HomeMy WebLinkAboutCCPR-02-23-10 (Approved: 3 9-
Regular Meeting
February 23, 2010, 6:00 P.M.
The Monon Center East
1235 Central Park Drive East
CARMEL, IN 46032
J Engledow J Hagan M Westermeier
J Miller J Kirsh M Klitzing
S Dillon A Kostrzewa
J Ketterman D Grisham
R Taylor (arrived 6:17) Hal Espey (Videographer)
W Franklin Susan Beaurain
T Hackett
The regular board meeting of the Carmel /Clay Board of Parks and Recreation was convened at
approximately 6:05 p.m. on February 23, 2010 pursuant to notice. President J Miller, asked J Engledow, in
the absence of Rich Taylor, to call the roll. Members present other than J Miller and J Engledow were T
Hackett, J Ketterman, S Dillon and W Franklin. R Taylor arrived after the roll call. J Hagan and J Kirsh were
absent. Others in attendance are noted above.
Having confirmed the presence of a quorum, President Miller called the meeting to order.
NOTE: Hereinafter these minutes will state the motion, followed parenthetically by the name of the one who
made the motion (listed first) and then the one who seconded it. For example the motion would read, "It was
moved to approve the minutes...etc. (Engledow, Hagan). "When a motion is carried but not unanimously, the
results of the vote will be listed i.e. "(Engledow, Hagan; 6 to 2, with one abstaining). When the motion was
carried unanimously, a "C -Un" will be added i.e. "(Engledow, Hagan; C -Un)."
M Klitzing reported that he was prepared to answer any questions related to the standard reports provided in
the board packet, which, due to unusual circumstances, were not available for distribution prior to the first
meeting in February. He next reported that due to the diligent work efforts of the Clerk Treasurer and the
Parks Department Business Services Team, Funds 108 and 109, formerly referred to as subfunds 1046
(Extended School Enrichment) and 1047 (Revenue Facilities or the Monon Center) were reflected in the
reports. He thanked Cindy Sheeks and Audrey Kostrzewa in particular for the smooth conversion process.
After he explained the benefits of the conversion, he highlighted the 12 month trailing graph showing that as
of January, 2010, (a) the Monon Center was at 79% cost recovery, inching toward the Park Board's 80% goal
by the end of 2012; (b) passholders had increased by 13% in one month; and (c) the Monon Center has a
total of 16,000 passholders.
A. Minutes —Rich Taylor
1. February 9, 2010 Regular Park Board Meeting Minutes were approved as presented. (Taylor,
Ketterman C -Un).
B. Financial Reports Jim Engledow
1. Pentamation reports for February, 2010 were acknowledged as presented (Engledow, Taylor, C -un);
2. Clay Township Reports for February, 2010 were distributed at the meeting and acknowledged as
presented (Engledow, Ketterman C -Un).
C. Claims Jim Engledow
1. 2010 Insurance Premium
M Klitzing reported that the Department received and included on the February 23 Claim Sheet,
the amount reflected on the Hylant Group Invoice for insurance premiums attributable to Park
Department coverage under the City of Carmel policy. He noted that while no action was necessary
other than approval of the amount on the claim sheet, he wanted the Park Board to understand that
as Hylant worked with Management to provide the premium breakdown by park fund, several items
were found to be missing, which will result in a subsequent invoice, the amount as yet unknown.
2. Claim Sheet February 23, 2010 was approved as presented. (Engledow, Ketterman C -Un.)
D. Consideration of Marketing Plan Michael Klitzing
After distribution of hard copies of the Marketing Plan "MP created by PROS Consulting (previously
sent to the Board members electronically), M Westermeier opened discussion with staff's
recommendation that the Park Board accept the MP as presented and authorize Management to
implement it as applicable to the current needs and desires of the community. Describing the MP as a
roadmap for management and not a Board policy, Mark noted that funding for the portion attributable to
The Monon Center was in the 2010 budget approved in January and that subsequent funding for the
entire park system would be necessary in future budgets. He explained his position that the MP is a
roadmap for management and by acceptance, the Park Board would agree to change the name of The
Monon Center to The Monon Community Center and commit to ongoing funding. He offered that staff
would provide monthly progress reports similar to those provided for the Business Plan, make no
immediate changes to the Department logo, tweak The Monon Center logo on printed and on -line
materials only and require the services of additional staff and /or independent contractors to assist with
implementation and on -going application. He clarified that signage changes would be limited to new or
replacement signage. Discussion on Mark's recommendation and the MP, included the following
comments: while future system wide budgets will need to include a budget line for marketing expenses,
the immediate focus is intended to be on The Monon Community Center which budget includes an
amount for marketing plan implementation equaling 5% of its total budget; some recommendations have
been implemented and others may not work in the local community; website revision will play a large
role, completion of which is awaiting clarification of the new credit card regulation requirements
understood to be effective July 1, 2010; measurable goals to be discussed at the workshop on March 6
and ultimately set for the management team are intended to be specific rather than directly related to the
MP implementation timelines; all members supported the changed name: "The Monon Community
Center" and agreed with Mark's recommendation to accept the MP as presented and authorized
Management to implement it. (Engledow, Hackett C -Un.)
E. Consideration of bids for the Lawrence W. Inlow Park Repairs and Improvements Project Mark
After Mark referenced the bid tabulation included in the Board packet, he reported that The Schneider
Corporation had delivered a written recommendation that the Park Board accept the bid of $78,960 from
Cadence MTC, LLC, the lowest responsible and responsive bidder. He clarified that Michael Krosschell
had confidence in this bidder based on the references and post bid information. Mark next reported that
while there was no apparent explanation for the fairly significant difference between the Cadence bid
and the next highest bid, the Cadence bid was right at the estimate provided by The Schneider
Corporation. After discussion, the Park Board accepted the bid from and awarded a contract to,
Cadence MTC, LLC, the lowest responsible and responsive bidder for the Lawrence W. now Park
Repairs and Improvements Project in the amount of Seventy Eight Thousand Nine Hundred Sixty and
40/100's ($78, 960.40) and authorized The Schneider Corporation, the Park Board Attorney and the
Park Department Director to take all action necessary to complete the contracting process including the
initiation of a letter of intent authorizing the spending of administrative funds to be incurred during the
finalization of the contract and authorize the President or Vice President to sign the contract upon
completion of the Park Board Attorney's review. (Engledow, Dillon C -Un.)
J Engledow noted that the water line going in [Central Park] is quite impressive; reported that the City
Council's Finance /Rules Committee tabled an item relating to the parks was tabled; and he related
unsolicited positive feedback from community resident Jack Badger who enjoyed the Monon Center
accommodations provided for the Dad's Club event, including the catering.
W Franklin offered and received favorable response to food /snacks at the March 6 workshop;
J Miller announced that updating the Board's vision is the purpose of the March 6 workshop and offered
his view that the Board may need to change the current vision matrix structure to better suit the Board
and Department.
R Taylor commended Kitty, a Park Department employee, who handled his request for pass changes
quickly and efficiently.
The Meeting 4journed at approximately 7:25 p.m. (Ketterman, Taylor C -Un.)
Signature: V Date:
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