HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Sub 02-08-111
CARMEL, IN 46032
Representing the Committee:
Brad Grabow, Chairperson; Heather Irizarry; Steve Lawson; Ephraim Wilfong
Representing the Department:
Adrienne Keeling; Alexia Donahue -Wold, Mike Hollibaugh; Candy Martin, Recording Secretary
Of Counsel: John Molitor
City of Carmel
Brad Grabow was elected as Chairperson of the Subdivision Committee for the 2011 year.
Motion made by Heather Irizarry and seconded by Ephraim Wilfong
The Subdivision Committee considered the following items:
TIME: 6:00 P.M.
1. Docket No. 10110001 OA: R -4 District Setback Amendment
The applicant seeks to amend the Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 10: R -4 Residence District and Chapter 23 A: State
Highway 431 Keystone Avenue Corridor Overlay Zone in order to amend the front setback requirements. Filed by
the Carmel Department of Community Services on behalf of the Carmel Plan Commission.
Present for the Petitioner: Adrienne Keeling
Continuation of prior subdivision committee meeting (January 4, 2011) regarding:
Amend setbacks for R- 4/Residence District for front yard setback (minimum) to a Build -to Line. (Existing
minimum set back is 30 feet from property line (road right of way)
Proposing a revision so that principal buildings can be developed 0 -30 feet from property line (or from future
road right of way as stated in City of Carmel Comprehensive Plan Thoroughfare Plan and not on recorded
Adding to amendment a statement that will prohibit any additions to existing structures that are closer than
30 feet from property line
Proposing an amendment to the existing Keystone Overlay Zone for residential uses to correlate with R-4
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CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571 -2417
February 8, 2011
Plan Commission Subdivision Committee Agenda
Re -added Two Family dwellings as part of the required 30' minimum front yard setback (same as the Single
Family dwellings)
All other uses classified in R -4 district will be required to have 5' -30' minimum front yard setback (original
proposal was 0' 30' minimum)
Added provision stating if the property is adjacent to a Single Family or Two Family Dwelling, they would
be required to have higher setback requirements (i.e. 20' side yard setback; 20' rear yard setback) opposed to
if another use is adjacent the property, they would be required to have a lower setbacks (i.e. 5' side yard
setback; 15' rear yard setback).
Committee Comments:
Discussions were held regarding the possibility of the amendment only being in effect for the "central core"
area of the City (between US 31 and Keystone Parkway /State Highway 431)
Administrating amendment in "central core" area would be difficult; along with possibly adding
additional zoning district(s)
Some committee members felt designating an area would have minimal affect due to the R -4 areas
outside the "core" area are primarily Single Family Dwellings
Committee members feel proposed revisions are acceptable as presented at tonight's meeting
MOTION: Ephraim Wilfong to forward Docket No. 10110001 OA: R -4 District Setback Amendment to the Plan
Commission with favorable recommendation, seconded by Steve Lawson, voted 4 -0.
2. Docket No. 10120011 ADLS Amend: Penn Circle (former Meridian Pointe site)
The applicant seeks site plan and design approval amendments for a 193 -unit multi family development. The
site is located at 12346 Old Meridian St. It is zoned OM/0 Old Meridian District, Office. Filed by Charlie
Frankenberger of Nelson Frankenberger, on behalf of G. B. Developers II, LLC.
Present for the Petitioner: Jon Dobosiewicz, Charlie Frankenberger, Tom Crowley, David Leazenby, Brent Davis
Amending ADLS (previously referred to as Meridian Pointe) project to allow for:
193 unit multi family (original plan was 174 units) and associated parking areas
new proposed site to have 5 buildings (original plan was 1 building)
Building 1 and 2 are 3 story with garages (along Old Meridian Street)
Building 3 is 4 story, no garages (along Pennsylvania Street/Leasing Office)
Building 4 is 3 story, no interior garages (along Carmel Drive)
Building 5 is 3 story with garages (interior of site)
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February S, 2011
Plan Commission Subdivision Committee Agenda
Available throughout site
Tandem parking spaces in front of garage
help screen interior parking field from street views
Building materials will be masonry and hardi -panel (fiber cement), along with similar building
materials from prior approval
Additional masonry materials used for buildings facing streets, with wrap around along front
and side of building
Exterior window treatments will be hardi -panel and trimmed around windows and balconies
will be finished (no exposed wood elements) to have a more consistent design
Building 3 (along Pennsylvania Street/Leasing Office) will include additional windows with
reduction of columns to make more consistent with 2 -3 floors, similar to a store front feel
Signage for site
3 Blade signs attached to building
o Building 2 at entrance to Old Meridian Street
o Building 3 /Leasing Office at entrance to Pennsylvania Street
o Building 4 at entrance to Pennsylvania Street
3 Awning Signs above building entrance
o Building 1 and Building 2 facing Old Meridian Street
o Building 3 /Leasing Office facing south
Lighting for site
Original submittal showed approx. 40 light poles on interior of site, revision brings number
of light poles down to approx. 12
Working with Staff and City Engineers to determine if street lights will be needed, original
plan did not identify street lights
Southern tip of property will remain undeveloped at this time until future tenant is identified
Northern parcel of property (owned by Meijer Stores) will include
Providing a drainage plan, combined plan
Wet pond with water feature (fountain)
Masonry retaining wall around entire circumference of the pond
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CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571 -2417
February 8, 2011
Plan Commission Subdivision Committee Agenda
Staff Comments:
Committee Comments:
Timber safety rail between north side of pond and multi -use pathway
10 feet asphalt path (replacing the five feet concrete sidewalk that was in the original plan)
between Old Meridian and Pennsylvania
Trees will be relocated or replanted along Carmel Drive (as needed to accommodate the
Pleased with overall plan for site, petitioner has worked well on addressing Staff's concerns
Work on outstanding pedestrian connectivity items with Alternative Transportation Coordinator
Meet any outstanding Urban Forestry requirements
Pleased with overall sign package, blade and awning signs count together as total square footage of
allowable sign space, thus one blade sign will require variance
Recommends approval of project
Parallel parking on site
o Will be available along Old Meridian and Pennsylvania Street
Pool area parking
o Concern with vehicles parking against sidewalk may block part or even most of the
o Requested to have an additional foot added to sidewalk
Petitioner can take this space from the planting and pool deck area
Bike parking /storage
Bike lockers will be available for the residents
o Building 1,2 and 4 will have interior closets -16 wall racks
o Key fobs will be used to access locker areas
Exterior bike parking will be available to public throughout site
Pedestrian Walkways
10 feet asphalt pathway will be all around perimeter, entire site
Concern with pedestrians trying to cross Carmel Drive, Old Meridian and Pennsylvania
Street with amount of the vehicle traffic at these intersections
o Staff to follow up with City Engineer and Alternative Transportation Coordinator
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CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571 -2417
February 8, 2011
Plan Commission Subdivision Committee Agenda
Site Views
View from Meijer Store entrance facing south towards site
o Concern with view being of just back of garages
Suggested to break up the back of the garages along Carmel Drive by adding
some additional or larger landscaping or mixed building materials (such as
EFIS or hardi panel) to help soften the look
Petitioner suggested using same hardi -panel material as on
apartment buildings
MOTION: Ephraim Wilfong to approve Docket No. 10120011 ADLS Amend: Penn Circle (former Meridian
Pointe site) with the following conditions:
1. Provide a perspective view /rendering from Meijer Store entrance at Carmel Drive, toward the
development's northernmost buildings
2. Add 1 foot width to sidewalk near pool area sidewalk
3. Provide revised pedestrian connection plan satisfactory to Alternative
4. Provide enhanced landscaping near the pond, north of the garages
5. Revise landscape plan to add a hedgerow along the southernmost parking area boundary and add
street trees along Carmel Drive, as well as the last few remaining items requested by City Forester
The Motion was seconded by Steve Lawson, voted 4 -0.
Meeting adjourned: 7:35 pm
Brad Gra w, Chai erson
err e
n. y Marti ecording Secre
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CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571 -2417