HomeMy WebLinkAbout164271 09/30/2008 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 359475 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE HELENA CHEMICAL CO CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 98324 COLLECTION CENTER DR CHECK AMOUNT: $2,315.00 CHICAGO IL 60693 -0983 CHECK NUMBER: 164271 CHECK DATE: 9/30/2008 DEP ARTM E NT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIP 1150 4238900 73649525 2,315.00 OTHER MAINT SUPPLIES '(Z (Liberty Center (IN)) Helena Chemical C 3Q73 S Main St Invoice 73649525 Liberty Center IN 46766 260- 694__ -692 Invoicee Date 09/04/2008 I Bill To: CITY OF CARMEL BROOKSHIPE GOLF COURSE fi6Due Date 10/15/2008 12120 BROOKSHIRE PWY Customer ID 3576723 .m CARMEL, IN 46033 "'Salesperson 17090 Loc. Ship To: 12120 BROOKSHIRE PWY K CARMEL, IN 46033 Ticket(s), 73639453 P. Quantity Description Unit Price Total 20.000 GAL T- Methyl E -Pro 4.51F (2x2.5 Gal)(Gal) 105.00 /GAL 2,100.00 5.000 GAL Soaker Plus (2x2.5 Gal)(Gal) 41.00 /GAL 205.00 1.000 EA Fuel Surcharge (EA) 10.00 /EA 10.00 �t 2� 0 Sub_T.otal _2,31.5.00----- g i' ei NOTE: By acceptance of the products or services reflected on this invoice, the purchaser agrees to be bound by Amount Due 2,315.00 all the terms and conditions of sale set forth in this invoice, including those on the reverse side of this invoice. Remit To: Helena Chemical Company 98324 Collection Center Drive Chicago IL 60693 -0983 Recommendation Was Made By or Provided to the Seller. Yes No In voice 73649525 CITY OF CARMEL BROOKSHIPE GOLF COURSE Pesticide N35567 Exp. Date 12/31/2008 TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE p"o l lot oac,nummpmuvc!/ouuevpm trip uatem1 iounu Soxxmnm»lyummnemnmedng,uvh purc mmemmmthe purchase. o ice w each n/nwuoi item. /s not pad it /u:w/mmueusvo;mm the ymleyumuueuo/e�xnm*'onnsw floret all mm*N,uE c*«nos)eq Ito the rnriximvmam 011mallovved by/mv�� be, ls, A ieunmc unpaid date mncvmm". I Iv mommon/,eoernnn,uoxnu Until ravmnm/sxmuve account, Ali n`svauv nvml�ame,sm be anpl/ousopmmueo for III 'amntanooxuvmo/um*xou»v purchase; m He /aoa. Ili Ire evanI purchaser does not )mv.uv remw,taoneuu,,oe. payments wmueanp/euaeFie enaueemS anpu*r/�em i's sole u/unmtmo.m the ovex,ma purchaser /anamm�xe narmon=aymnu/eu. 'the ammunt ma uo considered urHe/ono,u0, //sop/ma, to*om default and numxax*/soao be, ,aunmo/mofo,m-, navmv"/e/ a mm/smcvxmmo^. /owvumomasonau/a attorneys fe,es m,a/loweuuvmw. m/emnnmuO and risk o//ouvn,unmao«mnmuum shall pass to, vurc»oa,, upon *e/ena s placin mepmuuctmw the vvap,�s/onofa common ca"/o,. With rco ec/manvpmuuc/,am,oeumxo/ena,xv�o/wssx»anmmomw/mporcoaservnmmeem*aunmuvc/.s received b *eIcnaa the original omvnmopo/mn such mxe,/maxones*o/en;� �-av designate. SEE asDow FOR ADDITIONAL rERme AND CONDITIONS or SALE INCLUDING HELENA'S LIMITED wAnnxml v AND umnx ION oF(JAmury AND REMEDIES. LIMITED WARRANTY AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY AND REMEDIES aeue,wu,onhvm/aa"omat all g oods o;mxuevnuo. conform mmelaooloeocnnt/uo,x fertilizer .soomxemonuermuum and thus has nomm/ so/mwmnumoInaisuch fem ue, conforms wmeana ymvmmo/mo,uu�, hereon n,uno"omrr=a,mu;muwsmum Bu r h if, nu o,revreymma/un, oil an Kind. ex r implied, uvncem/oo the o*mo. INCLUDING mo/%M!Pueo wAnnAwrropmencexmrxo/urvnRpnweaSop THE G000a FOR ANY p�nnooL»RPURPOSE, AND woSUCH mAnnxwr/ea SHALL aE /mpusourLAW. wnuaw/w^,w"nuo,sI1°nuou`cor*aom000anv*,,.^omupa..n/v�o,ume,*�m/s�pm/eumm*mw/e,mwmmowxmnm'r� r30) days ahc ,oisoovvrv. aouweoumre too/vevn//oam an uamwim.:swh period ariao constitute ran m*m/ute aridum�wu�na/w^*e, o THE EXCLUSIVE RLm DY AGAiNSI 11-11- SELLER FOR, AN CAUSE OF Afl,'ION IS A CLAII--ii F: OR DAMAGES ANID IIN NO EVEN I SHALL DANlAiSES OR ANY OTHER RECOVERY OF ANYKIND AGAINSTSELLER EXCEEDTf ILL PRICE OF I SPECIFIC a000a WHICH CAUSE THE Ausaso oAwAoL./mJuFI,onor HER ci AIM. SELLER SHALL NOT ocuaoLc.amoANY AND AucLA/msAoa/wyrasusn ARE wmvso. FOR mpsu/AL,oIRso oxnomasoocwnAt.o^I`AwssaoR EXPENSES. OF ANY mATu'RswcLuo/nm aurmo/um/rsoru LOSS up PROFITS oR/mcows. CROP oRpHopenTv LOSS onoxm*os, �mRon CHARGES AND rnc/ox TIcnARGsa,wxc/ HER on NOT aAssoowrnsssusR swLauuenocoxs�c�o� nwnHxmrv,armcru^a/ur//wronron�mvor�c�c�uo�o+*cr/om SEED WARRANTY Heleri Chc7ical Company warrants that seeds lsold hereunder havo becin labeloc a, required under State eild Federa see. Jrolis and they coniorm to [he iabel descrifovon. Helena Chemical Cornoany makesno othei or ft warranty, expressed or implied, i" —ercnallfatiilltv, fitness or otnefwlsewlhich nxionds beyond label descniption on seed tags No liability herc�jrdor shall ce, tio-ess Webuy,er or userrepoits to Helena Chomical Compaiy within a som able period after discovery inot ic exceed 30 days), IN CASE OF ERRORS OR INQUIRIES AB(,)UTYOUR B<0L nxepodemoromm Lending Act swu/vanmmpt m/slaiIcs. /x dil m.ok ^m'"w°m.ono= hill o"" -`m,oi /Ic~",,t,lc 1 'ahk n pe-,"`, ""ar this law" 1-l",v'o.°m": 1, Youl ~uo"vmvwmb",.x" inio"=^°^,`r= III" III "=le,~°, ":=a' Do ik"t °lld m�°m�d"Clirl'-wm���"��.� Ail, ."u,aw°",u.°/sum:!, °",°ulc^,° hi, ill /u/ �w"w/h: 10,p°.�"., �1,1 hill vx"x11,/"I^"�c,o"""^u 'm 0"91'~~".:" M, ,o°u°om�m""/k ii, l o t "a. ^"a^"oIW..°yI'll .ipu,,o^°m^'" If, ""=m��� �."./�=�/u°°", "u'^am,pm°p�*m tour mn"m�m x"~d"i"m.m/omI m"ui1c,=^:I ,x w/. o/.^^/=,^. ./^"~"m ."^""a xlm^ w"n /w"~~m."lh ill JI�"m""k�"p" "°Ili "i w,mo~°^. vu""=~ =u—^"°a�."*x=^ ".m^Lc "~r"m///I,00"smm/omxu""eu""k- ""wuk, inuo/" r ~"°v11C y x"m"m"m f ra y °u�h Im "w� 11K 'pw..".*°^uw.*"`^*./m"^'.,"..../",..°`"..`'J-^.,/""" m .wo"�,.^.m..�~*.".',../,""." o/"m "^/,11-=o=. .^l°, w,°n: m^"^ Prescribed by State Board of Accounts ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly. itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by .whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. A l Payee /u°,r/� l ©r Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) oy �8 736 y9s2 i Total o3/ 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 l e �e, Cam[editre n IN SUM OF AOUL 4ta. ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board Members PO# or INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT DEPT. I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 73& `f�.SaS V238`9 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 20 Y'41 gr Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund