CRC-05-26-11 CRC Meeting May 26, 2011 CARMEL REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION Meeting, Thursday, May 26, 2011 President Bill Hammer called the meeting to order at 8:02 a.m. Commission members Carolyn Anker, Jeff Worrell and David Bowers were present, constituting a quorum. Also present were Les Olds, Matt Worthley, Don Cleveland, Michael Lee and Megan McVicker. Others present: Mayor Brainard, Brandon Weddle and Jim Mullet The Pledge of Allegiance was said. Old Business Approval of Contracts for Parcel 7C Sign Package This bid was opened at the May 18, 2011 regular meeting. Mr. Olds stated the bid received was in the amount of $168,865.12; however, based on a recommendation from the Construction Manager, $6,134.88 was added as a contingency should any additional signage needs arise. Mr. Bowers moved to approve Harmon Signs Parcel 7C Sign Package contract in the amount of $175,000, subject to available funding. Seconded by Ms. Anker and unanimously approved. Approval of Contract for National Marketing Rob DeRocker Mr. Olds requested the Commission approve a contract for national marketing with Rob DeRocker. Mr. Olds referenced the distributed copy of the contract and stated it would be valid from June 1, 2011 to December 31, 2013. The total amount of the contract is $283,650. Discussion ensued regarding budget, funding of the contract, marketing strategy and objectives and measurement of results. Mr. Worrell stated he asked and received a commitment from Mr. DeRocker that he would prepare a monthly or bi- monthly analysis and plan that should be prepared for the next CRC meeting. Mr. Worrell stated he would be prepared to make a motion with that stipulation. Discussion ensued regarding the structure of the contract, plan and reimbursables. Mr. Worrell moved approval of Carmel's branding contract with Rob DeRocker in the amount of $283,650, subject to available funding and subject to receiving a monthly activity forecast by the next CRC meeting. Seconded by Ms. Anker. Discussion ensued. Mr. Bowers questioned if a quarterly report should also be received outlining what was accomplished. 1 CRC Meeting May 26, 2011 Mr. Worrell amended his motion to include that the staff provide a quarterly activity report from Rob DeRocker's company that will be presented to Commissioners. Seconded by Ms. Anker and unanimously approved. New Business None at this time. Mr. Hammer thanked Mr. Weddle for his efforts in having the Center Green ready for the opening of the Famers Market and reported record attendance at the first Farmers Market of 2011. Adjournment Ms. Anker moved the meeting be adjourned and seconded by Mr. Worrell. The meeting was adjourned at 8:28 a.m. 2