HomeMy WebLinkAbout197368 05/11/2011 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 362335 Page 1 of 2 ONE CIVIC SQUARE RIVER BEND TRANSPORT NORTH BENa CHECK AMOUNT: $6,575.63 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 23460 NETWORK PLACE CHICAGO IL 60673 -1234 CHECK NUMBER: 197368 CHECK DATE: 5/11/2011 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER A DESCRIPTION 601 5023990 595966 457.20 OTHER EXPENSES 601 5023990 595967 455.99 OTHER EXPENSES 601 5023990 595968 455.99 OTHER EXPENSES 601 5023990 597100 469.34 OTHER EXPENSES 601 5023990 597244 468.13 OTHER EXPENSES 601 5023990 597247 470.56 OTHER EXPENSES 601 5023990 597335 472.98 OTHER EXPENSES 601 5023990 597338 472.98 OTHER EXPENSES 601 5023990 597426 475.41 OTHER EXPENSES 601 5023990 597427 475.41 OTHER EXPENSES 601 5023990 597428 475.41 OTHER EXPENSES 601 5023990 597429 475.41 OTHER EXPENSES 601 5023990 5974.30 475.41 OTHER EXPENSES CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 362335 Page 2 of 2 ONE CIVIC SQUARE RIVER BEND TRANSPORT NORTH BEN HECK AMOUNT: $6,575.63 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 23460 NETWORK PLACE CHICAGO IL 60673 -1234 CHECK NUMBER: 197368 CHECK DATE: 5!11!2011 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 601 5023990 597431 475.41 OTHER EXPENSES RIVER BEND TRANSPORT ITOTAL PAID: 6,575.63 INVOICE AMOUNT ACCOUNT 597426 475.41 597247 470.56 597428 475.41 597429 475.41 595967 455.99 595968 455.99 595966 457.20 597338 472.98 597244 468.13 597335 472.98 597427 475.41 597431 475.41 597430 475.41 597100 469.34 -n® Diver Bend Transport -North Bend 300 "Three Rivers Parkway North Bend, Ol l 45052 -0008 USA f;rcl!h't lnvaice Carmel Utilities Order Number. 00547426 -0 3450 W 131 Street Billing Date: 4126/2011 Order gate: 4/25/2011 Carmel, IN 46074 Release No: 650483 USA 1)F.STINATH N; 71 ROBBER'S WAREHOUSE Carmel Utilities 6500 BENDER ROAD One Civic Square CINCINNATI, 01-1 45233 Cannel, IN 46032 USA USA L3�1 l�ai .,ctic�aplrrr, i x r1t cit`it� 4/18/2011 650483 Industrial Water °Treatment Salt 1.00 Flat 1.0000 $405.00 SALT IND 4/18/2011 650483 North American Industrial Salt 121.40 Miles 0.5800 370.41 REMIT TO: RIVER BEND 23460 NETWORK PLACE Credit Terms: All freight charges are due and Total: $475.41 CHICAGO IL 60673 -1234 payable within 15 days (including Saturdays, SHOW OUR INVOICE NUMBER WHEN MAKING A PAYMENT Sundays and legal holidays). Charge of 1-1/2% Due Alter Responsible party agrees to pity reasonable attorney fees and all other due alter 15 days. $482.54 costs and expenses incurred by River Bend in order to collect 15 Days transportation charges. River Bend Transport -North Bend 300 Three Rivers Parkway North Bend, OH 45052 -0008 USA Carmel Utilities Order Number: 00597247 -0 3450 W 131 Street Billing Date: 4/12/2011 Order Date: 4/11/2011 Carmel, IN 46074 Release No: 646843 USA ROBBENS WAREHOUSE Carmel Utilities 6500 BENDER ROAD One Civic Square CINCINNATI, OH 45233 Carmel, IN 46032 USA USA 4/6/2011 646843 Industrial Water Treatment Salt 1.00 Flat 1 .0000 $405.00 SALT IND 4/6/2011 646843 North American Industrial Salt 121.40 Miles 0.5400 $65.56 REMIT TO: RIVER BEND 23460 NETWORK PLACE Credit Terms: All freight charges are due and Total: $470.56 CHICAGO IL 60673 -1234 payable within 15 days (including Saturdays, SHOW OUR INVOICE NUMBER WHEN MAKING A PAYMENT Sundays and legal hol idays). Charge of 1 -112% Due After Responsible party agrees to pay reasonable attorney fces and all other due after 15 days. $477.62 costs and expenses incurred by River Bend in order to collect 15 Days transportation charges. o Diver Bend Transport -North Bench 300 Three Rivers Parkway North Bend, OH 45052 -0008 USA F31 Lt.`T1, Carmel Utilities 00597428-0 3450 W 131 Street Billing Datc. 4/26/201 1 Ordcr Date: 4/25/2011 Carmel, IN 46074 Release No: 650485 USA nl ti7I �A ]ylC)N: ROBBENS WAREHOUSE Carmel utilities 6500 BENDER, ROAD One Civic square CINCINNATI, 01-1 45233 Carmel, IN 46032 USA USA I3L l�itt I�/ilnll?Li r, .3. (IJ aLllil t IC 4/20/2011 650485 Industrial Water Treatment Salt 1.00 fiat 1.0000 $405.00 SALT IND 4/20/2011 650485 North American Industrial Salt 121.40 Miles 0.5800 $70.41 REMIT TO: RIVER BEND 23460 NETWORK PLACE Credit 'Ferms: All freight charges are dale and "Total: $475.41 CHICAGO, IL 60673 -1234 payable within 15 days (including Saturdays, SHOW OUR INVOICE NUMBER WHEN MAKING A PAYMENT Sundays and legal holidays). Charge of 1 1/2% Due Alter Responsible puny agrees to pay reasonable attorney ices and all other due after 15 Clays. $482.54 costs and expenses incurred by River Bend in order to collect 15 bays transport wionn charges. I River Bend Transport-North Bend 0 300 Three Rivers Parl<way North Bend, OH 45052-0008 USA Freight Inv oiee Carmel Utilities Ord C]" N''Limber. 00597429-0 3450 W 131 Street Billing Date: 4/26/2011 Order Date- 4/25/201 1 Carmel, IN 46074 Release No: 658208 USA Fl )17 ROBBENS WAREHOUSE Carmel [Jtilities 6500 BENDER ROAD One Civic Square CINCINNATI, OH 45233 Carmel, IN 46032 USA USA atc R k J1. 4/20/2011 653203 Industrial Water Treatment Salt 1.00 Flat 1.0000 $405.00 SALT IND 4/20/2011 658208 North American Industrial Salt 121.40 Miles 0,5800 $70.41 REMIT TO: RIVER BEND 23460 NETWORK PLACE Credit Terms: All freight charges are due and Totar: $475.41 CHICAGO, IL 60673-1234 payable within 15 days (including Saturdays, SHOW OUR [NVOlCF NUMBER WHEN MAKING A PAYNIENT Sundays and legal holidays). Charge of l -1 Q% Due After Responsible party agrees to pay reasonable attorney I'ves and all other due after 15 days, 5482.54 costs and expenses incurred by River Bend in order to collect 15 Days transportation charges. River Send Transport -North Bend 300 Three Rivers Parkway North Bend, OH 45052 -0008 USA NOME Carmel Utilities Order Number: 00595967 -01 3450 W 131 Street Billing Date: 4/18/2011 Order Date; 2/7!2011 Carmel, IN 46074 Release No: 622069 USA MINN $00MONOW&IM R08I3ENS WAREHOUSE Carmel Utilities 6500 BENDER ROAD One Civic Square CINCINNATI, OH 45233 Carmel, IN 46032 USA USA 1/31/2011 622069 Industrial Water Treatment Salt 1.00 Flat 110000 $405.00 SALT IND 1/31/2011 622069 North American Industrial Salt 121.40 Miles 0.4200 $50.99 REMIT TO: RIVER BEND 23460 NETWORK PLACE Credit Terms: All &eight charges are due and Total: $455.99 CHICAGO IL 60673 -1234 payable within 15 days (including Saturdays, SHOW OUR INVOICE NUMBER WHEN MAKING A PAYMENT Sundays and legal holidays). Charge of 1 -112% Due After Responsible party agrees to pay reasonable attorney fees and all other due after 15 days. $462.83 costs