HomeMy WebLinkAbout162355 08/07/2008 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 359475 Page 1 of 1 0 ONE CIVIC SQUARE HELENA CHEMICAL CO CHECK AMOUNT: $3,077.70 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 98324 COLLECTION CENTER DR CHICAGO IL 60693 -0983 CHECK NUMBER: 162355 CHECK DATE: 8/7/2008 DE PARTMENT A CCOUNT P O NUMBER IN VOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1150 4238900 73649102 833.30 OTHER MAINT SUPPLIES 1150 4238900 73649113 2,244.40 OTHER MAINT SUPPLIES _(liberty Center (IN)) +Helena Chemical C .G` 1C 'L�CE[i�lla 3073 S Main St Invoice 73649102 Liberty Center IN 46766 260_- 6.94 6926` Invoice Date 07/24/2008 _Bill To: CITY OF CARMEL BROOKSHIPE GOLF COURSE `Due Date. 08/15/2008 12120 BROOKSHIRE PWY 'CustomerID 3576723 CARMEL, IN 46033 g S_alesperson 17090 i Shipping Loc.1 Ship To: 12120 BROOKSHIRE PWY CARMEL, IN 46033 pe;; Ticket(s)' 73639122 l Quantity .z Description Unit To Price to I F e 10.000 GAL Iprodione L Pro Fungicide (2x2.5 Gal)(Gal) 83.33 /GAL 833.30 ya 3s� Su To tal NOTE: B acceptance of the products or services reflected on this invoice the purchaser agrees to be bound b Amount Due 833.30 Y P P P 9 Y all the terms and conditions of sale set forth in this invoice, including those on the reverse side of this invoice. Remit To: Helena Chemical Company 98324 Collection Center Drive Chicago IL 60693 -0983 Recommendation Was Made By or Provided to the Seller. Yes No Invoice 73649102 CITY OF CARMEL BROOKSHIPE GOLF COURSE Pesticide N35567 Exp. Date 12/31/2008 TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE po payment m oacx tom mproduct is du the date of :moa sozx montHy FtMlcirnent reflecting such purch a m if meovm ,me CHARGE', equal to the maximum amount allovvod t:y aw shall be, a (ific, on the unpaid ba:��nce frorn the date of fitst rnoNhiv I illO to Lff"OdUct and risk of (fss or damage t pr shall pass 10 DUI-ChatiPl- upon HF elna"o placing tho product ;nto the possession of a commort ca W respect to any product rej to Helena. 01Sk of IDS-S shall roma with purchasar uctii the returned p rt,'Auct 'o ivc by oeicna m the original vmnvmm point n'st such ome//noxtiow on *e'ena mavupn/onuto. ose BELOW FOR ^omrmwAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE INCLUDING HELFNA'S LINIFFED WARRANT AND LIMITATION OF I IABILITY AND REMEDIES LIMITED WARRANTY AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY AND REMEDIES aeno/ warrants Hip. and mu,a:/owmo sold vneunuo,00nwnn to the label ueocnp/ion, o fertilizer u cold heroun«e/ ill uu/x and thus has ov/a»o/. Sm/v,'oia,ants that such mmxro. conforms w the ana/yx/u thereof om`",shuwnoeeuon,on another wnm euv,'. I^elre/snvomorwanamyor representa o, any wu,nx of implied, concerning the omoc.a./wcLuo/momoIMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR Fl TNESS OF THE GOODS FOR ANY FAR f !CULAR PURPOSE, Awowouuon wAnnAwneo SHALL ec IMPLIED a,Lxw. we//emmvoerevnua'yxon be u,s°nsuun/eso an m=oomune,/o1uno,omu, claim is /ennx*u lo the Seller in emmgwumnm.rm �an) da ano,u/smmr the, failure /u g nm/oeu/ a n y o/eonw.mm,uxnpovou shall constitute ano»au/vte and uncsnumomuva^m, mxvcxc/a/m THE EXCLUSIVE REMEDY AommarrHE SELLER FOR, ANY CAUSE oF Aormw/oA CLAIM poRoxmAoss AND /wwo evsmr SHALL DAMAGES on ANY OTHER RECOVERY op ANY KIND mamwoIssuER ExcsEorI le PRICE OprosSPECIFIC GOODS WHICH rxuss THE ALLEGED LOSS, DAMAGE. INJURY oR OTHER ol AIM .ysusn SHALL NOT asLIABLE, AND