HomeMy WebLinkAboutCCPR-01-13-09 (Approved: 2 "d 0
Regular and Annual Meeting
January 13, 2009, 6:00 P.M.
The Monon Center West
1195 Central Park Drive West
CARMEL, IN 46032
J Engledow D Dutcher M Westermeier
J Miller M Klitzing
J Hagan A Kostrzewa
P Chester D Grisham
S Dillon Kate Schneider
T Tolson Susie Bruce (until6:45)
Tricia Hackett Audrey Hughey
J Ketterman Denisse Jensen
Sam Richardson
The regular and annual board meeting of the Carmel /Clay Board of Parks and Recreation was convened
at approximately 6:07 p.m. on January13,2008 pursuant to notice. President James Engledow, presiding
over the meeting, asked Patricia Chester to take the roll. All Board members were present except Dan
Dutcher. Having confirmed the presence of a quorum, President Engledow called the meeting to order.
NOTE: Hereinafter these minutes will state the motion, followed parenthetically by the name of the one
who made the motion (listed first) and then the one who seconded it. For example the motion would
read, "It was moved to approve the minutes...etc. (Dutcher, Tolson)." When a motion is carried but not
unanimously, the results of the vote will be listed i.e. "(Dutcher, Tolson; 6 to 2, with one abstaining).
When the motion was carried unanimously, a "C -Un" will be added i.e. "(Dutcher, Tolson; C -Un)."
A. After Kate Schneider introduced new staff members Audrey Hughey, Guest Services Manager, Denisse
Jensen, Aquatics Manager and Sam Richardson, Guest Services Supervisor, Michael Klitzing
introduced Susie Bruce, a customer service consultant with 20+ years experience with a focus on the
fitness industry. Ms. Bruce emphasized the need to continue customer service improvement at the
Monon Center by hiring and rewarding talented personnel, clearly defining the staffs' mission,
simplifying the pass holder fee structure and allocating more space to grow the fitness revenue stream.
She distributed an assessment, which while incomplete, supported her comments and
recommendations. She concluded by complimenting the cooperation and willingness of the
management team to address issues and implement recommendations.
B. Ben Johnson addressed the Park Board to report the ESE Summary of Feedback and Communications
(Before and After School Care), (attached as Appendix A) which reflected that Fall 2008 satisfaction
results obtained through Survey Monkey were up from Spring 2008. The survey results will be given to
the School Board and to all site supervisors together with the survey specific to their site. He noted that
no school site was significantly higher or lower than any other. A survey will go out to all school
principals and custodial staff to confirm appropriate staff demeanor. With regard to parent
communication mediums, Ben reported that while few parents take advantage of the Parent /Guardian
Feedback opportunities provided through Parent Advisory Council Meetings, the ESE News Views
continues to be the preferred communication method.
C. Michael Klitzing next explained the financial 12 -month trailing reports (graphs) that were included in the
board packet for Funds 1046 (ESE and Summer Camps) and 1047(Revenue Facilities /Monon Center)
as well as the Monthly and Annual Pass Report and noted that the monthly financial trending report was
not included.
D. Audrey Kostrzewa introduced an attendance form to be used at each meeting of the Park Board or its
committees for purposes of tracking payment due to the Park Board members pursuant to the revised
By -Laws. She next informed the Park Board members that while they were eligible for a Monon Center
pass discount (similar to City of Carmel employees), records reflected that such discount had not been
applied to all. She suggested that the members contact her with their preferred course of action to
correct that matter. J Miller described his family's experience regarding expiration, lack of notice and
use after which K Schneider confirmed that matter to be one of Audrey Hughey's priorities.
A. Standing Committees
1. Personnel Committee: No report.
2. Finance Committee: Judith F. Hagan reported that the Minutes from 2 meetings are in the
board packet and 2 action items to be recommended by the Finance Committee are on tonight's
3. Properties Committee: Sue Dillon reported that the Properties Committee met earlier tonight
for a presentation by Michael Krosschell of The Schneider Corporation regarding the shelter
orientation, landscape and playground. While the shelter design seems to be narrowed down,
the playground needs some work. Tess Pinter and Dad's Club representatives were present.
B. Special Committees
1. Nominating Committee: Jim Engledow reported that the Nominating Committee will make a
recommendation as set forth in the Action Items.
A. Minutes Pattie Chester
December 9, 2008 Regular Park Board Meeting Minutes were approved as presented. (Chester,
Tolson C -Un.)
B. Financial Reports Judith F. Hagan
The Park Board acknowledged receipt of the 2008 Pentamation Financial Reports as presented.
(Hagan, Miller C -Un.)
C. Claims J Hagan
1. Claim Sheet January 13, 2009 was approved as presented. (Hagan, Miller C -Un.)
2. Central Park Claim Sheet January 13, 2009 was approved as presented (Hagan, Miller C-
Un.) after there was confirmation that the Brockman money had been placed in the Gift
Fund for Central Park development.
D. Election of Park Board Officers for 2009 President and Nominating Committee
J Miller, Chair of the Nominating Committee, reported that at its meeting earlier that evening, the
committee agreed to recommend the following candidates for the following offices: Jim Engledow
for President, Joe Miller for Vice President, Dan Dutcher for Secretary and Judy Hagan for
Treasurer. The Park Board unanimously elected officers as recommended. (Dillon, Ketterman C-
E. Park Board Committee Appointments President
President Engledow announced his decision to appoint the following members to the following
Standing Committees and noted that he as the President and Mark as the Department Director
were ex- officio members of each:
Personnel Committee: Chair J. Miller, Members: T. Tolson and J. Ketterman;
Properties Committee: Chair S. Dillon, Members: D. Dutcher, P. Chester and T. Tolson which
after much discussion, resulted in the decision to also notice each Properties Committee meeting
as a Park Board meeting since a majority of its membership comprises the voting membership of
the committee; Finance Committee: Chair J. Hagan, Members: J Miller and T. Hackett
The Park Board endorsed the appointments with a unanimous vote. (Dillon, Hagan C -Un.)
F. Park Board appointment to Plan Commission President
J Engledow announced that D Dutcher had agreed to continue to serve as the Park Board's
appointment to the Carmel Plan Commission which was accepted by the Park Board. (Miller,
Ketterman C -Un.) Mark volunteered to notify the appropriate members of the Plan Commission.
G. Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statement Deb Grisham
Deb reported that while M Westermeier, Joan Ketterman and Deb Grisham each previously had
filed Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statements with the Park Board due to the part time
employment of one or more of their children with the Park Department, only Mark's children
continued to be part time employees at this time. The other children would need to reapply.
Accordingly, only Mark requested acceptance of an annual Conflict of Interest Disclosure
Statement to report the part time employment with CCPR of his daughter (i) Emily Westermeier at
$11.50 per hour as a Aquatic's Lead and (ii) Olivia Westermeier at $9.00 per hour as Food
Services Lead. The Park Board unanimously accepted the disclosure and authorized its filing in
accordance with Indiana law. (Ketterman, Dillon C -Un.)
H. Acceptance and /or Acknowledgement of Monies received Audrey Kostrzewa
The following donations were acknowledged and accepted (Tolson, Ketterman C -Un):
12 -29 -08 1047 $100.00 The Stratford at Sponsorship of T-
West Clay shirts for 100 Mile
Club, a walking
program for Seniors
12 -29 -08 1047 $500.00 National Park and Grant for Youth
Recreation After School
Association Archery Program
I. Adoption of Revised Salary Resolution Michael Klitzing
Michael explained that upon review of Resolution 12- 9 -08 -01 approved by the Park Board on
12/9/08, he noticed that it inadvertently identified the maximum biweekly salaries for the Business
Services Division Manager and Extended School Enrichment Division Manager at Grade 11
instead of the appropriate Grade 12. Therefore he recommended adoption of the revised
Resolution 1- 13 -09 -01 as presented in the board packet. After waiving the reading of the
resolution (Tolson, Hagan (C -Un) and discussion, the Park Board approved the Resolution 1 -13-
09-01 as presented. (Tolson, Hagan C -Un.)
J. Consideration of Services Agreement with Walker Information, Inc.— Judith F.Hagan
Judy reported that the Finance Committee recommended approval of a professional Services
Agreement with Walker Information, Inc. to conduct a pass holder satisfaction survey to be
complete by the end of March and presented to the Park Board in April. The cost was $15,200.00.
Deb reported that she had been working on the contract with Walker and that except for a few
typos, she had the contract with her if anyone would like to see it. She was confident that it could
be finalized very soon. S Dillon suggested that the contract require an earlier completion date to
allow its contents to be shared with the Carmel Common Council and the Township Board at a
joint meeting with the Park Board that she advocated occur in March. Mark reported that as
Council Member Kevin Rider advised that a status report be given sooner rather than later, Mark
recommended that he and J Engledow meet with the Council's Art, Parks and Recreation
Committee as well as members of the Clay Township Board to present a status report on finances,
projects, business and marketing plans. J Engledow suggested that an earlier completion date be
addressed with Walker. After discussion concluded, the Park Board authorized President
Engledow to negotiate and the Park Board attorney to review and approve a Services Agreement
with Walker Information, Inc. to conduct a pass holder satisfaction survey in an amount not to
exceed $15,200.00. (Hagan, Dillon C -Un.)
K. Consideration of 2009 Non reverting 1047 Revenue Facilities Budget Michael Klitzing
Michael referenced the 2009 Revenue Facilities /Monon Center (1047) budget, along with a
summary of several key budget assumptions provided in the Board Packet. He explained that the
proposed budget identifies by line item the 2007 and 2008 actual expenditures and 2009 proposed
budget, and the difference between 2008 and 2009 with brief explanations for any significant
differences. J Hagan confirmed that the Finance Committee reviewed the proposed 2009 budget
and recommends its approval. She commended staff, Michael in particular, for presenting the
budget at 85% cost recovery. After discussion, the Park Board approved the 2009 Revenue
Facilities /Monon Center (1047 Non Reverting Parks Program) Budget as presented. (Ketterman,
Miller C -Un.)
L. Ratification of End of Year Budget Line Transfers Michael Klitzing
Michael referred to the summary in the Board Packet of the end of year line transfers completed
by the Department to ensure all budget lines were at positive or a zero balances. He confirmed
that all transfers were within the same classification and is within the authority of the Park Board to
ratify. After discussion, the Park Board ratified the 2008 end of year budget line transfers as
presented. (Tolson, Chester C -Un.)
M. Ratification of Fire Station Change Order Mark Westermeier
Mark explained that after the last Park Board meeting in December, the contractor discovered the
omission, and recommended installation of, a drip edge to the perimeter of the roof to protect the
edges of the roofing shingles on the eaves and prevent ice dams in the gutters from causing
damage to roof sheathing and shingles for $490.00. In the interest of time in proceeding with the
roof repair and to avoid increased cost to add the drip edge at a later time, the Park Director
authorized such change order for $490.00. After discussion, the Park Board ratified the decision
of the Director of the Park Department to approve the change order for the addition of a drip edge
to the perimeter of the roof of the Fire Station located at 1116 Street and Towne Road. (Dillon,
Hagan C -Un.)
N. Central Park Matters Mark Westermeier
1. Consideration of authorizing public work projects pursuant to Indiana law Mark
Mark reported that he had received preliminary estimates to remedy the lack of effective
entry control points and functional cabinetry at the main west side entrance and at the
Fitness entrance. He provided the estimates and recommended that the Township
managed COIT fund from Central Park be used to fund the projects. After discussion, the
Park Board authorized the Director and the Park Board attorney to pursue the Access
Control and the Casework Cabinetry projects as presented and pursuant to applicable
Indiana Law. (Tolson, Ketterman, C -Un).
2. Consideration of a Professional Services Agreement with Summit Construction to
commission the Indoor Pools and the equipment servicing the pools Mark
Mark next requested that the Owner's Representative contract with Summit Construction be
expanded to allow Summit to commission the indoor pools and the equipment that serves
the pools as they are aging at an unacceptable rate warranting resolution as quickly as
possible. He summarized the action taken to date and recommended Summit engagement
as the next step toward resolution. After discussion concluded, the Park Board authorized
expansion of the OR contract to include the commissioning of the indoor pools and the
equipment that serves them at the hourly rate of $90.00. (Miller, Ketterman C -Un.)
Debra Grisham reported that the ICLU issued its finding that probable cause does not exist to believe
that an unlawful discrimination practice occurred and commended the work of Michael Klitzing and Lynn
Russell. No new tort claims have been filed of which Deb had been made aware. The Traveler's
Indemnity Company Staff Counsel Office had notified her that a claim resulting from an injury during the
Before and After School Care Program that had been handled as a City of Carmel claim would now be
handled as a Park Board claim on which she will report more at the next meeting.
In addition to the written report included in the Park Board packet, Mark described the decision to shift
the lifeguard building to create the least difficult path to access underground infrastructure and shared
the latest design from Lockwood Associates. He reported that the building and storage is projected at
roughly 2,000 square feet, with a construction cost estimate of $450,000 $500,000. He next reported a
RecTrac upgrade.
A. Consideration of Community Programs Policy Finance Committee
Judy expressed her concern that, apart from the salaries of the staff, all expenses were paid from the
Non Reverting Fund for community programs. The number of participants and number of programs has
grown. Accordingly, she suggested that the Board look seriously at how many programs are offered at
what cost and consider that while some programs are loss leaders, sponsorships should be required for
others to offset the cost. She explained that Leon Younger will address this issue in the Saturday
A. Plan Commission No report.
B. School Board —T Hackett asked for thoughts and prayers for 9 grader who lost his life last week.
J Hagan asked Mark to build a budget for all parks maintenance. Mark agreed to include the
Carmel Drive pedestrian bridge over the Monon Greenway.
J Hagan reported that Gil Kett, a Carmel resident who for many years took care of the Flowing
Well, is very ill. Many who know Mr. Kett have endorsed the idea of honoring his years of
community service and she asked for suggestions. After discussion, the Park Board agreed to
rename the pavilion at Flowing Well Park in Mr. Kett's honor and asked staff to create a
commemorative plaque to be presented and installed on the pavilion. (Dillon, Hagan C -Un.)
J Engledow asked who would be present for the February 10 meeting. When only 3 of 8 Board
members answered affirmatively, the Park Board discussed some alternatives without resolution
and asked staff to provide some alternate dates for consideration.
411, ng adj.. r imately 9:10 p.m. (Ketterman, Tols n C -Un.)
Signature: 4 Date: ���U
Signature: Date: 2 Z4 C�(