Docket No.: 11020010 SU
Petitioner: Suburban 1 and Reserve, Inc
1. The premises in uestion is particularly physical! suitable for the pro osed S ecial Use because:
C3 Plan Lan Classification promotes t his use as transition buffer in residential zone
Property size provides ample area for proposed use. Location provides good ingress /egress.
2. The Special Use will not injuriously or adversely affect economic factors, such as cost /benefit to the community and
its anticipated effect on surrounding property values because:
Proposed development and quality will enhance adjacent residential and commercial
property values and economic growth of area. There are many sites with precedent.
3. The Special Use will be consistent with social /neighborhood factors, such as compatibility with existing uses and
those permitted under current zoning in the vicinity of the premises under consideration and how the proposed
Special Use will affect neighborhood integrity because:
Proposed use is compatible with General Plan and transitional zoning at location.
4. The Special Use will not injuriously or adversely affect the adequacy and availability of water, sewage and storm
drainage facilities and police and fire protection because:
Site is accessible and serviceable by City and all utility services.
All utility services are present at location of proposed use.
5. The Special Use will not adversely affect vehicular and pedestrian traffic in and around the premises upon
which the Special Use is proposed because:
Proposed use will generate nominal vehicle traffic to existing background traffic.
Proposed use peak traffic will occur during local non -peak traffic times, Saturday Sunday
Vehicle, pedestrian and bicycle paths improvements will add to ROW network.
Yes No The Board has reviewed the requirements of Ordinance Z 160 Section 21.03 (1 26) as they rel
ate to this
(SpecialYUse ad does no
nt�fi th'atthose;cntena revent the,grantm gofth p e S ecialUs e
IT IS THEREFORE the decision of the Carmel /Clay Board of Zoning Appeals that Special Use Docket Number
11020010 SU is granted, subject to any conditions stated in the minutes of this Board, which are incorporated
herein by reference and made a part hereof.
Adopted this 23 day of May 20 11
/Zw„Liej I`
'PERSON, Carm�I Clay Board of Zoning Appeals
SECRET Carmel /Cla, of Zoning Appeals *r:
Conditions of the Board are listed on the back.
(Petitioner or his representative to sign).
Page 10- filename: special use application 2011.doc rev. 1228/2010