HomeMy WebLinkAbout164684 10/16/2008 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00350320 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE E B PAVING INC CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 17042 MIDDLETOWN AVE CHECK AMOUNT: $75,419.44 NOBLESVILLE IN 46060 CHECK NUMBER: 164684 CHECK DATE: 10/16/2008 DEPARTMENT A CCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCR 1205 4340100 7 2,263.42 ENGINEERING FEES 1205 4462837 7 73,156.02 OLD MERIDIAN PROJECT �t ri7 s- CITY OF CAR1d1EL PROJECT I 06-15 Grand Blvd. Guilford Street to 131st Street Progress Estimate Summary Sheet a Signature Page Progress Estimate No 7 Partial x Finat Earned to date S 1,427,5 Previous payments S 1,005,03 Ear this estimate 422,515.21 Retainage S Amount due Contractor 422,515.2 CONTRACTOR: DATE: H Paving, Inc. Phone: (317) 773 -4132 17042 Middletown Avenue Fax: (317) 773 -4137 Noblesville, Indiana 46060 CONSULTANT: DATE: AMER N STAOXTUREPOINT, INC. Phone: (317) 547 -5580 7260 Shadeland station Fax: (317) 543 -0270 Indianapolis, Indiana 46256.3957 APPROVED BY: DATE: CITY of CARMEL DATE: 10/03/2008 INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Page 1 CONTRACT: CC -70446 PROGRESS ESTIMATE PC": 0770446 ESTIMATE: 0007 DAVID HACHALA, E1 PROJECT. LPA 0 GAMS CRA AMERICAN STRUCTUREPOINT.INC. PERIOD: 9/01/2008 THRU 9130/2008 7260 SHADELAND STATION PO NO.: 00000000 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46256 CONTRACTOR: E &B Paving 317- 547 -5580 (SUB: DAYS CHARGED: 0 PLN QTY THIS EST UNIT ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE EXTENSION CLN QTY TO DATE ITEM CODE QTY ORIGINAL 0003 1.000 MOs FIELD OFFICE. B 1.972.28000 1.972.28 (0003) 6.500 12.000 0007 769.190 CYS EXCAVATION. COMMON 18.00000 13.845.42 (0007) 10.400.820 17.265.000 0008 1.000.000 CYS BORROW .01000 10.00 (0008) 2.675.000 7.775.000 OD15 727.880 TON COMPACTED AGGREGATE, NO. 53. BASE 20.55000 14.957.93 (0015) 748.150 818.000 0020 5.092.58D TON 101A BASE, TYPE C 45.00000 229,166.10 (0020) 5.092.580 6.848.000 0021 1.241.670 TON HVA INTERMEDIATE. TYPE C. OG 19.ONM 47.00000 58.358.49 (0021) 1.241.670 3.962.000 0022 5.530 TON ASPHALT FOR TACK COAT 341.78000 1.890.04 (0022) 5.530 23.000 0026 .400 SYS CURB RAMP. CONCRETE. L 105.00000 42.00 (0026) 5.730 82.000 0030 5.208.000 LFT CURB AND GUTTER. CONCRETE. TYPE II 12.00000 62.496.00 (0030) 5.208.000 8.188.000 0031 5.300 SYS CENTER CURB. D. CONCRETE 233.49000 1,237.50 (0031) 8.700 12.000 0032 180.530 TON HNA FOR APPROACHES. TYPE B 75.00000 13.539.75 (0032) 180.530 687.000 GATE: 10/03 /2008 INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Page 2 CONTRACT: CC -70446 PROGRESS ESTIMATE PCH: 0770446 ESTIMATE: 0007 DAVID MACHALA. EI PROJECT: LPA GAMS I CRA u AMERICAN STRUCTUREPOINT,INC. PERIOD: 9/01/2008 THRU 9/30/2008 7260 SHADELAND STATION PO NO.: 00000000 INDIANAPOLIS. IN 46256 CONTRACTOR: E11B Paving 317- 547 -5580 (SUB: DAYS CHARGED: 0 PLN QTY THIS EST UNIT ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE EXTENSION CLN QTY TO DATE ITEM CODE QTY ORIGINAL 0042 3.584.500 LFT PIPE. TYPE 4. CIRCULAR. 6 IN. 4.60000 16.488.70 (0042) 3.584.500 6.671.000 0048 283.700 CYS AGGREGATE FOR UNDERDRAINS 30.00000 8.511.00 (0048) 283.700 534,000 TOTAL THIS ESTIMATE 422.515.21 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES OTHER DEDUCTIONS PURSUANT TO THE PROVISION AND PENALTIES OF IC 1971 5 -11 -10 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE FOREGOING ACCOUNT IS JUST AND CORRECT, THAT THE AMOUNT CLAIMED 1S LEGALLY DUE. AFTER ALLOWING ALL JUST CREDITS, AND THAT NO PART OF THE SAME HAS BEEN PAID. C NTRACTOR DATE PER PLANS. SPECIFICATIONS. AND /OR SPECIAL PROVISIONS. THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS APPLY ON THIS ESTIMATE. ERECTION OF BARRICADES YES QO ERECTION OF DETOUR SIMS YES CURING OF CONRETE 0_ NO MAINTENANCE OF TEMPORARY RUNAROUNDS YES PREPARATION OF PAYROLLS YES I& BASED ON FOREGOING CONDITIONS OF THIS ESTIMATE (SHOULD) WOULD N BE DELAYED. PADJ ECT ENGINEER DATE DISTRICT DATE OPERATIONS SUPPORT DATE Page 1 of 1 Stohler, Judy L From: Stephanie Wynder swynder @crossroadengineers.com] Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2008 11:38 AM To: Stohler, Judy L Subject: RE: Reimbursement of 2006 Bond Hi Judy, Db The original of the attached invoice will be delivered tomorrow along with the rest of they request. As you note below, the City will pay $75,419.44. 1 will process the remaining $347,095.77 for payment and attached this email as a memo. Stephanie Wynder CrossRoad Engineers, PC 3417 Sherman Drive Beech Grove, Indiana 46107 317 -780 -1555 Ext. 120 317 780 -6525 Fax www.crossroadengineers.com NEW WEBSITE ti A Please consider the environment before printing this email. From: Stohler, Judy L [mailto:JStohler @carmel.in.gov] Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2008 10:30 AM To: jnewport@crossroadengineers.com; Stephanie Wynder Cc: McBride, Mike T Subject: Reimbursement of 2006 Bond Steph and Jill, 'FYI Originally we arranged for City to reimburse 2006 Bond for West Side Road Improvements project funding by City paying E &B construction costs on Grand in the amount of $357,326.50. Since then, City has set aside funds for Structurepoint's inspection services for Grand (RAB and Guilford to Old Meridian) in the amount of $86,450. Therefore, we will now only be paying out $270,876.50 to E &B. After I process their current Estimate No. 6 ($195,457.06), we will pay $75,419.44 on next Estimate and be finished with that part of the reimbursement. Please let me know if you have questions. Thanks! Judy Stohler Office Administrator Department of Engineering City of Carmel (317)571 -2432 istohler@carmeLin.gov 10/9/2008 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER City Farm No. 201 (Rev. 1995) 1 CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate'pbr hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee E &B Paving, Inc. Purchase Order No. 17042 Middletown Avenue Terms Noblesville, IN 46060. Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 10/13/08 Prog. Est No. Grand Blvd -Guilford Street to 131st Street 5,419.44 Total 5,419.44 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. FRB Pavia Ijqr• ALLOWED 20 1704:2 Uddlpt IN SUM OF Noblesville, IN 46060 $75,419.44 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Department of Engineering Board Members Po# or INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT DEPT. I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or n/a Prog Est No 7 205- 4462837 $73,15 6.02 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the n/a Prog Est No 7 1205 -401 $2,263.42 materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Co /Y .2009- Si nature Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund