HomeMy WebLinkAbout198254 06/06/2011 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 354867 Page 1 of 2 0 ONE CIVIC SQUARE RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL CHECK AMOUNT: $2,487.87 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 410 W CARMEL DRIVE 'Llioe �o CARMEL IN 46032 CHECK NUMBER: 198254 CHECK DATE: 6/6/2011 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1205 4350400 184905 3.50 GROUNDS MAINTENANCE 2201 4356001 188866 /55.80 TEAHOUSE 2201 4353099 188884 1,336.05 REFLECTING POND 2201 4231100 188915 138.90 PATCH TRUCK 2201 4231100 189123 ✓55.80 REFLECTING POND 2201 4356001 189446 9.18 PATCH 2201 4353099 189772 --131.25 IND DESIGN CENTER 2201 4353099 190295 X131.25 STREET LIGHTS 2201 4353099 190712 X285.15 PARKING GARAGE 2201 4353099 190780 X27.30 PEDCOR 2201 4353099 190853 ✓136.50 IND DESIGN CENTER 2201 4238000 190856 X15.55 OLD MERIDIAN /GUILF 2201 4353099 190927 X29.58 ROUNDABOUTS CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 354867 Page 2 of 2 ONE CIVIC SQUARE RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 410 W CARMEL DRIVE CHECK AMOUNT: $2,487.87 CARMEL IN 46032 CHECK NUMBER: 198254 CHECK DATE: 6/6/2011 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 2201 4356001 191450 ,4.59 PATCH 2201 4238000 191699 ✓58.95 PALLADIUM 2201 4353099 191773 /43.78 PALLADIUM 2201 4238000 191850 9.99 BIKE RACKS 2201 4238000 191958 X15.00 ROUNDABOUTS 1120 4353099 192397 /47.25 OTHER RENTAL LEASES 2201 4353099 192464 Z52.50 PEDCOR RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL 410 WEST CARMEL DRIVE CARMEL, IN 46032 (317)566 -8888 STATEMENT DATE: r 05/26/11 503 PRINTING DATE: 4 05/26/11 CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL 3400 WEST 131ST STREET 410 WEST CARMEL DRIVE CARMEL IN 46074 CARMEL, IN 46032 5 ;;DATE INVOICE# LOC'DESCRIPTION -ap�< ,rAMOUNTS�'� i;y'CREDITS g "�'4�eBALANC}'s 04/27/11 188866 100 PO# TEA HOUSE 55.80 0.00 55.8 04/27/11 188915 100 PO# PATCH TRUCK 38.90 0.00 9 04/29/11 188884 100 PO# REFLECTING POOL 1336.05 0.00 1336.0 04/29/11 189123 100 PO# REFLECTING 55.80 0.00 55.81 05/02/11 189446 100 PO# PATCH 9.18 0.00 9.1 05/05/11 189772 100 PO# IDC BUILDING 131.25 0.00 e 131.2 05/09/11 190295 100 PO# STREET LIGHTS 131.25 0.00 131..25 05/12/11 190712 100 PO# PARKING GARAGE 285.15 0.00 285.15��, 05/12/11 190780 100 PO# PEDCORE 27.30 0.00 27.3cD 05/12/11 190835 100 PO# IDC BUILDING 136.50 0.00 136.50 05/12/11 190856 100 PO# OLD MERIDIAN G 15.55 0.00 15.55 05/13/11 190927 100 PO# ROUND ABOUTS 29.58 0.00 29.5 05/13/11 190958 100 PO# ROUND ABOUT 15.00 0.00 15.0 05/17/11 191450 100 PO# PATCH 4.59 0.00 4.5, 05/19/11 191699 100 PO# PALLADIUM 58.95 0.00 58.9 05/20/11 191773 100 PO# PALLADIUM 43.78 0.00 43.78 05/20/11 191850 100 PO# BIKE RACKS 9.99 0.00 9.9 05/24/1.1 192464 100..PO# PE'DCOR 52.50 0.00 52.5G *Unapplied Payments Amount Allocated Remaining °;CURRENT 31�DA,YS:60', DAYS 90 "DAYS f 4 12.0 DAYS. 2437.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2437.12 a 05/31/11 01:57 PH (317) 566 -2990 via VSI —FAX Page 2 of 2 #12689 In consideration aI the payment of addlione I rent dawded as 'damage w&W by the Rentee, Renner agrees to and hey does waive its rVII, or any dgM t might tteve agabwt frIe fTertee, ariRimg from rtonrtal dams of the rental property, normal darrlege to be determined b/ Renter. l}te undersigned shalt pay Jon returrTnf orD38e0f raergDSSnegrgr R donee shnota�pplyredclass ca+el d da Equpment. nse or operation d the C- quipmernt rated capaury, a damage to tires, tubes and wN9els caused bl ttowout, bruises, arts, punctures equwmeN'C RENTAL In other causes o ha ag reement the use at the Equpmment h is um rstood the errlou paltl s rat an ilaurerce prerilm and tltat ins pvvislon does nd represent an 410 W. Carmel Drive •Carmel, IN 46032 ''0f a n 10"1S1e� The Rentee f u rtter a cknowledges receipt of the dorome ntiorad equipment and materials, or wAr arts to use said P ly in a Careful and prudent manner and LApMB4 o FTSHEn a INDIANpFOLIS shall r in sun, mo good a aonii as when roaa'vecl nearn3l wear amid tear written ant of the a=men, ar=t further agrees to return the oWpment 31 566 8888 feesDoutoo aTd tdoneand (I p c ft edperr�orthadddea�to affte�l0�jdapol r l rig pdoenlagere afe percent FAX: 317 -566 -2990 The aW* eWiprent has been retched by the undersigned for rental purpm or y, and it is understood that Renter shei be held responsible br any aoddent or damage resulting dre��yy or i ndredly from NB leased equpmern. Time Reiner acres* disciasrs all warrantles, emmer spressed or Implied, Including any implied "Don f be a loot Rent one" warran of meldenm6Tty or ft for a particular purpose, and n6ftr assures rror su8ariaae any other parson to ast t ne for it ery Ilialloft connection with the Use at Nls equpment. The time agraes to Irldamni fy Rerner, from any Gain, Ms. dwmjw to property Ioorwequel M damages, loss of home or any other www. runyonrenta I. eom incidental damages, even Nose damages caused by the negligence of Ronlee, rogeft wM attorney lees for delenring ary aMon broug as a result of Die lease of Nis equipment Open 7 ftys a sleek Monday Friday 7:00 am 5:30 pm Saturday 7:00 am 4:30 pm Sunday 9:00 am 3:00 pm RENTEE ADDRESS AT WHICH_ EQUIPMENT WILL BE USED LcT4CYgb NO. CITY OF CARMEL Con# 184905 ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL IN 46032 IDENTIFICATION #2 PHONE DATE TIME W (317) 571 -2448 OUT 03/21/11 11:00 AM WH F (317) 571 -2409 AUTO LICENSE P.O.# RECEIVED BY ONE CIVIC SQBURKE, RAPHAEL RETTIRNED 03/22/11 11:38 AM *FINAL Page: 1 Qty Item# MIN Hourly Ovnite 8 -hour Day Week 4 Week Ext Amt Net Amt 1 5052 -0006 SLICE SEEDER 70.00 70.00 RENT 70.00 FnEEGitIOMMISh FETUNMB Y, MEtr DSTE, YOUWLLBESUBJ ECMAC►MWOFMIVUWNftNEFn SALES 0.00 Use oI eAenutire fuels, (Biediesel. E85, etc.) in Runyon Equipment Rental egl ipn ent s PROHIBITED. Customer is liable Icr all damages a repairs mat rmuh ham alternative luat OTHER 0.00 I I HAVE BEl7J INSTRUCTED d DEMONSWED ON THE SAFE t PROPER 0 2 F RATION OF THE ABOVE EQUIPMENT AND I IJ pyJYUNDERST RuCT� IALSOUNDERSTANDTHATIAMTHEPERSONRENTINGTHISPROPERTY .AND DW /FEES 3.50 THAT RUN)ON EQUIPMENT RENTAL DOES NOT GIVE ME PERMISSON TO LENOTHIS PROPERTY TO ANY OTHER PERSON. I Addl TAX '0 UNDERSTANDTHAr GANG OR LENDING THIS °ROPERTY TO ANY OTHER PERSON FOR ANY REASON IS UNAUTHCA'ZED BY RUNYON EOUIPMENTRENRt. X SALES TAX 0. 00 THE UNDERSIGNED. RAVING READ AND UNDERSTOOD THE ABOVE, HEREBY AGREES TO RENT THE A911CLESNAMED DEPOSIT 0.00 ON THE TERMS AND CON D TTONS SET FORTH IN THIS RENTAL AGREEMENT' I HAVE READ THE ABOVE INFORMATION AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT IT ISCORRECT, COMPLETE AND ACCURATE. I PROMISE THAT AS A CONDITION OF RENTING EQUIPMENT THAT IF MY EMPLOYMENT, ADDRESS OR PHONE NUMBER BE CHANGER I WILL NOTIFY RUNYON TOTAL DUE 73 50 EQUIPACENT RENTAL IMMEODUEU' RUNYON EOUIPIIENT RENAL IS AUTHOR¢EDT O BILL MY CREDIT CARD FOR ANY AND ALL COSTS. FEES. ANDOR INTEREST CHARGES ASSOCIATED WITH ANY CLAIM. LOSS, OR DAMAGES 0 AMT BILLED 73 50 PROPERTY AS A RESULT OF HE RENTAL OF THIS EOUIPMENr EQUIPMENT CELL LEASED BY X P HONE EQUIDMENr RETURNED BY X RENTAL FEES DO NOT ,APPLY TO PURCHASES. WE CHARGE FOR TIME OUT NOT TIME USED. Equipment is clean and `ull of fuel please return as such or additio'mal charges YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALLTIRES, FUEL AND ELECTRIC CURRENT. NO ADJUSTMENTS OR (31 wig be made on equip nwt MWIX IMIS will apply. X LlrbwRunmEmomerdR2lWhm boon node& WP rharor a 5; DamaoeWaiver on all eouioment rentals. escribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL i invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by iom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due (voice invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) )3121111 184905 $70.00 iereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance th IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20 Clerk- Treasurer 'OUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 'unyon Equipment Rental IN SUM OF 10 W. Carmel Drive armel, IN 46032 $70.00 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Administration #!Dept. !NVOICENO. ACCT #!TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1205 l 184905 43- 504.00 I $70.00 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or l I bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and b� received except I vJ Monday, March 28, 2011 Direc or, Administ i ion Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund In consideration of the payment of additional rent classified as 'damage waiver" by the Rentee, Renter agrees to, and hereby does waive its right, or any right it might have against the Rentee, arising from normal damage of the rental property, normal damage to be determined by Renter. The undersigned shall pay upon return of Y ArA property rented a sum equal to 5% of rental charge. This "damage waiver does not include damage or loss of the property as a result of the negligence of the Rentee or in the case of abusive damage, theft or other gross negligence of the Rentee. This damage waiver shall not apply to reddess, careless or abusive operation or use of the Equipment, use or operation of the Equipment exceeding its rated capacity, or damage to tires, tubes and wheels caused by blowout, bruises, cuts, punctures or EQUIPMENT RENTA►- other causes inherent in the use of the Equipment. It is understood the amount paid is not an insurance premium, and that this provision does not represent an insurance 410 W. Carmel Drive Carmel, IN 46032 policy or an agreement to insure. Equipment that is stolen or damaged by Rentee will pay list for parts, labor or, 'g a total loss, will pay replacement cost of equipment. The Rentee further acknowledges receipt of the aforementioned equipment and materials, or covenants to use said property in a careful and prudent.manner and GNWCL FISHERS INDIANAPOLIS shall not loan, sublet, mortgage or in any manner dispose of same to any person without the written consent of the owner, and further agrees to return the equipment to Renter in substantially good condition as when received, natural wear and tear excepted. 317 56 8888 The parties agree that in the event the Rentee violates any of the terms and conditions of this agreement, the Renter may collect damages together with reasonable attorney fees, court costs and interest of one and one hag (11/2) percent per month added to accounts over ten (10) days old, reflecting an annual percentage rate of eighteen (18) percent FAX: 317- 566 -2990 The above equipment has been received by the undersigned for rental purposes only, and it is understood that Renter shall be held responsible for aq accident or damage resulting directly or indirectly from the leased equipment. The Renter expressly disclaims all warranties, either expressed or implied, includinpny implied "Don't be a tool Rent one" warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, and neither assumes nor authorizes any other person to assume for'rt any liability connection with the use of this equipment. The Rentee agrees to indemnify Renter, from any claim, loss, damages to property, consequential damages, loss of income or any other www. runyonrentaL com incidental damages, even those damages caused by the negligence of Rentee, together with attorney fees for defending any action brought as a result of the lease of this equipment. Open 7 Days a Week Monday Friday 7:00 am 5:30 pm Saturday 7:00 am 4:30 pm Sunday 9:00 am 3:00 pm RENTED 'TO`" JOB LOCATION TICKET CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 503 PEDCOR 3400 WEST 131ST STREET Con# 192464 CARMEL IN 46074 Loc 100 $SN PHONE DATE =TIME W (317) 733 -2001 OUT 05/24/11 1:41 PM BN F (317) 733 -2005 ID #3 PO /JOB' RECEIVEDA. Y—` PEDCOR DELPH, DAMIAN RETURNED 05/24/11 3:49 PM TT *FINAL Page: 1 QTY ITEM# NET'AMT .t MIN ;HOURLY ",OVNITEi .8 -HOUR DP,Y WEEK b 4 :WEEK'' E AMT e o- 1 8134 -0006 PRESSURE WASHER 3000 PSI 50.00 50.00 $50.00/4 60.00 60.00 290 ./O,O,� .00 e v ,y IFTHE EQUIPMENT IS NOT RETURNED BY "DUE IN" DATE YOU WILL BE SUBJECTTO A CHARGE OF CONVERSION (rHEFT). RENT 50 00 Use of alternative fuels, (Biodiesel, E85, etc.) in Runyon Equipment Rental, equipment is PROHIBITED. Customer is liable for all damages repairs that result from alternative fuel. SALES 0 00 I HAVE BEEN INSTRUCTED DEMONSTRATED ON THE SAFE PROPER OPERATION OF THE ABOVE EQUIPMENT AND I OTHER 0 00 FULLY UNDERSTANDTHOSE INSTRUCTIONS I ALSO UNDERSTAND THAT I AM THE PERSON RENTING THIS PROPERTY, AND THAT RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL DOES NOT GIVE ME PERMISSION TO LEND THIS PROPERTY TO ANY OTHER PERSON. I DW FE E S 2 50 UNDERSTAND THAT GIVING OR LENDING THIS PROPERTY TO ANY OTHER PERSON FOR ANY REASON IS UNAUTHORIZED Addl TAX 0.00 BY RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL. x THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING READ AND UNDERSTOOD THE ABOVE, HEREBY AGREES TO RENT THE ARTICLES NAMED ON SALES TAX 0 00 THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN THIS RENTAL AGREEMENT. I HAVE READ THE ABOVE INFORMATION AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT IT IS CORRECT, COMPLETE AND ACCURATE. I PROMISE THAT AS A CONDITION OF RENTING DEPOSIT 0 00 EQUIPMENT THAT IF MY EMPLOYMENT, ADDRESS OR PHONE NUMBER BE CHANGED, I WILL NOTIFY RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IMMEDIATELY. RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IS AUTHORIZED TO BILL MY CREDIT CARD FOR ANY AND ALL COSTS, FEES, ANDIOR INTEREST CHARGES ASSOCIATED WITH ANY CLAIM, LOSS, OR DAMAGES TO PROPERTY AS A RESULT OF THE RENTAL OF THIS EQUIPMENT. IF EQUIPMENT IS RETURNED DAMAGED, AND NOT DISCOVERED BY RUNYON EQUIPMENT TOTAL DUE 52 50 RENTAL UNTIL AFTER THE CUSTOMER LEAVES AND HAS SETTLED THE BILL, RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IS AUTHORIZED TO RUN ANY FORM OF PAYMENT ON FILE TO SATISFY EQUIPMENT REPAIR. LABOR RATE CHARGED AT $85 AN HOUR. AMT BILLED 52 50 EQUIPMENT CELL LEASED BY X PHONE 24 MAY 11 15:49:41 E RETURNED T BY X RENTAL FEES DO NOT APPLY TO PURCHASES. WE CHARGE FOR TIME OUT NOT TIME USED. Equipment is clean and full of fuel please return as such or additional charges YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALLTIRES, VUEL AND ELECTRIC CURRENT. will apply. X NO ADJUSTMENTS OR CREDITS will be made on equipment malfunctions unless Runvon Eauioment Rental has been notified. We charge a 5% Damage Waiver on all equipment rentals. OIL LEVELS UNUSUAL WEAR 3-WIRE The oil evel in machinery is checked when equipment CORDS OR DAMAGE eaves our yard. Maintenance of proper 6 eve; in No electrical tools are supplied equipment is J solely the responsibility of I with safety grounded chugs for Our damage waiver covers normal wear and tear. Damage customer. For proper oil grade, ca" us. use in grounded outlets due to neglecli or ignorance vvill be the customer's i i 'except for double insulated responsibility at a charge of $85.00 per hour parts. safety approved tools) Do not on, off ground lig No damage waiver license sales or use IN CASE taxes are included in OF LOSS OR; FUEL our rental rates. They THEFT All equipment is full of fuel A and must be returned full or 0� eauloment, the cus le lulflep ivil; Ot Pr u t are extra. additional charges will apply billed for 1 ice plus ente! p o ms of repot: ng :vsS Mit o t; TIRE INSURANCE RENTAL CHARGES ANDTERMS Customer is totally responsible Once the equipment leaves our yard, the customer is for ALL lire repair. It is the responsible for it until it has been returned and payment Equipment with hour meters is customer's option to check over received. NO equipment is to be left in our yard if we are allowed 8 hours use within a 24 the fires before the equipment hour period of time not open to receive it. Our insurance does not cover leaves and have one of our equipment while in customer's possession. We suggest people make note of any you contract your insurance agent for coverage. A week is 7 days. irregularities spotted. A month is 28 days. Renter will not be liable for any or all damage to vehicles You will be charged for while loading or unloading equipment. time out not time used. CLEANING MARGES Rental rates for equipment are based on usage during an hour shift, Equinment is to be returned as 8 dean as he n ch, it A, arae of One day is 24 hours or 8 hours running time, L-F] S65M' per oj r will I. e ch o a� a fr 9 E LF T 17' 16 hours running time in 24 hours 2 day charge. i 24 hours running time in 24 hours 3 days charge. 1 If over 8 hours in 1 day you will be charged for extra hours on equipment. LOADING AND UNLOADING EQUIPMENT Customer is responsible for loading and unloading equipment. If Dealer's employees assist in loading or unloading the equipment, Customer agrees to assume the risk of, and hold Dealer and/or its employees harmless for any property damage or personal injuries, including damage and personal injuries attributable to the negligence of Dealer. POSSESSION/TITLE. Your right to Possession of the Equipment begins upon Rental Items leaving the Rental Center and terminates on the agreed Return Date indicated on the front of this Contract. Retention of the Equipment beyond the expiration of the Rental Period constitutes a material breach of this Contract. Time is of the essence. Any extension must be mutually agreed upon in writing and signed by Us. Title to the Rental Items is and shall at all times remain in Rental Center, Failure to return rental property or equipment upon expiration of the Rental Period, and failure to pay all amounts due (including costs for damage to the property or equipment) are prima facie evidence of intent to defraud. FUTURE RENTALS. Customer acknowledges that the terms of this Contract will be deemed to apply not only to the Equipment identified on the front side of this document, but also to all other Equipment and merchandise Customer may rent or purchase from Dealer (except as to the rent and/or purchase price of such items, as applicable, which will be charged at Dealer's published rates as of the date of each such rental or purchase), whether on the date of this Contract or at any time in the future (except only as to any Equipment and/or other items with respect to which Customer executes a new Rental Contract). After being in the rental business for many years, we know what it takes to be successful good attitude, new or like new equipment, and good old fashioned service. We will never knowingly disappoint you. If for any reason you feel we haven't handled your transaction properly, please bring it to our attention. Thank you for renting from us. Reorder from l-1-A-6:nd 800-862-2463 =orm 0432 In consideration of the payment of additional rent classified as "damage waiver by the Rentee, Renter agrees to, and hereby does waive its right, or any right it might R O have against the Rentee, arising from normal damage of the rental property, normal damage to be determined by Renter. The undersigned shall pay upon return of Y property rented a sum equal to 5% of rental charge. This "damage waiver" does not include damage or loss of the property as a result of the negligence of the Rentee or In the case of abusive damage, theft or other gross negligence of the Rentee. This damage waiver shall not apply to reddess, careless or abusive operation or use of the Equipment, use or operation of the Equipment exceeding its rated capacity, or damage to tires, tubes and wheels caused by blowout, bruises, cuts, punctures or EQUIPMENT RENTAL other causes inherent in the use of the Equipment. It is understood the amount paid is not an insurance premium, and that this provision does not represent an insurance 410 W. Carmel Drive Carmel, IN 46032 policy or an agreement to insure. Equipment that is stolen or damaged by Rentee will pay list for parts, labor or, if a total loss, will pay replacement cost of equipment. The Rentee further acknowledges receipt of the aforementioned equipment and materials, or covenants to use said property in a careful and prudent manner and CARMEL FISHERS INWW"01.15 shall not loan, sublet, mortgage or in any manner dispose of same to any person without the written consent of the owner, and further agrees to return the equipment to Renter in substantially good condition as when received, natural wear and tear excepted. 317 566 8888 The parties agree that in the event the Rentee violates any of the terms and conditions of this agreement, the Renter may collect damages together with reasonable attorney fees, court costs and interest of one and one half (11/2) percent per month added to accounts over ten (10) days old, reflecting an annual percentage rate of eighteen (18) percent. FAX: 317- 566 -29,90 The above equipment has been received by the undersigned for rental purposes only and it is understood that Renter shall be held responsible for any accident or damage resulting directly or indirectly from the leased equipment. The Renter expressly disclaims all warranties, either expressed or implied, including any implied "Don't be a tool Rent one" warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, and neither assumes nor authorizes any other person to assume for it any liability connection with the use of this equipment. The Rentee agrees to indemnify Renter, from any claim, loss, damages to property, consequential damages, loss of income or any other www, runyonrentaL com incidental damages, even those damages caused by the negligence of Rentee, together with attorney fees for defending any action brought as a result of the lease of this equipment. Open 7 Days a Week Monday Friday 7:00 am 5:30 pm Saturday 7:00 am 4:30 pm Sunday 9:00 am 3:00 pm RENTED TO JOB LOCATION TICKET CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 503 BIKE RACKS 3400 WEST 131ST STREET Con# 191850 CARMEL IN 46074 Loc 100 SSN PHONE DATE TIME W (317) 733 -2001 OUT 05/20/11 12:56 PM TT F (317) 733 -2005 ID #3._ PO /JOB'# RECEIVED,BY BIKE RACKS TOWNS, ADAM 05/20/11 12:59 PM TT *FINAL Page: 1 QTY ITEM# EXT AMT NET AMT MIN HOURLY "OVNITE 8 -HOUR. DAY WEEK 4 WEEK 1 754166134474 DRILL BIT SDS 1/2 "X12" 4x9 k ,.99 9.99 9.99 M s gn x Lr IFTHE EQUIPMENT IS NOT RETURNED BY "DUE IN' DATE YOU WILL BE SUBJECTTO A CHARGE OF CONVERSION (THEFT). RENT 0 00 Use of alternative fuels, (Biodiesel, E85, etc.) in Runyon Equipment Rental, equipment is PROHIBITED. Customer is liable for all damages repairs that result from alternative fuel. SALES 9 99 I HAVE BEEN INSTRUCTED DEMONSTRATED ON THE SAFE PROPER OPERATION OF THE ABOVE EQUIPMENT AND I OTHER 0 00 FULLY UNDERSTAND THOSE INSTRUCTIONS I ALSO UNDERSTAND THAT I AM THE PERSON RENTING THIS PROPERTY, AND THAT RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL DOES NOT GIVE ME PERMISSION TO LEND THIS PROPERTY TO ANY OTHER PERSON. I DW/ FEES 0 00 UNDERSTAND THAT GIVING OR LENDING THIS PROPERTY TO ANY OTHER PERSON FOR ANY REASON IS UNAUTHORIZED BY RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL. X ACIdl TAX 0.00 THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING READ AND UNDERSTOOD THE ABOVE, HEREBY AGREES TO RENT THE ARTICLES NAMED ON SALES TAX 0 00 THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN THIS RENTAL AGREEMENT. I HAVE READ THE ABOVE INFORMATION AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT IT IS CORRECT, COMPLETE AND ACCURATE. I PROMISE THAT AS A CONDITION OF RENTING DEPOSIT 0 00 EQUIPMENT THAT IF MY EMPLOYMENT, ADDRESS OR PHONE NUMBER BE CHANGED, I WILL NOTIFY RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IMMEDIATELY, RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IS AUTHORIZED TO BILL MY CREDIT CARD FOR ANY AND ALL COSTS, FEES, AND /OR INTEREST CHARGES ASSOCIATED WITH ANY CLAIM, LOSS, OR DAMAGES TO PROPERTY AS A RESULT OFTHE RENTAL OF THIS EQUIPMENT. IF EQUIPMENT IS RETURNED DAMAGED, AND NOT DISCOVERED BY RUNYON EQUIPMENT TOTAL DUE 9 99 RENTAL UNTIL AFTER THE CUSTOMER LEAVES AND HAS SETTLED THE BILL, RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IS AUTHORIZED TO RUN ANY FORM OF PAYMENT ON FILE TO SATISFY EQUIPMENT REPAIR. LABOR RATE CHARGED AT $85 AN HOUR. AMT BILLED 9 99 EQUIPMENT„ CELL LEASED BY X PHONE .20 1 2: 5 9: 13 RETURNED BY X RENTAL FEES DO NOT APPLY TO PURCHASES. WE CHARGE FOR TIME OUT NOT TIME USED. Equipment is clean and full of fuel please return as such or additional charges YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL TIRES, VUEL AND ELECTRIC CURRENT. will apply. X 1INTFIAT. NO ADJUSTMENTS OR CREDITS will be made on equipment We cha a 5% Damage Waiver on all equipment rentals. malfunctions unless Runvon Eauioment Rental has been notified. 9 9 OCR fflarr- ffvkrffl�= �M WMMM =0 M� WIM OIL LEVELS UNUSUAL WEAR 3 WIRE OR DAMAGE The oil level in machinery is checked when equipment CORDS eaves our yard. Maintenance of proper oil level in No electrical tools are supplied rented equipment is solely the responsibility of with safety grounded plugs for Our damage .valuer covers normal near and sear. Damage customer. For proper oil grade. call us. use in grounded outlets I due to neglect or ignorance will be the customer's (except for double insulated responsibility at a conflrge of $85.00 per hour plus parts- safety approved tools). Do not cut off ground lug. r No d waiver license, sales or use C taxes are included in FUEL F LOSS OR our rental rates. They .a THEFT All equipment is (tall of fuel and must be returned full or o gjii nent, the, c v, be re extra additional charges will apply. bille �r �s� nve pills er,� up g �Ea�e of reed,; r;g s or t:ie TIRES INSURANCE RENTAL CILARGES AND TERMS Customer is totally responsible Once the equipment leaves our yard, the customer is for ALL tire repair. It is the responsible for it until it has been returned and payment Equipment with hour meters is customer' option to check over received. NO equipment is to be left in our yard if we are allowed 8 hours use within a 24 the tires before the equipment hour period of time not open to receive it. Our insurance does not cover leaves and have one of our equipment while in customer's possession. We suggest people make note of any irregularities spotted. you contract your insurance agent for coverage. A week is 7 days. A month is 28 days. Renter will not be liable for any or all damage to vehicles You will be charged for t r Ci. while loading or unloading equipment. time out not time used. n CLEAINTING CHARGES Rental rates for equipment are based on usage during an hour Shift. Equipment is to be returned as Neaq as When `t R A c h r e of I One day is 24 hours or 8 hours running time, $60 per hour will .e cha fc.r U J 16 hours running time in 24 hours 2 day charge. zar L 24 hours running time in 24 hours 3 days charge. If over 8 hours in 1 day you will be charged for extra hours on equipment. LOADING AND UNLOADING EQUIPMENT. Customer is responsible for loading and unloading equipment. If Dealer's employees assist in loading or unloading the equipment, Customer agrees to assume the risk of, and hold Dealer and /or its employees harmless for any property damage or personal injuries, including damage and personal injuries attributable to the negligence of Dealer. POSSESSIONITITLE. Your right to possession of the Equipment begins upon Rental Items leaving the Rental Center and terminates on the agreed Return Date indicated on the front of this Contract. Retention of the Equipment beyond the expiration of the Rental Period constitutes a material breach of this Contract, Time is of the essence. Any extension must be mutually agreed upon in writing and signed by Us. Title to the Rental Items is and shall at all times remain in Rental Center. Failure to return rental property or equipment upon expiration of the Rental Period, and failure to pay all amounts due (including costs for damage to the property or equipment) are prima facie evidence of intent to defraud. FUTURE RENTALS. Customer acknowledges that the terms of this Contract will be deemed to apply not only to the Equipment identified on the front side of this document, but also to all other Equipment and merchandise Customer may rent or purchase from Dealer (except as to the rent and/or purchase price of such items, as applicable, which will be charged at Dealer's published rates as of the date of each such rental or purchase), whether on the date of this Contract or at any time in the future (except only as to any Eq and /or othe it ems with respect to which Cu stomer exe cutes a new R ental C After being in the rental business for many years, we know what it takes to be successful good attitude, new or like new equipment, and good old fashioned service. We will never knowingly disappoint you. If for any reason you feel we haven't handled your transaction properly, please bring it to our attention. Thank you for renting from us. Reorder f om in -A -Bind 800 862-2463 -orm #'0432 In consideration of the payment of additional rent classified as 'damage waiver by the Rentee, Renter agrees to, and hereby does waive its right, or any right it might R have against the Rentee, arising from normal damage of the rental property, normal damage to be determined by Renter. The undersgned shall pay upon return of Y or in the r ented case of abusive damage, theft or o er ch arg e. oss negligence of the Rentee. This damag aiiverr shall o apply t o p r careless or ab ve operation R r r use of the Equipment, use or operation of the Equipment exceeding its rated capacity, or damage to tires, tubes and wheels caused by blowout, bruises, cuts, punctures or EQUIPMENT RENTAL other causes inherent in the use of the Equipment. It is understood the amount paid is not an insurance premium, and that this provision does not represent an insurance 410 W. Carmel Drive Carmel, IN 46032 policy or an agreement to insure. Equipment that is stolen or damaged by Rentee will pay list for parts, labor or, If a total loss, will pay replacement cost of equipment. The Rentee further acknowledges receipt of the aforementioned equipment and materials, or covenants to use said property in a careful and prudent manner and GARMBL a FISHERS INDIANAPOLIS shall not loan, sublet, mortgage or in any manner dispose of same to any person without the written consent of the owner, and further agrees to return the equipment to Renter in substantially good condition as when received, natural wear and tear excepted. 31 7 566 8888 The parties agree that in the event the Rentee violates any of the terms and conditions of this agreement, the Renter may collect damages together with reasonable attorney fees, court costs and interest of one and one half (11/2) percent per month added to accounts over ten (10) days old, reflecting an annual percentage rat of eighteen It 8) percent. FAX: 317- 566 -2990 The above equipment has been received by the undersigned for rental purposes only, and it is understood that Renter shall be held responsible for any accident or damage resulting directly or indirectly from the leased equipment. The Renter expressly disclaims all warranties, either expressed or implied, including any implied "Don't be a tool Rent one" warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, and neither assumes nor authorizes any other person to assume for it any liability connection with the use of this equipment. The Rentee agrees to indemnify Renter, from any claim, loss, damages to property, consequential damages, loss of income or any other www.runyonrental.com incidental damages, even those damages caused by the negligence of Rentee, together with attorney fees for defending any action brought as a result of the lease of this equipment. Open 7 Days a Week Monday Friday 7:00 am 5:30 pm Saturday 7:00 am 4:30 pm Sunday 9:00 am 3:00 pm RENTED TO: JOB "LOCATION :TICKET CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 503 PALLADIUM 3400 WEST 131ST STREET Con# 191773 CARMEL IN 46074 Loc 100 SSN RHONE DATE' TIME W (317) 733 -2001 OUT 05/20/11 9:01 AM JRR F (317) 733 -2005 ID #3'a. PO /JOB RECEIVED'�BY PALLADIUM HOBBS, JAMES A TURNED 05/20/11 1:38 PM TT *FINAL Page: 1 QTY ITEM# EXT AMT NET AMT MIN HOURLY OVNITE 8 -HOUR DAY WEEK 4 WEEK 1 8364 -0006 HAMMER B DRILL SDS TE -7 32.00 32.00 $22.00/4 32.00 32.00 128 00 384.00 2 759166134511 DRILL BIT SDS 1/2 "X6 1 5:09 10.18 10.18 tr s F o IFTHE EQUIPMENT IS NOT RETURNED BY "DUE IM' DATE,YOU WILL BE SUBJECTTO A CHARGE OF CONVERSION (THEFT} RENT 32 00 Use of alternative fuels, (Biodiesel, E85, etc.) in Runyon Equipment Rental, equipment is PROHIBITED. Customer is liable for all damages repairs that result from alternative fuel. SALES 10 18 I HAVE BEEN INSTRUCTED DEMONSTRATED ON THE SAFE PROPER OPERATION OF THE ABOVE EQUIPMENT AND I OTHER 0 00 FULLY UNDERSTANDTHOSE INSTRUCTIONS I ALSO UNDERSTAND THAT I AM THE PERSON RENTING THIS PROPERTY, AND THAT RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL DOES NOT GIVE ME PERMISSION TO LEND THIS PROPERTY TO ANY OTHER PERSON, I DW/ FEES 1 6 UNDERSTAND THAT GIVING OR LENDING THIS PROPERTY TO ANY OTHER PERSON FOR ANY REASON IS UNAUTHORIZED Addl TAX 0 0 0 BY RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL. X THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING READ AND UNDERSTOOD THE ABOVE, HEREBY AGREES TO RENT THE ARTICLES NAMED ON SALE TAX 0 00 THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN THIS RENTAL AGREEMENT. I HAVE READ THE ABOVE INFORMATION AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT IT IS CORRECT, COMPLETE AND ACCURATE. I PROMISE THAT AS A CONDITION OF RENTING DEPOSIT 0 00 EQUIPMENT THAT IF MY EMPLOYMENT, ADDRESS OR PHONE NUMBER BE CHANGED, I WILL NOTIFY RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IMMEDIATELY. RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IS AUTHORIZED TO BILL MY CREDIT CARD FOR ANY AND ALL COSTS, FEES, AND /OR INTEREST CHARGES ASSOCIATED WITH ANY CLAIM, LOSS, OR DAMAGES TO PROPERTY AS A RESULT OFTHE RENTAL OF THIS EQUIPMENT. IF EQUIPMENT IS RETURNED DAMAGED, AND NOT DISCOVERED BY RUNYON EQUIPMENT TOTAL DUE 43 78 RENTAL UNTIL AFTER THE CUSTOMER LEAVES AND HAS SETTLED THE BILL, RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IS AUTHORIZED TO RUN ANY FORM OF PAYMENT ON FILE TO SATISFY EQUIPMENT REPAIR. LABOR RATE CHARGED AT $85 AN HOUR. AMT BILLED 43 78 EQUIPMENT LEASED BY X tf ,I j3, PHONE 20 MAY -11 13 :39:21 EQUIPMENT RETURNED BY X u RENTAL FEES DO NOT APPLY TO PURCHASES. WE CHARGE FOR TIME OUT NOT TIME USED. Equipment is clean and full of fuel please return as such or additional charges YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALLTIRES, VUEL AND ELECTRIC CURRENT. will apply. X 1,M'FIA NO ADJUSTMENTS OR"CREDITS will be made on equipment We cha a 5% Damage Waiver on all equipment rentals. malfunctions unless Runvon Eauioment Rental has been notified. 9 9 EMENEMENEEM OIL LEVIELS UNUSUAL WEAR 3-WIRE OR DAMAGE The oil level in machinery is checked when equipment CORDS eaves our yard. Maintenance of proper oil level in ented equipment is solely the responsibility of No electrical taols are supplied with safety grounded plugs for Our damage waiver covers normal wear and fear. Damage customer. For proper of grade, call us, use in grounded outlets due to neglect or ignorance will be the customer's except far double insulated responsib !itv at a d arge cf $85.00 per hour plus parts- safely approved tools). Do not o g r o und g r0 lu No damage waiver license, sales or use IN CA taxes are included in FUEL OF LOSS OR our rental rates, They All equipment Is full of fuel THEFT ,r and must be returned full or of eworne i, the cLls ome, tilt be a extra. billed tor list once pl,1t renta up e v additional Charges will apply. erne of reporting ;ass or urESt- F TIRES INSURANCE RENTAL CAGES AND TERMS Customer is totally responsible Once the equipment leaves our yard, the customer is for ALL tire repair. It is the responsible for it until it has been returned and payment Equipment with hour meters is customer's option to check over received. NO equipment is to be left in our yard if we are allowed 8 hours use within a 24 the tires before the equipment hour period of time not span to receive it. Our insurance does not paver leaves and have one of our equipment while in customer's possession. We suggest people make note of any irregularities spotted. you contract your insurance agent for coverage. A week is 7 days. A month is 28 days. Renter will not be liable for any or all damage to vehicles You will be charged for a while loading or unloading equipment. time out not time used. CLEANING CFIA GES Rental rates for equipment are based on usage j during an 8 hour shift. j Equipment is to be returned as One day is 24 hours or 8 hours running time. c can a, f e A n rgP of X65 OC p, r r�.r. 16 hours running time in 24 hours 2 day charge. Cea L 24 hours running time in 24 hours 3 days charge, If over 8 hours in 1 day you will be charged for extra hours on equipment. LOADING AND UNLOADING EQUIPMENT, Customer is responsible for loading and unloading equipment. If Dealer's employees assist in loading or unloading the equipment, Customer agrees to assume the risk of, and hold Dealer and/or its employees harmless for any property damage or personal injuries, including damage and personal injuries attributable to the negligence of Dealer. POSSESSION(TITLE. Your right to possession of the Equipment begins upon Rental Items leaving the Rental Center and terminates on the agreed Return Date indicated on the front of this Contract. Retention of the Equipment beyond the expiration of the Rental Period constitutes a material breach of this Contract. Time is of the essence. Any extension must be mutually agreed upon in writing and signed by Us. Title to the Rental Items is and shall at all times remain in Rental Center. Failure to return rental property or equipment upon expiration of the Rental Period, and failure to pay all amounts due (including costs for damage to the property or equipment) are prima facie evidence of intent to defraud. FUTURE RENTALS. Customer acknowledges that the terms of this Contract will be deemed to apply not only to the Equipment identified on the front side of this document, but also to all other Equipment and merchandise Customer may rent or purchase from Dealer (except as to the rent and /or purchase price of such items, as applicable, which will be charged at Dealer's published rates as of the date of each such rental or purchase), whether on the date of this Contract or at any time in the future (except only as to any E quipment and /or o the r items with respe t o which C ex a new R ental Cont ract). After being in the rental business for many years, we know what it takes to be successful good attitude, new or like new equipment, and good old fashioned service. We will never knowingly disappoint you. If for any reason you feel we haven't handled your transaction properly, please bring it to our attention. Thank you for renting from us. Reorder `.rom ln-,a -Bind 800- 862-2463 Form #10 432 In consideration of the payment of additional rent classified as 'damage waiver by the Rentee, Renter agrees to, and hereby does waive its right, or any right lt might R U NYO N have against the Rentee, arising from normal damage of the rental property, normal damage to be determined by Renter. The undersigned shall pay upon return of or th case of abusive renta damage, theft o o echarge. ross This ge of the Rentee. not include s damage waiverr or loss of the shall not apply to r �dessrcareleess or abusive Re operation or use of the Equipment, use or operation of the Equipment exceeding its rated capacity, or damage to tires, tubes and wheels caused by blowout, bruises, cuts, punctures or EQUIPMENT (ZF.NTAL other causes inherent in the use of the Equipment. It is understood the amount paid is not an insurance premium, and that this provision does not represent an insurance 410 W. Carmel Drive Carmel, IN 46032 policy or an agreement to insure. Equipment that is stolen or damaged by Rentee will pay list for parts, labor or, if a total loss, will pay replacement cost of equipment. The Rentee further acknowledges receipt of the aforementioned equipment and materials, or covenants to use said property in a careful and prudent manner and CAR A6L FISHERS INDIANAPOLIS shall not loan, sublet, mortgage or in any manner dispose of same to any person without the written consent of the owner, and further agrees to return the equipment to, Renter in substantially good condition as when received, natural wear and tear excepted. 317 566 8888 The panties agree that in the event the Rentee violates any of the team and conditions of this agreement, the Renter may coiled damages together with reasonable attorney fees, court costs and interest of one and one halt (11/2) percent per month added to accounts over ten (10) days old, reflecting an annual percentage rate of eighteen (18) percent FAX: 317- 566 -2990 The above equipment has been received by the undersigned for rental purposes only, and it is understood that Renter shall be held responsible for any accident or damage resulting directly or indirectly from the leased equipment. The Renter expressly disclaims all warranties, either expressed or implied, including any implied "Don't be a toot Rent one" warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, and neither assumes nor authorizes any other person to assume for it any liability connection with the use of this equipment. The Rentee agrees to indemnity Renter, from any claim, loss, damages to property, consequential damages, loss of income or any other www. runyonrental. eom incidental damages, even those damages caused by the negligence of Rentee, together with attorney fees for defending any action brought as a result of the lease of this equipment. Open 7 Days a /Week Monday Friday 7:00 am 5:30 pm Saturday 7:00 am 4:30 pm Sunday 9:00 am 3:00 pm RENTED TO JOB LOCATION TICKET CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 503 PALLADIUM 3400 WEST 131ST STREET Con# 191699 CARMEL IN 46074 Loc 100 'SSN PHONE DATE TIME W (317) 733 -2001 OUT 05/19/11 2:41 PM JRR F (317) 733 -2005 ID43, P01 /JOB �RECEi2VED BY PALLADIUM HOBBS, JAMES A 05/19/11 2:42 PM JRR *FINAL Page: 1 QTY ITEM# EXT AMT NET AMT MIN HOURLY 'OVNITE 8 —H DAY `WEEK 4 WEEK 1 644215251002 SAW HOLE 1/2" TILE 58.95 58.95 58.95 V `till 1),0' v", IFTHE EQUIPMENT IS NOT RETURNED BY "DUE IN" DATE YOU WILL BE SUBJECTTO A CHARGE OF CONVERSION (THEFT). RENT 0. Use of alternative fuels, (Biodiesel, E85, etc.) in Runyon Equipment Rental, equipment is PROHIBITED. SALES 5 8 9 5 Customer is liable for all damages repairs that result from alternative fuel. HAVE BEEN INSTRUCTED DEMONSTRATED ON THE SAFE PROPER OPERATION OF THE ABOVE EQUIPMENT AND I OTHER 0 00 FULLY UNDERSTANDTHOSE INSTRUCTIONS I ALSO UNDERSTANDTHAT I AMTHE PERSON RENTINGTHIS PROPERTY, AND THAT RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL DOES NOT GIVE ME PERMISSION TO LEND THIS PROPERTY TO ANY OTHER PERSON. I DW/ FEES 0 00 UNDERSTAND THAT GIVING OR LENDING THIS PROPERTY TO ANY OTHER PERSON FOR ANY REASON IS UNAUTHORIZED Addl TAX 0 BY RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL. X THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING READ AND UNDERSTOOD THE ABOVE, HEREBY AGREES TO RENT THE ARTICLES NAMED ON SALES TAX 0 00 THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN THIS RENTAL AGREEMENT. I HAVE READ THE ABOVE INFORMATION AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT IT IS CORRECT, COMPLETE AND ACCURATE. I PROMISE THAT AS A CONDITION OF RENTING DEPOSIT 0 00 EQUIPMENT THAT IF MY EMPLOYMENT, ADDRESS OR PHONE NUMBER BE CHANGED, I WILL NOTIFY RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IMMEDIATELY. RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IS AUTHORIZED TO BILL MY CREDIT CARD FOR ANY AND ALL COSTS, FEES, AND /OR INTEREST CHARGES ASSOCIATED WITH ANY CLAIM, LOSS, OR DAMAGES TO PROPERTY AS A RESULT OF THE RENTAL OF THIS EQUIPMENT. IF EQUIPMENT IS RETURNED DAMAGED, AND NOT DISCOVERED BY RUNYON EQUIPMENT TOTAL DUE 58 95 RENTAL UNTIL AFTER THE CUSTOMER LEAVES AND HAS SETTLED THE BILL, RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IS AUTHORIZED TO RUN ANY FORM OF PAYMENT ON FILE TO SATISFY EQUIPMENT REPAIR, LABOR RATE CHARGED AT $85 AN HOUR, AMT BILLED 58 95 EQUIPMENT a r CELL LEASED BY X t 1i N I kJf `I I PHONE 19 MAY 11 14 42: 18 RETUNED X (X+I U RENTAL FEES DO NOT APPLY TO PURCHASES. WE CHARGE FOR TIME OUT NOT TIME USED. Equipment is clean and full of fuel please return as such or additional charges YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALLTIRES, VUEL AND ELECTRIC CURRENT. will apply. X INITIAL NO ADJUSTMENTS OR CREDITS will be made on equipment We cha a 5% Damage Waiver on all equipment rentals. malfoinwfinne ionface Rrinvnn Fnitinmanf Ranfal hae haen nnfifiarl 9 9 O UiV US UA L WEAR OIL LEVELS 3 -VUARE p �7� The oil level in machinery is checked v,�hen equipment CG.' QO RIDS i A�(Q leaves our yard. Maintenance of proper oil level in No electrical tools are supplied i rented equipment is solely the responsibility of with safety grounded plugs for Our damage waiver covers normal wear and tear. Damage i customer. For proper oil grade, call us. use in grounded cutlets due to neglect or ignorance will be the customer's except for double insulated i responsibility at a charge of $$85.00 per hour plus parts. safety approved tools). Do not cut c ground g off ground lu t- No damage waiver license, sales or use r� IN CASE taxes are included in 7 UEL OF LOSS OR THEFT our rental rates. They All equipment is full of fuel p� p and must be returned full or of equipment. the c s o will be ale extra. billed for list price plus rental up io additional charges will apply. time of re crting'loss or ilieft. TH LiJ+ K A III\ IY E REN CHARGES M .L ��.1V26.� Customer is totally responsible Once the equipment leaves our yard, the customer is for ALL fire repair. It is the responsible for it until it has been returned and payment Equipment with hour meters is customer's option to check over received. NO equipment is to be left in our yard if we are allowed 8 hours use within a 24 the tires before the equipment hour period of time not open to receive it. Our insurance does not cover leaves and have one our equipment while in customer's possession. We suggest people make note of f any irregularities spotted. you contract your insurance agent for coverage. A week is 7 days. A month is 28 days. Renter will not be liable for any or all damage to vehicles You will be charged for while loading or unloading equipment. time out not time used. CLEAITIN G i CHARGES Rental rates for equipment are based on usage during an 8 hour shift. Equipment is to be returned as l FF Carte day is 24 hours or 8 hours running time. c'ean aS'' °he`' a `e •a barge of i I $65.00 per rear w,ll be c °a rye c j 16 hours running time in 24 hours 2 day charge. j ceani c J 24 hours running time in 24 hours 3 days charge, I If over 8 hours in 1 day you will be charged for I extra hours on equipment. j LOADING AND UNLOADING EQUIPMENT. Customer is responsible for loading and unloading equipment. if Dealer's employees assist in loading or unloading the equipment, Customer agrees to assume the risk of, and hold Dealer and /or its employees harmless for any property damage or personal injuries, including damage and personal injuries attributable to the negligence of Dealer. POSSESSIONITITLE. Your right to possession of the Equipment begins upon Rental Items leaving the Rental Center and terminates on the agreed Return Date indicated on the front of this Contract. Retention of the Equipment beyond the expiration of the Rental Period constitutes a material breach of this Contract. Time is of the essence. Any extension must be mutually agreed upon in writing and signed by Us. Title to the Rental Items is and shall at all times remain in Rental Center. Failure to return rental property or equipment upon expiration of the Rental Period, and failure to pay all amounts due (including costs for damage to the property or equipment) are prima facie evidence of intent to defraud. FUTURE RENTALS. Customer acknowledges that the terms of this Contract will be deemed to apply not only to the Equipment identified on the front side of this document, but also to all other Equipment and merchandise Customer may rent or purchase from Dealer (except as to the rent and /or purchase price of such items, as applicable, which will be charged at Dealer's published rates as of the date of each such rental or purchase), whether on the date of this Contract or at any time in the future (except only as to any Equipment and/or other items with resp to which Customer executes a new Rental Contract). After being in the rental business for many years, we know what it takes to be successful good attitude, new or like new equipment, and good old fashioned service. We will never knowingly disappoint you. if for any reason you feel we haven't handled your transaction properly, please bring it to our attention. Thank you for renting from us. Reorder from In- A -8:nd 800 -862 -2463 =orm $',0432 In consideration of the payment of additional rent classified as 'damage waiver by the Rentee, Renter agrees to, and hereby does waive its right, or any right it might R u N ®N AA have against the Rentee, arising from normal damage of the rental property, normal damage to be determined by Renter. The undersigned shall pay upon return of Y property rented a sum equal to 5% of rental charge. This "damage waiver" does not include damage or loss of the property as a result of the negligence of the Rentee or in the case of abusive damage, theft or other gross negligence of the Rentee. This damage waiver shall not apply to reddens, careless or abusive operation or use of the Equipment, use or operation of the Equipment exceeding its rated capacity, or damage to tires, tubes and wheels caused by blowout, bruises, cuts, punctures or 6QUIPM£N7 RENTAL other causes inherent in the use of the Equipment. It is understood the amount paid is not an insurance premium, and that this provision does not represent an insurance 410 W. Carmel Drive Carmel, IN 46032 policy or an agreement to insure. Equipment that is stolen or damaged by Rentee will pay list for parts, labor or, If a total loss, will pay replacement cost of equipment. The Rentee further admowledges receipt of the aforementioned equipment and materials, or covenants to use said property in a careful and prudent manner and C,NW 6L F15HER5 Ir4DIA4APDU5 shall not loan, sublet, mortgage or in any manner dispose of same to any person without the written consent of the owner, and further agrees to return the equipment to Renter in substantially good condition as when received, natural wear and tear excepted. 31 5 66 88 8 8 The parties agree that in the event the Rentee violates any of the terms and conditions of this agreement, the Renter may collect damages together with reasonable attomey fees, court costs and interest of one and one half (11/2) percent per month added to accounts over ten (10) days old, reflecting an annual percentage rate of eighteen (18) percent FAX: 317- 566 -2990 The above equipment has been received by the undersigned for rental purposes only and it is understood that Renter shall be held responsible for any accident or damage resulting directly or indirectly from the leased equipment. The Renter expressly disclaims all warranties, either expressed or implied, including any implied Don't be a tool Rent one" warranties of merchantability orfitness for a particular purpose, and neither assumes nor authorizes any other person to assume for it any liability connection with the use of this equipment. The Rentee agrees to indemnify Renter, from any claim, loss, damages to property, consequential damages, loss of income or any other www.runyonrentil.com incidental damages, even those damages caused by the negligence of Rentee, together with attorney fees for defending any action brought as a result of the lease of this equipment. Open 7 Days a Week Monday Friday 7:00 am 5:30 pm Saturday 7:00 am 4:30 pm Sunday 9:00 am 3:00 pm RENTED TO JOB LOCATION. TICKET CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 503 PATCH 3400 WEST 131ST STREET Con# 191450 CARMEL IN 46074 Loc 100 SSN PHONE DATE TIME W (317) 733 -2001 OUT 05/17/11 9:33 AM WH F (317) 733 -2005 ID #3 PO /JOB RECEIVED BY PATCH MARTZ, FREDERICK KENT 05/17/11 9:34 AM WH *FINAL Page: 1 QTY ITEM# EXT'AMT NET AMT MIN HOURLY OVNITE S- HOUR DAY 'WEEK ':=4 WEEK 1 072874129057 GLOVE LEATHER PALM XL 1290) O ;4.59 4.59 4.59 d bez r s e, cY r n n s h f 4.. 1� F n IFTHE EQUIPMENT IS NOT RETURNED BY `DUE IN' DATE YOU WILL BE SUBJECTTO A CHARGE OF CONVERSION (THEFT. RENT 0 0 Use of alternative fuels, (Biodiesel, E85, etc.) in Runyon Equipment Rental, equipment is PROHIBITED. Customer is liable for all damages repairs that result from alternative fuel. SALES 4 59 I HAVE BEEN INSTRUCTED DEMONSTRATED ON THE SAFE PROPER OPERATION OF THE ABOVE EQUIPMENT AND I OTHER 0 00 FULLY UNDERSTAND THOSE INSTRUCTIONS I ALSO UNDERSTAND THAT I AM THE PERSON RENTING THIS PROPERTY, AND THAT RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL DOES NOT GIVE ME PERMISSION TO LEND THIS PROPERTY TO ANY OTHER PERSON. I DW FEES 0 00 UNDERSTAND THAT GIVING OR LENDING THIS PROPERTY TO ANY OTHER PERSON FOR ANY REASON IS UNAUTHORIZED BY RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL. X „,:,,I Addl TAX 0 00 THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING READ AND UNDERSTOOD THE ABOVE, HEREBY AGREES TO RENT THE ARTICLES NAMED ON SALES TAX 0 0 0 THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN THIS RENTAL AGREEMENT. I HAVE READ THE ABOVE INFORMATION AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT IT IS CORRECT, COMPLETE AND ACCURATE. I PROMISE THAT AS A CONDITION OF RENTING DEPOSIT 0 00 EQUIPMENT THAT IF MY EMPLOYMENT, ADDRESS OR PHONE NUMBER BE CHANGED, I WILL NOTIFY RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IMMEDIATELY. RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IS AUTHORIZED TO BILL MY CREDIT CARD FOR ANY AND ALL COSTS, FEES, AND /OR INTEREST CHARGES ASSOCIATED WITH ANY CLAIM, LOSS, OR DAMAGES TO PROPERTY AS A RESULT OF THE RENTAL OF THIS EQUIPMENT, IF EQUIPMENT IS RETURNED DAMAGED, AND NOT DISCOVERED BY RUNYON EQUIPMENT TOTAL DUE 4 59 RENTAL UNTIL AFTER THE CUSTOMER LEAVES AND HAS SETTLED THE BILL, RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IS AUTHORIZED TO RUN ANY FORM OF PAYMENT ON FILE TO SATISFY EQUIPMENT REPAIR. LABOR RATE CHARGED AT $85 AN HOUR. AMT BILLED 4 59 EQUIPMENT T p jq.¢., CELL LEASED BY X PHONE 17- MAY 11 09: 34 08 EQUIP BY X 4: �J RENTAL FEES DO NOT APPLY TO PURCHASES. WE CHARGE FOR TIME OUT NOT TIME USED. Equipment is clean and full of fuel please return as such or additional charges YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALLTIRES, VUEL AND ELECTRIC CURRENT. will apply. X (N'P`AL NO ADJUSTMENTS OR,CREDITS will be made on equipment We charge a 5% Damage Waiver on all equipment rentals. msRfunrtinns unless Runvon Eauinment Rental has been notified. W, MT I ff MT W- Rk W 0 rfav 0 F- ON M I N 41. re K M I.I.- OIL LEVELS UNUSUAL WEAR 3-WIRE OR DAMAGE The oil !ere: in machinery is checked when equicment CORDS !eaves cur yard. tsaintenance of proper oil level ir rented e ui ment is solely the res por:sibilif of No electrical tools are supplied e waiver covers normal wear and tear. Damage Ci st p p p y with safety grounded plugs for Our damage 1 omen. For proper oil grade, call us. use in grounded outlets due to neglect or ignorance will be the customer's except for double-insulated responsibility at a charge of 85.00 per hour plus parts. I r safety approved tools;. Do not cu o ground g off ro lug. No damage waiver lice ale r use IN C ASE taxes are included in FUEL OF LOSS OR our rental rates. They All equipment is full of fue� THEFT and must be returned full or of e the customer ;ill be billed for are extra. additional charges will apply. st price plus ent r;p r time of reporting loss or theft. [�TiIIRR E S INSURANCE RENTAL CHARGE AND TERMS Customer is totally responsible Once the equipment leaves our yard, the customer is for ALL tire repair. It Is the responsible for it until it has been returned and payment Equipment with hour meters is customer's option to check over f e allowed 8 hours use within a 24 re,.e red. NO equipment is to be left in our yard i, v are the tires before the equipment not open to receive it. Our insurance does not cover hour p eriod of time p leaves and have one of our people make note of any equipment while in customer's possession. We suggest irregularit spotted, you contract your insurance agent for coverage. A week is 7 days. A month is 28 days. Renter will not be liable for any or all damage to vehicles You will be charged for while loading or unloading equipment. time out not time used. ,r 1 y f CLEANING CHARGES Rental rates for equipment are based on usage during an 8 hour shift. I Equi;.ment is to be returned as e ran. i;i f One day is 24 hours or 8 hours running time. n rde r J $6'i. 0, cnr ry e a ae fc c .1 l6 hours running time in 24 hours 2 day charge, r u 24 hours running time in 24 hours 3 days charge. If over 8 hours in 1 day you will be charged for extra hours on equipment. LOADING AND UNLOADING EQUIPMENT. Customer is responsible for loading and unloading equipment. If Dealer's employees assist in loading or unloading the equipment, Customer agrees to assume the risk of, and hold Dealer and /or its employees harmless for any property damage or personal injuries, including damage and personal injuries attributable to the negligence of Dealer. POSSESSION/TITLE. Your right to possession of the Equipment begins upon Rental Items leaving the Rental Center and terminates on the agreed Return Date indicated on the front of this Contract. Retention of the Equipment beyond the expiration of the Rental Period constitutes a material breach of this Contract. Time is of the essence. Any extension must be mutually agreed upon in writing and signed by Us. Title to the Rental Items is and shall at all times remain in Rental Center. Failure to return rental property or equipment upon expiration of the Rental Period, and failure to pay all amounts due (including costs for damage to the property or equipment) are prima facie evidence of intent to defraud. FUTURE RENTALS. Customer acknowledges that the terms of this Contract will be deemed to apply not only to the Equipment identified on the front side of this document, but also to all other Equipment and merchandise Customer may rent or purchase from Dealer (except as to the rent and /or purchase price of such items, as applicable, which will be charged at Dealer's published rates as of the date of each such rental or purchase), whether on the date of this Contract or at any time in the future (except only as to any Equipmen and /or other it with re spect t o which C ustome r execut a new Re ntal Contract). After being in the rental business for many years, we know what it takes to be successful good attitude, new or like new equipment, and good old fashioned service. We will never knowingly disappoint you. If for any reason you feel we haven't handled your transaction properly, please bring it to our attention. Thank you for renting from us. Reorder from in- A -3ind 800 -882 -2463 x10d32 In consideration of the payment of additional rent classified as 'damage waiver" by the Rentee, Renter agrees to, and hereby does wake its right, or any right it might R �Y have against the Rentee, arising from normal damage of the rental property, normal damage to be determined by Renter. The undersigned shall pay upon return of property rented a sum equal to 5% of rental charge. This 'damage waiver' does not include damage or loss of the property as a result of the negligence of the Rentee A'�A or In the case of abusive damage, theft or other gross negligence of the Rentee. This damage waiver shall not apply to reckless, careless or abusive operation or use of the Equipment, use or operation of the Equipment exceeding its rated capacity, or damage to tires, tubes and wheels caused by blowout, bruises, cuts, punctures or 6QUIVMENT RENTAL other causes inherent in the use of the Equipment. It is understood the amount paid is not an insurance premium, and that this provision does not represent an Insurance 410 W. Carmel Drive Carmel, IN 46032 policy or an agreement to insure. Equipment that is stolen or damaged by Rentee will pay list for parts, labor or, if a total loss, will pay replacement cost of equipment. The Rentee further acknowledges receipt of the aforementioned equipment and materials, or covenants to use said property in a careful and prudent manner and GAR4A6L a FISHERS INDIAN APOLIS shall not loan, sublet, mortgage or in any manner dispose of same to any person without the written consent of the owner, and further agrees to return the equipment to Renter in substantially good condition as when received, natural wear and tear excepted. 31 7 566 8888 The parties agree that in the event the Rentee violates any of the terms and conditions of this agreement, the Renter may collect damages together with reasonable attorney fees, court casts and interest of one and one half (11/2) percent per month added to accounts over ten (10) days old, reflecting an annual percentage rate of eighteen (18) percent FAX: 317- 566 -2990 The above equipment has been received by the undersigned for rental purposes only, and it is understood that Renter shall be held responsible for any accident or damage resulting directly or indirectly from the leased equipment. The Renter expressly disclaims all warranties, either expressed or implied, including any implied Don' t be a tool Rent one warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, and neither assumes nor authorizes any other person to assume for it any liability connection with the use of this equipment. The Rentee agrees to indemnify Renter, from any claim, loss, damages to property, consequential damages, loss of income or any other www. runyonrentaL com incidental damages, even those damages caused by the negligence of Rentee, together with attorney fees for defending any action brought as a result of the lease of this equipment. Open 7 Days a Week Monday Friday 7:00 am 5:30 pm Saturday 7:00 am 4:30 pm Sunday 9:00 am 3:00 pm RENTED TO JOB LOCATION TYCKET k x "M CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 503 ROUND ABOUT 3400 WEST 131ST STREET Con# 190958 CARMEL IN 46074 Loc 100 I r:SSN� PHONES k DATE W x (317) 733 -2001 OUT 05/13/11 10:56 AM JRR F (317) 733 -2005 ID #3 PO /,JOB RECEI�7ED BY s V•3.� ROUND ABOUT JOHNSON, RANDY 05/13/11 10:57 AM JRR *FINAL Page: 1 Q -,Y ITEM# g a r +ra EXT AMT NET -AMT t a MIN 'HOURLY OVNITE 8 HOUR g WE K DAY E 4 WEEK 0 rw 5 082472205664 BLADE SAW:ZALL BI -METAL 18 T -3.00 15.00 15.00 r v �6C v IFTHE EQUIPMENT IS NOT RETURNED BY "DUE IN" DATE, YOU WILL BE SUBJECTTO A CHARGE OF CONVERSION (THEFT). RENT 0 00 Use of alternative fuels, (Biodiesel, E85, etc.) in Runyon Equipment Rental, equipment is PROHIBITED. Customer is liable for all damages repairs that result from alternative fuel. SALES 15 00 I HAVE BEEN INSTRUCTED DEMONSTRATED ON THE SAFE PROPER OPERATION OF THE ABOVE EQUIPMENT AND I OTHER 0 00 FULLY UNDERSTAND THOSE INSTRUCTIONS I ALSb UNDERSTAND THAT I AM THE PERSON RENTING THIS PROPERTY, AND THAT RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL DOES NOT GIVE ME PERMISSION TO LEND THIS PROPERTY TO ANY OTHER PERSON. I DW/ FEES 0 00 UNDERSTAND THAT GIVING OR LENDING THIS PROPERTY TO ANY OTHER PERSON FOR ANY REASON IS UNAUTHORIZED BY RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL. X Addl TAX 0.00 THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING READ AND UNDERSTOOD THE ABOVE, HEREBY AGREES TO RENT THE ARTICLES NAMED ON SALES TAX 0 00 THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN THIS RENTAL AGREEMENT. I HAVE READ THE ABOVE INFORMATION AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT IT IS CORRECT, COMPLETE AND ACCURATE. I PROMISE: THAT AS A CONDITION OF RENTING DEPOSIT 0 00 EQUIPMENT THAT IF MY EMPLOYMENT, ADDRESS OR PHONE NUMBER BE CHANGED, I WILL NOTIFY RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IMMEDIATELY, RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IS AUTHORIZED TO BILL MY CREDIT CARD FOR ANY AND ALL COSTS, FEES, AND /OR INTEREST CHARGES ASSOCIATED WITH ANY CLAIM, LOSS, OR DAMAGESTO PROPERTY AS A RESULT OFTHE RENTAL OF THIS EQUIPMENT. IF EQUIPMENT IS RETURNED DAMAGED, AND NOT'.DISCOVERED BY RUNYON EQUIPMENT TOTAL DUE 15 00 RENTAL UNTIL AFTER THE CUSTOMER LEAVES AND HAS SETTLED THE BILL, RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IS AUTHORIZED TO RUN ANY FORM OF PAYMENT ON FILE TO SATISFY EQUIPMENT REPAIR, LABOR RATE CHARGED AT $85 AN HOUR. AMT BILLED 15 00 EQUIPMENT CELL LEASED BY X PHONE 13 -11 10: 58: 06 EQUIPMENT RETURNED BY X RENTAL FEES DO NOT APPLY TO PURCHASES. WE CHARGE FOR TIME OUT NOT TIME USED. Equipment is clean and full of fuel please return as such or additional charges YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALLTIRES, VUEL AND ELECTRIC CURRENT. will apply. X Ir IT ;L NO ADJUSTMENTS OR CREDITS will be made on equipment We charge a 5% Damage Waiver on all equipment rentals. malfunctions unless Runvon Eauioment Rental has been notified. 3-WIRE oil level in machinery is checked when, eqt; pment CORDS :eaves our yard. Maintenance of proper oil level in No electrical tools are supplied rented equipment is solely the responsibility of with safety grounded pings for Our damage warder covers normal avear and tear. Damage customer. For proper of grade. tail us, use in grounded cutlets due to neglect or ignorance will be the customer's exce pt for double insulated responsibility at a ;barge of $85.00 per hour plus parts. safety approved tools;. Do not 91 i cu' off ground lug. r No damage wa l icense, sales or use IN CASE ta xes r incluaed i L R renta our v T hey All equipment is full of fuel TH EFT are extra. and must be returned full or of eauEpme! th war e additional charges Will apply. bii.ed for list pr ice u enfal up o tulle of repo! t ng loss or tr`ett. F TIRES INSURANCE RENTAL CHARGES AND TERMS Customer is totally responsible Once the equipment leaves our yard, the customer is for ALL tire repair. It is the responsible for it until it has been returned and payment Equipment with hour meters is custom as customer's before the equipment period option to check over allowed 8 hours use within a 24 the tir received. NO equipment is to be left in our yard if we are hour of time leaves and have one of our not open to receive it. Our insurance does not cover people make note of any equipment while in customer's possession. We suggest irregularities spotted, you contract your insurance agent for coverage. A week is 7 days. A month is 28 days. Renter will not be liable for any or all damage to vehicles You will be charged for while loading or unloading equipment. time out not time used. CLEANING Rental rates for equipment are based on usage during an 8 hour Shift. Equipment is to be returned as I` One day is 24 hours or 8 hours running time. cap a, a v p w .I a he .e A 1 r,a of r y r_... ge c 18 hours running time in 24 hours 2 day charge 1 24 hours running time in 24 hours 3 days charge. If over 8 hours in 1 day you will be charged for extra hours on equipment. LOADING AND UNLOADING EQUIPMENT. Customer is responsible for loading and unloading equipment. If Dealer's employees assist in loading or unloading the equipment, Customer agrees to assume the risk of, and hold Dealer and/or its employees harmless for any property damage or personal injuries, including damage and personal injuries attributable to the negligence of Dealer. POSSESSION[TITLE. Your right to possession of the Equipment begins upon Rental Items leaving the Rental Center and terminates on the agreed Return Date indicated on the front of this Contract. Retention of the Equipment beyond the expiration of the Rental Period constitutes a material breach of this Contract. Time is of the essence. Any extension must be mutually agreed upon in writing and signed by Us. Title to the Rental Items is and shall at all times remain in Rental Center. Failure to return rental property or equipment upon expiration of the Rental Period, and failure to pay all amounts due (including costs for damage to the property or equipment) are prima facie evidence of intent to defraud. FUTURE RENTALS. Customer acknowledges that the terms of this Contract will be deemed to apply not only to the Equipment identified on the front side of this document, but also to all other Equipment and merchandise Customer may rent or purchase from Dealer (except as to the rent and /or purchase price of such items, as applicable, which will be charged at Dealer's published rates as of the date of each such rental or purchase), whether on the date of this Contract or at any time in the future (except only as to any Equ andr'or othe items with respe to which C ustomer executes a new Rental Contrac After being in the rental business for many years, we know what it takes to be successful good attitude, new or like new equipment, and good old fashioned service. We will never knowingly disappoint you. If for any reason you feel we haven't handled your transaction properly, please bring it to our attention. Thank you for renting from us. Reorder imm In -.A -Bind 800-862 -246? Form 10432 In consideration of the payment of additional rent classed as 'damage waiver: by the Rentee, Renter agrees to, and hereby does waive its right, or any right it might R U NYO N have against the Rentee, arising from normal damage of the rental property, normal damage to be determined by Renter. The undersigned shall pay upon return of property rented a sum equal to 5% of rental charge. This 'damage waiver does not include damage or loss of the property as a result of the negligence of the Rentee ArA or In the case of abusive damage, theft or other gross negligence of the Rentee. This damage waiver shall not apply to reckless, careless or abusive operation or use of the Equipment, use or operation of the Equipment exceeding its rated capacity, or damage to tires, tubes and wheels caused by blowout, bruises, cuts, punctures or EQUIVMENt RNTAI other causes inherent in the use of the Equipment. It is understood the amount paid is not an insurance premium, and that this provision does not represent an insurance 410 W. Carmel Drive Carmel, IN 46032 policy or an agreement to insure. Equipment that is stolen or damaged by Rentee will pay list for parts, labor or, if a total loss, will pay replacement cost of equipment The Rentee further acknowledges receipt of the aforementioned equipment and materials, or covenants to use said property in a careful and prudent manner and GAIzM£L a FISHERS INDIANAPOLIS shall not loan, sublet, mortgage or in any manner dispose of same to any person without the written consent of the owner, and further agrees to return the equipment to Renter in substantially good condition as when received, natural wear and tear excepted. 317 566 8888 The patties agree that in the event the Rentee violates arty of the temLs and conditions of this agreement, the Renter may collect damages together with reasonable attorney fees, court costs and interest of one and one halt (11/2) percent per month added to accounts over ten (10) days old, reflecting an annual percentage rate of eighteen (18) percent FAX: 317- 566 -2990 The above equipment has been received by the undersigned for rental purposes only, and it is understood that Renter shall be held responsible for any accident or damage resulting directly or indirectly from the leased equipment. The Renter expressly disdaims all warranties, either expressed or implied, including any implied "Don't be a tool Rent one" wrarrantes of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, and neither assumes nor authorizes any other person to assume for it any liability connection with the use of this equipment. The Rentee agrees to indemnify Renter, from any claim, loss, damages to property, consequential damages, loss of income or any other www.runyonrental.com incidental damages, even those damages caused by the negligence of Rentee, together with attorney fees for defending any action brought as a result of the lease of this equipment. Open 7 Days a Week Monday Friday 7:00 am 5:30 pm Saturday 7:00 am 4:30 pm Sunday 9:00 am 3:00 pm RENTED TO JOB LOCATION,; TICKET CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 503 ROUND ABOUTS 3400 WEST 131ST STREET Con# 190927 CARMEL IN 46074 Loc 100 SSN y PHONE .DATE. TIME W (317) 733 -2001 OUT 05/13/11 9:04 AM TT F „(317) 733 -2005 ID #3 PO /JOB V i RECEIVED BY ROUND ABOUTS JOHNSON, RANDY TURNED 05/13/11 3:47 PM WH *FINAL Page: 1 QTY ITEM #W, �:EXT AMT NET -AMT MIN `HOURLY OVNITE 8 -HOUR DAY WEEK 4 WEEK 1 7438 -0001 SAWZALL 20.00 20.00 $20.00 /D 20.00 20.00 8,0,:00 1 4 2 082472205787 BLADE SAW ZALL METAL 18T 4.29 8.58 8.58 t C, IFTHE EQUIPMENT IS NOT RETURNED BY "DUE IN' DATE, YOU WILL BE SUBJECTTO A CHARGE OF CONVERSION (THEFT). RENT 20 00 Use of alternative fuels, (Biodiesel, E85, etc.) in Runyon Equipment Rental, equipment is PROHIBITED. Customer is liable for all damages repairs that result from alternative fuel. SALES 8 58 I HAVE BEEN INSTRUCTED DEMONSTRATED ON THE SAFE PROPER OPERATION OF THE ABOVE EQUIPMENT AND I OTHER 0. 00 FULLY UNDERSTANDTHOSEINSTRUCTION— I ALSO UNDERSTANDTHAT I AM THE PERSON RENTING THIS PROPERTY, AND THAT RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL DOES NOT GIVE ME PERMISSION TO LEND THIS PROPERTY TO ANY OTHER PERSON. I DW FEES 1 00 UNDERSTAND THAT GIVING OR LENDING THIS PROPERTY TO ANY OTHER PERSON FOR ANY REASON IS UNAUTHORIZED BY RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL. X Addl TAX 0 00 THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING READ AND UNDERSTOOD THE ABOVE, HEREBY AGREES TO RENT THE ARTICLES NAMED ON SALES TAX 0 00 THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN THIS RENTAL AGREEMENT. I HAVE READ THE ABOVE INFORMATION AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT IT IS CORRECT, COMPLETE AND ACCURATE. I PROMISE THAT AS A CONDITION OF RENTING DEPOSIT 0.00 EQUIPMENT THAT IF MY EMPLOYMENT, ADDRESS OR PHONE NUMBER BE CHANGED, I WILL NOTIFY RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IMMEDIATELY. RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IS AUTHORIZED TO BILL MY CREDIT CARD FOR ANY AND ALL COSTS, FEES, ANDIOR INTEREST CHARGES ASSOCIATED WITH ANY CLAIM, LOSS, OR DAMAGES TO PROPERTY AS A RESULT OF THE RENTAL OF THIS EQUIPMENT. IF EQUIPMENT IS 8ETURNED DAMAGED, AND NOT DISCOVERED BY RUNYON EQUIPMENT TOTAL DUE 29 58 RENTAL UNTIL AFTERTHE CUSTOMER LEAVES AND HAS SETTLED THE BILL, RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IS AUTHORIZED TO RUN ANY FORM OF PAYMENT ON FILE TO SATISFY EQUIPMENT REPAIR. LABOR RATE CHARGED AT S85 AN HOUR. AMT BILLED 29 58 EQUIPMENT 1 t'e,4 ,3� 1 CELL LEASED BY X PHONE 13-MAY-I1 15: 47 33 EQUIPMENT -1 RENTAL FEES DO NOT APPLY TO PURCHASES. RETURNED BY X WE CHARGE FOR TIME OUT NOT TIME USED. Equipment is clean and full of fuel please return as such or additional charges YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL TIRES, VUEL AND ELECTRIC CURRENT. will apply. X INITIAL NO ADJUSTMENTS OR CREDITS will be made on equipment We charge a 5% Damage Waiver on all equipment rentals. malfunctions unless Runvon Eauinment Rental has been notified. A- UNUSUAL WEAR 3- DA MAGE The oil level in machinery is checked when equipment CORDS i eaves our yard. Maintenance o` p ro er oil level in rented equipment is solely the responsibility of No electrical tools are supplied with safety grounded plugs for Our damage waiver covers normal wear and tear. Damage customer. For proper oil grade, call us. use in grounded outlets due to neglect or ignorance will be the customer's except for double -insulated i responsibility at a charge of $85.00 per hour plus parts. r safety approved tools Do not cut off ground lug. y No damage waiver license, sales or use IN CASE taxes are included in IFUIEIL OF LOSS OR our rental rates I he Y All equipment is full of fuel THEFT and must be returned full or of equipment, the customer will be billed for list price plus rental up to are ext ra. additional charges will apply time of reporting loss or theft. I E S WS URA U y"J RENTAL CILARGES AND TERMS Customer is totally responsible Once the equipment leaves our yard, the customer is for ALL tire repair. It is the responsible for it until it has been returned and payment Equipment with hour meters is customer's option to check over received. NO equipment is to be left in our yard if we are allowed 8 hours use within a 24 the tires before the equipment hour period of time not open to receive it. Our insurance does not cover leaves and have one of our equipment while in customers possession. We suggest people make note of any irregularities spotted. you contract your insurance agent for coverage. A week is 7 days. A month is 28 days. Renter will not be liable for any or all damage to vehicles You will be charged for while loading or unloading equipment. time out not time used. CLEANING CHARGES Rental rates for equipment are based on usage during an 8 hour shift. j Equipment is to be returned as clean as when it left. A charge of One day is 24 hours or 8 hours running time. $65.00 per hour will be charged for 16 hours running time in 24 hours 2 day charge. cleanup. 24 hours running time in 24 hours 3 days charge. ti_._......... If over 8 hours in 1 day you will be charged for extra hours on equipment. LOADING AND UNLOADING EQUIPMENT. Customer is responsible for loading and unloading equipment. If Dealer's employees assist in loading or unloading the equipment, Customer agrees to assume the risk of, and hold Dealer and/or its employees harmless for any property damage or personal injuries, including damage and personal injuries attributable to the negligence of Dealer. POSSESSION/TITLE. Your right to possession of the Equipment begins upon Rental Items leaving the Rental Center and terminates on the agreed Return Date indicated on the front of this Contract. Retention of the Equipment beyond the expiration of the Rental Period constitutes a material breach of this Contract. Time is of the essence. Any extension must be mutually agreed upon in writing and signed by Us. Title to the Rental Items is and shall at all times remain in Rental Center. Failure to return rental property or equipment upon expiration of the Rental Period, and failure to pay all amounts due (including costs for damage to the property or equipment) are prima facie evidence of intent to defraud. FUTURE RENTALS. Customer acknowledges that the terms of this Contract will be deemed to apply not only to the Equipment identified on the front side of this document, but also to all other Equipment and merchandise Customer may rent or purchase from Dealer (except as to the rent and/or purchase price of such items, as applicable, which will be charged at Dealer's published rates as of the date of each such rental or purchase), whether on the date of this Contract or at any time in the future (except only as to any Equipment and /or other ite with r esp ect to which C ustomer executes a new Rental Contract). After being in the rental business for many years, we know what it takes to be successful good attitude, new or like new equipment, and good old fashioned service. We will never knowingly disappoint you. If for any reason you feel we haven't handled your transaction properly, please bring it to our attention. Thank you for renting from us. Reorder from In -A -Bind 800- 862 -2463 Ferm 410432 In consideration of the payment of additional rent classified as 'damage waiver by the Rentee, Renter agrees to, and hereby does waive its right, or arry right a might R U NYO N have against the Rentee, arising from normal damage of the rental property, normal damage to be determined by Renter. The undersigned shall pay upon return of rT property rented a sum equal to 5% of rental charge. This 'damage waiver' does not include damage or loss of the property as a result of the negligence of the Rentee or In the case of abusive damage, theft or other gross negligence of the Rentee. This damage waiver shall not apply to reckless, careless or abusive operation or use of the Equipment, use or operation of the Equipment exceeding its rated capacity, or damage to tires, tubes and wheels caused by blowout, bruises, cuts, punctures or EQUIPMENT RENTAL other causes inherent in the use of the Equipment. It is understood the amount paid is not an insurance premium, and that this provision does not represent an insurance 410 W. Carmel Drive Carmel, IN 46032 policy or an agreement to insure. Equipment that is stolen or damaged by Rentee will pay list for parts, labor or, if a total loss, will pay replacement cost of equipment. The Rentee further acknowledges receipt of the aforementioned equipment and materials, or covenants to use said property in a careful and prudent manner and CARMEL F15NER5 INDIANAPOLI5 shall not loan, sublet, mortgage or in any manner dispose of same to any person without the written consent of the owner, and further agrees to return the equipment to Renter in substantially good condition as when received, natural wear and tear excepted. 31 7 566 8888 The parties agree that in the event the Rentee violates any of the terms and conditions of this agreement, the Renter may collect damages together with reasonable attorney fees, court costs and interest of one and one half (11/2) percent per month added to accounts over ten (10) days old, reflecting an annual percentage rate of eighteen (18) percent FAX: 317- 566 -2990 The above equipment has been received by the undersigned for rental purposes only, and it is understood that Renter shall be held responsible for any accident or damage resulting directly or indirectly from the leased equipment. The Renter expressly disclaims all warranties, either expressed or implied, including any implied "Don't be a toot Rent one" warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, and neither assumes nor authorizes any other person to assume for it any liability connection with the use of this equipment. The Rentee agrees to indemnity Renter, from any claim, loss, damages to property, consequential damages, loss of income or any other www. runyonrental. com incidental damages, even those damages caused by the negligence of Rentee, together with attorney fees for defending any action brought as a result of the lease of this equipment. Open 7 Days a Week Monday Friday 7:00 am 5:30 pm Saturday 7:00 am 4:30 pm Sunday 9:00 am 3:00 pm RENTED TO ur JOB LOCATION-' TICKET CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 503 OLD MERIDIAN AND GUILFORD 3400 WEST 131ST STREET Con# 190856 CARMEL IN 46074 Loc 100 SSN et PHONE DATE TIME W (317) 733 -2001 OUT 05/12/11 1:42 PM JRR F (317) 733 -2005 ID #3 PO /JOB RECEIVED BY OLD MERIDIAN GUILF'PIFER, PARKS 05/12/11 1:44 PM JRR *FINAL Page: 1 QTY ITEM# A EXT AMT NET AMT MIN ��HOURLY OVNITE 8- HOURr` DAY WEEK "4 WEEK 1 081834150864 FLAGS SURVEYOR WHITE ;6.55 6.55 6.55 2 093281002011 PAINT MARKING YELLOW 20 OZ SEY 4.50 9.00 9.00 y r fi IFTHE EQUIPMENT IS NOT RETURNED BY "DUE IN" DATE YOU WILL BE SUBJECTT O A CHARGE OF CONVERSION (THEFT) RENT 0 00 Use of alternative fuels, (Biodiesel, E85, etc.) in Runyon Equipment Rental, equipment is PROHIBITED. Customer is liable for all damages repairs that result from alternative fuel. SALES 15 55 1 HAVE BEEN INSTRUCTED DEMONSTRATED ON THE SAFE PROPER OPERATION OF THE ABOVE EQUIPMENT AND I OTHER FULLY UNDERSTAND THOSE INSTRUCTIONS I ALW UNDERSTANDTHAT I AMTHE PERSON RENTINGTHIS PROPERTY, AND THAT RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL DOES NOT GIVE ME PERMISSION TO LEND THIS PROPERTY TO ANY OTHER PERSON. I DW /FEES 0 0 UNDERSTAND THAT GIVING OR LENDING THIS PROPERTY TO ANY OTHER PERSON FOR ANY REASON IS UNAUTHORIZED BY RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL. X Addl TAX 0.00 THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING READ AND UNDERSTOOD THE ABOVE, HEREBY AGREES TO RENT THE ARTICLES NAMED ON SALES TAX 0 00 THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN THIS RENTAL AGREEMENT. I HAVE READ THE ABOVE INFORMATION AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT IT IS CORRECT, COMPLETE AND ACCURATE. I PROMISE: THAT AS A CONDITION OF RENTING DEPOSIT 0 00 EQUIPMENT THAT IF MY EMPLOYMENT, ADDRESS OR PHONE NUMBER BE CHANGED, I WILL NOTIFY RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IMMEDIATELY. RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IS AUTHORIZED TO BILL MY CREDIT CARD FOR ANY AND ALL COSTS, FEES, AND /OR INTEREST CHARGES ASSOCIATED WITH ANY CLAIM, LOSS, OR DAMAGES TO PROPERTY AS A RESULT OFTHE RENTAL OF THIS EQUIPMENT. IF EQUIPMENT IS RETURNED DAMAGED, AND NOT DISCOVERED BY RUNYON EQUIPMENT TOTAL DUE 15 55 RENTAL UNTIL AFTER THE CUSTOMER LEAVES AND HAS SETTLED THE BILL, RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IS AUTHORIZED TO RUN ANY FORM OF PAYMENT ON FILE TO SATISFY EQUIPMENT REPAIR. LABOR RATE CHARGED AT $85 AN HOUR. AMT BILLED 15 55 EQUIPMENT e"s�?, ,,ly CELL LEASED BY X 4 PHONE 12-MAY-11 13 4 4 2 7 EQUIPMENT RENTAL FEES DO NOT APPLY TO PURCHASES. RETURNED BY X WE CHARGE FOR TIME OUT NOT TIME USED. Equipment is clean and full of fuel please return as such or additional charges YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL TIRES, DUEL AND ELECTRIC CURRENT. will apply. X INI NO ADJUSTMENTS OR CREDITS will be made on equipment uI We cha a 5% Damage Waiver on all equipment rentals. malfunctrnns unless Runvon Enuinment Rental has been notified. 9 9 4 P 0. J DA MAGE The oil level in machinery is checked when equipment eaves our yard. Maintenance of proper oil !eve] in No electrical tools are supplied rented equipment is solely the responsibility of with safer; grounded plugs for Our damage waiver covers normal wear and tear. Damage customer, For proper oil grade, call us, use in grounded outlets due to neglect or ignorance will be the customer's (except for double insulated i responsibility at a charge of $85.00 per hour plus parts. safety approved tools). Do not wt o ground g off ro lug, No damage waiver license, sales or use IN CASE taxes are included in IFUEL OF LOSS OR our rental rates They All equipment is full of fuel THEFT and must be returned full or of equipment. the cus :olner ,vii; be are extra additional charges will apply. billed f or po pace plus yenta` up to inu; of reporting urns or theft. 7 11 H RENTAL CI ARGES AND TERMS Customer is totally responsible Once the equipment leaves our yard, the customer is for ALL tire repair. It is the responsible for it until it has been returned and payment Equipment with hour meters is customer's option to check over received. NO equipment is to be left in our yard if we are allowed 8 hours use within a 24 the tires before the equipment hour period of time not open to receive it. Our insurance does not cover leaves and have one of our equipment while in customer's possession. We suggest people make note of any irregularities spotted. you contract your insurance agent for coverage. A week is 7 days. A month is 28 days. Renter will not be liable for any or all damage to vehicles You will be charged for while loading or unloading equipment. time out not time used. CLEANING CHARGES Rental rates for equipment are based on usage during an 8 hour shift Equipment is to be returned as clean as when it le. A harge of I One day Is 24 hours or 8 hours running time. L V-6,00 per hour ,v II e i arged for 16 hours running time in 24 hours 2 day charge. 1 aeanuo 24 hours running time in 24 hours 3 days charge.._.__........___ It over 8 hours in 1 day you will be charged for extra hours on equipment. LOADING AND UNLOADING EQUIPMENT. Customer is responsible for loading and unloading equipment. If Dealer's employees assist in loading or unloading the equipment, Customer agrees to assume the risk of, and hold Dealer and /or its employees harmless for any property damage or personal injuries, including damage and personal injuries attributable to the negligence of Dealer. POSSESSION/TITLE. Your right to possession of the Equipment begins upon Rental Items leaving the Rental Center and terminates on the agreed Return Date indicated on the front of this Contract. Retention of the Equipment beyond the expiration of the Rental Period constitutes a material breach of this Contract. Time is of the essence. Any extension must be mutually agreed upon in writing and signed by Us. Title to the Rental Items is and shall at all times remain in Rental Center. Failure to return rental property or equipment upon expiration of the Rental Period, and failure to pay all amounts due (including costs for damage to the property or equipment) are prima facie evidence of intent to defraud. FUTURE RENTALS. Customer acknowledges that the terms of this Contract will be deemed to apply not only to the Equipment identified on the front side of this document, but also to all other Equipment and merchandise Customer may rent or purchase from Dealer (except as to the rent and /or purchase price of such items, as applicable, which will be charged at Dealer's published rates as of the date of each such rental or purchase), whether on the date of this Contract or at any time in the future (except only as to any E quipment an /or ot items with res pect to which C executes a n ew Rent Con tract). After being in the rental business for many years, we know what it takes to be successful good attitude, new or like new equipment, and good old fashioned service. We will never knowingly disappoint you. If for any reason you feel we haven't handled your transaction properly, please bring it to our attention. Thank you for renting from us. Reorder from In- rl -83nd 800 862 -2463 =orm ':.0432 In consideration of the payment of additional rent dassil'ied as 'damage waiver by the Rentee, Renter agrees to, and hereby does waive its right, or any right it might A have against the Rentee, arising from normal damage of the rental property, normal damage to be determined by Renter. The undersigned shall pay upon return of A property rented a sum equal to 5% of rental charge. This "damage waiver does not include damage or loss of the property as a result of the negligence of the Rentee or In the case of abusive damage, theft or other gross negligence of the Rentee. This damage waiver shall not apply to reckless, careless or abusive operation or use of the Equipment, use or operation of the Equipment exceeding its rated capa4 or damage to tires, tubes and wheels caused by blowout, bruises, cuts, punctures or EQUIPMENT RENTAL other causes inherent in the use of the Equipment. It is understood the amount paid is not an insurance premium, and that this provision does not represent an insurance 410 W. Carmel Drive Carmel, IN 46032 policy or an agreement to insure. Equipment that is stolen or damaged by Rentee will pay list for parts, labor or, 9 a total loss, will pay replacement cost of equipment. The Rentee further acknowledges receipt of the aforementioned equipment and materials, or covenants to use said property in a careful and prudent manner and CARMEL a FISHER5 a INDIANAPOLIS shall not loan, sublet, mortgage or in any manner dispose of same to any person without the written consent of the owner, and further agrees to return the equipment to Renter in substantially good condition as when received, natural wear and tear excepted. 31 7 5 6 6 8 8 88 The parties agree that in the event the Rentee violates arty of the terms and conditions of this agreement, the Reiner may collect damages together with reasonable attorney fees, court costs and interest of one and one hall (112) percent per month added to accounts over ten (10) days old, reflecting an annual percentage rate of eighteen (18) percent FAX: 317- 566 -2990 The above equipment has been received by the undersigned for rental purposes only, and it is understood that Renter shall be held responsible for any accident or damage resulting directly or indirectly from the leased equipment. The Renter expressly disclaims all warranties, either expressed or implied, including any implied Don't t be a fool Rent one warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, and neither assumes nor authorizes any other person to assume for it any liability connection with the use of this equipment. The Rentee agrees to indemnify Renter, from any claim, loss, damages to property, consequential damages, loss of income or any other w. ww runyonrental. com incidental damages, even those damages caused by the negligence of Rentee, together w th attorney fees for defending any action brought as a result of the lease of this equipment. Open 7 Days a Week Monday Friday 7:00 am 5:30 pm a Saturday 7:00 am 4:30 pm a Sunday 9:00 am 3:00 pm RENTED TO "JOB LOCATION"" TICKET CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 503 IDC BUILDING 3400 WEST 131ST STREET Con# 190835 CARMEL IN 46074 Loc 100 1s SSN"a PHONE DATE TIME W (317) 733 -2001 OUT 05/12/11 11:59 AM JRR F (317) 733 -2005 ID PO /.JOB RECEIVED .BY IDC BUILDING RON WILLIAMS TURNED 05/12/11 2:03 PM BN *FINAL Page: 1 QTY ITEM# �K. EXT. AMT NET AMT MIN HOURLY OVNITE, 8-HOUR DAY WEEK 4 WEEK 1 8364 -0001 HAMMER B DRILL SDS TE -6 22.00 22.00 $22.00/4 32.00 32.00 128 GO ,384.00 1 8364 -0006 HAMMER B DRILL SDS TE -7 22.00 22.00 $22.00/4 32.00 32: 00 ��128: -00' 384.00 2 2920 -0000 BIT SDS R 3/4 "zX',12 1'$ „`�l� 20.00 20.00 $10.00 /D 10.00 10 '00 40�0Or g 120 00�� 1 8370 -0006 HAMMER D” "DEMO DRILL MAX 76ATC ��f 40.00 40.00 $40.00/9 50. 00 50:500 200 0,0�-L�600. 00 1 1 2997 -0000 BIT MAX SDS' IA �3,/4" X �i36 26.00 26.00 $26.00/D 26` 26..ObD104.00 312.00 IFTHE EQUIPMENT IS NOT RETURNED BY "DUE IN' DATE YOU WILL BE SUBJECTTO A CHARGE OF CONVERSION (THEFT} RENT 130 00 Use of alternative fuels, (Biodiesel, E85, etc.) in Runyon Equipment Rental, equipment is PROHIBITED. Customer is liable for all damages repairs that result from alternative fuef. SALES 0 00 I HAVE BEEN INSTRUCTED DEMONSTRATED ON THE SAFE PROPER OPERATION OF THE ABOVE EQUIPMENT AND I OTHER 0 0 0 FULLY UNDERSTAND THOSE INSTRUCTIONS I ALSO UNDERSTAND THAT I AM THE PERSON RENTING THIS PROPERTY, AND THAT RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL DOES NOT GIVE ME PERMISSION TO LEND THIS PROPERTY TO ANY OTHER PERSON. I DW/ FEES 6 50 UNDERSTAND THAT GIVING OR LENDING THIS PROPERTY TO ANY OTHER PERSON FOR ANY REASON IS UNAUTHORIZED BY RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL. X Addl TAX 0.00 THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING READ AND UNDERSTOOD THE ABOVE, HEREBY AGREES TO RENT THE ARTICLES NAMED ON SALES TAX 0 00 THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN THIS RENTAL AGREEMENT. I HAVE READ THE ABOVE INFORMATION AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT IT IS CORRECT, COMPLETE AND ACCURATE. I PROMISE THAT AS A CONDITION OF RENTING DEPOSIT 0 00 EQUIPMENT THAT IF MY EMPLOYMENT, ADDRESS OR PHONE NUMBER BE CHANGED, I WILL NOTIFY RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IMMEDIATELY_ RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IS AUTHORIZED TO BILL MY CREDIT CARD FOR ANY AND ALL COSTS, FEES, ANDIOR INTEREST CHARGES ASSOCIATED WITH ANY CLAIM, LOSS, OR DAMAGES TO PROPERTY AS A RESULT OF THE RENTAL OF THIS EQUIPMENT. IF EQUIPMENT IS RETURNED DAMAGED, AND NOT DISCOVERED BY RUNYON EQUIPMENT TOTAL DUE 136. 50 RENTAL UNTIL AFTER THE CUSTOMER LEAVES AND HAS SETTLED THE BILL, RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IS AUTHORIZED TO RUN ANY FORM OF PAYMENT ON FILE TO SATISFY EQUIPMENT REPAIR. LABOR RATE CHARGED AT $85 AN HOUR. AMT BILLED 136. 50 CELL EQUIPMENT LEASED BY X I :J\ f f +fir:, PHONE 12- MAY -11 14:04:29 EQUIPMENT r -4 r RETURNED By X fin RENTAL FEES DO NOT APPLY TO PURCHASES. WE CHARGE FOR TIME OUT NOT TIME USED. Equipment is clean and full of fuel please return as such or additional charges YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL TIRES, VUEL AND ELECTRIC CURRENT. will apply. X INITIAL NO ADJUSTMENTS OR CREDITS will be made on equipment We charge a 5% Damage Waiver on all equipment rentals. malfunctions unless Runvon Eauioment Rental has been notified. o o 0 In F MiVUSUAL� WEAR LEVELS 3eWUo I p The oil level in machinery is checked when equipment CORDS P�� leaves our yard. Maintenance of proper oil level in No electrical tools are supplied rented equipment is solely the responsibility of with safety grounded plugs for Our damage waiver covers normal .,rear and tear. Damage i customer. For proper oil grade, call us, use in grounded outlets i due to neglect or ignorance will be the customer's {except for double insulated responsibility at a charge of $85.00 per hour plus parts. i safety approved tools). Do not w, off ground lug. 5 i No damage waiver license, sales or use IN CASE i taxes are included in OF Loss OR FUEL our rental rat es. They All equipment is full of fuel THEFT and must be returned full or of equipment the customer will be es will ap p ly billed for list price plus rental up 'o are extra additional charges time o f reporting less or theft. i T RE brSl 9 M a U Gil 4 E RENTAL ClEURGES D TERM Customer is totally responsible Once the equipment leaves our yard, the customer is for ALL tire repair. It is the responsible for it until it has been returned and payment Equipment with hour meters is customer's option to check over received. NO equipment is to be left in our yard if we are allowed 8 hours use within a 24 the tires before the equipment hour period of time not open to receive it. Our insurance does not cover leaves and have one of our equipment while in customer's possession. We suggest people make note of any irregularities spotted. you contract your insurance agent for coverage. A week is 7 days. A month is 28 days. Renter will not be liable for any or all damage to vehicles You will be charged for while loading or unloading equipment. time out not time used. CLEANING i I CHARGES Rental rates for equipment are based on usage during an 8 hour shift. Equipment is to be returned as I cle s r One day is 24 hours or 8 hours running time. an a :he it le". A charge of I 16 hours running time in 24 hours 2 day charge. j s6..00p er hour 4 -vol be chargee for 24 hours running time in 24 hours 3 days charge. If over 8 hours in 1 day you will be charged for extra hours on equipment. LOADING AND UNLOADING EQUIPMENT. Customer is responsible for loading and unloading equipment. If Dealer's employees assist in loading or unloading the equipment, Customer agrees to assume the risk of, and hold Dealer and /or its employees harmless for any property damage or personal injuries, including damage and personal injuries attributable to the negligence of Dealer. POSSESSION/TITLE. Your right to possession of the Equipment begins upon Rental Items leaving the Rental Center and terminates on the agreed Return Date indicated on the front of this Contract. Retention of the Equipment beyond the expiration of the Rental Period constitutes a material breach of this Contract. Time is of the essence. Any extension must be mutually agreed upon in writing and signed by Us. Title to the Rental Items is and shall at all times remain in Rental Center. Failure to return rental property or equipment upon expiration of the Rental Period, and failure to pay all amounts due (including costs for damage to the property or equipment) are prima facie evidence of intent to defraud. FUTURE RENTALS. Customer acknowledges that the terms of this Contract will be deemed to apply not only to the Equipment identified on the front side of this document, but also to all other Equipment and merchandise Customer may rent or purchase from Dealer (except as to the rent and /or purchase price of such items, as applicable, which will be charged at Dealer's published rates as of the date of each such rental or purchase), whether on the date of this Contract or at any time in the future (except only as to any E and /or other items with res pect to which Customer executes a n Rental Contract). After being in the rental business for many years, we know what it takes to be successful good attitude, new or like new equipment, and good old fashioned service. We will never knowingly disappoint you. If for any reason you feel we haven't handled your transaction properly, please bring it to our attention. Thank you for renting from us. Reorder from In :a -Bind 800 862 -2463 -orm :10432 In consideration of the payment of additional rent classified as "damage waiver by the Rentee, Renter agrees to, and hereby does waive its right, or any right it might R O have against the Rentee, arising from normal damage of the rental property, normal damage to be determined by Renter. The undersigned shall pay upon return of Y ArA property rented a sum equal to 5% of rental charge. This "damage waiver does not include damage or loss of the property as a result of the negligence of the Rentee or In the case of abusive damage, theft or other gross negligence of the Rentee. This damage waiver shall not apply to reckless, careless or abusive operation or use of the Equipment, use or operation of the Equipment exceeding its rated capacity, or damage to tires, tubes and wheels caused by blowout, bruises, cuts, punctures or 6QUIpM*✓NT {ZENtAL other causes Inherent in the use of the Equipment. It is understood the amount paid is not an insurance premium, and that this provision does not represent an insurance 410 W. Carmel Drive Carmel, IN 46032 policy or an agreement to insure. Equipment that is stolen or damaged by Rentee will pay list for parts, labor or, if a total loss, will pay replacement cost of equipment. The Rentee further acknowledges receipt of the aforementioned equipment and materials, or covenants to use said property in a careful and prudent manner and CARMEL a FISHERS INDIANAPOLIS shall not loan, sublet, mortgage or in any manner dispose of same to any person without the written consent of the owner, and further agrees to return the equipment to Renter in substantially good condition as when received, natural wear and tear excepted. 317 5 66 88 8 8 The parties agree that in the event the Rentee violates any of the terms and conditions of this agreement, the Renter may collect damages together with reasonable attorney fees, court costs and interest of one and one haH (11/2) percent per month added to accounts over ten (10) days old, reflecting an annual percentage rate of eighteen (18) percent FAX: 317- 566 -2990 The above equipment has been received by the undersigned for rental purposes only and it is understood that Renter shall be held responsible for any accident or damage resulting directly or indirectly from the leased equipment. The Renter expressly disclaims all warranties, either expressed or implied, including any implied "Don't be a tool Rent one" warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, and neither assumes nor authorizes any other person to assume for it any liability connection with the use of this equipment. The Rentee agrees to indemnify Renter, from any claim, loss, damages to property, consequential damages, loss of income or any other www.runyonrental.com incidental damages, even those damages caused by the negligence of Rentee, together with attorney fees for defending any action brought as a result of the lease of this equipment. Open 7 Days d Week Monday Friday 7:00 am 5:30 pm Saturday 7:00 am 4:30 pm Sunday 9:00 am 3:00 pm RENTED': TO L JOB LOCATION ,TICKET -F CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 503 PEDCORE 3400 WEST 131ST STREET Con# 190780 CARMEL IN 46074 Loc 100 «y SSN PHONE DATE TIME W (317) 733 -2001 OUT 05/12/11 9:08 AM TT F (317) 733 -2005 ID #3} PO/JOB' r a RECEIVED BY g a T PEDCORE OTTINGER, MARK A RETURNED 05112111 10:17 AM *FINAL Page: 1 QTY -ITEM# MIN, HOURLY OVNITE,„,, 8 H S EX AMT NEV AMT T N UR 1�AY WEEK WEEK 4 1 5021 -0003 SOD CUTTER 12" 26.00 26.00 W� 1 w'1p �r. r 4 0 Y 11 r IFTHE EQUIPMENT IS NOT RETURNED BY "DUE IN" DATE YOU WILL BE SUBJECTTO A CHARGE OF CONVERSION (THEFT. RENT 26. 0 0 Use of alternative fuels, (Biodiesel, E85, etc.) in Runyon Equipment Rental, equipment is PROHIBITED. Customer is liable for all damages repairs that result from alternative fuel. SALES 0 00 I HAVE BEEN INSTRUCTED DEMONSTRATED ON THE SAFE PROPER OPERATION OF THE ABOVE EQUIPMENT AND I OTHER 0 0 0 FULLY UNDERSTAND THOSE INSTRUCTIONS I ALSO UNDERSTAND THAT I AM THE PERSON RENTING THIS PROPERTY, AND THAT RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL DOES NOT GIVE ME PERMISSION TO LEND THIS PROPERTY TO ANY OTHER PERSON. I DW/ FEES 1 30 UNDERSTAND THAT GIVING OR LENDING THIS PROPERTY TO ANY OTHER PERSON FOR ANY REASON IS UNAUTHORIZED BY RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL. X Addl TAX 0.00 THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING READ AND UNDERSTOOD THE ABOVE, HEREBY AGREES TO RENT THE ARTICLES NAMED ON SALES TAX 0 00 THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN THIS RENTAL AGREEMENT. I HAVE READ THE ABOVE INFORMATION AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT IT IS CORRECT, COMPLETE AND ACCURATE. I PROMISE THAT AS A CONDITION OF RENTING DEPOSIT 0 00 EQUIPMENT THAT IF MY EMPLOYMENT, ADDRESS OR PHONE NUMBER BE CHANGED, I WILL NOTIFY RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IMMEDIATELY. RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IS AUTHORIZED TO BILL MY CREDIT CARD FOR ANY AND ALL COSTS, FEES, AND /OR INTEREST CHARGES ASSOCIATED WITH ANY CLAIM, LOSS, OR DAMAGES TO PROPERTY AS A RESULT OF THE RENTAL OF THIS EQUIPMENT. IF EQUIPMENT IS RETURNED DAMAGED, AND NOT DISCOVERED BY RUNYON EQUIPMENT TOTAL DUE 27 30 RENTAL UNTIL AFTER THE CUSTOMER LEAVES AND HAS SETTLED THE BILL, RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IS AUTHORIZED TO RUN ANY FORM OF PAYMENT ON FILE TO SATISFY EQUIPMENT REPAIR. LABOR RATE CHARGED AT $85 AN HOUR. AMT BILLED 27 30 EQUIPMEM I g 3 CELL TI LEASED BY X I ,i' /V\ PHONE 13 MAY 11 09: 08 55 EQUIPMENT RENTAL FEES DO NOT APPLY TO PURCHASES. RETURNED BY X t,.�I 'a ?