HomeMy WebLinkAbout160370 06/10/2008 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR 358710 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE H D SUPPLY WATERWORKS LTD CHECK AMOUNT: $7,317.29 r CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 P0 6OX 91036 CHICAGO IL 60699 CHECK NUMBER* 160370 CHECK DATE: 6/1012008 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT P O NUMBER INV OICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 601 5023990 7200355 568.02 OTHER EXPENSES 651 5023990 7238380 112.32 OTHER EXPENSES 601 5023990 7306013 262.55 OTHER EXPENSES 601 5023990 7314262 374.40 OTHER EXPENSES I I ?ate Ordered Date Shipped Cusloraer PO No. Job Name Job No. 13tH of Ladin Shipped Via Order Number 5/15/08 5/16/08 VER3AL RANDY MARKING PAINT OUR TRUCK 7238380 uannty uanut Back Product Code Description OQrdered SQ P� Ordered Price Per Amount 96PAINT17G 17 OZ GREEN MARKING PAINT 36 36 3.12000 EA 112.32 1242 Terms Subtotal NET 30 112.32 Freight Deli\ Ilaudling Restock N4isc "Fax Invoice Total 112.32 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER VISIT Please pay this amount WATERWORKS.HDSUPPLY.COM FOR OTHER SERVICES OFFERED HDSWW INDIANAPOLIS IN -E Branch 509 7281 East 30th St Page: 1 Indianapolis IN 46219 03487 Invoice: 7238380 TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE R Antefe,n(vc tits doccment it, shout mccoe edCr, wrnrthary or di vision -f the Home Depot Su ;l y Inr wdetner or not- Tric:'cal v lrerc and Salle' 4 ya; 7„ hm,un,,t n if Le p,dormed by .,',y o:,tiy It at is part of SeLer All sales made to Buyer Dy Seller .,r cuoject to these Terns and Conditions of Sall which shall prevail >ver an rcons'sont torn. of Sutter's purchase cr ir far ur other docum l No termsant cunddons in any way merino or modifying these provisions shall be hnding upon Seller unless th we specincally slat o.c ed in writing city Seder's aothorized representative. and such addronal or different tarrvilt are expressly objected to No modification or il'emoon of these prY skis shall result by ballot s snlpmem of ri tolowing receipt at purer a purchase order, or other documc lit; ocotaming prov'mcna, terms, or conddir ns n add .ton to. In conflict t,nn, or inconsistent with these provisions There are no :arms, conrdjors undam;a,d.o js, or agreements of[ e than those statru Ire'ani, and all pnor Dn,posals and negotiti al.- merged herer, Prices in qumahons made by Seller •tie subject to chagg? without notice, and a” quotations expire and Lacc, its invalid if not renamed within 10 days tram the date of issue a ^Iona offnal 'so need hY Seller in wntr:g Price extensions +diet, triode are for Buyers car.w :n'ence only, ants troy. as well as any mhmematical, stenographic or clerical errors, ar.: not binding on Sol :ar Prices shown do oat include any sales, rxcse. or other governmental tax or charge pivahlot by Sailer to(aloe! it go or Vocal authan:g Aiy taxes nowor haroa' ter imposed upr,n sale, or shipments will be incremental to the purer rase price srd enver shall re rnbwae Heller for any such la cr promde Seller will, r, acceptable tax e+,e Certificate All prices and mner tams provided to Buyer uloor Lou document she II en kept conhdentia': ex ^ept to the extent bra: a pact, is required by :aw to disclose the same Seller sn,11 tic' he liable for deiav w Jof,.uft in delivery rsuL.ril.J ircm any cerise beyond Saller s reasonaulo control, Includin3 6 it not to, goveromr•otal action, strikes c. (her labor troubles. La: lamage a desU m.iwn of goods, wars Lou ared w undeNa'e 1). acts o'terronsn ^ra•'darturers'shortegu nahlby to obtain han..ii rtaaon materials, fool,,, or supplies. and at Is of God (ea a^ n '4 r, e Maleure Ever t'I Until n the occuo:e c r a -tone Mf leun. Cte it tai It e ;Ime for %Il a performance shall be extended reasonable• and Buyer and SC'Iof shall adjust al: „ff. tled dates accord; nq, a art rte) the purchas, p'r, e Ehall be adjusAeJ a, ..ry ircreased coot to Seller resulting `on• suein Force Olaf fur: "teat Seller I; a neitlist of goods and as Our coos net po•igra n warranty for the gala it supplies hereorn r Notw'fhstar q he icegqlimo, Selior shall pass throttCh to Suyr. r am/ transtomb'e manufacturer's startle r,I warranties with msp'•rt In goods burohasud hereunder BUYER AND PERSONS r AI'Y1,ci TV ROUGH EUYFF ,HALL SEEK RECOI IPSE EXCLUSI'VEY F ROM MANUFACTIJ9 N I'RS IN CONNEu. P WITH ANY DEFECTS I N OR FAIL URES Of C.CODS AND THIS SMALL 13E THE ETCL US' Vic RECOURSE OF EL YctP AND PER3' ES CLAIMING THROLGH BU 6 YER FOR D-,_CTIVE GOODS dHFESPECTIVE OF WHL FHER THE CLAIM nF H DYE R OR THE FE., ^.ON CLAIMING THRC!' ;N BUYER SRAL, JOUND IN CONTRAGL IN TORT, IN STRICT LIABILITY. PL'PSUANT TO STATUTE, :'R FOR NEGLIGENCE; 'ELLER EXCLUDES AIiC DISCLAIMS ALL Oi HER ExPRESS AF!D IMPLIED WARPAN'IFS INCLUDING f C IMPLIED WARRAN; I� OF MERCHANTAB::.ITV AND FITNESS FJH r PARTICULAR PURPOSE SELLER A,8S'!P +ES NO RESPOASWILITYWHATSCE✓EF FOR SELLER'S INT; RFRETATION OF PLANS OR SPECIFICATC:NS PROVIDED BY RI AND BUYER'S A',r',FPTANCE ANG!JSE /AF GOODS SIJPF LIED HEREUNDrR SnA,.LBE PREMISFC(,N FIIJALAPPROVr+1 BY CUYEROR PYPPC IH ENGINLEPS.OA OTHERTHIRG PARTIES RATHERTH-,II J:I SELLER'`' I: IF_RFRETATION 'P-' hf' EVENT, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, VIAFIPANTY, INDEMIJIT TORT' (INCLUDING N G ENCE) STRICT LIABILITY OR OTH,-PJV,3c rM ARISING iTC LY OR INDIRETJ'! "0' JT OF THE PEF,FOPMANCE OR BREAC! I OF THIS DOCUME; IT, CV it SELLER EE LWu�C FOR fafAtYy'CO ^Hi- GUENTIAL IMUD°r'(AL SPECIAL C IR INDIRECT DAMAGE-' c,UCH AS LOS[ PRCF,TS OR DELAY DAMF,CGES, EVEN IF SUCH JAMAGES MERE FJRESEEABI OR CALtFEt7 BY SELLERS BREECH OF THIS CTn;, IM .Y ENT ib) ANY Cio I HAT PROPER' I', r CLAIM AGAINST HE MANUFACTURCR,')R Ici AN AMOUNT: XC.EEDING THE AGCPEGATE Altai I,! dC'J CELLEP. FOR 4r)t ?DS FURNISH °'7 rO R DYER UNDEP TH'S DOCUMENT B,ver sh-p n,dom¢i1v, defend antl halo Sailor ns oBicdts directors, employee.., ,to atfihates harm's=•. com any and all II 1hdlty ruswc,g from or related to any toil cart• ruin, 'o•np'anl or,uu q, vn 3uyer' s use p!am•nODUSfurntehed herramder as well as any na9ulrv, miprpnnal o•rrrDOU�nri r,t tin 'sb pt P t;. •ate t F tin Bwsr rt ri wcument. ..,"'..r•,.r i, r, y }(.I rs oa.^v3. 4s ice FOB pant s Li rn'3uvet'soe=9nateC O:moer Ste' b,.teeth::P 'it ,scs'rn:i O R•nvw ri to Se!r2r 5 :.u.r :.u: ,espar•> 0 14 o, osu o smppn g err! dclieery beyond too applicabie FO 8 ppo'nr Thal tie borne by BA this and r.5:, at'oa s silall pass to Spier at the tmp'icail r -,tit point. vrn che r;ntlos not dolvered.n Sell :ms s own van'cies shall he wnE n Seller de!,verrt thn goods to the cone )r•r• carrier Nocia:n fmshortageofgoodsr :T'i Gs or oar. or,,ae to goods as to whey. �c'Irr r,as the lino of ids; ri II be allowed unless B.n er. tmth;n 10 days. A'It r receipt of the shot I .a d Imaged shomera, g von Seller written nintLa ttr y desermuL It 1 Alleged shortage et c' wi -ge Any chalide in product specRtca'IOn aranM ;es. desim;,hw shipping schedules, or any other aspect of J ;cope of supply nits/.c 3dt In a price as ;u,tmonf by Seller No c,c :or goods o4,n ^tai by Pule r shat be loon s shout Sellers ,w ttt: i out onzation At returns are subject to a ,cso eking ai r Unless mnawer, agreed in writing payment terms ate nct,e0 rays Notwilhstanue,g me forego'nq. aif o ale subjeot m Se.'or, co:ttmurrtg ap love m Buyers credit ft Euye's ❑alts is no!a pp:reed orberai un to Seilnnhd,I Soller,m its sole d'soreb.,n, may reignite difftrout pavmentterr :,.'nc'tiding cash on drlmeryy or advance of shr•mem e addition l5slia�r an Its d's bon require an advan dopo>it of up to 1 pair, et `roller's selling, use fnr any specially man fecnucd goods angered try euver hereunder. Pa r ants due odrpwtdvr shall be made .n the form Of cash. check, or money order Spll ^r niay apply Buyer's pat,al adarnst env .,pen charges •,vnhrl S >Ildr's sole discretion. P, st tlue accounts beat nrtercstal the!es ;oro•15a, per month cr•h^ maximum rate Derrvflrd by applicable rev. ^r after Safe -hams ajudgmentagainst Buyer. Seller may e-ctciae setoff or rer to apply lo or sar'sfy Buyer's octetandmg debt Buyer sr,aP have no right of setoff aar ilnddr, the settle b l to ,,pressly at hrmby Buyer „F.AI' rot o.F or r export till rctly or mdirec IF a' nr any part of the grads or related tedu'olwy obtained from Sit!'- tinder this docomi: n' unless In acedrdar x w9h apphzablo -/port laws and regu.ri k:1 i tit the United Son. .f America (US) Fur P,cr a Buyer that IS t, lie :rUS company or hizcl shall similarly limn co; xport cr re- export&,tr..ty to that w6¢ h vv be deemed ear' „ant with US export I A.tr and regulations n u I Wormed by a US co'.n Ant, orh� gg en The fort-tg regov ts emon s :1 orwve any sa w hsfact a termrnotr, r tow document and otr,jr titans hereunder. Bayer n, l i'Y; :'eher dictates and p irises of cohegld;j, Sal!, rr Other chat a, taa) drought as a rested if It,e Commercial retail, sh ;p between tn,r. ,nutddlrg all actual Ar1,,t ;Ieye and Daclut,r s' lees Incurred pre sal,, the ugh trial, on ap i, and in any Ann ri:stdtve or bankrupd4 p oceedings Any cause of action that S:IIe, teas against Buyr din, Le ass arnd w.lt ndi Lavers consent Ic rL' H>me Depot Sophi ,no. or to anv affilialo >f The Home Repot Supply. Ina iris docdt it rlid the account r I I t.a °mess defit ctit r hrJeteen Buyer acd t -ller shall be Dove:cv I and construed in no i;nance .tath the art, it Fit Vida wtnonl A ohmic ,a Enh art to t to Lit t c Buyer and S.cIL3 stared thatany legs I �.r9no boULON by ed -r l: rwvtlR of the aver yi It hus'ress in ri n.,. rvF be4vee r i al r� tie t, h' In'ne yen. r ;its lc ;here the solesf -it Suvr, F a q l and tanrght tU Shj c!to ,cc^ ear, r, .x t, rii t ^e trio"a _t. „f stet „mi •,r ,valeco rB,. pyr fa r', t,, t, i t- pr, win Iota a. l.: and Condl!mns cittta Seller may tenw,a.eC anv. rJor apon notice to BoCer ctJ,e "I ri d i, that L', r'eu ^7a in ;r._t it” -1 St Ian, L it. t r• bEJ J ?s n.., Buyer apices t' sand Seller vnhte rid t f ate char it: L a !it 11 ^PrsP ri ,r F ,t, o r z d'%f ^ass "t, days a' S,,r E.u,e alit ,r,,,,, Due Via orr^ nh u,i, bcnehaanes of !his car.u'no a and thou a. no t' ";d party bone h.dn1 of a 381674 3 VOUCHER 085588 WARRANT ALLOWED 36201 IN SUM OF HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS LTD (NA1 F.O. Box 91036 `'CHICAGO, IL 60693 Carmel Wastewater Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO INV ACCT AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 7238380 01- 7200 -02 $11232 Voucher Total $112.32 'b Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund I 'Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No 201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly Itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 86201 HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS LTD (NATIONAL Purchase Order No P.O Box 91036 Terms CHICAGO, IL 60693 Due Date 5/30/2008 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 5/30/2008 7238380 $112.32 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) Is (are) true and ,orrect and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5--- 11- 10 -1.6 6� 4 Cis r✓r -�L 1 Date Officer Date Ordered Date Shipped Customer PO No. Job Name Job No. Bill of Ladin Shipped Via Order Number 5/28/08 1 5/29/68 VERBAL GREG K81A EXTENSION I I OUR TRUCK 7306013 Product Code Descrip Qaantity QumrinV Back- Price Per Amount O�dcm Shipped Ordcred 61KE12K81D K81D 5 -1 /4VO 12" HYD EXT 1 1 262.55000 EA 262.55 Terms Subtotal NET 30 262.55 Freight Delivery Handling Restock Misc Tax Invoice Total 262.55 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER VISIT Please pay this amount WATERWORKS.HDSUPPLY.COM FOR OTHER SERVICES OFFERED HDSWW INDIANAPOLIS IN -W Branch 430 1680 Expo Lane Page: 1 Indianapolis IN 46214 07903 Invoice: 7306013 TERMS AND GONOITIONS OF SAL I r An rei tors document to °a a'shall include ea,l sibs :d :ary or division of T, w Home Depot Runnf i ,nr.1 ^er nr Im ape' -:fora ":enured lie o,i r, and Salter', nb4na:10 oereundeI :..p rn, pedormed by a ly or Lty that is part At S.:Pa: All sales mace to Buyer by Seller me cubiect to these Term Phil Conditions of Sale which shad prevail o ei any motorist Ste it dh n, of Buyer's purchase order or other docurnem N terms and nations In any way chilling or modifying Atcs•cp[nv :s!ens shall be binding upon Seller unless They are specnccally adlic Ized In writing by Smie: sauthonzed represe b;nv and sic t :ddlrional or tlrfferent term:; are expressly objoeiF;7 :e No modification at alteration of these oruels:ar; shall result by Sellers shipment of seems following receipt of buyer s purchase ord,,, or other documents containing provisions forms or conditions In addition to. in conflict with or inconsi =tent with these proves :ors There are no terms, conditions, Linde rsta rid, nr'e, or agreements other than those sta rl harem. and all prior proocs.;ls and negotiations ere merged hear; Prices In quotations made by Seller a-e subject to chance v :Cu of notice, and ail gr.Wanons expire and Ls -Lane invalid it not accepter] when 10 class :rem the date of issue unless othenved, rated by Seller in wnl :hg. "nee extensions wham made are for Buverb r,onven :ence only anti fnoy as well as anv mathomatrcal. thenooraphic or clerical ethers, ar riot bindinp do Seller Prices shown do riot include any sale oxcIse, or other governmental tax or char e pa ^mole by Seller to!edenl state or local auth N ority Any taxes now or rFaffnr Imposed upon vales or shipments tmll he incremental to F' purrnase Once, and Pryer shall rein I Feller for any such to it provide Seller v lth In acceptable tax exon Loon certificate A9 cnces and other tone, provided to Buyer under this document sn.al La wept eon4denual enzupt to the extent that a party is required by yaw to disclose the sar% Seller shat not us liable for delay a, opraolnn delivery re�wtm from any cause be`rnnd Seller's reasonable control, Including is' riot limited to, gorernrnental action, strikes or Lunar labor trcvhle-, Fla. damage or d:sfi'chon of goods, wa (Ordered or undedared'h, acts of torrential mvnu'a aee;, cturers'short inaodav to outdo tnrsnertatlon. mater's k,nh or supp6e5, :rid r ^,ts of God each a' Frei Majeure Eeent'1 !prod the occurrurcc t. •a tit a force Majeura E,ea) the time for 3cIL:'s performance ,Lai �re extended reaSOnaUy ar.•] Buyer and So Shatt adjust all afa,.tud dates accordrn._lly, ,.cJ (t) the purchase apace chair ire a0lusfed tr any increased cusr; to caller resulting ireei such Force Ma!ec:e teen, Seiler is a u.;cllpr of goods and ns s :n h does not pmvidn I warranty Lot the go.,rs it supplies herounder Notwahstandir, the foreoomBB Seller sbi I Maass through to B Iny hansferafte .n „ry factur&s Stant J ,vanantres warn resppect to goods purchaser' hereunder BUYER AND PERSONS GLiit,!,P'C TPROU SUYEfT HALL SEEK. REG.,.'FSE EFCLUSIN &.1' FROM MANUFACTURERS IN CONNED fi•C, J WITH ANY DEFEO I S IN OR FAILURES O .'ODDS AND THIS SI ALL BE THE EXCLUSIVE RECOURSE OF B.,Y AND PFRSi :NS CLAIMING I HROI irdH BUYER FOR UF"FECTIVE GOODS (IRRESPECTIVE OF WH6l HER THE CLAM OF BU'!ER OR THE PFR ION CLARAING THPOUGH BUYERSFIPL' &OUNDINCOFITRAt,I IN TORT, IN STRIF.T LIABILITY, PURSUANT (O STATUTE OR FOR NEGLIGENCEI RFL LEH EXCLUDES AND DISCLAIMS ALL O'rHER EXPRESS AI ID IMPLIED WARRANTIES. INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTA8II -11 Y AND FITNESS FCP P PARTICULAR PJI rCSE. SELLER ASSL'fv'S5 NO RESPON: FII,ITF WHATSOEW -H FOR SELLER'S IN I FRPRETATION OF FLAF S OR SPECIFICATIONS PROVIDED BY B'J 'ER, AND BUYER'S nCCEPTANCE AND JSF OF GOODS SUP °I LE) HEREUNDEP'.1'AI L BE PREMISED Ord FINAL APPRCVA!.?Y BUYER OR BY lRC.ltl ECTS, ENGINEERS. OR OTHER THIRD PARTIES RATHER ON SELLER S it :TSRPRETATiON ItJ ''!O VENT, VJHETH °R'fJ CONTRACT, WARRANTY. INDEA -0NITY. TOE, ((INCLUDING NECL!GENCEI STR!'T'_!ABILITY OR OTHEFWEE .RISING D4rcCTLYOR INDIREC RII CUT OF THE PERFORMANCE OR BREAGH CFTHIS DOCUtv1ENT 1.A11 SELLERBELI,aELE FOR (4ANY COlISECUENTIAL, INCDE^!TAL SPE..!AL, OR MJIRECT DAMAC &S, SUCH AS LOST PROFI IS OR DELAY DAMAGES. EVEN IF SUCH DAMArES WERE Fc }HES CABLE OR CAhSED BY SELLERS HriLAc: r Ofe TH!SDOC'JbiF"NT,rb) ANY GLAIM THAT PROPERLY !E' A CLAIM AGAINSTI Ho MANUFACTURFR,r IOI ANY AMO'JN"FXC,EED:NG THE AGGPEGATE AMOUNT PAID O SELLER r ^,J,i GOODS FURi'jISFiFDT,D B!JYER UNDER'. f!IS DOCUMENT Borer et,t f ,r.Jrr•mfv, defend and hold Seller Its of Icers d:mdors ercolovees. anti affiliates har"I. a a:,: 'I Ili i I I c r.rrn t 14 n. ,"k to,: t o t :rmu':nw .^,a,rl!rf .�o r r tt it sic a. dr.u,y -a.�,. a D:hcr. gn ra 7ehared to Buy m $elle%s own °hv le., Pre FO 3 •arid' shell no Buyers des:gri dcaoe:y site but ;n. all r:Lor cases Inc PC b pent shall be Seller stn re o- wareh:oucc at'.] all responsiel ty and crisis of shiperd and delivery beyond thin ippaeable FO.B. ppoint sr:elf be borne by Buyer Title and risk of ,oat. shall pass to Buyu ail the applicable FG B point, which for uotos not delivered u 30hi I; )van vehicles shall L'. when Seller deli• the goods to the common rattler No claim toe tnortage of goods or for Inss or damage bIloads as to woch Seller has the risk of loss ,`:all be allowed unless Bury It within10days Bo receipt of the shoe rr fomaged shipment,,Jr,ec Seiler written rohr •fill describ:ca'ho alleged shortage nr damage Any charrg. n product specif:cattonr, acanthi es, declinations, sh:ppmq schedules, or any other asnecr or Die .:cope of supply may result in a price aJj+rstrnent by Seller. No Reza ;or goods retain ,t by Buyer shat be sir on without Seller's wntlen and creation All returns are subject to a estocking charge Unless One,w :se agreed in writing, payment terms are ;it r• fl0 days Noiw:thsfammng the foregoing, all orders are subject to Sellers continuing approve or Buyer "s credit. If Buyer's credit is not appnoed or becomes um.ansfactory to Seder .her Seller, in its sole drscreuon, ma reci dtlterni t payment terms, nrcludlng cash on delivery or m advance of shipment In addition. air lea mat in its d :scrofii,r require an advance &jp ieit of up to 100':6 )f Sellers set Ing pace for any specially man jac tared goods ordered by Buyer hereunder. Pavmr-nfs due hUtrundrr shall be made i n the f a i r I of cash. chea,h, cr money order. Sell(- •rev apply Buyers payment against any cp charges within Soll s sole discretion Past doe accounts bnar aarrest at the lessor e 1 5tt per month or tae Innx:mum rate to it d by applicable law. r Out ung after SO i•r obtains a judgment aganst Buyer Seller may e ^lase setoff or rcmupment to apply to or :ssfy Buyers outstanding debt Buyer shalt have no right of setoff hereunder. the same alit g expressly waived nu reby Buyer I,hell nor airport or re- expos, drectly or indirectO. all cr any part of the gc ads or related technr;l try obtained from L .I rr under tors document unless in accordan.:c c.'th applicable a', poll laws and regulatous of the United Stafo, of America (US Fur lei. a Buyer that is nmi'US company or c:.:_cn shall similarly limit a It e.00rt or re- export a to that nh,c" v:ould be deemed compliant with US export laws and regulations If perfoi tied by a US cumpaay or ut¢en The foregoing requirements shad Lai any satisfaction n er termm3tion N this document and dhilgabdna hereunder Buyer shall p.ry Seiler all costs aid n,penses of collecfdr. =wt, or other legal arten brought as a result of the commercial rniandnsnrp between thern, Including all actual allomev5 and paraieacs fees Incurred pro u1, through Vial, on appeal, and in any administrative or banknrptcv proceedings Any rouse of action that Seiler has against Buyer may be assigned waf, Buyers consent to Tt e Home Depot 3crria5. Inc or to any elf'ICtn of l "he Home Deprt 6uopiy, Inc This d,,r.I -T and the accohra +ri r usmess reiaf.on' hip between Buyer and Selzer shelf be governed and construed in ac prdance with the lawn of Florida without mijard to ro ^n 7 r Sunlea td ;F.: forr :oinq Buyer and Soileiranree that any legal action brought ov eithertisa•esult of the donna, a I), busiressrelaaonsh,p between Buyerrmu Sallui shad ho biro rri -ii Ir ;tie .erur of en rate ✓here the Sales trod: Seiler to Super occune.t and any doh; to uble to such venue d, to assert the inronvemdc,,e of such forum is nerety It 3 f4' bit, ioi -To r, I -'no Cone fierso'ha.r Sere: they terminate .o rest- anL a u manse to B r Putercrrnheserpo Is olventandthat itwui advise Ssi,c,. of I niv I r cr i.. &ivw a;= ,pang Srl�'r whVrr. norire dt any Uiarq• ces r) it's r a t ,.re l. i Hater s toy y. rest 'aIinin E da z of such chan Date Ordered Date Shipped Customer PO No. Job Name Job No. Bill of Ladin Shipped Via Order Number 5/29/08 5/30/08 SEE BELOW METER DEPT Our Truck 7314262 Product Code Description Qaantov Qua °tity Back- Ordercd Shipped Ordered Price Per Amount P CUSTOMER PO VERBAL JACK SPEAR 96PAINT17B 17 OZ BLUE MARKING PAINT 120 120 3.12000 EA 374.40 1241 10 CASES OF BLUE PAINT Terms Subtotal NET 30 374.40 Freight Delivery Handling Restock Misc Tax Invoice Total 374.40 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER VISIT Please pay this amount WATERWORKS.HDSUPPLY.COM FOR OTHER SERVICES OFFERED IMSWW INDIANAPOLIS IN -W Eranch 430 1680 Expo Lace Page: 1 Indianapolis IN 46214 07904 Invoice: 7314262 TERM4 CONDITIONS OF SAL- At rowan r o, I L,is document to `•rir,r'shall mdude e vJP Sahs,dfary or division or Tqe Home Depot :u, ^o! f ,.nether i,. n .I :a ca5cy y' ^.ennfic, h:un and Seller s pb „aa, e a noleu: mar ir,,; ho performed by ar,y dotty ,hat ys part of I. ir All sales modo'o Buyer by Salter arc. subject to these Tenn, r nd Conditions of Sale which shall prevail over any Inconsistent loan; of Buyer's purchase orcer or other docume't's. N^ Terms and;a ,.9liors In any way alrm Tic, it modifying thplg ninvis,ons shall be bind no used Seller unless it ox are spec if cally adthc"zed In writing by Sale I's authorized rep re &enia'ivn, and such add hfonai c r ddferent terms era expressly ot6jeclyd to No modification or alteration of these pro,ISicns shall result by Saber's shipment of goods following receipt of Eerier a Purchase eider, or other documents cn- haming provsons, ,arms, or conditions ui addcion to. In conflict win. or inconsistent with these provisions f hero are no terms. conditons under<laod,n dr agreements oilier than those stated hartan, and all prior pronns and negotiations arr merged harem Prices in quo!ations made by Eeler ate subject to chani.7t, v ILhout notice, and ail It stations expire aria be d me invalid if not soon led :within 10 days h„m the date of csue unless otherwise mart h^ Seller m wntug. Once extensions wt,of, I v.de are for Buyer, ,omenre, ce on an I rimy as ;tall as an ma :heaucaf, steno ra.p! o r or clerical eo'sm a not m bd,nif on So !Lt. 'Ices shown uo,.t.; ,aolude any flai er cfse, or other gevernmi tax or charge p.^i^'.'ble by Seller aiblafdrd, state or local author fi Any taxes now of her ,me Imposed upon salee Nm or sOea s yar d L m a lectern Onto to th ouacross pace, and Buyer shall relmbil I ,Il ^r for any such tan of p;svide Seller wdn er acceptable ta+ ex.,r;,ptIon certificate A,I offices and oilier Fart^ rrnvfded to Buyer i.r )rr rue document stall bo 4ept confidential e to the extent trial a party is required by ,a+ to disclose the [amp_ Seller shall oat be thole for delay of oa,ault In delivery myelitis from any cause beryo,id' Sellers reasorahlet c Including,! it rot limited to, govemmIntal action, strikes of Ar -3t labor troubled, we damage or d Icnon of goods, carp (diia.ared or undeUare J', lots of tenonsm mir efactored; shortaclCq it ability to obtain ;rim p, :abon materials aLis or supplies :rid riots at GoT each a "For,= Ma)eure Evenf) Upon the occurrence f a Force Majeure E +en', ;a) the time for oela,'s performance shad in a,tentled reasonanly and Buyer and 3 Tirr shall adjust all nHe,0. d dates aocordfnuly. „rid {b) the purchase undo shall be adjusted any increaser' cost, to Seller resulting from such Force Mill !`vent Seller c, a resel:or if goods and as such does not bawd^ i warranty for life a) inn ft supplies hericu idii Notwithstanding 11 beeeo,ng Seller dI of A al through t Bova ar.yy rransferablc r vhfacturer's stand rd ;v furames wi re^ a..t tr peace puronfr ad Ye•eunder BUYER AND PERSONS CLAIMING THROUGH BUY/ R oHALL SEEK RECOURSE EYCLUSIVELY FRGM MANUFACTUF,ERS IN CONNECT ei WITH ANY DEFEC S lid OR FAILURES Ut- HOODS AND THIS it ALL BE THE EXCLI'PPrE RECOURSE Do Bl I vF AND PERS(Rr3 CLAIMING THRlJ11liH BUYER FOR DFF9C I IVE GOODS ;IRRFSFECTIVE OF Wli HER THE CLAIM OF BUYER OR THE PER °OP! CLAIMING THROUGH BUYER St IA' L SOUND IN CONTR'CI IN TORT. IN STRICT LIABILITY, PURSUANT 10 STATUTE. OR FOR NEGLIGENCE). .EL:ER EXCLUDES AND DISCLAIMS ALL uTrl ER EXPRESS rT.D IMPLIEDWARRAN "a-S,INOLUDING+ +LLIMPLI ED WARRANT! E3 O PAERCHANTABLUi Y AND F ITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PI ILIPOGE SELLER ASSUME: NO RESPCOtpdJT ,v WHATSOFYv It r Cr, SELLER'S NIERPRETATIONOP P ANSCRSPECIFICx UyN6 PROVIDED9Y 9iIyFR ANDBUYEP .S CE.'TANCEANDUSf C^F GOOD3 SL LIF :C HEREUNDFR ShALL. BE PRErA!SED I)N i -INAL APPROVAI- Nv BUYER OR BY ARC'HlI ECTS ENGINEERS OR OTHERTHIRD °PR nES RATHER yl-A'! ON SELLER'S'1 !it r1r15VENL'WHETHER NCONTRACT, WARRANTY .INDEMNITY,1'CRr(INCLUDINB NEGLIGENCE) S7HKli I\FI'JTY CP. �(HEi7tY15E ARISING D:FECILV ORINDIRECTLY ?UT OF THE PERFGH;, rANCE OR BREACH CIF THIS DOCUMENT,3Ii,ALL SELLER BE Llcb,c FOR (a) ANY CONSEiR)ENT!AL, INCIDE,: AL SPECIAL, oI .INDIRECT DAMA(iF5 SUCH AS LOST PRVI 11S OR DELAY DAN ES EVEN IF SUCH DAMAGES WERE FOPESEEABLE OR CPI IgED BY SELLER S PPE qCh OFTHIS- C' dIMENT, ib) ANY CL AIM I HAT PROPEPC! IC A CLAIM AGAINST THE MANUFACTURER UR(O ANY AMOUNT EXCEEDING THE A�,;REcGATE AMOUNT PA4'.O SELLER P ^l GCIGDS FURNVISHEDTO 9UYER UrdDERTFI!R DOCUMENT, Buyer Srlal! L!emmdz defend and loo Seller as offiner: yarril em Plnyr+p- :p:d gfs,i,gjp[ hYr r•• .:1I, nn., .,,,rr. rd r. b. .t n,.. I•. v. y;. a a, iuve Syr n.tr ,i py. 'Po': anode r'e d.trvereo :o Bi yon m Srnef own vehicles, the FO B. point shad as Buyer's des'ggnated ;lrhr.ary site, out In oL actor cases the F G.B, po of shall be Sailers stow or a warehouse n(, all responvbdrtv non i.osls of shipping and delivery beyond Lo applicable ED 8 point shad be borne by Rover, Title and risk of lo.ys shall pass to Buyer at the applicable F O B point vfiich legends not delivered In Sc llrYS own vehicles snob be when Seller delivers the goods to the commyn3 carrier No claim ter sno, taGe of goods o! for toss or ich ce, I) nonds as to w Mier has the risk of loss rp31I be allowed unless Buyer, within 10 days n ?far receipt of the she: t or damaged shipment, gives Seller written Tribe 4dly pescntanl the alleged shortage or damage Any cha•gr- in product spea6catlons quanutues, destinations shipping schedules, or any other aspect of the scope of supply may result in a price adornment by Seller No credit for goods ieturrv"d by Buyer shalt be n :r,op without Seller's wnrtrn authorization All renans are subject to P eslncee charge UNeso othatmor agreed In wonog, .y merit terms are net 30 days Notw,thslonling the foregoing, all circle are subject to Seir continuing appp:ova of Buyers credit, If Lot en's credit is net approved or becomes unsmr; face ry to Seller tarn .Sailer, in Its sole d's:r^ppn, me reoour diroevt payment terms, including cash on debrf t eon advance of snq,r, erl In addition, Sar'er rraU/ its dfscrauc, I elutre an advance JEpnat of up to 100'.. of Sell er s selling price for?ly specially manclactd goods orderej to Etu.rerhereunder Fayrrr xris due hereundef s :iall be made In too arm of cash check, c: money order, S::Ilei may apply Buyers payment against any opei charges within SElot sate discretion Past ct.e accounts near l Brest at the lesrie: ell IQ, per month or use maximum rate perm,h a,I by applicable taro, cr.n :mufng after Seller of c ris a judgment agaii st B Seller may eau ace setoff or IecuLproent to apply to o, ,oto,fy Buyer s oulsl,md.ng debt. Buyer shall Lave no right of setoff h maunder the saute bang cxpressiy waived It e3in Buyer suet( not export or re- ,resit airo2tly or Indirectly, ad or any part of the q,od> or related techcro c^ obtained from Se,le' drdar this elocution- Lr less in accordance arm applicable e,rort laws and regu atto of nt the United States of America SUS) Fluflmr, a Buyer that Is a nor, LIS company or ch¢m, shall similarly lima .mr export or re- export asaaty to that whmh would be deemed comprlr,nC;+oh US export laws and regu ahons it poduc irel by a US coriphuy or citizen The forcpo,ng requirements snail liurf ive any satisfaction or is he, of fhw document anti nbliganons hereunder Buyer shall Fay Seiler all costs and ezoanses of collection slut or other legal action orodght as a insult of the commercfat relationship between them, including all actual aPOrneys and paralle 31; fees incurred p,a c W. through trial, on ipre^'I, and In an odm!mi !mime or ban,ruptry proceedings Any cruse of action that Sil Pas against Buyer lnay be assigned wl,htm' Buyers consent tc The Home Dash SIT fly Inc or to any adda'b of The Home Depot 1 i ply, Inc This cese m ir, ;rid the accouct 3rd nosiness relaFn- +ir nalmeer Filter antl SerVoi shall be ocmerned antl construed in erromancs with the laws of Florida without re to confocts cc 'n Subject to shall: c mic. Buyer and Sal' e agree that any IcgrJ arirn3 brought he oi�ne is a result of the accra w „r [justness relationship between Buyer ens Seller ;rail b, b'bac h' in the venue ..f the Safe where the serL f 'rri Soper to Buyer XC nay d and any right :06' :IPr,t to such venue cr!o assert the Inch on 2oc of such forum ie h, relay u3 ^e, P Fu•;et r! IlL n r ub lnls= 1 vn- and Condmora of 3 ale, S pe, i Or r.1, o r restrcl .w 0,, Lron notice to Bayer 9i.yer certifi es vant solvent and that It will advise Sob: r...ir r e y r i me e n I, -rrj Seller wnae n ^t or any ce"g, tb fr 1 o-er ai,l Iv if Bever I bosmeas thin S days of such 1mrngee ,a I n.. Dat; Orde'ed Date Shipped Customer PO No Job Name Job No. Bill of Ladm Shipped Via Order Number 5/08/08 5/08/08 V 4000 REPAIR DIRECT /NEXT