MARCH 28, 2011
5. (V) Little Farms Subdivision, Lot 27.
The applicant seeks the following development standards variance approval to have a miniature horse
on 0.75 acres: Docket No. 11030002 V Ordinance Chapter 3.07: farm an on less than 3 acres
The site is located at 1215 E. 105` St. It is zoned R -3 /Residence w the Home Place Overlay. Filed
by Jeffrey Yegerlehner, owner.
a F 2 x General Info &Analysis:
1 t„ {4 le r 1 r t E�q� The petitioner seeks variance
`u a ',�s t s,',1 approval to raise a miniature horse r N Y at on a property that is 0.75 acres in
i tea ...4.4 Fk 4 w..v
y� s The zoning ordinance requires
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1 `A r 'i t. i !SN' e A' i ii k at least 3 acres for a farm. Also, the
zoning ordinance does not
�,,,E, 0 i 4 P" K d ifferentiate a horse from a miniature
xi 'h f c t r c .e a
R t- i" ,0° aA r t r horse both are considered farm
i i h "r 4' �S animals. Miniature horses are less
a a r t i t f k l than 3 feet tall, and they can weigh
s a i r v r up to 150 pounds.
r tj t 5 The horse will be housed in an
r i l t 4, :;,:t,, a ex pole barn on the site. Please
y ,-",-4. t 4 s a x y g see the petitioner's informational
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'`1 t y TM, f t Y A A' d packet for more detail.
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Findings of Fact:
1. The approval of this variance will not be injurious to the public health, safety, morals, and general
welfare of the community because: the miniature horse is similar in size to a dog.
2. The use and value of the area adjacent to the property included in the variance will not be affected in
a substantially adverse manner because: the miniature horse is similar in size to a dog.
3. The strict application of the terms of the Zoning Ordinance to the property will result in practical
difficulties in the use of the property because: the miniature horse, which is similar to the size of a dog,
would not be permitted on this parcel.
After all concerns have been addressed, the Dept. of Community Services recommends positive consideration
of Docket No. 11030002 V.