staff saw firsthand how the system she promoted to handle CCPR needs, would not work. In response to'a suggestion that the Clerk Treasurer may ask the Park Board to fund the purchase of additional software, J Hagan reminded the members that the need for detailed payroll data is now 2 years old and if another software program is now needed, the Park Board should revisit the idea of outsourcing CCPR payroll to a payroll service. She next suggested that the Park Board pass a resolution that any new software must be presented to the Park Board for prior approval. R Taylor noted that many software companies offer pentamation compatible software that would address CCPR needs. J Engledow suggested that this matter should be further addressed through the Finance Committee to which there was no objection. IX. DISCUSSION ITEMS 1. J Hagan asked about the status of the unfinished pedestrian trail that is intended to reach Westfield Boulevard. Mark explained that Sue Maki offered to confirm her understanding that the contractor is coordinating completion with the laying of the distribution lines along Westfield Boulevard. 2. J Engledow asked that upon completion, that more 20mph signs be installed. X. INFORMATION ITEMS 1. Plan Commission J Hagan distributed the proposed amended section of the Impact Fee Ordinance regarding credits. She also reported that the August 17 agenda includes a resolution to increase the impact fee as scheduled in the Ordinance from $1,261 to $1,387. 2. School Board –P Knowles reminded all that today was the first day of school and to slow down in school zones which are posted at 25mph. She next reported that (a) the ISTEP report showed Carmel with the highest scores in the State of Indiana, (b) an August 23rd public hearing was scheduled to consider budgets; (c) class size reports will be available later this week, understanding that several schools are at capacity and (d) the teaches are scheduled to meet tomorrow to vote on the collective bargaining agreement. XI. BOARD COMMENTS None XII. ADJOURNMEN The meetin. adjourned at approximately 8:00 p.m. (Dillon, �Taylor without objection.) Signature: !/I Date: ld'( D Signature: 3 7 ►��t /I� Date: '"1 O 3