JY 7200355 Product Code Descri tion Ouanuty Quaint Back- price Per Amount P Ordered Shipped Ordered HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS PO$- 3760138 90AM7015560 4 7015560 #2 CAM -CHECK 1 1 197.98000 EA 197.98 FOR 4000SS 90AM7015561 4 11 AMES 7015561 #1 CAM CHECK 1 1 228.13000 EA 228.13 FOR 4000SS HFP1336622 AMES 7018897 RUBBER KIT 1 1 99.41000 EA 99.41 CHARGES BELOW FOR INBOUND FRT OK'D BY CUSTOMER Terms Subtotal NET 30 525.52 Freight Delivery Handling Restock Misc "I "ax Invoice Total 42.50 568.02 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER VISIT please pay this amount WATERWORKS.HDSUPPLY.COM FOR OTHER SERVICES OFFERED HDSWW INDIANAPOLIS IN -W Branch 430 1680 Expo Lane Page: 1 Indianapolis IN 46214 03626 Invoice: 7200355 TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SAL I- f A tf!c r, this de Cumerb tc'C[•'le"shalI ncNpe ea..rSAs:defivor dirnb l on ',4 T h C Home Depot t !r p„ I "'eJ'I �^l y 1 't rill', ring Salle herei,',dc: -e performed by soy p:3ay that is par[ 5.­Ile+ All Sales ma to Buyer by Seller atc cutired to these Torn '•oad Cond:hons of Saie.wh all shall Frova'I Tiny nconss :ant termr o' Buyer s purchase order or other documerrs No terms and con �tluns in any way sprung irnodifying these orov :sans shall be binding Loon Seller uMess th+y are speehcalhy out[ Asa! in writing ter Sell- :'S.nthonzed replace la:co and sale aodmo'lal or different te expressly obje L- d in No modification of !rotation of these trr,nslonr shall or, fby or:duIssh'pment of goody ful,mv :ng receipt of Buyers purchase c'dr r, or other document, containing provisions or conditions in solution to. in conflict whit, or ruorsstcht v;n!I tr :esa provisions There are no terms, renditions unders!, cInys, or agreements othei flan those statetl h.•um, and all poor pronu and nego4rdi,ic ear merged hers Paces In gt'oo+hons made by Selh;r ore subject to change without notice, and a o m ll lcations expire id e d L-I !sir invalid ro, ,mr,eptod within 10 days f:oil f date of Issue un,ose .thervUS: ratio bqq Seller m r,ntlr g t'r;,f extensions wh,:n rnadn are for Buyei'., comlamence only. aria tauy as v:ell as anv,n't lematical stenograpnic or clerical errors m, nor g undm ch Cr!c' Paces shown do olI, clude any sale.o>cise. or other Oeveronian.a' to x or charge paead, by Seller to fall state or local authonh Any razes nos. or h�wetter Imposed updp sales or shipments wlif be incremental to rho purchase price, and Farce shall remburse p i vi ion for any such tax or move Seller Rh .in is rouble tax ezzn'p''- cerb'tcat 4 entries and other it provided to Buyer under this document rdl he rant conkdental Cxii p't'J the extent u.a, r, party Is required by las, re disclose rte Sellor ;hall r,! ce liable for delay or refau!t in delivery ru rriiii g from any cause beyond Seller's reasonable „Qnpc: iicloo'ng but nut Lrvteo to oo'.ornmcntal action, str'kns Or ibc,r labor troueo -s h,e. came pa o'rJesbm lien of. goods, wals(uccared or unrocirapsh acts of Forofern. msarde\turars short::r^^ indmhly to obta hanaourafron ma+eria!s tools fir supplies, and vets o, God (eacr a R+n.e Majeure Event '1 Upon the occurron':n of Force Valente I-, m4 tat the t me '3 oiler, bnr+ormance stroll ho exianded oasis ah'y'I'd Buyer ana PxPer shall adjust all „',i;rtad dat. s accordingly end lb) the purchase parr shall be adjusts: if rmy increased cos If to Sei'er resulting Col i sL ;h Force Majeco'e­ih Se!!er is a o• :,nlhr a' goods at a each uses no! pmv:6 it wantonly for the goad, if Supplies hereunner Now t fqe f- regain Sell r [`I:'II onsb ratioggh to C,y r E transol,11.'c r:anufacturer's st„e. a d' "c with rr., -1 to yoods purchased hereunder BUYER A 'ID oFRSONb CU I; dl'J`3 THROUGH 3U`: Efl S'r {41.L SEEK REGJ R'd EXCLUSIlLL'. °ROAdt• IAN IFACJ6RSnS1NCONNECT DEFECTS If! OR FAILURES GP COODS ANDTH!3S.IALLBETHE E %C! 1.5,VERE000RSECF FUJriP AND PFRbON�. CLAIMING THHi A!GF. BUYER FOR DEFECTIVE GOODS (IRRESPECTIVE OF WHf-T;,C.R THE CLAIM f 5U', ER OR THE E9 >ctN CLAIMING TNR' R%C.P BUYER SH 4I LSO'JND IN CONTFj T IN TORT,INS!F +Ir.T LIABILITY. PUPFUnfJ I TO STAT UTE. OR FOH NtGLIGEF!CE� S'i LER EXCLUDES V•ID DISCLAIMS AL' lit �lH EXPREB:, 'IC IC1PLIED WARRAN!TES INCLUDING ri LL 11. taF MERCHANTA3. ry AND FITNESS f- DR 4 rARTICULA.R FU'1,FCSF SELLER AS U',I! NO RCSPO;J(, CILITI WHAI'SOE VER OR SELLER 'S INTERPRETATION Or PLANS OR SPECIFIC�T.C'NS PROV+DEO hl 1 i AND BUYER o ACCE °TANCE Ater, LSr Of GOODS of F BD HEREUNDEP` BE PREL11 ON "FINAL APPROV,I 6YBU yER OR BYAW_;iiTECTS ENGINEERy OR OTHER THIRD PARTIES RATHER H4H iii: SELLER'S 4'TERPRETATiON Il :N'J EVENT, WHETHriH IN CONTRACT ',ryAPPANTY.. INDEMNITY, P,H1 IINCLUDING'JTI Ir,ENCE, STRICT I'ABILITY OR CTHEhI"I FL ARISING FiF°CTLY OR INDIRECTLY CUT OF THE PERPC *aM ONCE OR BREA7I i')F THIS DOCUME;lT, fPALI. SELLERBCL FOR (SEQUENTIAL d•1CI_lFN aI. SPECIAI J,T,NDiRECT DArI 3SUCH AS LOS F PHfa FITS OR DELAf DrMACES EVEN IF SW;: I DAMAGES al r OR'.AO "ED BY SELLER S Bfilt,1L OF THIS D' .'JMENT, (b) ANY CL Ind THAT PROPEPLY IS A CLAIM AGAINS F I'I tL IdANUFACTURFF, OR of ANY AMOLIN I' EACEEDING THE NnLREG ATE AMOUNT PATE, t J SELL E H'O' 1s00DS FURN "KE9 Tr: BU yER UNDER IHIS DOCUMENT Buver ,hag l tionpi defend, ar,d hold Seller its rrlwo.^ irector, empini .+rid h 'r,i r ....-'S t a y .a rrR..'q• •!U TCn S'h, ...n dY' A ,J B.;,, n,. '('1 [,.'l. i.r n. rr i, t ,r ri, p; <t 0: 3ry rt•d' ^r Von, I q ^o9s art uah'ered to sa ,n Surer, own ven Cb• fill EO B pull ill J' bu gayer b degritud dvB\wy rife UHI,r ali,dl,c .cc• bo i4e FO i3 r n.io! chap be Sellers warehcu.e irri all responsb,h'y c, o roses of shipping :rd deivery beyo'Id the aorLcable FO. a {{!nt sht! b ue borne by 3'Iyor Title and risk of dos, shall p to Buyer i .e applicable F.O S. point, which for g cu.. not delivered In Se'!c''sown voh'cleseY all I ri when Seller do fee; the goods to the ccmmun carrier Ne Galmturyhortagact goods orfo:kr :s or damage t\ goods as to which avOrr has the risk of loss mall he allowed una,•s Bir ec within 10 days a;i( r receipt at the shat, _r do maged sh :pr.)ert, gar= Seiler written o:IC 1 ;.11¢ descnbuut h,c alleged shortage of uamage. Any change mpmguct speciflr lu 1ps. quantities, des6natwrls.sh :g schedules, of shy other aspect of,ha ;cope of supuh, ric, nsult :n a price aajus,meht by Seller lido a edot'or goods routers Buyer shall be give n without Seller's written authorization. Ali etu n; are subject to a roso..Mmg charge Unless orhr+v' :se agreed in wnhrg payment terms are net 9? nays Notwths+ann :ng the foregoing. of orders are suolaSt !n Sehers c.snttnuing aoFirov,il of Buyers Bred, J Ruyer's credit is r of appproved or become i i to Seli �r Then Seller, in its sole allocution, mg requlrn dnirrm» payment ter ar, inr,ludmg cash oil ur In advance of shipment In auchnoo, S,.Ihf mayymits d,SGn.hJ ^requite an advance depose of up io tOC of elder's selling pore fir any soec,aliy manate ^t•'rgd goods ordereC by Buyer hereunder may "'tent= due nerew',dcr .shad log made •r he trim of cash, c,rz.c., or money order or !La may apply Buyer's hat ment against an} op "r charges within Sep^ra sole discretion Pi hue accounts b.,ri, terrad at the Irasa n' !.5i, pet month cr ,hs mny rate porn 'had by applicable Ian. rimrwng after Seller obrams a judgment aoii buyer Seller nay _x'rr se setoff or lecc to apply to or set sty Buyer's owNivi her debt Buyer snrll have ho right of seto't hreunder, the sawo b ^Ind expressly war: ed Hereby Buym stroll :,a! export or re- exthe I. d :ractly or Indirectly, all or arty part of tho q+ rids or related teoi, r clogy obtained morn S Alor under this docLmort infess in accorda t ant: applicable eapor' laws and reywaheis of the United Staten A America (US) Fu Ltior. a Buyer that u r i US company or (Al e-) shag similarly dim it 2r'.y export or im export ;Lt, it, to that •wil would be deemed cria,phant with US expel .a',a ring rogulahons t podorrned by a US v „If.n.ty or citizen The mr 6,4uirg requirement. sh.dl survive any sansfacilo,t ,i termilahnn of this document and 000dahons Pemundc' Buyer shall [TV Seller all costs a''d expenses of collornon, ua of chief legal Vision orougnt as a result ni the commerc4 rolahonsn'u between them, Including all actual: tt"b” and rcatale, Is' fees incurred pre --,t t through trial, or pnoal and 'n ary ad-lirrs0ahve or baitknirtry proceeding, An: nFlUrre of Acton that Soper has against Buyer nz l be assigned v,Ur o It Buyer's conser :o Tile Home Depot St ^I^ InL or to any, fDllatr of Tne Home D^4 'of `✓uUolw Inc Thos acc,c. ­1 and she rccunr rm' Los,ness total oa between Bu end r -11e shop po Emil'nerf and cons+•aed a e :rurdlece with tie 121-1h of Florida without re Pro to ,rani- r' Pub; act to the'(' l oil 6hye' mic Pr!Ier anrec, it ai art% Iona' I Lon brought by e'thnr as a rRSutt or i.e s in, el or business ro:lfr ln,fe, uetween dolor and Pedlar P. t r, in :r.va ^r:'arawhere the ua,'es'n Sel' er to Ru ri and any r'gh' m, h lout to ;u. r,a vin assert me. nconvenwnse of such forum's herohy '.ves:,nd Cond['.r,Y>we -to 5 certdtec that III% sm,raA and that it w 01 advise v q'a',V o.: 4',vor a ;,c ^r r� sue ❑Setter v.nflrr rnyre ni ary roar qr: r Yro 'n of FLY' -'r s oiliness within 5 of such rhgpq­ VOUCHER 081924 WARRANT ALLOWED IN SUM OF '1 350591 V69 IiD SUPPLY WATERWORKS 1 w PO BOX 91036 '�t 0 CHICAGO, IL 60693 -1036 O'OBRNl;:� Carmel Water Utility -.ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO* INV ACCT AMOUNT Audit Trail Code �a3\ 7200355 01- 6200 04$5680? 731�a1� ol,( co�0ta 37ri 4D 12t 611��ro.c� �tr.a 55 All Voucher Total v��802 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No 201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY Of= CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 350591 HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS Purchase Order No PO BOX 91036 Terms CHICAGO, IL 60693 -1036 Due Date 6/2/2008 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 6/2/2008 7200355 $568.02 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 /lg c M-�� Date Officer