HomeMy WebLinkAbout193890 01/19/2011 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 242000 Page 1 of 1 0. ONE CIVIC SQUARE PHYSIO CONTROL CORP 12100 COLLECTIONS CENTER DRIVE CHECK AMOUNT: $441.72 ;?kir CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 CHICAGO IL 60693 CHECK NUMBER: 193890 CHECK DATE: 1119/2011 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 102 4239011 111065868 441.72 SPECIAL DEPT SUPPLIES DATE SHIPPED PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER SALESISERVICE REPRESENTATIVE 01/06/11 Mark C EALL71 qxi 003120155002/mj CARRIER CARRIER TRACKING NUMBER SALES ORDER PAYMENT TERMS GRD J 0344471586 C 1 53030539 -00 Net 30 Days F :1 11996 00:0091 ELECIRODE? ASSY. ADtTLT., �C 15; PK 15 0 y37.. 00 441 ;72 T STD, WORLDWIDE Discount 7.55 L /C: 032307 Expires: 05/2'/13 15 I i I Contact MARS{ HULETT l Phone: 317 1571 2663 I` Sub Total 441.72 I 1 r 441.72 Site: 20 O R I G I N A L vim ACCEPTED NOTE: TERMS CONTAINED ON THE REVERSE SIDE OF THIS DOCUMENT ARE EXPRESSLY MADE A PART OF THIS SALES AGREEMENT AND ARE INCORPORATED HEREIN. Unler;n othenivise indicated in th;s docurnent, delivery shall be FOB Physio point of shipment ,And title and risk Of loss shall pass to the Purchaserat that point, Paitial delivenes May be made and partial nvoice; shall be permitted and shaill become due in accordanicc- wilh the payment terms, in the m� aooenoogohippingiovtionsf�m the Puohane�Phya|n`wonbbinrm n o^pooh m onon�hePo�asp''sbehunaod� m for 1110 m ''��vnu- Exccss charges for exPedred delivorl,/ are the responsibility of the PLIrdbaser unless specifically waived by Physia, ARRANGEMENT FOR INSURANCE OF MERCHANDISE |STnEnsSPOw3/8|L|TvOF THE PURCHASER. s. Delays Dolivory Cates aro ipproximatc, Physio w not be fiabie for any loss or damaDe of any kind due to delays in deliveLiy or non-dellmy resulting from any cause heyonuils reasonalblie control, including but not limited to, acts of God, labor disputes, the toquirements, Of any governmental authority, war, civil unrest, de|aysmmaovfanuro.ublain|ng any required |icenspv, permit, and Physic inability tn obtain goods from its usual *uvraov� Any such delay shall ric be considered a bleach Of Physio and atibe Purchasei's ignaernert and the delivery datos shnIl be extondecl for the lerigth of such delay, o. Inspection and Acceptance Claimc; by t PUrchasor kir dainago Ito or shortages of goods deliveied shall be made within t1wity (30) days ziftershipinord Ily providing Physio with. whunn notice ul any 0ohdoncy, If, the ouye000muoo|, notice, PxysmvwUdoem products all services accepted by Purchaser Payment |oriot 000ti/`gen/opvoimmexiatCcnrremionofanyddiciandeoa^nP»ynioprio,oppmva|iozvvi,odue|nmmemmrro/onygmodo/ophyoiu- r� Warranty phyoio�a,/an/n its pmuwu/o in azordanua wuhtha terms u(the o/unuam phvxin product warranty upvUnub|:mmr pmUuct to 000upp|inu. and the rerriedios providod i,wdor such shall be the Purchaser's sole and exc"usive remedies, The :ananheoset/orlomereinare conditioned upon the proper use and mai rite na rice and conforn ia rice with any applicable reCOMmenclations of Ptiysio arid UP011 Puicriaser picniptly notifying Physio of any defocls, Physio llrlakos no other livarrantios. express or implied, including, oJi:Ihout limitation, NO WARRANTY OF fvIERCHANTAR1LITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND IN NO EVENT SHALL PHYSIO BE LIABLE FOR INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, SPECIAL (DR OTHER DAMAGES, u, wou'VvonentySe'vico No, 'm/p,umvsew|corsavanumcbv*:mu:xoyauivm* Office o,d.ehoauqun:emo/pi`yy.o. Ali risxOf toss, osmwuc, fmigmanuome,;w:wbr smpmemmaou/mmm:poi.u)*ep-ai'o*anhethm*opnnsibi;ty ofVvnrunxaoc', a. patent|nct*mniry U pon ocepjdpwmptnotLcm from me Purchaser and with Um Purchaser's avmnw/y and aoaim^:cvpoynoa0moym,mfond..ndemo/yanuoo|gfile P"chanmxarn less against aoydaimthat the Phy*iopmdudecovered bv this document directly |rit^ngeanydury issued United sm*mofAmerica pmeor' m� Third Party Liability Physic shall riot be liable for and Purchaser shalt hold Piiysio harmless Irom any liability sustained in favor ofmirdpa^icsarising trommdu^iiu pvChasm'spmsvosioo.LISoo,;a'�OmphYSioeqo|pmaoteXCrp\m|heemeo/that such |iatUxyahaea 'solely from Pxysn'noegliQeirico.Physin-,huUriot ue liable for and Purchaser ,hall h^W Physic xann|eno from any liability for consequential namayosyvxtcinodhyPurrhaue, including /hme,av,innfmm o/ma^av*Jhy lost Profits under ns,cw tracts wi,h third parties. o. M/o^e/ooenuw ToePmhas* t products purchased hereunder will not be reshipped or- i nold to any persons or pl-ace prohibited by thp awq of Ihe Unriod Slales of America. u) T�m���h�po�xeoe�Phyoonmducu./hoPum�uoe,�nenno|acqu.mnnyimo�uinony��U^q.o��ngo.�migni��nnabvo.xompum, v,oummnmy.pa|(3nmorropyr|yNrUor000ndenoa|h|oonatinnrea|edmuv|dp/oductsondthopurcxxxo,oxpmns/yxyreennot\o/ev*nn eng|nnoro/daoompi}n such omdm/oo'rpmteu software and information, G) Physic, o^a|| have ,00right tuoaou*{or suspend u`|uAV/a*mont at any wncupuo Purchaser making no assignment for mpbeoefirnf creditors o, hecornilm, hankrupt or insolvont, or upon a petition beiiiq filed ill a Court of "anipotelil. jurisfttron proposing 0 ie appointment of a receiver or O Purctiasor is adjudicated bankrupt or Insolvent or reorganized Under "he provisjon!3 of any oppiicoNebankmptGvv,i:^mvonry|a�. In addifloci 1hu rights and rolrio& reserved her�in, Physic, shall have all the rights and rennedies conferrud by wov and shall not be re to vmoonu with performance of the contract arising xewfro*i1mrcxnso,.om default mphysinundo/ this nran con The 601s and oblic of Phi s ic, -and the Purchaser relaled to Me purchase and sale of products and servicei desciibed in this docu shalf upgovor"000y the |awoof the State m Washington, unuom States of America. All costs and expenses mnoneuoyPxvo/o related /nenforcerromW i*,|qow under misdo(,vmem.irm/odingwasumab|o attorney's /e*o. shall xom|mbu/srdbv the pvrchawa, VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Physio Control IN SUM OF 12100 Collections Center Drive Chicago, IL 60693 $441.72 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Fire Department PO# Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT# /TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1 120 111065868 102- 390.11 $441.72 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except .SAN 18 2011 Fire Chief a Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No, Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 111065868 $441.72 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20 Clerk- Treasurer