HomeMy WebLinkAbout166428 12/24/2008 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR. 00351368 Page 1 of 1
CHECK DATE: 11/24/2008
902 4340000 14038 10,108.17 LEGAL FEES
902 4340000 14039 4,612.52 LEGAL FEES
1 302 4460848 14040 555.00 4TH GATEWAY /RANGELINE
,902 4460816 14041 1,572.50 PELTON
902 4460821 14042 2,496.26 CAC
902 4460849 14043 26,729.48 TUESDAY MORNING
902 4460805 14044 2,844.41 RETAIL SITE #5
902 4460892 14046 878.75 APOSTOLIC CHURCH SITE
Wallack Somer Haas, November 2008 Invoices
Payable in November 2008
Invoice No. Parcel Line Item Amount
14038 General Matters 4340000 10,108.17
14039 Legacy 4340000 4,612.52
14040 North Gate 4460848 555.00
14041 Parcel 16 4460816 1,572.50
14042 Parcel 21 4460821 2,496.26
14043 Parcel 49 4460849 26,729.48
14044 Parcel 4460805 2,844.41
14046 Parcel 92 4460892 878.75
Total 49,797.09
Wallack Somers Haas, P.C.
One Indiana Square
Suite 1500
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Phone: 317 /231 -9000 Fax: 317/231 -9900
City of Carmel Redevelopment Commission Nov 12, 2008
One Civic Square
Cannel, IN 46032 Matter: carmisc
Inv 14038
Attention: Mr. Les Olds
RE: General Matters
Oct -06 -08 Prepare for and attend special Commission meeting. KPH 0.50
Oct -08 -08 Calls and emails, re: proposed PILOT. KPH 0.25
Oct -10 -08 Attend to financial plan projections and revisions. KPH 0.50
Oct -13 -08 Attend to retreat meeting notices; Conference call with L. KPH 1.25
Olds, S. Mielke, and A. Stumpf; Attend to meeting notices
and agendas; Calls with S. Mielke; Emails with R. Carter, L.
Olds, S. Mielke, and A. Stumpf.
Oct -14 -08 Meeting with J. Brainard, L. Olds, S. Mielke, and J. Shoup, KPH 0.75
re: financial plan and TIF projections; Follow -up on meeting
Oct -15 -08 Calls and emails, re: proposed PILOT; Begin review of KPH 1.75
same; Attend to financial plan projections and revisions;
Conference calls with L. Olds and C. Coonrod; Attend to
administrative matters.
Oct -16 -08 Attend to sources and uses, project costs, and financial plan. KPH 0.50
Oct -20 -08 Attend to sources and uses, project costs, and financial plan; KPH 1.50
Update spread sheets for installment contract payments and
other Parcel 5 and 7 costs.
Oct -21 -08 Attend to administrative matters. KPH 0.25
Oct -22 -08 Attend to source and uses, project costs, and financial plan; KPII 0.50
Update spread sheets for installment contract payments and
other Parcel 5 and 7 costs.
Oct -23 -08 Attend to budgeting, appropriations, and funding issues; KPH 1.50
Consider same with respect to construction contract letting;
Conferences with R. Wilmering; Conference call with L.
Olds; Additional calls and emails.
Discuss construction contract letting and contract payment RRW 2.00
appropriations with K. Haas; Research same.
Oct -24 -08 Attend to budgeting appropriations and funding issues; KPH 2.00
Consider same with respect to construction contract letting;
Conferences with R. Wilmering; Conference call with L.
Olds; Additional calls and emails; Consider alternatives for
construction contract appropriations; Calls and emails with
B. Donaldson.
Oct -27 -08 Attend to construction contract appropriations and funding KPH 3.25
requirements; Attend to document disclosure request;
Review statutes, re: advisory/deliberative materials; Attend
to notices of meeting time and bid submission changes;
Conferences with R. Wilmering; Conference call with S.
Mielke and R. Wilmering; Emails with J. Brainard, R.
Carter, L. Olds, S. Mielke, and A. Stumpf.
