HomeMy WebLinkAbout193729 01/19/2011 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 088550 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE EVERETT J PRESCOTT INC CHECK AMOUNT: $70.92 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO BOX 350002 BOSTON MA 02241 -0002 CHECK NUMBER: 193729 CHECK DATE: 1/19/2011 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 601 5023990 4356732 70.92 MATERIALS SUPPLIES Pipeline Specialists EVERETTJ. PRESCOTT, INC. E�ETER l�a� SEE CONDITIONS OF SALE AND HOME OFFICE PAYMENT TERMS ON REVERSE. 32 PRESCOTT STREET BOX 600 PAGE NO. GARDINER MAINE 04345 FLOW SERVICES D, CONCORD, NN 03301 TELEPHONE (207 582 -1851 603 22A -3842 .:;INVOICE. DATE It- n aanapQ is r -In aar1apo 1s REMIT E n J P RE r'T INC WAREHOUSE B30 W Washington St PACKING SLIP NO. E TO CUSTOMER NO. P -0- BOX 350002 2 Eq OS TON, MA Tnd iarapol i s, I 46231 WAREHOUSE 0224 1 C 3 Te l e Fr h on e a 317- 247- 0005 ORIGINAL INVOICE CITY ITS' OF CARMEL. UTILITIES SOLD TO SHIP TO 3450 W. 131st. Street 450 We 131st Street rra 1 IN Car l IN 46074 46 374 CUSTOMER Pp NO JOB NAME _JOB NO,,,, _SLS. _.DATE DUE DATE SHIPPED, SHIPPING METHOD 3 ,3 J 2 1 t7 U ou TPUC17 Ll O D O P D D 0 G R YOUR PW5; T O KEEP PRICES AIR IN THIS UNCERTAIN ECONOMY. THANK YOU AMOUNT 'T'HE PRICES ARE BASED ON 30 DAY PAYMENT• n YOUR HELP IS FOR YOUR BUSINESS! tax r. I�1'`� EDED. AND AIPPREC-'IATED EM PL_OYIEES OF TEAM E P. PLEASE NOTE: OUR TERMS FRET T ARE NET 30 DAYS. YOUR SERVICE CHARGE IS 1%% PER MONTH (18 A.P.R•) ON THE BALANCE OVER 30 DAYS OF AGE. THE. BUYER HELP IS NEEDED AND I n l AGREES TO PAY ALL COSTS AND EXPENSES OF COLLECTION, INCLUDING REASONABLE ATTORNEY'S FEES, 70 1 2 AND'EJP CLAIMS A MECHANIC'S LIEN UNDER APPLICABLE STATE LAW. APPRECIATED. E.J. Prescott, Inc. 'Terms and Conditions of Sale Prices: All prices are subject to change without notice, except where firm quotations have been provided in writing by authorized in all agernent personnel of EJP. 'fares: Prices do not include any present or future federal ,talc or local taxes (including, without iimiiation, s tle, tax. use tax, excise tax, or otherwise) Unless specifically mated. It is the responsibility of the Buyer to pay all such fazes. Taxes where applic tk ?Ic may be added to the pace of the products ani] shaill be paid by the, Buyer. unless the Buyer furnishes to EJP a tax exemption certificate in a form agrecable to the applicable taxing authorities. If EJP is required to prepay any such tax. Buyer will reimburse. EJP in full upon demand. Paymcnt Terms: EJP Open Credit accounts =ire established for cotnrnercial, non consumer use only. Unless an approved commercial Open Credit account is ectablishecl, payment in good fund, or approved check must be made before or at time of delivery: Commercial Credit terms are Net 30 clays, no cash discounts allowed. Service Charges commence after 30 day's and are calculaied on the last day of the month in which the 3001 day falls. SER- VICE CHARGE IS ur% PER MONTf -1 (w, A.R R.) ON 1 1 HE BALANCE OVER 31) DAYS OF AGE. ']'HE BUYER AGREES TO PAY ALL COSTS AND EXPENSES OF COLLEC:T.ION. INCLUDING REASONABLE A'J LORNEY'S FEES, and EJP claims a mechanic's Lien under applicable state law. Acceptance by EJP: All orders from the Buyer are subject to acceptance by authorized, personnel of EJP, and, in the, case of Open Account, Sales, approval of the EJP Q edit Department. Cancellations: SPECIAL, OR NON -STOCK ITEMS MAY NOT BE CANCELLED OR RETURNED AFTER THE PRODUCT(S) IS PLACED INTO PRODUCTION. All c harggas and costs incurred by Ell' as a result of cancellations or order changes will be billed to the Buyer. Delivery: FIP will make a good faith effort to complete delivery of the pr(ducts; provided. however, that EJP aSllntleS no responsibility or liability for loss or daunage due to delay or inability to deliver, if such non- perROrotance was the result of any events or circurstances beyond the control of EJP, includ- ing, but not Invited to, acts of God, war, labor difficulties, Mire, accidents, inability to obtain materials, and delays of carriers, contractors. supplii rs. or manufacturers. Under no circumstances shall EJP be liable for any special. consequential. inetcknilal; indirect, or liquidated dmnages. losses, or expense 1 whether or not based on negligence) arising directly or indirectly from delays or failure to _ive ttatice of delay. Shipment: Shipment of all products is to one given destination for all items including pipe, unless otherwise indicated in writing. Risk of loss shall trans fer to the Buyer upon tender of goods to Buyer, Buyer's representative, or common carrier. 'the cost of any special packing or special ha rifling caused by Buyer's requirements or requests shall be added to the amount of the order. If Buyer causes or requests a Shipment delay, or if EJP ships or delivers the products erroneously as a result of inaccurate, incomplete or misleading: information supplied by 'Buyer 6r its agents or employees, storage and all other additional costs and risks shall be borne solely by 'Buyer. Claims for products damaged or lost in transit should be made by Buyer to the carrier, as EfP's responsibility c -cases upon tender of goods to Buyer, Buyer's representative or common carrier. Delivery will be made on hard surfaces only. Any dain- age or towing charges resulting from "non hard surface deliveries" sball be the responsibility of the Buyer- Inspection and Acceptaance: Claims for dannage, shortage or errors in shipping must be reported within 10 days following delivery to Buyer. Buyer stall] have 10 days Front the date Buyer receives any products to inspect such prtxiucts and service, for defects and nonconformance and notify EJP, in writing, of any defects. nonconformance or rejection of such products. After such 10 day period, Buyer shall be deemed to have irrevocably accepted the prod acts, if not previously accepted. After such acceptance, Buyer shall have no right to reject the products for any reason or to revoke acceptance. Buyer here- by agrees that such 10 day pet (-,d is a reasonable amount of time for st €ch inspection and revocation. Returns: Materials cannot be returned without EJP'S written consent NO RETURNS ARE ALLOWED AND NO REFUNDS WILL BE MADE ON 6) PIPE OR (it) SPECIALLY FABRICATED OR. ORDERED ITEMS. THE SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE_ REMEDY FOR SUCH ITEMS ALLEGED TO BE DEFECTIVE IN WORKMANSHIP OR NINI ERIALWILL BE THE REPLAC'EMENTOFTHE ITEMS SUBJECTTO THE MANUFACTURER'S INSPEC- TION AND WARRANTY. All other returned material is subject to a MINIMUM 25 RE- HANDLING CHARGE. plus tr-ansportation charges. Unless other- wise agreed by the Buyer and EJP? all credit for returned material will he applied to fulu€'e orders. subject to approval by the EJP Credit Department Warranty: THE BUYER'S SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE WARRANTY, IFANY, TS TI -Ir \f PROVIDED BYTHE PRODUCT'S MANUFACTURER, EJP MAKES NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES. EJP. HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALI, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES. WHETHER IMPLIED BY OPERATION OF LAW OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMI'T'XHON, ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR, PURPOSE. UNDER NO CIRCUMsaANCES, AND IN NO EVENT. WILL EJP BE LIABLE FOR PERSONAL INJURY OR PROPER`I Y.DAMAGE OR ANY-OTHER LOSS, DAMAGE. COST OR REPAIRS OR INC[- DENTAL. PUNITIVE, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR LIQUIDATED DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, WHETHER BASED UPON WARRANTY, CONTRACT.. STRICT LIABILITY, NEGLIGENCE OR ANY OTHER. CAUSE OF ACTION .ARISING IN CONNECTION WITH THE DESIGN. MANUFACTURE, SALT:. TRANSPORnaION, INSTALLATION, OR REPAIR OF TILL PRODUCTS SOLD BY EJP. BUYER ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES THAT UINDER NO CIRCUMSTANC_ES,.AND IN NO EVENT. SHALL FJP'S LIABILITY. IF ANY. EXCEED THE NET SALES PRICE of rHE DEFECTIVE', PRODUCTS) k ntire Agreement: This document constitutes the entire, complete, and exclusive agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter here- of and contains all the agrc :rnents and conditions of sale; no course of stealing or usage of the trade shall he applicable unless expressly incorporated hcre- in. The terns and conditions contained herein may not be added to, modified, superseded or rithenvisc altered except by a written modification signed by authorized management personnel of EJP. A11 transaction; shall be governed solely by the teams and conditions contained herein. All purchase .orders issued purst ry to an EJP quotation shall be deemed issued subject to all EJP tern, and condition, herein contained. These tern; and conditions shall supersede those of the Buyer. l Governing Law: 'Phis nanSaction shall b governed in all respects by the laws of the Siate of Maine (ekeluding choice of law provisions). All actions, regardless of foam, arising out of or in connection with this o-ansaction, the products sold by EDTP, or the relationship between file Buyer and EJP shall be brought in the courts of the State of Maine within the applicable Statutory period. Communications: Payments only should be directed to: E.J. Prescott. Inc., P.O. Box 350002. Boston. MA 02241 -0502, All other correspondence and inquiries ,should be. directed to your local EJP Division, The Home Office address i, 32 Prescott Sn'eci, P.O. Box 600, Gardiner. Maine 04345. Telephone (207) 582- 183'1. Fax (207) 582 -5637. E -mail eJPCUejprescolt.com. EJP TBC Ravi -.ion Cate 4!03 VOUCHER 103799 WARRANT ALLOWED 88550 IN SUM OF E.J. Prescott, Inc. WA P.O. Box 350002 Boston, MA 02241 -0002 Carmel Water Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO iNV ACCT AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 4356732 01- 6200 -06 $70.92 Voucher Total $70.92 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 88550 E.J. Prescott, Inc. Purchase Order No. P.O. Box 350002 Terms Boston, MA 02241 -0002 Due Date 1/11/2011 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 1/11/2011 4356732 $70.92 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and -orrect and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 l Date Officer