HomeMy WebLinkAbout194153 02/03/2011 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00352760 Page 1 of 1 b ONE CIVIC SQUARE DELL MARKETING LP CHECK AMOUNT: $10,935.20 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 CIO DELL USA LP PO BOX 802816 CHECK NUMBER: 194153 CHICAGO IL 60680 -2816 CHECK DATE: 213/2011 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1202 R4463202 27182 XF67C2FN7 9,220.30 SQL SERVER LICENSES 1701 R4463202 21717 XF6DW7C57 653.56 2010 OFFICE PRO LICEN 502 R4463202 27325 XF6JPDKK2 1,061.34 PRO This is your INVOICE Page: 1 of 1 FID Number: 74- 2616805 Customer Number: 098574231 Invoice Number: I XF6JPDKK2 Sales Rep: ROBERT WYSOCKI Purchase Order: 27325 For Sales: (800)981 -3355 Order Number: 572146434 Invoice Date: 01/13111 Sales Fax: (800)433 -9527 Order Date 01/06111 Payment Te «ms: NET DUE 30 DAYS For Customer Service: (800)981 -3355 Due Date: 02/12/11 For Technical Support: (800)981 -3355 83 01 O 01 01 N Shipped Via: STANDARD GROUND i Dell Online: hltp:llvdww.dell.com Waybill Number: MS- VIRTUAL m 0 u} SOLD TO: SHIP TO #BWNHKPV Ter Crockett o #0985 7423 11# o CARMEL CITY COURT ,4 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE t CIVIC SQ o CARMEL, IN 46032 -2584 IN CITY OF CARMEL ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL IN 46032 PLEASE REVIEW IMPORTANT TERMS CONDITIONS ON THE REVERSE SIDE OF THIS INVOICE Order Shipped Item Number Description Unit Unit Price Amount 3 3 A3741936 VLA OFFICE PRO PLUS 2010 EA 326.78 980.34 MfgPartNum: 79P -03586 MfgName: MICROSOFT CORPORATION 3 3 A3750974 OFFICE PRO PLUS 2010 32-BIT/64 -BIT ENGLISH DVD MEDIA ONLY EA 27.00 81.00 MfgPartNum: 791 3 -03324 MfgName: MICROSOFT EASY 1 1 A3458532 ELECTRONIC LICENSE CONFIRMATIO N EA MfgPartNum: ELC MfgName: DELL SOFTWARE Ship. /or Handling- FOR SHIPMENTS TO CALIFORNIA, A STATE ENVIRONMENTAL FEE OF UP TO $25 PER ITEM WI Subtotal 1,061.34 LL BE ADDED TO INVOICES FOR ALL ORDERS CONTAINING A DISPLAY GREATER THAN 4 INCH Taxable, Tax ES. PLEASE KEEP ORIGINAL BOX FOR ALL RETURNS. COMPREHENSIVE, ONLINE CUSTOMER C ARE INFORMATION AND ASSISTANCE IS A CLICK AWAY AT WWW.DELL.COM /PUBLIC -ECARE TO 0.00 0.00 ANSWER A VARIETY OF QUESTIONS REGARDING YOUR DELL ORDER. ENVIRO FEE 0.00 Invoice Total 1,061.34 U.S. Terms and Conditions of Sale PLEASE DEAD THIS DOCUMENT CAREFULLY! IT CONTAINS VERN' IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUTYOUR RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS, AS WELL AS LIMITATIONS AND EXCLUSIONS THAT MAY APPLY TO YOU. THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS A DISPUTE RESOLUTION AND BINDING; ARBITRATION CLAUSE. Vt)I I: Thc,e L. S. ILinns and C'lnxlib0n, 0f SJIC apply to dilcct Illlrtll made firm DA by plro)tc, the in(i l_ or the Iml Rircci ,iorc f hc,c w nl, and condition, (•'\gleentenl" 1 apply W Vour 1)urchJ1c nr P1 and or x11 ices :uuL support l "Pruducl ,oIJ In the MoCd Slate by I)cil_ includin n> affiliates or subsidirn'Ie;. RV accepting ddnery of the Product, pail acrrlu :)nJ arc hound u+ the term, and conditions III' dos Agreement. 11 you (lo not vv i,h 1,1 be hound h+ this 1Acreeu3eni. you Ill 1101111' b ell unit ret[Irn }our purchu,c punuanl Io FIJI', Rcturo Polie•v isee L7l[is .AGREhV11iN I SI IALl, APPLY lJV' A SS Ill }L IIAVF: A SFI'AR.Afh PUR("II AS1.:. OIUt .I'.NILNT WITH DELL, AVI11(711 CAS I THI: ,I I'4R.A1 k AGRLLIULV I SIi AL1_ G( )l'I' -R 0R 111) 01'111 k DHA TH00S AND {'l)V'I)I'11I APPLY TO Tlll� I R.4' LI;A(' ['IOV. 1. OIhc1 t7ocwneuts_ the, .Agn•emcru nt,e.. A(H h, ahntd ,upp{emcnlyd F-11, 1,,t re e,ru :nl.mpi to rctura I'rvJucl In Obt,Lin a Return Al.dendt 11). Aut 1111 Resale ur Gzpori. lou agree to rumply th all apphcahlr Ili„ ,uauld,d h•. the ul nn, oll c J11euu,enR,7 uolco :lurccJ to 4ulhoni Winn Amnhcl 1111 eou 111 orchid, milt tour return. luu Inu return anJ "p1li;on of Ihr ti"'ov, ,taro, and nl the l n I'd Hale, 1uu acre, mid Ill- I:un °IUCUt ,Jncd h, 110111 +0 It and E let] It ­1 ICCr11 1' lit Pmducl In u, III rhea onelnal or ulul, oln❑ p.tc✓,d^mi, lint a1'c rtspon, III lc 1111 re ire, cnl rhill I JnI [I uy um 1111 rnur I,, inmrnal I.I rn nd nor li11 11 t[0 III ill eta LI 1 1111 01 IE• y ll ['rodud, I'i,k 111 It +It ;prma and hundluItI lac, I rlau nmg 111 dx, blind I ny I'nl I-I ur 1x111;1. Dell l,u "pi-I, 10m, 'tnd nrtttlu nn go, Coring rclek nt P111111LI utlr Mail11m about ,ou at V1Jmmval 1,- In;n appl, II 11111 fall ;a Gdlrn. 1111 relwn ur exchange- h} 11nrd pa lle, nod Iran,acuona uunule the L.nited States. Terms and cod. hpp, a,,; 11, 1) .dcll.ennvdedcarellmoice.a,ps or h) eoncicnnp ,our ,alt, In51ru1hDn unJ pvhcic, pro, IJud h} 111.11. I),tl a nut rrywn.Ihlr fire }'roJurl tiun, tar m,ulc ere located e1: ""'%.o eil. ent l t /policillegah[ermsorsale.hini. 11114 c,uvatlu' II I I fanagcd. l I d r ti +1,1 p 1 cu„r 11 r l d ru 1e,u11 At D,1 JIX 1,11011 uu111 111 p, real rue 1 n, 1110, he l 111 111 a ult'e r r td l E Govt ring L i,t THI' PAKTIt S V( KLi. l I1AT THIS 1(1RLk %irS1- 2. Payment lean,: O"iers: Quutev Itneresl. 111111. u: p ,t n:rt .ue wI1, dual c0m ntrl l J_e Ialnnallcd ,I n our u I ANY SAI -S Fill _RL ['N)1CR. ANY CLAIM. DISPUTI_ OR C'ONTKO Dcll. ,1de Ji,crcn Oa. .Ind lmle„ 1141104 s+ „c .1 -•1011 111 Ueli. r+ mrnl Pr P r I11c 111 V'h KSl' t1l'lih IIlhR LA Ct)VIRA('l TORT, OR Oltll R5V ISL. It p: in,ulbcr11111111 it}1)IF po t it ulJ111, JC1apl.urcr ar urJer l'a, 1•.utal for 7 haoCedorDi"'Illirwcvlh oduct. I)OX, pohe, 1, oill going t,pdale IY 111 I111'RPKIIA6r IN( i,PRhSFNI OR JI_'R;., %ND IN(LL)IN(i the pr,pd,l; I he lud, u-1.1 card. c 1ran,l- I vund orbs prd- ;mJ rc, n Udl ntJ, rc Ill .,nJ 1 1 1 11 nor 111 I r n 1111 ar um nmr IIh0111 ST,ACI 1( W_ C()NSr'VIf K PROTL('T101', COAIA[ON LAW AM) L)l.l- .uiped rrvloem mtthud unle„ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 IcnTls ha,c hecn Le nl m by D e l l .tours I,rlou,md Ihh ma, elleu I l l ura,tl ,JSed m soot ,1"lmc "enI ")1111 1'. -ABEL (LAIMSi HIA V, GPA I' ST)NH -R 91) ULLL :vt+ntg bunt or 11 ..Ic J1,1 ,111,11,,,, able „nhht the hint pen, v! 111.1 al ou ,,,:,I wl 'hip Plodu, l Ilix [,,I, the 11 .lid Ill' uncr 111 1111 Ptt,duet rlLrtin;.'. 1, lbp aglumcnr. it, micrrrctalton, m dm hrcach. tcriolnatlon 1...1,, 111 11111 the m•.oitc. DI 11 a 1m0 ul .c1 111111: ,nJcrcd 1,01 cuauCr, hr —sin a 11 it 1 „1111111011 .u1J „bar n de— IlICIt m a ,pee- ,11 lherv`d. the IAIIinnnhlp' filch result trues th1, e— cntcuL III, adovru, 11 p.nc! ,uthin 111111, Li(II u.n, A 1111 11111.11 Ja'1. 111c.wnn hell 01 11 LJ1 .,1c I'l INL PLII1 I In rcpal;mp 01 'Al ;c•in mg. or ,utv rAII J p,1rcnasr SI11A1 I. lit. (A Al I .K'CF) !3S I III I AA1 A f 11 ...h T. eh.n;. of I pc, 1111111111 1' ncucl n hr IIC,1. ey,u,,11,•p1 a -111,1. 111 rcs1 nduumcd I Ill SI V L- Oh Il AA,1 M I HI II•'I RI I. I OAI I It I t H I Aa r,. r: I I ,4 t 1 1 ,r1 ,11 12. Dispute RCS01I.nn :Ind B91du1g 4 At Liu roan. \N1 l \I )n- I 111 n.IS 1111 I u "JI'l 1 111"11 N.S -r ice and Sup port K IL. -R c(1VTROVI.R>1 \:II1111.K 1A: [l1VIK1( 1. IOR1 1 111 d 11 1 J a u, 1 J1. 1 uhlr(1 1 0 V (a n o li o Cna nln cr s 1c, au .1 rv, m a u 1 I u tL re 1, .nu 11, )c L'I U. I „111d•au ,1 uie 1.111. I);II bd,e: Icrn,a1d(111111t m. )r 11 r ur 1111111- pun >an 1��p111'11,1 ntel 1110- (11 111 HV.ISL. 11'111:1111111 I'k l 1151IA(,. PRI I V Uf< hl 11 d1:IU,1 d. -.,n .1, Deli „1.InJ.uJ hey In: Us- 11111111011 >y 1;111 vlck: un ice .•1111 ,u a Iv „111 m .1�c1 1111100 „I:h rrnn.nnl nmJi- •AY) t)[V(. s 1Tl "I( IRY. (O;AAI A11 ft I'KUII (TIOA_ la)AI I_,1 \4 IVI!AIIOA.At. CURL 4M, LVl 11413111 (E VV6 I. n, uh1�h )(I,1Jc both 1, 4111++110 doll sen, ;t me dluounled pr4c1. nun I Dell s1:1111 ):,a 111 'n, rna;ed .tl „nn.r!clt emu set +iucun u l0cm 11w J• i elf IIII ice J t thubl, 1, n„ w, Ice idol nl the f-IIS a 1,.nf]t114at 1141 ,t 111 Lr y u 11,11 ul I ,01 t dl, a 11 ,cores HPl R I I.1A (L'S CCIA11 12 ;AND Ui Ll_, Iin agu)I,. atuplU)tt, pnnupth. pill P 1t' ,uacsl .,ie t, 'Illdmtt, Dull (u i� Pn pulpt��s of this 1au�ICraph. W 111, o, II ul e dc441 ued pr... 111 J1,;uI m 1111 1111 pose ptm uiu Ina, ill heir Jl,erounn re, i,r [11(11 g.uu;d and uT canal s,n 1cc and I. 1111 1_.nrn,Iblt 161 i,. P. IuvaL r: 1 m, and the q'rn11 .utd couJlllnn: that gu,rrn II", „nhnur yell a,i m_ term, I.111mLT to thr, Acreemcnl. q intcrp,o le I,. 1 Ih: p u p r p ,uppn pro 4, bi neh. 1crn11a all to 0r ,uliJth 01l,eot Ihs eel n un,'up, uh d) 11,1 Enm1 1111 111 1111 to th” A�11c 1 1.11 A!r,0ntent Im11 1111 1 III. link c,c'1 1 n ued h, app 1 n!: -n,. ­]Ar, ­]A Ili, s 1t Ir. a 1 I n 11 11 I 1, 1 I ):l! I., 17111 I1 u t I 1 app LcJhl1 rl nl,xul •p� .nth Pt I p -h of a c 11111 •1 v 1�, '.o III 1111 a. neon. p LI WX rl_ l shlppl (I r s l Ills It 4 IF I ,1 f. I a 1. 7 11• 1 II h 1 nt 11 i n' 1 1 rC_ 1'nuhtcl 1 .11111111 111 t oc cq r I uuE 1 J t 1111 11111e l 1 ,tic. ak .owl )JI 1, 4 h! =1�d 111. I -.XCI I CIA I E A V1 I IN \1.11 HY HIAt)IN( \113H RA lA ,111 •n 11 t pt1 I). l .n 1, I u L. I I 1.1. 11.11 to al b, hr 1111 IL \,b•n, 1 n 1 1 h, t. 1 �,Le :'I t..1 ,r c q1 11 r,r ,1n}prud i I ..111 ,1 b, h 1 1 h lr,rl e) 11 I 11] 1 r: a P lip",_ 11,1, 01 u1e r. r t a 111 rhloa� 1111 1,t 1 m Lied n 11 1) i ll H +.,m II a 1'. -'11F 111 r�. h3c pl I itl I ,n' 1 VI JL I Th L;Lle +our lcsponsiblhh III Ill up IR 11 ill ing darn, 1.11 re, Mill p't t m1, 111 t t 1 I i 1 111 n lk I lu 4 J.n, PPI brtol t ruci,ing ,et, Ice, m x pput I (meleding ('I'll suppm I). 11('11 cable pu 1uh It, tot en .u) ,1JIcd J ,pule J Jl, 1 u III 3.' d u ul u• u r kr I 1 1 I 6"I n 111111 01 Llalut n 111111 m,unte d 11111111, 11 il, J, 1 1111 1,car, r,l n t u c ^.d :111(1 /113' \11113' VIII J-p 4111! "r, u'c pl u+ulel 11111 Ill.- I., Eiehilill Ili' In„ 01 1 1 I ):II —th let: cg s nI data, pn4g'. (I m Ian;; e cd h paw to lams) r aL1id 11 d) tkelrt11 111111 11 1, r vn. 1 ss d 4. of systems nn of the t 1111, 1 1I I u 1 'K, 1 n I tr I :o. nl Hall c 4 us uluu oohs 111111 :ubnmi un The a.b trai o t r e "'H um unit cs Ill. snppurt ur .0 l+ r unnssou, Including negllgut c by D(II I' ,.1 1 1.1 t”, f 1 114 .I p I. ,u .p,u I die, 4111 t1 11 „t 11 p arc Jlne x 111 be IcnncJ ,1111, a !,IQ dt,putr ctr score n, ,y hCtarill 1 ue e,t t.1 +„11,1 ['qk• 11111 th -p rd ar l+ xt, 111 p"01 (I'll Ucll a id n }r ou th4tJ part r 1u.lar xr an.! I)dl In em 111, ue ht I I!!1 R C'1 tiTUVi1.R VOR FIT I I h :4, 1,4 0,1Jc1 t l,1, I acd 1 J,. copy 11' t I r v p. ighta.l nr 1 t 411 n P, 1..4, n ab 1111 ppl ,.111 I ...11.,11,1 to rpy or 111111111 II al J.4L1 I'; u,r m [1111 :lid r ,or dmJ -111111 xt, ICr SI L1L[ Ill 1'\ N I I I. II 1r, I(tlA )R I3e,S It I) V h I A1AIS Ii! 111E 1 1 1d,n M Or.n 1. wale 1 ni 11111 ,our 11,1, S VINI \1I (A [if R ll R 1 1)111. R�.