HomeMy WebLinkAbout166989 12/17/2008 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00353266 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE A S I SIGN SYSTEMS s 0 CHECK AMOUNT: $20,131.00 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 2017 W 18TH ST INDIANAPOLIS IN 46202 CHECK NUMBER: 166989 CHECK DATE: 12/17/2008 DEPARTMENT AC PO NUMBER IN NUMBER AMOUNT D ESCRIPTION 853 5023990 6 20,131.00 OTHER EXPENSES i APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT CONSTRUCTION MANAGER ADVISER EDITION AJA DOCUMENT GT7021 Ma PAGE ONE OF 3 PAGES TO OWNHR: Carmel /Clay Board of Parks and PROTECT: Central Park Outdoor Aquatics APPLICATION NO: 6 Retainage Distribution to: Recreation Exterior Signage ]OW NER 760 3rd Avenue S.W. Suite 100 Bid Relea Carmel, IN 46032 BRIOD TO: 8!4!2008 CONSTRUCTION 61ECT MANAGER FROM CONTRACTOR: ASI Sign Systems ARCHITECT 2017 W. 18th Street ONTItACTDATE; 2/28/2007 r Indianapolis, IN 46202 VIA CONSTRUCTION MANAGER: Geupel DeMars Hagerman CONTRACT FOR: Signs VIA ARCHITECT: Williams Associates Architects, Ltd. CONTRACTOR'S APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT The undersigned Contractor certifies that to the best of the Contractor's knowledge, Application is made for payment, as shown below, in connection with the Contract. information and belief the Work covered by this Application for Payment has been Continuation Sheet, AIA Document G703, is attached. completed in accordance with the Contract Documents, that alt amounts have been paid by the Contractor for Work for which previous Certificates for Payment were issued and payments received from the Owner, and that current payment shown herein is now due. I. ORIGINAL CONTRACT SUM S 203,159.551 ASI- Modulex 2. Net change by Change Orders _($1377.00) W CONTRACTOR: 3. CONTRACT SUM TO DATE (Line 1 2) S 201.782.55 L 4. TOTAL COMPLETED STORED TO DATE 201 Z82-5.5 it (Column G on G703) Fay; Date; 9/ 5. RETAINAGE: a. 10 of Completed Work 0.00 State of: I J p t q,._t A County of: TC oTi imn D +I; on G703) Subscribed and sworn t fore me. this zTµ day of bQ PT F_A-BGA_ b. 10 of Stored Material S Notary Public: Lo umn F on G703) My Cozrimission e Total Retainage (Lines 5a -t 5b or e Z Total in Column I of G703) 20 ?7ERTI ATE FOR PAYMENT 6. TOTAL EARNED LESS RETAINAGE 201.782.55 In accordance with the Contract Documents, based on on -site observations and the data (Line 4 less Line 5 '1'otat) comprising this application, the Construction Manager and Architect certify to the 7. LESS PREVIOUS CERTIFICATES FOR ;Owner that to the best of their knowledge, information and belief the Work has PAYMENT (Line 6 from prior Certificate) S 4&1, -9 31, 461. progressed as indicated, the quality of the Work is in accordance with the Contract CURRENT PAYMENC DUE -Bi60 ZU 13 GO Documents, and the Contractor is entitled to payment of the AMOUNT CERTIFIED. 9. BALANCE TO FINISH, INCLUDING RETAINAGE S 0.00 (Line 3 less Line 6) AMOUNT CERTIFIED 48 (_T(' CHANGE DIWER SUMMARY i (Attach explanation if amount certified differs from the amount applied for. fnitial all ota o anges approve figures on this,4pplicationaed on the Continuation Sheet that changed to Conform to lh in previous rrionths by Owner <1,, 317. amount certifed.) U r CONSTRUCTIO �1N 9E G'OH Total approved this Month Sy Date: AR T, Wry TOTALS 377 CXJ By: A Date: Q i( NET CHANGES by Change Order This Certificate is not negotiable. The AMOUNT CERTIFIED is payable niy to the Contractor named herein. Issuance, payment and acceptance of payment are will prejudice to any rights of the Owner or Contractor under this Contract. IA DOCUMENT G702JCMa APPLICATION ANO CERTIFICATION FOR PAYMENT CONSTRUCTION MANAGER ADVISER EDITION 1992 EDITION AIAO 01992 G7021CW -1992 N.W.. WASHINGTON, DC 2000& -5292 HE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1745 NEW YORK AVE., CONTINUATION SHEET APPLICATION NO. 6 (retainage) DATE 8/4/2008 A B C D I E F G H I II ITEM DESCRIPTION OF WORK SCHEDULED WORK COMPLETED MATERIALS TOTAL BALANCE RETAINAGE NO. VALUE FROM PREVIOUS THIS PERIOD PRESENTLY COMPLETED [G /Cj TO FINISH APPLICATION STORED AND STORED [C-G) [D +Ej [NOT IN D OR E] TO DATE Carmel Park Rec. A #6 retaina D +E +F 1 Sign SIDM -5 Main ID 24942.25 $24942.25 $0.00 $24942.25 100% $0.00 2 Sign Type SEM 1 Secondary Ent. $5409.25 $5409.25 $0.00 $5409.25 100% $0.00 3 Sign Type SEM 1 Secondary Ent. $5409.25 $5409.25 $0.00 $5409.25 100% $0.00 4 Sign Type VDM 3, 4, 5 $16322.85 $16322.85 $0.00 $16322.85 100% $0.00 5 Sign Type EBD -1 $12716.00 $12716.00 $0.00 $12716.00 100% $0.00 6 Sign Type EBD -2 $653.00 $653.00 $0.00 $653.00 100% $0.00 7 Sign Type BIM 1 2 $9738.50 $9738.50 $0.00 $9738.50 100% $0.00 8 Sign Type PD 15 16 $8440.00 $8440.00 $0.00 $8440.00 100% $0.00 9 Sign Type T map $1543.50 $1543.50 $0.00 $1543.50 100% $0.00 10 Sign Type WBD $1040.00 $1040.00 $0.00 $1040.00 100% $0.00 11 Sign Type WCM $1373.00 $1373.00 $0.00 $1373.00 100% $0.00 12 Sign Type WDS 6 $1050.00 $1050.00 $0.00 $1050.00 100% $0.00 13 Sign Type WDS 7 $175.00 $175.00 $0.00 $175.00 100% $0.00 14 Sign Type WDS 8 $350.00 $350.00 $0.00 $350.00 100 $0.00 15 Sign Type WAD 1 thru 6 $11355.00 $11355.00 $0.00 $11355.00 100% $0.00 16 Sign Type WPD $435.50 $435.50 $0.00 $435.50 100 0.00 17 Sign Type WR1 -a $297.00 $297.00 $0.00 $297.00 100% $0.00 18 Sign Type WR1 -b $541.50 $541.50 $0.00 $541.50 100 $0.00 19 Sign Type WR -2 $541.50 $541.50 $0.00 $541.50 100% $0.00 20 Sign Type WR -3 $570.00 $570.00 $0.00 $570.00 100% $0.00 21 Sign Type WR -4 $285.00 $285.00 $0.00 $285.00 100 $0.00 22 Sign Type WR -5 $541.50 $541.50 $0.00 $541.50 100% $0.00 23 Sign Type WRS -1 $399.00 $399.00 $0.00 $399.00 100% $0.00 24 Sign Type WRS -2 $300.00 $300.00 $0.00 $300.00 100 $0.00 25 Sign Type WRS -4 $270.00 $270.00 $0.00 $270.00 100% $0.00 26 Sign Type WPD -3 $420.50 $420.50 $0.00 $420.50 100% $0.00 27 Sign Type WPD -6 $447.50 $447.50 $0.00 $447.50 100% $0.00 28 Aquatic Banners A,B,C, D $7284.00 $7284.00 $0.00 $7284.00 100% $0.00 29 Aquatic "Current' Banners $15260.95 $15260.95 $0.00 $15260.95 100 0.00 continued on next page CONTINUATION SHEET APPLICATION NO. 6 (retainage) DATE 8/4/2008 3D Aquatic "Wave" Mobils $7018.00 $7018.00 $0.00 $7018.00 100° /a $0.00 31 Allowance For Temporary signs $3623.00 $3623.00 $0.00 $3623.00 100% $0.00 32 Bid Bond Performance Bond costs $3670.00 $3670.00 $0.00 $3670.00 100% $0.00 33 Planter Walls SEM 1 2 41860.00 $41850.00 $0.00 $41860.00 100% $0.00 34 Installation of signage $17500.00 $17500.00 $0.00 $17500.00 100% $0.00 35 Change Order#001 Deduct leftover allowance $1377) (item #31 above) TOTALS 201782.55 $201782.55 $0.00 $0.00 $201782.551 100 %1 $0.00 CONTRACTOR'S AFFIDAVIT OF OWNER PAYMENT OF DEBTS AND CLAIMS ARCHITECT CONTRACTOR 1:1 AIA Documey7t G706 SURETY (Ills tructjot on reverse side) OTHER TO OWNER: Carmel /Clay Board of ARCHITECT'SPROIECT NO.: GDH Project (A'emc cwelclddre�s) Parks and Recreation No. 03060 Carmel, IN CON'T'RACT FOI2: signage PROJFCh: Carmel /Clay Central Park CONT "RACT'DAT'ID: 2/28/07 (Naweawllyd bv. Carmel, IN STATE OF: Indiana COUNTY OF: Hamilton '11142 undedsignecl hereby ccrtiAes that, except Lis listed below, payment has heen mace in full and all ohligations have othelAvi,se hcen satisfied for all materials and eduipmeFlt furnished, for all 'work, hhor, and services performed, and for all known indebtedness and claims against the Conrractor for damages arisins in ally manner in Connection with the performance of the Conu referenced above for which the Owner or Owner's property might wally way he held responsible or cnc11411he ed. EXCEPTIONS: none SUPPORT'1N6 DOCUMENTS A'17ACHED HERETO: CONTMCfOR. ASI— Modulex rryrrnrealldrlddAcss) 2017 West 18th street 1. Consent of Surety to Final Payment. yK /henever Surety is Indianapolis IN 46202 invoh Consent of Surety is required. AIA Document G707, Consent of Surety, may he used for this purpoSe. Indicate attachment: F yes El no lbefoll olvin, �r slrppoail docume >'rissbolddhectItcichedbel-oo BY if l egleii ed bi The olvile (�Y J wowe ol c ab"i ized rr t )Ilfllhv) I. Ctmn'actol 's Release or Waiver Of LienS, conditional upon Cathy L. Fair, Secretary- Treas urer receipt of final payincnt. (YrilNecl wifine ro+d lick) 2. Separate Releases or W.ivel;S of Liens from 5uhcontractors Subscribed amd sworn to before me on this date: /7 and material and equipment suj7piicrs, to the extent required by 11142 0WJ� lCl ac'conlpanied by a list thereof. Notary I'uhlic 3. Contt'acux's Affidavit of Release of Liens (AIA Document oA J G706A). Nlv Commission Expires: C' Z I I CAUTION: You' should sign an original AIA document that has this caution printed in red. An original assures that changes will not be obscured as may occur when documents are reproduced. See Instruction Sheet for Limited License for Reproduction of this document. AIA DOCUMENT G706 CONTKACI UR'S Al-T DAVIT OP 11'1lIiN "I' OP ])lit3'IS AND CIAIMS I MF 199 FI)l 110N 'AIA 0199 -1 THE AMERICAN INS] I I'I �l F OI' ARCI IITECrS. 1735 NFW YORK AVFNC'IC, NW. WASHINGTON, 2C. 341006 -5292 WARNING: Unlicensed photocopying G 706-1994 violates U.S. copyright laws and will subject the violator to legal prosecution. INSTRUCTION SHEET FOR /Q/\DOClTMBN7C706.CONTRACIUKS&6T|DAVITD[PAYMFNTOFD2DT5ANDCLAIMS A. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Purpose 11hi`dooumux i� in,uxW u`'LOU vhcx rhc6mxun.`ri/ "xpiu,| x. {m`,i.k, Sm`,o *m,mco' ":.i��ox /h,/ ,|�x/ m.\ dxivu hn`chcun xxdkd c,cCm kx th/*, |otozJ hyU`cC.mwxxUW Under '[\[[MK}wS in Oh, G706 i' .Xonm| as uum(|i/k)n .d8 I'll [u?x,n'. 2. Related Documents 111^d()Cumc^/ may h, Used m'hmost.A/h, MA's 0m/c,Coo/m./o,x:^zmcmsxu'|gouzU*mUu"n^,`vW1h asxlo| and iu xJx/cJ family .fd.vomu`n,670& also) oqoi^x the xomh/o,nt .wjudin:C,n16i.kumwoor/ Affidavit of RCICJsC i )f' LiCns. and 670 Co ol Stli-Ct? lo VC(ILL0101) ill ()L RelCa,'W ()I Rclajll�lgc. 3. Use ofCurrent Documents Prior "`omnx any Am(k)com,o',d`,v^cr ill( /k|"mmltd`cxU`.xxm/u`m|xmuxrh,p'oo,xmnw/m\m^`xnmm|i�/ dc(enn|n,/hc,00rn1nU'umo[uuh'kxomxo/, 4. Limited License for Reproduction &\x 67�m4uopy/tuu|w`/* and m,ywx|`c,,pxv|voz|m,o,'lxu|[^'minw|nwmu|p.m xidx,m 111c a*qun y*m'usi.,o tithe x|1lbc GAG `k«vmcu/ i,ioxxx|od m|v,u,,|viva /hx' is, d'//wgiox| 'k"nmnx |"o` /hxsc`\hrOht:usu is imcwcd to h,*vvumu| ix J`,mvncAh"o; u^u!, Wux K m, in'IVIk,| ycno,+i'm to npxx|v,, 'h* d.(.vmnilr, n d'"smwmhcyhipivlhc/voumzol/mi(ot,,l'mdiiu,osumkz:'Ykmhcrn;hxx`^.pnv\uu.6 A uxo'mo,y 11014V is pnmu| m uo ,hc .,xoox| ,`[d^^ J'wummn. This no'k, .|ixi^xu/^h,` ..,00x| .kvomcn' k.,m mp*,�, and ommcdCin.lx um\"nim^ni'y,,[|"/yoxXo|wnjxncm`h.vdJmcm�/xx.mxm|xu.kvum'o/", `mC.rhx has h,o1rnn`^|oox|[nxnu^.xv<oxl Under u special |imi'ud|xcmck.,m [he AM. HAW |^c/y,6huzb!Kcutdwuzsti|puohmu,mwpnumc:mm^^mmn.Am`"v,/m`J,^xnpbm|'^,,*cumi67 hurw|vK"wuon omuroxw ,w/hx /noicuh'|mjov ponhc lqmWoui')1uvoc |`n`hiNm| Whom the uNn"s y,onu,i.m /hcAlf B. CHANGES FROM THE PREVIOUS EDITION A/n,«'',hcnoccmAM[x^um(j/A2x|h:`hcco`kJ,it,�Jmp,mm Ole un/"[6AM with .xhr/6mUiu4@^.|.Kumuxxiork/diog CMW"MhM MAlTlq1HC11t inlCfiols uo/|dCSiQn1v/W. C. COMPLETING THE G706 FORM 6cw1-,'xm.. D*nc"C"mrmorxg"cmnu ix /h, usv;| xv/^zo/,cquil"J W,n"xo"o w,h as ch, mn/m,' 'ho: uod rbc nxm,, alrd addru"cs tithe 0xncr, ,xjuz and Cont tor. xKCmTpCl'SruV|I`,Crm0'Uo^in�.^ouo'v` is ^picdl) supplied hfdhc A, `vm"ndu`rcodoochcK,nnhr/h,C.m/moo, 03mTxACTF{x�ll/iso,feom the sc '4 th,nwn-au—,ud,`p'("cocm|(^`nn^uz"m''v'wujxx*d,o.rk". A[FU)xvo; Indit'ate dicstatCand i:()Ljnw stwu /h'aM&"i/ N *adc. Th° x^n u,*w n}y /hcmmc kvamw as t hm ^houk| hc Ac |.vzmm °h,/r /hr u.xu/? is xvihoou^| u` a^inx^ue,,m,m .u/h,. 11 111cvc urr ally cxC[M10NS x, 'hc eu/,n`cn'� th,,c^hooWh* m 1hc4w(-'c pn)vWu)� ,'rhcn,"c uo/r/* 'N'xu! It om? hc x /x|mh'iom 'oihc(�m,,vr c"xumcm` /|ut /h, 0noc, has thc right v.uuoi* [he (zm'muovm6umhhulo.odv` |DIw|'m Ole �N'h°/ Supn)xTm/6 n0[TxuFw)S. n"c mx d.vvwmm |ipcd as m',d`nleu* x. /bc G7n6 6`^n ^houN oc.IU'r wmc (m,no') oUmoo dmcw6706 Thu ^adkvnmxpoNuhu'xckow/o,nuimx()fuc,w'hxuxutmo'v`m`xb,`mmmx`h"U`Lls(:'«,hcwru/xi,o,i/r ,.["c|omc,*xn/,,ppc^nitu,|hr var ^x,cmc,h,n/miw`L"4 o.,m`kw`x«h y"qxo,smuyh,'^a.hN,f^,m|^vu|om,nw- xm�^xtuo,u'xmx;hcxno"n,w/h/h,v=uxx^,,4 Q,|uw^^, D� EXECUT OF THE DOCUMENT ]h, m,mrr puh|u.xhnvk\ adu`imo,,x ,�,vom .,u,h I() 111C [ooxouur m«tcn ^,ocm,om appearing kill Gn/o. and should du|,^iXo,w|,Ca| (his `kvvm,mcontaining thcC'`o,nuo./`mxoumno C706^h,.vNhx/igo*(hy the [^m'm,m,.'U`r orp,w^mvriVr. 454 INSTRUCTION SHEET FOR AIA% DOCUMENT G706 OFIVIVI AM) omxN^ /r*nvn'm^ Ake `rx,^wcm,^x/enn,'n',,,^maUa'n 'r^~mrWxmK G7Q8--10S4 ^nr,]�, %.W'n^xoxcum�m2(x^m�292 CONTRACTOR'S AFFIDAVIT OF OWNER RELEASE OF LIENS ARCHITECT AIA Docuonew G706A CONTRACTOR SURED (111SU'LIC60IIS tm reverse SICIC) OTHER TOO\VNER: Carmel /Clay Board of ARCI 11'i'l NO.: GDH Project INomc(minddw Parks and Recreation No. 03060 Carmel, IN CON 'TRACT FOR: signage PROJECT: Carmel /Clay Central Park CONTRACT DATED: owl,,,el,,,dl,dd,e.,l Carmel, IN SPATE OF: Indiana COUNTY OF: Hamilton The undersigned hereby certifies that to the hest of the undersigned's knowledge, infilrmation and belief, except as listed helow, the Releases or Waivers of Hen attached heretel includr the Ccmn_;ICI0r, Al Suhccmu all Suppliers of materialS and cyuipment, and all performers of Work, labor or Services who have or nrry have liens or cncumhrances or the right to assert IienS or encumhr anceS against any Of the Ownerarising in any manner DUI Of the perfia of the Cunu referenced shove. EXCEPTIONS: none SUPPOR"1'ING DOCUIMI-XI'SAITACHED HERETO: CONTRACTOR: ASI— Modulex (Xamcn„dnddreca) 2017 West 18th Street I. COnlraCt( >r•S ReleaSC Or Waiver Of I.ICnS, conditiur1A upon Indianapolis, IN 46202 receipt of final payment. 2. Separate ReleISCS Or W Livers Of LicnS from SLIhCon U'aCIUls and material and equipment SupplierS, to the• extent required by the Owner, accompanied list thereOf. 13Y: (Siq;Iat va /'alobwr 1 cy,resc„lefthC.) C athy L. Fair, Secretary- Treasurer II'rinled „m,te told tide) Subscribed and sworn to hefin me On this date: 9�l 2. �D Not;uy Public: NIv Commission Expires: CAUTION: You should sign an original AIA document that has this caution printed in red. An I I original assures that changes will not be obscured as may occur when documents are reproduced. See Instruction Sheet f Limited License for Reproduction of this document. AIA DOCUMENT G706A CONTRACTOR'S AFFIDAVIT()[: HVITASI? O1' LIENS 199 -1 FDITION "AIA 3199 -i '111F A:AIERICAN TF Ol ARCI-11'll ?C'I'ti. 1735 NEW YORK :a�� AVFNI'F. N V, WASHINGTON. D.C. 2000(,-5292 WARNING: Unlicensed photocopying violates U.S. copyright laws and will subject the violator to legal prosecution. G706A -1994 INSTRUCTM SHEET FOR ALA DOCUMENT G706A, CON I'RACI "OR'S Al�Fll).AVI7' OF IZf:I..EASI? OF LIENS A. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Purpose This doCUn)cn[ is intcnde(I fur use as a companion to ALA DOCUment 6700, Cortu Affidavit of Pavnx.ni of Dchts an(I Claim,. 2. Related Documents 'Phis ducunu•nt IMIV he used with most of the AIA's Owner Contractor agrcemcnts and gcm.T'll conditions. Such as A201 and its rclatcd family of cloctmlents. As noted ahovc. G706A is',[ con)p:uli011 document to AIA fhxun)ent G70G. 3. Use of Current Documents Prix l to using any AIA document, the user shnul(I consult the: AIA, an AIA con)ponCnt CI)apter or :1 current AIA Documents List t( (Ictcrn)inc the current C(lition of eadl doCUmcnt. 4. Limited License for Reproduction AIA Document G70eiA is a copyrigbtcd work and mmy not be reproduced or Cxcerpted from in Suhst :lnti:tl Dart without the express written permission of the AIA. The G706A doCllll)enl is intended to he uscd as a constnrtahlC- -that is. the original document pur chased by the u.,c:r is in[Cndcd to be consumed in the mursc of hcirlg used. Th(a'c is no implied permission to reproduce this )Cun)ent, now doers mcinhc :ship in The American Institute ofArchiw( ts confer anv Itn'Ihcr rioht.ti rc im)(Iltcc: G-"06A. A ('1116onalY noliCC is printed in red on the original of this document. This notice (list ir)guish(:s :u) ori,-iiml AIA dUCLIMCnI front copics alld counterfeits. To Cnsure acCUraC• and uniforn)ity of IJll`u:lgC, purchascl:s should use only an ori-inal AIA document or one that has been reproduced front an Original under :l special limited licenu from the ALA. A limited license N herchy granted to retail purchascr:s to reltrod(ICC a maximum of ten copies; of a Con)plele(I or executed G 706A, but only lot URe in COMIC CtiOn with :I particular I)ruje('t. P`urther reproductions arc prohibited without the express permission of the ALA. B. CHANGES FROM THE PREVIOUS EDITION A cross- reference to AIA Document A201 has hccn deleted tO permit the use of G706A with other families of AIA documents, inClu(I- ing C011Sn man(IC11 ent, intcriOI:s and (ICSign /huild. C. COMPLETING THE G706A FORM GENERAL The Owner- Contractor Agreement is the usual source of rC(luired information such Is [hc colltraCt (late and [I)C narmC.S and addresses oFthe Owner, Project :111(1 Contractor. ARC1I1TFCf`S PROII:Cf NO.: This information is typically supplied by the Archilecl :Ind entered on the font) by the Contractor. CONTRACT FOR: This rcfer:s to the scope of the comt'act, suCII AS "General COnsu'u(.'tion" of °!%fCrha11ical \\%ork AFFIDAVIT: Indicatc the state 2111(1 county Ayhere the Affi(:lvi[ is nta(le. This is not mccess:lrily the san)(2 location as the Proicct, but should he the location where the notm is authorized to administer sworn Oaths. If there are any FXCF.PTIONS to the statement, thou should be lis[Cd ill the Space providcd; Otherwise enter as "Nonc It n)av he a stipt.1111 0 1) of the CUllll'aCt DoCU111CIMS that the Owncr h -IS the ri({ht to rcyuire IhC COnurac'tur to furnish a bolld to cover Cae'h exception listed on ttu' Affidavit. StTPORTING DOCI'tMI NT'S: I'll(: AIA does not publish a "Release Or Wiliver of Liens" for corurartors or Subconu'21Clol hCC >IUSC of the gre:ll dive):sin of releases or waivers permitted by various State n)cchanics lice laws. Forms for such purposcs m :n' be availahle born local Conn,trtors asso��i:u ion.a or 111AV he Av'riltcn with the assistance of Icgal CoUnSCI. D. EXECUTION OF THE DOCUMENT The Notary Public S1101.11d administer a sworn oath to the Contractor t the written Statements appearing on G706A. :Ind shc)ulel duly sign and seal this document containing the Conu'a s cu)r' Si ;�naun'r. C;70(i:1 should he signed by the Cn otractor or the Contractor s aulhol 1 repreSC111 t16e. 4/94 INSTRUCTION SHEET FOR AIA DOCUMENT G706A CONTRACTOR'S AFFIDAVIT OF RELEASE OF HFN :S 109.1 IiDI'I'IC1N AW' THE AMERICAN INs OF ARCIIITFCTS. 1735 NEW YORK AVFNILE, G706A -1994 N.AV, WV lHNU R:)N, DA:. 2000t,5292 r Bond 3- 891 -267 AIA Document G707 CONSENT OF SURETY COMPANY TO FINAL PAYMENT Project: Outdoor Auquadics and Exterior Signage TO: (OWNER) ARCHITECTS PROJECT NO. Carmel /Clay Board of Parks and Recreation CONTRACT FOR: See Above 760 3r Ave., S.W., Suite 100 CONTRACT DATE: 3 -16 -07 Carmel, IN 46032 CONTRACTOR: Masters Architectural Graphics, Inc. d /b /a ASI Modulex In accordance with the provisions of the Contract between the Owner and the Contracor as indicated above, the The Ohio Casualty insurance Company on bond of Masters Architectural Graphics, Inc. d /b /a ASI- Modulex hereby approves of the final payment to the Contractor, aid agrees that final payment to the Contractor shall not relieve the Surety Company of any of its obligations to Carmel /Clay Board of Parks and Recreation as set forth in the said Surety Company's bond. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Surety Company has hereunto set its hand this 6 day of August, 2008. The Ohio Casualty Insurance Company Attest: Helen Helen Parker, Witness (seal) P-------- a Y. Ma ors, torn in F ct r CERTIFIED COPY OF POWER OF ATTORNEY THE OHIO CASUALTY INSURANCE COMPANY WEST AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY No. 34530 Know All Men by These Presents: That THE OHIO CASUALTY INSURANCE COMPANY, an Ohio Corporation, and WEST AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY, an Indiana Corporation, in pursuance of authority granted by Article VI, Section 7 of the By -Laws of The Ohio Casualty Insurance Company and Article VI, Section I of West American Insurance Company, do hereby nominate, constitute and appoint: Pamela Y. Majors, Helen P. Parker or Allen J. Grau of Indianapolis, Indiana its true and lawful agent (s) and attorney (s) -in -fact, to make, execute, seal and deliver for and on its behalf as surety, and as its act and deed any and all BONDS, UNDERTAKINGS, and RECOGNIZANCES, not exceeding in any single instance FIFTEEN MILLION (515.000,000.00) DOLLARS, excluding however, any bond(s) or undertaking(s) guaranteeing the payment of notes and interest thereon And the execution of such bonds or undertakings in pursuance of these presents, shall be as binding upon said Companies, as fully and amply, to all intents and purposes, as if they had been duly executed and acknowledged by the regularly elected officers of the Companies at their administrative offices in Hamilton, Ohio.. in their own proper persons. The authority granted hereunder supersedes any previous authority heretobre granted the above named attomey(s }in -Fact. In WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned officer of the said The Ohio Casualty Insurance Company and West American Insurance Company has hereunto subscribed his. name and affixed the Corporate Seal of each Company this 29th day of Novem ber, 1999. OEL Sam Lawrence, Assistant Vice President STATE OF OH10, COUNTY OF BUTLER On this 29th day of November, 1999 before the subscriber, a Notary Public of the State of Ohio, in and for the County of Butler, duly commissioned and qualified, came Sam Lawrence, Assistant Vice President of THE OHIO CASUALTY INSURANCE COMPANY and WEST AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY, to me personally known to be the individual and officer described in, and who executed the preceding instrument, and he acknowledged the execution of the same, and being by me duly sworn deposeth and saith, that he is the officer of the Companies aforesaid, and that the seals affixed to the preceding instrument are the Corporate Seals of said Companies, and the said Corporate Seals and his signature as officer were duly affixed and subscribed to the said instrument by die authority and direction of the said Corporations. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal at the City of Hamilton, State of Ohio, the day and year first above written. `y „pumurp,� a {e1 ,yu rp� 3 l3af�- Notary_ Public in and for County of Butler, Stateof Ohio MV Commission expires September 25. 