HomeMy WebLinkAbout164743 10/16/2008 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 120950 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE DOUGLAS HANEY CARMEL, INDIANA 46032., C/O DEPT OF LAW CHECK AMOUNT: $2,233.30 C/O DEPT OF LAW CHECK NUMBER: 164743 1 CHECK DATE: 10/16/2008 DEPA ACCOUNT PO NUMBER I NVOICE NU MBER AMOUN DESCRIPTION ='1180 T� 4343002 2,233.30 EXTERNAL TRAINING TRA s E Cff�wa. SAM Passenger Receipt Depart Arrive Date Cabin Fare Code E- Ticket a: 0122168173575 4ndianapoliy,,IN Detroit, MI 12AUG08 Coach K14E3QNX Issue Date: 23JULOS Detroit IMI• Boston, MA 12AUG08 Coach K14E3QNX Narne /Place of Issue: NWA.COM US E- TI(. -'ET Boston, MA Detroit. MI 1JAUG08 Coach LE7ZNR AR NA. PLS Detroit, Mf Indianapolis, IN 17 AUG08 Coach LEI ZNR /ST PAUL P.irq Endorsements /Restrictions: NON REFUNDABLE /PENALTY FOR CHANGE HANEY /DOUGLAS.: Trar)sportation subject to terms of carriage Total Fate This Ticket: USD 454':00 printed !aside ticket jacket FARE 383.26 .Form of Payment: US TAX 28.74 Card ii DOM SEGMENT FEE 14.00 E Ticket >T: 0122168173575 OTHER. TAX 28.00 Confirr7ration 7SMU2F Te TOTAL USD 454.00 Bag Tag N\WS64 Pi 5 9 e 1 of 1. 05 so A B F 1 4 R FVI'd GASIA SALE PAIT N"' S15. WD PHT WATRED SIS 00 C I ltll it -.E S. 0 0 Transact 37634-: Day L"Tpaw�. 1.11-Ifl ef of TicAl.ets-i For Cu5,toll '-:"ervicc- 6 6 1 222 -3202, AIRPORT SURFACE LOT RECEIPT 1-16 ENTRY TIME.= 08/12/08 EXIT T"ViEng PARK—DUR-� u- 1 F. 5 o r 1 N 5�08g!6 COMPUTED 96=00 PAID 1; 96= Oco TRANSACTION 8064 KIND OF PAYMENT AUTH= CODE 01.792Z THANK YOU V`S RT Ue r eP w'yp CITY OF CARMEL Expense Report (required for all travel expenses) \NDIANp EMPLOYEE NAME: Douglas C. Haney DEPARTURE DATE: 08/12/08 TIME: /0 AM DEPARTMENT: Law Department RETURN DATE: 08/17/08 TIME: WaIO REASON FOR TRAVEL: ALI -ABA Seminar DESTINATION CITY: Boston, MA EXPENSES ARE FOR (check all that apply): TRAVEL ADVANCE TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT TRAVEL PER DIEM Transportation Gas/Tolls/ Meals Date Parkin Lodging Misc. Total Air -fare Car Rental Other g Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snacks Per Diem $0.00 Aug. 12, 2008 thru Aug. 17, 2008 $454.00 $17.00 $96.00 $1,276.30 1 .00 1 $2,293.30 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 I $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 t I $0.00 $0.00 a $0.00 v $0.00 I $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 Total $454.00 $0.00 $17.001 $96.00 $1,276.30 $0.001 $0.00 $0.00 $0.001 $450.00 $0.00 i v DIRECTOR'S STATEMENT: I hereby affirm that all expenses listed conform to the City's travel policy and are within my department's appropriated budget. Director Signature: Date: City of Carmel Form ER06 l evision Date 9/2/2008 Page 1 One Hotel Drive Boston, MA 02128 Hilton Phone (617) 568-670 Res ons (617) 568 -6800 Name Address Boston Logan Airport www.hilton.com or 1 800 IIILTONS HANEY, DOUGLAS Room 739/K1 49 HAWTHORNE DR Arrival Date 8/12/2008 4:45:OOPM Departure Date 8/17/2008 CARMEL, IN 46033 -1906 Adult/Child 2/0 US Room Rate 227.00 RATE PLAN L -AA HH# 864254159 GOLD AL NW #061240012 BONUS AL CAR Confirmation Number: 3322590510 8/17/2008 PAGE 1 DATE DESCRI PTION ID REF. NO CHARGES CREDITS BALANCE 8/12/2008 GUEST ROOM VRIVER 5048130 $227.00 8/12/2008 STATE OCCUPANCY TAX VRIVER 5048130 $12.94 8/12/2008 CITY OCCUPANCY TAX VRIVER 5048130 $9.08 8/12/2008 CONVENTION CENTER OCC VRIVER 5048130 $6.24 TAX 8/13/2008 `ROOM SERVICE LINTR 5049376 8/13/2008 GUEST ROOM VRIVER 5050394 $227.00 8/13/2008 STATE OCCUPANCY TAX VRIVER 5050394 $12.94 8/13/2008 CITY OCCUPANCY TAX VRIVER 5050394 $9.08 8113/2008 CONVENTION CENTER OCC VRIVER 5050394 $6.24 TAX 8/14/2008 GUEST ROOM HSANTO 5052560 $227.00 8/14/2008 STATE OCCUPANCY TAX HSANTO 5052560 $12.94 8/14/2008 CITY OCCUPANCY TAX HSANTO 5052560 $9.08 8114/2008 CONVENTION CENTER OCC HSANTO 5052560 $6.24 TAX 8/15/2008 GUEST ROOM HSANTO 5054755 $227.00 8/15/2008 STATE OCCUPANCY TAX HSANTO 5054755 $12.94 8/15/2008 CITY OCCUPANCY TAX HSANTO 5054755 $9.08 8/15/2008 CONVENTION CENTER OCC HSANTO 5054755 $6.24 TAX 8/16/2008 GUEST ROOM HSANTO 5056847 $227.00 8/16/2008 STATE OCCUPANCY TAX HSANTO 5056847 $12.94 8/16/2008 CITY OCCUPANCY TAX HSANTO 5056847 $9.08 8/16/2008 CONVENTION CENTER OCC HSANTO 5056847 $6.24 TAX DATE OF CHARGE FOLIO N0. /CHECK NO. Zip -Out Check -Out Good Morning We hope you enjoyed your stay. With Zip -Out Check -Out AUTHORIZATION INITIAL there is no need to stop at the Front Desk to check out. Please review this statement. It is a record of your charges as of late last PURCHASES SERVICES evening. For any charges after your account was prepared, you may. TAXES pay at the time of purchase. charge purchases to your account, then stop by the Front Desk for an TIPS MISC. updated statement. or request an updated statement be mailed to you within two business days. Simply call the Front Desk.from your room and tell us when you are ready to TOTAL AMOUNT depart. Your account will be automatically checked out and you may use this I T statement as your receipt. Feel free to leave your key(s) in the room. Please call the Front Desk if you wish to extend your stay or if you have any questions about your account. One Flotel Drive Boston, MA 02128 Phone (617) 568 -6700 Fax (617) 568 -6800 Hilton Reservations Name Address Boston Logan Airport www.hilton.com or 1 800 HILTONS HANEY, DOUGLAS Room 739/K1 49 HAWTHORNE DR Arrival Date 8/12/2008 4:45:OOPM Departure Date 8/17/2008 CARMEL, IN 46033 -1906 Adult/Child 2/0 US Room Rate 227.00 RATE PLAN L -AA HH# 864254159 GOLD AL NW #061240012 BONUS AL CAR Confirmation Number 3322590510 8/17/2008 PAGE 2 DATE DESCRIPTION ID REF. NO CHARGES CREDITS BALANCE WILL BE SETTLED TO $1,315.38 EFFECTIVE BALANCE OF Hilton HHonors(R) stays p ost to your account withir 72 hours of checko it. To check your earnings to this stay or a y other st y at any of more thE n 3,000 Hilton Family hotels worldwide vis t HiltonHH Thank you for choosing H ton! Please vi sit us at hil on. com to view our best available Net Direct r tes, plan a s ecial vacat on getaway or se/e t a convenient location for yo ir next business trip. 0 DATE OF CHARGE FOLIO NO. /CHECK N0, 7%7 A Zip -Out Check -Out JL Good Morning We hope you enjoyed your stay. With Zip -Out Check-Out AUTHORIZATION INITIAL there is no need to stop at the Front Desk to check out. Please review this statement. It is a record of your charges as of late last PURCHASES SERVICES evening. For any charges after your account was prepared, you may: TAXES 0 pay at the time of purchase. charge purchases to your account, then stop by the Front Desk for an TIPS MISC. updated statement. or request an updated statement be mailed to you within two business days. Simply call the Front Desk from your room and tell us when you are ready to TOTAL AMOUNT depart. Your account will be automatically checked out and you may use this statement as your receipt. Feel free to leave your key(s) in the room. Please call the Front Desk if you wish to extend your stay or if you have any questions about your account. STATE OF INDIANA SS: COUNTY OF HAMILTON AFFIDAVIT I, Douglas C. Haney, Carmel City Attorney, being first duly sworn upon my oath, state that I while attending the American Law Institute- American Bar Association Land Use Institute Seminar in Boston, Massachusetts, held August 13 -16, 2008, 1 expended a total of Two Dollars (52.00) of my own money for tips to the shuttle van driver and that I need to be reimbursed for this expense. Dated this day of September, 2008. 1 ouglas C. ey Subscribed and sworn to before me, the undersigned Notary Public, this Zjday of September, 2008. a 0 A. Elaine Bass, NOTARY U LIC Resident of Johnson County, Indiana My Commission Expires: October 23, 2008 eh— word: z: \sharedU ffidavirs\affadivihsubway. doc:9/2 /08] O N;! N �Epll w a To register or order please mail this form together FAX your completed coupon to ALI -ABA: (215) Phone your registration or order: 1- 800 -CLE NEWS. with payment to ALI -ABA: REGISTRAR, ALI -ABA, 4025 243 -1664. (Please do NOT duplicate previously Register or order on the web at www.ali aba.org Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104 -3099. Please FAXed registrations or orders via mail or phone.) *attach names and addresses of additional registrants. Attend this course live in Boston I August 13 -16, 2008 Please enter I registration(s) for the ALI -ABA Land Use Institute. Tuition: $1,249. CPO 71 Attend this course live via the Internet with our video webcast (in whole or in part). NO 0 Register me for the enitre live video webcast (e -mail address required). Tuition: $1,049. WAPO11 Or, register me for the below segments) of the live video webcast (agenda for segments available on program panel inside): 0 video webcast segment A Tuition: $299 WAP011A 0 video webcast segment B Tuition: $299 WAPOIIB 0 video webcast segment C Tuition: $299 WAP011C 0 video webcast segment D Tuition: $299 WAPOl l D 0 video webcast segment E Tuition: $299 WAPO11 E 0 Save a Tree! Receive your course materials book electronically only, rather than electronically and in print. SPOIINC 0 1 am a recent law school graduate (past 2 years) or retired senior lawyer (65 and over) and am eligible for a 50% tuition discount. Can't attend? You don't have to miss anything with these great ALI -ABA Real Estate and Land Use products: 0 Send an audio mp3 CD -ROM of the program, including PDFs of the course materials, for $629. APO11 0 Send the printed course materials only, for $249. SPO11 Online video and audio and searchable (PDF) course material of this program will be available. Please check our website for more information. 0 Register me for the Real Estate Online Coursebook Subscription for $399 (e -mail address required). For more information, visit www.ali-aba.org/subscriptions/ 0 Please sign me up for a 1 year subscription to The Practical Real Estate Lawyer (6 issues in print and online), $99 PRELP 0 Special discount for 2 year subscription to The Practical Real Estate Lawyer (12 issues print and online), $169 PRELP2Y 15% Discount for ALI -ABA In -House Members (For more information oboutALI -ABA In- House, visit www.aii- aba.org /inhousel) 0 My office is a member of ALI -ABA In- House. Payment is in the amount of the stated tuition or price, minus 15 36 T otal 0 Check enclosed (payable to ALI -ABA) I Please charge to my credit card: O AMEX O DISCOVER O MasterCard O VISA PA residents only, add 7% sales tax to total amount (excluding course registrations). Go T.CdJLA o /A. /17 1 g C old expn•etielI date J NAME PL SE PRINT Cit of CnrmPl Indiana FIRM One Civic Square Department of Taw STREET ADDRESS SUITE /FLOOR NUMBER Carmel Indiana 46032 CITY STATE zIP-1-4 317- 571 -2472 PHONE (INCLUDE AREA CODE) SIGNATURE dho.ne carmel in. gov E -MAIL ADDRESS (REQUIRED FOR WEBCASTS AND ONLINE SUBSCRIPTIONS) CHANGE OF ADDRESS? GO TO WWW.ALI-ABA.ORG /ADDRESS/ MANDATORY CLE AND CPE CREDIT a block, unless exhausted, until July 23, at which time they will be released 37219 -2417. Web site: www.nasba.org. ALI -ABA is an accredited MCLE provider in AR, AZ, CA, CO, IL, ME, MO, MS, to the general public. Registrants must make their own hotel reservations and For more information regarding ALI -ABA's MT, ND, NM, N\�-NY, OK, PA, RI, SC, VT, WI, WV, and WY. We apply for ac- indicate that they are attending the ALI -ABA Course of Study to qualify for administrative policies, such as complaint creditation on a course -by- course basis in virtually all other MCLE jurisdic- rooms in the block. and refund, please call Customer Service tions, including AL, DE, FL, GA, IA, ID, IN, KS, KY, LA, MN, NC, NH, OH, OR, Room reservations may be made by calling or writing to the Fairmont Copley at (800) CLE-NEWS. CPE credit hours TN, TX, UT, VA, and WA. For this course, ALI -ABA will apply for 19 credits, Plaza, 138 St. James Avenue, Boston, MA 02116; phone 617 -267 -5300; FAX for this course: 22.5 in Real Estate (live including 2 ethics credits, in 60- minute states; and for 22.8 credits, includ- 617 -247 -6681; Web Site: www.fairmont.com. Confirmations will be sent by SPONSORS program). ing 2.4 ethics credits, in 50- minute states. In NY, this course is appropriate the hotel. Please read the cancellation policy carefully. Learning Objective: Acquisition ofknowl- for both newly admitted and experienced attorneys. For specific information NASBA ACCREDITATION edge and skills to improve proficiency as a practitioner on CLE, CPE, or other professional accreditation, please e -mail the MCLE Suggested Prerequisite: Practice experience with land use planning, Team at TeamMCLE @alt- aba.or o to htt /www.ali- aba.or /mole, or call ALI -ABA is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Ac- 99 or a 9 P 9 g 9 p 9 countancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on graduate planning education and substantial experience with land use plan- 1- 800 -CLE -NEWS. the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have ning HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Com- Level of Instruction: Intermediate A limited block of rooms has been reserved at the Fairmont Copley Plaza. Room plaints regarding registered sponsors may be addressed to the National rate: $229 per night, single or double occupancy. These rooms will be held as Registry of CPE Sponsors, 150 Fourth.Avenue North, Suite 700, Nashville, IN W W W.A LI- ABA.ORG /CP011 for more information about: registration cancellation breaks and refreshments requirements for persons with disabilities tuition assistance discounted airfares INDIANA RETAIL TAX EXEMPT PAGE Cit C rMe l CERTIFICATE NO. 003120155 002 0 CS.� 1L PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER FEDERAL EXCISE TAX EXEMPT 35- 60000972 t) ONE CIVIC SQUARE THIS NUMBER MUST APPEAR ON INVOICES, A/P CARMEL INDIANA 46032 -2584 VOUCHER, DELIVERY MEMO,' PACKING SLIPS, SHIPPING LABELS AND ANY CORRESPONDENCE: FORM APPROVED BY STATE BOARD OF,ACCOUNTS FOR CITY OF CARMEL 1997 PURCHASE ORDER.DATE DATE REQUIRED REQUISITION NO. VENDOR NO. DESCRIPTION VENDOR TOIP CONFIRMATION BLANKET CONTRACT PAYMENT TERMS FREIGHT QUANTITY UNIT OF MEASURE DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE EXTENSION 6�,�W- fit- 1 h 4 e6 Y Y =b $sa Send Invoice To: 11 i PLEASE INVOICE IN DUPLICATE DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PROJECT PROJECT ACCOUNT AMOUNT ,GfCI 1 /f.30 /y["c, PAYMENT I- yam ��,y� A/P VOUCHER CANNOT BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT UNLESS THE P.O. NUMBER IS MADE A PART OF THE VOUCHER AND EVERY INVOICE AND VOUCHER HAS THE PROPER SWORN AFFIDAVIT'ATTACHED. SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE IS AN UNOBLIGATED BALANCE IN THIS APPROPRIATION SUFFICIENT TO PAY FOR THE ABOVE ORDER. SHIP REPAID. C.O.D. SHIPMENTS CANNOT BE ACCEPTED. -mac••• PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER MUSTAPPEAR ON ALL ORDERED BY SHIPPING LABELS. THIS ORDER ISSUED IN COMPLIANCE WITH CHAPTER 99, ACTS 1945 TITLE 1 j.u'- �'�'l� AND ACTS AMENDATORY THEREOF AND SUPPLEMENT THERETO 1 CLERK- TREASURER DOCUMENT CONTROL NO. A•P. COPY SIGN AND RETURN TO CLERK OFFICE VOUCHER NQ.. WARRANT NO.. /J ALLOWED 20 IN THE SUM OF ON ACCOUNT OFPROPRIATION FOR Board Members P o f INVOICE NO. ACCT /TIT! E AMOUNT I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or god bills) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and receivedexcept 2 0D i ature Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund