HomeMy WebLinkAboutCCPR-06-22-10 (Approved: v/.3 Q2o/v
June 22, 2010, 6:00 P.M.
Monon Community Center East
1235 Central Park Drive East
CARMEL, IN 46032
J Miller J Engledow M Westermeier
R Taylor W Franklin M Klitzing
J Kirsh J Hagan A Kostrzewa
J Ketterman D Grisham
T Hackett Hal Espey (Videographer)
S Dillon Gregg Calpino (JJR, LLC)
The regular board meeting of the Carmel /Clay Board of Parks and Recreation was convened at
approximately 6:07 p.m. on June 22, 2010 pursuant to notice. President J Miller, asked R Taylor to call the
roll. Park Board members present in addition to Mr. Miller and Mr. Taylor were J Kirsh, J Ketterman, T
Hackett and S Dillon. J Engledow, W Franklin and J Hagan were absent. Others in attendance are noted
Having confirmed the presence of a quorum, President Miller called the meeting to order which started after
the pledge of allegiance.
NOTE: Hereinafter these minutes will state the motion, followed parenthetically by the name of the one who
made the motion (listed first) and then the one who seconded it. For example the motion would read, "It was
moved to approve the minutes...etc. (Engledow, Hagan). "When a motion is carried but not unanimously, the
results of the vote will be listed i.e. "(Engledow, Hagan; 6 to 2, with one abstaining). When the motion was
carried unanimously, a "C -Un" will be added i.e. "(Engledow, Hagan; C -Un)."
A. Presentation of Central Park Master Plan Report Gregg Calpino
Referencing the bound 47 page document, Mr. Calpino used power point to present and explain the contents
of the Central Park Master Plan Update, complete with implementation recommendations. After the
presentation, the Park Board members expressed their appreciation of the update's layout and content.
A. Minutes Rich Taylor
1. June 8, 2010 Regular Park Board Meeting. Minutes were approved as presented. (Taylor, Ketterman
C -Un).
B. Claims Rich Taylor in Jim Engledow's absence
1. Claim Sheet June 22, 2010 was approved as presented. (Taylor, Hackett C -Un)
2. Clay Township Claim Sheet June 22, 2010 was approved as presented. (Taylor, Hackett C -Un.)
C. Consideration of Quotes for the Central Park Skate Park Sidewalk Project Mark Westermeier
Mark explained that pursuant to Indiana Code 36- 1 -12 -5, the Park Department obtained 2 quotes for
installation of a sidewalk connector between the Skate Park and the Monon Trail at Central Park: 1 from
Cadence MTC LLC for $6,100.00 and 1 from Integrity Concrete, Inc. for $2,350.00. Mark reported that all
conditions were met to recommend awarding a contract for the sidewalk project to Integrity Concrete,
Inc., the lowest responsible and responsive quoter to be paid from the Clay Township 1215 fund. After
assuring the Board that T Myers was comfortable with the lowest quoter despite the significant
difference in the quotes, the Park Board accepted the lowest responsible and responsive quote for the
Central Park Skate Park Sidewalk Project from Integrity Concrete, Inc. in the amount of $2,350.00 to be
paid from the Clay Township 1215 Fund and authorized the Park Department Director to take all action
necessary to complete the contracting process including the initiation of a letter of intent authorizing the
spending of administrative funds to be incurred during the finalization of the contract and approval for the
President or Vice President to sign the contract upon completion of the attorney's review. (Ketterman,
Taylor C -Un.) Immediately thereafter, the Park Board delegated to the Park Department Director the
authority to determine in his sole and reasonable discretion whether it is in the best interest of the Park
Board and Park Department to add, delete or change an item or items in the original contract and to
approve such change, up to an amount not to exceed twenty percent (20 of the amount of the original
contract, with a report to the Park Board and request for ratification at the next Park Board meeting.
(Ketterman, Hackett C -Un.)
D. Consideration of Central Park Master Plan Report (Update) Mark Westermeier
Mark referenced the earlier presentation of the Central Park Master Plan Update Report and
recommended acceptance and approval. After discussion, the Park Board approved the Central Park
Master Plan Update Report as presented. (Dillon, Kirsh C -Un.)
E. Authorization to engage JJR,LLC to prepare bid ready construction documents for Phase II of
Central Park Mark Westermeier
Mark referred to the recommended Work proposed for the Eastern section of Central Park as set forth in
the Master Plan Update and recommended engagement of JJR, LLC to prepare bid ready construction
documents for late summer, early fall construction. After discussion, including Mark's explanation of the
amount recommended (roughly 10 (Yoof the total estimated project construction costs to be paid from the
Clay Township 1215 Fund), the Park Board authorized the Department Director, the Park Board Attorney
and the Park Board President or Vice President to directly negotiate a professional services contract with
JJR, LLC for the provision of architectural and /or engineering services for the South Woodland Bundle
and the North Woodland Bundle as described in the Central Park Master Plan Update consistent with
the JJR, LLC proposal for a sum not to exceed $450,000.00 plus reimbursables and authorized the Park
Board President or Vice President to execute the same. (Dillon, Kirsh C -Un.)
F. Consideration of Proposal from PROS Consulting, LLC regarding a Maintenance Management
Plan Michael Klitzing
Michael referred to the proposal included in the Park Board Packet from PROS Consulting, LLC to
develop a Maintenance Management Plan for the entire park system, including the Monon Community
Center. After he described key elements of the plan and highlighted the anticipated benefits (including
an increase in efficiencies from 10 to 25 percent resulting in savings from $185,000 to $464,000), and R
Taylor's endorsement of the recommendation as a best practice, the Park Board accepted the proposal
for services from PROS Consulting, LLC for development of a maintenance management plan (Taylor,
Dillon C -Un) and authorized the Department Director, the Park Board Attorney and the Park Board
President or Vice President to directly negotiate a professional services contract with PROS Consulting,
LLC for the development of a maintenance management plan for a sum not to exceed $29,000 including
reimbursables and authorized the Park Board President or Vice President to execute the same. (Taylor,
Ketterman C -Un)
G. Consideration of Amendment of Personnel Handbooks to comply with HEA 1065, Public Law 90-
2010 Deb Grisham
Deb reminded the Park Board of her earlier report that in March of 2010, Governor Daniels signed what
has become commonly referred to as the "Take Your Gun to Work Law She reported that after
additional review and consideration, she recommended amending a provision in each of the 2 personnel
handbooks in "Discipline" section, so to avoid the effect of prohibiting an employee from legally
possessing a firearm or ammunition that is allowed by the new law to be possessed in the employee's
locked vehicle while the vehicle is on park property. She mentioned that while there are exemptions,
public parks and facilities are not currently included. She reported that unless the handbook language is
changed, the law could open the Park Board up for civil lawsuits resulting in actual damages and
attorney fees for prevailing employees. After referencing the recommended change, the Park Board
authorized Department Management to change in both Personnel Handbooks, the Sections entitled
"Discipline" to comply with HEA 1065, P.L. 90 -2010. (Ketterman, Taylor C -Un.)
S Dillon thanked all who attention the Greenspace retirement party.
With regard, to R Taylor's inquiry whether the MCC hosted bridal show increased reservations, Michael
responded that the reports were not yet in.
T Hackett announced that this meeting would be her last and that a new Carmel Clay School Board
representative would start in July and that she enjoyed her participation on the Park Board.
J Miller thanked T Hackett for her exemplary commitment to the Park Board.
The Meeting- ejourned at approximately 7:20 p.m. (Ketterman C-Un.)
Signature: i /id. Date: G (3 L'O
Signature: n-Q 2 Date: l 3 _I O