HomeMy WebLinkAbout167488 12/23/2008 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR. 00351368 Page 1 of 1
o„ o SUITE 1500 CHECK NUMBER: 167488
CHECK DATE. 12/2312008
902 4340000 14185 5,028.79 LEGAL FEES
902 4460848 14187 46.25 4TH GATEWAY /RANGELINE
902 4460816 14188 538.14 PELTON
902 4460821 14189 940.63 CAC
902 4460849 14190 4,136.91 TUESDAY MORNING
902 4460805 14191 2,383.14 RETAIL SITE #5
902 4460857 14192 2,155.01 PARCEL 57
Wallack, Somers Haas
Submitted December 17, 2008
Invoice No. Date Acct# Amount
14185 12/9/2008 434000 5,028.79
14187 12/9/2008 4460848 46.25
14188 12/9/2008 4460816 538.14
14189 12/9/2008 4460821 940.63
14190 12/9/2008 4460849 4,136.91
14191 12/9/2008 4460805 2,383.14
14192 12/9/2008 4460857 2,155.01
TOTAL 15,228.87
Wallack Somers Haas, P.C.
One Indiana Square
Suite 1500
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Phone: 317 /231 -9000 Fax: 317/231 -9900
City of Carmel Redevelopment Commission Dee 09, 2008
One Civic Square
Carmel, IN 46032 Matter: carmisc
Inv 14185
Attention: Mr. Les Olds
RE: General Matters
Nov -07 -08 Attend to various administrative and contracting issues; Calls KPH 0.75
and emails.
Nov -10 -08 Attend to various administrative and contracting issues; KPH 1.25
Attend to requests for documents and response policy; Calls
and emails.
Nov -11 -08 Address issues, re: application of Irish insurance payment. KPH 0.25
Nov -12 -08 Attend to appropriations, contract letting, and project KPH 1.50
funding issues; Attend to various other administrative
matters; Address issues, re: application of Irish insurance
payment; Email to S. Mielke, re: same.
Nov -13 -08 Attend to appropriations, contract letting, and project KPH 1.75
funding issues; Conference call with L. Olds, re: same;
Prepare for and attend meeting, re: appropriations and
contract letting with L. Olds, D. Moriarty, B. Began, and M.
Anderson; Attend special Commission meeting; Follow up
meeting with R. Carter and L. Olds.
Nov -14 -08 Attend to appropriations, contract letting, and project KPH 2.25
funding issues; Conferences with R. Wilmering; Emails with
M. Anderson, K. Altice, D. Moriarty, B. Bogan, L. Olds, and
S. Mielke; Conference call with K. Altice; Address issues,
re: hiring environmental consultants and bidding
environmental work.
Nov -18 -08 Attend to various administrative matters. KPH 0.50
Nov -19 -08 Prepare for Commission meeting; Attend to administrative KPH 0.50
Nov -20 -08 Prepare for and attend regular Commission meeting; Address KPH 1.50
issues, re: consultant payments and invoice payments;
Follow up conference with L. Olds, S. Mielke, A. Stumpf,
and M. Worthley.
Nov -22 -08 Address conflict of interest concerns; Extended memo and KPH 0.50
email to R. Carter.
Nov -24 -08 Attend to press requests for information and documents; KPH 0.75
Extended memo and email.
Dec -01 -08 Attend to public information requests; Extended memo and KPH 0.75
entails, re: same.
Dec -02 -08 Attend to public information requests; Calls and emails. KPH 0.50
Dec -03 -08 Attend to public information requests and other KPH 0.50
administrative matters; Calls and emails.
Discuss public records memo with K. Haas. RRW 0.25
Dec -04 -08 Attend to public information request making inquiries or KPH 1.25
requiring summaries; Review applicable statutes; Extended
memo and email to R. Carter, S. Mielke, L. Olds, and N.
Heck; Additional emails and D. Haney and T. Perkins.
Discuss public records request with K. Haas. RRW 0.25
Dec -05 -08 Attend to administrative matters; Calls and emails. KPH 0.50
Review emails from D. Haney, R. Carter, and K. Haas, re: RRW 1.75
public records requests; Discuss same with K. Haas; Draft
memorandum, re: requests for public records.
Totals 17.25
Total Fees $5,028.79
Total Disbursements $0.00
Total Fees and Disbursements $5,028.79
Previous Balance $10,108.17
Previous Payments $10,108.17
Balance Due Now $5,028.79
Wallack Somers Haas, P.C.
One Indiana Square
Suite 1500
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Phone: 317 /231 -9000 Fax: 317/231 -9900
City of Carmel Dec 09, 2008
One Civic Square
Suite 140 Matter:armngateway
Carmel, IN 46032 Inv 14187
Attention: Mr. Les Olds
RE: North Gateway
Dec -05 -08 Call with M. Worthley, re: temporary easement. RRW 0.25
Totals 0.25
Total Fees $46.25
Total Disbursements $0.00
Total Fees and Disbursements $46.25
Previous Balance $555.00
Previous Payments $555.00
Balance Due Now $46.25
Wallack Somers Haas, P.C.
One Indiana Square
Suite 1500
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Phone: 317 /231 -9000 Fax: 317/231 -9900
City of Carmel Dec 09, 2008
One Civic Square
Suite 140 Mattemarmparcel16
Carmel, IN 46032
Inv 14188
Attention: Mr. Les Olds
RE: Parcel 16
Nov -11 -08 Meeting with J. Brainard, L. Olds, S. Mielke, and J. Shoup, KPH 0.75
re: unit sales terms; Follow -up on same.
Attend meeting with K. Haas, L. Olds, S. Mielke, and J. JRS 0.25
Nov -20 -08 Prepare for and attend Commission executive session; KPH 0.50
Address unit sales terms.
Nov -24 -08 Attend to HCCVB sublease. KPH 0.25
Totals 1.75
Total Fees $538.14
Total Disbursements $0.00
Total Fees and Disbursements $538.14
Previous Balance $1,572.50
Previous Payments $1,572.50
Balance Due Now $538.14
Wallack Somers Haas, P.C.
One Indiana Square
Suite 1500
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Phone: 317 /231 -9000 Fax: 317/231 -9900
City of Carmel Dec 09, 2008
One Civic Square
Suite 140 Mattemarmparcel2l
Carmel, IN 46032 Inv 14189
Attention: Mr. Les Olds
RE: Parcel 21
Nov -14 -08 Review and reply to email from M. Worthley, re: parking RRW 0.25
lease amendment.
Nov -20 -08 Prepare for and attend Commission executive session; KPH 0.50
Address unit sales terms.
Nov -21 -08 Attend to unit sales terms and Weaver counteroffer; Calls KPH 0.50
and emails with M. Urbanski.
Nov -24 -08 Attend to Weaver counteroffer; Review same; Emails to M. KPH 0.50
Dec -01 -08 Attend to Weaver counteroffer; Conference with R. KPH 0.50
Wilmering; Extended email inquiries to M. Urbanski.
Dec -02 -08 Review notes from K. Haas, re: addendum to Weaver RRW 1.25
purchase agreement; Review purchase agreement and
proposed addendum; Revise addendum and draft additional
Dec -03 -08 Discuss Weaver purchase agreement with K. Haas. RRW 0.25
Totals 3.75
Total Fees $940.63
Total Disbursements $0.00
Total Fees and Disbursements $940.63
Previous Balance $2,496.26
Previous Payments $2,496.26
Balance Due Now $940.63
Wallack Somers Haas, P.C.
One Indiana Square
Suite 1500
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Phone: 317 /231 -9000 Fax: 317/231 -9900
City of Carmel Dec 09, 2008
One Civic Square
Suite 140 Mattemarmparce149
Carmel, IN 46032 Inv 14190
Attention: Mr. Les Olds
RE: Parcel 49
Nov -07 -08 Review updated survey. RRW 0.25
Nov -11 -08 Meeting with J. Brainard, L. Olds, S. Mielke, and J. Shoup, KPH 1.50
re: project, status, VFW deal, church acquisition, and other
issues; Memo and email to Commissioners, re: church
purchase agreement; Attend to church purchase agreement
approval; Emails with R. Wardwell, R. Carter, L. Olds, and
S. Mielke.
Attend meeting with K. Haas, L. Olds, S. Mielke, and J. JRS 0.50
Nov -12 -08 Attend to emails, re: Keystone project JRS 0.25
Nov -13 -08 Attend to approval and execution of church purchase KPH 0.75
agreement; Prepare for and attend special Commission
Nov -14 -08 Follow up on church purchase agreement execution; Calls KPH 0.25
and emails.
Nov -17 -08 Attend to project agreement status and issues; Conference KPH 1.00
call with L. Olds; Attend to installment contracts; Calls and
Nov -18 -08 Follow up on project agreement status and issues; KPH 0.50
Conference call with L. Olds-
Nov-19-08 Prepare for Commission meeting. KPH 0.25
Nov -20 -08 Project agreement meeting with E. Ozdemir, J. Pieters, B. KPH 3.25
Donaldson, and D. Williams; Attend to VFW deal, church
purchase, and site remediation; Prepare for and attend
Commission executive session; Prepare for and attend
regular Commission meeting.
Nov -21 -08 Address project agreement issues; Calls and emails. KPH 0.50
Nov -26 -08 Attend to VFW deal, term sheet, and project agreement; KPH 0.50
Attend to Keystone project agreement.
Dec -02 -08 Meeting with J. Brainard, L. Olds, and S. Mielke; Address KPH 1.75
issues, re: VFW deal and church acquisition; Attend to VFW
term sheet; Conference call with D. Coots.
