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HomeMy WebLinkAbout165053 10/16/2008 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR 00351368 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE WALLACK SOMERS B HAAS PC CHECK AMOUNT: $41,860.81 p CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 ONE INDIANA SQUARE SUITE 15oo CHECK NUMBER: 165053 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46204 CHECK DATE: 10/1612008 DEPARTMENT ACCOUN P NU MBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 902 4340000 13947 2,736.92 LEGAL FEES 902 4460812 13949 461.26 O'MALIA'S 902 4460816 13950 153.75 PELTON 902 4460821 13951 2,095.63 CAC 902 4460849 13952 34,289.48 TUESDAY MORNING 902 4460805 13953 922.51 RETAIL SITE #5 902 4460857 13954 461.26 PARCEL 57 902 4460862 13955 740.00 SW BLOCK OF MAIN /RANG ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or eir to be property itemized must show: kind of sen ire, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc Payee •�Inrk S .�.I1 4', P. C Purchase Order No Q I,,.I,,,� S -,k fro. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or Mills)) fo t of 5.. e�c 4..1 ai<s. C.�✓ $(nU, ffl Total I hereby certify that the attached mvoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11 -10 -1 6 20 Clerk- Treasurer Ei w U) m 5 `o a 0 r1 72 o ro c m o D R p V O m N N O L U D O h w S R N R i N T N d C m rn O Q L n E 3 2 s C z V l_n 11 p u° O o O J S Z T Z F U W 0 S S d O w Ac 3 �W l r O> IV M Q J O Q O S 9c 2 O Z C r U n E O w1 Z 1 N O n Z w s m UU Ile- O a O gcm ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER cn�,mnmp�t�„rwu CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or btll to be properly itemized must show kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee r 1 1 L u 1 P i e L L A G Purchase Order No. 3o—I) _c+,n��i Terms O a [iJ 06 c' j 2. Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) io /iLod �paE_io �a1cA S Ib!5.z9 I Total I hereby ceddy that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. 20 Clerk- Treasurer N E O a m N W V S O C C r 'O N C (L' 0 m v d OI O 2 w n O 03 z m m c y a E 3 za Z o T of d UO r o 3 J 7I J v s a a N o p O o'( w 3 J w H Q D E Z j J y U �ti L Q D s z0 °o O EVANLURIE, LL 30 rest Maim Street Carmel, IN 46032 INVOICE September 26, 2008 Sherry Mielke, Director of Finance and Operations Carmel Redevelopment Commission 111 W. Main Street, Suite 140 Carmel, IN 46032 Invoice Number: 2008 -10 Date Due: October 1, 2008 For Property located at: Evan Lurie Gallery 30 W. Main Street Suite 9 0 Carmel, IN 46032 Base Lease Rent: October 2008 $4,983.12 Additional Commercial Rent: CAM Charges 202.17 Total Due: $5,185.29 Please make checks payable to: E. Lurie, LLC Thank you Wallack Somer Haas, October 2008 Payable in October 2008 Invoice No. Parcel Line Item Amount 13947 general matters na 2,736.92 13949 12 4460812 461.26 13950 16 4460816 153.75 13951 21 4460821 2,095.63 13952 49 4460849 34,289.48 13953 5 4460805 922.51 13954 57 4460857 461.26 13955 62 4460862 740.00 Total 41,860.81 Wallack Somers Haas, P.C. One Indiana Square Suite 1500 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Phone: 317 /231 -9000 Fax: 317/231 -9900 City of Carmel Redevelopment Commission Oct 09, 2008 One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Matter: carmisc Inv 13947 I Attention: Mr. Les Olds RE: General Matters FEES EXPLANATION ATTY HRS Sep -08 -08 Attend to administrative matters; Calls with L. Olds and S. KPH 0.25 Mielke. Sep -09 -08 Multiple calls and emails; Evaluate updated financial plan. KPH 0.75 Sep -10 -08 Evaluate updated financial plan. KPH 0.50 Sep -12 -08 Attend to administrative matters. KPH 0.25 Sep -15 -OS Prepare for regular Commission meeting; Attend to public KPH 0.75 notices and meeting agenda; Prepare notes for update of financial plan. Sep -16 -08 Prepare and provide information for financial plan update; KPH 1.25 Extended memos and emails to C. Coonrod; Respond to C. Coonrod inquiries. Sep -17 -08 Attend to Calabrese and Merrill parking deals; Conference KPH 1.00 with R. Wilmering; Attend to administrative matters; Attend regular Commission meeting. Sep -19 -08 Attend to updated financial plan; Attend to administrative KPH 1.25 matters; Multiple calls with L. Olds and S. Mielke. Sep -23 -08 Matter status conference with L. Olds and J. Shoup; Address KPH 1.00 financial plan and annual budget issues; Consider funding and budgeting altematives. Sep -24 -08 Address financial plan and annual budget issues; Consider KPH 0.75 funding and budgeting alternatives. Sep -25 -08 Attend to administrative matters; Calls with L. Olds and S. KPH 0.75 Mielke; Attend to Mayflower PILOT agreement; Emails with D. Coots. Sep -29 -08 Attend to financial plan, TIF projections, and lender KPH 0.25 underwriting. Oct -01 -08 Review and reply to email from A. Stumpf, re: resolution RRW 0.25 2008 -5. Totals 9.00 Total Fees $2,736.92 Total Disbursements $0.00 Total Fees and Disbursements $2,736.92 Previous Balance $801.59 Previous Payments $801.59 Balance Due Now $2,736.92 Wallack Somers Haas, P.C. One Indiana Square Suite 1500 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Phone: 317 /231 -9000 Fax: 317/231 -9900 City of Carmel Oct 09, 2008 One Civic Square Suite 140 Matter:.armparce112 Carmel, IN 46032 Inv 13949 Attention: Mr. Les Olds RE: Parcel 12 FEES EXPLANATION ATTY HRS Sep -16 -08 Weekly projects meeting with B. Cordingley and Pedcor KPH 0.50 projects team; Attend to parking and streetscape issues; Meeting with J. Brainard, L. Olds, S. Mielke, and J. Shoup. Attend weekly Pedcor projects meeting; Attend meeting with JRS 0.50 J. Brainard, L. Olds, S. Mielke, and K. Haas. Sep -23 -08 Weekly projects meeting with B. Cordingley and Pedcor KPH 0.25 projects team; Attend to project status. Attend weekly Pedcor projects meeting. IRS 0.25 Totals 1.50 Total Fees $461.26 Total Disbursements $0.00 Total Fees and Disbursements $461.26 Previous Balance $2,383.16 Previous Payments $2,383.16 Balance Due Now $461.26 Wallack Somers Haas, P.C. One Indiana Square Suite 1500 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Phone: 317 /231 -9000 Fax: 317/231 -9900 City of Carmel Oct 09, 2008 One Civic Square Suite 140 Matter:;armparcel16 Carmel, IN 46032 Inv 13950 Attention: Mr. Les Olds RE: Parcel 16 FEES EXPLANATION ATTY HRS Sep -23 -08 Project status conference with L. Olds; Address loan KPH 0.50 maturity issues. Totals 0.50 Total Fees $153.75 Total Disbursements $0.00 Total Fees and Disbursements $153.75 Previous Balance $230.64 Previous Payments $230.64 Balance Due Now $153.75 Wallack Somers Haas, P.C. One Indiana Square Suite 1500 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Phone: 317 /231 -9000 Fax: 317/231 -9900 City of Carmel Oct 09, 2008 One Civic Square Suite 140 Matter:,armparcel2l Cannel, IN 46032 Inv 13951 Attention: Mr. Les Olds RE: Parcel 21 FEES EXPLANATION ATTY HRS Sep -08 -08 Telephone call with E. Lurie, re: reaffirmation of operating RRW 1.25 covenant agreement; Discuss same with K. Haas; Revise same; Email same to L. Olds and S. Mielke. Sep -10 -08 Telephone call with M. Worthley, re: Weaver closing. RRW 0.25 Sep -15 -08 Review and reply to email from M. Heckley, re: certificate of RRW 0.25 insurance for parking garage. Sep -16 -08 Review and reply to email from M. Heckley, re: certificate of RRW 1.75 insurance; Revise parking lease; Review and reply to email from J. MacPherson, re: same; Revise amendment and restate condo declaration; Prepare Weaver closing documents for execution; Draft letter to J. MacPherson, re: same. Sep -22 -08 Attend to IT department sublease; Attend to condo closing; KPH 0.75 Conferences with R. Wilmering, re: same. Review email from J. MacPherson, re: Fifth Third's review RRW 0.75 of amendment and restated declaration; Create redline version of same; Conference with K. Haas; Email J. MacPherson, re: same. Sep -24 -08 Attend to IT department sublease; Attend to condo closing; KPH 0.50 Attend to project issues. Draft sublease; Call with M. Worthley, re: same; Attend to RRW 1.50 condo closing requirements. Sep -25 -08 Calls with M. Worthley, re: recording condo plat and RRW 1.50 amended and restated declaration; Call with S. Mielke, re: same; Draft sublease. Sep -30 -08 Discuss sublease to City; Review and reply to email from M. RRW 0.50 Worthley, re: same. Oct -01 -08 Revise sublease. RRW 0.75 Oct -02 -08 Call with K. Boren, re: recorded documents; Review email RRW 0.50 from K. Boren, re: same; Review recorded documents; Email same to J. MacPherson; Review and reply to email from J. MacPherson, re: same. Oct -03 -08 Review executed garage leases; Mail same to J. MacPherson RRW 0.25 and S. Mielke. Totals 10.50 Total Fees $2,095.63 Total Disbursements $0.00 Total Fees and Disbursements $2,095.63 Previous Balance $3,356.28 Previous Payments $3,356.28 Balance Due Now $2,095.63 Wallaek Somers Haas, P.C. One Indiana Square Suite 1500 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Phone: 317 /231 -9000 Fax: 317/231 -9900 City of Carmel Oct 09, 2008 One Civic Square Suite 140 Matter:;armparce149 Carmel, IN 46032 Inv 13952 Attention: Mr. Les Olds RE: Parcel 49 FEES EXPLANATION ATTY FIRS Sep -08 -08 Attend to project agreement terns and direct acquisition of KPH 0.50 parcels. Sep -09 -08 Meeting with J. Brainard, L. Olds, S. Mielke, and J. Shoup, KPH 3.00 re: project funding, VFW acquisition, church acquisition, and closing strategy; Attend to issues, re: same; Conduct put evaluation; Prepare cost analysis updates. Attend meeting with J. Brainard, L. Olds, S. Miekle, and K. JRS 1.00 Haas. Sep -10 -08 Prepare for and attend meeting with B. Donaldson and D. KPH 2.50 Williams, re: project issues, project agreement, and project financing; Follow -up on issues, re: same; Calls with L. Olds. Sep -11 -08 Review purchase agreements and development agreement; KPH 6.50 Review and evaluate Hearthview calculation of TIC parcel purchase price; Prepare spread sheet to calculate range of cash required for closing; Emails with J. Brainard, L. Olds, and S. Miell:e; Calls with B. Donaldson, re: TIF bonds; Attend to TIF bond issues; Prepare for and attend meeting with E. Ozdemir, L. OIds, and S. Mielke, re: project deal terms; Prepare for and attend finance committee meeting; Participate in follow -up conference with E. Ozdemir, R. Carter, and L Olds, Sep -12 -08 Draft, review and revise Keystone Group project term sheet KPH 3.75 with deal points; Meinos and emails to E. Ozdemir, J. Pieters, B. Donaldson, and D. Williams; Calls and emails with R. Carter, L. Olds, S. Mielke, and M. Worthley; Follow -up on term sheet; Multiple calls. Sep -13 -08 Attend to project term sheet; Emails with E. Ozdemir, J. KPH 0.75 Pieters, B. Donaldson, D. Williams, L. Olds, and S. Mielke. Sep -14 -08 Review Keystone Group comments to project term sheet; KPH 4.00 Respond to same; Review and revise term sheet; Distribute revised term sheet; Provide project status update; Entails with R. Carter, L. Olds, S. Mielke, E. Ozdemir, J. Pieters, B. Donaldson, and D. Williams; Memo and email to R. Carter, L. Olds, and S. Mielke, re: approval process for TIF area and bond documents; Attend to purchase price issues; Emails, re: same. Sep -15 -08 Prepare for and attend special Commission meeting; Attend KPH 6.25 to approval for Hearthview closing; Attend to approval of demolition bids; Follow -up conferences; Organize notes for project agreement revisions; Outline deal restructure and project agreement revisions; Conferences with J. Shoup; Update cost analysis; Outline additional revisions; Attend to revision issues; Additional conferences with J. Shoup; Conference call with E. Ozdemir; Review and revise project term sheet; Review and revise cost analysis; Extended explanatory memo and email to Commission Members. Conferences with K. Haas, re: changes to project agreement JRS 4.00 and related documents; Review and revise project agreement and term sheet for installment contract. Sep -16 -08 Attend to Keystone Group deal points; Meeting with J. KPH 2.75 Brainard, L. Olds, S. Mielke, and J. Shoup, re: same and presentation at executive session; Prepare and provide information for financial plan update; Complete cost analysis update; Extended explanatory metro and email to Commission Members; Multiple calls and emails. Attend meeting with J. Brainard, L. Olds, S. Mielke, and K. JRS 3.50 Haas; Draft purchase agreement for purchase of property for replacement VFW post. Sep -17 -08 Attend to VFW acquisition, church acquisition, and closing KPH 3.75 strategy; Finalize cost analysis update; Review updated financial plan; Meeting preparation; Multiple calls and emails with L. Olds; Conference call with J. Worrell; Prepare for and attend executive session. Draft and send out purchase agreement for purchase of JRS 3.25 property for replacement VFW post; Review and revise project agreement. Sep -18 -08 Negotiate closing extension; Conference calls with J. Scimia; KPH 1.25 Calls and emails with L. Olds; Attend to deal restructure. Review and revise project agreement; Conference with K. JRS 1.75 Haas, re: same. Sep -19 -08 Attend to parking garage financing and installment purchase; KPH 3.50 Attend to financing and purchase restructuring; Restructure CRC contribution and cut costs; Follow -up on closing extensions; Calls and emails with J. Thomas; Conference call with L. Olds. Review and revise project agreement and teen sheet for JRS 6.75 installment contract. Sep -21 -08 Restructure CRC contribution and cut costs; Prepare updated KPH 1.00 cost analysis; Explanatory memo and email to L. Olds. Sep -22 -08 Update cost analysis to reflect restructured CRC contribution KPH 3.00 and cost cuts; Prepare for meeting; Prepare presentation of restructured CRC contribution and cost cuts; Meeting, re: same with E. Ozdemir, J. Pieters, B. Donaldson, D. Williams, L. Olds, M. Worthley, and J. Shoup; Negotiate CRC contribution and open project agreement issues. Attend meeting with E. Ozdemir, J. Pieters, B. Donaldson, L. JRS 2.25 Olds, and K. Haas; Review and revise project agreement. Sep -23 -08 Project status conference with L. Olds and J. Shoup; Outline KPH 3.25 project agreement revisions from Monday meeting; Conferences with J. Shoup; Address revision issues; Attend to VFW acquisition; Conference call with D. Coots; Closing preparations; Conference with R. Wilmering. Conference with L. Olds and K. Haas; Conference with K. JRS 3.50 Haas, re: required changes to project agreement; Review and revise project agreement. Sep -24 -08 Review and analyze Tuesday Morning costs charged to CRC, KPH 2.25 purchase price calculation, and closing prorations; Extended memo and email to B. Cranor and J. Scimia; Update cost analysis. Review and revise project agreement. JRS 3.25 Review development agreement and purchase agreements; RRW 1.50 Discuss Hearthview closing with K. Haas and J. Shoup; Call with M. Worthley, re: survey; Call with K. Boren, re: title commitment. Sep -25 -08 Attend to closing extension; Conference call with J. Scimia; KPH 4.00 Review tax proration provisions and closing proration; Refine cost analysis; Conference with R. Carter, re: same, VFW acquisition, and church acquisition; Attend to project agreement revisions; Conferences with J. Shoup; Review updated purchase price calculation and closing prorations from B. Cranor; Emails with B. Cranor and J. Scimia; Attend to parking management agreement description and garage cost allocation provisions in project agreement; Review and revise right -of -way installment contract term sheet. Review and revise project agreement. JRS 4.75 Review and reply to email from M. Worthley, re: survey; RRW 1.00 Email survey to K. Boren; Review agreements; Prepare closing checklists. Sep -26 -08 Attend to closing extension and closing arrangements; KPH 3.00 Extended memo and email to J. Thomas, B. Cranor, C. Reid, and J. Scimia; Attend to garage financing, project agreement, and cost analysis; Memos and emails to Commission Members distributing and explaining restructured CRC contribution, cost cuts, and cost analysis; Emails with J. Brainard, R. Carter, R. Sharp, L. Olds, and S. Mielke; Attend to installment contract term sheets. Review and revise project agreement; Review and revise JRS 4.25 term sheet for garage installment contract. Draft closing documents. RRW 2.25 Sep -27 -08 Closing emails with J. Thomas; Project cost emails with L. KPH 0.50 Olds. Sep -29 -08 Attend to parking garage financing; Consider alternatives; KPH 0.75 Conference call with L. Matthes. Prepare closing documents; Email same to J. Scimia. RRW 0.50 Sep -30 -08 Status conference with L. Olds and J. Shoup; Closing KPH 1.00 preparations; Address project agreement issues; Memo and email to B. Donaldson, re: schedule for completion of project agreement; Conference with R. Wilmering; Additional emails. Conference with L. Olds and K. Haas. JRS 0.25 Discuss closing with K. Haas; Call with K. Boren, re: status RRW 0.25 of title commitment. Oct -01 -08 Multiple calls and emails; Closing preparations; Address KPH 0.50 project issues. Review emails from J. Scimia, re: closing; Discuss same RRW 0.50 with K. Haas, Email J. Scimia, re: same. Oct -02 -08 Multiple calls and emails; Closing preparations; Address KPH 2.75 project issues; Prepare for and attend meeting with E. Ozdemir, J. Pieters, B. Donaldson, and D. Williams; Negotiate open project agreement issues; Outline project agreement revisions. Attend meeting with 0. Ozdemir, J. Pieters, B. Donaldson, JRS 2.25 D. Williams, and K. Haas; Review and revise project agreement. Call with K. Boren, re: status of title commitment; Review RRW 0.25 emails from B. Olsen, re: closing date. Oct -03 -08 Closing preparations; Address project agreement issues; KPH 2.75 Extended memo and email to Commission Members distributing and explaining updated cost analysis; Multiple calls and other emails. Review and revise project agreement and send out. JRS 3.75 Totals 114.00 Total Fees $34,289.48 Total Disbursements $0.00 Total Fees and Disbursements $34,289.48 Previous Balance $20,986.98 Previous Payments $20,986.98 Balance Due Now $34,289.48 Wallack Somers Haas, P.C. One Indiana Square Suite 1500 hldianapolis, IN 46204 Phone: 317 /231 -9000 Fax: 317/231 -9900 City of Carmel Oct 09, 2008 One Civic Square Suite 140 Matter: carmparce15 Carmel, IN 46032 Inv 13953 Attention: Mr. Les Olds RE: Parcel s FEES EXPLANATION ATTY HRS Sep -08 -08 Attend to ancillary document terms and preparation. KPH 0.50 Draft public areas use agreement. JRS 1.50 Sep -23 -08 Project status conference with L. Olds and J. Shoup; Address KPH 0.25 project progress issues. Sep -30 -08 Weekly projects meeting with B. Cordingley and Pedcor KPH 0.50 projects team; Attend to project progress and ancillary documents. Attend weekly Pedcor projects meeting. JRS 0.25 Totals 3.00 Total Fees $922.51 Total Disbursements $0.00 Total Fees and Disbursements $922.51 Previous Balance $3,536.29 Previous Payments $3,536.29 Balance Due Now $922.51 Wallack Somers Haas, P.C. One Indiana Square Suite 1500 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Phone: 317 /231 -9000 Fax: 317/231 -9900 City of Carmel Oct 09, 2008 One Civic Square Suite 140 Matter- armparce157 Carmel, IN 46032 Inv 13954 Attention: Mr. Les Olds RE: Parcel 57 FEES EXPLANATION ATTY HRS Sep -09 -08 Meeting with J. Brainard, L. Olds, S. Mielke, and J. Shoup, KPH 0.50 re: project status and land acquisition; Attend to issues, re: same matters. Attend meeting with J. Brainard, L. Olds, S. Miekle, and K. JRS 0.25 Haas. Sep -29 -08 Attend to deal status and structure; Emails with D. Barker KPH 0.50 and L. Olds. Sep -30 -08 Status conference with L. Olds; Emails with D. Barker. KPH 0.25 Totals 1.50 Total Fees $461.26 Total Disbursements $0.00 Total Fees and Disbursements $461.26 Previous Balance $307.51 Previous Payments $307.51 Balance Due Now $461.26 Wallack Somers Haas, P.C. One Indiana Square Suite 1500 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Phone: 317 /231 -9000 Fax: 317/231 -9900 City of Carmel Oct 09, 2008 One Civic Square Suite 140 Matter:.armparce162 Cannel, IN 46032 Inv 13955 Attention: Mr. Les Olds RE: Parcel 62 FEES EXPLANATION ATTY HRS Sep -17 -08 Discuss Calabrese and Merrill projects with K. Haas; Leave RRW 3.00 voicemail message for M. Worthley, re: same; Draft Calabrese project agreement. Sep -18 -08 Telephone call with M. Worthley, re: Calabrese and Merrill RRW 0.25 deals. Sep -22 -08 Draft project agreement and parking easement agreement for RRW 0.75 Calabrese deal; Email same to M .Worthley; Discuss same with M. Worthley. Totals 4.00 Total Fees $740.00 Total Disbursements $0.00 Total Fees and Disbursements $740.00 Previous Balance $46.25 Previous Payments $46.25 Balance Due Now $740.00 Presonbed by Slate Board of Accounts City Form No 201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. `.1 Payee W'A'r(k S 0�ft) t P/"� P. C Purchase Order No. Onf (n 1�,�Q S�•r 4 Terms r i ��d.d .Po�rJ IN �{G20 Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) S'60. 8f Total I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 IN SUM OF J 1 �n�ca �ol.S IN 4&70U N j� UNT OF APPROPRIATION j o a Acc-� 11/ F &1AJV Prods m rVv. Sa— 902 1 4731050, d Board Members PONOr INVOICE NO. ACCT#MTLE AMOUNT DEPT x I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 907 y er I yZ 4o 5 y %4o. bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except C^ to t? 20 4 8 D u Signature Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund