HomeMy WebLinkAboutCCPR-01-12-10 (Approved: —.2 -/e CARMEL /CLAY BOARD OF PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING MINUTES Annual and Regular Meeting January 12, 2010, 6:00 P.M. The Monon Center East 1235 Central Park Drive East CARMEL, IN 46032 MEMBER ATTENDEES MEMBER ABSENTEES OTHERS J Engledow M Westermeier J Miller (arrived 6:03) M Klitzing J Ketterman A Kostrzewa S Dillon D Grisham J Hagan Hal Espey (videographer) T Hackett Susan Beaurain(MC Division Manager) R Taylor Brooke Taflinger (Inclusion Supervisor) J Kirsh Anne Petrie (intern) W Franklin Myra Gully (intern) Ron Carter (Common Council) Bruce Breeden (Cripe Architects) Darin Lanich (Cripe Architects) ROLL CALL The annual and regular board meeting of the Carmel /Clay Board of Parks and Recreation was convened at approximately 6:00 p.m. on January 12, 2010 pursuant to notice. President Jim Engledow asked Sue Dillon to call the roll as the Secretary position was vacated upon expiration of Dan Dutcher term and appointment of Rich Taylor as his replacement. Members present other than Mr. Engledow and Ms. Dillon were J Hagan, T Hackett, J Ketterman, R Taylor, J Kirsh and W Franklin. J Miller arrived after the roll call. No members were absent. Others in attendance are noted above. II. CALL TO ORDER and PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE After the Pledge of Allegiance, J. Engledow welcomed the three (3) new members of the Park Board [Rich Taylor replacing Dan Dutcher, Joshua Kirsh replacing Tim Tolson and Wendy Franklin completing Pattie Chester's term] noting that the retiring members will be recognized and thanked for their years of service at a later meeting and proceeded with the meeting. NOTE: Hereinafter these minutes will state the motion, followed parenthetically by the name of the one who made the motion (listed first) and then the one who seconded it. For example the motion would read, "It was moved to approve the minutes...etc. (Engledow, Hackett)." When a motion is carried but not unanimously, the results of the vote will be listed i.e. Engledow, Hackett 6 to 2, with one abstaining). When the motion was carried unanimously, a "C -Un" will be added i.e. "(Engledow, Hackett C -Un)." 111. PUBLIC COMMENTS: None. IV. STAFF REPORTS Michael Klitzing introduced and welcomed Susan Beaurain as the new Monon Center Division Manager who started her position on Monday, January 11, 2010. After Brooke Taflinger introduced the two (2) new interns, Michael presented a certificate of appreciation that the Park Board received from the US Navy for allowing recruiting and training to be conducted at the Monon Center. V. COMMITTEE REPORTS A. Standing Committees 1. Personnel Committee: J Miller reported that the Committee had not met as it is waiting on the Eppley Institute report regarding employee compensation issues. 2. Finance Committee: J Hagan reported that the Committee met as reflected in the meeting minutes contained in the Board packet and that its meeting scheduled for Thursday, January 14 had been canceled as committee member Joe Miller who had missed the discussion regarding the 1047 budget, 1 had indicated a preference for the Board to move forward on that matter as an action item at tonight's board meeting. 3. Properties Committee: S Dillon reported that at its last meeting on December 22 the Committee agreed to and did recommended proceeding forward with the bidding of the Inlow Park repair and improvement project, confirmed that JJR will assess and recommend a short term fix to address overflow parking needs for 2010 as well as long term solutions and agreed that the Park Board Attorney and Director should move forward with the Cool Creek Extension of the Monon Greenway management agreement with the City. She noted that the Committee will meet in 2 weeks. B. Special Committees 1. Nominating Committee: The Committee report will be deferred until consideration of Action Item D. VI. ACTION ITEMS A. Minutes Sue Dillon 1. December 22, 2009 Regular Meeting minutes were approved as presented. (Dillon, Ketterman C -Un.) B. Financial Reports Judith F. Hagan Financial Reports from the City of Carmel and Clay Township were acknowledged. (Hagan, Ketterman C -Un.) C. Claims Judith F. Hagan 1. Claim Sheet January 12, 2010 was approved as presented. (Hagan, Ketterman C -Un.) 2. Clay Township Claim Sheet January 12, 2010 was approved as presented. (Hagan, Ketterman C -Un.) D. Election of Park Board Officers for 2010 President and Nominating Committee President Engledow reported that Dan Dutcher, Chair of the Nominating Committee, had reported to him and J Miller had confirmed subsequently, the availability