HomeMy WebLinkAbout162095 07/23/2008 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00351368 P89@ 1 of 1
s CHECK AMOUNT: $38,629.40
302 4340000 13694 5,188.78 LEGAL FEES
902 4460816 13695 230.64 PELTON
902 4460821 13696 1,581.76 CAC
902 4460849 13697 19,511.34 TUESDAY MORNING
902 4460805 13698 4,305.06 RETAIL SITE #5
902 4460851 13699 903.68 NATIONAL CITY BANK
902 4460857 13700 999.38 PARCEL 57
902 4460862 13701 693.75 SW BLOCK OF MAIN /RANG
902 4460807 13702 3,045.01 PERFORMING ARTS CENTE
902 4460808 13703 2,170.00 AMLI OLD TOWN
Wallack Somer Haas, July 2008
Payable in July 2008
Invoice No. Parcel Line Item Amount
13694 gen. Matters bb bb 5,188.78N/�
13695 Parcel 16 4460816 230.64��
13696 Parcel 21 4460821 1,581.76VX°
13697 Parcel 49 4460849 19,511.34,✓
13698 Parcel 4460805 4,305.0/
13699 Parcel 51 4460851 903.68✓
13700 Parcel 57 4460857 999.38/
13701 Parcel 62 4460862 693.7
13702 Parcel 4460807 3,045.01-
13703 Parcel 8 4460808 2,170.00
Total 38,629.40
Wallack Somers Haas, P.C.
One Indiana Square
Suite 1500
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Phone: 317/231 -9000 Fax: 3 17/23 1 -9900
City of Cannel Redevelopment Commission Jul 08, 2008
One Civic Square
Carmel, IN 46032 Matter: carmisc
Inv 13694
Attention: Mr. Les Olds
RE: General Matters
Jun -10 -08 Review emails from S. Mielke, re: Hirons contract; Email S. RRW 0.25
Mielke, re: same.
Jun -11 -08 Attend to various administrative and reporting matters; KPH 1.00
Multiple calls and emails; Conference with R. Wilmering, re:
Hirons contract.
Review and reply to email fi om S. Mielke, re: Hirons RRW 3.50
contract; Telephone call with S. Mielke, re: same; Discuss
same with K. Haas; Review and revise Hirons contract.
Jun -12 -08 Review and revise Hirons contract; discuss same with K. RRW 2.00
Haas; Telephone call with S. Mielke, re: same.
Jun -17 -08 Attend to various administrative and reporting matters. KPH 0.75
Draft project summary for Parcel 12; Email S. Mielke, re: RRW 1.00
Jun -1 8 -08 Prepare for and attend executive session and regular meeting; KPH 1.75
Attend to financial and administrative matters; Attend to
Hirons contract and approval; Conference with J. Brainard;
Address possible conflict issue.
Review email from S. Mielke, re: Wertz contract; Review RRW 1.75
and revise same; Email revised documents to S. Mielke.
Jun -19 -08 Discuss possible conflict issues with K. Haas; Research RRW 1.25
Jun -20 -08 Address possible conflict issue; Conference with R. KPH 0.75
Wilmering; Extended memo and email C. Anker.
Discuss possible conflict issue with K. Haas; Email S. RRW 1.00
Mielke, re same.
Jun -23 -08 Attend to financial, administrative, and conflict matters. KPH 0.75
Jun -24 -08 Attend to possible conflict issue; Prepare for and attend KPH 2.50
meeting with C. Anker; Follow up on meeting issues and
program; Conference with R. Wilmering.
Review and reply to email from S. Mielke, re: CRC RRW 0.75
advertising; Conference with K. Haas; Review statute and
prepare questions for K. Haas; Discuss with K. Haas
affidavit by C. Anker, certification by T. Anker, and WSH
opinion letter.
Jun -25 -08 Draft affidavit of C. Anker and WSH opinion letter. RRW 1.00
Jun -26 -08 Conference call with J. Brainard. KPH 0.25
Review email from M. Worthley, re: Clerk- Treasurer's RRW 0.50
request for copies of contracts; Discuss saine with K. Haas;
Call with M. Worthley, re: same.
Jun -27 -08 Draft certification of T. Anker and WSH opinion letter. RRW 1.75
Jun -30 -08 Calls and emails. KPH 0.25
Totals 22.75
Total Fees $5,188.78
Total Disbursements $0.00
Total Fees and Disbursements $5,188.78
Previous Balance $5,78539
Previous Payments $5,785.32
Balance Due Now $5,188.85
Wallack Somers Haas, P.C.
One Indiana Square
Suite 1500
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Phone: 317/231 -9000 Fax: 317/231 -9900
City of Carmel Jul O8, 2008
One Civic Square
Suite 140 Matter:;armparcel16
Carmel, IN 46032 Inv 13695
Attention: Mr. Les Olds
RE: Parcel 16
Jul -01 -08 Attend to developer fee payment; Review project agreement KPH 0.75
and tri -party agreement; Extended memo and email to R.
Brown; Conference call with L. Olds.
Totals 0.75
Total Fees $230.63
Total Disbursements $0.00
Total Fees and Disbursements $230.63
Previous Balance $246.27
Previous Payments $246.26
Balance Due Now $230.64
Wallack Somers Haas, P.C.
One Indiana Square
Suite 1500
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Phone: 317 /231 -9000 Fax: 317/231 -9900
City of Carmel Jul 08, 2008
One Civic Square
Suite 140 Matter:,annparcel21
Carmel, IN 46032
Inv 13696
Attention: Mr. Les Olds
RE: Parcel 21
Jun -11 -08 Attend to Lurie space lease and lease issues; Initial review of KPH 1.50
lease; Conference call with L. Olds; Multiple emails.
Jun -19 -08 Attend to Lurie space lease; Conference with L. Olds and M. KPH 1.00
Worthley; Conference with R. Wilmering.
Discuss lease with K. Haas; Draft same; Review recorded RRW 0.75
easement for parking; Email P. Reis, re: same.
Jun -20 -08 Review Lurie draft space lease. RRW 1.00
Jun -26 -08 Conference call with L. Olds; Outline economic terms of KPH 1.25
Lurie space lease; Multiple calls and emails; Extended memo
and email to J. Brainard, R. Carter, R. Sharp, J. Worrell, L.
Olds, and S. Mielke, re: same.
Jul -01 -08 Attend to Lurie space lease; Conference call with L. Olds. KPH 0.25
Totals 5.75
DISBURSEMENTS Disbursements Receipts
Recording Fees 28.00
Totals $28.00 $0.00
Total Fees $1,553.76
Total Disbursements $28.00
Total Fees and Disbursements $1,581.76
Previous Balance $6,278.78
Previous Payments $6,278.78
Balance Due Now $1,581.76
Wallack Somers Haas, P.C.
One Indiana Square
Suite 1500
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Phone: 317/231 -9000 Fax: 317/231 -9900
City of Carmel Ju108, 2008
One Civic Square
Suite 140 Matter:;armparce149
Carmel, IN 46032
Inv 13697
Attention: Mr. Les Olds
RE: Parcel 49
May -30 -08 Attend to emails, re: extensions of due diligence periods JRS 0.50
under purchase agreements.
Jun -02 -08 Conference with K. Haas, re: extending due diligence JRS 2.75
periods; Draft amendments to purchase agreements.
Jun -10 -08 Conference call with B. Donaldson; Multiple calls and KPH 1.50
emails; Address bid and bidder meeting issues; Extended
memo and email to J. Brainard, R. Carter, R. Sharp, and L.
Jun -11 -08 Multiple calls and emails; Address bid and bidder meeting KPH 0.75
Jun -12 -08 Conference calls with R. Barrett and L. Olds. KPH 0.50
Jun -13 -08 Prepare for and participate in bidder meeting with Barrett KPH 2.50
Stokely; Prepare for and participate in bidder meeting with
Keystone Construction; Follow up conferences with L. Olds
and M. Worthley; Multiple calls and emails.
Jun -16 -08 Review revised bids; Commence bid comparison and KPH 3.50
evaluation; Commence matrix revisions; Conference call
with D. Barrett; Multiple calls and emails; Extended memo
and email to E. Ozdemir, re: bid clarifications.
Attend to emails, re: bids. JRS 0.25
Jun -17 -08 Review revised bids; Conference with L. Olds and J. Shoup: KPH 3.25
Continue bid comparison and evaluation; Attend to matrix
revisions; Multiple calls and emails; Extended memo and
email to R. Barrett, re: bid clarifications; Review bid
clarifications from E. Ozdemir and R. Barrett.
Conference with L. Olds and K. Haas; Attend to emails, re: JRS 2.25
revised bids; Review and revise bid matrix; Conference with
K. Haas, re: bid matrix.
Jun -18 -08 Prepare for and attend executive session and regular meeting; KPH 5.25
Set presentation agenda and ground rules; Extended memo
and email, re: same to Commissioners and biddersAttend to
bid comparison and evaluation; Attend to matrix revisions;
Attend to bidder presentations; Prepare cash flow
comparisons and basic deal points comparison; Multiple
calls and ernails; Conduct review of bids at executive
Review and revise bid matrix. JRS 1.00
Jun -19 -08 Conference calls with J. Thomas, J. Scimia, and L. Olds; KPH 1.50
Prepare extended explanatory memo, to J. Thomas; Review
bid comparisons and matrix; Multiple calls and emails.
Jun -20 -08 Attend to bidder selection, due diligence, and project KPH 3.50
agreement; Multiple calls and emails; Outline terms of
contract assumption agreement and project agreement;
Conference with J. Shoup; Extended memo and email to B.
Donaldson, re: due diligence and contract assumption.
Conference with K. Haas, re: assumption agreement and JRS 1.75
project agreement.
Telephone call with M. Worthley, re: Hearthview RRW 0.75
agreements; Review file, re same; Discuss same with K.
Haas; Email purchase agreements and amendments to M.
Jun -23 -08 Attend to assumption agreement; conference with J. Shoup; KPH 1.25
Multiple calls and emails.
Draft assumption agreement; Conference with K. Haas, re: JRS 4.75
same; Draft guaranty from Keystone Construction.
Jun -24 -08 Draft project agreement. JRS 3.25
Jun -25 -08 Outline terms of project agreement and installment purchase KPH 1.50
contract; Conference with J. Shoup.
Draft project agreement; Conference with K. Haas, re: same. JRS 3.00
Jun -26 -08 Attend to project agreement issues; Conferences with J. KPH 0.75
Shoup; Conference call with L. Olds; Attend to due diligence
and inspections.
Draft project agreement; Conference with K. Haas, re: same. JRS 3.25
Jun -27 -08 Draft project agreement. JRS 6.75
Jun -30 -08 Attend to project agreement issues; Conferences with J. KPH 0.75
Shoup; Multiple calls and emails.
Draft project agreement; Draft term sheet for installment JRS 1.25
purchase agreement.
Jul -01 -08 Prepare for and conduct meeting with B. Donaldson, D. KPH 1.75
Williams, and J. Shoup to address project, financing, due
diligence, assumption agreement, and project agreement
issues; Conference call with L. Olds.
Attend meeting with B. Donaldson, D. Williams, and K. JRS 1.25
Jul -03 -08 Outline tenns of installment purchase contract; Conference KPH 2.00
with J. Shoup.
Conference with K. Haas, re: term sheet for installment JRS 0.75
purchase agreement.
Totals 63.75
Total Fees $19,511.34
Total Disbursements $0.00
Total Fees and Disbursements $19,511.34
Previous Balance $5,996.28
Previous Payments $5,996.28
Balance Due Now $19,511.34
Wallack Somers Haas, P.C.
One Indiana Square
Suite 1500
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Phone: 317 /231 -9000 Fax: 317/231 -9900
City of Carmel Jul 08, 2008
One Civic Square
Suite 140 Matter: carmparcel5
Cannel, IN 46032 Inv 13698
Attention: Mr. Les Olds
RE: Parcel
Jun -02 -08 Attend to emails, re: third amendment to master project JRS 0.25
Jun -04 -08 Review and revise third amendment to master project JRS 0.50
agreement and send out.
Jun -09 -08 Attend to ancillary documents and related issues. KPH 0.50
Jun-] 0 -08 Prepare for and attend weekly projects meeting with B. KPH 1.25
Cordingley and Pedcor team; Address joint /assisted
financing and ancillary document issues.
Jun -11 -08 Attend to joint /assisted financings; Review updated KPH 0.75
projections; Multiple calls and emails.
Jun -12 -08 Attend to joint /assisted financings; Multiple calls and emails. KPH 0.50
Jun -13 -08 Attend to joint /assisted financings; Multiple calls and emails. KPH 1.00
Jun -16 -08 Attend to ancillary documents. KPH 0.75
Attend to emails, re: construction management fee. JRS 0.25
Jun -17 -08 Prepare for and attend weekly projects meeting with B. KPH 1.25
Cordingley and Pedcor team; Address joint/assisted
financing and ancillary document issues.
Review and revise third amendment to master project JRS 0.50
Jun-] 8 -08 Attend to third amendment of master project agreement; KPH 1.25
Outline terms of parcel credits.
Jun -19 -08 Conference with L. Olds, M. Worthley, and J. Shoup; Attend KPH 0.50
to project issues.
Conference with L. Olds, M. Worthly, and K. Haas, re: JRS 0.25
status /costs.
Jun -20 -08 Attend to public area uses and ancillary documents. KPH 0.75
Jun -25 -08 Conference call with Pedcor legal team, re: various issues. KPH 0.50
Jun -26 -08 Attend to joint /assisted financings. KPH 0.25
Jun -30 -08 Review construction management agreements, assignments, KPH 1.50
and consents; Prepare extended response memo and email to
R. Brown and O. Lands.
Jul -01 -08 Prepare for and attend weekly projects meeting with B. KPH 0.75
Cordingley and Pedcor team; Address construction
management agreements, assignments, and consents.
Jul -03 -08 Attend to ancillary documents. KPH 0.75
Totals 14.00
Total Fees $4,305.06
Total Disbursements $0.00
Total Fees and Disbursements $4,305.06
Previous Balance $10,608.83
Previous Payments $10,608.83
Balance Due Now $4,305.06
Wallack Somers Haas, P.C.
One Indiana Square
Suite 1500
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Phone: 317 /231 -9000 Fax: 317/231 -9900
City of Carmel Jul 08, 2008
One Civic Square
Suite 140 Matter:;armparcel5l
Carmel, IN 46032 Inv 13699
Attention: Mr. Les Olds
RE: Parcel 51
Total Fees $0.00
Total Disbursements $0.00
Total Fees and Disbursements $0.00
Previous Balance $903.68
Previous Payments $0.00
Balance Due Now $903.68
Wallack Somers Haas, P.C.
One Indiana Square
Suite 1500
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Phone: 317 /231 -9000 Fax: 317/231 -9900
City of Carmel Jul 08, 2008
One Civic Square
Suite 140 Matter:marmparce157
Carmel, IN 46032 Inv 13700
Attention: Mr. Les Olds
RE: Parcel 57
Jun -12 -08 Review materials from D. Barker; Conference call with D. KPH 0.75
Jun -19 -08 Prepare for and participate in proposed project meeting with KPH 1.50
D. Barker, T. Lazzara, L. Olds, M. Worthley, and J. Shoup;
Follow up conference.
Meet with L. Olds, D. Barker, T. Lazzara and K. Haas, re: JRS 1.00
proposed project.
Totals 3.25
Total Fees $999.38
Total Disbursements $0.00
Total Fees and Disbursements $999.38
Previous Balance $0.00
Previous Payments $0.00
Balance Due Nov $999.38
Wallack Somers Haas, P.C.
One Indiana Square
Suite 1500
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Phone: 317 /231 -9000 Fax: 317/231 -9900
City of Carmel JU108, 2008
One Civic Square
Suite 140 Matter:;annparce162
Carmel, IN 46032 Inv 13701
Attention: Mr. Les Olds
RE: Parcel 62
Jun -10 -08 Review email and attachments from M. Worthley, re: RRW 3.25
parking projects; Telephone call with M. Worthley, re: same;
Draft Ferrin project agreement; Draft Ferrin easement
Jun -12 -08 Draft parking easement agreement and project agreement; RRW 0.50
Email same to M. Worthley.
Totals 3.75
Total Fees $693.75
Total Disbursements $0.00
Total Fees and Disbursements $693.75
Previous Balance S0.00
Previous Payments $0.00
Balance Due Now $693.75
Wallack Somers Haas, P.C.
One Indiana Square
Suite 1500
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Phone: 317/231 -9000 Fax: 317/231 -9900
City of Carmel Jul 08, 2008
One Civic Square
Suite 140 Matter:mrmparcel7a
Carmel, IN 46032 Inv 13702
Attention: Mr. Les Olds
RE: Parcel 7A
Jun -18 -08 Prepare for and attend executive session and regular meeting; KPH 0.75
Attend to add alternates and bidding issues.
Jun -19 -08 Conference with L. Olds and M. Worthley; Attend to project KPH 0.50
Discuss with K. Haas claim by Barry Company; Review RRW 0.75
same and completion and tender agreements for surety's
continuing obligations vis -a -vis CRC.
Jun -20 -08 Attend to bidder and claim issues. KPH 0.50
Discuss with K. Haas claim by Barry Company; Draft letter RRW 0.75
to M. Hennigan, re: same; Email same to L. Olds, S. Poteet,
J. Price, M. McNelis, and K. Haas.
Jun -24 -08 Prepare for and attend weekly projects meeting with B. KPH 1.00
Cordingley and Pedcor team; Attend to and report on
joint/assisted financings; Follow up conference with L. Olds.
Jun -25 -08 Attend to join/assisted financings; Extended memo and KPH 0.50
email to B. Cordingley, J. Rush, L. Olds, and S. Mielke.
Jun -26 -08 Attend to joint/assisted financings; Conference call with L. KPH 0.50
Jun -30 -08 Attend to joint/assisted financings; Calls with bankers. KPH 0.50
Jul -01 -08 Prepare for and attend weekly projects meeting with B. KPH 2.25
Cordingley and Pedcor team; Address joint /assisted
financings and proposed bank terms; Post meeting
conferences and calls; Prepare sources and uses statements
for banks and internal use Conference call with L. Olds;
Multiple emails.
Jul -02 -08 Outline Regions and Salin loan proposals; Outline expanded KPH 1.50
uses of funds, investment issues, and disbursement issues;
Extended memo and email to L. Matthes; Multiple calls and
Jul -03 -08 Extended response memo and email to L. Matthes, re: uses KPH 1.00
of funds, investment issues, and disbursement issues.
Totals 10.50
Total Fees $3,045.01
Total Disbursements $0.00
Total Fees and Disbursements $3,045.01
Previous Balance $5,348.09
Previous Payments $0.00
Balance Due Now $8,393.10
Wallack Somers Haas, P.C.
One Indiana Square
Suite 1500
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Phone: 317/231 -9000 Fax: 317/231 -9900
City of Carmel Jul 08, 2008
One Civic Square
Suite 140 Matter: carmparcel8
Cannel, IN 46032 Inv 13703
Attention: Mr. Les Olds
RE: Parcel
Total Fees $0.00
Total Disbursements $0.00
Total Fees and Disbursements $0.00
Previous Balance $2,170.00
Previous Payments $0.00
Balance Due Now $2,170.00
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Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995)
An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by
whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc.
Ia c K So^ -Leer Purchase Order No.
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with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. j
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