HomeMy WebLinkAbout163036 08/20/2008 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR 00351368 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE WALLACK SOMERS HAAS PC CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 ONE INDIANA SQUARE CHECK AMOUNT: E27,316.41 SUITE 1500 CHECK NUMBER: 163036 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46204 CHECK DATE: 812012008 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 902 4340000 13762 1,306.88 LEGAL FEES 902 4460805 13766 3,613.15 RETAIL SITE #5 902 4460849 13767 13,395.19 TUESDAY MORNING 902 4460821 13769 6,220.03 CAC 902 4340000 13771 704.51 LEGAL FEES 902 4460857 13772 153.75 PARCEL 57 902 4460807 13773 1,921.90 PERFORMING ARTS CENTE Wallack Somer Haas, August 2008 Payable in August 2008 Invoice No. Parcel Line Item Amount I 13762 General Matters 4340000 1,306.88 13766 Parcel #5 4460805 3,613.15 G l f 13767 Parcel #49 4460849 13,395.19 O 13769 Parcel #21 4460821 6,220.03 6/ 13771 General Matters 4340000 704.51 13772 Parcel #57 4460857 153.75 13773 Parcel #7A 4460807 1,92190 Total 27,315.41 Wallack Somers Haas, P.C. One Indiana Square Suite 1500 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Phone: 317 /231 -9000 Fax: 317/231 -9900 City of Carmel Aug 11, 2008 One Civic Square Suite 140 Matter: carmclarian Cannel, IN 46032 Inv 13762 Attention: Mr. Les Olds RE: Clarian FEES EXPLANATION ATTY HRS Jul -I 1 -08 Conference call with J. Molitor, re: security for PILOT KPH 0.50 agreement; Review notes, file, and documents. Jul -13 -08 Review and analyze PILOT agreement, related documents, KPH 3.25 notes, file, and correspondence; Determine security for PILOT agreement; Extended memo and email to J. Brainard. Jul -14 -08 Calls and emails with J. Brainard and J. Molitor. KPH 0.50 Totals 4.25 Total Fees $1,306.88 Total Disbursements $0.00 Total Fees and Disbursements $1,306.88 Previous Balance $0.00 Previous Payments $0.00 Balance Due Now $1,306.88 Wallack Somers Haas, P.C. One Indiana Square Suite 1500 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Phone: 317 /231 -9000 Fax: 317/231 -9900 City of Carmel Aug 11, 2008 One Civic Square Suite 140 Matter: cannparce15 Carmel, IN 46032 Inv tI: 13766 Attention: Mr. Les Olds RE: Parcel FEES EXPLANATION ATTY FIRS Jul -08 -08 Prepare for meeting; Weekly projects meeting with B. KPH 1.00 Cordingley and Pedcor projects team; Attend to master project agreement amendment issues; Follow -up conferences with L. Olds and J. Shoup. Jul -09 -08 Review and revise third amendment to master project JRS 1.50 agreement. Jul -23 -08 Prepare for meeting; Weekly projects meeting with B. KPH 0.50 Cordingley and Pedcor projects team; Attend to Signature construction management agreements and assignments. Jul -24 -08 Attend to preparation and completion of ancillary KPH 0.25 documents. Draft public access use agreement; Review and revise public IRS 2.00 areas management agreement. Jul -25 -08 Draft public areas use agreement; Review and revise public JRS 0.75 areas management agreement. Jul -26 -08 Prepare for and attend meeting with C. Coonrod and J. KPH 0.75 Shoup, re: fiscal plan update. Attend meeting with C. Coonrod and K. Haas. IRS 0.50 Jul -28 -08 Attend to ancillary documents and public areas use rights; KPH 125 Extended status email to R. Brown and O. Lands. Attend to emails, re: status of ancillary documents; Draft IRS 3.25 public areas use agreement. Totals 11.75 Total Fees $3,613.15 Total Disbursements $0.00 Total Fees and Disbursements $3,613.15 Previous Balance $4.305.06 Previous Payments $4,305.06 Balance Due Now $3,613.15 Wallack Somers Haas, P.C. One Indiana Square Suite 1500 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Phone: 317 /231 -9000 Fax: 317/231 -9900 City of Carmel Aug 11, 2008 One Civic Square Suite 140 Matter::armparcel49 Carmel, IN 46032 Inv 13767 Attention: Mr. Les Olds RE: Parcel 49 FEES EXPLANATION ATTY HRS Jul -03 -08 Email M. Worthley, re: project update; Telephone call with RR 0.25 M. Worthley, re: same. Jul -07 -08 Address project agreement issues; Conference with J. Shoup; KPH 1.50 Prepare notes for drafting installment purchase contract. Draft term sheet for installment purchase contract; Review JRS 7.00 and revise project agreement. Jul -08 -08 Draft term sheet for installment purchase contract; Review JRS 1.00 and revise project agreement. Jul -10 -08 Address project agreement issues; Conferences with J. KPH 1.25 Shoup; Review and revise project agreement provisions. Jul -14 -08 Address project agreement and assumption agreement issues; KPH 0.50 Review and consider deal point consistency with revised bid; Conference call with L. Olds. JuM 5 -08 Address project agreement and assumption agreement issues; KPH 0.50 Conference call with L. Olds, re: various issues. Jul -16 -08 Prepare for and attend CRC executive session and regular KPH 2.00 monthly meeting; Report on project agreement and assumption agreement progress; Address Heartirview purchase agreement extension issues; Assist and advise with respect to adopted resolution. Jul -17 -08 Follow -up on matters raised at CRC executive session and KPH 0.25 regular monthly meeting. Jul -21 -08 Review and revise assumption agreement and installment KPH 1.50 purchase contract term sheet. Jul -22 -08 Attend to deal points and extension payment; Calls and KPH 0.50 emails with B. Donaldson, D. Williams, L. Olds, and S. Mielke. Review and revise tern sheet for installment contract; JRS 2.00 Review and revise assumption agreement. Jul -23 -08 Conference with L. Olds and S. Mielke, re: status and project KPH 0.25 agreement. Jul -24 -08 Attend to project issues, cost estimates, and extension KPH 0.75 payment; Calls and entails with L. Olds, B. Donaldson, and D. Williams. Jul -25 -08 Conference calls with L. Olds and B. Donaldson; Attend to KPH 2.00 extension payment; Extended memo and email to J. Brainard, R. Carter, R. Sharp, L. Olds, and S. Mielke; Extended memo and email to B. Donaldson; Additional entails to J. Brainard, R. Carter, R. Sharp, L. Olds, and S. Mielke. Jul -27 -08 Multiple extended memos and entails to J. Brainard, R. KPH 1.00 Carter, R. Sharp, L. Olds, S. Mielke, E. Ozdemir, B. Donaldson, and D. Williams. Jul -28 -08 Confirm extension payment; Calls and entails. KPH 0.25 Jul -29 -08 Multiple entails with J. Brainard, L. Olds, S. Mielke, E. KPH 0.75 Ozdemir, and D. Williams, re: status and deal points. Jul -30 -08 Review deal point sheet from E. Ozdemir; Determine KPH 1.75 responses to same; Mark -up deal point sheet. Jul -31 -08 Address deal point issues; Conferences with J. Shoup; KPH 1.75 Address VFW relocation issues; Emails with L. Olds. Review deal point sheet, together with comments by K. JRS 6.50 Haas; Prepare notes in response to deal point sheet; Review and revise project agreement and assumption agreement; Conference with K. Haas, re: same. Aug -01 -08 Review and revise project agreement and assumption JRS 1.00 agreement; Draft and send emails, re: same. Aug -02 -08 Address deal point issues; Emails with J. Shoup. KPH 1.00 Au Address deal point issues; Review revisions to assumption KPH 1.00 agreement; Emails with J. Shoup. Aug04 -08 Review J. Shoup response to deal points memo; Add notes to KPH 0.75 same; Address deal point issues; Emails with J. Shoup. Attend to entails from K. I-laas, re: deal point sheet; Review JRS 2.75 and revise project agreement and assumption agreement; Draft memo to B. Donaldson responding to deal point sheet and explaining revisions to project agreement and assumption agreement. Aug -05 -08 Attend to emails from K. Haas, re: deal point sheet; Review JRS 2.25 and revise project agreement and assumption agreement; Draft memo to B. Donaldson responding to deal point sheet and explaining revisions to project agreement and assumption agreement. Aug -06 -08 Draft and attend to emails, re: deal point sheet (and response JRS 0.75 memo), loan structure, and document revisions. Aug07 -08 Attend and respond to emails. JRS 0.25 Aug-08-08 Attend and respond to emails, re: deal point sheet (and JRS 0.50 response memo), loan structure, and document revisions. Totals 43.50 DISBURSEMENTS Disbursements Receipts Overnight Express 49.50 Totals $49.50 $0.00 Total Fees $13,345.69 Total Disbursements $49.50 I Total Fees and Disbursements $13,395.19 Previous Balance 519,511.34 Previous Payments $19,511.34 Balance Due Now $13,395.19 Wallack Somers Haas, P.C. One Indiana Square Suite 1500 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Phone: 317 /231 -9000 Fax: 317/231 -9900 City of Cannel Aug 11, 2008 One Civic Square Suite 140 Matten anuparcel2l Cannel, IN 46032 Inv 13769 Attention: Mr. Les Olds RE: Parcel 21 FEES EXPLANATION ATTY HRS Jul -03 -08 Review email from D. Mosson, re: plat for Condo Arts RRW 0.50 condos; Review plat; Email D. Mosson, re: same; Review and reply to emails from D. Mosson and K. Boren, re: same. Jul -07 -08 Review and reply to emails from K. Boren and D. Mosson, RRW 0.25 re: meeting at Hamilton Title. Jul -08 -08 Meet with K. Boren and D. Mosson, re: plat and condo RRW 1.50 declaration. Jul -10 -08 Address space lease issues; Conference call with J. Brainard KPH 0.75 and E. Lurie; Calls and emails; Emails with M. Averitt, L. Olds, and S. Mielke. Jul -11 -08 Comparative rent and economic analysis; Extended memo KPH 1.50 and email to J. Brainard, re: same. Jul -14 -08 Address space lease issues; Conference call with L. Olds; KPH 0.50 Review comparative rent and economic analysis; Emails with L. Olds and S. Mielke. Draft amended and restated condo declaration; Email K. RRW 1.00 Boren and D. Mosson, re: same; Discuss matter with K. Haas; Leave voicemail message for M. Urbanski, re: same. Jul -15 -08 Conference with J. Brainard, L. Olds and S. Mielke, re: KPH 2.00 space lease and rent/economic issues; Prepare space lease term sheet; Calls with E. Lurie; Conference with R. Wilmering. Review emails from D. Mosson, re: plat for Cannel Arts RRW 2.50 Condo; Review same; Email D. Mosson, re: same; Email T. Haney, re: status of dedication of alley and utility easement; Discuss space lease terns sheet with K. Haas; Review same; Telephone catt with D. Mosson, re: plat; Revise Lurie lease agreement. Jul -16 -08 Address space lease issues; Conference calls with L. Olds, E. KPH 3.25 Lurie, and T. Campbell; Conferences with R. Wilmering; Arrange execution and terns sheet and space lease; Prepare for and attend CRC executive session and regular monthly meeting; Report on space lease terms and execution; Assist and advise with respect to adopted resolution. Review Lurie lease; Discuss same with K. Haas; Review and RRW 3.50 reply to emails from D. Mosson and T. Haney; Telephone calls with D. Mosson, re: plat; Telephone calls with T. Haney, re: dedication of alley and recording of utility easement; Email lease terns sheet and lease agreement to E. Lurie. Jul -17 -08 Follow -up on matters raised at CRC executive session and KI'H 0.25 regular monthly meeting. Review revised plat; Email D. Mosson, re: same. RRW 0.25 Jul -21 -08 Review emails from J. MacPherson, re: condo plat and RRW 1.25 Weaver closing; Telephone call with J. MacPherson, re: same; Discuss same with K. Haas; Leave voicemail message for D. Coots, re: same; Draft second amendment to building declaration; Email amendments and proposed parking lease to D. Coots. Jul -22 -08 Review email from D. Coots, re: amended condo RRW 0.25 declaration; Review amended condo declaration; Email D. Coots, re: same. Jul -23 -08 Conference with L. Olds and S. Mielke, re: status and space KPH 0.25 lease. Jul -29 -08 Review and reply to email from D. Coots, re: Weaver condo RRW 0.25 closing and parking lease. Jul -30 -08 Conference with R. Wilmering, re: space lease, reaffirmation KPH 0.50 of operating agreement, and Weaver condo closing; Attend to lease and reaffirmation issues. Discuss E. Lurie lease, reaffirmation of operating covenant, RRW 0.50 and Weaver condo closing with K. Haas; Review and reply to email from D. Coots, re: parking lease. Aug -01 -08 Review email from M. Worthley, re: parking lease; RRW 0.25 Telephone calls with M. Worthley, re: same. Aug -04 -08 Emails with R. Wilmering, L. Olds, and M. Worthley; KPH 0.50 Address space lease conditions to CRC execution. Call with L. Olds, re: status of lease for the Lurie building. JRS 0.25 Email L. Olds, re: Lurie lease; Telephone call with A. RRW 0.50 Pinegar, re: same; Email L. Olds, re: same. Aug -05 -08 Attend to emails, re: lease for Lurie building. JRS 0.25 Review and reply to email from M. Worthley, re: Lurie lease. RRW 0.25 Aug -07 -08 Leave voicemail message for M. Worthley, re: Lurie lease; RRW 3.75 Email K. Haas, re: same; Telephone call with M. Worthley, I re: same; Draft reaffirmation of operating covenant agreement; Revise Lurie lease. Aug -08 -08 Review and reply to entails from K. Haas, re: Lurie lease; RRW 0.50 Revise reaffirmation of operating covenant agreement. Totals 27.00 Total Fees $6,220.03 Total Disbursements $0.00 Total Fees and Disbursements $6,220.03 Previous Balance $1,581.76 Previous Payments $1,581.76 Balance Due Now $6,220.03 Wallack Somers Haas, P.C. One Indiana Square Suite 1500 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Phone: 317 /231 -9000 Fax: 317/231 -9900 City of Carmel Redevelopment Commission Aug 11, 2008 One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Matter: camrisc Inv 13771 Attention: Mr. Les Olds RE: General Matters FEES EXPLANATION ATTY HRS Jul -11 -08 Telephone calls with M. Worthley, re: R. Carter and L. Olds' RRW 0.50 authorization by CRC to make payments up to a certain amount Jul -13 -08 Attend to administrative matters. KPH 0.25 Jul -16 -08 Prepare for and attend CRC executive session and regular KPH 0.50 monthly meeting; Attend to administrative matters. Review email from S. Mielke, re: Carmel High School RRW 0.50 performance agreement; Review and make continents to agreement; Email comments to S. Mielke. 3ul -28 -08 Attend to contractor escrows; Emails with S. Mielke. KPH 0.25 Jul -30 -08 Emails with C. Anker and CRC group; Attend to KPH 0.50 administrative matters. Aug -07 -08 Telephone call with S. Mielke, re: CRC advertising with RRW 0.25 Current in Carmel. Totals 2.75 DISBURSEMENTS Disbursements Receipts Courier, Delivery 12.00 Totals $12.00 $0.00 Total Fees $692.51 Total Disbursements $12.00 Total Fees and Disbursements $704.51 Previous Balance $5,188.85 Previous Payments $5,188.78 Balance Due Now $704.58 Wallack Somers Haas, P.C. One Indiana Square Suite 1500 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Phone: 317 /231 -9000 Fax: 317/231 -9900 City of Carmel Aug 11, 2008 One Civic Square Suite 140 Matter:,armparcel57 Cannel, IN 46032 Inv 13772 Attention: Mr. Les Olds RE: Parcel 57 FEES EXPLANATION ATTY HRS Jul -16 -08 Prepare for and attend CRC executive session; Conference KPH 0.50 with L. Olds. Totals 0.50 Total Fees $153.75 Total Disbursements $0.00 Total Fees and Disbursements $153.75 Previous Balance $999.38 Previous Payments $999.38 Balance Due Now $153.75 Wallack Somers Haas, P.C. One Indiana Square Suite 1500 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Phone: 317 /231 -9000 Fax: 317/231 -9900 City of Cannel Aug 11, 2008 One Civic Square Suite 140 Matter:,armparcel7a Carmel, IN 46032 Inv ]3773 Attention: Mr. Les Olds RE: Parcel 7A FEES EXPLANATION ATTY HRS Jul -07 -08 Address joint/assisted financing issues; Communications KPH 0.75 with bank loan officers. Jul -08 -08 Prepare for meeting; Weekly projects meeting with B. KPH 0.75 Cordingley and Pedcor projets team; Attend to joint/assisted financings; Follow -up conferences with L. Olds and J. Shoup. Jul -09 -08 Update sources and uses statement for banks; Attend to KPH 0.75 joint/assisted financings; Communications with bank loan officers; Emails with L. Olds, S. Mielke, B. Cordingley, D. Krohne, R. Brown,.and J. Rush. Jul -11 -08 Address joint/assisted financing issues; Attend to TIF KPI -I 0.75 underwriting; Extended memo and cmail, re: same; Emails with Pedcor group, L. Matthes, L. Olds, and S. Mielke. Jul -14 -08 Address joint/assisted financing issues; Prepare for Tuesday KPH 1.00 meetings; Conference call with L. Olds. Jul -15 -08 Prepare for meeting; Weekly projects meeting with B. KPH 2.25 Cordingley and Pedcor projects team; Attend to joint /assisted financings; Joint /assisted projects meeting with J. Brainard, L. Olds, S. Mielke and L. Matthes; Follow -up conference with L. Olds, re: various issues; Update Sources and uses statements. Totals 6.25 Total Fees $1,921.90 Total Disbursements $0.00 Total Fees and Disbursements $1,921.90 Previous Balance $8,393.10 Previous Payments $8.246.92 Balance Due Now $2,068.08 4 Prescnbed by State Board of Accounts City Form No 201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or Bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 1( k So K< <1 4 rr< g P. C Purchase Order No. 0„c Terms I I),4 440o> l r� A/ C((�ao� Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) �1 Total Z 7 3< 1 j I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO._ II ALLOWED 20 P I�4 CIS S o M.t f/ LI�P6 IN SUM OF -27(�,% ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIA i o �a0) I. �7 qa2 y3yoo�o Board Members PO# Cr INVOICE NO. ACCT #!TITLE AMOUNT DEPT x I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 10Z Sr( o� �,h 31Cj y ill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 9 20 <5 Signatur D,ne o Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund