HomeMy WebLinkAboutCCPR-06-08-10 (Approved: 6/ iO
Regular Meeting
June 8, 2010, 6:00 P.M.
Monon Community Center East
1235 Central Park Drive East
CARMEL, IN 46032
J Engledow S Dillon M Westermeier
J Miller (arrived 6:44) M Klitzing
J Ketterman A Kostrzewa
J Hagan D Grisham
J Kirsh Becky Schmiesing, (Landscape Mgr)
W Franklin (arrived 6:07) Susan Beaurain(MC Division Manager)
T Hackett Terry Myers (Park Oper.& Planning Mgr)
R Taylor Hal Espey (videographer)
The regular meeting of the Carmel /Clay Board of Parks and Recreation was convened at approximately 6:03 p.m.
on June 8, 2010 pursuant to notice. In the absence of President Joe Miller and Vice President Sue Dillon,
Treasurer Jim Engledow asked Secretary Rich Taylor to call the roll. Members present other than Mr. Engledow
and Mr. Taylor were J Ketterman, T Hackett, J Kirsh and J Hagan. Mr. Miller and Ms. Franklin arrived after the roll
call as noted above. S Dillon was absent. Others in attendance are noted above.
After the Pledge of Allegiance, Mr. Engledow called the meeting to order. NOTE: Hereinafter these minutes will
state the motion, followed parenthetically by the name of the one who made the motion (listed first) and then the
one who seconded it. For example the motion would read, It was moved to approve the minutes...etc.
(Engledow, Hackett)." When a motion is carried but not unanimously, the results of the vote will be listed i.e.
"(Engledow, Hackett 6 to 2, with 1 abstaining). When the motion was carried unanimously, a "C -Un" will be added
i.e. "(Engledow, Hackett C -Un)." Action taken without objection will be noted in brackets as well.
Michael Klitzing introduced Ms. Schmiesing to describe the Department's Wildlife Conservation Program. Ms.
Schmiesing distributed copies of a Management Plan containing four categories: Goals, Preservation Criteria,
Weed and Management Guidelines and Education. She noted that Central Park, designed with the required
criteria for certification, qualified before all other parks in the State of Indiana. Program application in the other
CCPR parks is 75% complete, expected to be 100% complete by year end. After Mark described the cooperative
effort with the Indiana Wildlife Federation, Becky announced that a wildlife certification award ceremony is
scheduled to occur at 10:00 a.m. on Friday, June 18, 2010 in front of the Monon Community Center "MCC in
the water park parking lot with the MCC West lobby to serve as the indoor location if needed. Appropriate post
award signage will be installed. J Engledow thanked the staff and Gary Doxtater for the hard work.
Michael next reported that Flowing Well Park was featured in the New York Times for its drinking water, played
the local media bytes promoting the MCC and the CCPR system and explained that staff reports normally
included in the Board packet were finally distributed yesterday due to late receipt of information. He highlighted
the $10.3 Million Dollars in cash reserves and noted the addition of $965,000.00 placed in the Rainy Day Fund.
He reported that a net gain of $253,000 in the ESE Fund resulted from increased revenues and decreased
expenses. He next reported a $383,000 improvement in the MCC Fund showing a YTD 89% cost recovery with
which he credited Susan and her team. He explained that while there were other factors, increased pass sales
and no noticeable attrition from the pass fee increases were primarily responsible for the positive results. He
explained that while area specific passes would be honored until their expiration, such passes would no longer be
offered as of a certain date. Michael next explained the direct relationship between weather and attendance and
noted the measures taken to address expenses by sending staff home, etc. M Westermeier reported that usage
is also affected by the time change which makes it a bit cooler at the 11:00 a.m. opening time and reported that
most users do not return once they leave.
A. Standing Committees
1. Personnel Committee: None.
2. Finance Committee: J Engledow reported that the Committee will meet Thursday, June 11 at 5:30 at
the Administrative Offices.
3. Properties Committee: None.
J Engledow presented an Agenda add -on as Action Item G, Change Order #3 regarding the Lawrence W.
Inlow Improvements and Repairs Project. After discussion, the Park Board agreed to add to the Agenda,
Action Item G, consideration of Change Order #3 as presented. (Hagan, Ketterman C -Un.)
A. Minutes Rich Taylor
May 25, 2010 Regular Park Board Meeting minutes were approved as presented. (Taylor, Hagan C -Un.)
B. Financial Reports Judy Hagan for Jim Engledow (as he was presiding over the meeting)
1. Receipt of May Pentamation Financial Reports was acknowledged. (Hagan, Hackett C -Un.)
2. Receipt of May Clay Township Financial Reports was acknowledged. (Hagan, Franklin C -Un.)
C. Claims Jim Engledow
1. Claim Sheet June 8, 2010 was approved as presented. (Hagan, Taylor C -Un.)
2. Clay Township Claim Sheet June 8, 2010 was approved as presented. (Hagan, Ketterman C -Un.)
D. Acceptance and /or Acknowledgement of Monies received Audrey Kostrzewa. The Park Board accepted
(1) for Flowing Well Park, a $25.00 donation from Juanita G. Rankin and a $3.00 donation from Kenneth J.
Canavan and (2) for a commemorative Tree, $300.00 from Jill Reese. (Ketterman, Hagan C -Un.)
E. Ratification of the Decision regarding Change Order #2 for the Lawrence W. Inlow Park Repairs and
Replacement Project Mark Westermeier
Mark referenced the cover sheet attachment of a change order entitled, "Work Directive Change No. Two" for the
Lawrence W. Inlow Park Repairs and Improvements Project prepared and recommended by Michael Krosschell
of The Schneider Corporation. Mr. Krosschell advised that all Items that increased the scope of the Project were
well below the allowed 20% limit. After discussion, the Park Board ratified the actions of Mark Westermeier, the
Director of the Carmel /Clay Department of Parks and Recreation, to approve the change order entitled Work
Directive Change No. Two as presented to increase the Contract Price in the Cadence MTC LLC Contract by an
additional sum not to exceed $7,646.00. (Ketterman, Franklin C -Un.)
F. Ratification of the Decision regarding Gaylor Change Order #2 for the Central Park Control Points and
Casework Project Mark Westermeier
Mark referenced the cover sheet and attachment of a change order entitled, "Contract Change Request No. 2" for
the Central Park Control Points and Casework Project to increase the Gaylor contract by $775, which together
with the first change order, was well below the allowed 20% limit. After discussion, the Park Board ratified the
actions of Mark Westermeier, Director of the Carmel /Clay Department of Parks and Recreation, to approve the
Contract Change Request No. 2 as presented to increase the Contract Price in the Gaylor contract by an
additional sum not to exceed $775.00. (Hackett, Kirsh C -Un.)
G. Consideration of Change Order #3 for the Lawrence W. Inlow Park Repairs and Replacement Project
Mark Westermeier (Added onto the agenda as noted above.)
Mark distributed a cover sheet and copy of a change order entitled, "Work Directive Change No. Three" for the
Lawrence W. Inlow Park Repairs and Improvements Project prepared and recommended by Michael Krosschell
of The Schneider Corporation as the last portion of work anticipated to complete the project. He explained that
this last piece will allow the public to turn on the water when present to limit the water usage and require less staff
time. He mentioned the governing law and that the aggregate of all change orders did not exceed the twenty
percent (20 limit and recommended approval. After discussion, the Park Board approved the change order
entitled Work Directive Change No. Three as presented to increase the Contract Price in the Cadence MTC LLC
Contract by an additional sum not to exceed $2,800.00 and authorize the Engineer, the Park Board Attorney and
the Park Board officers to take all necessary and appropriate action to effect such change order including the
preparation and execution of attending documents. (Taylor, Franklin C -Un.)
A. Tort Claims. Deb reported that she is investigating the facts relating to a United Healthcare subrogation
claim to recover medical expenses paid to treat a leg injury that occurred in the kidzone.
B. General. Deb reported that (1) she was working on the MCC Cafe to Fitness Conversion Project bid
package; that the Summer Camp Bus Transportation Contracts had been fully executed, (2) she will attend on
June 11 12 an annual seminar sponsored by the Indiana Municipal Lawyers Association and (3) reported
a Notice of Hamilton County Redevelopment Commission public hearings on upcoming construction projects.
In addition to his written report included in the Board Packet, Mark reported and answered questions as follows:
1. He referred to the picture of the Gil Khett Memorial Plaque installed at Flowing Well Park and to the picture of
the replaced walls and building addition at Lawrence W. Inlow Park;
2. The Cool Creek Trail was dedicated today and renamed the Hagan -Burke Trail.
3. Regarding power fluctuations, Mark reported that he talked with Scott LaPere and the insurer's representative
about the lack of ground lines in the IT "closet" and the new focus on locating where the Utility companies tied
in their grounds.
4. On outsourcing building cleaning, Mark reported that he was looking to see what might be less expensive.
5. The concrete skate park sidewalk will be quoted as a public works project as the maintenance staff is too
6. As regards the website, Mark will be meeting with Chris Jefferson and Fat Atom after the credit card changes
are invoked.
1. R Taylor mentioned his disappointment about the delay in the use of the time -clock system.
2. J Hagan asked about the use of overflow parking which Susan was able to confirm.
1. Plan Commission J Hagan reported that the Plan Commission was considering a DOCS initiated patch
ordinance involving a change to the impact fee ordinance. It remains in committee.
2. School Board T Hackett reported that a joint meeting was held in April to approve the referendum. Voters
approved referendum. At a May 17 workshop, a report was given to the community about the High School
incident. She referred interested persons to the schools website.
1. J Hagan encouraged membership in IWF;
2. J Kirsh reported that constituents had asked him to fix the website;
3. J Ketterman, T Hackett and W Franklin reported a great holiday weekend at the MCC Water Park; and
4. J Engledow encouraged selection of the Rails -To- Trails license plate, one of the recently released 12 new
license plates.
XII. ADJOURNMENT The meeting a•journed at approximately 7:15 p.m. (Ketterman, Hagan C -Un.)
Signature: Date: 7 1- 10
Signature: t Date: -9