2002... This power of attorney is granted under and by authority of Article VI, Section 7 of the By -Laws of The Ohio Casualty Insurance Company and Article VI, Section I of West American Insurance Company, extracts from which read: Article VI, Section 7. APPOINTMENT OF ATTORNEYS -IN -FACT, ETC. "The chairman of the board, the president; any vice- president, the secretary or any assistant secretary of each of these Companies shall be and is hereby vested with.fu!l power and authority to appoint attorney s- in- fact for the purpose of signing the name of the Companies as surety to, and to execute, attach the corporate seat, acknowledge and deliver any and all bonds, recognizances, stipulations, undertakings or other instruments of suretyship and policies of insurance to be given in favor of any individual, firm, corporation, or the official representative thereof, or to any county or state, or any official board or boards of county or state, or the United States of America, or to any other political subdivision." Article VI, Section 1. APPOINTMENT OF RESIDENT OFFICERS. "The Chairman of the Board, the President any Vice President, a Secretary or any Assistant Secretary shall be and is hereby vested with full power and authority to appoint attorneys in fact for.the purpose of signing the name of the corporation as surety or guarantor, and to execute, attach the corporate seal, acknowledge and deliver any and all bonds, recognizances, stipulations, undertakings or other instruments of surety -ship or guarantee, and policies of insurance to be given in favor of an individual, firm, corporation, or the official representative thereof, or to any county or state, or any official board or boards of any county or state, or the United States of America, or to any other political subdivision." This instrument is signed and sealed by facsimile as authorized by the following Resolution adopted by the respective directors of the Companies (adopted May 27, 1970 -The Ohio Casualty Insurance Company; adopted April 24, 1980 -West American Insurance Company): "RESOLVED that the signature of any officer of the Company authorized by the By -Laws to appoint attomeys in fact, the signature of the Secretary or any Assistant Secretary certifying to the correctness of any copy of a power of attorney and the seal of the Company may be affixed by facsimile to any power of attorney or copy thereof issued on behalf of the Company. Such signatures and seal are hereby adopted by the Company as original signatures and seal, to be valid and binding upon the Company with the same force and effect as though manually affixed." CERTIFICATE 1, the undersigned Assistant Vice President of The Ohio Casualty Insurance Company and West American Insurance Company, do hereby certify that the foregoing power of attorney, the referenced By -Laws of the Companies and the above Resolution of their Boards of Directors are true and correct copies and are in full force and effect on this date. 114 WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and the seats of the Comoanies this 6th day of S WSV u SEAL SEAL S- 4300 Assistant Vice President SUDC AFFIDAVIT. FrN WAIVER AND RELFASE OF LIEN T (For use with final progress payment application) STATE OF INDIANA, COUNTY OF Ham ilton SS: Date: 9/12/08 TO: Geupel DeMars Haberman Owner: Carmel Clay Board of Parks and Recreation GDH Project No.: 03060 Pay Request No.: Final Architect: Williams Architects 450 E Gundersen Drive. Carol Stream, IL 60188 Project: Carmel Clay Central Park Carmel, IN Contractor: T ill DeMars H.a -merman 7930 C'astlewa Drive l rnrii�anapolic, lndi ana, 4.6? (O Subcontractor: AS I -Modul ex 2017 West l8th St In iana olis Indiana- 46202 Subcontractor Scope of Work: Sign Subcontract Number: Bid Release 8 Dated; 2/28/07 The undersigned, being duly sworn, deposes, certifies and says that: (i). he(she) is an officer of, and is duly authorized to make this affidavit, final waiver and release on behalf of the above -named Subcontractor; (ii) Subcontractor has contracted with Contractor to furnish certain labor and/or materials as follows: for the above Project; (iii) the final balance due from Contractor for labor performed and material furnished to said Project is the sum of Twenty thousand one hundred seventy —eight no /100- Sollars (,S 20, 178.00 receipt of which is hereby acknowledged; (iv) Subcontractor has received all payments due under its subcontractrefered to above; (v) Subcontractor has completed all of the work for the Project which is required under its subcontract and has paid in full or otherwise satisfied all of its obligations to its subcontractors, materialmen, equipment suppliers, vendors, laborers, and employees for all labor performed, materials and equipment furnished, and services rendered to the Project, and has paid or otherwise satisfied all other claims and indebtedness associated with the performance of its subcontract; and (vi) no other party has an) claim, or right to a Iien on account of any work performed, materials or equipment furnished, cr'services rendered for said Project under its Subcontract, FOR GOOD .kND VA_LUAI ;LE CONSIDERATION, including without limitation the .final payment. received b•J it under its Subcontract, Subcontractor, for itself and its subcontractors, materialmen, equipment suppliers, vendors, laborers, and employees HEREBY: (A) EX.I'RESSLY AND FOREVER W. -VIES, RELEASES AND IZELINQUISHES all rights to hold assert, enforce or file any and all claims and liens which Subcontractor now has or may have against O-' Mcr, any other equitablo or legal interest holder in the Project, the Project. itself (i.ncluding without limitation the real property on which such Project is located and the improvements thereon), Architect, Contractor, Contractor's Surety and Contractor's contract proceeds to which it now or in the future may be entitled to receive from the Owner or any third party, and any third party contractor and its surety on the Yroject wish w•honi the Owner or Contractor has a contract, for any and all labor performed, materials and equipment f r ished, and services provided to or for the Projeci by or through Subcontractor, and (B) EXPRESSLY AND FOREV7ER AGREES TO B )FIMNIFY, DEFEND AND ROLD I-IAILvII,ESS Owner, its Officers, agents, representatives and employees, any other equitable or legal interest holder in the Project, Architect, Contractor and Contractor`s Surety, from and against any claim or lien of any l:ind.whatsoever asserted through or under Subcontractor, including without limitation any claim or lien, asserted by atiyperson who has furnished labor, materials, equipment or services to Subcontractor, and from and against any and all damages, losses and expenses including atiorney fees, arising• therefrom or incurred in connection therewith. This Affidavit, Final Waiver and Rciease of Lien has been executed and tendered by the undersigned on behalf of Subcontractor to induce payment by Contractor and /or Owner of the above amount, Date:_ 9/12/08 S'UBCONTRACTO'R: ASI- MQd B Y: Name: Cathy 1. Fai Title: Secretary, Treasurer STATE OF J DI AN COUNTY OF M ARION p Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public, in and for said County and State this clay /1'. H c� of �J 6 T"E� a 6 E.2 2cv8' Signature: Printed: o_ A- J 0 o A_­I AL ivotar•,r Public My Commission Expires: L o!_Z County oi'.Residence: _9 i m �Z� Invoices 270007 -01 and 270007 -02 AFFIDAVIT AND WAIVER OF LIEN X FINAL PARTIAL x PAYMENT TOP OLLOW STATE OF INDIANA COUNTY OF MARION SS David W. Shuck being duly sworn states that he /she is the President of Shuck Corpora (Name) (Title) (Supplier) IIaving contacted with AS I— Modulex to furnish certain materials and/or (Company Name) Labor as follows: for a project known as Carmel /Clay C entral Park (Description) located at Carmel, Indiana CarMe /Clay Boar o And owned by Parks Recreati and does further state: (Owner) PARTIAL WAIVER: That the balance clue from is the sum of dollars (S Receipt of which is hereby acknowledged: or The payment of which has been promised as the sole consideration For this Affidavit and partial Waiver of Lien is given to and for said Amount, effective upon receipt of such payments; FINAL WAIVER: that the final balance due from AS I Modulex i the sum of three thousand two hundred twenty no/l dollars 3220.00 Receipt of which is hereby acknowledged', or x the payinent of which has been promised as the sole consideration for This affidavit and Final Waiver of Lien which shall become effective Upon receipt of such payment. THI:REFORE, the undersigned waives and releases unto the Owner of said premises any and all lien or claim whatsoever on the above described property and improvements thereon on account of labor or material or both, famished by the undersigned thereto, and further certifies that no other parry has any claim or right to a lien on account of any work performed or material furnished to the undersigned for said project, and within the scope of this affidavit and waiver. SHUCK CORPORATION (Company Name) k (Sisnaturo) WITNESS MY HAND AND NOTARIAL SEAL, this 18th day of A u g ust 200 My Commission Expires: s �7/14/2009 Couro oResidence: Lauren At Ty Public Notary Public, Printed Name I AUG -13 -2008 WED 01;09 PM FAX N0, P, 02/02 RrM AUG 2 7 2008 Invoice 4841 AFFIDAVIT AND WAIVER OF LIEN X FINAL PARTIAL. PAYMENT TO FOLLOW STATE OF COUNTY OF SS i dd k_f p o leS1G�� P2S yNc being duly sworn states that he /she is the �T�IC� I �of (Name) (Title) (Supplier) Having contacted with A SI— Modulex to furnish certain materials and/or (Company Name) Labor as follows 2 S (>�a�l6 for aproject known as Carmel /Clay C entral Park (Des ription) located at Carmel, Indiana Carme /Clay oar o And owned by Parks Recreation and does further state: (Owner) PARTIAL WAIVER: That the balance due from is the sum of dollars Receipt of which is hereby acknowledged: or The payment of which has been promised as the sole consideration For this Affidavit and partial Waiver of Lien is given. to and for said Amount, effective upon receipt of such payments; FINAL WAIVER: that the final balance due from ASI Modulex is the sum of none dollars 0 x Receipt of which is hereby acknowledged; or the payment of which has been promised as the sole consideration for This affidavit and Final Waiver of Lien which shall become effective Upon receipt of such payment. THEREFORE, the undersigned waives and releases unto the Owner of said premises any and all lien ar claim whatsoever on the above described property and improvements thereon on account of labor or material or both, famished by the undersigned theroto, and further certifies that no other parry has any claim or right to a lien on account of any work performed or material furnished to the undersigned for said project, and within the scope of this affidavit and waiver. Lc 2 -D e516 OA (:0.5 (_Company Name) (Signature) WITNESS MY HAND AND NOTARIAL SEAL, this 20 day of u3 200 My Commission Expires: A c 1 Z Notary Public County of Residence: S4mF LAy Ma-;on 14 otar y Public, Printed Name AUG-13-2008 WED 01 PM FAX N0, P. 02102 Invoices' 27480 ''271.83, 27113, 27417', 2742.8 r READ UG AFFIDAVIT AND WAIVER OF LIEN 2 2008 X FINAL PARTIAL PAYMENT TO FOLLOW STATE OF COUNTY OF SS p being duly sworn states that he /she is the bier of T� e Cn Jam' n w%,c (Name) (Titie) (Supplier) Having contacted with AS I —Mode l ex to fttrnish materials and /or (Company Name) Labor as follows; for aproject known as Carmel /Clay C entral Park (Description) located at Carmel, Izzdiana Carme /Clay Boarci o And owned by Parks Recreation and does further state: (Owner) PARTIAL WAIVER: That the balance due from is the sum of dollars (S Receipt of which is hereby acknowledged: or The payment of which has been promised as the sole consideration For this Affidavit and partial Waiver of Lien is.given to and for said Amount, effective upon receipt of such payments; FINAL WAIVnk: that the final balance due f rum AS Modulex is the sure of none dollars (5 8 X Receipt of which is hereby acknowledged; or the payment of which has been promised as the sole consideration for This affidavit and Final Waiver of Lien which shall become effeotive Upon receipt of such payment. THEREFORE, the undersigned waives and releases unto the Owner of said premises any and all lien or claim whatsoever on the above described property and improvements thereon on account of labor or �materW 'or,both, furnished by the undersigned thereto, and further certifies that no other parry has any -t claim or %lit to•a lien on account of any work performed or material to the undersigned for said project, and the scope of this affidavit and waiver. y 1 C 820 B B TON RD. 149442 S9 nature).. WITNESS MY. HAND AND NOTARIAL. SEAL, this d of Lc. 200- 0 My CornlpissiolL Expires: (Notary Pub County of Residence: U .L L -d A/ Notary Public, Printed Name w fl y W0MMM0N5WM FROM <WED)AU6 13 2008 18:41/5T.13:41/No.7600000880 P 2 AUG -13 -2008 WED 01:11 PH FAX N0. P. 02/02 Invoice 2619 and 2590 AFFIDAVIT AND WAIVER OF LIEN x FINAL PARTIAL PAYMENT TO FOLLOW STATE OF COUNTY OF SS p "t ek being duly sworn states that he /she is the y �l of G 1' 3 L,—C— (Title) (Supplier) Having contacted with ASI Modulex to furnish certain materials and/or (Company Name) Labor as follows: for aproject known as Carmel /Clay C entral Park (Description) located at Carmel, Indiana armel /Clay oar o And owned by parks Recreation and does further state: (Owner) PARTIAL WAIVER: That the balance due from is the sum of dollars (S Receipt of which is hereby acknowledged: or The payment of which has been promised as the sole consideration For this Affidavit and partial Waiver of Lien is given to and for said Amount, effective upon receipt of such payments: FINAL WAIVER: that the final balance due from ASI M odul ex is the sum of None dollars X Receipt of which is hereby acknowledged; or the payment of which has been promised as the sole consideration for This affidavir and Final Waiver of Lien which shall become effective Upon receipt of such payment. THEREFORE, the undersigned waives and releases unto the Owner of said premises any and all lien or claim whatsoever on the above described property and improvements thereon on account of labor or material or both, furnished by the undersigned thereto, and further certifies that no other party has any claim or right to a lien on account of any work performed or material furnished to the undersigned for said project, and within the scope of this affidavit and waiver. r5� LLL (Comp y Name �r WITNESS MY HAND AND NOTARIAL SEAL, this day of 200 My Commission Expires: 4 SUSAN ANDERSON COMMISSION NUMBER: 196251 Notary P}}blic Co of Residence: MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: r�..,� a n d p-r s o ,n,.r MARCH 12.2010 Notary Public, Printed Name Fr6h:Dutton Architectural 423 752 0060 08/22/2008 09:11 9819 P.002/002 AUG -20 -2008 WED 01:13 PM FAX N0, P. 02 Invoice 10135 AFFMAV1T AND WAIVER OF LIEN x FINAL PARTIAL PAYM)SNT TO FOLLOW STATE OF f� COUNTY OF SS u'1 being duly swoon snares that he/she is the of n (Hume) (Tide) (Supplier) Having comacted with AST- Mod ulex to fimtish certain mmrials &M/or (Company Name) Labor as follows: for a project known as Carmel /Clay C entral Park (Description) located at Carmel, Indiana =arms /Clay Bo&kd o And owned by Parks Recreation and does fir[her state- (Owner) PARTIAL WAIVER That the balance due ftom is the sum of dollars Receipt of which is hereby acknowledged; or The payment of which has been promised as the sole consideration For this Affidavit and partial Waiver of Lien is given to and for said Amount, effective upon receipt of such payments; FINAL WAIVER: that the final balance due f rom AS I- Madulex is the Sum of none dollars 0 X Receipt of which Is hereby acknowledged; or the payment of which has been promised es the sole eansideration for This affidavit and Final Waiver of Lien which $ball become effective Upon receipt of such payment. THEREFORE, the undersigned waives and releases unto the Owner of said premises any and all lien or claim whatsoever on the above described pmperty and improvements thereon an account of labor or material or both, furnished by the undersigned thereto, and further certifies that no other parry has any claim or right to a lien on account of any work performed or material furnished to the undersigned for said project, and within the amps of this affidavit and waiver. �l u7rnov (C (C Name) (S' re) WITNESS MY HAND AND NOTARIAL SEAL, this day of 2t)0 >pb110191H8P My C a� tFxP as ���►o C I No Fub a a• 5TAT E ^t :O�' CQUW of Rosa e: JI M: OF Notary Public, Printed Name TENNESSEE �3 NOTARY PUBLIC ��/�l Or H l l 111b1bb�� FINAL WAIVER OF LIEN STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF COOK SS TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: WHEREAS the undersigned has been employed by ASI Modules to furnish Signage for the premises known as Carmel /Clay Central Park of which Carmel /Clay Board of Parks Recreation. THE undersigned, for and in consideration of ZERO -0) and other good and valuable considerations, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do(es) hereby waive and release any and all lien or claim of, or right to, lien, under the statues of the State of Illinois, relating to mechanics' liens, with respect to and on said above described premises, and the improvements thereon, and on the material, fixtures, apparatus or machinery furnished, and on the moneys, funds or other considerations due or to become due from the owner, on account of all labor, services, material, fixtures, apparatus or machinery, heretofore furnished, or which may be furnished at any time hereafter, by the undersigned for the above described premises, INCLUDING EXTRAS DATE: 09/10/08 COMPANY NAME: Nelson Harkins Industries, Inc. ADDRESS: 5301 N. Kedzie, Chicago, IL 60625 SIGNATURE AND TI ice President *EXTRAS INCLUDE BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO CHANGE ORDERS, BOTH ORAL AND WRITTEN, TO THE CONTRACT. CONTRACTOR'S AFFIDAVIT STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF COOK SS TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: THE UNDERSIGNED, DONALD HARKINS DULY SWORN, DEPOSES AND SAYS THAT HE IS VICE PRESIDENT of NELSON- HARKINS WHO IS THE CONTRACTOR FURNISHING Signage Work ON THE BUILDING LOCATED AT CARMEL/ CLAY CENTRAL PARK of which CARMEL /CLAY BOARD OF PARKS RECREATION IS THE OWNER.. That the total amount of the contract including extras* is $1609.00 on which he HAS RECEIVED PAYMENT OF $1609.00 prior to this payment. That all waivers are true, correct and genuine and delivered unconditionally and that there is no claim either legal or equitable to defeat the validity of said waivers. That the following are the names and addresses of all parties who have furnished material or labor, or both, for said work and all parties having contracts or sub contracts for specific portions of said work or for material entering into the construction thereof and the amount due or to become due to each, and that the items mentioned include all labor and materials required to complete said work according to plans and specifications: NAMES AND ADDRESSES WHAT FOR CONTRACT PRICE AMOUNT THIS BALANCE INCLUDING EXTRAS* PAID PAYMENT DUE Nelson- Harkins Ind Signage $1609.00 $1609.00 -0- -0- NO SUB- CONTRACTORS" TOTAL LABOR AND MATERIAL INCLUDING EXTRAS* $1 609.00 $1609.00 $_0_ -0- COMPLETED. All materials taken from fully paid for stock and delivered per our own truck. All labor is paid in full. That there are no other contracts for said work outstanding, and that there is nothing due or to become due to any person for material, labor or other work of any kind done or to be done upon or in connection with said work other than above state. DATE: 9110108 SIGNATURE SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS 10th DAY OF September 2008 *EXTRAS INCLUDE BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO CHANGE ORDERS r BOTH ORAL AND WRITTEN, TO THE CONTRACT RY �ALLPM NORAMINAW $WOPUS= Transmittal ast ®amodulex. Geupel- DeMars-Hagerman Construction Managers September 26, 2008 7930 Castleway Drive PO Box 502710 Indianapolis, Indiana 46250 -7710 Attn: Kent Forman Dear Mr. Forman, It is our belief that ASI Modulex has fully completed the obligations for signage per the contract documents for the Carmel Clay Central Park /Aquapark project. We have also fulfilled all outstanding punch list items. Attached is a copy of the warranty for this project. Thank you and please let me know if you need anything additional. Sin ly, r r Jeff Higgins, ASI Modulex ASI Modulex 317.269.3400 Tel 2017 West 18th Street 317.269.3578 Fax Indianapolis, IN 46202 www.asimodulex.com asuvmodulex® Guarantee Project: Carmel Clay Central Park Aquatic Center Bid Release 8 ASI Modulex guarantees that the exterior yard signs, dimensional letters, and indoor banner materials are manufactured in accordance with the specifications of the project and that the work is free of defect, is complete and corresponds to industry standards. Further guaranteeing that on receipt of proper notice, ASI Modulex will promptly make good, without additional cost to the Owner, any faults developing within a period of One Year from the date of substantial completion that are due to omissions or defects in either material or workmanship. Maintenance In order to maintain the signs provided by ASI Modulex, it is recommended that the signs be wiped with a clean, dry cloth. For signs soiled with anything other than dust, a mild soap solution and a damp cloth may be used. ASI Modulex 317.269.3400 Tel 2017 West 18th Street 317.269.3578 Fax Indianapolis, IN 46202 www.asimodulex.com V as%amodulex® September 26, 2008 Geupel DeMars Hagerman 7930 Castleway Drive Indianapolis, IN 46250 Attn.:Kent Forman Re: Carmel Clay Central Park Dear Mr. Forman, This will certify that ASI Modulex products are exempt from requirements to provide Material Safety Data Sheets. In accordance with 29 CFR 1910.1200, ASI products qualify for "Article" status per the following definition: "Article" means a manufactured item, other than a fluid or particle: (i) which is formed to specific shape or design during manufacture; (ii) which has end use function(s) dependent in whole or in part upon its shape or design during end use; and (iii) which under normal conditions of use does not release more than very small quantities, e.g., minute or trace amounts, of a hazardous chemical (as determined under paragraph (d) of this section) and does not pose a physical hazard or a health risk to employees." By the way, none of our products contain asbestos. We trust this will satisfy your needs, and look forward to your continued confidence in ASI and its products. Sincerely, ASI Modulex Jeff Higgins Project Manager cc: file ASI Modulex 317.269.3400 Tel 2017 West 18th Street 317.269.3578 Fax Indianapolis, IN 46202 www.asimodulex.com ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice of bill to be properly itemized must show; kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. 00353266 ASI Sign Systems Terms 2017 W. 18th Street Date Due Indianapolis, IN 46202 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 814108 App 6 Ret Outdoor Aquatics Exterior signage 20,131.00 Total 20,131.00 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 ,20 Clerk- Treasurer I Voucher No. Warrant No. Ve�nc�loY o 0 3532lot.o ASI Sign Systems Allowed 20 2017 W. 18th Street Indianapolis, IN 46202 In Sum of 20,131.00 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 853 Gift Fund PO# or INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members Dept 853 App 6 Ret 5023990 20,131.00 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 11 -Dec 2008 Signature 20,131.00 Accounts Payable Coordinator Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund