HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence Conn, Angelina V
From: John Molitor [jmolitor @prodigy.net]
Sent: Wednesday, March 02, 2011 12:24 PM
To: Conn, Angelina V
Subject: Re: variance for pony on 3 acres?
Angie Yes, I do think we should require him to get a variance to have a "Farm" of less than three acres. I'm
surprised we don't have anything else in the ordinance that deals with horses. I'm not a horse expert, but don't
horses generally need more than 0.75 acres of land?
Also, I'm not sure where it is off the top of my head, but isn't there a City Code provision somewhere which
requires a minimum of three acres in order to keep farm animals in the City? That wouldn't apply in Home
.Place for now, but it might create a problem if the annexation ever goes through.
From: "Conn, Angelina V" <Aconn @carmel.in.gov>
To: John Molitor <jmolitor(@prodigv.net>
Sent: Wed, March 2, 2011 11:48:27 AM
Subject: variance for pony on 3 acres?
Hi Jon this variance was filed today; but I am not sure what section of the ordinance to cite, except definitions
chapter 3...
FARM. A tract of land comprising .an area of at least tr eea(3) which is devoted to agricultural operations,
such as forestry; the growing of crops; pasturage; the production of livestock and poultry; the growing of trees,
shrubs and plants; and other recognized agricultural pursuits and including Accessory Buildings essential to
the operation of the farm. Accessory.Buildings may include barns; equipment and animal sheds; farm
residences for the owner, operator or farm assistants; roadside sales Structure for the sale of products of the
farm, not including industrial or commercial operations or Structures or feedlots.
Do you think he needs a variance at all? His site is about 0.75 acres in size in Home Place, he already has
a pole barn, and he wants to get a miniature horse for his daughter
Angie Conn, Planning Administrator
City of Carmel Planning Zoning Division
Dept. of Community Services
1 Civic Square, 3rd Flr.
Carmel, IN 46032
0: 317-571-2417 1 F: 317 571 -2426 1 E: aconn @carmel.in.gov
W: www.carmel.in.aov /services /DOCS /DOCSDOPZ.htm
Please consider the environment before printing this e -mail
Conn, Angelina V
From: jyegerlehner @indy.rr.com
Sent: Monday, February 21, 2011 2:30 PM
To: Conn, Angelina V
Subject: RE: variance, horse (Little Farms Subd, lot 27)
Hi Angie,
I have not talked to the neighbors yet. And we are hoping to get one miniature horse. I
guess my next move is to turn in the application to you, correct?
"Conn wrote:
Hi, Jeffrey
It looks like that lot is only 0.75 acres in size, so you will need BZA approval to have a
horse on less than 3 acres of land. The next BZA meeting is March 28, and the agenda and
calendar /filing deadlines website links are in my prior email.
And this would be for one miniature horse, right?
Also, as a sidenote, you might want to check to see if there are private neighborhood
covenants and restrictions for this subdivision (ironically named Little Farms), to make sure
that farm animals are permitted... however, this subdivision is so old that there are
probably not any covenants /restrictions.
Have you checked in with your surrounding neighbors yet, to see if they would support this
variance request?
Have a great weekend!
-Angie Conn, Planning Administrator
Original Message
From: iyegerlehnerOindy.rr.com mailto :iyegerlehner(a0indy.rr.com]
Sent: Friday, February 18, 2011 6:18 AM
To: Conn, Angelina V
Subject: RE: variance, horse
Hi Angie,
Thanks for the quick response.
The property address is 1215 East 105th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46280. I am unsure of the
acreage [definitely less than 3 acres], but it is a good -sized lot with a fenced -in backyard
and a 30 by 40 foot pole barn where we could have a stall for the horse. No plans for a
riding arena or more than one miniature horse.
It would be for my daughter's personal enjoyment.
Thanks again for your help.
Jeffrey A. Yegerlehner
"Conn wrote:
Hi, Jeffrey
you can consider this email correspondence the pre submittal meeting.
What is the property address? Can you give me more detail about what
you want to do. Will you have a riding arena or board other horses,
too? (If you have 3 acres or more, then you can have a horse for
personal use /enjoyment outright, with no variance approval.)
The variance application and instructions are online at:
http: /www.ci.carmel.in services /DOCS /DOCSPCA2011PDFapplations/
Development% 20Standards %20Variance %202011.pdf
The BZA calendar is online at:
http: /www.ci.carmel.in.us/ services /DOGS /BZA2010 /BZA%20Calendar %2020
There is also a BZA Hearing Officer option, where one member of the board hears your
case. The filing fee is less and the public notice is 10 days prior, rather than 25 days
prior. This might be the best route to take, after I hear more about your plans and property
Angie Conn, Planning Administrator
City of Carmel Planning Zoning Division Dept. of Community
1 Civic Square, 3rd Flr.
Carmel, IN 46032
0: 317 571 -2417 F: 317 571 -2426 1 E: aconn(acarmel.in.gov
W: www.carmel.in.gov /services /DOGS /DOCSDOPZ.htm
Please consider the environment before printing this e -mail
Original Message
From: jyegerlehnerOindy.rr.com mailto :iyegerlehner(indy.rr.comj
Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 6:21 PM
To: Conn, Angelina V
Subject: variance
Hi Angie,
I got your email address from Rachel_as. well as information on getting a variance. My
daughter wants to get a miniature horse. This requires a variance evidently. The
instructions on getting a variance state that I should discuss the proposed Variance with the
DOCS staff. Is this an informal review or do we proceed right to the formal review with all
of the information? Are you the person to discuss this with? Please advise. Thanks!
Jeffrey A. Yegerlehner