and expenses incurred by River Bend in order to collect 15 Days transportation charges. River Bend Transport -North Bend 300 Three Rivers Parkway North Bend, OH 45052 -0008 USA MR; ,r Carmel Utilities OrderNumbcr: 00595968 -01 3450 W 131 Street Billing Date: 4/18/2011 Order Date: 2/7/2011 Carmel, IN 46074 Release No: 622068 USA a� RUM ROBBENS WAREHOUSE Carmel Utilities 6500 BENDER ROAD One Civic Square CINCINNATI, OH 45233 Carmel, IN 46032 USA USA 2/4/2011 622068 Industrial Water Treatment Salt 1.00 Flat 1.0000 $405.00 SALT IND 2/4/2011 622068 North American Industrial Salt 121.40 Miles 0.4200 $50,99 REMIT TO: RIVER BEND 23460 NETWORK PLACE Credit 'Terms: All freight charges are due and Total: 5455.99 CHICAGO IL 60673 -1234 payable within 15 days (including Saturdays, SNOW OUR rNVOICE NUMBER WHEN MAKING A PAYMENT Sundays and legal holida Charge of 1 -112% Due After Responsible parry agrees to pay reasonable attorney fees and all other due after 15 days. $462.83 costs and expenses incurred by River Bend in order to collect 15 Days transportation ehargcs. r River Bend Transport -North Bend 300 Three Rivers parkway North Bend, OH 45052 -0008 USA Carmel Utilities Order Number: 00595966 -01 3450 W 131 Street Billing Date: 4/18/2011 Order Date: 2/7/2011 Carmel, IN 46074 Release No: 620122 USA t ROBSENS WAREHOUSE Cartnel Utilities 6500 BENDER ROAD One Civic Square CINCINNATI, OH 45233 Carmel, IN 46032 USA USA 1/28/201 620122 Industrial Water Treatment Salt 1.00 Flat 1.0000 5405.00 SALT IND 1/28/2011 620122 North American Industrial Salt 121.40 Miles 0.4300 $52.20 REMIT TO: RIVER BEND 23460 NETWORK PLACE Credit Terms: All freight charges are due and Total: $457.20 CHICAGO IL 60673 -1234 payable within 15 days (including Saturdays, SHOW OUR INVOICE NUMBER WHEN MAKINO A PAYMENT Sundays and legal holidays). Charge of 1 -1 12% Due After Responsible party agrees to pay reasonable attorney tees and all other due after 15 days. $464.06 costs and expenses incurred by River Bend in order to collect 15 Days transportation charges. 01 River Bend Transport -North Bend 300 Three Rivers Parkway North Bend, OH 45052 -0008 USA Carmel Utilities Order Number: 00597338 -0 3450 W 131 Street Billing Date: 4/1912011 Order Date: 4/18/2011 Carmel, IN 46074 Release No: 650481 USA ROBBENS WAREHOUSE Carmel Utilities 6500 BENDER ROAD One Civic Square CINCINNATI, OH 45233 Carmel, IN 46032 USA USA Og g 4/12/2011 650481 Industrial Water Treatment Salt 1.00 Flat 1.0000 $405.00 SALT IND 4/12/2011 650481 North American Industrial Salt 121.40 Miles 0.5600 $67.98 REMIT TO: RIVER BEND 23460 NETWORK PLACE Credit Terms: All freight charges are due and Total: $472.98 CHICAGO IL 60673.1234 payable within 15 days (including Saturdays, SHOW OUR INVOICE NUMBER WHEN MAKING A PAYMENT Sundays and legal holidays). Charge of 1 -1 /2% Due After Responsible party agrees to pay reasonable attorney fees and all other due after 15 days. 15 Days $480.07 costs and expenses incurred by River Bend in order to collect transportation charges, River Bend Transport -North Bend 300 Three Rivers Parkway North Bend, OH 45052 -0008 USA r Carmel Utilities Order Number: 00597244 -0 3450 W 131 Street Billing Date: 4/12/2011 Order Date: 4111/2011 Carmel, IN 46074 Release No: 644258 USA MEM 51 ROBSENS WAREHOUSE Carmel Utilities 6500 BENDER ROAD One Civic Square CINCINNATI, OH 45233 Carmel, IN 46032 USA USA 4/4/2011 644258 Industrial Water Treatment Salt 1,00 Flat 1.0000 $405.00 SALT IND 4/4/2011 644258 North American Industrial Salt 121.40 Miles 0.5200 $63.13 REMIT TO: RIVER BEND 23460 NETWORK PLACE Credit Terms: All freight charges are due and Total: $468.13 CHICAGO IL 60673 -1234 payable within 15 days (including Saturdays, SHOW OUR INVOICE NUMBeR WHEN MAKING A PAYMENT Sundays and legal holidays). Charge of 1 -1/2% Due After Responsible party agrees to pay reasonable attomty fees and all other due after 15 days. $475.15 cosis and expenses 'incurred by River Bend in order to collect 15 Days transportation charges. MI I t River Bend Transport -North Bend 300 Three Rivers Parkway North Bend, OH 45052 -0008 USA Carmel Utilities Order Number: 00597335 -0 3450 W 131 Street Billing Date: 4/19/2011 Order Date: 411912011 Carmel, IN 46074 Release No: 650482 USA J a"�7•.� ROBBENS WAREHOUSE Carmel Utilities 6500 BENDER ROAD One Civic Square CINCINNATI, OR 45233 Carmel, IN 46032 USA USA t i l!Jf l It 4/1512011 650482 Industrial Water Treatment Salt 1.00 Flat 1.0000 $405.00 SALT IND 411512011 650482 North American Industrial Salt 121.40 Miles 0.5600 $67.98 REMIT TO: RIVER BEND 23460 NETWORK PLACE Credit Terms: All freight charges are due and Total: $472.98 CHICAGO IL 60673 -1234 payable within 15 days (including Saturdays, SHOW OUR INVOICE NUMBER WHEN MAKING A PAYMENT Sundays and legal holidays). Charge of 1 112% Due After Responsible party agrees to pay reasonabte attorney fees and all other due after 15 days. 5480.07 costs and expenses incurred by River Bend in order to collect 15 Days transportation charges. River Bend Transport -North Bend 300 Three Rivers Parkway North Bend, OFI 45052 -0008 USA BII:I -To Tt`cit;ht Invoice Carmel Utilities Ordcr Number; 00597427 -0 3450 W 131 Street Billing Date: 4/26/2011 Order Date: 4/25/2011 Carmel, IN 46074 Releasc No: 650484 USA ()ItltJN I?Gy'111A "I' JON' ROBBENS WAREHOUSE Carmel Utilities 6500 BENDER ROAD One Civic Square CINCINNATI, Old 45233 Carmel, IN 46032 USA USA f3 I Nt It tat 4/19/2011 650484 Industrial Water "freatrnent Sall 1.00 Flat 1.0000 5 SALT IND 4/19/2011 650484 North American Industrial Salt 121.40 Miles 0.5800 $70.41 REMIT TO: RIVER BEND 23460 NETWORK PLACE Credit Terms: All freight charges are due and 'Total: $475.41 CHICAGO, IL 60673 -1234 payable within IS days (including Saturdays, SHOW OUR INVOICE NUMBER WHEN MAKING A PAYMENT Sundays and legal holidays), Charge of 1 -1 /2% Responsible party agrees to pay reasonable attorney I'm and all other dne after 15 days. Due After $482.54 costs and expenses incurred by River Bend in order to collect 15 Days transportation charges. River Bend Transport -North Bend 300 Three Rivers Parkway North Bend, OH 45052 -0008 USA r�:LT r. [Ur ip-h t Invoice Carmel Utilities OrdQC Number: 00597431 -0 3450 W 131 Street Billing.Datc: 4/26/2011 Order Date: 4 /25 /20l 1 Carmel, IN 46074 Reloase No: 658210 USA nRIGIN ;zc u. °``Y L)k.S`I`_1NATION' ROBBENS WAREHOUSE Carmel Utilities 6500 BENDER ROAD One Civic Square. CINCINNATI, OH 45233 Cannel, IN 46032 5 USA USA IiIE t5at II #l' °tuniher Ia��tla ti :��uiltit} Rate 1 =iEni 4/22/2011 658210 Industrial Water'I 'reatlnent Salt 1.00 Flat 1.0000 5405,00 SALT IND 4/2212011 658210 North American Industrial Salt 121.40 Miles 0.5800 $70.41 REMIT TO: RIVER BEND 23460 NETWORK PLACE Credit Tenns: All freight charges are due and Total: $475.41. CHICAGO, IL 60673 -1234 payable within 15 days (including Saturdays, Y-IOW OUR INVOICE NUMBER WHEN MAKING; A PAYMENT Sundays and legal holidays). Charge of I 112% Due After R,cnnncihlr party i,nrFrc in nnu ream.. nhh• altnmev reec and al€ ether Ann n p— 1 5 dn— IR4.R`) S4 River Bend Transport-North Bend 300 Three Rivers Parkway North Bend, OH 45052-0008 USA -rice ei 1011' RN Came] Utilities Order Number: 00597430-0 3450 W 131 Street Billing Date: 4/26/2011 Order Date: 4/25/201 Carmel, IN 46074 Release No: 658209 USA ROBBENS WAREHOUSE Carmel Utilities 6500 BENDER ROAD One Civic Square CINCINNATI, 01-1 45233 Carmel, IN 46032 USA USA N N 4/2112011 658209 Industrial Water Treatment Salt 1.00 Flat 1.0000 $405.00 SALT IND 4/21/2011 658209 North American Industrial Salt 1 21.4 0 Miles 0.5800 $70.41 REM TO: RIV B END 23460 N ETWORK PLACE Cj All Freight charges are due and Total: 5475.41 CHICAGO, IL 60673-1234 payable within 15 days (including Saturdays, SHOW OUR INVOICE NUMBER WHEN iMAKING A PAYMENT Sundays and legal holidays). Charge of I If2% Responsible party agrees to pay reasonable f�esand all other due after 15 days. Due After 5482,54 costs and expenses incurred by River Bend in order to collect 15 Days transportation charges. I r, River Bend Transport -North Bend 300 Three Rivers Parkway North Bend, OH 45052 -0008 USA Z TyatQhtrYnVpj___ Carmel Utilities Order Number: 00597100 3450 W 131 Street Billing Date: 3/29/2011 Order Da te: 3/28/2011 Carmel, 1N 46074 Release No: 640976 USA nWI_, ROBBENS WAREHOUSE Cannel Utilities 6500 BENDER ROAD One Civic Square CINCINNATI, OH 45233 Carmel, IN 46032 USA USA /rL B!I ;umber scrit Quattti Rate Total! 3/18/2011 640976 Industrial Water Treatment Salt 1.00 Flat 1.0000 $405.00 SALT IND 3/18/2011 640976 North American Industrial Salt 121.40 Miles 0.5300 $64.34 REMIT TO: RIVER BEND 23460 NETWORK PLACE Credit Terms: All freight charges are due and Total: $469.34 CHICAGO IL 60673 -1234 payable within 15 days (including Saturdays, SHOW OUR INVOICE NUMBER WHEN MAKING A PAYMENT Sundays and legal holidays). Charge of 1 -1/2% Due After Responsible party agrees to pay reasonable attomey fees and all other due after 15 days. $476.38 costs and expenses incurred by River Bend in order to collect 15 Days transportation charges. VOUCHER 111069 WARRANT ALLOWED 362335 IN SUM OF RIVER BEND TRANSPORT 23460 NETWORK PLACE WAMM CHICAGO, IL 60673 -1234 OPERATIONS Carmel Water Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO INV ACCT AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 59 7,�P LF 7 c t tc1 Q t'7�, SL 5ej 79 Z'i 47 5All 597426 01- 6180 -03 $475.41 7, -1 rf755,LA 5 Stw1 t Lj X -7 96 7 QQL1, 33 �t �7t -t�� r, ��5•at 3 7IIt 1(7 S971 co L[LA Voucher Total�5 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc_ Payee 362335 RIVER BEND TRANSPORT Purchase Order No. 23460 NETWORK PLACE Terms CHICAGO, IL 60673 -1234 Due Date 5/4/2011 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 5/4/2011 597426 $475.41 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 !L Date Officer