Discuss document disclosure request with K. Haas; Research RRW 2.50
same; Conference call with S. Mielke and K. Haas, re: same;
Research construction contract appropriations and
Commission budgetary issues.
Oct -28 -08 Calls and emails, re: PILOT and Illinois Street allocation KPH 2.75
area; Attend to document disclosure request; Multiple calls;
Attend to budgeting, appropriations, and funding issues;
Consider same with respect to construction contract letting;
Consider alternatives; Conferences with R. Wilmering;
Conference call with B. Donaldson and R. Wilmering.
Research budgeting and appropriations issues; Discuss same RRW 2.25
with K. Haas; Call with State Board of Accounts, re: same.
Oct -29 -08 Attend to document disclosure request; Calls and cmails with KPH 0.75
R. Carter; Attend to budgeting, appropriations, and funding
issues; Consider same with respect to construction contract
letting; Consider alternatives.
Oct -30 -08 Attend to document disclosure request; Attend to budgeting KPH 2.25
appropriations, and funding issues; Consider same with
respect to construction contract letting; Conferences with R.
Wilmering; Attend to internal City request for information;
Attend to reporter questions, re: construction contracts;
Emails with R. Carter, S. Mielke, and A. Stumpf.
Discuss letter to R. Carter, re: public records with K. Haas; RRW 3.25
Review emails, re: same; Discuss House Bill 1001 with K.
Haas; Review emails from L. Snyder and L. Matthes, re:
same; Research and review House Bill 1001.
Oct -31 -08 Attend to document disclosure request; Attend to budgeting, KPH 2.50
appropriations, and funding issues; Consider same with
respect to construction contract letting; Meeting with B.
Donaldson and R. Wilmering; Calls and emails.
Meet with B. Donaldson and K. Haas, re: budgeting and RRW 2.00
Nov -03 -08 Discuss House Bill 1001 with K. Haas; Research same. RRW 050
Nov -04 -08 Meeting with J. Brainard, L. Olds, S. Mielke, and I Shoup. KPH 0.50
Nov -05 -08 Call with M. Worthley, re: redevelopment statutes; Research RRW 0.25
same; Email M. Worthley, re: sank.
Nov -06 -08 Attend to issues, re: Regions term sheet disclosure; Extended KPH 1.50
memo and email to R. Carter, L. Olds, S. Mielke, and A.
Stumpf; Attend to construction contract termination
provisions and funded appropriations; Conference with R.
Discuss liquidated damages clause in contractors' RRW 0.75
agreements; Review same.
Totals 38.25
Total Fees $10,108.17
Total Disbursements $0.00
Total Fees and Disbursements S10,108.17
Previous Balance $2,736.92
Previous Payments $2,736.92
Balance Due Now $10,108.17
Wallack Somers Haas, P.C.
One htdiana Square
Suite 1500
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Phone: 317 /231 -9000 Fax: 317/231 -9900
City of Carmel Nov 12, 2008
One Civic Square
Suite 140 Matter: carmlegacy
Cannel, IN 46032
Inv 14039
Attention: Mr. Les Olds
RE: Legacy
Oct -08 -08 Calls and emails, re: project agreement. KPH 0.25
Oct -09 -08 Outline terms of project agreement; Conference with J. KPH 1.25
Shoup, re: same (including TIF pledge, road work, and
Centex commitment); Calls and emails.
Conference with K. Haas, re: project agreement with East JRS 6.00
Carmel; Draft same.
Oct -10 -08 Attend to project agreement issues; Conferences with J. KPH 0.50
Drafl project agreement with East Cannel. JRS 1.50
Oct -15 -08 Meeting preparation; Attend executive session; Address KPH 1.25
project agreement issues; Attend regular meeting; Attend to
allocation area approval.
Oct -17 -08 Review and revise project agreement; Review notes and file. KPH 2.00
Oct -22 -08 Complete review and revision of project agreement with East JRS 1.50
Oct -24 -08 Additional review and revision of project agreement with JRS 0.75
East Carmel.
Totals 15.00
Total Fees $4,612.52
Total Disbursements $0.00
Total Fees and Disbursements $4,612.52
Previous Balance $5,458.79
Previous Payments $0.00
Balance Due Now $10,071.31
Wallack Somers Haas, P.C.
One Indiana Square
Suite 1500
Indianapolis, IN' 46204
Phone: 317 /231 -9000 Fax: 317/231 -9900
City of Carmel Nov 12, 2008
One Civic Square
Suite 140 Matteraarmngateway
Carmel, IN 46032
i Inv 9: 14040
Attention: Mr. Les Olds
RE: North Gateway
Oct -28 -08 Call with M. Worthley, re: gateway easements; Draft RRW 1.75
Oct -29 -08 Draft easements; Discuss same with K. Haas. RRW 0.50
Oct -30 -08 Draft easements. RRW 0.50
Oct -31 -08 Draft easements; Email same to M. Worthley. RRW 0.25
Totals 3.00
Total Fees $555.00
Total Disbursements $0.00
Total Fees and Disbursements $555.00
Previous Balance $277.50
Previous Payments $277.50
Balance Due Now $555.00
Wallack Somers Haas, P.C.
One Indiana Square
Suite 1500
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Phone: 317 /231 -9000 Fax: 317/231 -9900
City of Cannel Nov 12, 2008
One Civic Square
Suite 140 Matter :.amiparcel16
Carmel, IN 46032
Inv 14041
Attention: Mr. Les Olds
RE: Parcel 16
Oct -20 -08 Discuss sublease with K. Haas; Draft sublease. RRW 1.50
Oct -22 -08 Discuss sublease with K. Haas; Draft sublease. RRW 2.75
Oct -23 -08 Draft sublease. RRW 0.75
Oct -27 -08 Draft sublease; Email S. Welke, re: copy of executed lease. RRW 1.50
Oct -31 -08 Draft sublease. RRW 1.25
Nov -03 -08 Draft sublease. RRW 0.75
Totals 8.50
Total Fees S1,572.50
Total Disbursements $0.00
Total Fees and Disbursements $1,572.50
Previous Balance $153.75
Previous Payments $153.75
Balance Due Now $1,572.50
Wallack Somers Haas, P.C.
One Indiana Square
Suite 1500
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Phone: 317 /231 -9000 Fax: 317/231 -9900
City of Carmel Nov 12, 2008
One Civic Square
Suite 140 Matter::armparce121
Cannel, IN 46032
Inv 4: 14042
Attention: Mr. Les Olds
RE: Parcel 21
Oct -08 -08 Review and reply to email from S. Mielke, re: accounting of RRW 0.25
CAM costs.
Oct -09 -08 Call with D. Coots, re: parking lease and Weaver closing; RRW 0.50
Email parking garage lease to D. Coots; Review and reply to
email from J. MacPherson, re: same.
Oct -16 -08 Review and reply to email from J. MacPherson, re: parking RRW 3.00
garage sublease; Drafl same.
Oct -17 -08 Draft parking garage sublease. RRW 0.75
Draft Parcel 21 project/deal summary. RRW 1.75
Oct -20 -08 Draft parcel 21 project/deal summary. RRW 0.25
Discuss parking garage subleases with K. Haas. RRW 0.25
Oct -21 -08 Draft parking garage sublease; Email same to J. RRW 1.75
MacPherson; Draft memorandum, re: building restrictions.
Oct -22 -08 Attend to CRC control over uses of building 1st floor; KPH 0.75
Conference with R. Wilmering; Calls and emails with L.
Stenz and J. MacPherson.
Discuss operative covenant memorandum with K. Haas; RRW 0.50
Email same to L. Olds and J. MacPherson; Review and reply
to email from J. MacPherson, re: depiction of parking
garage; Prepare exhibit to sublease.
Oct -23 -08 Review and reply to email from K. Boren, re: Weaver RRW 0.75
closing; Telephone call with B. Olsen, re: same; Discuss
same with K. Haas; Calls with B. Olsen, re: same.
Oct -24 -08 Discuss addendum to parking garage lease with K. Haas; RRW 0.75
Draft addendum; Email same to J. MacPherson; Review and
reply to email from MacPherson, re: same; Review and reply
to email from B. Olsen, re: Weaver closing.
Oct -28 -08 Attend to Weaver closing and closing statement. KPH 0.25
Review emails from B. Olsen and J. MacPherson, re: RRW 0.50
Weaver closing; Email to J. MacPherson, re: same; Calls
wtih B. Olsen, re: same.
Oct -29 -08 Attend to Weaver closing; Calls and emails; Attend to KPH 0.50
construction loan payment and application of closing
Totals 12.50
Total Fees $2,496.26
Total Disbursements $0.00
Total Fees and Disbursements $2,496.26
Previous Balance 52,095.63
Previous Payments $2,095.63
Balance Due Now $2,496.26
Wallack Somers Haas, P.C.
One Indiana Square
Suite 1500
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Phone: 317 /231 -9000 Fax: 317/231 -9900
City of Carmel Nov 12, 2008
One Civic Square
Suite 140 Matter:
Carmel, IN 46032 Inv 14043
Attention: Mr. Les Olds
RE: Parcel 49
Oct -06 -08 Attend to completion of project agreement and resolutuion of KPH 4.50
open issues; Attend to TIF pledge for parking garage;
Multiple calls and emails with J. Pieters, B. Donaldson, D.
Williams, L. Olds, and A. Stump; Extended memo and email
to Commission Members, J. Brainard, L. Olds, and S.
Mielke; Attend to project agreement revisions; Conferences
with J. Shoup; Attend to Hearthview closing statement
credits, adjustments, and prorations; Review underlying
Hearthview agreements; Emails with B. Olsen, J. Thomas, B.
Cranor, and J. Scimia; Prepare for and attend special
Commission meeting with public hearing, re: TIF pledge for
parking garage.
Review email from K. Boren, re: title commitment; Review RRW 1.25
title commitment; Discuss same with K. Haas; Call with K.
Boren, re: same; Call with T. Newport, re: updated survey;
Email title commitment to T. Newport; Email cost
allocations to B. Olsen and K. Boren; Draft release of
Oct -07 -08 Review and revise project agreement. JRS 1.50
Review email from J. Scimia, re: Hearthview closing RRW 1.25
documents; Review J. Scimia's comments to closing
documents; Calls with J. Scimia, re: closing; Discuss closing
documents with K. Haas; Revise and email same to J.
Oct -08 -08 Hearthview closing preparations; Determine Hearthview KPH 3.50
put/call purchase price and adjustments; Attend to closing
statement credits, adjustments, and prorations; Attend to
project agreement revisions; Multiple emails with W. Olsen,
J. Thomas, B. Cranor, and J. Scimia, including emails, re:
closing statement; Multiple additional emails with E.
Ozdemir, J. Pieters, B. Donaldson, D. Williams, L. Olds, and
S. Mielke; Calls with L. Olds; Confer with L. Matthes, re:
installment contract financial obligations; Emails with L.
Matthes and H. Dickman; Closing preparations; Conferences
with R. Wilmering.
Review and revise project agreement. JRS 3.25
Review emails from J. Scimia and K. Haas, re: closing; RRW 1.50
Review email from B. Olsen, re: closing statement; Review
closing statement; Review emails from K. Haas, re: same;
Review invoices and accountings from B, Cranor; Revise
closing documents; Email same to J. Scimia and K. Boren.
Oct -09 -08 Attend to title, survey, and closing requirements; Attend to KPH 1.00
funding for closing; Attend to closing statement credits,
adjustments, and prorations; Emails with W. Olsen and S.
Mielke; Conferences with R. Wilmering.
Attend to emails, re: project agreement. JRS 0.25
Review emails from B. Olsen, B. Cranor and K. Haas. re: RRW 4.25
closing statements; Review closing statements; Email B.
Olsen, L. Olds, and S. Mielke, re: same; Prepare sales
disclosure forms; Calls with M. Worthley; Email closing
documents to L. Olds and M. Worthley; Discuss closing
documents, survey, and endorsements with K. Haas; Calls
with B. Olsen and K. Boren, re: same.
Oct -10 -08 Attend to title, survey, and closing requirements; KPH 5.00
Conferences with R. Wilmering; Meeting with E. Ozdemir,
J. Pieters, B. Donaldson, D. Williams, L. Olds, and J. Shoup,
re: project agreement unresolved issues; Negotiate
resolutions; Outline project agreement revisions;
Conferences with J. Shoup.
Attend meeting with Keystone group, L. Olds, and K. Haas; JRS 6.00
Review and revise project agreement.
Discuss survey with K. Haas; Calls with T. Newport, re: RRW 4.25
same; Review survey; Attend closing; Call with M.
Worthley, re: same and access to property; Call with S.
Mielke, re: wire transfer.
Oct -13 -08 Outline new VFW term sheet; Conference with J. Shoup; KPH 1.25
Distribute revised project agreement and term sheets; Emails
with Commissioners, J. Brainard, L. Olds, and S. Mielke;
Distribute revised Church property purchase agreement.
Review and revise project agreement; Respond to issues JRS 4.25
memo from D. Williams; Attend to email, re: purchase of
Church property; Review and revise Church property
purchase agreement; Conference with K. Haas, re: VFW
term sheet.
Email T. Newport, re: metes and bounds legal descriptions; RRW 0.50
Call with T. Newport, re: same; Review email from T.
Newport, re: same; Call with B. Olsen, re: same.
Oct -14 -08 Meeting with J. Brainard, L. Olds, S. Mielke, and J. Shoup, .KPH 4.25
re: parking garage installment contract and contract backed
financing; Meeting with same, re: purchase of Church
property; Follow -up conference with J. Shoup; Attend to
closing and funding; Conference calls with W. Olsen and J.
Scimia; Conference with R. Wilmering; Response emails
with S. Lilly and S. Mielke, re: effect of closing on financial
plat; Attend to VFW term sheet and Church property
purchase agreement; Extended response email to E.
Ozdemir, J. Pieters, B. Donaldson, and D. Williams, re:
Keystone project agreement comments; Emails with B.
Donaldson, re: TIF pledge for parking garage.
Attend meeting with J. Brainard, L. Olds, S. Mielke and K. JRS 2.50
Haas; Review and revise Church property purchase
agreement; Review comments to Keystone documents from
J. Pieters; Draft VFW term sheet.
Calls with B. Olsen, re: status of wire; Email T. Newport, re: RRW 0.75
survey; Dsicuss release of funds with K. Haas; Call with M.
Worthley, re: vacation of alleys.
Oct -15 -08 Attend to project agreement issues; Review and revise VFW KPH 4.50
term sheet; Outline developer guaranty; Outline building
lender tri-party agreement; conferences with J. Shoup;
Meeting preparation; Travel work preparation; Calls and
emails with R. Wardwell; Attend executive session; Address
project agreement and VFW deal; Attend regular meeting;
Project agreement approval; Emails with J. Brainard, R.
Carter, L. Olds, S. Mielke, and M. Worthley.
Draft VFW term sheet; Review and revise project agreement JRS 3.00
and garage installment contract term sheet.
Oct -16 -08 Attend to Church property purchase, VFW term sheet, and KPH 0.75
project agreement revisions; Conference with J. Shoup;
Extended response memo and email to Keystone group.
Review and revise VFW term sheet; Review and revise JRS 5.75
project agreement and garage installment contract term sheet;
Call with D. Williams; Draft Keystone guaranty.
Oct -17 -08 Attend to building lender tri -party agreement; Conferences KPH 0.25
with J. Shoup.
Draft tri-party agreement; Conference call with K. Haas, re: JRS 5.50
same; Attend to emails, re: Keystone documents; Review
and revise project agreement.
Oct -20 -08 Attend to project agreement issues and VFW deal; Calls and KPH 0.50
Attend to email, re: VFW term sheet; Review and revise JRS 0.25
Oct -21 -08 Review notes and file; Meeting with R. Wardwell; Explain KPH 2.50
purchase agreement; Arrange for revisions; Conferences with
J. Shoup; Attend to project agreement revisions; Consider
and explore garage installment contract lenders; Calls and
Conference with K. Haas, re: Church property purchase JRS 1.50
agreement; Review and revise same; Review and revise
project agreement and send out.
Oct -22 -08 Attend to revised Church property purchase agreement; KPH 1.25
Emails with R. Wardwell, J. Brainard, R. Carter, L. Olds, S.
Mielke, and M. Worthley; Attend to life estate; Conference
with R. Wilmering; Attend to VFW deal; calls with L. Olds;
Attend to project agreement issues.
Attend to emails, re: Church property purchase agreement. JRS 0.25
Oct -23 -08 Attend to emails; Send out Keystone guaranty. JRS 0.25
Oct -24 -08 Conference call with L. Olds; Emails with Keystone group; KPH 0.75
Call with B. Donaldson; Calls and emails with R. Wardwell.
Attend to emails, re: project agreement. JRS 0.25
Oct -28 -08 Attend to emails, re: status of Keystone documents. JRS 0.25
Review email from M. Worthley, re: non conforming bids; RRW 1.00
Calls with M. Worthley, re: non conforming bids; Research
same; Email M. Worthley, re: same; Review email from B.
Stauffer, re: same.
Oct -29 -08 Attend to project agreement issues and open items; KPH 0.75
Conference call with L. Olds; Attend to church property
purchase agreement; Emails with Keystone group, R.
Wardwell, L. Olds, and S. Mielke.
Call with M. Worthley, re: non conforming bids. RRW 0.25
Oct -31 -08 Calls and emails, re: project agreement and project status; KPH 0.50
Review and respond to project agreement comments memo
from J. Pieters.
Nov -03 -08 Attend to emails, re: project agreement; Review comments to JRS 1.75
same from J. Pieters; Review and revise project agreement.
Nov -04 -08 Attend to project and financing status; Meeting with J. KPH 0.75
Brainard, L. Olds, S. Mielke, and J. Shoup; Attend to project
agreement revisions; Conference with J. Shoup.
Attend meeting with J. Brainard, L. Olds, S. Mielke, and K. JRS 2.75
Haas; Review and revise project agreement; Conference with
K. Haas, re: revisions to project agreement.
Nov -05 -08 Attend to project agreement revisions; Conferences with J. KPH 0.75
Shoup; Attend to church property acquisition and acquisition
of corner property; Calls and emails.
Review and revise project agreement; Conference with K. JRS 3.50
Haas, re: revisions to project agreement.
Call with M. Worthley, re: performance of demolition and RRW 0.25
excavation work by contractor.
Nov -06 -08 Conference call with R. Wardwell and R. Carter; Revise KPH 2.25
church property purchase agreement; Calls and emails;
Review and revise project agreement; Conferences with J.
Totals 93.00
Total Fees $26,729.48
Total Disbursements $0.00
Total Fees and Disbursements $26,729.48
Previous Balance $34,289.48
Previous Payments $34,289.48
Balance Due Now $26,729.48
Wallack Somers Haas, P.C.
One Indiana Square
Suite 1500
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Phone: 317 /231 -9000 Fax: 317/231 -9900
City of Carmel Nov 12, 2008
One Civic Square
Suite 140 Matter: carmparce15
Carmel, IN 46032
Inv 14044
Attention: Mr. Les Olds
RE: Parcel
Oct -07 -08 Prepare for meeting; Weekly projects meeting with B. KPH 1.75
Cordingley and Pedcor projects team; Attend to CRC work
items, timing/budgeting, and project financing; Conference
with L. Olds; Attend to motorcourt cost allocations and
remaining funding obligations; Prepare for and attend special
Commission meeting.
Attend weekly projects meeting with Pedcor team. JRS 0.75
Oct -09 -08 Attend to motorcourt cost allocations and remaining funding KPH 2.00
obligations; Calls and entails; Review materials and prepare
for meeting; Meeting with J. Brainard, B. Cordingley, R.
McGinley, L. Dierkrnan, and B. Donaldson, re: Oppenheimer
financing alternatives; Attend to motorcourt cost allocations
and remaining funding obligations; Entails with O. Lands, L.
Olds, and S. Mielke.
Attend to emails, re: motorcourt costs. JRS 0.25
Oct -14 -08 Prepare for meeting; Weekly projects meeting with B. KPH 0.50
Cordingley and Pedcor projects team; Address project status
and hotel financing; Attend meeting with J. Brainard, L.
Olds, S. Miclkc, and J. Shoup.
Attend meeting with J. Brainard, L. Olds, S. Mielke and K. JRS 0.25
Oct -15 -08 Conference calls with L. Olds and and C. Coonrod, re: KPH 1.25
project construction costs; Meeting preparation; Address
project issues; Entails with C. Coonrod, S. Lilly, and S.
Oct -16 -08 Attend to project financial plan obligations, developer KPH 1.75
commitments, and motorcourt costs.
Nov -04 -08 Prepare for meeting; Weekly projects meeting with B. KPH 0.75
Cordingley and Pedcor projects team; Address phases 2 and
3 timing and financing.
Totals 9.25
Total Fees $2,844.41
Total Disbursements $0.00
Total Fees and Disbursements $2,844.41
Previous Balance $922.51
Previous Payments $922.51
Balance Due now $21844.41
Wallack Somers Haas, P.C.
One Indiana Square
Suite 1500
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Phone: 317 /231 -9000 Fax: 317/231 -9900
City of Carmcl Nov 12, 2008
One Civic Square
Suite 140 Matter::armparcel92
Carmel, IN 46032
Inv 4: 14046
Attention: Mr. Les Olds
RE: Parcel 92
Oct -17 -08 Review email from J. Shoup, re: title commitment; Leave RRW 2.00
voicetnail message for M. Worthley, re: survey; Review title
commitment; Review survey.
Oct -20 -08 Discuss survey and title commitment with K. Haas; Call with RRW 0.75
D. Mosson, re: survey and title commitment; Leave
voicemail message for K. Boren, re: title commitment: Email
title commitment to D. Mosson.
Oct -21 -08 Review rental agreement (life estate). RRW 0.25
Oct -22 -08 Call with K. Boren, re: title commitment; Discuss rental RRW 0.75
agreement (life estate) with K. Haas; Draft memorandum, re:
Oct -31 -08 Review email from K. Boren, re: updated title commitment; RRW 0.50
Email updated title commitment to D. Mosson; Review
updated title commitment and exception documents.
Nov -03 -08 Review email from D. Mosson, re: updated survey; Review RRW 0.25
updated survey.
Nov -06 -08 Discuss survey and title commitment with K. Haas. RRW 0.25
DISBURSEMENTS Disbursements Receipts
Outside Copy Service 5.78
Totals $5.78 $0.00
Total Fees $878.75
Total Disbursements $5.78
Total Fees and Disbursements $884.53
Previous Balance $0.00
Previous Pavments $0.00
Balance Due Now $884.53
Prescnbed by State Board of Amounts City Form No 201 (Rev 1995)
An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by
whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc.
d I 6Ua Purchase Order No.
Date Due
Invoice Invoice Description Amount
Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s))
-►z -o `l cGti� X15190.3
Total ys
I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance
with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6.
Clerk- Treasurer
O,te l/�d1a�c�S'�wre, �S(i /k lS�
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Board Members
DEPT. I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or
�b7— bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the
materials or services itemized thereon for
which charge is made were ordered and
received except
/Vdv. o y�
ign re
Cost distribution ledger classification if Title
claim paid motor vehicle highway fund