HomeMy WebLinkAboutCCPR-05-15-10 (Approved: 6
May 25, 2010, 6:00 P.M.
Monon Community Center East
1235 Central Park Drive East
CARMEL, IN 46032
J Miller R Taylor M Westermeier
J Hagan J Kirsh M Klitzing
J Engledow S Dillon A Kostrzewa
J Ketterman D Grisham
T Hackett Hal Espey (Videographer)
W Franklin T Myers
Lindsay Labas
The regular board meeting of the Carmel /Clay Board of Parks and Recreation was convened at
approximately 6:10 p.m. on May 25, 2010 pursuant to notice. President J Miller, asked J Engledow to call
the roll. Park Board members present in addition to Mr. Miller and Mr. Engledow were J Hagan, J
Ketterman, T Hackett and W Franklin. R Taylor, J Kirsh and S Dillon were absent. Others in attendance are
noted above.
Having confirmed the presence of a quorum, President Miller called the meeting to order which started after
the pledge of allegiance.
NOTE: Hereinafter these minutes will state the motion, followed parenthetically by the name of the one who
made the motion (listed first) and then the one who seconded it. For example the motion would read, "It was
moved to approve the minutes...etc. (Engledow, Hagan). "When a motion is carried but not unanimously, the
results of the vote will be listed i.e. "(Engledow, Hagan; 6 to 2, with one abstaining). When the motion was
carried unanimously, a "C -Un" will be added i.e. "(Engledow, Hagan; C -Un)."
A. Minutes —Jim Engledow
1. May 11, 2010 Regular Park Board Meeting Minutes were approved as presented. (Engledow,
Franklin C -Un).
B. Claims Jim Engledow
1. Claim Sheet May 25, 2010 was approved as amended to show T Hackett to have been absent.
(Engledow, Hagan C -Un)
2. Clay Township Claim Sheet May 25, 2010 was approved as presented. (Engledow, Hagan C -Un.)
3. Claim Sheet #2 for May 25, 2010 Michael Klitzing
Michael introduced the $17,570 invoice from Jefferson Dean for the media package that will allow
timely promotion of the Monon Community Center (the "MCC on popular listening area radio
stations. He explained that of the 5% of revenue from MCC attributed to marketing, this promotion
will use approx 1/4 of the line item budget in Fund 109. The Board approved the payment of the
invoice. (Ketterman, Hackett C -Un.)
C. Consideration of Line Transfers for Clay Township Park Capital Fund 1215 Michael Klitzing
Michael explained that the proposed line transfers included in the board packet will move the
appropriated dollars into the project lines in the Township's 1215 budget reflecting the updated park
master plan and including $750,000 in additional COIT distributed to the township that was attributable
to the park bond. $750,000 has been appropriated by the Township Board and deposited in Capital
Fund 1215. In addition the township has appropriated $965,000 to complete the COIT commitment for
the 2010 budget. That amount is appropriated currently in a township rainy day fund. He reported that
the City and Township continue to work on an amendment to the Interlocal that will allow these dollars to
be used outside of Central Park. After discussion, the Park Board approved the line transfers.
(Engledow, Hagan C -Un.)
D. Consideration of Resolution B- 2010 -008 regarding Clay Township Park Capital Fund 1215 Budget
Mark Westermeier
The 2011 Clay Township Park Capital Fund 1215 Budget was tabled at the prior meeting. Although an
estimated amount of COIT attributable to parks is usually known by budget preparation time, that is not
the case for the 2011 budget at this time. The Township Trustee recommended conservatively
budgeting $2.6 Million. Mark presented the 2011 budget for the Clay Township Park Capital Fund 1215
and reviewed the allocation of funds. After the Park Board waived the reading of Resolution B- 2010 -008
(Franklin, Ketterman C -Un), it discussed and then passed the budget resolution as presented. (Franklin,
Ketterman C -Un.)
E. Consideration of Resolution B- 2010 -010 regardinq Clay Township funding request for the Monon
Community Center Fund 109 Michael Klitzing
Michael explained that Resolution B- 2010 -010 will insure sufficient funds to pay claims as the City
Council has prohibited the Clerk Treasurer from taking a fund line item to a negative balance as allowed
in the past. He referenced the trending projections for the remainder of 2010 included in the board
packet. After the Park Board waived the reading of Resolution B- 2010 -010 (Hackett, Ketterman C -Un),
the Park Board discussed this resolution and approved it. (Hackett, Ketterman C -Un.)
F. Consideration of the terms of the ProLiance Energy, LLC Natural Gas Sales and Services
Agreement Mark Westermeier
Mark referred to the power point presentation given at the last meeting during which Dana Parker
Murphy provided various options to go forward under the current contract for the purchase of natural gas
for the MCC. He reported that Dana recommended the Guardian Program or either a 1 or 2 year
contract using the 6 month hedging window. After discussion, the Park Board agreed to continue the
Natural Gas Sales and Services Agreement with ProLiance Energy, LLC using the Guardian Program
pricing strategy with the six (6) month hedging window and the $3.00 floor and $7.00 cap and authorized
the Park Board attorney, the Park Department Management Staff and the Park Board President to effect
such continuation through the preparation, negotiation and execution of documents to effect such
continuation. (Ketterman, Hackett C -Un.)
G. Consideration of Monon Community Center Logo Michael Klitzing
Michael introduced the new logo options by reminding the Park Board that the recently adopted
Marketing Plan changed the name of the Monon Center to the Monon Community Center requiring a
logo revision. An outside design consultant assisted with new design options which also considered
using the original design, with both options integrating the original leaf. A power point presentation
complemented the information in the board packet and while he stated that staff was supportive of both
options which preserve the leaf, maintain a tie with the old logo, and bring in the word, "community
Michael reported that he preferred Option A with its lower case lines to the Option B traditional
capitalized letters. After discussion, the Park Board agreed to approve use of Option B with the
Capitalized letters. (Engledow, Hackett C -Un.)
H. Consideration of Conflict of Interest Disclosure Deb Grisham
Michelle Compton, the Food Services Manager for the Park Board, made an annual disclosure through
her Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statement that her dependent son, Dane Compton, age 15, had been
offered the part time position of Pool Attendant starting the week of May 23, 2010, at $7.35 per hour.
After J Miller made some remarks, the Park Board accepted the Disclosure Statement submitted by
Michelle Compton. (Hagan, Hackett C -Un.)
Mark shared the City of Carmel Clerk Treasurer's letter dated May 20, 2010 regarding inventory and
asset management. The letter is attached as Appendix A. He followed this item with a report that the
time -clock is not yet functioning and that the services required to run the Monon Community Center with
best business practices are not being provided.
Mark answered Joan's question about the readiness of the Water Park as well as described the steps
taken to address the need for additional parking.
Michael reported that banners are going up in several locations to promote the Water Park.
Michael told the Board about Oogles Googles who will be managing birthday parties at the Monon
Community Center.
Mark reported that the Plaque in memory of Gil Kett will be installed this week at Flowing Well Park.
Mark reported that asphalting will start tomorrow as part of the pipeline project with the plan to finish
before Saturday's Water park opening.
Mark reported that on June 18 at 10 a.m., the Indiana Wildlife Federation will certify Central Park as the
first park in Indiana to be wildlife friendly.
Mark reported that he will be providing an MCC tour to a group from North Carolina interested in
building their own community center.
In answer to Joan's question about when the Monon Greenway will be repaved, Mark reported that it
made the most sense to wait until construction is complete at 96 near the Palladium, and the 146
pedestrian bridge project. Mark Agreed to inspect the greenway in particular between 116 Street and
Gradle for worn areas. He reported that CCPR would be installing monument mileage markers along
the Greenway similar to what Westfield uses.
J Hagan complimented the presentation given by Carrie Keaveny and Eric Mehl at the last meeting.
The M •%g adjourn-• at approximately 7:10 p.m. (Ketterman, Hagan C -Un.)
Signature:' Date: CO a-to
Signature: ,,,,A, r Date: (9 8 '10