Initial review of VFW term sheet; Call with M. Worthley, re: RRW 0.25
Dec -03 -08 Call with R. Wardwell; Address closing concerns; Calls and KPH 0.50
Discuss VFW project agreement with K. Haas. RRW 0.25
Dec -04 -08 Review file; Provide existing title commitment and survey to RRW 0.25
D. Williams.
Dec -05 -08 Attend to VFW term sheet and project agreement; Outline KPH 0.75
Review revised VFW term sheet from D. Coots; Call with RRW 1.00
M. Worthley, re: same; Draft revisions to term sheet; Discuss
same with K. Haas.
Totals 14.25
Total Fees $4,136.91
Total Disbursements $0.00
Total Fees and Disbursements $4,136.91
Previous Balance $26,729.48
Previous Payments $26,729.48
Balance Due Now $4,136.91
Wallack Somers Maas, P.C.
One Indiana Square
Suite 1500
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Phone: 317 /231 -9000 Fax: 317/231 -9900
City of Carmel Dec 09, 2008
One Civic Square
Suite 140 Matter: carmparce15
Carmel, IN 46032 Inv 14191
Attention: Mr. Les Olds
RE: Parcel s
Nov -07 -08 Attend to CRC work, cost, and funding obligations; Calls KPH 0.75
and emails.
Nov -10 -08 Review notes and file; Address CRC work, cost, and funding KPH 0.50
Nov -11 -08 Meeting preparation; Weekly projects meeting with B. KPH 0.75
Cordingley and Pedcor projects team; Address CRC work,
cost, and funding obligations.
Nov -17 -08 Review notes and file; Address CRC work, cost, and funding KPH 0.50
Dec -01 -08 Review notes, file, and project agreement; Review, consider KPH 1.50
and address CRC work, cost, and funding obligations.
Dec -02 -08 Meeting preparation; Weekly projects meeting with B. KPH 1.50
Cordingley and Pedcor projects team; Address CRC work,
cost, and funding obligations; Meeting with J. Brainard, L.
Olds, and S. Mielke.
Attend weekly Pedcor meeting. JRS 2.25
Totals 7.75
Total Fees $2,383.14
Total Disbursements $0.00
Total Fees and Disbursements $2,383.14
Previous Balance $2,844.41
Previous Payments $2,844.41
Balance Due Now $2,383.14
Wallack Somers Haas, P.C.
One Indiana Square
Suite 1500
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Phone: 317 /231 -9000 Fax: 317/231 -9900
City of Carmel Dec 09, 2008
One Civic Square
Suite 140 Matter:;armparce157
Carmel, IN 46032 Inv 14192
Attention: Mr. Les Olds
RE: Parcel 57
Nov -11 -08 Draft project agreement and parking easement agreement. RRW 2.50
Nov -12 -08 Review email and attached comments from M. Worthley, re: RRW 0.50
parking easement agreement; Call with M. Worthley, re:
same; Discuss agreements with K. Haas; Call with M.
Worthley, re: same.
Nov -13 -08 Review notes from M. Worthley; Call with M. Worthley, re: RRW 1.50
project agreement; Revise project agreement; Draft bill of
sale; Email project agreement, bill of sale, and easement
agreement to M. Worthley; Call with D. Barker, re: same;
Discuss same with K. Haas; Call with M. Worthley, re:
Discuss environmental testing with M. Worthley. RRW 0.25
Nov -17 -08 Call with M. Worthley, re: parking easement. RRW 0.25
Nov -19 -08 Review emails from L. Olds and D. Barker, re: proposed RRW 2.50
ground lease for parking; Review and revise same; Review
and reply to emails from M. Worthley, re: same; Calls with
M. Worthley, re: same; Discuss same with K. Haas; Call
with D. Barker, re: same.
Nov -20 -08 Attend to ground lease and proposed terms; Conference with KPH 1.25
R. Wilmering; Prepare for and attend Commission executive
Review email from M. Worthley; Call with M. Worthley, re: RRW 2.00
proposed ground lease for parking; Draft ground lease
memo; Revise ground lease.
Totals 10.75
Total Fees $2,155.01
Total Disbursements $0.00
Total Fees and Disbursements $2,155.01
Previous Balance $461.26
Previous Payments $461.26
Balance Due Now $2,155.01
Pmscnbed by State Board of Accounts ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER City Form No 201 (Rev 1995)
An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by
whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc.
`Qa5 Purchase Order No.
Date Due
Invoice Invoice Description Amount
Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) r bill(s))
Total �S g�
I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance
with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6.
Clerk- Treasurer
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Board Members
DEPT I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or
bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the
materials or services itemized thereon for
which charge is made were ordered and
received except
l e N,q CII
Cost distribution ledger classification if
claim paid motor vehicle highway fund