HomeMy WebLinkAboutCCPR-05-11-10 (Approved:
Regular Meeting
May 11, 2010, 6:00 P.M.
Monon Community Center East
1235 Central Park Drive East
CARMEL, IN 46032
J Engledow T Hackett M Westermeier (arrived 7:30)
J Miller (arrived 7:15) M Klitzing (arrived 7:30)
J Ketterman A Kostrzewa
J Hagan D Grisham
J Kirsh Ben Johnson
W Franklin Susan Beaurain(MC Division Manager)
R Taylor (arrived 7:00) Terry Myers
S Dillon (arrived 6:35) Lynn Russell
Michelle Compton
Eric Mehl
Carrie Keaveny
Hal Espey (videographer)
The regular meeting of the Carmel /Clay Board of Parks and Recreation was convened at approximately 6:40 p.m.
on May 11, 2010 pursuant to notice. After her arrival at approximately 6:35, Vice President Sue Dillon apologized
to those present for the meeting delay noting that she had just come from the City of Carmel Council Park,
Recreation and Arts Committee meeting where President Joe Miller, Secretary Rich Taylor, Director Mark
Westermeier and Assistant Director Michael Klitzing were engaged. She next asked Treasurer Jim Engledow to
call the roll. Members present other than Mrs. Dillon and Mr. Engledow were J Ketterman, W Franklin, J Kirsh
and J Hagan. Mr. Miller and Mr. Taylor arrived after the roll call as noted above. T Hackett was absent. Others in
attendance are noted above.
After the Pledge of Allegiance, Mrs. Dillon called the meeting to order. NOTE: Hereinafter these minutes will state
the motion, followed parenthetically by the name of the one who made the motion (listed first) and then the one
who seconded it. For example the motion would read, "It was moved to approve the minutes...etc. (Engledow,
Hackett)." When a motion is carried but not unanimously, the results of the vote will be listed i.e. Engledow,
Hackett 6 to 2, with 1 abstaining). When the motion was carried unanimously, a "C -Un" will be added i.e.
Engledow, Hackett C -Un)." Action taken without objection will be noted in brackets as well.
A. NATURAL GAS CONTRACT. Dana Murphy of ProLiance Energy, LLC, the gas marketing and trading
company with which the Park Board contracts to purchase most of the natural gas needed for the Monon
Community Center, used power -point and handouts to present historical data, current trends and purchasing
options. Unless timely terminated, the current Agreement continues for 1 year as of August 1, 2010 requiring
Park Board purchasing decisions. Ms. Murphy reported $25,914.96 in estimated cost savings since
commencement of the Agreement in August of 2008 after which she described the purchasing options under both
a 1 and 2 year term. She recommended consideration of the Guardian Strategy, a high low mix with lower
volatility and therefore, lower risk together with a 3, 6, or 12 month buying horizon, capping the floor at $3.00 and
the ceiling at $7.00. She confirmed that Carmel Clay Schools continues to be a client.
B. CENTRAL PARK MASTER PLAN REVIEW. Gregg Calpino of JJR, LLC, next presented via power point, an
update on the progress toward a final Master Plan Review Report, anticipated to be presented for approval at the
Board's June 22, 2010 meeting. He noted the next steps to include distribution of a draft plan followed by a
conference call with staff to collect comments for finalization. Board member feedback included sufficient buffer
between playground and parking areas, consideration of a snow hill, creative mowing of the gas pipeline
easement area, more parking, wayfinding signage and a low ropes /team initiative course.
Michael Klitzing noted that while most standard reports were included in the Board packet, others typically in the
first monthly meeting packet will be included in the next packet due to unavailable information at the time of
assembly. He next introduced Aquatics Manager, Carrie Keaveny and Aquatics Supervisor, Eric Mehl to report
on the water park opening for the 2010 summer season: Highlights included the following:
The Water Park opens on Saturday, May 29 and will close on Monday, September 6th with typical
operational hours from 11 a.m. through 7 p.m. until the start of Carmel Clay Schools on August 10
From August 10 through September 6 the water park hours will be 10:00 a.m. to noon and in the
evenings on weekday and normal hours on weekends;
The Indoor lap pool will be open 7 days a week from 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.; Lap swimmers will be
allowed to use the indoor lap pool during inclement (nonthreatening) weather but not the activity pool;
The Indoor activity pool will be open for only swim lessons;
Swim lessons have been reprogrammed to allow better use of pool space and provide more flexibility for
o May lessons are offered for the first time this year;
o Lessons are available for longer periods of time for 1 x per week;
All instructors are Red Cross certified (M Klitzing reported that a administrative change to require
employed life guards to obtain their own certification at their cost has reduced costs and increased
Life saving classes are available;
A triathlon program and a 3 week stroke clinic have been added;
Will consider renaming a "youth conditioning" class to "summer swim team shape up
A. Standing Committees
1. Personnel Committee: S Dillon reported that the Committee would next meet after Finance considers
and makes a recommendation with regard to the report generated by the Eppley Institute of Parks and
Public Lands.
2. Finance Committee: J Engledow reported that the Committee will meet Thursday, May 13 at 5:00 at the
Administrative Offices.
3. Properties Committee: S Dillon reported that the Properties Committee met on April 22 for an onsite
inspection of east side parks and will not meet again until June.
A. Minutes Rich Taylor
April 27, 2010 Regular Park Board Meeting minutes were approved as presented. (Taylor, Engledow C -Un.)
B. Financial Reports Jim Engledow
1. Receipt of April Pentamation Financial Reports was acknowledged. (Engledow, Taylor C -Un.)
2. Receipt of April Clay Township Financial Reports was acknowledged. (Engledow, Taylor C -Un.)
C. Claims Jim Engledow
1. Claim Sheet May 11, 2010 was approved as presented. (Engledow, Ketterman C -Un.)
2. Clay Township Claim Sheet May 11, 2010 was approved as presented e claims sheet should reflect first,
use of monies from the 4Bi encumbrances. (Engledow, Ketterman C -Un.)
D. Acceptance and /or Acknowledgement of Monies received Audrey Kostrzewa. The Park Board accepted
the $25,00 donation from Forever Friends Great Dane Rescue, Inc., (Elizabeth Fink) and the $50.00 donation
form Doggie Duties (Lori Brietweiser) toward expenses incurred to host the Doggie Easter Egg Hunt. (Hagan,
Taylor C -Un.)
Consideration of Park Budgets— M Klitzing reported that staff had started working on budgets in February,
received recommended timelines and standards from the City of Carmel in March, provided final drafts to the
Finance Committee for consideration in April and recommendation to the Park Board prior to the May 12 City
submission deadline. He noted that all 3 operating budgets (101, 108 and 109) Budgets were prepared to the cost
center level. After he reminded the Board that the Joint Budget Hearing is scheduled to occur on June 24 and
noting that November 1 is the State of Indiana deadline for final budget adoption Michael noted that the budgets
provide for the following expenses:
2% for merit increases (0 -4% based on performance appraisal);
Overtime for non exempt employees;
Health Insurance; currently, all but 2 eligible employees participate;
There is no current incentive offered to employees who do not use the offered insurance program.
Referencing the information in the Board packet, Michael reported that the Finance Committee reviewed and
recommended approval of each budget:
1. Resolution B- 2010 -0005 Regarding Park General Fund 101.
Michael explained that the Fund 101 budget was flat -lined in accordance with City Guidelines. After the
Park Board waived the reading (Ketterman, Taylor C -Un), it discussed and approved Resolution B -2010-
0005. It was confirmed that City of Carmel and Clay Township property tax dollars support this fund and
that unspent monies are refunded to the City for proportionate distribution to the Township. Michael
confirmed that he delivered to Councilor Sharp documentation to support the return of $722,000+
unused monies from prior budgets. R Taylor commended staff for a job well done.
2. Resolution B- 2010 -0006 Regarding Extended School Enrichment Fund 108.
Michael reported that the Fund 108 budget which includes the 2 cost centers for the Before /After School
Care Program and Camps, achieved 100% cost recovery in 2009. He noted that (a) a participant rate
increase was projected every 2 -3 years, (b) lack of demand reduced Enrichment programs and (c)
insurance premiums and Before /After School snacks account for the largest expense increases. After
the Park Board waived the reading (Ketterman, Franklin C -Un), it discussed and approved Resolution B-
2010-0006. (Ketterman, Kirsh C -Un). J Miller confirmed that the Carmel Clay schools' insurance was, like
the Park Department's program, a cadillac plan. B Johnson mentioned that parent notification is
challenged given the paperless environment at the schools but assured W Franklin that enrichment
classes continue; M Klitzing suggested including future offerings in future recreation brochures.
3. Resolution B- 2010 -0007 Regarding Monon Community Center Fund 109.
Michael reported that Year To Date Revenues are $154,000 above 2009 revenues, and expenses are
likewise below what they were at the same time last year. He projected 79% cost recovery for 2010
with a need for an additional $1,000,000.00 to achieve 100% cost recovery. The budget assumes a 7%
increase in revenue from implementation of the marketing plan which represents 5% of operating
expenses. After the Park Board waived the reading (Franklin, Ketterman C -Un), it discussed and
approved Resolution B- 2010 -0007. (Franklin, Ketterman C -Un.) Joan commended the staff.
4. Resolution B- 2010 -0008 Regarding Clay Township Park Capital Fund 1215.
After discussion, the Park Board postponed definitely, Resolution B- 2010 -0008 until the first Park Board
meeting in June. (Engledow, Ketterman C -Un.)
E. Consideration of Resolution B- 2010 -0009 regarding the Cash Change Fund Michael Klitzing
Michael summarized the history of the creation of the Cash Change Fund within the existing Parks and
Recreation Nonreverting Operating Fund, now known as the "Monon Community Center Fund 109 He
explained that the fund was created to make change for the public using the Monon Community Center and
described the current staff and Board processes as the cash needs change with the seasons. He next
recommended that the Park Board Resolution No. B- 2010 -0009 as a one time resolution in lieu of continuing the
practice of considering 2 annual resolutions. He explained that the recommended Resolution appoints the
Director, the Assistant Director and the Business Services Division Manager to administer and be responsible for,
the Cash Change Fund throughout the year pursuant to procedures aligned with the State Board of Accounts
Manual, serving as the internal control of the monies. He explained that it also requires that a semiannual claim
or warrant to effect increases or decreases within the $35,000 maximum as set forth in Resolution No. B -2010-
0009 would come before the Park Board through the claims process. After the Park Board waived the reading of
Resolution No. B- 2010 -0009 (Hagan, Ketterman C -Un), it discussed and approved Resolution No. B- 2010 -0009.
Deb noted that the header at the top of the Resolution was intended to notify readers that Resolution 4- 27 -07-
01 which created the Cash Change Fund is merely amended and that the terms of Resolution No. B- 2010 -0009
governs the cash change fund.
F. Consideration of Termination or amendment of ProLiance Energy Natural Gas Sales and Service Agreement
Deb Grisham
Deb reported that after her presentation, Ms. Murphy agreed to provide a written proposal for Park Board
consideration. Accordingly, she recommended definite postponement of this action item until the May 25
meeting with which the Park Board agreed. (Taylor, Franklin C -Un.)
G. Consideration of Quotes for Food Supplies Michael Klitzing
Michael reported that consistent with the Park Board's Purchasing Policy and state law, a Request for Quotes
was issued for a food supply and service provider. He explained that after receipt of only 1 quote, staff reviewed
and recommended acceptance of the lone quote from US Foodservice, Inc. as presented. After discussion, the
Park board accepted the quote from and awarded a contract to U.S. Foodservice, Inc. and authorized the Park
Board Attorney to draft, the Park Department Director and the Park Board President to negotiate the same
based on the quote, the Specifications and the Sample agreement contained in the RFQ, and after reaching
agreement thereon, authorized the Park Board President to execute the same. (Taylor, Engledow C -Un.)
H. Consideration of Conflict of Interest Disclosures Deb Grisham
Deb reported that consistent with Indiana Code 35- 44 -1 -3, Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statements were
prepared and the following information was presented to the Park Board for acceptance:
1. Debra Grisham, an independent contractor for the Park Board, made an annual disclosure that her
dependent son, Thomas Grisham, age 18, had been offered the part time position of Food Services Lead
starting as early as May 16, 2010, at $9.00 per hour.
2. Lisa Berry, Administrative Assistant for the Park Department Human Resources Division, made an
annual disclosure through her Statement that (a) her dependent step son James Carlton Berry (Trey),
age 17, and (b) her dependent step son Richard Berry (Grant), age 15, had each been offered the part
time position of Food Services Attendant starting in May, 2010. James Carlton Berry was offered and will
make $7.45 per hour and Richard Berry was offered and will make $7.35 per hour. The positions are
expected to conclude after Labor Day.
3. Tami Powell, Front Desk Supervisor at the Monon Community Center made an annual disclosure
through her Statement that her 18 year old niece, who lives with her, Megan Sloat, is employed by the
Park Department as a Kidzone Attendant and Food Services Lead and earns $8.00 and $9.00 per hour
respectively. Ms. Powell further disclosed that while living with her, Megan Sloat made a total of
$4,511.08 during 2009 (working as a Birthday Party Attendant at $7.35 per hour, an Event Attendant at
$7.35 per hour and as a Sports Scorekeeper at $8.00 per hour). Through May 11, 2010, Megan Sloat had
been paid $3,142.41 from her employment at the Park Department (working as a Kidzone Attendant and
Food Services Lead at the hourly rates noted above).
4. Valeska Simmonds, Site Supervisor in the Extended School. Enrichment Program, made an annual
disclosure through her Statement that her 28 year old son, who lives with her, Darrell Simmonds, is
employed by the Park Department as a Facilitator in the same program but at a different location and
earns $9.45 per hour. Ms. Simmonds further disclosed that while her son was living with her as her
dependent, Darrell made a total of $5,416.79 during 2006, $12,582.38 in 2007, $14,684.39 in 2008,
$13,235.90 in 2009; and through May 11, 2010, Darrell had been paid $3,165.77 from his employment
at the Park Department.
After initial comments, the Park Board accepted the Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statement submitted by
Debra Grisham. (Engledow, Kirsh C -Un). After further discussion, the Park board accepted the Conflict of
Interest Disclosure Statements submitted by each Lisa Berry, Tami Powell and Valeska Simmonds and authorized
the Park Department staff to file such statements as required under Indiana law. (Engledow, Kirsh C -Un.)
I. After briefly leaving the action item portion of the meeting, J Engledow presented without objection, two
(2) additional action items for Park Board consideration:
1. Consideration of Claim for Additional Funds in compliance with the Cash Change Resolution.
J Engledow presented a warrant whereby the cash change fund will be increased to a sum not to exceed the
$35,000 maximum allowed pursuant to Resolution B- 2010 -0009 earlier approved. (Engledow, Taylor C -Un).
2. Consideration of Change Order #1 to the Gaylor Contract for the Central Park Control Points Project. J
Engledow explained that given the State's recent confirmation of code compliance, he read aloud and moved to
approve the first change order to the $53,924.00 Gaylor contract in the amount of $2,027.00 regarding the
Central Park Control Points Project He noted that this work would allow completion of the Project. The Park
Board agreed and approved the Change Order as presented. (Engledow, Kirsh C -Un.)
A. Tort Claims. See report attached as Appendix A.
B. General. See report attached as Appendix A.
In addition to his written report included in the Board Packet, Mark reported and answered questions as follows:
1. Mark reported that the State's findings that the Monon Community Center did not need a variance to comply
with the state fire code in contradiction to the local fire marshal's position was vetted earlier at the City of
Carmel Common Council's Park, Recreation and Arts Committee meeting.
2. The Central Park Cafe to Fitness Conversion Project is on hold while doors and exits are being discussed.
3. The Clay Township Board has requested that at its meeting on May 18 the Park Board make a report.
1. Plan Commission J Hagan reported that the Plan Commission approved the Kroger development at the
Michigan Road site.
2. School Board No report.
1. S Dillon mentioned that Greenspace is excited to change its name and amend its constitution and by -laws to
re- emerge as the Carmel Clay Parks Foundation. She asked for those interested to join herself, Jim
Engledow and Jim Rosensteele on a committee to review the governance documents and other related
matters. After Joan expressed interest, Sue reminded the members of the celebration to which they were
invited and encouraged attendance.
2. In response to J Ketterman's question about the readiness of the pools, Mark reported that staff is working on
XII. ADJOURNM: The meeting ..ourned at approximately 9:30 p.m. (Ketterman, Hagan C -Un.)
Signature: ?Ai I Date: S-�s -,U
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