HomeMy WebLinkAboutCCPR-03-09-10 (Approved: k f CARMEL /CLAY BOARD OF PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING MINUTES Regular Meeting March 9, 2010, 6:00 P.M. Monon Community Center East 1235 Central Park Drive East CARMEL, IN 46032 MEMBER ATTENDEES MEMBER ABSENTEES OTHERS J Engledow M Westermeier J Miller (arrived 6:05) M Klitzing J Ketterman A Kostrzewa J Hagan D Grisham J Kirsh Mayor James Brainard W Franklin Trustee Doug Callahan T Hackett Terry Myers R Taylor Lynn Russell S Dillon Susan Beaurain (MC Division Manager) Pattie Chester (partial) Tim Tolson (partial) Dan Dutcher (partial) Hal Espey (videographer) ROLL CALL The regular board meeting of the Carmel /Clay Board of Parks and Recreation was convened at approximately 6:00 p.m. on March 9, 2010 pursuant to notice. In President Joe Miller's absence, Vice President Sue Dillon asked Secretary Rich Taylor to call the roll. Members present other than Mrs. Dillon and Mr. Taylor were J Engledow, T Hackett, J Ketterman, J Ketterman, J Kirsh, W Franklin and J Hagan. President Miller arrived after the roll call. Others in attendance are noted above. II. CALL TO ORDER and PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE After the Pledge of Allegiance, S Dillon called the meeting to order. NOTE: Hereinafter these minutes will state the motion, followed parenthetically by the name of the one who made the motion (listed first) and then the one who seconded it. For example the motion would read, "It was moved to approve the minutes...etc. (Engledow, Hackett)." When a motion is carried but not unanimously, the results of the vote will be listed i.e. "(Engledow, Hackett 6 to 2, with 1 abstaining). When the motion was carried unanimously, a "C -Un" will be added i.e. "(Engledow, Hackett C -Un)." Action taken without objection will be noted in brackets as well. III. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS A. The Honorable James Brainard, Mayor of the City of Carmel, Indiana Mayor Brainard noted the growth and achievements of the Carmel Clay Park System and thanked Pattie Chester and Tim Tolson with Outstanding Service Awards for their multiyear service on the Park Board. B. Gregg Calpino of JJR.LLC regarding the Central Park Master Plan Review (preceded Trustee Callahan to accommodate Dan Dutcher's late arrival.) After a brief recess to resolve an audio -video problem, Mr. Calpino described the Findings through a power point presentation and hard copy of the Draft of the Park Assessment Summary "PAS a final of which will be provided upon final review. C. The Honorable Douglas Callahan, Trustee of Clay Township of Hamilton County, Indiana Upon arrival of Dan Dutcher, Trustee Callahan thanked Mr. Dutcher with a service award for his multiyear service on the Park Board. IV. PUBLIC COMMENTS: None. V. STAFF REPORTS Staff reports typically included in the board packet of the first meeting of the month were not ready due to the timing of information receipt and the early meeting date. VI. COMMITTEE REPORTS A. Standing Committees 1. Personnel Committee: S Dillon reported that the Committee had completed its task to seek input from the various committee and board members to create and recommend at the next Park Board meeting, the 2010 Director evaluation process and the objective, measurable goals by which to evaluate the Director. 2. Finance Committee: J Engledow reported that the Committee met on February 11 the memoranda of which was included in the Board Packet. He reported that at the next meeting scheduled to occur at 5:00 p.m. on March 11 at the Administrative Offices, focus will be on the 2011 budget. He was pleased to report that for the second consecutive month, Monon Center operations posted a positive balance. 3. Properties Committee: S Dillon reported that the Committee a. would not recommend for further action the offer of a pocket park in keeping with the Park Board policy not to accept small parcels that tap department resources while benefiting only the surrounding neighborhood; b. is in agreement that the privacy fence on the south side of Central Park East Drive which requires a fix, will be removed pursuant to the park no fence policy if the fence is determined to be on park property; c. Anticipates the result of Wendy Franklin's research into the feasibility of dog parks. VII. ACTION ITEMS A. Minutes Rich Taylor 1. February 23, 2010 Regular Meeting minutes were approved as presented. (Taylor, Hackett C -Un.) B. Financial Reports Jim Engledow 1. Receipt of February Pentamation Financial Reports was acknowledged (Engledow, Taylor C -Un.) 2. Receipt of February Clay Township Financial Reports was acknowledged (Engledow, Taylor C -Un.) C. Claims Jim Engledow 1. Claim Sheet March 9, 2010 was approved as presented. (Engledow, Ketterman C -Un.) 2. Clay Township Claim Sheet March 9, 2010 was approved as presented after Mark updated the Board about the ongoing hot water issues. (Engledow, Ketterman C -Un.) D. Acceptance and /or Acknowledgement of Monies received Audrey Kostrzewa: None. E. Consideration of Owner's Representative Services for the MCC Cafe Conversion Project Mark Westermeier Mark explained that as Summit Construction Co., Inc. "Summit has provided services beneficial to administrative closure and construction coordination of the Central Park Project, he recommended that Summit provide such services for the Cafe Conversion Project and the Track Control Points Project. Mark confirmed that Township COLT funds will be used to pay for both projects; explained that the services for each project will be tracked separately; explained that as little as 115 hours and as many as 180 hours are estimated to complete the Cafe Conversion Project and 80 hours are estimated to complete the Track Control Points Project; reported that the Track Control Points Project requires a number of meetings with the City of Carmel Fire Marshall and Trustee Callahan which involve varying interpretations of state access requirements; estimated that the bid process should get started early in May to allow the common construction wage hearing to be held for the Cafe Conversion Project at the end of April consistent with the Department of Labor's schedule. Deb explained that while the contract draft (a blend of the Park Board's standard Professional Services Agreement form and applicable terms from the original Owner's Representative Contract that Summit signed to assist management with the original Central Park Project) was present and available for review, it was not in final form as Summit had indicated its desire to discuss a few minor terms. After discussion, the Park Board authorized the Park Board Attorney, the Park Department Director and the Park Board President to negotiate the terms of an Owner's Representative agreement with Summit Construction Co., Inc. to assist management with the Cafe Conversion Project and the Track Fitness Control Points Project at $100.00 per hour not to exceed 180 hours for the Cafe Conversion Project and not to exceed 80 hours for the Track Fitness Control Points Project and authorized the Park Board President, Vice President or Treasurer to execute such agreement. (Ketterman, Hagant C -Un.) F. Consideration of appointments to the Common Construction Wage Committee— M Westermeier Mark explained that this item will be considered at a future meeting. 2 G. Authorization of bid process for the MCC Cafe Conversion Project Michael Klitzing Michael explained the Park Board' s practice to authorize Management to go out to bid on public works projects and referred to the explanation in the Board Packet. Michael confirmed if the Park Board chose not to go forward at this point, there would be no positive effect on the operating budget, the use of which (variety of flexible programs for adults and youth) of the cafe space as fitness space (gymnasium -type floor) was projected to enhance offerings and increase revenue. He described the addition of the floor to ceiling curtain walls, the locations of which were dictated by the HVAC and original structure and agreed to include the design in the next board meeting packet under staff reports. The Park Board authorized the Director and Park Board Attorney to take all action necessary to issue bid documents and receive bids for the Monon Center Cafe conversion project. (Taylor, Hackett C -Un.) H. Consideration of Outdoor Aquatics Shelter Project Michael Klitzing Michael explained that the addition of an outdoor aquatics shelter for rental purposes continues the implementation of certain recommendations in the 2009 Business Plan. He reported that 128 birthday parties in 2009 causes staff to project a conservative increase up to 160 with the shelter addition as well as the introduction of catered events and confirmed that this addition will increase revenue and not affect expenses as it will be paid from the Township COIT funds. He explained that implementation of the new Marketing Plan is expected to increase interest in such use and confirmed that it will be available only as a rental. After Michael explained that the shelter is available through discount pricing under the Special Purchasing Provisions at a price of $23,610.00, the Park Board accepted the quote from Reese Recreation in the amount of $23,610.00 for the purchase of one shade structure under the special purchasing methods pertaining to the purchase of supplies available at or below GSA pricing. (Dillon, Ketterman, C -Un.) He next described that since the assembly of the board packet, Management determined that the park department maintenance staff has the capability of performing the public works aspect of the project which revised the suggested motion #2. After discussion concluded, the Park Board authorized the Director to take all action necessary to install the shade structure and concrete pad in the outdoor water park.( Hagan, Ketterman, C -Un.) VII. ATTORNEY'S REPORT- Debra Grisham A. Tort Claims. Deb reported that a tort claim had been filed seeking reimbursement for expenses associated with treatment of a child's injury but did not expect a finding of liability. B. General. No report. VIII. DIRECTOR'S REPORT Mark Westermeier In addition to his written report, Mark reported and answered questions as follows: 1. As regards the cell tower, he has learned that University High School is interested in purchasing a portion of the Perelman property which will be taken to the Properties Committee; 2. The bubbler compressors have stopped working, currently considered a consequence of the continued power surges. Mark reported that he would assign this matter to Jeff Kramer, a staff employee with risk management responsibilities and agreed with Judy's suggestion to follow up with a risk management team that she worked with successfully regarding Township building issues. Judy agreed to provide the contact information. 3. Mark deferred to Lynn Russell regarding payroll information status. Lynn reported that she is working with the Clerk- Treasurer's Office to get the time clock system up and running. Audrey Kostrzewa added that a meeting is scheduled next week regarding QuickBooks reports. Lynn reported that she and the Clerk Treasurer are also addressing an issue concerning the effect of issuing multiple identification cards for different positions. J Hagan asked that Mark add to his report the various community groups in which he participates to understand the time demands on the Director position. IX. DISCUSSION ITEMS None. J Hagan noted that the Pedal and Park proceeds need to be reflected for use on the Monon Greenway which A Kostrzewa agreed to correct on the reports. J Ketterman asked about the worn path near the skate park which Mark reported will be improved by the maintenance staff; After J Kirsh asked that G Calpino consider the worn path over the knoll, Mark described the original intent to install a flag pole with ground lighting that was not pursued after installation of the underground electrical infrastructure and the resulting challenges. X. INFORMATION ITEMS A. Plan Commission —No report. 3 B. School Board T Hackett reported that School Board met last night regarding the referendum and the Carmel High School situation with the basketball players. Policies and procedures are being reviewed while the police investigation proceeds. XI. BOARD COMMENTS J Miller noted that last Saturday's retreat was very productive and announced that the Park Board's Vision will be brought to the public soon. S Dillon complimented Joe on the retreat and thanked Wendy for the food. J Ketterman thanked staff for the work in planning and preparing for the retreat. J Engledow asked staff to step up efforts to resolve the continuing electrical energy and water problems. XII. ADJOURNMENT T e meeting journed at approximately8:05 p.m. (J Miller without objection.) Signature: ANd 4 6.4 Date: 3 2-' j C7 Signature: VnYlkagr Date: 3 -a5 ''10 4