(W ApiII I]I AI I AA1 11.41Ai 1- .0 1 Nan':uenr,. 1111 1IN!!I1.n N. ARR V1111A V!'PI I( V(11 1 Di p 1 ?'O` PP P`�` Rl I'MFNI111A!- f)R I A,ti VL WIN OR Iti III Ai1uR Ill,' ,1111 11 I[ A010ARI: I'kt))t I> \s Ill 11)1 VI) AI not (1111,111 Illegal IJc 01 dma )ou ab1, rcprc lh:rt ,uu 0un the eupc- nc1h1 m h nr 11 110011 R' 111 Iuakc nt i I ll all 1101 IJc on sou, s,t.m auJ Jo Ai 111 Al IZ.AL l IPA( I I1 I he 11x111IJual con -Jas>1 n.uurc of [III. Jn- )r,,,+,dc!Lronr, +a ll;uuy Irk IA 1111 DOL 1'VII A AI 1W, 1)I f I 1'R) P e, 11,11, p"', I, "i u b1 the 0.,111(1 Ill d the p.1n4cJ ,aputc r ,olmirn :lgrcc- 1)I s 1111 l)1 I 1 HIR 1 \1)1-1) )Ill I� III I I \I \Iii ti \O \l� \X h I,e ,On d.aa 111"4 xuulJ i;tu,c )ell 0r your ILICJ -p.ul. Ice pr -ldcl' I,, R VA I H 11 )11 11 KV'I( I S. A( II 111 110 11R I". I% DI .I I_- HK. -AAOFD he habla to 011111111111; �ltle— tcm d "'1 dam +;1, o.lpled by Ml .Ind 1 11 lien[. and it f] ?and mt.nl Olee.rhle Wr an ur arbl��,�11�11 1011 dnputr 10,11 RV'll l 5. Al AIIA I A.1N1 l UK 1l 1 VI L !I1'KOIi- )au Hunt- trh ,11111.0 IJcI I':m, u,eJ m 1 'unne 1 1011 iemle 11111 proel,utn 111;,1! 11,11 6e clfl ,ll _rd The erhrtcl ntr ,hall hr engwocreJ L, p: 114 n r p rant 31 1 r r h •t „111 Ill h, 1 1,1 able Iu I;t t1 Ire 4 1 114u1h II IS,,L)i r11,AR1.. III 1LVTci ;A11!1.1.AAc 1O R I I' PI)RI. %ill PIOLIII)1,lmaybr•l,t, Q1111 It) 11- '111cu 11141/111/1 Pk)A Hit I) W )k LL 'AS IS' VA]) AAY l I I1K1) MR l 14\R B. onus'rei n aanme4 nelu ling Sntall, 1 N1edi nr and La1;,e I he, Ina Thou ,Lull bc• pnrc'ncd hV the f ed 1 I 4rblo'at'nn Au) RVA III ti_ tiI R11( 1 S %I.At', I I VV( L VA) VL V1 PH )RI ,1 1'ROA I)_ Bu ess end the Public Se,: (nnla s. tor Cus St: iw 11111111 °,c I 1 (I 141. Am m.anl o[ the afi¢tmnn,I shall K Yvlal 11111 hmJ1,.t ,u1 pper t 1 t each ,,c Ihr panic, ,Ind Huy he uttered us a It JFm1m n a 111 t of I 1) H} Ill )RIl A111A1 I AL II RFR tilt tit 1'1'1111 K. 61 all m ,,111 .1 I d to ,1 n uanl l, [U I)rll' (11110.1 Aldetll S Ices I)tI I )I 1 I 1t AKPA ti) I XPRI tiS II %I RR \1I II A 1 V PT TiE05i. 'A -rn I"( V1 A l- „111111 a, llcbl. 1m a 1.11 It eArtl mAct_ c1mpelcm jt r ]oleo )ell ,+111 he 10,1111 nil I 1 1 nIq n h, 11...11 S T AT I I) U U[ I I S AI'PI I( -1131 I )111. -lilt Uh )1) A VA A \RR I) OIL cieeeonlrae LS I'd rtl lrpnt rJ 1111111 1 n 111^ 4111 by rl1:1.)110 unnuln(t tr+t 1 I un 1011 11 .nc 'u 1 V! 11V Ill )LA( Ril'1lUti IA I I I L( I OA 1Ill. I)11 i OI I III- 11104 J, th 11t. nl 't_ t 1 .0 n 4 ,.1 Ifti 1 1 Iti \III I 1 (R\ CEi \'UN,'LII)(II \11\I- I)111- HK. \1D 13 O lion o!Liab i l ity II D)15 \t rl DIM. plmlJrlp trr lee, (1.1 set 1111nn 1 ?r rP'• IUALV11k1A!IlA \1DSIRVIC7_S 4R1•I- II[I11A1)A1'V1AIIAI V( All R]AIIIIIISAII I1 I) III)H il�1A, IN(1EO!A(, 1311 iu:p111,_urJrr Ih1 ,Ia .J 1.4.,1 k' 11,•.1t�•�11 1..: h, I,, V[YI LRII H In A\) f l AHIi.I l Y I )K PILL )DI l I V)I 11111A1, 1 7 1 1 I A A 1 1 1 1 1 Is AI I I OBI 1 0 (1 1 1 110\( )R ANY `,4 \R V A A 1 1 A I t I I )K I A I 1 011 P 1 8 1 I 1 S l I 1 1 1 0 S 1 A 1 AS )R I 1 R NOL 1( RAGA F Ill 1I %Of %IM 6111A(1 l P101. 12 HIlJl is R A`II t 1R Pit( 11) 1 ,I :V'1( I I Nl It. )1 I I RP( I IA I'S IMAtl-V'T 1 Iti OR l (WHI I I) [)%I.\ IT S)I I1A tRl )R fill 1'1(01 >InA 10 1 111(. 17I. C'i. AISIS I1 Ill Of HI OR Ill LORE 1 .11 Rl OR 10 IA I L I 111 I I AI Al KI -r1i I Y \'V( I I 1 AI II )A )t ITI11.1)- PANII- 1 q ,I It111 I 1 .ANU ,t I'PuI<1 1 \C LI'! A� I APILE ";I.% I'K)1 III I) PVtfl( IP.K'PL IN A I. ASS V110” OR Rl PHI•.( }.A I V IN L liK AA')1 i) tint l lA_AR! I K 1 AvI V KA R I s. AI A1v NAN( P OR Ill Iti IN )I I t %A 11 I A1)I Itl I I Ahl I I OR vAA C t1A'5L�]t11 A "I1.11.. AC LSOA 111 ell ItL- ti19:(I Ill p1 1 Cl %I A1. 01111• H Rl(JI is SI PI 'I N I 11 1)[ I i )I II V)i IL! I I I I'V1 AII A 1 11 )111 PI K \PI c I I.I. n 1A ADIKI I H Ill AI 1 I' I)A %I 1(il S. I A'111 I' THAT 1i)t 11 Oi I.I) II•U 1: If 1f11 AA L1 r 10 O1 R 11 II AA 111A IIITI11 111thA )i 1)]'11111)' 11 11 11 I\ [I A1AItilk 1)! 11{1 I')»IBII_IIAOI ]LCII )rVA]AC,L3, UKI[)R.UY( I AIN i k11 AC I'LS.ti I[I D lS('(1A'Ef2 \.A!A1 1L.tiO Bl I U'III U'tir )Ii 1! Nil -..AvI t tK y1 PI' IN I. .I )I I )1 )A Al I I11kII Mel 11 RVi5 AV) .A]Y IF 1110) PAKTI'. YOL' Al 1114 P)R ANY L 1, FY BE u;Nii'rN:D IN ARBPI RATION, I I IA, VA" MITI RI L All 1) TO rl!I ill _RC HASI ()I- PRO DI I: )bk l IS 1tjl LLVIll 1. 111 Inn nt0 for InPormahnn on AAA or 1.AV15, cnntul:l dtc 1 \rtra 1 s. �nl b, al r. A. •..u,l.uri,pl0, 11:011.,.111111! „u'JCCmr a,111n1(nt unl,nu )R 1yI.SP)1SIHLI IORAV1' VAtO1 A'I )P ).A ALV;1. AIV A'P IIll Arbltl:dll111. 1hn11. 73; .AIadso11 A,enur. Inch 114,111 A:1, 1,.1, V1 110"1' 1 m addle „n 111 111111 1,AIr11 N I IAVuI( E) t)R I lit APP[ K 113E I PKOW 1 A'()fU'I I II- IUIII', u,n„aJ.utg :1.A111(.111 Hnnd,,.n \cn S,,k Nl l0eN .1,0r 1 Z th Ihr- pl i IAV)11(1 AAl ll llti(, IA I11T5 M,10IAIlNI IOIfit CO1TRAR1. srG_ t,m„ lam "Id.o) ,n 'III FiAIr')I1 AI IuRlll Iti 1111A V Rl I "I I II V I AI'1't1 G. llm'rn Pniich•s: I.vdhanges. )J.I. .,.a. ..I 1 1 1 A t A N 1 11 111 AIS 1tn 111. I „l 1 tk,, luf ,nr,c.delLcrnmrctll rnpa lie ,lid x4,1_ ;e'. un,�_ Ir.nl You nWM unnall Prescribed by State Board of Accounts ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. N O &ZL 1'e J e '3�� Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Total 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 IN SUM OF ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR sm t� Board Members Po# or INVOICE NO. ACCT /TITLE AMOUNT DEPT. I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 4? ZR i A WPo 40 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except JL- f 1 20 ign e Cost distribution ledger classification if Itle claim paid motor vehicle highway fund This is your INVOICE Page: 1 of 1 C"L FID Number: 74- 2616805 Customer Number: 098598265 Invoice Number: IXF67C2FN7 Sales Rep: ROBERT WYSOCKI Purchase Order: 27182 For Sales: (800)981 -3355 Order Number: 567327569 Invoice Date: 12131PI0 Sales Fax: (800)433 -9527 Order Date: 12/31110 Payment Terrms: NET DUE 30 DAYS For Customer Service: (800)981 -3355 Due Date: 0113011 i For Technical Support: (800)981 -3355 83 01 O 01 01 N Shipped Via: STANDARD GROUND Dell Online: httpllwww.doil.com Waybill Number. MS- VIRTUAL 0 SOLD TO: o .:F SHIP TO: o #BWNHKPV Terry Crockett o #0985 9826 51 CITY OF CARMEL POLICE DEP a w TERRY CROCKETT THREE CIVIC SQUARE IN -L CITY OF CARMEL POLICE DEP CARMEL. IN 46032 -2584 TERESA ANDERSON 3 CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL,IN 46032 PLEASE REVIEW IMPORTANT TERMS CONDITIONS ON THE REVERSE SIDE OF THIS INVOICE Orde Shi Item Number D escrip t io n Unit Unit Price Amount 2 2 A4093184 VLA SQL SERVER STD PER PROCESS OR 2008 R2 EA T 4,610.15 9,220.30 MfgPartNum: 228 -09492 MfgName: MICROSOFT CORPORATI6N 1 1 A3458532 ELECTRONIC LICENSE CONFIRMATIO N EA MfgPartNum: ELC MfgName: DELL SOFTWARE In F91 1"- JAN 3 1 2011 By Ship. Wor Handling 1 0.00 FOR SHIPMENTS TO CALIFORNIA, A STATE ENVIRONMENTAL FEE OF UP TO $25 PER ITEM WI Subtotal 9 LL BE ADDED TO INVOICES FOR ALL ORDERS CONTAINING A DISPLAY GREATER THAN 4 INCH Taxable: Tax, ES. PLEAS E KEEP ORIGINAL BOX FOR ALL RETURNS. COMPREHENSIVE, ONLINE CUSTOMER C ARE INFORMATION AND ASSISTANCE IS A CLICK AWAY AT WWW.DELL.COM /PUBLIC -ECARE TO 0.00 0.00 ANSWER A VARIETY OF QUESTIONS REGARDING YOUR DELL ORDER. ENVIRO FEE 0.00 Invoice Total 9,220.30 VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Dell Marketing L.P. c/o Dell USA L.P. IN SUM OF PO Box 802816 Chicago, IL 60680 -2816 $9,220.30 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel IS Department PO# Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT /TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 27182 I XF67C2FN7 I 44- 632.02 I $9,220.30 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Monday, January 31, 2011 Di ector, IS Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 12/31/10 XF67C2FN7 $9,220.30 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 ,20 Clerk- Treasurer This is your INVOICE Page: 1 of 1 FID Number: 74- 2616805 Customer Number: 098574231 invoice Number: 1XF6DW7C57 Sales Rep: ROBERT WYSOCKI Purchase Order: 21717 For Sales: (800)981 -3355 Order Number: 573280661 Invoice Date: 01110(11 7r:,) Sales Fax: (800)433 -9527 Order Dale: 01/07/11 Payment Terrms: NET DUE 30 DAYS For Customer Service: (800)981 -3355 Due Date: 02/09111 For Technical Support: (300)981 -3355 83 01 O 01 01 N Shipped Via: STANDARD GROUND Dell Online: iittp: /vvww.dell.com Waybill Number: MS- VIRTUAL co o Ul SOLD TO: SHIP TO: #BWNHKPV Cindy Sheeks o #0935 7423 11# IN CITY OF CARMEL 0 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 3 CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, IN 46032 -2584 w IN CITY OF CARMEL ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL IN 46032 PLEASE PREVIEW IMPORTAN7 TERMS CONDITIONS ON THE REVERSE SIDE OF THIS INVOICE Order Shipped Item Number Description Unit Unit Price Amount 2 2 A3741936 VLA OFFICE PRO PLUS 2010 EA 326.76 653.56 Mfg PartN um: 79P -03586 MfgName: MICROSOFT CORPORATION 1 1 A3458532 ELECTRONIC LICENSE CONFIRMATIO N EA MfgPartNum: ELC MfgName: DELL SOFTWARE Ship. /or Handling 0.00 FOR SHIPMENTS TO CALIFORNIA, ASTATE ENVIRONMENTAL FEE OF UP TO $25 PER ITEM WI Subtotal 653.56 LL BE ADDED TO INVOICES FOR ALL ORDERS CONTAINING A DISPLAY GREATER THAN 4 INCH Taxable: Tax: ES. PLEASE KEEP ORIGINAL BOX FOR ALL RETURNS. COMPREHENSIVE, ONLINE CUSTOMER C ARE INFORMATION AND ASSISTANCE IS ACLICK AWAY AT WWVV_DELL.COM /PUBL IC -ECARE TO 0.00 0.00 ANSWER A VARIETY OF QUESTIONS REGARDING YOUR DELL ORDER. ENVIRO FEE 0.00 Invoice Total 653.56 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee j Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) rs Total I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 IN SUM OF ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board Members PO# or INVOICE NO. ACCT /TITLE AMOUNT DEPT. I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 20 F J Signature Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund