HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplicationADLS Amend Application Fee:
per building fee (60.10 x 1):.
Total Fee:
Boone, Rachel M.
From: Boone, Rachel M.
Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2011 11:10 AM
To: Blanchard, Jim E; Conn, Angelina V; Donahue -Wold, Alexia K; Hancock, Ramona B;
Hollibaugh; Mike P; Keeling, Adrienne M; 'Littlejohn, David W'; Martin, Candy; Mindham,
Daren; 'Stewart, Lisa'; Tingley, Connie S
'Tara Acton- Shaver; 'Rod Collier'; Worthley, >Matthew, D; Olds, Les; Ersal Ozdemir
Docket No. Assignment: (ADLS Amend) Sophia. Square Signage #11040004 ADLS Amend)
I have issued the necessary Docket Number for (ADLS Amend) Sophia Square Signage. It is the following:
Docket No. 11040004 ADLS Amend :,,Sophia -Square Signage
The applicant seeks approval for a new sign package for a new building.
The site is located at 110 W. Main St. and is zoned C -2 within the Old Town Main Street Sub -Area.
Filed by Tara Acton Shaver of Carmel Lofts LLC.
Petitioner, please note the following:
1. This Item will not be on an agenda of the Technical Advisory Committee.
2. Mailed and Published Public Notice does not need to occur.
3. Proof of Notice is not needed.
4. The Filing Fee and Eight (8) Information packets must be delivered to Plan Commission Secretary, Ramona
Hancock, no later than 12:00 PM, Friday, April 22, 2011. If filing "fee and materials are not delivered by this time,
this application will be continued to the June 7, 2011 meeting.
5. This Item will appear on the Wednesday, May 4, 2011 agenda of the Plan Commission Special Studies
Committee at 6:00 pm in the Caucus Room, Second Floor, City Hall. Please have a representative attend to
present your request.
6. Comments on the sign package have already been issued to the applicant. However, there are a few
additional questions:
1. What signage will the apartments have on the outside of the building for identification? This should
beincluded in this submittal as well, if it has been decided on.
2. What incidental or "directional signage will be on the building? For example, parking signs, directional
signs, courtyard or pool identification signs, etc.
Ms. Acton Shaver can be reached at 317 636 -2000.
7Zache)/ 3oonei
Sign Permit Specialist
City of Carmel
Department of Community Services
3rd Floor
One Civic Square
Carmel, IN 46032
317.571.2426 fax
ADLS Fee: $903 (plus $120 /acre when not accompanied by a Development Plan App.)
ADLS AMEND Fees: Sign -only $59.50 /sign;
»Bui1ainWSite01, plus $59.50 /acre
(Note s "re due gter the appl cation receives a docket number, and not before.)
Date: 4/8/201
�a Docket No. I 0 0001- P►PR11�
DP Attached
Name of Sophia Square
Project Parcel ID see attached
Type of Mixed use- retail and apartments
Project 110 W Main Street Carmel, IN 46032
Legal Description: (please use separate sheet and attach)
X ADLS Amend
Previous DP? Yes _X_No
Name of Carmel Lofts LLC
Applicant Address: 47 S Pennsylvania St. 10th fir., Indpls, 46204
Contact Person: Tara Acton-Shaver Phone: 317.636.2000
Fax No. 317.635.1100 Email: tara @keystone- corp.com
Name of Carmel Lofts LLC same
Landowner: Phone:
Landowner Address: same
Plot Size: Zoning Classification: v
Present Use of Property
Mixed use retail apartments
Proposed Use of Property: Mixed use- retail apartments
Revised: 12/2812009 filename: ADLS ADLS AMEND.APP 2010
New Construction? Yes No New/Revised Sign? Yes No
Remodeled Construction Yes No New Parking? Yes X No
New Landscaping? Yes No
No. of Spaces Provided: V A 1 0 No. Spaces Required:
Type of Building No. of Buildings:
Square Footage: Height: No. of Stories
Exterior Materials: Colors:
Maximum No. of Tenants: Type of Uses:
Water by: Sewer by:
Type of Fixture: V Height of Fixture:
No. of Fixtures: Additional Lighting:
Plans to be submitted showing Foot candle spreads at property lines, per the ordinance.
Engineered Plans to be attached /submitted showing plant types, sizes, and locations
unkown SIGNAGE Exterior
No. of Signs: Type of Signs:
Location(s): Please see attached signage package
Dimensions of each sign: Please see attached
Square Footage of each sign: Please see attached
Total Height of each sign: Please see attached
Revised: 12/28/2009 filename: ADLS ADLS AMEND.APP 2010
For A fZ t OlJ
County ofA�iOt
(County in which notarization takes place)
(Notary Public's county of residence)
day ofP62
NOVEMBER 8, 2016
20 t1
My commission expires:
Revised: 12/28/2009 filename: ADLS ADLS AMEND.APP 20W
I the undersigned, to the best of my knowledge and belief, submit the above
information as true and correct.
Signature of Property Manager
Applicant:_ Title:
rra h n Vet
Date: 4/8/2011
County, State of Indiana, personally appeared
114 RA P1crota Nt.4101 ER. and acknowledge the execution of the foregoing instrumerdthis
(Property Owner, Attomey, or Power of Attomey)
Notary Public Signature
1Y J Q4A iw ao €(..L---
Before me the undersigned, a NotayPublic
Notary Public Please Print
11 -8 -16
16- 09- 25- 12 -01- 019.000
16- 09- 25 -12 -01- 020.000
16 09 25-12 01 022.000
16- 09- 25- 12 -01- 023.000
16- 09- 25- 12 -01- 024.000
16- 09- 25- 12 -01- 026.000
16- 09- 25- 12 -01- 027.000
16- 09- 25- 12 -01- 029.000
16- 09- 25- 12 -01- 030.000
16- 09- 25- 12 -01- 028.000
Sophia Square
Project Parcel I.D. #'s
View -E-u
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Tenant Signage
Tenant, is allowed one sign above the entrance on the main elevation and one sign on the courtyard elevation if the Tenant's space has an
entrance to the courtyard. 9
Retail tenants wi frontage on more than one street are allowed one (1) additional building mounted sign.-- c/WV' VV(
Retail tenants ave the option to have a blade sign at pedestrian level with the exact location to be approved by the Landlord.
Locations and sizes are limited to the area directly above a tenant's main entrance, with the exact size and location to be approved by the
Sign width shall be no more than 80% of width of bay. Sign height shall be no more than 2' tall maximum
Tenant Suite Number Hours of Operation Locations
Tenants are required to have a suite number centered on the glass directly above the main entry door.
o The suite number shall be 6" high in reverse white, font shall be Avant Garde.
Tenants shall display the hours of operation in the center of the main entry door.
o The hours of operation shall be 1" high in reverse white, font shall be Avant Garde.
Tenant Permitted Signage Types
Illuminated Signage
o Shall consist of individual, dimensional letters which are internally illuminated. All illumination must be fully concealed in the sign.
o Shall be constructed of all metal material and metal letter returns and trim caps shall be of u ni m size ar for d color as specified by the
Landlord. d K�
o Sign shall be centered within the Tenants designated area.
o Sign shall not project outward from the wall more than six (6) inches.
o Sign size shall be limited based on location as shown in the following Guideline Elevation Drawing.
o Size, design and location shall be approved by Landlord.
Continued on Next Page
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Corner Blade Signage
o Each Corner Tenant is allowed one (1) corner blade (and at street fronage corners for walkway into courtyard).
o If approved by Landlord, the sign shall be internally illuminated with all illumination concealed within the sign.
Size; design and location shall be approved by Landlord.
o Sign shall be no larger than 4' wide by 12' tall and shall be centered on transom window.
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Blade Signage i
o Each Tenant is allowed (1) one blade sign per street frontage and shall be displayed at pedestrian level. w� i �6 062-0-V4- Ufa
o If approved by Landlord, the sign shall be internally illuminated with all illumination concealed
within the sign.
o Sign shall be no larger than 4' wide by 2' tall and shall be centered on transom window. t VV Al CE- C N, 44
o Size, design and location shall be approved by Landlord. ..fr-c Ci 11/(-0- r
Courtyard Signage
o Shall NOT contain any illumination.
o Size, design and location shall be approved by Landlord.
Window Signage
o Shall only be permitted with the approval of the Landlord.
Service Entrance Signage
o Shall only be permitted with the approval of the Landlord.
Signage Specifications
No exposed raceways, neon tubes, ballast boxes or electrical transformers will be permitted.
No painted or printed signs on the exterior surface of the building, including paper signs, stickers or banners are permitted.
Tenant Responsibilities
All signage design, size and location shall be approved by the Landlord.
All signage shall comply with all local building and electrical codes.
Tenants are responsible for obtaining all required sign permits from the City of Carmel in accordance with the permit
procedures set forth in the City of Carmel's sign ordinance.
All signage shall be architecturally cornpatible with the architectural style of the building.
All signage shall be maintained by the Tenant and kept in good repair. All signs in disrepair must be
repaired /replaced within (30) thirty days.
All electricity for tenant signage shall, be on Tenant's electric meter.
Upon vacating the space, the tenant shall remove all signage and repair all damage caused
by the removal of the sign.