HomeMy WebLinkAboutCCPR-02-09-10 (Approved: a? 3 /O CARMEL /CLAY BOARD OF PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING MINUTES Annual and Regular Meeting February 9, 2010, 6:00 P.M. The Monon Center East 1235 Central Park Drive East CARMEL, IN 46032 MEMBER ATTENDEES MEMBER ABSENTEES OTHERS J Engledow S Dillon M Westermeier J Miller J Hagan A Kostrzewa J Ketterman D Grisham J Kirsh Susan Beaurain(MC Division Manager) W Franklin Hal Espey (videographer) T Hackett R Taylor ROLL CALL The regular board meeting of the Carmel /Clay Board of Parks and Recreation was convened at approximately 6:00 p.m. on February 9, 2010 pursuant to notice. President Joe Miller asked Secretary Rich Taylor to call the roll. Members present other than Mr. Miller and Mr. Taylor were J Engledow, T Hackett, J Ketterman, J Ketterman, J Kirsh and W Franklin. S Dillon and J Hagan were absent. Others in attendance are noted above. II. CALL TO ORDER and PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE After the Pledge of Allegiance, J. Miller called the meeting to order. NOTE: Hereinafter these minutes will state the motion, followed parenthetically by the name of the one who made the motion (listed first) and then the one who seconded it. For example the motion would read, It was moved to approve the minutes...etc. (Engledow, Hackett)." When a motion is carried but not unanimously, the results of the vote will be listed i.e. "(Engledow, Hackett 6 to 2, with 1 abstaining). When the motion was carried unanimously, a "C -Un" will be added i.e. "(Engledow, Hackett C -Un)." III. PUBLIC COMMENTS: None. IV. STAFF REPORTS Staff reports typically included in the board packet of the first meeting of the month were not ready due to the early meeting date. V. COMMITTEE REPORTS A. Standing Committees 1. Personnel Committee: J Ketterman reported that the Committee had met and were focused on the creation of the Director evaluation process to be conducted next December. 2. Finance Committee: J Engledow reported that the Committee was scheduled to have its first meeting in 2010 on Thursday, February 11 to address financial issues and identify measurable goals to recommend for the Director's evaluation criteria. 3. Properties Committee: S Dillon was absent and there was no report. VI. ACTION ITEMS A. Minutes Rich Taylor 1. January 26, 2010 Regular Meeting minutes were approved as presented. (Taylor, Engledow C -Un.) B. Financial Reports Jim Engledow Financial Reports were not available in time for review and will be addressed at the next meeting. C. Claims Judith F. Hagan 1. Claim Sheet February 9, 2010 was approved as presented. Engledow, Taylor C -Un.) 2. Clay Township Claim Sheet February 9, 2010 was approved as presented. (Engledow, Ketterman C -Un.) D. Acceptance and /or Acknowledgement of Monies received Audrey Kostrzewa Audrey reported and the Park Board acknowledged and accepted the following (Taylor, Hackett C -Un.): RECEIVED AS DATE FUND AMOUNT RECEIVED FROM FOR Donation 1/14/10 853 15.00 Jack A. Gramling Flowing Well Donation 1/22/10 853 552.00 Greenways General Foundation for Pedal Park E. Ratification of relocation expenses reimbursement Mark Westermeier Mark explained that as part of her employment offer, Management agreed to reimburse Susan Beaurain, the MC Division Manager who moved from the State of Washington, up to $2,000 in moving expenses and the City of Carmel Clerk Treasurer requested the Park Board's specific approval of such payment in addition to its approval of the claim. After discussion, the Park Board ratified the relocation allowance of $2,000 to Susan Beaurain and authorized the President and Secretary to sign a memorandum confirming this ratification. (Ketterman, Kirsh C- Un.) F. Consideration of Marketing Plan direction— M Westermeier J Miller reported that 3 of the 4 Park Board officers met with Mark, Michael, Leon Younger and Neelay Bhatt to discuss marketing plan status and learned that a plan was nearly complete and would be ready for consideration at the next meeting in February without, however the presence of PROS Consulting. The Park Board agreed to postpone definitely consideration of the Marketing Plan direction until the next February board meeting (Engledow, Kirsh C -Un.) G. Consideration of Bids for the Lawrence W. Inlow Park Repairs and Improvements Project Mark Westermeier Mark reported that on Friday, February 5, 2010, 11 bidders participated in the Inlow Park project ranging from the low bid of $78,960.40 to $169,350.00. The short time frame between the bid receipt and this meeting did not afford sufficient time for The Schneider Corporation to review and provide a recommendation for tonight's meeting. A recommendation is expected at the next meeting of the Park Board. In light of the report, the Park Board agreed to postpone definitely consideration of the bids until the next February board meeting. (Ketterman, Hackett C -Un.) VII. ATTORNEY'S REPORT- Debra Grisham A. Tort Claims. No report. B. General. No report. VIII. DIRECTOR'S REPORT Mark Westermeier In addition to his written report, Mark reported and answered questions as follows: 1. Duke Energy is responding to what has become a chronic issue: energy surges resulting in power outages at The Monon Center; 2. The Monon Center Sound system seems to have been impacted by the surges but is currently working; 3. The Internal and External camera surveillance system needs to be evaluated and reset based on what we now know; Staff is working with a company different from the installer who has since gone out of business; 4. The Hamilton County Drainage Board is considering assessments within the White River Greenway which affect several Park Board properties which could result in 5 or 6 assessments of $15.00 or $20.00 each; 5. In response to T Hackett's related experience regarding TMC staffs request that she use her pass to access the track, Mark reported that there is an attempt to monitor pass holder track use and to prepare pass holders for the day when the track will be accessible from the fitness area by only pass holders who swipe their passes at the control point. He reported that the control point issue has not been resolved with the fire marshal but working with Brian Bosma and Williams Architects is expected to have a positive result; 6. The outdoor pool repair was completed under warranty except for weather dependent caulking which is expected to be completed this Spring; 7. The website is scheduled to undergo user testing this month; 8. The 146 Street and Monon Greenway pedestrian bridge project is awaiting AT &T's cable relocation decisions; their engineers are expected to visit the site in June and after that, the project's impact will be better understood; 9. Mark read the results all 11 bids received for the Lawrence W. Inlow Park Repairs and Improvements Project and explained briefly the bid review process; 2 IX. DISCUSSION ITEMS None. J Miller welcomed comments and questions regarding items of interest including the marketing plan. The following comments were made: J Kirsh and W Franklin expressed appreciation for the Greenways Foundation Pedal and Park proceeds and promoted assistance of the effort at local events in addition to Carmel Fest; J Ketterman supported promotion by inclusion in CCPR marketing and communication pieces; o As regards the Marketing Plan the following highlights the comments: o J Miller reported his anticipation that the Marketing Plan would recommend a renaming of The Monon Center to The Monon Community Center; o In December, the Park Board was told about the importance of system wide uniformity; o M Westermeier offered his perspective that there would likely be no signage changes for a couple years except and unless replacement signage became necessary; In the case of Hazel Landing Park where something occurred to destroy the sign, a temporary will be installed; o There has been confusion between marketing and advertising; o There is a need to identify an amount targeted for marketing; while the percentage of budget varies within different industries, 4 -5 is a goal noting that 7 may be the norm; M Westermeier responded that there needs to be 10 times the return with a measureable means, no matter what percentage is spent; o Mr. Younger and Mr. Bhatt are available by telephone to assist with the February 23 discussion; o A copy of the power point presentation used by Mr.Bhatt at the December meeting will be given to J Kirsh and W Franklin; o J Miller asked M Westermeier to anticipate staffing needs for implementation of a marketing plan and noted that once adopted, the Board will not be involved in the Marketing Plan details; o Mark noted that he will be more closely involved with the marketing plan implementation if measurable means are not in place which could involve a targeted audience, deadlines, etc.; he noted that the department needs to mine existing user information; X. INFORMATION ITEMS None. A. Plan Commission —No report. B. School Board T Hackett reported that the School Board has scheduled a May 4th referendum to ask the Carmel /Clay taxpayers to make up the lost 12 Million in State Revenue cuts, all of which is explained on the CCS website. Dr. Swenson (Superintendent of CCS) has tweaked the Fall 2009 budget cuts presented by his predecessor on which there will be a hearing. Tricia mentioned that the School Board is looking at the best use of time for the benefit of the students and where cuts make the most sense and as a result suggested that the Park Department -run ESE program may consider offering classes that get dropped from the cuts. XI. BOARD COMMENTS O R Taylor mentioned that he is looking forward to hearing Dr. Swenson address the Carmel Clay Schools referendum at a Carmel Rotary luncheon in a couple weeks and that he had a very positive experience at a Dad's Club fundraiser at The Monon Center this past weekend and commended the catering and the sound system; o J Engledow mentioned the presence of construction equipment at the East Entrance noting the imminence of the water line installation. D Grisham reported the status of the pipeline easement and highlighted the following: o The Carmel Clay Parks Building Corporation as the Owner has the power and authority to grant the easement making it unnecessary for the Park Board to take any further action as earlier expected; and o The easement document is being readied for presentation to the City this week XII. ADJOURNMENT Thee meeting adjourned at approximately7:05 p.m. (Ketterman, Kirsh C -Un.) Signature: _46111 Date: 2 l:t7 Signature: 411 1 Date: a a3 V 3