<'"�T WE CHARGE FOR TIME OUT NOT TIME USED. Equipment is clean and full of fuel please return as such or additional charges YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL TIRES, VUEL AND ELECTRIC CURRENT. will apply. X W' !AL NO ADJUSTMENTS OR CREDITS will be made on equipment We charge a 5% Damage Waiver on all equipment rentals. malfunctions unless Runvan Eauiament Rental has been notified. UNUSUAL WEAR OIL LEVELS 3- WIRE The oil ieve' in machinery is checked when equipment C ORDS leaves our yard. Maintenance of proper oil ievei in No electnca': toots are supplied rented equipment is solely the responsibility of wth safety g ounded plugs for Our damage waiver covers north l wear and tear. Damage customer, F;,r proper osl grade, call us. use in grounded outlets due to neglect or ignorance wili be the customer's ,except for double insulated responsibility at a charge of $85.00 per hour plus Parts. safety approved tools; Do not r cut o`f grcund lag. s 4 o damage waiver license, Sales or use IN CA taxes are included in FUEL F LOSS OR THE rental rates They w All equipment is full of fuel and must be returned full or o(e t the G ,I be are extra. additional Charges Will apply. bd ed for list pace lus en p 'inl of neo(A ng oss or t "e't. TIRES INSURANCE RENTAL CHARGES AND TERMS Customer is totally responsible Once the equipment leaves our yard, the customer is for ALL tire repair. h is the responsible for it until it has been returned and payment Equipment with hour meters is customer's option, to check over received- NO equipment is to be left in our yard if we are allowed 8 hours use within a 24 the tires before the equipment hour period of time not open to receive it. Our insurance does not cover leaves and have one of our equipment while in customer's possession. We suggest people make note of any irregularities spatted. you contract your insurance agent for coverage. A week is 7 days. A month is 28 days. Renter will not be liable for any or all damage to vehicles You will be charged for f while loading or unloading equipment. time out not time used. C;LEIVNING C;FIARGES Rental rates for equipment are based on usage during an 8 hour shift. Equipment is to be returned as r 24 h h eah as he t ;n A c i r: e of One day is ours or Ours running time. p r y 1 e G 24 hours running time in 24 hours 3 days charge.l I runn y char ge, h Lanut. If over 8 hours in 1 day you will be charged for extra hours on equipment. LOADING AND UNLOADING EQUIPMENT. Customer is responsible for loading and unloading equipment. If Dealer's employees assist in loading or unloading the equipment, Customer agrees to assume the risk of, and hold Dealer and /or its employees harmless for any property damage or personal injuries, including damage and personal injuries attributable to the negligence of Dealer, POSSESSION/TITLE. Your right to possession of the Equipment begins upon Rental Items leaving the Rental Center and terminates on the agreed Return Date indicated on the front of this Contract. Retention of the Equipment beyond the expiration of the Rental Period constitutes a material breach of this Contract. Time is of the essence. Any extension must be mutually agreed upon in writing and signed by Us. Title to the Rental Items is and shall at all times remain in Rental Center. Failure to return rental property or equipment upon expiration of the Rental Period, and failure to pay all amounts due (including costs for damage to the property or equipment) are prima facie evidence of intent to defraud. FUTURE RENTALS. Customer acknowledges that the terms of this Contract will be deemed to apply not only to the Equipment identified on the front side of this document, but also to all other Equipment and merchandise Customer may rent or purchase from Dealer (except as to the rent and /or purchase price of such items, as applicable, which will be charged at Dealer's published rates as of the date of each such rental or purchase), whether on the date of this Contract or at any time in the future (except only as to any Equip and, /or other ite with respect to which Cu stomer e xecutes a new Rental Contract). After being in the rental business for many years, we know what it takes to be successful good attitude, new or like new equipment, and good old fashioned service. We will never knowingly disappoint you, If for any reason you feel we haven't handled your transaction properly, please bring it to our attention. Thank you for renting from us. Reorder from In-A-P-Ind 800- 862 -2463 Ferm' 0 »32 In consideration of the payment of additional rent classified as "damage waiver by the Rentee, Renter agrees to, and hereby does waive its right, or any right it might R ��O have against the Rentee, arising from normal damage of the rental property, normal damage to be determined by Renter. The undersigned shall pay upon return of A`rA property rented a sum equal to 5% of rental charge. This 'damage waiver does not include damage or loss of the property as a result of the negligence of the Rentee or In the case of abusive damage, theft or other gross negligence of the Rentee. This damage waiver shall not apply to reddess, careless or abusive operation or use of the Equipment, use or operation of the Equipment exceeding its rated capacity, or damage to tires, tubes and wheels caused by blowout, bruises, cuts, punctures or EQUIVMENt RENTAL other causes inherent in the use of the Equipment. It is understood the amount paid is not an insurance premium, and that this provision does not represent an insurance 410 W. Carmel Drive Carmel, IN 46032 policy or an agreement to insure. Equipment that is stolen or damaged by Rentee will pay list for parts, labor or, if a total loss, will pay replacement cost of equipment The Rentee further acknowledges receipt of the aforementioned equipment and materials, or covenants to use said property in a careful and prudent manner and LARMEL FISHERS 1NCO\NAP0L15 shall not loan, sublet, mortgage or in any manner dispose of same to any person without the written consent of the owner, and further agrees to return the equipment to Renter in substantially good condition as when received, natural wear and tear excepted. 317 566 8888 The parties agree that in the event the Rentee violates any of the terms and conditions of this agreement, the Renter may collect damages together with reasonable attorney fees, court costs and interest of one and one halt (11/2) percent per month added to accounts over ten (10) days old, reflecting an annual percentage rate of eghteen (18) percent FAX: 317- 566 -2990 The above equipment has been received by the undersigned for rental purposes only and it is understood that Renter shall be held responsible for any accident or damage resulting directly or indirectly from the leased equipment. The Renter expressly disclaims all warranties, either expressed or implied, including any implied Don't t be a tool Rent one warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, and neither assumes nor authorizes any other person to assume for it any liability connection with the use of this equipment. The Rentee agrees to indemnify Renter, from any claim, loss, damages to property, consequential damages, loss of income or any other www.runyonrental.com incidental damages, even those damages caused by the negligence of Rentee, together with attorney fees for defending any action brought as a result of the lease of this equipment. Open 7 Days a Week Monday Friday 7:00 am 5:30 pm Saturday 7:00 am 4:30 pm Sunday 9:00 am 3:00 pm RENTED TO JOB LOCATION TICKET CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 503 PARKING GARAGE 3400 WEST 131ST STREET Con# 190712 CARMEL IN 46074 Loc 100 SSN PHONE DATE TIME W (317) 733 -2001 OUT 05/11/11 3:08 PM WH F (317) 733 -2005 ID #3 PO /JOB RECEIVED BY F PARKING GARAGE OTTINGER, MARK A TURNED 05/12/1.1 8:56 AM JRR *FINAL Page: 1 QTY ITEM# EXT AMT NET AMT MIN HOURLY OVNITE 8 -HOUR DAY WEEK 4 WEEK 1 5123 -0002 SWEEPER HI -DUMP 6600 RIDE ON 245.00 245.00 $245.00/D 245.00 245.00 980.00- "29'40.00 1 102 PROPANE 40 POUND REFILL 27.90 27.90 27.90 v� g,7 ak i crJ Go) IFTHE EQUIPMENT IS NOT RETURNED BY "DUE IN' DATE,YOU WILL BE SUBJECTTO A CHARGE OF CONVERSION (THEFT). RENT 245 00 Use of alternative fuels, (Biodiesel, E85,etc.) in Runyon Equipment Rental, equipment is PROHIBITED. Customer is liable for all damages repairs that result from alternative fuel, SALE S 27 90 1 HAVE BEEN INSTRUCTED DEMONSTRATED ON THE SAFE PROPER OPERATION OF THE ABOVE EQUIPMENT AND I OTHER 0 00 FULLY UNDERSTANDTHOSE INSTRUCTIONS I ALSO UNDERSTANDTHAT I AMTHE PERSON RENTINGTHIS PROPERTY, AND THAT RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL DOES NOT GIVE ME PERMISSIONTO LENDTHIS PROPERTY TO ANY OTHER PERSON. I DW /FEES 12.25 UNDERSTAND THAT GIVING OR LENDING THIS PROPERTY TO ANY OTHER PERSON FOR ANY REASON IS UNAUTHORIZED BY RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL. X Addl TAX 0.00 THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING READ AND UNDERSTOOD THE ABOVE, HEREBY AGREES TO RENT THE ARTICLES NAMED ON SALES TAX 0 00 THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN THIS RENTAL AGREEMENT. I HAVE READ THE ABOVE INFORMATION AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT IT IS CORRECT, COMPLETE AND ACCURATE. I PROMISE THAT AS A CONDITION OF RENTING DEPOSIT 0 00 EQUIPMENT THAT IF MY EMPLOYMENT, ADDRESS OR PHONE NUMBER BE CHANGED, I WILL NOTIFY RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IMMEDIATELY. RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IS AUTHORIZED TO BILL MY CREDIT CARD FOR ANY AND ALL COSTS, FEES, ANDIOR INTEREST CHARGES ASSOCIATED WITH ANY CLAIM, LOSS, OR DAMAGES TO PROPERTY AS A RESULT OFTHE RENTAL OF THIS EQUIPMENT. IF EQUIPMENT IS RETURNED DAMAGED, AND NOT DISCOVERED BY RUNYON EQUIPMENT TOTAL DUE 285 15 RENTAL UNTIL AFTERTHE CUSTOMER LEAVES AND HAS SETTLED THE BILL, RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IS AUTHORIZED TO RUN ANY FORM OF PAYMENT ON FILE TO SATISFY EQUIPMENT REPAIR. LABOR RATE CHARGED AT $85 AN HOUR. AMT BILLED 285 15 ENT tr it;ifG CELL LEASED BY X PHONE 12 MAY -I1 08 :57:19 EUIPMEN LEASED RETU NED X RENTAL FEES DO NOT APPLY TO PURCHASES. tip_.... WE CHARGE FOR TIME OUT NOT TIME USED. Equipment is clean and full of fuel please return as such or additional charges YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL TIRES, FUEL AND ELECTRIC CURRENT will apply. X INI TIAL NO ADJUSTMENTS OR CREDITS will be made on equipment malfunctions unless Runvon Eauiament Rental has been notified. We charge a 5% Damage Waiver on all equipment rentals. W TI N 6"" 0 U n U� UAL W EAR O IL LEVELS 3-WOR yq DA The oil lavel in machinery is checked when equipment CORDS leaves our var Maintenance of proper oil level In No electrical tools are supplied anted equipment is solely the responsibility of with safety grounded plugs for Our damage waiver covers normal wear and tear. Damage customer. For proper oil grade, call us. use in grounded outlets due to neglect or ignorance will be the customers except for double- insulated i responsibility at a charge of $85.00 per hour plus parts. safety approved tools Do not cut off ground lug. i No da waiver license, sales or use IN CASE taxes are included in IFUEL OF LOSS OR our rental rates The All equipment is full of fuel THEFT and must be returned full or of equipment, the customer will be are extra additional charges will ap billed for list price plus yenta up to g time of reporting lass or ibeft. AND TERMS Customer is totally responsible Once the equipment leaves our yard, the customer is for ALL tire repair. It is the responsible for it until it has been returned and payment Equipment with hour meters is customer's option to check over received. NO equipment is to be left in our yard if we are allowed 8 hours use within a 24 the tires before the equipment hour period of time not open to receive it. Our insurance does not cover leaves and have one of our equipment while in customer's possession. We suggest people make note of any irregularities spotted. you contract your insurance agent for coverage. A week is 7 days. A month is 28 days. Renter will not be liable for any or all damage to vehicles You will be charged for while loading or unloading equipment. time out not time used. a'= CLEANING CHARGES Rental rates for equipment are based on usage during an 8 hour shift. Equipment is to be returned as clean as when it left. A charge of One day is 24 hours or 8 hours running time. $65.00 per heir will be charged for 16 hours running time in 24 hours 2 day charge. I cleanup. LLLL���I L� lJ 24 hours running time in 24 hours 3 days charge. If over 8 hours in 1 day you will be charged for j extra hours on equipment. —1 LOADING AND UNLOADING EQUIPMENT. Customer is responsible for loading and unloading equipment. If Dealer's employees assist in loading or unloading the equipment. Customer agrees to assume the risk of, and hold Dealer and /or its employees harmless for any property damage or personal injuries, including damage and personal injuries attributable to the negligence of Dealer. POSSESSION/TITLE. Your right to possession of the Equipment begins upon Rental Items leaving the Rental Center and terminates on the agreed Return Date indicated on the front of this Contract. Retention of the Equipment beyond the expiration of the Rental Period constitutes a material breach of this Contract. Time is of the essence. Any extension must be mutually agreed upon in writing and signed by Us. Title to the Rental Items is and shall at all times remain in Rental Center. Failure to return rental property or equipment upon expiration of the Rental Period, and failure to pay all amounts due (including costs for damage to the property or equipment) are prima facie evidence of intent to defraud. FUTURE RENTALS. Customer acknowledges that the terms of this Contract will be deemed to apply not only to the Equipment identified on the front side of this document, but also to all other Equipment and merchandise Customer may rent or purchase from Dealer (except as to the rent and /or purchase price of such items, as applicable, which will be charged at Dealer's published rates as of the date of each such rental or purchase), whether on the date of this Contract or at any time in the future (except only as to any Equipment and /or other items with res to which Customer executes a new Rental Contract). After being in the rental business for many years, we know what it takes to be successful good attitude, new or like new equipment, and good old fashioned service. We will never knowingly disappoint you. If for any reason you feel we haven't handled your transaction properly, please bring it to our attention. Thank you for renting from us. Reorder from In -A -Sind 800 -562 -2463 Form 410432 In consideration of the payment of additional rent classed as 'damage waiver by the Rentee, Renter agrees to, and hereby does waive its right, or any right it might R ��O have against the Rentee, arising from normal damage of the rental property, normal damage to be determined by Renter. The undersigned shall pay upon return of !'VA property rented a sum equal to 5% of rental charge. This "damage waived' does not include damage or loss of the property as a result of the negligence of the Rentee or In the case of abusive damage, theft or other gross negligence of the Rentee. This damage waiver shall not apply to reddess, careless or abustve operation or use of the Equipment, use or operation of the Equipment exceeding its rated capacity, or damage to tires, tubes and wheels caused by blowout, bruises, cuts, punctures or £QUIPMEN T (ZENTIAL other causes inherent in the use of the Equipment. It is understood the amount paid is not an Insurance premium, and that this provision does not represent an insurance 410 W. Carmel Drive Carmel IN 46032 policy or an agreement to insure. Equipment that is stolen or damaged by Rentee will pay list for parts, labor or, 0 a total lass, will pay replacement cost of equipment. The Rentee further acknowledges receipt of the aforementioned equipment and materials, or covenants to use said property in a careful and prudent manner and GARMEL F15HEV-5 INDIANAPOLI5 shall not loan, sublet, mortgage or in any manner dispose of same to any person without the written consent of the owner, and further agrees to return the equipment to Renter in substantially good condition as when received, natural wear and tear excepted. 317 566 8888 The parties agree that in the event the Rentee violates any of the terms and conditions of this agreement, the Renter may collect damages together with reasonable attorney fees, court costs and interest of one and one hag (11/2) percent per month added to accounts overten (10) days old, reflecting an annual percentage rate of eighteen (18) percent FAX: 317- 566 -2990 The above equipment has been received by the undersigned for rental purposes only, and it is understood that Renter shall be held responsible for any accident or damage resulting directly or indirectly from the leased equipment. The Renter expressly disclaims all warranties, either expressed or implied, including any implied Don't t be a tool Rent one warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, and neither assumes nor authorizes any other person to assume for it any liability connection with the use of this equipment. The Rentee agrees to indemnify Renter, from any claim, loss, damages to property, consequential damages, loss of income or any other www.runyonrental.com incidental damages, even those damages caused by the negligence of Rentee, together with attorney fees for defending any action brought as a result of the lease of this equipment. Open 7 Days a Week Monday Friday 7:00 am 5:30 pm Saturday 7:00 am 4:30 pm Sunday 9:00 am 3:00 pm RENTED TO, JOB LOCATION' r TICKET CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 503 STREET LIGHTS 3400 WEST 131ST STREET Con# 190295 CARMEL IN 46074 Loc 100 SSN .PHONE DATE TIME W (3 17) 733 -2001 OUT 05/09/11 9:33 AM IT F (317) 733 -2005 ID #3, PO "JOB'S ;_RECEIVED BY. STREET LIGHTS TOWNSEND, SCOTT RE TURNED 05/09/11 3:09 PM WH "FINAL' Page: 1 QTY ITEM 'EXT AMT' NET AMT MIN HOURLY OUNITE 8 -HOUR DAY, ;;,WEEK WEEK 1 5784 -0006 LIFT SCISSOR 26' X 46" 4 a, 125.00 125.00 $125. 00 /D 125.00 125.00 340.00 X775.00 t (etc i if t SE i4µ c+ IFTHE EQUIPMENT IS NOT RETURNED BY "DUE IN" DATE YOU WILL BE SUBJECTTO A CHARGE OF CONVERSION (THEFT). RENT 125 00 Use of alternative fuels, (Biodiesel, E85, etc.) in Runyon Equipment Rental, equipment is PROHIBITED. Customer is liable for.all damages repairs that result from alternative fuel. SALES 0 00 I HAVE BEEN INSTRUCTED DEMONSTRATED ON THE SAFE PROPER OPERATION OF THE ABOVE EQUIPMENT AND I OTHER 0 00 FULLY UNDERSTAND THOSE INSTRUCTIONS I ALSO UNDERSTANDTHAT I AM THE PERSON RENTING THIS PROPERTY, AND THAT RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL DOES NOT GIVE ME PERMISSION TO LEND THIS PROPERTY TO ANY OTHER PERSON. I DW/ FEES 6. 25 UNDERSTAND THAT GIVING OR LENDING THIS PROPERTY TO ANY OTHER PERSON FOR ANY REASON IS UNAUTHORIZED BY RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL, X Addl TAX 0.00 THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING READ AND UNDERSTOOD THE ABOVE, HEREBY AGREES TO RENT THE ARTICLES NAMED ON SALE TAX 0 00 THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN THIS RENTAL AGREEMENT. I HAVE READ THE ABOVE INFORMATION AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT IT IS CORRECT, COMPLETE AND ACCURATE. I PROMISE THAT AS A CONDITION OF RENTING DEPOSIT 0 00 EQUIPMENT THAT IF MY EMPLOYMENT, ADDRESS OR PHONE NUMBER BE CHANGED, I WILL NOTIFY RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IMMEDIATELY. RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IS AUTHORIZED TO BILL MY CREDIT CARD FOR ANY AND ALL COSTS, FEES, AND /OR INTEREST CHARGES ASSOCIATED WITH ANY CLAIM, LOSS, OR DAMAGES TO PROPERTY AS A RESULT OF THE RENTAL OF THIS EQUIPMENT. IF EQUIPMENT IS RETURNED DAMAGED, AND NOT DISCOVERED BY RUNYON EQUIPMENT TOTAL DUE 131. 25 RENTAL UNTIL AFTERTHE CUSTOMER LEAVES AND HAS SETTLED THE BILL, RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IS AUTHORIZED TO RUN ANY FORM OF PAYMENT ON FILE TO SATISFY EQUIPMENT REPAIR. LABOR RATE CHARGED AT $85 AN HOUR. AMT BILLED 131. 25 EQUIPMENT t a I CELL LEASED BY X i Ft�i =`i=�— PHONE 09-MAY 11 16:56:44 REETU NED X -A 'C' RENTAL FEES DO NOT APPLY TO PURCHASES. WE CHARGE FOR TIME OUT NOT TIME USED. Equipment is clean and full of fuel please return as such or additional charges YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL TIRES, DUEL AND ELECTRIC CURRENT. will apply. X IN RAIL NO ADJUSTMENTS OR CREDITS will be made on equipment We cha a 5% Damage Waiver on all eq rentals. mnif inefinnc nnlacc Runvnn Fnninment Rental hac hean nntified_ 9 9 "I" mmi OIL LEVELS UNUSUAL WEAR 1 3- WIRE OR DAMAGE The oil ;eve/ in machinery is checked when equ pmerst CORDS leaves our yard. Maintenance of proper oil level it No electrical tools are suppled rented equipment is solely the responsibility of with safety grounded ploys for Our damage waiver covers normal wear and tear. Damage customer. For proper asi grade, call us, use in grounded outlets due to neglect or ignorance will be the cusfemer's except for double insulated responsibility at a charge of $85.00 Per hour Plus Paris. t safety approved tools;. Do not cut c and 9 f; ground I 9 N o damage w aiver license sales or use IN CA taxes a re included i LO our I rates They All equipment is full of fuel TH EFT and must be returned full or of equipment, the custo:.er will be a! r a extra. additional Charges will apply, till time ed fo of repo re Do price plus yenta up o rting ess or theft. TIRE S INSURANCE RENTAL CHAR AND Customer is totally responsible Once the equipment leaves our yard, the customer is for ALL tire repair. It is the responsible for it until it has been returned and payment Equipment with hour meters is custome option to check over received. NO equipment is to be left in our yard if we are allowed 8 hour use within a 24 the tires before the equipment hour period o: t ime not open to receive it. Our insurance does not cover leaves and have one of our equipment while in customer's possession. We suggest people make note of any irregularities sp otted. you contract your insurance agent for coverage. A week is 7 days. A month is 28 days. Renter will not be liable for any or all damage to vehicles You will be charged for while loading or unloading equipment, time out not time used. F 7 r "LEANING CIIAF.GI' Rental rates for equipment are based on usage during an 8 hour shift. Equipment is to be returned as i d an as r eri it left A charge of One day is 24 hours or 8 hours running time. SH pe no ullwt,becnarge dfcr 16 hours running time in 24 hours 2 day charge 24 hours running time in 24 hours 3 days charge. If over 8 hours in 1 day you will be charged for extra hours on equipment. LOADING AND UNLOADING EQUIPMENT. Customer is responsible for loading and unloading equipment. If Dealer's employees assist in loading or unloading the equipment.. Customer agrees to assume the risk of, and hold Dealer and /or its employees harmless for any property damage or personal injuries, including damage and personal injuries attributable to the negligence of Dealer. POSSESSIONITITLE. Your right to possession of the Equipment begins upon Rental Items leaving the Rental Center and terminates on the agreed Return Date indicated on the front of this Contract. Retention of the Equipment beyond the expiration of the Rental Period constitutes a material breach of this Contract. Time is of the essence. Any extension must be mutually agreed upon in writing and signed by Us. Title to the Rental Items is and shall at all times rernain in Rental Center. Failure to return rental property or equipment upon expiration of the Rental Period and failure to pay all amounts due (including costs for damage to the property or equipment) are prima facie evidence of intent to defraud. FUTURE RENTALS. Customer acknowledges that the terms of this Contract will be deemed to apply not only to the Equipment identified on the front side of this document, but also to all other Equipment and merchandise Customer may rent or purchase from Dealer (except as to the rent and/or purchase price of such items as applicable, which will be charged at Dealer's published rates as of the date of each such rental or purchase), whether on the date of this Contract or at any time in the future (except only as to any Equipme and/or other i tems with r espect t which Cu stom er executes a new Rental Contract). After being in the rental business for many years, we know what it takes to be successful good attitude, new or like new equipment, and good old fashioned service. We will never knowingly disappoint you. If for any reason you feel we haven't handled your transaction properly, please bring it to our attention. Thank you for renting from us. rleorde. r from In- A -B.nd S00- 562 -2463 "10432 In consideration of the payment of additional rent classified as 'damage waiver by the Rentee, Renter agrees to, and hereby does waive its right, or any right lt might R U NYO N A'�A have against the Rentee, arising from normal damage of the rental property, normal damage to be determined by Renter. The undersigned shall pay upon return of property in case of abusive damage, theft or f echarge. r gross negligence gence of the Rentee. n This damag aiverr shall o apply toreeddessrcareless or the Rentee ruse of the Equipment, use or operation of the Equipment exceeding its rated capacity, or damage to tires, tubes and wheels caused by blowout, bruises, cuts, punctures or EQUIPMENT RENTAL other causes inherent in the use of the Equipment. It is understood the amount paid is not an insurance premium, and that this provision does not represent an insurance 410 W, Carmel Drive Carmel, IN 46032 policy or an agreement to insure. Equipment that is stolen or damaged by Rentee will pay list for parts, labor or, 9 a total loss, will pay replacement cost of equipment The Rentee further acknowledges receipt of the aforementioned equipment and materials, or covenants to use said property in a careful and prudent manner and GARM£L a FISHERS INDIANAPOLIS shall not loan, sublet, mortgage or in any manner dispose of same to any person without the written consent of the owner, and further agrees to return the equipment to Renter in substantially good condition as when received, natural wear and tear excepted. 3 5 66 8 The panties agree that in the event the Rentee violates any of the emu and conditions of this agreement, the Renter may collect damages together with reasonable attorney fees, court costs and interest of one and one half (11/2) percent per month added to accounts over ten (10) days old, reflecting an annual percentage rate of eighteen (18) percent FAX: 317- 566 -2990 The above equipment has been received by the undersigned for rental purposes only, and It is understood that Renter shall be held responsible for.any accident or damage resulting directly or indirectly from the leased equipment. The Renter expressly disclaims all warranties, either expressed or implied, including any implied Don' t t be a tool Rent one warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, and neither assumes nor authorizes any other person to assume for It any liability connection with the use of this equipment. The Rentee agrees to indemnify Renter, from any claim, loss, damages to property, consequential damages, loss of income or any other www.runyonrental.com incidental damages, even those damages caused by the negligence of Rentee, together with attorney fees for defending any action brought as a result of the lease of this equipment. Open 7 ®®ys a Week Monday Friday 7:00 am 5:30 pm Saturday 7:00 am 4:30 pm Sunday 9:00 am 3:00 pm RENTED TO JOB LOCATION TICKET CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 503 IDC BUILDING 3400 WEST 131ST STREET Con# 189772 CARMEL IN 46074 Loc 100 ±SSN PHONE DATE TIME W (317) 733 -2001 OUT 05/05/11 9:05 AM BN F (317) 733 -2005 ID #3 PO /JOB# RECEIVED BY IDC BUILDING HIGGINBOTHAM, LEE MATTHEW TURNED 05/05/11 3:48 PM TT "FINAL' Page: 1 QTY ITEM# G EXT AMT NET AMT MIN HOURLY OVNITE 8 -HOUR DAY WEEK 4 WEEK 1 5787 -0003 LIFT SCISSOR 26' X 30" 125.00 125.00 $125.00/D 125.00 125.00 350,00{ 825.00 p �J, 0& IFTHE EQUIPMENT IS NOT RETURNED BY "DUE IN' DATE YOU WILL BE SUI JECTTO A CHARGE OF CONVERSION (THEFT). RENT 125. 0 Use of alternative fuels, (Biodiesel, E85, etc.) in Runyon Equipment Rental, equipment is PROHIBITED. Customer is liable for all damages repairs that result from alternative fuel. SALES 0 00 HAVE BEEN INSTRUCTED 8 DEMONSTRATED ON THE SAFE d PROPER OPERATION OF THE ABOVE EQUIPMENT AND I OTHER 0 00 FULLY UNDERSTAND THOSE INSTRUCTIONS I ALSO UNDERSTAND THAT I AM THE PERSON RENTING THIS PROPERTY AND THAT RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL DOES NOT GIVE ME PERMISSION TO LEND THIS PROPERTY TO ANY OTHER PERSON. I DW /FEES 6. 25 UNDERSTAND THAT GIVING OR LENDING THIS PROPERTY TO ANY OTHER PERSON FOR ANY REASON IS UNAUTHORIZED Addl TAX 0 BY RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL. X i, JAE THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING READ AND UNDERSTOOD THE ABOVE, HEREBY AGREES TO RENT THE ARTICLES NAMED ON SALES TAX 0 00 THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN THIS RENTAL AGREEMENT. I HAVE .READ THE ABOVE INFORMATION AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT IT IS CORRECT, COMPLETE AND ACCURATE. I PROMISE THAT AS A CONDITION OF RENTING DEPOSIT 0 00 EQUIPMENT THAT IF MY EMPLOYMENT, ADDRESS OR PHONE NUMBER BE CHANGED, I WILL NOTIFY RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IMMEDIATELY. RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IS AUTHORIZED TO BILL MY CREDIT CARD FOR ANY AND ALL COSTS, FEES, AND /OR INTEREST CHARGES ASSOCIATED WITH ANY CLAIM, LOSS, OR DAMAGES TO PROPERTY AS A RESULT OF THE RENTAL OF THIS EQUIPMENT. IF EQUIPMENT IS RETURNED DAMAGED, AND NOT DISCOVERED BY RUNYON EQUIPMENT TOTAL DUE 131. 25 RENTAL UNTIL AFTER THE CUSTOMER LEAVES AND HAS SETTLED THE BILL, RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IS AUTHORIZED TO RUN ANY FORM OF PAYMENT ON FILE TO SATISFY EQUIPMENT REPAIR. LABOR RATE CHARGED AT $85 AN HOUR. AMT BILLED 131. 25 EQUIPMENT °i I ��Fi .CELL LEASED BY X C ff;�: 1 .,r ":i.it PHONE 05- MAY -11 15 4 9 34 EQUIPMENT RETURNED BY X x:4,1 J i 1 RENTAL FEES DO NOT APPLY TO PURCHASES. WE CHARGE FOR TIME OUT NOT TIME USED. Equipment is clean and full of fuel please return as such or additional charges YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL TIRES, eUEL AND ELECTRIC CURRENT. will apply. X IWIAL NO ADJUSTMENTS OR CREDITS will be made on equipment We cha a 5% Damage Waiver on all equipment rentals. malfunctiions unless Runvon Eouinment Rental has been notified. 9 9 o o M UNUSUAL WEAR OIL LEVELS 3 -WUs E DA The oil level in machinery is checked when equipment CORDS i O leaves our yard. Maintenance of proper oil level in rented equipment is solely the responsibility of No electrical tools are supplied safety grounded plugs for with sa Our damage waiver covers normal wear and tear. Damage customer. For proper oil grade, call us, use i grounded cutlets due to neglect or ignorance will be the customer's (except for double insulated responsibility at a charge of 85.00 per hour plus parts. safety approved tools). Do not b cut off ground lug. fi f No damage waiver license, sales or use IN CASE taxes are included in OF LOSS OR our rental rates. They THEFT All equipment is full of fuel and must be returned full or of equipment the customer ;gill be es will ap billed for list price plus yental up to are extra additional charges PP Y time of reporti !oss Or theft. IE 4 IE�ENT.AIL E��$GES D ��11 Q� AN TERMS Customer is totally responsible Once the equipment leaves our yard, the customer is for ALL tire repair. It is the responsible for it until it has been returned and payment Equipment with hour meters is customer's option to check over received. NO equipment is to be left in our yard if we are allowed 8 hours use within a 24 the tires before the equipment hour period of time not open to receive it. Our insurance does not cover leaves and have one of our equipment while in customer's possession. We suggest people make note of any irregularities spotted, you contract your insurance agent for coverage. A week is 7 days. A month is 28 days. Renter will not be liable for any or all damage to vehicles You will be charged for while loading or unloading equipment. time out not time used. 3 CLEANING CHARGES Rental rates for equipment are based on usage during an 8 hour shift. I Equipment is to be returned as clean as when it left. A charge of n� C One day is 24 hours or 8 hours running time. j 565.0 v per ^our v;i!i be cnarged for LF 16 hours running time in 24 hours 2 day charge. cleanup. u 24 hours running time in 24 hours 3 days charge. If over 8 hours in 1 day you will be charged for extra hours on equipment. LOADING AND UNLOADING EQUIPMENT. Customer is responsible for loading and unloading equipment. If Dealer's employees assist in loading or unloading the equipment, Customer agrees to assume the risk of, and hold Dealer and /or its employees harmless for any property damage or personal injuries, including damage and personal injuries attributable to the negligence of Dealer. POSSESSION/TITLE. Your right to possession of the Equipment begins upon Rental Items leaving the Rental Center and terminates on the agreed Return Date indicated on the front of this Contract. Retention of the Equipment beyond the expiration of the Rental Period constitutes a material breach of this Contract. Time is of the essence. Any extension must be mutually agreed upon in writing and signed by Us. Title to the Rental Items is and shall at all times remain in Rental Center. Failure to return rental property or equipment upon expiration of the Rental Period, and failure to pay all amounts due (including costs for damage to the property or equipment) are prima facie evidence of intent to defraud. FUTURE RENTALS. Customer acknowledges that the terms of this Contract will be deemed to apply not only to the Equipment identified on the front side of this document, but also to all other Equipment and merchandise Customer may rent or purchase from Dealer (except as to the rent and /or purchase price of such items, as applicable, which will be charged at Dealer's published rates as of the date of each such rental or purchase), whether on the date of this Contract or at any time in the future (except only as to any Eq ui p ment and /or o items wi resp to which C ustom er executes a new R ental Contr After being in the rental business for many years, we know what it takes to be successful good attitude, new or like new equipment, and good old fashioned service. We will never knowingly disappoint you. If for any reason you feel we haven't handled your transaction properly, please bring it to our attention. Thank you for renting from us. Peorder from In -A -Bind 800- 862 -2463 Form ;10432 In consideration of the payment of additional rent classified as 'damage waiver' by the Rentee, Renter agrees to, and hereby does wave its right, or any right it might R O have against the Rentee, arising from normal damage of the rental property, normal damage to be determined by Renter. The undersigned shall pay upon return of or in th rented equal rental caseof abus' edamage, theft or ot charge, r os negligence of the Rentee. This damag aer shall of the not apply t o r r ecidess,careleess or abusive negligence operation o ru use of the Equipment, use or operation of the Equipment exceeding its rated rapacity, or damage to tires, tubes and wheels caused by blowout, bruises, cuts, punctures or EQUIVMf.NT RENTAL other causes inherent in the use of the Equipment. It is understood the amount paid is not an insurance premium, and that this provision does not represent an insurance 410 W. Carmel Drive Carmel, IN 46032 policy or an agreement to insure. Equipment that is stolen or damaged by Rentee will pay list for parts, labor or, 4 a total loss, will pay replacement cost of equipment. The Rentee further acknowledges receipt of the aforementioned equipment and materials, or covenants to use said property in a careful and prudent manner and CARMEL FISHERS INDIANAPOLIS shall not loan, sublet, mortgage or in any manner dispose of same to any person without the written consent of the owner, and further agrees to return the equipment to Renter in substantially good condition as when received, natural wear and tear excepted. 31 7 56 6 88 8 8 The parties agree that in the event the Rentee violates any of the terns and conditions of this agreement, the Renter may collect damages together with reasonable attorney fees, court costs and interest of one and one half (1112) percent per month added to accounts over to (10) days old, reflecting an annual percentage rate of eighteen (18) percent FAX: 317- 566.2990 The above equipment has been received by the undersigned for rental purposes only and it is understood that Renter shall be held responsible for any accident or damage resulting directly or indirectly from the leased equipment. The Renter expressly disclaims all warranties, either expressed or implied, including any Implied "Don't be a tool Rent one" warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, and neither assumes nor authorizes any other person to assume for it any liability connection with the use of this equipment. The Rentee agrees to indemnify Renter, from any claim, loss, damages to property, consequential damages, loss of income or any other www. runyonrentaL nom incidental damages, even those damages caused by the negligence of Rentee, together with attorney fees for defending any action brought as a result of the lease of this equipment. Open 7 Days a Week Monday Friday 7:00 am 5:30 pm Saturday 7:00 am 4:30 pm Sunday 9:00 am 3:00 pm RENTED TO JOB LOCATION` TICKET CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 503 PATCH 3400 WEST 131ST STREET Con# 189446 CARMEL IN 46074 Loc 100 PHONE DATE TIME W (317) 733 -2001 OUT 05/02/11 9:21 AM WH F (317) 733 -2005 ID #3 PO /JOB RECEIVED BY PATCH MARTZ, FREDERICK KENT 05/02/11 9:22 AM WH *FINAL Page: 1 QTY ITEM# r EXT AMT NET AMT MIN HOURLY OVNITE" 8 -H6 UR DAY N WEEK 4, WEEK 2 072874129051 GLOVE LEATHER PALM XL 1290) 5 4.59 9.18 9.18 z n 5 t S IFTHE EQUIPMENT IS NOT RETURNED BY "DUE IN" DATE YOU WILL BE SUBJECTTO A CHARGE OF CONVERSION (THEFT). RENT 0 0 Use of alternative fuels, (Biodiesel, E85, etc.) in Runyon Equipment Rental, equipment is PROHIBITED. SAFES 9.18 Customer is liable for all damages repairs that result from alternative fuel. 1 HAVE BEEN INSTRUCTED DEMONSTRATED ON THE SAFE PROPER OPERATION OF THE ABOVE EQUIPMENT AND I OTHER 0 00 FULLY UNDIf NDTHOSE INSTRUCTIONS I ALSO UNDERSTAND THAT I AM THE PERSON RENTING PROPERTY, AND THAT RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL DOES NOT GIVE ME PERMISSION TO LEND THIS PROPERTY TO ANY OTHER PERSON. I DW /FEES 0 00 UNDERSTAND THAT GIVING OR LENDING THIS PROPERTY TO ANY OTHER PERSON FOR ANY REASON IS UNAUTHORIZED Addl TAX 0 0 0 BY RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL. X ,E THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING READ AND UNDERSTOOD THE ABOVE, HEREBY AGREES TO RENT THE ARTICLES NAMED ON SALES TAX 0 00 THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN THIS RENTAL AGREEMENT. I HAVE READ THE ABOVE INFORMATION AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT IT IS CORRECT, COMPLETE AND ACCURATE. I PROMISE THAT AS A CONDITION OF RENTING DEPOSIT 0 00 EQUIPMENT THAT IF MY EMPLOYMENT, ADDRESS OR PHONE NUMBER BE CHANGED, I WILL NOTIFY RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IMMEDIATELY. RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IS AUTHORIZED TO BILL MY CREDIT CARD FOR ANY AND ALL COSTS, FEES, AND /OR INTEREST CHARGES ASSOCIATED WITH ANY CLAIM, LOSS, OR DAMAGES TO PROPERTY AS A RESULT OF THE RENTAL OF THIS EQUIPMENT. IF EQUIPMENT IS RETURNED DAMAGED, AND NOT DISCOVERED BY RUNYON EQUIPMENT TOTAL DUE 9 18 RENTAL UNTIL AFTER THE CUSTOMER LEAVES AND HAS SETTLED THE BILL, RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IS AUTHORIZED TO RUN ANY FORM OF PAYMENT ON FILE TO SATISFY EQUIPMENT REPAIR. LABOR RATE CHARGED AT $85 AN HOUR. AMT BILLED 9 18 EQUIPMENT r" ^-g g r� I t j CELL LEASED BY X 1 I ',A"1V g 1 PHONE 02 MAY -11 09: 22 23 EQUIPMENT RETURNED BY X I$; #`�,I RENTAL FEES DO NOT APPLY TO PURCHASES. WE CHARGE FOR TIME OUT NOT TIME USED Equipment is clean and full of fuel please return as such or additional charges YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL TIRES, DUEL AND ELECTRIC CURRENT. Will apply. X iN'."_" AL NO ADJUSTMENTS OR CREDITS will be made on equipment We cha a 5% Damage Waiver on all equipment rentals. malf#nnfinne #nine& R#n#nn 9 nt nmanf 12anfal hae haan nnfifi&A 9 9 OIL LEVELS UNUSUAL WEAR 3-WIRE OR DAMAGE The oil level in machinery is checked when equipment CORDS leaves our yard. Martenance of proper oil level in No electr:ca *tools are supplied rented equipment is coley the responsibility of with safety grounded plugs for Our damage waiver covers normal tear and tear- Damage custorner. For proper oil grade, cal: us. use n grounded outlets due to neglect or ignorance imll be 'lie customer's ;except for d ouble rtsulatea responsibility at a charge of $$5.00 per no.rr plus parts. t sa *e:g approves tools). Do not l r� cut off ground lug. N o age waiver license, sales or use IN CASE taxes are included in FUEL E LOSS CSR our rental rates. The All equipment is full of fuel and must be returned full or �Fqu,me t +r �js� e fined for port.n u I s up to are extra. additional charges will apply. ume of re o,r_ng .oss 1h,"It TIRES INSURANCE S] ENTA.L. CIUR,GES AND TERMS Customer is totally responshle Once the equipment leaves our yard, the customer is for ALL tire repair. It is the responsible for it until it has been returned and payment Equipment with hour meters is customer's option to check over allowed 8 hours use within a 24 received. NO equipment is to be left In our yard if we are hour period of time the tires before the equipment not open to receive it. Our insurance does not cover leaves and have one of our equipment while in customer's possession. We suggest people make note of any irregularities spatted. you contract your insurance agent for coverage. A week is i days. A month is 28 days. Renter will not be liable for any or all damage to vehicles You will be charged for while loading or unloading equipment. time out not time used. v �f CLEANING Rental rates for equipment are based on usage j during an g hour shift, Equipment is to be re!!,rned as r can as wher =t'c A h rqe of F One day s 24 hours or 8 hours running time. y g pe ou- e f 16 hours running time in 24 hours 2 day charge. izdnLp J L 24 hours running time in 24 hours 3 days charge. If over 8 hours in 1 day you will be charged for extra hours on equipment. LOADING AND UNLOADING EQUIPMENT. Customer is responsible for loading and unloading equipment. If Dealer's employees assist in loading or unloading the equipment, Customer agrees to assume the risk of and hold Dealer and/or its employees harmless for any property damage or personal injuries, including damage and personal injuries attributable to the negligence of Dealer, POSSESSION(TITLE. Your right to possession of the Equipment begins upon Rental Items leaving the Rental Center and terminates on the agreed Return Date indicated on the front of this Contract. Retention of the Equipment beyond the expiration of the Rental Period constitutes a material breach of this Contract, Time is of the essence. Any extension must be mutually agreed upon in writing and signed by Us. Title to the Rental Items is and shall at all times remain in Fienta! Center. Failure to return rental property or equipment upon expiration of the Rental Period, and failure to pay all amounts due (including costs for damage to the property or equipment) are prima facie evidence of intent to defraud. FUTURE RENTALS. Customer acknowledges that the terms of this Contract will be deemed to apply not only to the Equipment identified on the front side of this document, but also to all other Equipment and merchandise Customer may rent or purchase from Dealer (except as to the rent and /or purchase price of such items, as applicable, which will be charged at Dealer's published rates as of the date of each such rental or purchase), whether on the date of this Contract or at any time in the future (except only as to any Equipm and or other item with re to w Cu stomer execute a new Rental C ontrac t). After being in the rental business for many years, we know what it takes to be successful good attitude, new or like new equipment, and good old fashioned service. We will never knowingly disappoint you. It for any reason you feel we haven't handled your transaction properly, please bring it to our attention. Thank you for renting from us. Reorder f cm In A- 8',nd 800 362 -2463 4'0;32 In consideration of the payment of additional rent classified as 'damage waiver by the Rentee, Renter agrees to, and hereby does waive its right, or any right it might R O have against the Rentee, arising from normal damage of the rental property, normal damage to be determined by Renter. The undersigned shall pay upon return of property rinn tee rented a sum of abusive damage, theft or lthr charge. oss This egligence of the Rentee. not This damage waiver shall o app t oe Mess result careless or a Rentee ive operation or use of the Equipment, use or operation of the Equipment exceeding its rated capacity, or damage to tires, tubes and wheels caused by blowout, bruises, cuts, punctures or EQUIPMENT RENTAL other causes inherent in the use of the Equipment. It is understood the amount paid is not an insurance premium, and that this provision does not represent an insurance 410 W. Carmel Drive Carmel, IN 46032 policy or an agreement to insure. Equipment that is stolen or damaged by Rentee will pay list for parts, labor or, if a total loss, will pay replacement cost of equipment. The Rentee further acknowledges receipt of the aforementioned equipment and materials, or covenants to use said property in a careful and prudent manner and CARREL a FISHERS INDIANAPOLIS shall not loan, sublet, mortgage or in any manner dispose of same to any person without the written consent of the owner, and further agrees to return the equipment to Renter in substantially good condition as when received, natural wear and tear excepted. 317 566 '43 The parties agree that in the event the Rentee violates any of the terms and condition of this agreement, the Renter may collect damages together with reasonable attorney fees, court costs and interest of one and one half (11/2) percent per month added to accounts over tan (10) days old, reflecting an annual percentage rate of eighteen (18) percent. FAX: 317- 566 -2990 The above equipment has been received by the undersigned for rental purposes only, and it is understood that Renter shall be held responsible for any accident or damage resulting directly or indirectly from the leased equipment. The Renter expressly disclaims all warranties, either expressed or implied, including any implied "Don't be a tool Rent one" warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, and neither assumes nor authorizes any other person to assume for it any liability connection with the use of this equipment. The Rentee agrees to indemnify Renter, from any claim, loss, damages to property, consequential damages, loss of income or any other www.runyonrental.com incidental damages, even those damages caused by the negligence of Rentee, together with attorney fees for defending any action brought as a result of the lease of this equipment. Open 7 Days a Week Monday Friday 7:00 am 5:30 pm Saturday 7:00 am 4:30 pm Sunday 9:00 am 3:00 pm RENTED'.TQ. JOB LOCATION' TICKET CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 503 REFLECTING POOL Res# 3070 3400 WEST 131ST STREET Con# 188884 CARMEL IN 46074 Loc 100 ASSN. PHONE; DATE TIME W (317) 733 -2001 OUT 04/28/11 1:00 PM BN F (317) 733 -2005 ID #3 PO /JOB RECEIVED BY REFLECTING POOL RON WILLIAMS TURNED 04/29/11 3:59 PM JRR *FINAL Page: 1 QTY LTENi# EXT AMT NET -AMT MIN HOURLY OVNITE 8 -HOUR DAY :WEEK 4 WEEK 2 5605 0000 LIFTING STRAP 48.00 48.00 $12.00 /D 12.00 12.00 48 r00x4.00 u p 1 8105 -0002 SCRUBBER RIDE ON 296.00 296.00 $296. 00 /D 296 00 296 X00 )1184`0:0 3552 00 Actual In Date: 04/29/11 x1 00a PM���� 1 8105 -0003 SCRUBBER RIDE ON 296.00 296.00 $296.00/D 29,6. '00 296.00 j 18.4.00' 3552 0(J Actual In Date: 04/2,9/I1 1 U0,1 "PM 1 7066 -0001 PUMP TRASH' 4" 6�1a1 GPM 75.00 75.00 $65.00/4 75.r�.00 75.00 �r� 300.00 900.00 Actual In Date: 04/29/11 1:00 PM 1 7026 -0000 HOSE DISCHARGE 4''X50 12.00 12.00 $12.00 /D 12 "'.'00 12.00 48.00 144.00 Actual In Date: 04/28/11. 3:14 PM 2 7026 -0000 HOSE DISCHARGE 4 "X50' 24.00 24.00 $12.00 /D 12.00 12.00 48.00 144.00 Actual In Date: 04/29/11 1:00 PM 1 8918 -0010 TRAILER 70 1/2X14 10,000 CAP 25.00 25.00 .00 /0 25.00 25.00 100.00 300.00 IFTHE EQUIPMENT IS NOT RETURNED BY "DUE IN" DATE YOU WILL BE SUBJECTTO A CHARGE OF CONVERSION (THEFT} Use of alternative fuels, (Biodiesel, E85, etc.) in Runyon Equipment Rental, equipment is PROHIBITED. Customer is liable for all damages repairs that result from alternative fuel. I HAVE BEEN INSTRUCTED DEMONSTRATED Of1THE SAFE PROPER OPERATION OF THE ABOVE EQUIPMENT AND I FULLY UNDERSTANDTHOSE INSTRUCTIONS I ALSO UNDERSTAND THAT I AM THE PERSON RENTING THIS PROPERTY, AND THAT RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL DOES NOT GIVE ME PERMISSION TO LEND THIS PROPERTY TO ANY OTHER PERSON, I UNDERSTAND THAT GIVING OR LENDING THIS PROPERTY TO ANY OTHER PERSON FOR ANY REASON IS UNAUTHORIZED BY RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL. X as THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING READ AND UNDERSTOOD THE ABOVE, HEREBY AGREES TO RENT THE ARTICLES NAMED ON THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN THIS RENTAL AGREEMENT. I HAVE READ THE ABOVE INFORMATION AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT IT IS CORRECT, COMPLETE AND ACCURATE. I PROMISE. THAT AS A CONDITION OF RENTING EQUIPMENT THAT IF MY EMPLOYMENT, ADDRESS OR PHONE NUMBER BE CHANGED, I WILL NOTIFY RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IMMEDIATELY. RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IS AUTHORIZED TO BILL MY CREDIT CARD FOR ANY AND ALL COSTS, FEES, ANDIOR INTEREST CHARGES ASSOCIATED WITH ANY CLAIM, LOSS, OR DAMAGES TO PROPERTY AS A RESULT OFTHE RENTAL OF THIS EQUIPMENT. IF EQUIPMENT IS RETURNED DAMAGED, AND NOT DISCOVERED BY RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL UNTIL AFTERTHE CUSTOMER LEAVES AND HAS SETTLED THE BILL, RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IS AUTHORIZED TO RUN ANY FORM OF PAYMENT ON FILE TO SATISFY EQUIPMENT REPAIR. LABOR RATE CHARGED AT $85 AN HOUR. EQUIPMENT "`,�"S g a° CELL LEASED BY X "A r r Al"VIL PHONE 29 APR 11 16:48: EQUIPM BY X t i S RENTAL FEES DO NOT APPLY TO PURCHASES. WE CHARGE FOR TIME OUT NOT TIME USED. Equipment is clean and full of fuel please return as such or additional charges YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL TIRES VUEL AND ELECTRIC CURRENT. pp y X Y °f I r Willa I. i�.3,r�L NO ADJUSTMENTS OR CREDITS will be made on equipment We cha a 5% Damage Waiver on all equipment rentals. malfiinwfinnc rtnince RimilAn Ftitanmont Rontal h.4* hoon nnfifiail 9 9 OIL LEVELS UNUSUAL WEAR 3-WIRE OR DAMAGE The oil ievel in machinery is checked +rhea equipment CORDS leaves our yard. Maintenance of proper oil level in. No electrical fools are supplied ented equipment is soleiy the responsibility of avith safely grounded plugs for Our damage waiver covers norma': vvear and tear. Damage customer. =or proper of grade, call us. use in grounded cutlets due to neglect or ignorance will be. the customer's (except for double insulate.. r esponsibi"ity at a charge of $$5.00 per hour plus parts- safety approves tools'. Do not cu, off ground lug No damage waiver license, sales or use IN CA taxes a re included in FUEL F LOSS OR THEFT our rental rates. They All equipment is full of fuel and must be returned full or ecuipmQ t r cus u. or ,ll he a re ext ra. additional charges will apply. b l d or .s price ent up c ime of rep or I .,I ss or tie:;. F TIRES INSURANCE RENT C DES AND TERM Customer is totally responsible Once the equipment leaves our yard, the customer is for ALL tire repair. It is the responsible for it until it has been returned and payment Equipment with hour meters is customers option to check over received. NO equipment is to be left in our yard if we are allowed 8 hours use within a 24 the tires before the equipment hour period of time not apes to receive it. Our insurance does not cover leaves and have one of our equipment while in customer's possession. We suggest people make Hate of any irregularities spatted. you contract your insurance agent for coverage. A week is 7 days. A month is 28 days. Renter will not be liable for any or all damage to vehicles You will be charged for E while loading or unloading equipment. time out not time used. PY,l S CLEANING I CFIARGES Rental rates for equipment are based on usage during an 8 hour shift. Equirment is to be re turned as mean as vvhen If ier, A chame of C 1% 1 One day is 24 hours or 8 hours running time. 5.w per hour w.l char e fo 16 hours running time in 24 hours 2 day charge anop. 24 hours running time in 24 hours 3 days charge. j —__i If over 8 hours in 1 day you will be charged for extra hours on equipment. LOADING AND UNLOADING EQUIPMENT. Customer is responsible for loading and unloading equipment. If Dealer's employees assist in loading or unloading the equipment, Customer agrees to assume the risk of, and hold Dealer and /or its employees harmless for any property damage or personal injuries, including damage and personal injuries attributable to the negligence of Dealer. POSSESSION/TITLE. Your right to possession of the Equipment begins upon Rental Items leaving the Rental Center and terminates on the agreed Return Date indicated on the front of this Contract. Retention of the Equipment beyond the expiration of the Rental Period constitutes a material breach of this Contract. Time is of the essence. Any extension must be mutually agreed upon in writing and signed by Us. Title to the Rental Items is and shall at all times remain in Rental Center. Failure to return rental property or equipment upon expiration of the Rental Period, and failure to pay all amounts due (including costs for damage to the property or equipment) are prima facie evidence of intent to defraud. FUTURE RENTALS. Customer acknowledges that the terms of this Contract will be deemed to apply not only to the Equipment identified on the front side of this document, but also to all other Equipment and merchandise Customer may rent or purchase from Dealer (except as to the rent and /or purchase price of such items, as applicable, which will be charged at Dealer's published rates as of the date of each such rental or purchase), whether on the date of this Contract or at any time in the future (except only as to any Equipmen an /or other items w ith respect to which C ustomer executes a new Rental Contract). After being in the rental business for many years, we know what it takes to be successful good attitude, new or like new equipment, and good old fashioned service. We will never knowingly disappoint you. if for any reason you feel we haven't handled your transaction properly, please bring it to our attention. Thank you for renting from us. Reorder `corn In-A- :;1d 500 -362 -2453 'rer n 4104K In consideration of the payment of additional rent classified as "damage waiver" by the Rentee, Renter agrees to, and hereby does waive lfs right, or any right it might have against the Rentee, arising from normal damage of the rental property, normal damage to be determined by Renter. The undersigned shall pay upon return of ArA property rented of abusive of damage, theft or othe r r 9 oss iegd9 negligence of the Rentee. not This damag waiiverr shall pro of in the not apply t redde s result careles or ab o of the Equipment, use or operation of the Equipment exceeding its rated capacity, or damage to tires, tubes and wheels caused by blowout, bruises, cuts, punctures or EQUIPMENT RENTAL other causes inherent in the use of the Equipment. It is understood the amount paid is not an insurance premium, and that this provision does not represent an insurance 410 W. Carmel Drive Carmel IN 46032 policy or an agreement to insure. Equipment that is stolen or damaged by Rentee will pay list for parts, labor or, if a total loss, will pay replacement cost of equipment. The Rentee further acknowledges receipt of the aforementioned equipment and materials, or covenants to use said property in a careful and prudent manner and CARMEL a FISHER5 lr.IDIkNAPOLI5 shall not loan, sublet, mortgage or in any manner dispose of same to any person without the written consent of the owner, and further agrees to return the equipment to Renter in substantially good condition as when received, natural wear and tear excepted. 31 7 566 88 The parties agree that in the event the Rentee violates any of the terms and conditions of this agreement, the Renter may collect damages together with reasonable attorney fees, court costs and Interest of one and one half (11/2) percent per month added to accounts over to (10) days old, reflecting an annual percentage rate of eighteen (18) percent FAX: 317- 566 -2990 The above equipment has been received by the undersigned for rental purposes only, and it is understood that Renter shall be held responsible for any accident or damage resulting directly or indirectly from the leased equipment. The Renter expressly disclaims all warranties, either expressed or implied, including any implied Don't t be a tool Rent one warranties of merchantability or fitnes fora particular purpose, and neither assumes nor authorizes any other person to assume for it any liability connection with the use of this equipment. The Rentee agrees to indemnify Renter, from any claim, loss, damages to property, consequential damages, loss of income or any other www. runyonrentaL eom incidental damages, even those damages caused by the negligence of Rentee, together With attorney fees for defending any action brought as a result of the lease of. this equipment. Open 7 Days a Week Monday Friday 7:00 am 5:30 pm Saturday 7:00 am 4:30 pm Sunday 9:00 am 3:00 pm RENTED TO JOB LOCATION TICKET CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 503 REFLECTING POOL Res# 3070 3400 WEST 131ST STREET Con# 188884 CARMEL IN 46074 Loc 100 iSSN PHONE DATE TIME W (317) 733 -2001 OUT 04/28/11 1:00 PM BN F (317) 733 -2005 ID #3 PO /JOB RECEIVED BY REFLECTING POOL RON WILLIAMS TURNED 04/29/11 3:59 PM JRR *FINAL Page: 2 QTY ITEM# EXT AMT NET AMT MIN HOURLY OVNITE 8 -HOUR DAY' WEEK 4 WEEK Actual In Date: 04/29/11 1:00 PM 1 5645 -0003 FORKLIFT 54' 10,000 POUND 450.00 450.00 $450.00/D 450.00 450.00, 1450.00 Actual In Date: 04/29/11 1:00 PM tr 4.50 5 DIESEL -i ^.6 50mr" 29.25 29.25 3 4 GASOLINE i 6.50 1 19.50 19.50 l t U IFTHE EQUIPMENT IS NOT RETURNED BY "DUE IM' DATE YOU WILL BE SUBJECTTO A CHARGE OF CONVERSION (THEFT). RENT 1226. 00 Use of alternative fuels, (Biodiesel, E85, etc.) in Runyon Equipment Rental, equipment is PROHIBITED. Customer is liable for all damages repairs that result from alternative fuel. SALES 48 75 1 HAVE BEEN INSTRUCTED DEMONSTRATED ON,THE SAFE 8 PROPER OPERATION OF THE ABOVE EQUIPMENT AND I OTHER 0 00 FULLY UNDERSTAND THOSE INSTRUCTIONS 1 ALSO UNDERSTAND THAT I AM THE PERSON RENTING THIS PROPERTY, AND THAT RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL DOES NOT GIVE ME PERMISSION TO LEND THIS PROPERTY TO ANY OTHER PERSON. I DW FEES 61 30 UNDERSTAND THAT GIVING OR LENDING THIS PROPERTY TO ANY OTHER PERSON FOR ANY REASON IS UNAUTHORIZED Addl TAX 0 0 0 BY RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL. c,�,„ THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING READ AND UNDERSTOOD THE ABOVE, HEREBY AGREES TO RENT THE ARTICLES NAMED ON SALES TAX 0 00 THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN THIS RENTAL AGREEMENT. I HAVE. READ THE ABOVE INFORMATION AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT IT IS CORRECT, COMPLETE AND ACCURATE. I PROMISE THAT AS A CONDITION OF RENTING DEPOSIT 0 00 EQUIPMENT THAT IF MY EMPLOYMENT, ADDRESS OR PHONE NUMBER BE CHANGED, I WILL NOTIFY RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IMMEDIATELY. RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IS AUTHORIZED TO BILL MY CREDIT CARD FOR ANY AND ALL COSTS, FEES, AND /OR INTEREST CHARGES ASSOCIATED WITH ANY CLAIM, LOSS, OR DAMAGES TO PROPERTY AS A RESULT OF THE RENTAL OF THIS EQUIPMENT, IF EQUIPMENT IS RETURNED DAMAGED, AND NOT DISCOVERED BY RUNYON EQUIPMENT TOTAL DUE 1336 05 RENTAL UNTIL AFTER THE CUSTOMER LEAVES AND HAS SETTLED THE BILL, RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IS AUTHORIZED TO RUN ANY FORM OF PAYMENT ON�''FILE TO SATISFY EQUIPMENT REPAIR. LABOR RATE CHARGED AT $85 AN HOUR. AMT BILLED 1336 05 CELL EQUIPMENT LEASED BY X t t 1� 1 "s3i6 PHONE 29- APR -11 16:48:22 R X 1 RENTAL FEES DO NOT APPLY TO PURCHASES. WE CHARGE FOR TIME OUT NOT TIME USED. Equipment is clean and full of fuel please return as such or additional charges YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL TIRES, FUEL AND ELECTRIC CURRENT. will apply. X INITIAL NO ADJUSTMENTS OR CREDITS will be made on equipment We cha a 5% Damage Waiver on all equipment rentals. malfunetinnc unlacc Runvnn Fnu►nmant Rantal hac heen nntifiPd_ 9 9 0 5 Y UNUSUAL WEAR OIL LEVELS 3-WVR OR DAMA The oil level in machinery is checked when equipment CORDS i eaves our yard. Maintenance of proper oil level in No electrical tools are supplied rented equipment is solely the responsibility of with safety grounded plugs for Our damage waiver covers normal wear and tear. Damage l customer. For proper oil grade, call us. use in grounded outlets due to neglect or ignorance will be the customer's (except of 85.00 per hour plus arts. for double-insulated responsibility at a char i 9e P safety approved toolsj. Do not cut off ground lug. g >4 No damage waiver license, Sales or use IN CASE taxes are included in FUEL OF LOSS OR our rental ra tes. They All equipment is full of fuel THEFT and must be returned full or of equipment, the cus "Omer will be are extra. gilled for list price plus rental up to 1 /l additional charges will apply. tim of repenting loss or theft. R,ENTAg.. CfLARGES AND TERMS Customer is totally responsible Once the equipment leaves our yard, the customer is for ALL lire repair. It is the responsible for it until it has been returned and payment Equipment with hour meters is customer's option to check over received. NO equipment is to be left in our yard if we are allowed 8 hours use within a 24 the tires before the equipment hour period of time leaves and have one of our not open to receive it. Our insurance does not cover people make note of any equipment while in customer's possession. We suggest irregularities spotted. you contract your insurance agent for coverage. A week is 7 days. A month is 28 days. Renter will not be liable for any or all damage to vehicles You will be charged for 7 while loading or unloading equipment. time out not time used. CLEANING CHARGES Rental rates for equipment are based on usage during an hour shift. Equipment is to be returned as clean as when t le A c One day is 24 hours or 8 hours running ti have of n g me. S65.00 per hour will he charger fo J J I lu i 16 hours running time in 24 hours 2 day charge. c ,a a 24 hours running time in 24 hours 3 days charge. If over 8 hours in 1 day you will be charged for extra hours on equipment. LOADING AND UNLOADING EQUIPMENT. Customer is responsible for loading and unloading equipment. If Dealer's employees assist in loading or unloading the equipment, Customer agrees to assume the risk of and hold Dealer and /or its employees harmless for any property damage or personal injuries, including damage and personal injuries attributable to the negligence of Dealer. POSSESSION/TITLE. Your right to possession of the Equipment begins upon Rental Items leaving the Rental Center and terminates on the agreed Return Date indicated on the front of this Contract. Retention of the Equipment beyond the expiration of the Rental Period constitutes a material breach of this Contract. Time is of the essence. Any extension must be mutually agreed upon in writing and signed by Us. Title to the Rental Items is and shall at all times remain in Rental Center. Failure to return rental property or equipment upon expiration of the Rental Period, and failure to pay all amounts due (including costs for damage to the property or equipment) are prima facie evidence of intent to defraud. FUTURE RENTALS. Customer acknowledges that the terms of this Contract will be deemed to apply not only to the Equipment identified on the front side of this document, but also to all other Equipment and merchandise Customer may rent or purchase from Dealer (except as to the rent and /or purchase price of such items, as applicable, which will be charged at Dealer's published rates as of the date of each such rental or purchase), whether on the date of this Contract or at any time in the future (except only as to any Equipment and /or other items with respect to which C ustomer executes a new Rental Co ntract). After being in the rental business for many years, we know what it takes to be successful good attitude, new or like new equipment, and good old fashioned service. We will never knowingly disappoint you. If for any reason you feel we haven't handled your transaction properly, please bring it to our attention. Thank you for renting from us. Reorder `nom In -A -Bnd 800 -8 62 -2453 Form In consideration of the payment of additional rent classified as "damage waiver by the Rentee, Renter agrees to, and hereby does waive its right, or any right it might R U NYO N have against the Rentee, arising from normal damag l of the rental property, normal damage to be determined by Renter. The undersigned shall pay upon return of pro pe r ty th case of abusive rental damage, theft o othr charge. gross negligence nce not include of the Rentee. This damage wa9 o vershall o apply t o reckless, careless or a operation Rentee ruse of the Equipment, use or operation of the Equipment exceeding its rated capacity, or damage to tires, tubes and wheels caused by blowout, bruises, cuts, punctures or EQUIVMENtNTAL other causes inherent in the use of the Equipment. It is understood the amount paid is not an insurance premium, and that this provision does not represent an insurance 410 W. Carmel Drive Carmel IN 46032 policy or an agreement to insure. Equipment that is stolen or damaged by Rentee will pay list for parts, labor or, if a total loss, will pay replacement cost of equipment. The Rentee further acknowledges receipt of the aforementioned equipment and materials, or covenants to use said property in a careful and prudent manner and LAp_MEL FISHERS INDIANAPOLIS shall not loan, sublet, mortgage or in any manner dispose of same to any person without the written consent of the owner, and further agrees to retum the equipment to Renter in substantially good condition as when received, natural wear and tear excepted. 31 7 566 8888 The parties agree that in the event the Rentee violates any of the terns and conditions of this agreement, the Renter may collect damages together with reasonable attorney fees, court costs and interest of one and one half (11/2) percent per month added to accounts over ten (10) days old, reflecting an annual percentage rate of eighteen (18) pemenL FAX: 317- 566 -2990 The above equipment has been received by the undersigned for rental purposes only, and it is understood that Renter shall be held responsible for any accident or damage resulting directly or indirectly from the leased equipment. The Renter expressly disclaims all warranties, either expressed or implied, including any implied Don't t be a cool Rent one warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, and neither assumes nor authorizes any other person to assume for it any liability connection with the use of this equipment. The Rentee agrees to indemnify Renter, from any claim, loss, damages to property, consequential damages, loss of income or any other www. runyonrentaL eom incidental damages, even those damages caused by the negligence of Rentee, together with attorney fees for defending any action brought as a result of the lease of this equipment. Open 7 Days a Week Monday Friday 7:00 am 5:30 pm Saturday 7:00 am 4:30 pm Sunday 9:00 am 3:00 pm RENTED TO JOB LOCATION` TICKET CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 503 PATCH TRUCK 3400 WEST 131ST STREET Con# 188915 CARMEL IN 46074 Loc 100 SSN PHONE DATE TIME W (317) 733 -2001 OUT 04/27/11 2:21 PM TT F (317) 733 -2005 ID #3 PO /JOB# RECEIVED BY; PATCH TRUCK BROWNING, TIM 04/27/11 2:22 PM TT *FINAL Page: 1 QTY ITEM# EXT AMT NET AMT MIN HOURLY OVNITE. i-8-HOUR DAY:' WEEK 4 WEEK 1 103 n PROPANE 60 POUND REFILL 1 38.90 38.90 38.90 1 111 C lF IFTHE EQUIPMENT IS NOT RETURNED BY `DUE IN" DWT YOU WILL BE SUBJECTTO A CHARGE OF CONVERSION (THEFT). RENT 0 0 Use of alternative fuels, (Biodiesel, E85, etc.) in Runyon Equipment Rental, equipment is PROHIBITED. Customer is liable for all damages repairs that result from alternative fuel. SALES 38 90 I HAVE BEEN INSTRUCTED DEMONSTRATED ON THE SAFE PROPER OPERATION OF THE ABOVE EQUIPMENT AND I OTHER 0 00 FULLY UNDERSTANDTHOSE INSTRUCTIONS I ALSO UNDERSTAND THAT I AM THE PERSON RENTING THIS PROPERTY AND THAT RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL DOES NOT GIVE ME PERMISSION TO LEND THIS PROPERTY TO ANY OTHER PERSON. I DW/ FEES 0 00 UNDERSTAND THAT GIVING OR LENDING THIS PROPERTY TO ANY OTHER PERSON FOR ANY REASON IS UNAUTHORIZED BY RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL. X jR Addl TAX 0.00 THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING READ AND UNDERSTOOD THE ABOVE, HEREBY AGREES TO RENT THE ARTICLES NAMED ON SALES TAX 0 00 THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN THIS RENTAL AGREEMENT. I HAVE READ THE ABOVE INFORMATION AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT IT IS CORRECT, COMPLETE AND ACCURATE. I PROMISE THAT AS A CONDITION OF RENTING DEPOSIT 0 00 EQUIPMENT THAT IF MY EMPLOYMENT, ADDRESS OR PHONE NUMBER BE CHANGED, I WILL NOTIFY RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IMMEDIATELY. RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IS AUTHORIZED TO BILL MY CREDIT CARD FOR ANY AND ALL COSTS, FEES, ANDIOR INTEREST CHARGES ASSOCIATED UTH ANY CLAIM, LOSS, OR DAMAGES TO PROPERTY AS A RESULT OF THE RENTAL OF THIS EQUIPMENT. IF EQUIPMENT IS RETURNED DAMAGED, AND NOT DISCOVERED BY RUNYON EQUIPMENT TOTAL DUE 38 90 RENTAL UNTIL AFTER THE CUSTOMER LEAVES AND HAS SETTLED THE BILL, RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IS AUTHORIZED TO RUN ANY FORM OF PAYMENT ON FILE TO SATISFY EQUIPMENT REPAIR. LABOR RATE CHARGED AT $85 AN HOUR. AMT BILLED 38 90 EQUIPMENT CELL LEASED BY X P IN i I {"M PHONE 27- APR -11 14:22:32 EQUIPMENT RETURNED BY X SI RENTAL FEES DO NOT APPLY TO PURCHASES. WE CHARGE FOR TIME OUT NOT TIME USED. Equipment is clean and full of fuel please return as such or additional charges YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL TIRES, F AND ELECTRIC CURRENT. will apply. X INITIAL, NO ADJUSTMENTS OR CREDITS will be made on equipment We cha a 5% Damage Waiver on all equipment rentals. malfunctions unless Runvon Eauinment Rental has been notified, 9 9 MUSUhlL� WEAR LEVELS 3- ORE 8 ll �Vd mil l�l 1S The oil level in machinery is checked when equipment CORDS leaves our yard. Maintenance of proper oil level in No electrical tools are supplied rented equipment is solely the responsibility of pp with safety grounded plugs for Our damage waiver covers normal wear and teat Damage customer. For proper oil grade, call us. use in grounded outlets due to neglect or ignorance will be the customer's except for double insulated responsibility at a charge of S85.00 per hour plus parts. t safety approved tools). Do not cut off ground lug. 4 s No damage waiver license, sales or use IN CASE taxes are included in OF LOSS OR f L ¢�j our rental tales. T hey a All equipment is full of fuel THEFT and must be returned full or of equipment, the customer will be are extra additional charges will apply. billed for list price plus rental up to time of reporting loss or Theft. AND TERMS Customer is totally responsible Once the equipment leaves our yard, the customer is for ALL tire repair. It is the responsible for it until it has been returned and payment Equipment with hour meters is customer's option to check over received. NO equipment is to be left in our yard if we are allowed 8 hours use within a 24 the tires before the equipment hour period of time leaves and have one of our not open to receive it. Our insurance does not cover people make note of any equipment while in customers possession. We suggest irregularities spotted. you contract your insurance agent for coverage. A week is 7 days. A month is 28 days. Renter will not be liable for any or all damage to vehicles You will be charged for while loading or unloading equipment. time out not time used. CLEANING j CHI ROES Rental rates for equipment are based on usage during an 8 hour shift. Equipment is to be returned as mean as when it left. charge of l I F One day is 24 hours or 8 hours running time. $65 c pe rairv, r e argeafor 16 hours running time in 24 hours 2 day charge. deanup. J u Ll L 24 hours running time in 24 hours 3 days charge. If over 8 hours in 1 day you will be charged for extra hours on equipment. LOADING AND UNLOADING EQUIPMENT. Customer is responsible for loading and unloading equipment. If Dealer's employees assist in loading or unloading the equipment, Customer agrees to assume the risk of, and hold Dealer and/or its employees harmless for any property damage or personal injuries, including damage and personal injuries attributable to the negligence of Dealer. POSSESSIONITITLE. Your right to possession of the Equipment begins upon Rental Items leaving the Rental Center and terminates on the agreed Return Date indicated on the front of this Contract. Retention of the Equipment beyond the expiration of the Rental Period constitutes a material breach of this Contract. Time is of the essence. Any extension must be mutually agreed upon in writing and signed by Us. Title to the Rental Items is and shall at all times remain in Rental Center. Failure to return rental property or equipment upon expiration of the Rental Period, and failure to pay all amounts due (including costs for damage to the property or equipment) are prima facie evidence of intent to defraud. FUTURE RENTALS. Customer acknowledges that the terms of this Contract will be deemed to apply not only to the Equipment identified on the front side of this document, but also to all other Equipment and merchandise Customer may rent or purchase from Dealer (except as to the rent and /or purchase price of such items, as applicable, which will be charged at Dealer's published rates as of the date of each such rental or purchase), whether on the date of this Contract or at any time in the future (except only as to any Equipment an /or other items with respect to which Customer execut a ne Rental Co ntract). After being in the rental business for many years, we know what it takes to be successful good attitude, new or like new equipment, and good old fashioned service. We will never knowingly disappoint you. It for any reason you feel we haven't handled your transaction properly, please bring it to our attention. Thank you for renting from us. Reorder from In -A -Bind 800 -852 -2463 Form sIN 16 consideration of the payment of additional rent classed as 'damage waiver by the Rentee, Renter agrees to, and hereby does waive its right, or any right it might R ��O have against the Rentee, arising from normal damage of the rental property, normal damage to be determined by Renter. The undersigned shall pay upon return of A property rented a sum equal to 5% of rental charge. This "damage waiver does not include damage or loss of the property as a result of the negligence of the Rentee or in the case of abusive damage, theft or other gross negligence of the Rentee. This damage waiver shall not apply to reddess, careless or abusive operation or use of the Equipment, use or operation of the Equipment exceeding its rated capacity, or damage to tires, tubes and wheels caused by Blowout, bruises, cuts, punctures or 6QUIVMENT RENTAL other causes inherent in the use of the Equipment. It is understood the amount paid is not an insurance premium, and that this provision does not represent an insurance 410 W. Carmel Drive Carmel, IN 46032 policy or an agreement to insure. Equipment that is stolen or damaged by Rentee will pay list for parts, labor or, if a total loss, will pay replacement cost of equipment The Rentee further acknowledges receipt of the aforementioned equipment and materials, or covenants to use said property in a careful and prudent manner and LAWCL 1`15HE7-5 INDIANAPOL15 shall not loan, sublet, mortgage or in any manner dispose of same to any person without the written consent of the owner, and further agrees to return the equipment to Renter in substantially good condition as when received, natural wear and tear excepted. 317 566 8 88 8 The parties agree that in the event the Rentee violates any of the terms and conditions of this agreement, the Renter may collect damages together with reasonable attorney fees, court costs and interest of one and one half (111/2) percent per month added to a000unts over ten (10) days old, reflecting an annual percentage rate of eighteen (18) percent. FAX: 317- 566 -2990 The above equipment has been received by the undersigned for rental purposes only, and it is understood that Renter shall be held responsible for any accident or damage resulting directly or indirectly from the leased equipment. The Renter expressly disclaims all warranties, either expressed or implied, including any implied "Don't be a tool Rent one" warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, and neither assumes nor authorizes any other person to assume for it any liability connection with the use of this equipment. The Rentee agrees to indemnify Renter, from any claim, loss, damages to property, consequential damages, loss of income or any other WWW.. runyonrental. com incidental damages, even those damages caused by the negligence of Rentee, together with attomey fees for defending any action brought as a result of the lease of this equipment. Open 7 Days a Week Monday Friday 7:00 am 5:30 pm Saturday 7:00 am 4:30 pm Sunday 9:00 am 3:00 pm RENTED TO JOB LOCATION TICKET CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 503 TEA HOUSE 3400 WEST 131ST STREET Con# 188866 CARMEL IN 46074 Loc 100 'SSN PHONE DATE TIME W (317) 733 -2001 OUT 04/27/11 8:39 AM TT F (317) 733 -2005 ID #3` PO /JOB ;RECEIVED BY TEA HOUSE CRYSTAL 04/27/11 8:42 AM TT *FINAL Page: 1 QTY ITEM# EXT -AMT NET AMT MIN HOURLY OVNITE 8 -HOUR DAY WEEK 4'WEEK 4 072874300333 RAINSUIT 3 PIECE 35 MIL VIED x 13.95 55.80 55.80 rt K'7 iE EQUIPMENT IS NOT RETURNED BY "DUE IM' DATE YOU WILL BE SUBJECTM A CHARGE OF CONVERSION (THEFT). RENT 0 00 Use of alternative fuels, (Biodiesel, E85, etc.) in Runyon Equipment Rental, equipment is PROHIBITED. Customer is liable for all damages repairs that result from alternative fuel. SALES 55 80 IE BEEN INSTRUCTED DEMONSTRATED ON THE SAFE PROPER OPERATION OF THE ABOVE EQUIPMENT AND I OTHER 0 00 Y UNDERSTAND THOSE INSTRUCTIONS I ALSO UNDERSTAND THAT I AM THE PERSON RENTING THIS PROPERTY, AND RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL DOES NOT GIVE ME PERMISSION TO LEND THIS PROPERTY TO ANY OTHER PERSON. I DW FEES 0 00 :RSTAND THAT GIVING OR LENDING THIS PROPERTY TO ANY OTHER PERSON FOR ANY REASON IS UNAUTHORIZED 1NYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL. X 14�' lt`� J l AdCll TAX 0.00 1NDERSIGNED, HAVING READ AND UNDERSTOOD THE ABOVE, HEREBY AGREES TO RENT THE ARTICLES NAMED ON SALES TAX 0 00 'ERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN THIS RENTAL AGREEMENT. I HAVE READ THE ABOVE INFORMATION AND DWLEDGE THAT IT IS CORRECT, COMPLETE AND ACCURATE. I PROMISE THAT AS A CONDITION OF RENTING DEPOSIT 0 00 MENT THAT IF MY EMPLOYMENT, ADDRESS OR PHONE NUMBER BE CHANGED, I WILL NOTIFY RUNYON EQUIPMENT L IMMEDIATELY. RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IS AUTHORIZED TO BILL MY CREDIT CARD FOR ANY AND ALL COSTS, AND /OR INTEREST CHARGES ASSOCIATED WITH ANY CLAIM, LOSS, OR DAMAGES TO PROPERTY AS A RESULT OF THE L OF THIS EQUIPMENT. IF EQUIPMENT IS RETURNED DAMAGED, AND NOT DISCOVERED BY RUNYON EQUIPMENT TOTAL DUE 55 80 L UNTIL AFTER THE CUSTOMER LEAVES AND HAS SETTLED THE BILL, RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IS AUTHORIZED ANY FORM OF PAYMENT ON FILE TO SATISFY EQUIPM REPAIR. LABOR RATE CHARGED AT $85 AN HOUR. AMT BILLED 55 80 MENT DBY X �'�t �t� 1 I'i_ ;L +lt PHONE 27- APR -11 08 42 04 OENT NEDBY X i 3 R JRE RENTAL FEES DO NOT APPLY TO PURCHASES. WE CHARGE FOR TIME OUT NOT TIME USED. Equipment is clean and full of fuel please return as such or additional charges 'OU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL TIRES, FUEL AND ELECTRIC CURRENT. will apply. X INITIAL JO ADJUSTMENTS OR PREDITS will be made on equipment We charge a 5% Damage Waiver on all equipment rentals. functions unless Runvon Eauiament Rental has been notified. Qu UIV US UA L WEAR LEVELS 3 -era I DA MAGE The oil level in machinery is checked when equipment CORD eaves our yard Maintenance of proper oil level in rented equipment is solely the responsibility of No electrical tools are supp?ied with safety grounded plugs for Our damage waiver covers normal wear and ;ear. Damage customer. For proper oil grade, call us. use in grounded outlets due to neglect or ignorance will be the customer's t (except for double- insulated responsibility at a charge of $85.00 per hour plus parts. t safety approved tools). Do not cut o ground g off ro lu o damage via i ve r license, sales or use IN CASE taxes are included in EL OF LOSS OR They our rental rates. B hey�� All equipment is full of fuel THEFT and must be returned full or of equipment, the customer be ;will are e x tra. V�l billed for list price plus rental up to e additional charges will apply time of reporflng loss or theft. IJV V RA C E RENTAL CHARGES AND `BERMS Customer is totally responsible Once the equipment leaves our yard, the customer is for Ali tire repair. It is the responsible for it until it has been returned and payment Equipment with hour meters is customer's option to check over received. NO equipment is to be left in our yard if we are allowed 8 hours use within a 24 the tires before the equipment hour period of time not open to receive it. Our insurance does not cover leaves and have one of our equipment while in customers possession. We suggest people make note of any irregularities spotted. you contract your insurance agent for coverage. A week is 7 days. A month is 28 days. Renter will not be liable for any or all damage to vehicles You will be charged for while loading or unloading equipment. time out not time used. ii tr'r' I`l CLEANING 1 CHARGES Rental rates for equipment are based on usage during an 8 hour shift. equipment is to be returned as One day is 24 hours or 8 hours running time. i glean as when it :eft. A charge of .t1 &b..` per i! eur v:r e arec for I J �r 16 hours running time in 24 hours 2 day charge. 1 crams lJ 24 hours running time in 24 hours 3 days charge. I If over 8 hours in 1 day you will be charged for extra hours on equipment. LOADING AND UNLOADING EQUIPMENT. Customer is responsible for loading and unloading equipment. If Dealer's employees assist in loading or unloading the equipmen Customer agrees to assume the risk of, and hold Dealer and1or its employees harmless for any property damage or personal injuries, including damage and personal injurif attributable to the negligence of Dealer. POSSESSION/TITLE. Your right to possession of the Equipment begins upon Rental Items leaving the Rental Center and terminates on the agreed Return Date indicated c the front of this Contract. Retention of the Equipment beyond the expiration of the Rental Period constitutes a material breach of this Contract. Time is of the essence. A extension must be mutually agreed upon in writing and signed by Us. Title to the Rental Items is and shall at all times remain in Rental Center. Failure to return rental prope or equipment upon expiration of the Rental Period, and failure to pay all amounts due (including costs for damage to the property or equipment) are prima facie evidence intent to defraud. FUTURE RENTALS. Customer acknowledges that the terms of this Contract will be deemed to apply not only to the Equipment identified on the front side of this locum: but also to all other Equipment and merchandise Customer may rent or purchase from Dealer (except as to the rent and /or purchase price of such items, as applicable, wh will be charged at Dealer's published rates as of the date of each such rental or purchase), whether on the date of this Contract or at any time in the future (except only a� any Equipment and/or other items with res pect to which Custome executes a new R ental Co ntract). After being in the rental business for many years, we know what it takes to be successful good attitude, new or like new equipment, and good old fashior service. We will never knowingly disappoint you. If for any reason you feel we haven't handled your transaction properly, please bring it to our attenti Thank you for renting from us. Reorder `rom In-A -Bind 800 862 -2463 -pr, In consideration of the payment of additional rent classified as 'damage waiver by the Rentee, Renter agrees to, and hereby does waive its right, or arty right it might R U NYO N A'�A have against the Rentee, arising from normal damage of the rental property, normal damage to be determined by Renter. The undersigned shall pay upon return of property case of a sum abusive rental damage,theft or other sss negl negligence not include damage or loss of the of the Rentee. This damages waiver shall not apply to reckless, careless or ab operation Rentee n orruse of the Equipment, use or operation of the Equipment exceeding its rated capacity, or damage to tires, tubes and wheels caused by blowout, bruises, cuts, punctures or f.QU1PMEN7 {zENTAL other causes inherent in the use of the Equipment. It is understood the amount paid is not an insurance premium, and that this provision does not represent an insurance 410 W. Carmel Drive Carmel, IN 46032 policy or an agreement to insure. Equipment that is stolen or damaged by Rentee will pay list for parts, labor or, 9 a total loss, will pay replacement cost of equipment. The Rentee further acknowledges receipt of the aforementioned equipment and materials, or covenants to use said property in a careful and prudent manner and CARMEL 1`15H67-5 INDIANAPOLIS shall not loan, sublet, mortgage or in any manner dispose of same to any person without the written consent of the owner, and further agrees to return the equipment to Renter in substantially good condition as when received, natural wear and tear excepted. 3 566 8 The parties agree that in the event the Rentee violates any of the terms and corxfitiorls of this agreement, the Renter may collect damages together W th reasonable attorney fees, court costs and interest of one and one he# (11/2) percent per month added to accounts overten (10) days old, reflecting an annual percentage rate of eighteen (18) percent FAX: 317- 566 -2990 The above equipment has been received by the undersigned for rental purposes only and it is understood that Renter shall be held responsible for any accident or damage resulting directly or indirectly from the leased equipment. The Renter expressly disclaims all warranties, either expressed or implied, including any implied Don't t be a tool Rent one warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, and neither assumes nor authorizes any other person to assume for it any liability connection with the use of this equipment. The Rentee agrees to indemnify Renter, from any claim, loss, damages to property, consequential damages, loss of income or any other www. runyonrentaL com incidental damages, even those damages caused by the negligence of Rentee, together with attorney fees for defending any action brought as a result of the lease of this equipment. Open 7 Days a Week Monday Friday 7:00 am 5:30 pm Saturday 7:00 am 4:30 pm Sunday 9:00 am 3:00 pm RENTED TO JOB LOCATION TICKET CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 503 REFLECTING 3400 WEST 131ST STREET Con# 189123 CARMEL IN 46074 Loc 100 SSN PHONE DATE TIME W (317) 733 -2001 OUT 04/29/11 12:55 PM WH F (317) 733 -2005 ID #3 PO /JOB RECEIVED BY REFLECTING TOWNS, ADAM 04/29/11 12:57 PM WH *FINAL Page: 1 QTY ITEM# EXT AMT NET AMT MIN HOURLY OVNITE 8 -HOUR DAY WEEK 4 WEEK 2 102 PROPANE 40 POUND REFILL 27.90 55.80 55.80 a y �gj Lt 4 IFTHE EQUIPMENT IS NOT RETURNED BY `DUE IN" DATE YOU WILL BE SUBJECTTO A CHARGE OF CONVERSION (THEFT). RENT 0 00 Use of alternative fuels, (Biodlesel, E85, etc.) In Runyon Equipment Rental, equipment is PROHIBITED. Customer is liable for all damages repairs that result from alternative fuel. SALES 55 80 1 HAVE BEEN INSTRUCTED DEMONSTRATED ON THE SAFE PROPER OPERATION OF THE ABOVE EQUIPMENT AND I OTHER 0 00 FULLY UNDERSTANDTHOSE INSTRUCTIONS I ALSO UNDERSTAND THAT I AM THE PERSON RENTING THIS PROPERTY, AND THATRUNYONEQUIPMENTR ENTALDOES NOT GIVE ME PERMISSION TO LEND THIS PROPERTY TO ANY OTHER PERSON. I DW /FEES 0.00 UNDERSTAND THAT GIVING OR LENDING THIS PROPERTY TO ANY OTHER PERSON FOR ANY REASON IS UNAUTHORIZED Addl TAX 0 BY RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL. X THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING READ AND UNDERSTOOD THE ABOVE, HEREBY AGREES TO RENT THE ARTICLES NAMED ON SALES TAX 0 00 THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN THIS RENTAL AGREEMENT. I HAVE READ THE ABOVE INFORMATION AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT IT IS CORRECT, COMPLETE AND ACCURATE. I PROMISE THAT AS A CONDITION OF RENTING DEPOSIT 0 00 EQUIPMENT THAT IF MY EMPLOYMENT, ADDRESS OR PHONE NUMBER BE CHANGED, I WILL NOTIFY RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IMMEDIATELY. RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IS AUTHORIZED TO BILL MY CREDIT CARD FOR ANY AND ALL COSTS, =EES, ANDIOR INTEREST CHARGES ASSOCIATED WITH ANY CLAIM, LOSS, OR DAMAGES TO PROPERTY AS A RESULT OFTHE RENTAL OF THIS EQUIPMENT. IF EQUIPMENT IS RETURNED DAMAGED, AND NOT DISCOVERED BY RUNYON EQUIPMENT TOTAL DUE 55 80 RENTAL UNTIL AFTER THE CUSTOMER LEAVES AND HAS SETTLED THE BILL, RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IS AUTHORIZED TO RUN ANY FORM OF PAYMENT ON FILE TO SATISFY EQUIPMENT REPAIR. LABOR RATE CHARGED AT $85 AN HOUR. AMT BILLED 55 80 UIPMENT E E Q ASEDBY X f f\`, �ir PHONE 29 APR 12 57 31 IEETURNED BY X it ry j4' 11 RENTAL FEES DO NOT APPLY TO PURCHASES. WE CHARGE FOR TIME OUT NOT TIME USED. Equipment is clean and full of fuel please return as such or additional charges YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALLTIRES, VUEL AND ELECTRIC CURRENT. will apply. X INITIAL NO ADJUSTMENTS OR CREDITS will be made on equipment We cha a 5% Damage Waiver on all equipment rentals. malfnnrfinne enlace Rnnunn Fnninmant RPnfai has h,*Pn nntifiPrl_ 9 g IJV U U t UNUSUAL WEAR ®IL LEVELS 3 -WORE A ?he oil level in machine y is checked when equipment CORDS 17�J leaves ow yard. Maintenance of proper oil level in No electrical tools are supplied rented equipment is solely the responsibility of Our damage waiver covers normal '.near and tear. Damage customer. For proper oil grade, call us. with safety grounded plugs for due to neglect o, ignorance will be the customer's use in grounded outlets i ,except for double insulated responsibility at a charge of $85.00 per hour plus parts. r safety approved tools). Do not cu, o ground g r off ro (u No damage waiver license, sales or use 11 IN CASE taxes are included i OF LOSS OR our rental rates. They All equipment is full of fuel THEFT and must be returned full or of equipment the cusor -per will be are extra additional charges will ap billed for list price plus rental up to time of reporting loss or t??e`t IE B I K 5" E RENTAL. CHARGES AND TERMS Customer is totally responsible Once the equipment leaves our yard, the customer is for ALL tire repair. it is the responsible for it until it has been returned and payment Equipment with hour meters is customers option to check over received. NO equipment is to be left in our yard if we are allowed 8 hours use within a 24 the tires before the equipment hour period of time not open to receive it. Our insurance does not cover leaves and have one of our equipment while in customer's possession. We suggest people make note of any you contract your insurance agent for coverage. A week is 7 days. irregularities spotted. A month is 28 days. Renter will not be liable for any or all damage to vehicles You will be charged for f r while loading or unloading equipment. time out not time used. i it is3 YC CLEANING C11AR xES Rental rates for equipment are based on usage Equipment is to be returned as I. during an 8 hour shift. clean as when it le A charge of One day is 24 hours or 8 hours running time. 565 G "v per r c i c_I P ge 16 hours running time in 24 hours 2 day charge. cieanup 24 hours running time in 24 hours 3 days charge, If over 8 hours in 1 day you will be charged for i extra hours on equipment. LOADING AND UNLOADING EQUIPMENT. Customer is responsible for loading and unloading equipment. If Dealer's employees assist in loading or unloading the equipment, Customer agrees to assume the risk of, and hold Dealer and/or its employees harmless for any property damage or personal injuries, including damage and personal injuries attributable to the negligence of Dealer. POSSESSION[TITLE. Your right to possession of the Equipment begins upon Rental Items leaving the Rental Center and terminates on the agreed Return Date indicated on the front of this Contract. Retention of the Equipment beyond the expiration of the Rental Period constitutes a material breach of this Contract. Time is of the essence. Any extension must be mutually agreed upon in writing and signed by Us. Title to the Rental Items is and shall at all times remain in Rental Center. Failure to return rental property or equipment upon expiration of the Rental Period, and failure to pay all amounts due (including costs for damage to the property or equipment) are prima facie evidence of intent to defraud. FUTURE RENTALS. Customer acknowledges that the terms of this Contract will be deemed to apply not only to the Equipment identified on the front side of this document, but also to all other Equipment and merchandise Customer may rent or purchase from Dealer (except as to the rent and/or purchase price of such items, as applicable, which will be charged at Dealer's published rates as of the date of each such rental or purchase), whether on the date of this Contract or at any time in the future (except only as to an Equipment and /or other items with respect to which Customer exec a new Rental Co ntract). After being in the rental business for many years, we know what it takes to be successful good attitude, new or like new equipment, and good old fashioned service. We will never knowingly disappoint you. If for any reason you feel we haven't handled your transaction properly, please bring it to our attention. Thank you for renting from us. Reorder from In -A -Bind 800 862 -2463 =crm ='0 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 05/26/11 $2,173.36 05/26/11 $69.57 05/26/11 $99.49 05/26/11 $94.70 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCH NO. WAR NO. ALLOWED 20 Runyon Equipment Rental IN SUM OF 410 W. Carmel Drive Carmel, IN 46032 $2,437.12 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Street Department PO# Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT /TITLE AMOUNT Board Member; 2201 43- 530.99 $2,173.36 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 2201 43 560.01 $69.57 bills) is (are) true and correct and that the 2201 42 380.00 $99.49 materials or services itemized thereon for 2201 42 311.00 $94.70 which charge is made were ordered and received except Wedp esday ne 01, 2011 )y Street Commissi r Street 0oTltirissioner Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund In consideration of the payment of additional rent classed as 'damage waiver by the Rentee, Renter agrees to, and hereby does waive its right, or any right it might R ��O have against the Rentee, arising from normal damage of the rental property, normal damage to be determined by Renter. The undersigned shall pay upon return of ArA Property rented a sum equal to 5% of rental charge. This "damage waiver" does not include damage or loss of the property as a result of the negligence of the Rentee or in the case of abusive damage, theft or other gross negligence of the Rentee. This damage waiver shall not apply to reckless, careless or abusive operation or use of the Equipment, use or operation of the Equipment exceeding its rated capacity, or damage to tires, tubes and wheels caused by blowout, bruises, cuts, punctures or EQUIPMENT RE ?AL other causes inherent in the use of the Equipment. It is understood the amount paid is not an insurance premium, and that this provision does not represent an insurance 410 W. Carmel Drive Carmel, IN 46032 policy or an agreement to insure. Equipment that is stolen or damaged by Rentee will pay list for parts, labor or, it a total loss, will pay replacement cost of equipment. The Rentee further acknowledges receipt of the aforementioned equipment and materials, or covenants to use said property in a careful and prudent manner and LAWF,L FISHERS INDIM"01-I5 shall not loan, sublet, mortgage or in any manner dispose of same to any person without the written consent of the owner, and further agrees to return the equipment to Renter in substantially good condition as when received, natural wear and tear excepted. 31 7 566 8888 The parties agree that in the event the Rentee violates any of the terms and conditions of this agreement, the Renter may collect damages together with reasonable attorney fees, court trots and interest of one and one hag (11/2) percent per month added to accounts over ten (10) days old, reflecting an annual percentage rate of eighteen (18) percent FAX: 317- 566 -2990 The above equipment has been received by the undersigned for rental purposes only, and it is understood that Renter shall be held responsible for any accident or damage resulting directly or indirectly from the leased equipment. The Renter expressly disclaims all warranties, either expressed or implied, including any implied "Don't be o tool Rent one" warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, and neither assumes nor authorizes any other person to assume for it any liability connection with the use of this equipment. The Rentee agrees to indemnify Renter, from any claim, loss, damages to property, consequential damages, loss of income or any other www.runyonrental.com incidental damages, even those damages caused by the negligence of Rentee, together with attorney fees for defending any action brought as a result of the lease of this equipment. Open 7 Days a W eek Monday Friday 7:00 am 5:30 pm Saturday 7:00 am 4:30 pm Sunday 9:00 am 3:00 pm RENTED.:TO, T.,. JOB LOCATION`, TICKET, CARMEL FIRE DEPARTMENT 266 GENERATOR 2 CIVIC SQUARE Con# 192397 CARMEL IN 46032 Loc 100 "SSN PHONE' DATE TIME W (317) 571 -2600 OUT 05/24/11 9:07 AM TT F (317) 571 -2615 ID #3 PO /JOB RECEIVED BY GENERATOR FORCE, JASON RETURNED 05/24/11 2:06 PM TT *FINAL Page: 1 QTY ITEM EXT AMT; NET AMT MIN` HOURLY OVNITE .8 -HOUR DAY _.:WEEK 4, WEEK. 1 8915 -0010 TRAILER 6X10 4500 LB CAP 45.00 45.00 $35.00/4 45.00 45.00 18 „`�a, „5 IFTHE EQUIPMENT IS NOT RETURNED BY "DUE IN” DATE YOU WILL BE SUBJECTTO A CHARGE OF CONVERSION (THEFT} RENT 45 00 Use of alternative fuels, (Biodlesel, E85, etc.) in Runyon Equipment Rental, equipment is PROHIBITED. SALES 0 0 0 Customer is liable for all damages repairs that result from alternative fuel. I HAVE BEEN INSTRUCTED DEMONSTRATED ON THE SAFE PROPER OPERATION OF THE ABOVE EQUIPMENT AND I OTHER 0 00 FULLY UN DERSTANDTHOSE INSTRUCTIONS I ALSO UNDERSTAND THAT I AM THE PERSON RENTING THIS PROPERTY, AND THAT RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL DOES NOT GIVE ME PERMISSION TO LEND THIS PROPERTY TO ANY OTHER PERSON. I DW /FEES 2 25 UNDERSTAND THAT GIVING OR LENDING THIS PROPERTY TO ANY OTHER PERSON FOR ANY REASON IS UNAUTHORIZED Addl TAX 0 BY RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL. X �aIC'.�:r� E THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING READ AND UNDERSTOOD THE ABOVE, HEREBY AGREES TO RENT THE ARTICLES NAMED ON SALES TAX 0 00 THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN THIS RENTAL AGREEMENT. I HAVE READ THE ABOVE INFORMATION AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT IT IS CORRECT, COMPLETE AND ACCURATE. I PROMISE THAT AS A CONDITION OF RENTING DEPOSIT 0 00 EQUIPMENT THAT IF MY EMPLOYMENT, ADDRESS OR PHONE NUMBER BE CHANGED, I WILL NOTIFY RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IMMEDIATELY. RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IS AUTHORIZED TO BILL MY CREDIT CARD FOR ANY AND ALL COSTS, FEES, AND /OR INTEREST CHARGES ASSOCIATED WITH ANY CLAIM, LOSS, OR DAMAGES TO PROPERTY AS A RESULT OFTHE RENTAL OF THIS EQUIPMENT. IF EQUIPMENT IS RETURNED DAMAGED, AND NOT DISCOVERED BY RUNYON EQUIPMENT TOTAL DUE 47 25 RENTAL UNTIL AFTER THE CUSTOMER LEAVES AND HAS SETTLED THE BILL, RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IS AUTHORIZED TO RUN ANY FORM OF PAYMENT ON TO SATISFY EQUIPMENT REPAIR, LABOR RATE CHARGED AT $85 AN HOUR. AM BILLED 47 25 LEASED BY X i f i�j i I CELL PHONE 24-MAY-11 14:07:52 EQUIPMENT RETURNED BY X RENTAL FEES DO NOT APPLY TO PURCHASES. WE CHARGE FOR TIME OUT NOT TIME USED. Equipment is clean and full of fuel please return as such or additional charges YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL TIRES, FUEL AND ELECTRIC CURRENT. will apply. X a itii_ NO ADJUSTMENTS OR CREDITS will be made on equipment We cha a 5% Damage Waiver on all equipment rentals. malfunetinns unlass Runvnn Fnuinment Rental has been notified_ 9 9 o o D M �9 S UA L� WEAR IL LEVELS 3 -UME +g DA MA /tea The oil level in machinery is checked when equipment CORDS ((jf leaves our yard. Maintenance of proper oil level in No electrical tools are supplied rented equipment is solely the responsibility of with safety grounded plugs for Our damage waiver covers normal wear and tear. Damage customer. For proper oil grade, call us, use in grounded cutlets due to neglect or ignorance will be "she customers (except for double insulated responsibility at a charge of $85.00 per hour plus parts. safety approved tools). Do not cut off ground lug. w No damage waiver Fy license, sales or use IN CASE taxes are included in IFUEL OF LOSS OR THEFT our rental rates Th All equipment is full of fuel and must be returned full or of equipmenni, the cus!orner w0 be es will ap p ly. billed for list price plus rental up is are extra additional charges time of reporting loss or theft. IrE` Q RENTAL CHARGES AND TERMS Customer is totally responsible Once the equipment leaves our yard, the customer is for ALL tire repair. It is the responsible for it until it has been returned and payment Equipment with hour meters is customers option to check over received. NO equipment is to be left in our yard if we are allowed 8 hours use within a 24 the tires before the equipment hour period of time not open to receive it. Our insurance does not cover leaves and have one of our people make note of any equipment while in customer's possession. We suggest irregularities spotted. you contract your insurance agent for coverage. A week is 7 days. A month is 28 days. Renter will not be liable for any or all damage to vehicles You will be charged for while loading or unloading equipment. time out not time used. t CLEATING CHARGES Rental rates for equipment are based on usage during an 8 hour shift. Equipment is to be returned as clean as when it left,,. A charge of One day is 24 hours or 8 hours running time. 65.00 per hour wilt be charaed for 16 hours running time in 24 hours 2 day charge. ceanup. u l— a 24 hours running time in 24 hours 3 days charge. j If over 8 hours in 1 day you will be charged for extra hours on equipment. LOADING AND UNLOADING EQUIPMENT. Customer is responsible for loading and unloading equipment. If Dealer's employees assist in loading or unloading the equipment, Customer agrees to assume the risk of, and hold Dealer and/or its employees harmless for any property damage or personal injuries, including damage and personal injuries attributable to the negligence of Dealer. POSSESSION/TITLE. Your right to possession of the Equipment begins upon Rental Items leaving the Rental Center and terminates on the agreed Return Date indicated on the front of this Contract. Retention of the Equipment beyond the expiration of the Rental Period constitutes a material breach of this Contract. Time is of the essence. Any extension must be mutually agreed upon in writing and signed by Us. Title to the Rental Items is and shall at all times remain in Rental Center. Failure to return rental property or equipment upon expiration of the Rental Period, and failure to pay all amounts due (including costs for damage to the property or equipment) are prima facie evidence of intent to defraud. FUTURE RENTALS. Customer acknowledges that the terms of this Contract will be deemed to apply not only to the Equipment identified on the front side of this document, but also to all other Equipment and merchandise Customer may rent or purchase from Dealer (except as to the rent and /or purchase price of such items, as applicable, which will be charged at Dealer's published rates as of the date of each such rental or purchase), whether on the date of this Contract or at any time in the future (except only as to any Equipment and /or other items with respect to which Customer executes a new Rental Contra After being in the rental business for many years, we know what it takes to be successful good attitude, new or like new equipment, and good old fashioned service. We will never knowingly disappoint you. If for any reason you feel we haven't handled your transaction properly, please bring it to our attention. Thank you for renting from us. Reorder from In -A -5nd 800 -8 62 -2453 -orm ?1.0432 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 192397 Trailer Rental $47.25 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Runyon Equipment Rental IN SUM OF 410 W. Carmel Drive Carmel, IN 46032 $47.25 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Fire Department PO# Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1120 I 192397 I 43- 530.99 I $47.25 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except t Fire Chief Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund