HomeMy WebLinkAbout197071 05/11/2011 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00352970 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE ALRO STEEL CORPORATION CHECK AMOUNT: $243.83 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO Box 641005 DETROIT MI 48264 -1005 CHECK NUMBER: 147071 CHECK DATE: 5/1112011 D EPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 2201 4237000 BD241.97IN 243.83 REPAIR PARTS 0226 IVA F ALRO STEEL CORPORATION N 5620 H G CHURCHMAN AVENUE INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46203 PAGE 1 PHONE 317 781 -3800 921 DUNS: 3- 999 -8232 RD: 538 -1447 BILL TO: SHIP TO: City of Carmel STREET DEPT City of Carmel STREET DEPT 3400 W. 131st St 3400 W. 131st St JEFF CELL# 417 -5053 Westfield, IN 46074 Westfield, IN 46074 PLEASE REFUWAIA UMOUN ALLI I I S CUSTOMER NUMBER CUSTOMER ORDER NUMBER CUSTOMER RELEASE NUMBER INVOICE DATE INVOICE NUMBER 0 G'0 °5 5 0 7'8" SHOP 8 1 rBD2 °45-7 -T- DATE SHIPPED PACKING SLIP NO. SHIPPED VIA F.O.B. SALESPERSON 4/28/11 IN261894 IN TRUCK YOUR PLANT IN HOUSE 01317 2 LNG 1 -1/2 X 1 -1/2 X 1/4 6061 -T6 2 LNG 75.2000 B 150.40 25 FT LNG RT06192692 HEAT# 20668092 ALUM ANGLE 2 LNG 1/4 X 3 6061 -T6511 EXT ALUM 2 LNG 41.7400 B 83.48 12 FT LNG RT06141276 HEAT# HK063 181 FREIGHT AMOUNT INCLUDES TEMPORARY FUEL SURCHARGE GROSS AMOUNT SALES TAX FREIGHT DISCOUNT 1.11 INVOICE 233.88 9.95 TOTAL 3 IF PAID BY: GROUP SETTLEMENT TERMS 10TH AND 25 "WE HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THESE 5/10/ CODE DISCOUNT PRODUCTS GOODS WERE PRODUCED IN PERCENTAGE COMPLIANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE A 0,0% TAXES,FTSWGSERV�CES, ANQDUI 12 OF THE FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT, AS AMENDED, AND ALRO 1 S WEBSITE HAS A FRESH NEW LOOK STEEL ALUMINUM, OF REGULATIONS AND ORDERS OF B 0.5% PLASTICS, OTHER METALS THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF CHECK IT OUT! C i 1.0% INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES THEREOF" ANY NDITEMSECPROVING WWW ALRO COM DEFECTIVE WILL BE REPLACED BUT NO CLAIMS FOR LABOR OR DAMAGES NET 30 DAYS WILL BE ALLOWED. SEE BACK FOR ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS o p n pp TTT7MP17T? A r n q i; a n A Saia u )ec only to Vie instructions, terms and conditions which appear on eiiher side of thc, -1- he invoica together with the terms and conditions set forth k�;Hi 'Oe 00 Picto and agraeme t-t between Buyer and Alro. Any modifications proposod by Buyer are not part of the agfeement in absence of 41ro's wrilten acceptance. Payo iemt' ia rnsay vary by product purchased and are !isied or the irivoice. �)U'GAC- p-ices are oredica-ted an receiving iota? ai are valid for t--n da,-, is uxiess "d l!!VGJC'e PrICC •rnay vaiy from quoted fir 01 1 V;P;ISUS 0 y "iron, ne N.tveight of picces s' r1.1t(.J(- rr, not L- ieturmncf without pricr ai..ithorizador 1'rom Alro. If Ali'o deterr 'Uha' si, or that of the manufacturer, Alro shall replace the material promptiv. lri aH oi L wa wil� aM2ni to i-i il"'ei's expense or loss, If vvp &,ithori:!e a return, %*e mserve "C. Cis .08 rea"'onabla handling charges for returried goods ��*o"C oi% (grm'ds not normally carried ir stock' r not be carrel vviihout n Pricr Soch auf'� will deperid on L enms we receive from the I',; mafe'' already been processed may not he carIcelable. Thits deteirminafi o vv'li i:le Clad-' at" Alrols soli: discration, in sliipment, dlefecUive gonds, or errors rY!LJS'L hP MO.d;? its c;Tier of Crapr. C for shoriages tot' darnage caused by deliver,ng, carrle 0"her J), i3: C"Iectly Vvith that crarrier, Claims for defa-rich material inay need- In be 1, L by 'he 'ronu"ac" be-�ol credi i s d i C9.) bc -S a i A r� F 'TI\ Gi E 6 j N� Nl P Li F 1 0, A N1 ED UA""E NO VARRAN! Y OF TAS'', 7 1% 1 S C J I t-ARI i-�ILJRPOSES PV1 7- 7 1 E R 0 D Jv( 1{ F7 VVIA 1-1 V "All Al-1 0 CI il,N i OF SU S' SOf.-E: AND LXCLUSIVE A 0 PRCOUCTS SOLD !S EXPRESSLY LIMY TED 70 Ait� H R E-' S P E C T I RFP/AIRN I('D OR REPLAGii r' i�&).Y P P.0 =vi UCT FOUND TO BE DEFECTIVE VVITHIN TEN DAYS OM, D�l IVC- I 13E LIAB-LE F 0 A N Y C ITS OPERATING SUBSIDIARIES W 'O ENIC OR CONSE-EQUENTIAL DAMiAGES. hN No r SHALL ALRO'S ANY OF TF:� E ABY EXCEE TIDE HE PUR"'HASE PRI E Of f[ 1 1 F ECT!Ivl OPE SUE',SIDIARE S' L: ILIT information (pertaining, to speeds, strength, specifications, proper vviorking, load oT ma.b" ria,ls, lools, machines, etc,\ contained in the catalog(s) vjere derived from manufacturer's andrepJntc,, by us for our cuslomer's convenience, We assume no responsibility by this reprint. VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Alro Steel Corporation IN SUM OF 24876 Network Place Chicago, IL 60673 1248 $243.83 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Street Department PO# Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT /TITLE AMOUNT Board Member, 2201 BD24197IN 42 370.00 $243.83 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except T4 da y 05, 2019 reet mmissi n r ireei L Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 04/28/11 BD24197IN $243.83 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20 Clerk- Treasurer