and willingness of the following slate of members to serve in the noted positions: J Miller: President; S Dillon: Vice President; J Engledow: Treasurer and R Taylor: Secretary. After the Park Board voted to elect the slate of nominees as presented (Hackett, Hagan, C -Un), J Engledow turned the meeting over to President Joe Miller. E. Park Board Committee Appointments President After J Miller explained the committee structure and responsibility as governed by the By -Laws, he reported that he had talked to the Park Board members and announced the following appointments noting that as the President and Director, he and Mark Westermeier served on each committee as ex- officio members: 1. Personnel: V.P. S Dillon as Chair with J Hagan and J Ketterman as members; 2. Properties: S Dillon as Chair with J Kirsh and W Franklin as members; 3. Finance: Treasurer J Engledow as Chair with T Hackett and R Taylor as members. F. Park Board Appointment to the Plan Commission President J Miller welcomed J Hagan as the willing member of the Park Board to serve on the Carmel Plan Commission. G. Acceptance andlor Acknowledgement of Monies received Audrey Kostrzewa Audrey reported that no donations or gifts were received for acknowledgement and acceptance. H. Ratification of End of Year Budget Line Transfers Michael Klitzing Michael explained the common year end practice of closing out the Park General Fund (Fund 101) with a zero or positive balance in each of its budget lines by transferring unexpended money within Fund 101 lines and requested ratification of such line transfers. After the Park Board ratified the transfers, (Hagan, Ketterman C -Un), Michael reported that the unused balance of $66,112.74 from Fund 101 was returned to its Fiscal Bodies. I. Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statements— D Grisham Deb reported that while M Westermeier previously had filed a Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statement with the Park Board due to the part time employment of one or more of his children with the Park Department (CCPR), he now requested acceptance of an annual Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statement to report the part time employment with CCPR of his daughter Olivia Westermeier at $7.50 per hour with Food Services at the Monon Center. The Park Board unanimously accepted the disclosure and authorized its filing in accordance with Indiana law. (Engledow, Taylor C -Un.) Deb next reported that Audrey Kostrzewa requested acceptance of her conflict of interest and disclosed that CCPR had engaged her husband, Mike Kostrzewa, as a business consultant through 2010 at a rate of $100 per hour. She reported that Mr. Kostrzewa earned $500.00 for 5 hours of work in 2 December. The Park Board unanimously accepted the disclosure and authorized its filing in accordance with Indiana law. (Dillon, Hackett C -Un.) J. Transfer of funds from Non reverting Park Program Fund 104 to Clav Township Non Reverting Park Capital Fund 1215 Michael Klitzing After Michael explained the 104 Program Fund and the 1215 Township Capital Fund, he described the condition included in the City of Carmel Resolution regarding the return of funds not used for 2009 Monon Center expenses which condition was not included in the Township's resolution. Mark reported the discussion that ensued at the Common Council's Park Arts and Recreation Committee meeting earlier that same day during which the committee members agreed that the City was in the process of retracting that condition, anticipated to result in an authorization to use the remaining funds ($58,555.08) for 2010 expenses. After discussion, the Park Board delayed consideration of Resolution B- 2010 -001 to await action by its Fiscal Bodies. (Engledow, Dillon C -Un.) K. Consideration of Business Plan Recommendations Mark Westermeier or Michael Klitzing 1. Consideration of multiple caterers in lieu of one, exclusive caterer. Michael explained that he had considered the Business Plan recommendation to change the exclusive caterer arrangement at the Monon Center to an expanded number of caterers and noted the following key points: The current 1 year contract term with exclusive caterer, Ritz Charles, automatically renews on May 25, 2010, unless either party delivers to the other, timely written notice of termination on or before March 24 In July of 2009, the Park Board had agreed with the multiple caterer recommendation; The projection for increased annual gross revenues from rentals and catering using more than 1 caterer, ranged from $9,000 to $11,000; The current contract requires the Ritz Charles to provide and pay half the compensation of a banquet coordinator position which arrangement has proven successful from a customer service and financial perspective; Gross revenues from the banquet center rentals and catering have increased under the Ritz Charles contract and as of current bookings, a 20% increase is expected for 2010; The Monon Center Division Manager has just started and her input on such a change would be helpful. Michael concluded with a recommendation to continue the exclusive catering contract with the Ritz Charles for at least one more year and continue to evaluate the Business Plan recommendation. After a motion to decrease the Ritz Charles contract term failed for lack of a second, the Park Board continued discussion that included the following highlights: Positive personal experiences and observations supported the staff recommendation; Termination of the Ritz Charles contract would likely require hiring a banquet coordinator significantly increasing the Department's cost; A performance based pay arrangement was suggested to encourage the Ritz to book at the Monon Center in lieu of its local facility after which Michael explained the Ritz Charles' organizational structure which gives him confidence that the Monon Center is receiving the bookings to which it is entitled; The recent rental rate reductions and creation of the non profit group rates should encourage more use of the Monon Center East; Multiple caterers may need more staff oversight. After much discussion, the Park Board agreed not to terminate the automatic one —year extension of the Exclusive Catering Agreement with the Ritz Charles from May 2010 through May 2011. (Hagan, Engledow C -Un.) 2. Consideration of Professional Services Agreement regarding the design of The Monon Center West Cafe space conversion. Michael reported that consistent with the Park Board 's November 24 meeting directive, staff had talked to and requested from Cripe Architects Engineers a proposal to develop construction documents pursuant to which the cafe space could be converted to a fitness space. As the proposed fee was greater than the Director's purchasing authority, the proposal was presented with an explanation of the anticipated changes to convert the use. He next recognized that Cripe representatives were present to answer questions. The report and discussion culminated in the following key points: A wood floor will be installed on top of the terrazzo flooring; The existing cabinetry will be reused where possible; Bruce Breeden introduced himself, thanked the Park Board for the opportunity to design this project and explained that as most of the company's architects are LEEDS certified, a reuse would be found; and New seating locations will be encouraged with relocation of the WiFi availability. After discussion, the Park Board accepted the proposal from Cripe Architects Engineers in the amount of $17,500 plus reimbursable expenses for the development of construction documents for the Monon Center cafe conversion project and authorized the Director and the Park Board Attorney to take all action necessary to 3 negotiate and complete the contracting process and authorize the Park Board President to sign a professional services agreement with Cripe Architects Engineers. (Hagan, Taylor C -Un.) L. Consideration of 2010 Non reverting 1047 Revenue Facilities Budget Michael Klitzing Michael described the proposed 2010 Monon Center Budget which identifies by line item actual revenues and expenditures for 2008 and 2009, with brief explanations regarding only significant differences between the 2009 actual and 2010 proposed budgets. He noted that the budget was prepared in light of the new pass and rental rate structures as well as employee merit increases and 5% of budget in place for marketing. After the Park Board waived the reading of Resolution B- 2010 -002 and entered it into action (Engledow, Hagan, C -Un), discussion consisted of the following highlights: the Finance Committee recommended approval; the proposed operating revenue reflects a deficit consistent with the Department's goal to achieve 80% cost recovery goal within 3 years consistent with the 2009 Business Plan; 20 Full Time positions are included; COIT funding will be added to the budget. Michael credited the Clerk Treasurer's office with the following beneficial actions: the Monon Center and Extended School Enrichment funds are being separated into two funds to assure clarity and allow revenue and expense tracking to specific areas within the Monon Center; Payroll will be broken out in 2010 and Part Time staff will use a time clock. After discussion, the Park Board approved Resolution B- 2010 -002 as presented. (Engledow, Hagan, C -Un.) M. Consideration of Participation in the Monon Greenwav 146 Street Pedestrian Bridge Project Properties Committee and Finance Committee As a follow -up to Trustee Doug Callahan's November, 2009 presentation and request that the Park Board contribute on behalf of the Carmel /Clay Community, one third (approximately $211,000.00), of the local share of a Hamilton County- secured, Federal 80/20 reimbursement grant for a pedestrian bridge over 146 Street to connect the Monon Greenway in Carmel to that in Westfield. He confirmed that Hamilton County and Westfield/Washington have agreed to fund the other two thirds of the local share and explained that the Park Board could choose to utilize Park Capital Fund 103 if the availability of funds within the Clay Township Park Capital Fund 1215 fund is delayed. Councilman Carter, Chair of the Common Council's Park Arts and Recreation Committee, reported that the two Fiscal Bodies have vowed to wrap up the funding matter by the end of the 1 quarter. He also reported that the Redevelopment Commission had agreed to purchase infrared counters to monitor Monon Greenway use. After discussion concluded, the Park Board agreed to authorize the Park Department staff, the Park board attorney and the Park Board President to take all steps necessary and appropriate to draft and /or negotiate the terms by which to effect a contribution agreement to provide from available funds up to one third the cost of the local share of the project to design and install a Monon Greenway Pedestrian Bridge over 146 Street representing the Carmel Clay contribution not to exceed $211,000.00 or some greater amount subsequently approved by the Park Board. (Hagan, Hackett C -Un.) VII. ATTORNEY'S REPORT- Debra Grisham A. Tort Claims. Deb reported that no new tort claims had been filed since the last meeting and that she believes the time frame to have run precluding an appeal of the summary judgment motion granted in the fall of 2009. B. General. No report. VIII. DIRECTOR'S REPORT Mark Westermeier In addition to his written report, Mark reported as follows: 1. A rendering of the pedestrian bridge was included in the board packet following his report; 2. Gregg Calpino off JJR, LLC, will be in town on January 26 for a Central Park walk- through after which he will attend the Properties Committee meeting; 3. CCPR removed the snow from the Cool Creek Extension as the Carmel Street Department lacks the appropriate equipment. IX. DISCUSSION ITEMS None. J Miller welcomed the new Park Board members with the following comments: Working together to discern Board direction is highly important; Individual views are secondary to board decisions; Board action is to be respected at all times and particularly in public; An individual member's right to continue to garner support among other board members is fine but requested all members to support actions taken by the Board majority; Silence in lieu of public opposition is appreciated; He is committed to improve communications between the Park Board and elected officials; 4 Attendance at public meetings is encouraged. A master calendar with all pertinent meetings will be created; Requested Board Committees to establish regular meeting days and times for inclusion on the calendar; As part of new member orientation, incumbent members will be assigned to mentor a new board member; A board retreat will be planned. J Ketterman supported scheduling the retreat as soon as possible. R Taylor and J Kirsh each expressed their pleasure at serving on the Park Board. X. INFORMATION ITEMS None. A. Plan Commission —No report. B. School Board T Hackett reported that Dr. Swenson, the new Superintendent of Carmel Clay Schools as of January 1 is focused on the Governor's $3.8 Million funding cuts mandated for K -12 education. She noted that a future referendum may address that issue. XI. BOARD COMMENTS S Dillon recommended the playground accessibility and surface articles in the recent issue of the Parks Recreation Magazine. J Ketterman reported heavy use in the fitness center. J Hagan reported compliments on the facility from guests. J Engledow apologized for forgetting the pledge of allegiance, welcomed Susan Beaurain and as the outgoing president, thanked the board members, the staff and especially the officers for their support and service and thanked Joan in particular for her focus on safety. J Miller stated that one of his goals was to keep meetings at or less than 2 hours. XII. ADJOURNME The meetin adjourned at approximately 8:00 p.m. (Ketterman, Hagan C -Un.) Signature: A a Date: 1— c:. IF Signature: e Date: -at. �ao i G 5