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HomeMy WebLinkAbout198026 06/06/2011 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 025100 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE BEAVER READY MIX CORP ;o CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 16101 RIVER AVENUE CHECK AMOUNT: $2,296.75 •c, o NOBLESVILLE IN 46062 CHECK NUMBER: 198026 CHECK DATE: 6/6/2011 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 2201 4350100 4350100 50.00 BUILDING REPAIRS MA 2201 4350100 4350100 25.00 601 5023990 M1045663 345.00 OTHER EXPENSES 601 5023990 M1045680 176.75 OTHER EXPENSES 601 5023990 M1045989 578.00 OTHER EXPENSES 206 4237001 M1046128 309.00 STORM SEWER MAINT SUP 206 4237001 M10461319 379.50 STORM SEWER MAINT SUP 206 4237001 M10461428 328.50 STORM SEWER MAINT SUP 601 5023990 M1046495 25.00 OTHER EXPENSES 601 5023990 M1046514 80.00 OTHER EXPENSES BEAVER MA -RI -AI Corp jnvolce# M1046128 Beaver Ready Mix Date; 05/23/2011 16101 River Ave Page Page 1 of 1 Noblesville, IN 46062 317- 773 -0679 Bill To: IShip To: CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 3400 W 131 ST STREET Crooked Stick Preston Trail CARMEL IN, 46074 Boyd 417.5056 Crier�u iB y Job .t Job Number 5 O No P.O; Number Due Date Pi e*Encasement 5 6/22/11 Tickef.# Truck No Product No ptiom...... UOM Quar ttty Pnce Ext Amount Protluct 'I]escri 499871 642 6A 4000 PSI 6 BAG MIX CU Yards 3.00 98.00 294.00 Calcium CALCIUM CHLORIDE Per 3.00 2.00 6.00 AIR MICRO MICRO AIR Each 1.00 0.00 0.00 HE Daraccel Per 3:00 3.00 9.00 Total SubTotal 309.00 Discount of $9.00 if paid by 6/17/11 Yards Sales fax 0.00 Terms: All Accounts past due are subject to service charges at the rate of 1.5% per month. INVOtC 3.00 E TOTALS 309.00 PLEASE REFERENCE INVOICE NUMBER WHEN MAKING PAYMENTS THANK YOU! ['5 E AV E R MA -RI -AI Corp Invoice M1046319 Heaver Ready Mix Date 05/24/2011 16101 River Ave M�.. Noblesville, IN 46062 Page Page 1 of 1 317- 773 -0679 Bill To: IShip To: CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 3400 W 131 ST STREET Crooked Stick Preston Trail CARMEL IN, 46074 Boyd 417.5056 y ;..Job hype. Jou Number':;' S Q No P.O!. Number r. ere ue:.'::ate 35 6/23/11 T +cket Truck No... Product No.. roduct:;pescriptlon UC7M.... Quantity ;l ..Price Ext Arr o 499931 539 6A 4000 PSI 6 BAG MIX CU Yards 3.50 98.00 343.00 Stealth Stealth Fiber Each /Total 4.00 6.50 26.00 AIR MICRO MICRO AIR Each 1.00 0:00 0.00 HE Daraccel Per 3.50 3.00 10.50 ..Total SubT:otal: 379.50 Discount of $10.50 if paid by 6 /18/11 Yards Safes Tax 0.00 Terms: All Accounts past due are subject to service charges at the rate of 1.5% per month. 3.50 `INVOICE TOTAL; 379.50 PLEASE REFERENCE INVOICE NUMBER WHEN MAKING PAYMENTS THANK YOU! BEAVER MA -RI -AI Corp Involve M1046428 Beaver Ready Mix Date: 05/25/2011 16101 River Ave Page Page 1 of 1 Noblesville, IN 46062 g Y 317- 773 -0679 Bill To: IShip To: CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 3400 W 131 ST STREET Crooked Stick Preston Trail CARMEL IN, 46074 boyd 417.5056 r: e. Y o Ype o :.urn er, o um,::er ue Date Street Cut 18 6/24/11 Ticket Truck No Protluct No Product {3escrlption UOM Quanttty Pnce Ext Amount 500015 94 6A 4000 PSI 6 BAG MIX CU Yards 3.00 98.00 294.00 Calcium CALCIUM CHLORIDE Per 3.00 2.00 6.00 Stealth Stealth Fiber Each /Total 3.00 6.50 19.50 AIR MICRO MICRO AIR Each 1.00 0.00 0.00 HE Daraccel Per 3.00 3:00 9.00 Total S0bT6ta 328.50 Discount of $9.00 if aid by 6/19/11 Yards P Sales Tax 0.00 Terms: All Accounts past due are subject to service charges at the rate of 1.5% per month. 3.00 ;INVOICE TATAL; 328.50 PLEASE REFERENCE INVOICE NUMBER WHEN MAKING PAYMENTS THANK YOU! Invoice M1046460 MA -RI -AL Corp (Beaver R/M) Date 5/24/2011 Beaver Ready Mix Page 1 16101 River Avenue Due Date 6/18/2011 Noblesville IN 46062 (317) 773 -0679 Ext. 0101 Bill To: Ship To: CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 3400 W 131 ST STREET CARMEL CARMEL IN 46074 Purchase Order No, Salesperson ID Pa` rent Terms DIRT 11712 25 net 30 Ordered Shipped Ticket Item Number Description Unit Price Ext. Price 1.00 1.00 870714 DUMP CLEAN FILL DUMP FEES $25.00 $25.00 1.00 1.00 870715 DUMP CLEAN FILL DUMP FEES $25.00 $25.00 Subtotal $50.00 Misc $0.00 Tax $0.00 Freight $0.00 Trade Discount $0.00 Total $50.00 lo�,oice ti° M1046027 MA -RI -AL Carp (Beaver RIM) 5/19/2011 Beaver Ready Mix �P_age 1 16101 River Avenue pue Date 6/13/2011 Noblesville IN 46062 (317) 773 -0679 Ext. 0101 Bill To: Ship To: CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 3400 W 131 ST STREET CARMEL SEWER CARMEL IN 46074 Purchase Order No.. =Sales arson ID Pa meat "Terms CONClDIRT 1712 25 net 30 Ordered', S'hi ed, Ticket Item Number_ Descri tion Unit Price Ext. Price 1.00 1.00 870580 DUMP CLEAN FILL DUMP FEES $25.00 $25.00 S'ubtotal. a 9 $25.00 Misc $0.00 Tax $0.00 Freight $0.00 Trade $0.00 Total $25.00 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 05/19/11 M1046027 $25.00 05/23/11 M1046128 $309.00 05/24/11 M1046319 $379.50 05/24/11 M1046460 $50.00 05/25/11 M1046428 $328.50 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER N WA RRANT NO. Beaver Ready Mix ALLOWED 20 IN SUM OF 16101 River Avenue Noblesville, IN 46062 $1,092.00 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Street Department PO# Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT /TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 2201 M1046027 43- 501.00 $25.00 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 206 M1046128 42- 370.01 $309.00 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the 206 M1046319 42- 370.01 $379.50 materials or services itemized thereon for 2201 M1046460 43- 501.00 $50.00 206 M1046428 42- 370.01 ($328.50 which charge is made were ordered and received except 0. M, 00 Wednday, 01, 2011 T Street Commissi� 5tree C-1 emissioner Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Invoice M1046495 MA -RI -AL Corp (Beaver R/M) w Date 5/24/2011 Beaver Ready Mix Page 1 16101 River Avenue Due Date 6/18/2011 Noblesville IN 46062 (317) 773 -0679 Ext. 0101 (p Bill To: p Shi To: CITY OF CARMEL WATER DISTRIBUT CITY OF CARMEL WATER DISTRIBUT 3450 w. 131st Street CARMEL CARMEL IN 46074 Purchase Order No, Sales' ID Payment terms ASPHALT 11712 25 net 30 Ordered Shipped Ticket Item Number Description Unit Price Ext. Price 1.00 1.00 870766 DUMP -CON DUMP FEES CRUSHABLE CONCRET $25.00 $25.00 Subtotal" $25.00 Misc $0.00 Tax $0.00 Freight $0.00 Trade Discount $0.00 Total $25.00 SAVER MA�RI�AI Corp Invoice M1045680 Beaver Ready Mix pate 05/17!2011 16101 River Ave Noblesville, IN 46062 Page Page 1 of 1 317 -773 -0679 Bill To: Ship To: CITY OF CARMEL WATER DISTRIBUTION 3450 w. 131st Street! 126th and pawnee dr CARMEL IN, 46074 X90 gregg /SCOTT 650,4805 OrcteredBy JobiT e Job Il;u� i�er` S 0 (�o PCB iyurrber C?ueiate P Street Cut 76 6/15111 P 4:99365 et Truck No Pncid'tact Nz? Product Descr.ptEOn t)QM Quantity Price Ext. ,4rrtount 437 CLASS A INDOT CLASS A CU Yards 1.75 98.00 171.50 AIR MICRO MICRO AIR Each 1.00 0.00 0.00 HE Daraccel Per 1.75 3.00 5.25 Total SubTo #al 176.75 Discount of $52 if paid by 6/11/11 Yards Sales lax' 0.00 Terms: All Accounts past due are subject to service charges at the rate of 1.5% per month. 1.75 INVp10E TDTAIe 176.75 PLEASE REFERENCE INVOICE NUMBER WHEN MAKING PAYMENTS THANK YOU! EVE. MA -RI -AI Corp Invoice M1045663 Beaver Ready Mix Dafe 05/17/2011 XX 16101 River Ave Pa e Noblesville, IN 46062 9 Page 1 of 1 317- 773 -0679 Bill To: IShip To: CITY OF CARMEL WATER DISTRIBUTION 3450 w. 131st Street 126th and pawnee dr CARMEL IN, 46074 gregg /SCOTT 650.4805 Job Number 5 O No .:i P :O Number. Qtc4eizd'By. Job Type .....Due'Dafe Street Cut 70 6/16111 Ticket Truer No Product No Product Description UOM Quantity Price Ext Amount 499364 97 FILL IW FLOWABLE FILL STANDARD CLI Yards 5.75 60.00 345.00 Total Sut?Tofa 345.00 Discount of $17.25 if paid by 6/11/11 Yards Sales Taz 0.00 Terms: All Accounts past due are subject to service charges at the rate of 1.5% per month. 5.75 INVOICE T(7TAL 345.00 PLEASE REFERENCE INVOICE NUMBER WHEN MAKING PAYMENTS THANK YOU! Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 25100 BEAVER READY MIX CORP Purchase Order No. 16101 RIVER AVENUE Terms NOBLESVILLE, IN 46060 Due Date 5/31/2011 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 5/31/2011 M1045680 $176.75 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 t. Date Officer VOUCHER 111310 WARRANT ALLOWED 25100 IN SUM OF BEAVER READY MIX CORP 16101 RIVER AVENUE OPWAYM NOBLESVILLE, IN 46060 ERA770NS Carmel Water Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO INV ACCT AMOUNT Audit Trail Code M1045680 A 8176.75 3 M IDgVL1 95 L310.1! Voucher Total Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund V MA-RI-AI Cor p ...Invoice M1046514 Beaver Ready Mix Date: 05/25/2011 16101 River Ave Noblesville, IN 46062 Page; Page 1 of 1 317- 773 -0679 Bill To: IShip To: CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 3400 W 131 ST STREET Breckenridge CARMEL IN, 46074 5��.1 JEFF Jrdered By Job Type Job Number S O No P O Number Due 7 Public Walk 6 6/24/11 Product No Product. .escri tion.. UOM Quantity I?rlce Ext Amount Ticket Trucl No p 500012 CID 6A #12 6 BAG #12 GRAVEL MIX CU Yards 0.75 98.00 73.50 Stealth Stealth Fiber Each /Total 1.00 6.50 6.50 AIR MICRO MICRO AIR Each 1.00 0.00 0.00 Total SubTofaili 80.00 Discount of $2.25 if paid by 6/19/11 Yard's Sales 1 ax 0.00 Terms: All Accounts past due are subject to service charges at the rate of 1.5% per month. 0.75 INVOICE TOTAL? 80.00 PLEASE REFERENCE INVOICE NUMBER WHEN MAKING PAYMENTS THANK YOU! BEAVER MA-RI-AI Corp Invorce M1045989 Beaver Ready Mix Date. 05/20/2011 16101 River Ave Page Page 1 of 1 Noblesville, IN 46062 317- 773 -0679 Bill To: IShip To: CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 3400 W 131 ST STREET �`1� White Oak Dr. Birch Canyon Dr. CARMEL IN, 46074 W Eric 752.2706 Urderetl Job Type Job Nurrtber' S O No P O. Nurrtl?er Due Date Public Walk 43 6/19/11 11cket. Truck No Prod!uct.FJo. Produc :Descrl tron..: UDM. p...._.. Quartrty Pnee Ext 'A mount 499680 438 6A #12 6 BAG #12 GRAVEL MIX CU Yards 5.50 98.00 539.00 Stealth Stealth Fiber Each/ otal 6.00 6.50 39.00 AIR MICRO MICRO AIR Each 1.00 0.00 0.00 To #al SubT.otal; 578.00 Discount of $16.50 if paid b} 6/14/11 Yards 1 Sales Tax 0.00 Terms: All Accounts past due are subject to service charges at the rate of 1.5% per month. VOICE TOT 5.50 .IN AL! 578.00 PLEASE REFERENCE INVOICE NUMBER WHEN MAKING PAYMENTS THANK YOU! Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 25100 BEAVER READY MIX CORP Purchase Order No. 16101 RIVER AVENUE Terms NOBLESVILLE, IN 46060 Due Date 6/2/2011 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 6/2/2011 M1045989 $578.00 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 /fib Date Officer VOUCHER 111419 WARRANT ALLOWED 25100 IN SUM OF BEAVER READY MIX CORP 16101 RIVER AVENUE NOBLESVILLE, IN 46060 Carmel Water Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO INV ACCT AMOUNT Audit Trail Code M1045989 01- 6200 -06 t $578.00 Ibq I`l b1.6?tb. �SCDc Voucher Total Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund