March 29, 2011
1. Docket No. 11020015 ADLS Amend: Indiana Baseball Academy Signage
The applicant seeks approval to install a wall sign to a new tenant space within an existing building. The
site is located at 9760 Mayflower Park Dr. and is zoned I -1 /Industrial. Filed by Robert Scherer of The
Sign Group, Inc. on behalf of Indiana Baseball Academy.
The applicant seeks approval to install a new wall on the east building elevation. It will be a non illuminated,
89.85 sq. ft. sign. It will read "Indiana Baseball Academy" and also have a small logo, about 13 sq ft in size,
which is 14% of the overall sign area. Please see your packets for more information.
Recommendation: After all comments /concerns are addressed, the Dept of Community Services (DOCS)
recommends that the Committee votes to approve this item.
March 29, 2011
2. Docket No. 10120008 Z: he Bridges PUD
The applicant seeks approval to\rezone 63.7 acres from S- 2/Residence to PU}7 /Planned Unit Development. The
site is located at 11405 Spring Mill Rd., at the southeast corner of 116` St. and Spring Mill Rd. Filed by Charlie
Frankenberger of Nelson &'Frankenberger on behalf of G. B. Developed II, LLC.
The applicant seeks approval to rezone 63.7 acres from S -2 /Residence to pUD /Planned Unit Development. North of the
site is the Clarian North hospital development, east' f the site are office buildings, south/southwest of the site are single
family dwellings, and west of the site is proposed to IN a church. The /JS 31 Corridor Overlay Zone's west boundary is
that of future Illinois St. The proposed development is into three blocks: the commercial amenity use block, the
office and residential use block, and the corporate office use block. Please view: the petitioner's information packet
for further detail on the PUD text, conceptual site plan, and�o character imagery.
Feb. 15 Public hearing recap: Many people from the public voiced both positive and negative comments about the
project. Positive comments included that it would fulfill a need for amenities and convenient shopping dining in this
area, support the Meridian St. Corridor, be good quality/architecture and design, and more. Negative comments included
the current office vacancy rate, traffic issues in the area, property values residential feel of area being taken away, and
more. The Commission sent this item to the Mar. 1,,Special Studies Committee and recommended that this first meeting be
devoted entirely to the topic of Traffic.
March 1 Committee meeting recap: thetbpic discussed was Traffic Impact Analysis Study. Regardless of what is
developed on this site, road /roundabout improvements will have to be made by the City to alleviate the current traffic
congestion on the roads surrounding the site. The City Engineering Dept. is still re' iewing the Traffic Study documents
and is still having discussions with the/petitioner about what road /roundabout improvements would be needed /required by
the petitioner.
C3 Plan Guidance: The Carmel Clay Comprehensive Plan "the C3 Plan adopted in May, 2009, marks this site as an
area for special study. To this date, no official C3 Plan special study of this specific site has been conducted or adopted;
however, there are several' studies of the US 31 Corridor and the Illinois Street Corridor that lend themselves to helping