HomeMy WebLinkAbout161390 07/11/2008 `yew CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 359475 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE HELENA CHEMICAL CO CHECK AMOUNT: $3,319.24 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 98324 COLLECTION CENTER DR ?y. CHICAGO IL 60693 -0983 CHECK NUMBER: 161390 CHECK DATE: 7/1112008 DEPARTME ACCOUNT PO NUMBE IN VOIC E NUM AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 905 4238900 73648769 3,319.24 OTHER MAINT SUPPLIES F a fF' e a rc t, (Liberty CentFr (INA Helena Chemical C 3073 S Main St Invoice 73648769 Liberty Center IN 46766 260-694-6926 b 16voice Date 07/03/2008 Bill To; CITY OF CARMEL BROOKSH'IPE G OLF COURSE Due Date 08/15/2008 12120 BROOKSH Customer'1D 3576723 CARMEL, IN 46033 °''Salesperson 17090 t Shippiod1oc 1 Y v ne ,Ship To 1.2120 BROOKSHIRE PWY ry CARMEL, IN 46033 e Quantity Description ""Unit rice TotaI I 2.000 DRM Curalan (12x2.75 Lb Drm)(Drm) 1,002.87 /DRM 2,005.74 66.000 LBS Chipco Signature (45.5 Lb)(Lbs) 19.75 /LBS 1,303.50 1.000 EA Fuel Surcharge (EA) 10.00 /EA 10.00 07 -07 -08 A10 :46 IN Sub Total 3,31 NOTE: By acceptance of the products or services reflected on this invoice, the purchaser agrees to be bound by Aniqunt Due 3,319.24 all the terms and conditions of sale set forth in this invoice, including those on the reverse side of this invoice. Remit To: Helena Chemical Company 98324 Collection Center Drive Chicago IL 60693 -0983 Recommendation Was Made By or Provided to the Seller. Yes No Invoice 73648769 CITY OF CARMEL BROOKSHIPE GOLF COURSE Pesticide N35567 Exp. Date 12/31/2008 TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE Ft Ill payine-it for earn tum af pr3wcT I, di ce pnn if dale of lieletla s fit si monthly ­,atcmen ,e rpl Oil pt ichtls��, pice of eaclih pioduct i.lom. isnot paid In tlj vvithin 30 ciavu from the afoiesainduc data. a tinno-Pricc differential �FINANICE C�IARGF) equal to the mamnillm amount afl ov lattv shall be I a-. Find due oil the unpaid i�alainc.o from the dateof first monfl-tiv sLiternent I reflecting such oiirchaSC until oavr is I received in full by Helena and oredited to purchascis account. At payrnonts Inade by purchaser ,vill be appl as provided for it" remittance advoo furnished by purchaserta, Helena. It-, tle evenit purchaser don,�; not p paVnneWs as required. the account may be consid�)red by Helena, Pit its option, to bo it" dof,LlIt and purchaser shall be responsible for the Fille to, procuct and risk O f of Cornmon Carrel. Will) 1.0snect to any product returnp m Helena, risk m lo s ,mai"covi". pur u/m/,e re/m/um product ;S receivnd by Helena a, the origina shipping point or a/ such diner location as Helona inav designate. SEF BELOW FOR ADDII`IONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS Of SALE INCLUDING HELENA'S LIMITED WARRAN AND LIMI FA [ION OF LIABILITY AND REMEDIES. LIMITED WARRANTY AND LIMITAT OF LIABILITY AND REMEDIES rants 108 and mat all Qoods sold )cteunder conform to the label ooscript/on. If fertilizer is sold herocirlder int b, ilk and thus hats oumum_ Sato amuams that such fem/izo'conuon m the aoawmismoeoomm,s»mw hereon n,unonmoo mm (s��uwvncmto Buyer. rI'r,ois no other wananwn,mnreaoommnu/ any Ki exneou^, implied, concerning t he goods, INCLUDING mo/mPueo VVARRANTY OF MERCHAN I ABILITY OR FITNESS OF THE GOODS FOR ANY PAR HCULAR PURPOSF, AND NO SUCH WARRANTIES SHALL BE IMPLIED svLAW. No liabilitv herounder stiall be asserted tinless any less, dam,%ge, iniury Or othtr claim is reported to the Seller in vv'riting within thirt inu) da m discovery. and the failure un/v*voo'=o/ any r/ei!'n ""jum^ovoopm/ovuhon constitute m`a*m/utp and unoonamooz/waiver Of o/a;u, THE EXCLUSIVE REMEDY AGAINSI I F SELLER FOR ANY CAUSE OF AC, I IS A CLA FOH DAMAGES ANr_1, IN NO I_VLN i SHALL DAMAGES OR ANY OTHER RECOVERY Of- AN, KIND AGAINSTSELLER EXCEED THE PRICE OF FHE SPECIFIC GOODS WHICH CAUSF THE ALLEGED LOSS. DAMAGE. INJURY 01:1 OTHFF. CLAIM, SELLER SHALL NOT BE LIABLE, AND ANY AND ALL CLAIMS xGmmar SELLER ARE wmvso.poRmPco/AL,o/nscroRoowosouewrm1 DAMAGES onsx?ewsem, OF AwvwArune /wcLuoma,our NOT um/rsoro LOSS oF. pRop/Tson INCOME, CROP onPnopEnrYL0000nDAMAGE, ss AN, orR _K;.yrc*ano w*srHsnoR NOT oAssoomrxEasus R'S mLauoEmos answ:HoF �Annxmry srn/cru^amrv/m TORT on�w,orxsncAuaeopxonom SEED WARRANTY Helena Chemical Company warrants that seeds sold hereunder havo been labeler! a,", required und,er State and Federa' sood aws and r-erchai1abilitv. fitness or oview. which oxtorlds beyond label descripNon ,it se�d tligs. No I'labi;lty 1-proundershall be ascerted uniess the buyoi or uset reports to Helena Chemical; Company within R I. period after discovery (nor to exceed 30 days a r, y cond;tions that rnight lecld to a corriPlaini. Helcn, Chomical C liability, if any, s limited to the puichase price of the socds. IN CASE OF ERRORS DR INQUIRIES ABOUT YOUR BILL The pudem/nmxm Lending Act reqo/em prompt correct of mmxomistaken. '«t,"""""'~p~`"°" A m'.".`/=m" °'"^/.*.o u"z r kill /'",("ll "o.""`",/""v../~."m."/=c'"."." ^m`"w.°m,n'ww/o",^ h.11 doin �o"m nor n�v,r r w,li g huunde r m�m".'rc/^/1,°x",_ r°. "=x 1� ^^."tini m."^«m"�� o t"" x "lql�w,~fll �l i °'"lwc docio�ill! W", 11� ".11I a n* do! u,mumwoio" "*i,:c ill m,uuie~,n vow hill °ua.a/.°au�,/�°om".^/���xu"�°"»'=~"�^�./^ou,vwx.mx,o^ uu ill m immadcct,aI(um:unm°.=l,:dw�~ npu.^'do,uo o"/m° hilt, ^oI LmI lt�l.�x. :i//"m If, r ~"n".ho"/. r m'du^xieve'h.,'/�n/,al I"n~",= um 5, fxx=. You v m"""°" m�,�siion� n xvdisp"md,mn=/wic or tic .o°! mmu"Ic=Ica, will obli ."po (lie pn,m �x /'u�.,m"m�mo.x,/m,�^"n�,"uov.�'m�'."u/. V""°momoprm 'h�^u"/m"11j,"m"=e c v [it p. ;tic "=~m/"a'mm".=u will h"=u"au l mVyma«u="""m"(it- pi, "it Ilico"puicil �uuouro.r"� have (Ildl oul bill w-c,�=m. Hu=rILIt4l �­ll,��nOtIllCiAl 1-1 ,it mmVf1ti ovr,,1d./i\ lWImTIaw(limuuemmulli:lkc-,`llIi\t'kc ill billin /lit� m,~muwmmpmmwI)c m.""o=,m°".o�°�/�~"m^M/�=�� "'pr, hewm=) t oap.uu,""~.� :cm M:chit ill p~ �o//a=.',". 1o1o/.mw ouu*p^a"m~m�/"um°av lt! will it) .nui� 1'�Iunmnldmu,=u/w`,"d nm, n ."="eL�"/",m/x=x°p"uxon`, Bill l I it.]"wl Ilills',�" ".m"mv".uv""/" vi: the. and n"/°na 111u.'/^p~ m°h"m`tICh �c' xu~�"p°,"ux^u,^uaummu6t=*l"./w*wm,"" m xmu x mm'Icx" v ~°moh,� o~/mit'" ^xna°=u~,"mmm°m"=m�, /u""u"x'lljo°" w"xu,Ill, o,*S�i)w t ua .`°no=a/mm. .~.*b�^�"o (Liberty Center (IN)) Fielena Chem O Delivery Ticket 73638831 3073 S Main St Liberty Center, IN 46766 Loaded Date 07/02/2008 Bill To: CITY OF CARMEL BROOKSHIPE GOLF COURSE Time 5:31:09 AM 12120 BROOKSHIRE PWY CARMEL, IN 46033 Customer ID 3576723/- Customer PO# Salesperson 17090 Shipping Via. i Ship To: 12120 BROOKSHIRE PWY Description CARMEL, IN 46033 Ticket Type Pickup Comments: Quantity Description EPA Registration Load Amount Unit Price 2.000 DRM Curalan (12x2.75 Lb Drm)(Drm) 2.000 DRM 66.000 LBS Chipco Signature (4x5.5 Lb)(Lbs) 432 -890 3.000 CS 1.000 EA Fuel Surcharge (EA) 1.000 EA Recommendation Was Made By or Provided to the Seller. FjYesF� No Received by: Date: PURCHASER ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE NOTED ON THE REVERSE SIDE HEREOF. CITY OF CARMEL BROOKSHIPE GOLF COURSE Delivery Ticket 73638831 Pesticide N35567 Exp. Date 12/31/2008 TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE Fiji! naymo* for each item ofproduct is oumupm the date,m*eleria's first monthly memmp t reoecunpocm purchase. mmek;vi)m� purcha,se price of each product Item is got paid it fUll vvith n 30dayo from theaforpsa dliLie dale, a titne-pIifi:k difitpren �s CHAR(­iF) equal to the rm.litill"I amount al by law shall be, asi and cue (in the unpaid baiar f. the da.'e of iffsl nlurm statement reflecting uucxpum»nao until nsvmant/u received /ow/uv*o/nosanuoreuxonmpvrcoxueuaccouot.m/nu meoymadeu pvlCoose, will ue applied as, pmvidom, Ill iemma"ca advic mm/ohembynummuoo'm Helena. m the avmx/ purchaser uuosnmpmvico remxtancem*=e. paymonlqvv,II uenpvnouanHe/enuua*msanpmpriate^nnsnn/emnce*mn,mtrmovaotmen:nx000,ru:ommo^v payrnents as required, thic ofcount ara be cowviered by Heleni-i, lit its option. to be in crofaurt and putchaser shall be responsible m,om payment Of all costs of col;ection, ItICILIding roaSGrillble attorneys feefs. as allovied hy law. Title mproduct and risk o/mss",uane atopmuvctr»oopsosmpurchaae/uponoo/ena o placing the product into the pvyoeaa/onmu uummovoarrie,. '..Jitn respect to an product mlwnccl to Helena, risk of loss shall iernain with purch ntif tire relurnec pmiji,ct .s received by Helena, no/mmatwch othei location a^mu�rka designate. SEE RsLmw FOR ADPmo AL nsRmu AND CONDITIONS o; SALE INCLUL)iNG HELENA'S 1 IMITED WARRANTY AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY ANO, FiEMEDiES LIMITED WARRANTY AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY AND REMEDIES uene,lva.mo�ti,/eanu that all goods, sold hemvnue,00nmnnm the label m,xcnvmun. x fertilizer /suum hereunder if uumo.`ua"s m,snuwmm, Seiler nmxumnmm such mm/un,mnmmammeana/pis thereo emmrahownoereo mo, another vvrm muk'Inoreu� avye,.roee/^w other woxantyn,representation of any u cl express or implied, ci(,Incorning the mm INCLUDING mo/wpueo W^nnAmrYoFmenon«mr ABILITY onFn NESS oF i*e GOODS, FOR ANY PARTICULAR PuRpoas­ AND woouc: wxxnAmr/Eo SHALL as IMPLIED avLAW. mo liability hereunder shall u* asserted vmsss any loss, domugv. Inquiry o, other clo/m/srepvonumma Seller mw,mnow/m.nm.uv (30) days after discovei and the frii to give notice of any clairt) such penod shallconsfitute ari absolute and unconditional wm*e, u such u/e/m. rHe EXCLUSIVE REMEDY AGAINST THE SELLER Fon ANY CAUSE op ACTION /S A CLAIM FOR DAMAGES AND /mwo EVEN 1 SHALL DAMAGES OR ANY OTHER RECOVERY OF Akn KIND AGAINS I Sizi. I ER EXCEE-0 THE PRICE OF THE SPILCIFIC GOODS WHICH CAUSE rxs ALLEGED LOSS DAMAGE, /wJunvoR OTHER CLAIM. SELLER SHALL NOT aE LIABLE, AND ANY xwox! i. 11-AiMSAGAINS! 3! LLFR ARE kA'A IVFn FOR SPI GIAL, DIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL F)AMAGFS OR EX'-'E NSFS, OF �c�uo/woourmoruw/rso/o /oSsorn�op/rson/wuoUs cPr"�npnuprp`,'r="'`� w11_ 'nli.xoxm1_l1 uowr uk- Lns��".^.-.. �/m^mv u/ Cru*y/ur,/mroR rm1 l!*wvo1 Hsnowu Eorxcnow SEED WARRANTY Helena Chemical Compiiny ii seecki solid herounder have been labeled as required kinder Siate and Federal seed lailvi; and they confoinn to the'abel krescription. Helena Chernical Company nrl.�,Ireis no other or fulther warranty, explessed or irripliod, Of morchantabil;ty, fitness or othpirwisoviihich Pxlends beyond abel dl�scriptron oil seco lags. No liabi,ity shall be, assorbld unless the buyoi or riser reports ,cl He'ena Chemical Company withit ai ruasorable period af discovery (not to exceed 30 days) arly condi'iOns that might lead, to a complaint. Helena Chernical Conifially's liability, If imy, is limited to 1he purchasp price of the seeds. IN CASE OF ERRORS OR INQUIRIES ABOUT YOUR BILL The Federal Trut mLpnmooAct re wnmptommotionofuu/nomistakes. �//p",""/ ill r "`=`°p",,/ o.`"nd", tic xo. h,r�. ,°/,,'m(it,n,m,h."! .^.^m..~nmp ill ./..u",cd )v'l"."11°"�t1,."^o.", 'In n �=mx. D') ill)[ ltntc.~111Chill On"~ It pa tflue(voo lwtv li rmm��hul doin m will wit preserve �ii'r r1l_ uri "","""n� m° """="cu`~,=a llc ".w` m,°^cr".wm..0 I.,/h, ."^�O~/ Ill 1.= o/ nu.mo�,m"u.,�/wu�"mxmnn A"� ill o°m»xmxm (such ��.",mumaI"m»a y on lilt, mofie/pxu,m."am,,l lit °,hl. xx puimI] �c,u it "m,vmi=^,+",d (4^ S"u Iux�.! e (I"/m ./m^""x "p u°..w'.. 1 ~".:"�v"`.' "v*n""p~ can, rill m" ill =l"i'lk�lcl"~mmwa~."flcl ill, wo°`"=1, a Ill �ua""""v= ill /uno" Ill TI; °o~"n`kii n dil V,amvo u"rm= In ,,or mtcr. I i0" alum "mh't^"=um"un"°,,w" ill °h ua`=»e"," tic ux"°"".,�j_' I'l, u.�.. '`m"1)IlJ':� hill. uum"eu=axli«"w/ Ill 'O°°ive"nmvu still hcu°^m*'hlic/, all w,x",=*"` /xomxam, h ^v"~ummd.uwiL:oxaniuu° ill *mm ,�Il,: l,-Iw ,ym"uI^/^° "ct°"~xo1(!� he =m"", ill a bill u,/unn^^ roll ,�~"w y ,um�a�cuu"=mm""�, n~ "~m �m�e�/�ma°�.m�m"�//uoo c :all ,1W "nom 1)� ai^m. mmhui,aell °ill **,mu/m,�ua/n( until x=u,"/m.mn^ciild you ,m"arooui to pv the I i mpu, bill *u/"xup"^. 4.x///.uaer flat m/n`" hill, mid° :if m.,/a".," vow ,hill, you ill nor u"`l� Ill pv an xualicc"�rlli°"w'zlil amount, Irift ri^.m wuI li!li 11,11umrcildi: Ill m" r mITM V 11:1.,10 om°="hlir,(^ ill 'hQm~.rit fit u/`p n m°x/:p`m=,l,0"pw x Mi^me" I"Immm "C(Io.it!up1"sum.00mou/o havc�x hill "mmmm,,uo/m^."",, *rid n nit' n"/u"vu,"'o/"hwL x o" .~*.am`/mdeic"o/mo chit xuuw'fill om�/a°fit *,aymuxair°uo/�p`omn*bL! ii, p y ou "vm";,��°o m�undil; wox aki�more financc dial ge" ill *�pa ch;tr.�.cs or the ainount can 1)�; p" 5. n I "X,an*~" doe ,^m"tlqfy vol, itild p~"wu /felefill it) "rifi. .x'*"/ou�` ill r that It'll [if [if lcfuvmp m°o/,,..*ao".="'.n"ltinamz1v lepm fit ,it'u//wxu"""numoe,!"o.u/""mxn`" Bill xuu.^."".m/° IC mink ,ou do not Owe LhI rrivnk�v. and xanminust let Volt knov;^`"ll=Such itf Inifte; h°h=�*� p" arid x,/,"",n,/,"o"mt notif u~`"/"°x"mlu"le"^= y ou it, dkx" ^xn"k�rouw^w"moo~'ife°=u'.xa""u"m,/u°" m*o°um°m"e) ol'uruiS u^".roe hill turn, .�to tic"m� Prescribed by State Board of Accounts I City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee H -e L.nc, Cy` k� Y N C L, Ccs C"_: Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Total I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 IN SUM OF TL (.,.A.9 3 3 tj ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR q Cc Board Members PO# or INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT DEPT. I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 9 10 5 73t�`11�� 3 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 20Q Si re Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund