FEBRUARY 28, 2011
4 (V) Hamilton Crossing West, Bldg. 3 Signage
The applicant seeks the following development standards variance approvals:
Docket No. 11020004 V Ch.25.07.02 -10 B Number of signs (4 proposed, 3 allowed)
Docket No. 11020005 V Ch.25.07.02 -10 B Two signs facing one right -of -way (2 proposed, 1
Docket No. 11020006 V Ch.25.07.02 -10 C Total square footage (285 sq. ft. proposed, 195 allowed)
The site is located at 12800 N. Meridian St. and is zoned B -2 /Business within the US 31 Overlay Zone. Filed
by Steve Granner of Bose McKinney Evans on behalf of Duke Realty Limited Partnership.
r rc i `p t General Info:
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M x Id 4 '`l The petitioner requests approval to add a fourth sign to this
4 N s A m 40 bu Currently three signs are allowed by variance and
i t i. r 1 ADLS Amend. Two signs face Meridian Street and one sign
',y e$' ,,;';5?...,„ ii ,4 ti faces south to Carmel Dr. The fourth proposed sign would
�kL also face south to Carmel Dr.
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i W The site is within the US 31 corridor. High rise office
,r L EAU S z�y buildings are often in need of additional signage to make
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i ��nt d+'' S r s m r� 9 g ;ti.�� �,hto9� f I tenant space attractive to lessees. This request is not
'k. tt tr ty cttsrt r 4 different than many of the other buildings within the
i l t 4""'' z' ft i gp 1 a'*1 f�d .i t 'i lt, 3, corridor.
r q.a r i The addition of the fourth sign would stay within the
4' r„, N w x� M 4 allowable square footage of three signs. This amount is the
x 1 1 285 s ft. ro osed. The existin sig ns take u 211.26 s ft.
0 Ni q proposed. existing up q
t t ,7 e r t T l eaves 73.74 sq. ft. for the fourth sign.
The number of signs and two signs facing one right of way
variances are necessary to allow this additional fourth sign on the building. The Department is in support of these variance
requests to help this building have a more competitive edge within the market.
Findings of Fact:
1. The approval of this variance will not be injurious to the public health, safety, morals, and general welfare
of the community because: the Sign Ordinance allows for three wall signs for buildings with three street
frontages. Building 3 essentially has three street frontages. The variance which is being requested for a fourth sign
is within the spirit of what was contemplated by the Ordinance.
2. The use and value of the area adjacent to the property included in the variance will not be affected in a
substantially adverse manner because: the property is located within the US Highway 31 north corridor, which is
proposed to continue as a major business /office corridor. The fourth sign is small, is not intrusive and is consistent
with the other approved signs in the corridor.
3. The strict application of the terms of the Zoning Ordinance to the property will result in practical
difficulties in the use of the property because: having four wall signs for this building is reasonable and
appropriate for the building, which essentially has three street frontages. The property needs four signs to remain
competitive with similar buildings in the corridor that have been granted an extra sign.
After all concerns have been addressed, the Dept. of Community Services recommends positive consideration of Docket
No. 11020004 -6 V.