ANY AND ALL CLAIMS mammaIasueRaRe�NmvFo. FOR SPECIAL, DIRECT nncowSEousmrml. DAMAGES onsxpsmsea.n/ ANY NATURE, INCLUDING, BU F NOT LIMI rFF) To LOSS OF rnoFIT'S OR INCOME. CROPOR P"iOPERTY LOSS OR DAMACIE. LA,ao*c*ARaea AND FnemxrcHxnoea, wnc THE nonworaAsroom-, 1 !e FELLER smcouocncs anFPoxur yxnRAwrv.ormcruxa/urv/m TORT on�Mw/orpEn Of 4C SEED WARRANTY Wey conform to the l abel descript.on. Helenia Chemical COMIDWIV makes no othei or ff,rthe warranty, expressed or irfliphu'-fl, o rne,rclhaiil�lbilrty, fitness or tl[licivv w cxtr�nds be-yono lat�rl on scou t ags, No liabi norcunder shall be ,isser'ed unless the buyerorusei reports to Helena Chetuica� Company within a, reasonable period aflpr discoveiy (not I exceed 30 daysi, ary con6tions tnat might ead to a co vplimt, Heienf­! Dliptnical Company's liability. if any, ic, lim to file purchase pi ice of !no SNAs. IN CASE OF ERRORS OR INQUIRIES ABOUT YOUR BILL The wxem/ Truth mLonumo Act mn,/rmpmmp/ correction mmmoom/mmx,o. /o�".~""'^. bill /.~""L Ill xp..c',o".=,1.w^,.ma Ion on lil'ol,=*.""" "Al' hill n*p,"""^ ,l, ,="w".I, �/y d ~.°m"~p`=,.° Iff~ m" Lill .u°^�u°."� "Ou^^wm~wWI1° ^ao".mm°wm"""""A o,'h� ^a, "w""^p1Jm°/,% 'HO mw ~"m% ax"x"ton," /ic r'1'po°m^ /"p^" cop"'; ~altqitlil)')l o^ "i, d mll ^/o°=^p^vum"« x".,"ur, ^�Ilm,`p",~uic."a.o will" "Ill iwlp/!' r 1'". m,`"" or .A F,xo^i°"wh ","mm If' u=,w=\l Off VOW bill ~um/"/a"wmm. /m,=,^^°w`"~"ol"i°~. ,^°"".'C' N', ill aw"�°^"o m=^x/um..,xl'mw`um."/u../.°m/=^m"/��^` �1 a~^111�1v~m~°k'Fi"m/u^", .w "";'°/ul'!Mi."�i,m""n` �`^"wo oma/ ���.tt�r'/l"I=ral'i cilllvt°1 Il l'i Vic crl(li"1 1),1 j"!'�Il'j Ill hill a, col I"Ict. .1'1���� =u/,m/!�/ui�"h." Ili, /um^ ablj Ili r ".�11 (:I) /m~ nil »a/mo.' /�ll. """p� ipl.5 hel"" Z'ao"/u°`�^�°"wo=/oom"/�K�~"�*m""�"=""e='�""�� /on// mm�a/o"=m�= ."*"mc "^mi .vp our mum"momm/" ^////uum=m.=um*u"�=m~""�"m/^m�""�".uxLp°°o/"eu�,^.� i o/ m,'""°"n ll""m"u art mov g" .°/he""~" x1i'l �'°~a11�", ill' ;IM Mu4Cu"6"/"~rII 01 1 p~/.,° m"n'f2wp�,~n,�""mm*.m�w =e.//,uu'�'I"m~mo,xum"^mm^m"=*°kt! Ill uon 0"1Iumluoou,*u~ pa "oi»%,m"m"mw I wm If, m.n omll~,"m u." .~if,xa �xu,ufla'"..p/"",o".um,mu you ".upoll t'"il�ouk"".m",/,/" wuvoi"n",�'m 1c,.i%C,/e^, Ilml 'lili 1,».°*,i� m"u.°p^a""~""'x^/eli" ma p".^"."o�'ul"c.n�zzu~,,^"eur^.o,^ua""".""u,/= "p" /w `,y.J`om'~` Lilt .".�N.~ax°m"owa/= �Colcu xot"'i%k'n "ills, n*/ *�dwl"/101'�Ilax IILo ,c'/uti'ill ^/rxa""uoe,nor "a° 'L ..°o/ o"^,x�o III »ao�spmu/"""~m=mom=""hliNI°'.v�ill.ru" hill mm, -A (Liberty Center (IN)) Helena Chem .l Co. Delivery Ticket 73639122 3073 S Main St Liberty Center, IN 46766 Loaded Date 07/23/2008 Bill To: CITY OF CARMEL BROOKSHIPE GOLF COURSE Time 5:23:26 PM 12120 BROOKSHIRE PWY CARMEL, IN 46033 Customer ID 3576723/- Customer PO# i Salesperson 17090 Shipping Via. Ship To: 12120 BROOKSHIRE PWY Description CARMEL, IN 46033 Ticket Type Pickup Comments: Quantity Description EPA Registration Load Amount Unit Price 10.000 GAL Iprodione E Pro Fungicide (2x2.5 Gal)(Gal) 2.000 CS 0 Recommendation Was Made By or Provided to the Seller. 7Yes7 No Received by: Date: PURCHASER ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE NOTED ON THE REVERSE SIDE HEREOF. CITY OF CARMEL BROOKSHIPE GOLF COURSE Delivery Ticket 73639122 Pesticide N35567 Exp. Date 12/31/2008 TERMS AND CONDITIONS OFSALE Full »a for each /temo/ product is due opuo 'the date m**iena'smmmom»lyvm�ennen,eoecx^nsuch PUIChaSC. mmo��n'ma pwclbaiuu price each pmuuu item, m not pu/u it full within aouvvo from the ammw,muvv date aome'pnra differentia. (F/mxmCs CHARGE) equal m the max/mvm amount anyvveuu,ia° shall ueasspso ounoou,nnmeunnumom/axoo/m*meuamn/om�mo",mr vtammammnemnosvu*purc,,ann until vavment/a received mmnovxalenaanuumum,amp;vmasemoumumm/nevme^'smucouv p-irchasis',L be applied ris provide lot in rernittance advice fumished by burchas�r To Helena, in tile evetil purchaser does i,t.it pmvio(l rernittance a pa will be applied as Helena deerns appropriate.in its so/e nmiobon. It he evont the. PUrGhaSertRiiS 10 'na 1, e payments as required, The account ma be considered by H-olena, At its option, to be :I default and purchaso! shae bis resp,-Inslbie f me napma"to/ all costs of'oomNmn./,c/vumorexaunau/pattorneys fees. asa/mvjeu:v/ow, Title m product and risk m/uoxu, damage wnmovct shall pass 'orvmxe,a upon H, sp/ay.no/»nvmuuctmmmepoaoeaamnofn common carrier- Wilb respect to any product rett,mcd To Helena, ri of loss shall tot-nain wTh Purchas()r until Ine returned product is received fit, Helena utmnon�na/xmpnmonu/mo,mmoxo,»n,/mmo n designate. rmweopsx��/wo�uo/mmosLsm�auwITsn WARRANTY AND uM/rArmmoruxa/uTvAmonewso�a, ERMS A�D CONDIT LIMITED WARRANTY AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY AND REMEDIES uaoe,waxaot� fma amd That all goods.sold xomv,mer conform m the label uuaooptio"// fertilizer /ssc/d hereunder tit uu/'K and thus riao i-o, lariat, Seller warrints that Such ferlinzer conforms to the anaktsis thereof either shown hereon I on another wntmu(a> dplwerod to avvecTxeewnnnme,wmnantyo, repro cenfa ion, ua^vmnu.exIl)reav,/mpnou.nnnvemmm goods, INCLUDING mo/wruso WARRANTY OF MERCHAN I OR 1 NESS OF THE GOODS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURFOSE, AND NO SUCH wAnnAwnsos*xues IMPLIED BvLAW, m»oauoxv hereunder shall uaa*sertnu kin /em an loss, In urume/o a/m/c reported mmp Seller /nv,mnowxomtmly t30; days. a'tor discovery, and the fFilure m gwo nofice of any clatm vothin such period shall constitute an absolute and unconditionai waiver oro"cxczi.m HE EXCLUSIVE REMEDY AGAINST THE SELLER FORANY CAUSE OF ACTION IS A CLAIMI FOR DAMAGES AND /N NO EVEN r SHALL DAMAGES on ANY orHsn RECOVERY op ANY KIND Asmwu/ SET I ee EXCEED THE PRICE oF THE SPECIFIC GOODS WHICH CAUSE rHE ALLEGED LOSS. DAMAGE, INJURIY OR OTHER CLAiM, SELLER SHALL NOT BE LIABI F, AND ANY AND At L CLAIMS AGAINST SFI LFR ARE WAIVED. FOR SPECIAL. DIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL IDAMAGES OR EXPE-.NSES. OF ANY mxnuRs. INC' /n,wm.ourNorI /m/rrofo /n000rpF1oF/rnoq/mCowF cRoponpnorsRnIon�; o!Zo*m^or w( ourHsscucn:wrouoa�c� ynsxu�u/ SEED WARRANTY Hek.�ia Chemical Company warrants that sold hereunder I �ave, been labe'el. as required under Stato and Federal seed laws and they conform to the label cescri Helena ChaMiCal CGI makes no otheror fuflher warranty. expressed or nipik; of mcrchantabitity, fitness cr oAherwise which exiends beyond timel cescription on scorl ttags. No liabil'ItV Thereunder shall be a,�,scrted unless the buyiei Or User reports to Helena Chointcal Company within a reasonable period at discovery (not to exceed 30 days). any condiii"ans That might feall tt:� a cornplaint. Helona Chemical Cormpa liability, fany, is limited to lhcp�ir&iase price of the seeds. K0 CASE OF ERRORS OR INQU ABOUT YOUR BILL Pie, red-� Trut it Lcnmno Act o^'msvmnmmoectiu um/onnmstax�,, /.".,'^/,.'m.!,../ `...m.o,p". ^m ./`'~.."^un"'= �""t 'Ali iu."°^ iii .^^p"~," �","~i,=a^""r °".~"m^w/ Am=npl"°of ON:,mx"a Ito m"�t,-I�'p°= ,=���;I:=mmu��onxmedwore aolamx°�Xplilul the umpw are unt;;mc ab "nd.o,m%vish-^1< folxldcr"of [hc lla�ve °a°o Cop u�ch'c"ge.Ill. Do~^=yin youl o"ouu ,m"m"ot the m,pr"~=,m anN.m=mfoirmm mmILh°pm h;chp~mmk III help It, m, n muJie let pLUmrl 1 AMMa .=""o x""u,°"mo/ntonx=^",u t ,amx 0A V 1,111 °111-11uo'!eda^ tit, I"pfiri" n"x. A"^m'w�111uJ]~"m� "1°.~"^�1) "um�011,.""1" "°~^~h,"^u 110cria ^.em60 a ������k! 11=m',I� I'll lt!ttmp ow linin 30 d Tina m emnmop`^Ine,m,m"� lem,I mupei`huw"oc,mo,am.^,, I u/=,I)C//moumun°omnxu�o"=u°leuIms ",�,dm° bill, /umnfels lit) n"u= obli m" Lill except /opm hou° 'u/.`u°ox°.p,/wm""".^.m/"o/spool»"/p,,."u...w,°.,"., he 'en ti, ti, i!w di,pkilod".",""'.""�'e applied "Ii",/"./ "su/,/=.//. Yl" mnjjfit TIC '11142Z sued m.u"""^IIII,/"C :all the uupu.ed*"°"'hen ."m.^/*i omo Helena /"~,m.^�"oN.u, o.v°nit'. pin the pm*"r bill not /"dispute. �xo/`a,m".~»,��e����"w�"."��w""p"�mo.p~°m"wu""epv�vo"*x,"xm�°""�van�*ymo�"�ux^xn ov` *wu,/molizi,='InZld.""*m. Von mav/u.'/o,�nm=,"�"e°,o", fie "".".m ill u/. and r mvxilhxtt e it) mox""p any ."i"mu.mo/="m^, m"'CC/,/ulCl""o,,*"op~^^ri,uumxin"m" of V� m' m�e. L if' m,,*a'mdid".ak'..mm"k, lit eu"'m"./..,"ou"w"", V""m""/he p °/./a`p"uO""oN',lr F ive" .^p,�%"Md/ WIN more nmmnumrg^.^hix nmm"la kill tile y Call �"hlicd*YOU, =,uu,wnu,.=,mtq^o, will "ou%^"m'ofy/m,onm^ci`/oxm'un "u~, you x.c^^its ^,,/,",*mm* MIT =1.1`, it) pl u"oa,"a"u"ot.xcic~ml re (tit wcwa^wmw"u"u.^ll'i,ctekl.w`armmL, je But n�.+n mm,�ix^ lC .�^"o" not the Jet n m um* ^'°h.m,muwp"/~ were m.o^ Once file In*/elha" sco/ed lit mum miLiN mvv III whom n"u=3�pncdp~aay/" Inc u+e v.xn,/umd",o.,/"n"^m/v=I=,x~/.",,~.'"d»"cum°n^o the nn/*v`"/th,u.,p"^a,m"""'muon""ur/m��.'`cu//*r bill x.m, Lil;Irt Y )y Center IN )j Helena Chemical C 3073 ;S Main St Invoice 73649113 Liberty Center IN 46766 260- 694 -6926 "Invoice 07/24/2008 l 'Due Date 08/15/2008 Bill To: CITY OF CARMEL BROOKSHIPE GOLF COURSE 12120 BROOKSHIRE PWY j`Customer ID 3576723 CARMEL, IN 46033 Salesperson 17090 Shipping Loc. -Shi `To 12120 BROOKSHIRE PWY p: CARMEL, IN 46033' �,Ticket(s), 73639089 s Quantity, Description Unit Price Total 5.000 GAL Soaker Plus (2x2.5 Gal)(Gal) 41.50 /GAL 207.50 10.000 GAL Iprodione E Pro Fungicide (2x2.5 Gal)(Gal) 83.33 /GAL 833.30 4,000 CTN Disarm Fungicide 4x(16 Oz Ctn)(Ctn) 224.50 /CTN 898.00 5.000 BAG Grass Helena Pedigree Rye (50 Lb Bag)(Bag) 61.12 /BAG 305.60 Sub Total__ _.2,24_4.40__ NOTE: By acceptance of the products or services reflected on this invoice, the purchaser agrees to be bound by Amount Due 2,244.40 all the terms and conditions of sale set forth in this invoice, including those on the reverse side of this invoice. Remit To: Helena Chemical Company 98324 Collection Center Drive Chicago IL 60693 -0983 Recommendation Was Made By or Provided to the Seller. Yes No Invoice 73649113 CITY OF CARMEL BROOKSHIPE GOLF COURSE Pesticide N35567 Exp. Date 12/31/2008 y TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE J� Fu tme a On al nf p lcijuctmme I the u�l'Fm��'-I �5/ r',31 MOTI Io���n, iemlof I ectingsI, I C h pj I i as e mmeaaymo v mr»al;f n mcrm each *numctuummvmvmummovimmonu=m from the afotottalmuuaoato,aorne-pmmmoorent�a/(FImm*os CHARG�) e to the maxi,i Flrnoi.-nt allowed Ly law Sliab ow, and due on fl unpaid baii fron The date of firl'! umtememeo°onnno�a,vum`a,e until ^avment wmuivev.n/uum*v=xaanc mnu�haou.nalcmum.m /ymanrs^muery pvmxaser,wxue applied ruv f l i t mmu*ncoax,/ce/um/sl It) meeva^tpurcxa,e,uveonu/pw,/c!v remmomn advice. pa*montavmueu»n/.eua^ynmou deems anrronnatc.m its sole mso^y/un,/n the aveo[u`epvrchwse,mnn to mama navmevt,Gmrc*u/em,me may u*cursmvmuuvHe/°na,ot its option, m be, it ue/av/' and nvmovnu, shall u*mspnnom/em,the v av�nen/u/aomstsumnem/vo./ro/vu/oo;oaxunau/oanomeysfoes,asaomweuuvmw. mmmp,uuvc. and risk o//nnsv,uux*nempmuvm shall pass 'to pu-O»axe, upon *a/ma's placing the pmuact into the »nouesa/vnaa uommn^mmor.vw'omon^ct to an nmu"o/'emmau to Helena. xx� of loss shall mmumw/mpuoxo�eru"m the ,etmnnu pioduct m mcl*auu*o/onaa, the o,/ginal shipping poiW ur at sti& Omer k"'Calion aS Holona ma oc-signate. SEE BELOW FOR ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDIT!ONS Of SALE INCLUDING HEILENA'S LP.11TED VVARRANTY AND LlIviii TA HON OF LIABILITY AND REMEDIES. LIMITED WARRANTY AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY AND REMEDIES seomwanvnmm/eanum,/ ail 000uocomoateunue,oununnmme/amr/aemnpJ;nn,ntpiloiz*is sold homvnoe'mm/m and muS xnoro/obo/,esnerpana*y that such fertixze, conforms w file ao^/vu/sIfaremonoe,nxow" hereon vrununomerlwixoo(s}ue/.,eeytv suyk.l,�rxe,*/novm»e, warranty o,mp*omoai/^n lit any Kind, expres v,implicu. concerning the uvuu�. INCLUDING mo/mpuso WARRANTY oFwsnnHxm I ABILITY oRpnweaaoF THE GOODS FOR ANY PART ouLxn PURPOSE, AND woSUCH wAnxAmnss SHALL oe IMPLIED avLAW. wooamxwxom"nuers`,soue asserted unless any /oso.uam�,o*, in o,m^o,mu/mis reported m the aexe,/oemmo�nmom/,w f31)) days aftei uisnolim,^nu the uy*mmgive m an :laiml',6m.^ such nommemmmxun teanouax (-e and xnco umovu ill"mvs/ of suc.l THE EXCLUSIVE REMEDY AGAINS I I HE SELLER FOR ANY C;ALYSE OF AG! !ON IS A CLAIM FOI i DAMAGES AND iN NO svewroHxu DAMAGES oR ANY or*sn RECOVERY opANY mmoAam u r wcrys�nsxccsoo PRICE s *�pso/p/c 00000iNmoH CAUSE 1xs ALLEGED LOSS. DAMAGE. /mJun,onurHsn CLAIM, SELLER SHALL moTacuAoLs. AND ANY AND ALL CLAIMS Aaa/msrasusR ARE wavFo. FOR spEomil.o/nscronnnwaeuuswnAL DAMAGES onsxpswnca.or ANY NATURE, INCLUDING, our NOT LIMITED no LOSS oppnonTsoRmco!01-cnuPonpxopsnTv!-osunnuAmAGs, .,4eono*�i AND p rc*Anaea, ,nLnonmoro�sPouwrHf-�ssuLns m� 000r w�nnxmv,armcr/moui nmTORT orHcncxueso/ Ao/ION, SEED WARRANTY Helena Chemical Conbanylvarrants that spedssold hereunde 1 �eon iati,&rlu a,�t required Ander State and Federa sec.d laws and they cor1orm to the iabol description, Helena Chem Cornpainy makes no otnor or turinor warranty, expressed (.,r implied, of merchalit fltnel5s or oVierwise which extonds beyond labei description onseclultags. No liability herounder shall be :iiess the buyer or list reports to Helena Chemica Company within a aflet disccvery (riot tG oxclacd 30 days), any cond tic, it Comp, liability. if aliv, I F irn'ted to the purchase price of the soods UV CASE OF ERRORS OR |NOU|R|ES ABOUT YOUR BILL mep=oral I mthm-enuing Act re prompt cmeotio"mmm,mm/staxes, /�x right, ""^",:.=Act, m.:/r u.mk bill il;'l:,; 1101"".^11""m'"m^".,ilrl iWill QJ`I °"hiu -m`""/"./,".o,°^m `x, *'m ti mw=.`�-":..^`, o m ma 1 u"o l.° "c/ .°l"w"�= i:=n.mwi �I.p u^ "w C(' /,�ie,� ,it!)ma�J %ou "��Cl' "I'l AVWL0lJ1 //t, nuuwu,m^oi*w,h,.a~�o. /^m°=i=l"nw"."=,°m=",~o^^ will lv,�jplfcl,""m.dem.i� ,SNIL llAlr uoi vow hill ~umao*a",o,ow"^^u 'u olll/l; i x"/./ p° N1`i, In, ".'e=m Irl"~"/ma("i "n=m"mx=rmilljcd".p`^ J i ii�,=uwmwwd�lr,,i./1,�! Lmp1i'ti ;Illij I �llm Ili �,--/lelei3�ta°mwc,�? :ei:l pu�moa" ill '));.I� ^a'�w Nil, /ulcr"Im" I'll mn*cl I'll "`u"o= lix^eiv"/11^/h"=/`all illp^zl��",* h /^o�x'/""m=�° "m/��m./�xm�m°"�*/°m :!,:,rl°xx" Y .m"mtW.'Itcl^°*',l i Ill x"."ap"ill .w,"°a/o,/n ill °"rcu�v"" dcano~"/illjmIun`*^m~^v= p. /"p"- you remain "ui bill m^ iii disp 1, i [li'll *^"ma will hill. to" "dl "um"=ill a x///ullinm, "^."~de an n ~jili v maou'p v n""�ea"w2"`""`*""=w uup°^.uu�lt,m "p" m r"/=" bill "^`^lll=`mlci==°^*°/p°,vnum"wx=^"~w v:* r "°,uuxi,u*uomym.,xam`om"iak,�, if, binin�-,the Y ou "u",hc 21,mo= (MW ill p�"o"0) p °wmn uo ,ll,li am u"h�"1mige.d Ill r N^oo"up~m,ol\°..='/nx`^x ucuu But /uu""xno,k, lc lmoiriR "(vm.~"."� tile ��t:lj 11clem=x��1-10\',p"lliOln~11�:h 1cpolls"erc Made, Once �fjlatl,�l Itzi, 'Lulcd ^xn~*=*m"mmu°ur="m~/uo"u~" m"w�u/;!, lij'�Tomwu^a ch"r"^ e%,"ll n t bill m"~ (L�-arty Center (IN)) Helena Chernole Delivery Ticket 73639089 3073 S Main St Liberty Center, IN 46766 Loaded Date 07/22/2008 Bill To: CITY OF CARMEL BROOKSHIPE GOLF COURSE Time 10:12:18 AM 12120 BROOKSHIRE PWY CARMEL, IN 46033 Customer ID 3576723/- Customer PO# Salesperson 17090 Shipping Via. Ship To: 12120 BROOKSHIRE PWY Description CARMEL, IN 46033 Ticket Type Pickup Comments: Quantity Description EPA Registration Load Amount Unit Price 5.000 GAL Soaker Plus (2x2.5 Gal)(Gal) EXEMPT 1.000 CS 10.000 GAL Iprodione E Pro Fungicide (2x2.5 Gal)(Gal) 2.000 CS 4.000 CTN Disarm Fungicide 4x(16 Oz Ctn)(Ctn) 1.000 CS 5.000 BAG Grass Helena Pedigree Rye (50 Lb Bag)(Bag) 5.000 BAG Recommendation Was Made By or Provided to the Seller. F No Received by: Date: PURCHASER ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE NOTED ON THE REVERSE SIDE HEREOF. CITY OF CARMEL BROOKSHIPE GOLF COURSE Delivery Ticket 73639089 Pesticide N35567 Exp. Date 12/31/2008 S TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE Fill payment for each item (t f product is due upon the date of Helena's first monthly statement reflecli sach purchase. In tf.., evert the pure h ise price of each product item is not pad in full within 30 darts= from the aforesaid due date, a time or fee differential I 'I EI a, C;E CHARGE) equal to the maximum amount al owed by law shall he i �se. >sed and acts on the-, Unpaid t;adance from the date of firs=t mt r ly statement fef!ectIng sucrt PIonase until payment is received in full by Helena and crodiled to purrhasers account. All pay is its mace by PUIC113St'H Will be applied as orovidod for remittance advice furnished by purchaser to Helena. It) the event purchaser ctrl not p,ovee remittance advice. payments will be applied as Helena deems appi'opdawmi its sole discretion. In the event the purchaser foils to maize payments Las required, account may be considered by Helena, at its option, to be n default and purchaser shall be re pon s,ble for the payment of all costs of collection, inckidina reasonable attorneys fices, as alloth by (aw. Title to Irroduc' and risk of kiss or damage to product shall pass to purchaser upon Holena's placing the product into the possession of a common carrier. With respect to any product returned to Helena, risk of loss shall remain with purchaser until the returned product :s received by Helena at the original shipping point or at such other locaition as Helena may designate. SEE BELOW FOR ADDITIONAL r TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE INCLUDING HELENA'S Lik WARRANTY AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY AND REMEDIES. LIMITED WARRANTY AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY AND REMEDIES Sel!e: wucams title iwl"' That all goods sold hereunder conform to the label description. If fertilizer is sold hereunder in b .,lk and tnus ras r Iabo! Seiler warrants maf such fertilizer conforms to the, analysis thereof either shown hereon or on another wntingis' delivered to Buyer. There is no other ula,aanty or representalk n, of any kind, express or implied, concerning the goods. INCLUDING NO IMPLIED Vt ARRANTY OF MERC?HAI%1 ABILITY OR FITNcSS OF THE GOODS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NO SUCH WAFIRA.NTIES SHALL FIE IMPLIED BY LAW. No liability he shall be asse to ..mess any loss. ,loin rage. injury or other claim is reported to the Serer in writ g vv :thin thirty 30) nays lien discovery, and the failure tc tltve noLce of any cleiirri ivithin such period shall constitute an absolute and unconditional waiver of such Claim. THE EXCLUSIVE REMEDY AGAINST THE SELLER FOR ANY CAUSE OF ACTION iS A CLAIM FOR DAMAGES AND IN NO EVENT SHALL DAMAGES OR ANY OTHER RECOVERY OF ANY KIND AGAINST SELLER EXCEED THE PRICE OF THE SPECIFIC GOODS WHICH CAUSE I HE ALLEGED LOSS. DAMAGE, INJURY OR OTHER CLAIM, SELLER SHAL! NOT BE LIABLE, AND ANY AND ALL CLAIMS AGAINST SELLER ARE WAIVED. FOR SPf::CIAL.. DIRECT OR CC)tilSEOUENTIAL DAMAGES OR EXPENSES, OF ANY NATIURE, INCLUDING, BUT NOT 1 lt41 ?ED _f O. LOSS OF: t'I'at?PTS OR Cu i= (POP OR C P "'1' ERR Y L OSS C W,'r7AGF R 0'i ;O I P oF_D ON t S NI -G! ti (:aEN.t I;. sc I' ;,I v lilt r K;T L1 ESi!_i 't IV TOR .t� Ali` 011ii_R C i OF ACTION SEED WARRANTY Y Helena Chemical Company warrants that soods sold hereunder h ave been fabeied as required under State and Federal seed lavi,s and they conform to the ;abet description. Helena Chernicai Company makes no other or further warranty, expressed or implied, of merchantability. fitness or otherwise which extends beyond label description on seed tags. No liability hereunder shall be asserted unless the bit ye.r er user reports to Helena Chemical Company within a reasonable period after discovery (not to exceed 30 days) any conditions that m!ght lead to a complaint. Helena Chemical Company's liability if any, is limited to the purchase price of the seeds. IN CASE OF ERRORS OIL INQUIRIES ABOUT YOUR BILL The Federal Truth in Lending Act requires prompt correction of billing mistakes. L It r v• ^.d. ttr i�_ hill «h;l[ i, t t:.l.i!, "ow 1!_ i, ,r r: or it ti e. l5 sate t� nt�,rtn.u: �n about an i €em qtr. .Ens till. it l',' il d ,:i r n ,n F: f.. r `t,�t,.. .t,y,tP. d(king; von not pre :er,e= y"ur rights under .nil a n, A d —c. trill It a li lt; q tied s .t )Iu;tall,)ri :t,) th c,t.: t ;_o: �.,u e.p(�tntl .:h: t, c,.. -lv You u;rl tied rroa� uti.va.,trm. explain thli tt<.ut ,oU "le tin nIc a nut, Ina it you v,r,ti...,l. for e,idcncc c:t th wire .0 :h it tilt ?v of the .li a _t 1'.h 13u n it send to goat dilly c it sal., ,Ili or oth c; document unles x .0 ii<tvc il triplicate c oily fur torn re"MIN, iii The dollar asucumt of th; su.+p:." f[" t error. io. Anv olb it i'm isuch it ,at: addresst whu 1) yo❑ think will Ir ll3 I :n r In i i.utity you or the reason for your c'wrptaint or inquiry. b. S°nd your hillin errur lotto; it, the.alaio,s vin out 0 i- list id aunt fluc a i.rd,: "hrgtiirii Oil 7c..: or simrltu wuriling, Mild it a, ,t ,xr Vs viii cats, brit t t.. case c :at h auouah to ,ea,:.i I lelena "tr_,in fa} ilae aver the t,li Mililad to i -OU I1 -1, Ba mutt r ;l lett.r hr r,ti+t_i :rr.tr po.sible emirs cry Ohm 30 days of r.. °eelpt, tnuv._. Helena a abEe tea ::,acct your hill dui in t hat ?t? ca il i, %itl,i.. °)(I kidti' a e ,kur eder, Helena crust ciaiwi um.,ct ttw crruror captain who I iclena beheces the bill c,a, coned.. Once Helena net., thial.iut[ the, hill. Ile!enn h.ii, tit t`wthernhli also s In y, even rho a „h rod ;till believe dial there i, an arm• except a Inw, ided in jmr,,.:atth 5 hchtw. :A ter t [3.ena hits h,c.i r,otif icd_ neither ll.-1.r o ruin cnt "11101 a t :oll:•ihnn aet r ra.aly send voil cnllecdoon led, 1-s i dale oih,rr ciollctawn action'i =till ic,pect to the sruount in dispa[c: he ,terioui. st itctnenr m v "Ic sent to you. and kill dicput'd amount can he t li d apinat vourercdu limit. Y nit allot t c .h;eatened tilt damage to yat.i cleiii rating to sued ft rfae amour's in que:llion, not can tile, diNputal �inoun be r "portal ,_s :a er;;dit bureau ill w coheir iWitor as de linyi,ent taint H a elena aoiro,rered gu ar huluir�'. However. cod remtti,n obligated to pay the parts it tout trill not in dispute. 4. if it determined that FLeleua hie, made it mistake on your bilk gilt cvtll not have i pil, an;' t.u.uxc char cs on xni� disputed amanll. I: it rains out [hill iL trait hx, ,tot mndz an error, will ratty I ircc lo ,lea:. Ilnance ch a on the antouoi it Wid you will hil tit ill up any miss o ramimum or :ee;uned i <:ynrent, tin tftc oltsputsd Indium, U 1111 11 e, ")It Tillie agiced that "'AU bill wad cnucc i l,cicna rnu,t son 1 ;ou a ill -nit-n notif :cation of what j awk it is doennmcd grit I-leltna did ninkli it nn i in hilling the di,pn ed aauou }it. yon roml t e given the time to pan which you nurmall, are gircn In 1. tc ?ndi.puted aruul Elio any more futmce chargc, iir lat, I ,,n,t cbanes on die Lt :,}iured amount eit, b<, to you. Si It licloua's explanalwv do ti nor wisfv you and you nkludy Helena iu writing within 16 dire, 11[el you tt< eaplanatinn that V"il still rondo to ptl} I he ofispulcd snnwnt. Fictera loll, reknit auu to W eflit Nunaus and oth<,! clw edr. Lind may pinsue rega e,tl p larcol tocedim Bit, Halc�na ma ual o report thin you think )'Out do not ou�e the mnn�y, and He "mil must let ycan know to whom such top were made. Once The e inauer hit Cc.cn settled hemcer you and I ielen k 110. nai nmu t no[itw thr� to whrnn Relent: retorted you as delingni°nt of the sahsequc 11 rCSO!utio' If blelena doe, not folio" ih,se t: le., H.;uta s net aliouaed w roticct the tint :i`'t at :ht disputes anion' a:ul i,oan chat „e,. avon it die hilt tutus (tilt too he ci,rrccl. Prescribe,:! by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee L4,( o Purchase Order No. 4­ Terms 7/d, j& Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) ICJ ✓fPy J v /1"/?%7 7 z ve 7j4, W /dL 'r Total ��`7 7, t� I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. P ALLOWED 20 IN SUM OF 7� ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board Members PO# or INVOICE NO. ACCT #!TITLE AMOUNT DEPT. I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or /1'�;' Z364L 235q- 2 .2-N bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the t" 7,36 L?9 i a 8 3. j- materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 20 ture Cost distribution ledger classification if itle claim paid motor vehicle highway fund