HomeMy WebLinkAbout158920 04/30/2008 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 359475 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE HELENA CHEMICAL CO CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 98324 COLLECTION CENTER DR CHECK AMOUNT: $1,249.13 CHICAGO IL 60693 -0983 CHECK NUMBER: 158920 CHECK DATE: 4/30/2008 DEPARTMENT A CCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 905 4238900 73647041 1,249.13 OTHER MAINT SUPPLIES (Liberty Center (IN)) Helena Chemical C 3073 S Main St Invoice 73647041 Liberty Center 46766 260 694:-6926 J''voice,Date 04/03/2008 BIII To: CITY OF CARMEL BROOKSHIPE GOLF COURSE Due Date 05/15!2008 12120 BROOKSHIRE PWY CARMEL, IN 46033 Customer ID 3576723 Salesperson 17090 Shippin °g' Loc 1 Shi p To; 12120 BROOKSHIRE PWY CARMEL, IN 46033 s Ticket(s),` 73637313 Quantity Description Unit Price Total' 5.000 BAG Grass Helena Pedigree Rye (50 Lb Bag)(Bag) 60.12 /BAG 300.60 3.000 BAG Grass Helena Caribbean Blue Bid (50 Lbs) 125.51 /BAG 376.53 2.000 GAL Podium (2x1 Gal)(Gal) 286.00 /GAL 572.00 d� 04 25 08 P01 :08 IN ,.Sub 16tal 1,249.13 q NOTE: By acceptance of the products or services reflected on this invoice, the purchaser agrees to be bound by Amount Due 1,249.13 all the terms and conditions of sale set forth in this invoice, including those on the reverse side of this invoice. Remit To: Helena Chemical Company 98324 Collection Center Drive Chicago IL 60693 -0983 Recommendation Was Made By or Provided to the Seller. Yes No Invoice 73647041 CITY OF CARMEL BROOKSHIPE GOLF COURSE Pesticide N35567 Exp. Date 12/31/2008 TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE mo n/m/*xch Him m;muactmu"evnn^mo dam n/Holoox sN»uxdwa Into mmmme CHIAHGE'i equal to the maximurn annnint al;3 Uy ah shat be', and coe, c� We unpaid n0mcm fmm Me Me of Wn nmwmy staterneN netramn ndi;�ijscl until paytre! is received in It it ov Helena arociedited to purchascis acwuntn A! payment nace by Title mvmuuc, and riAufmosn,uama *wpcmoctuxanvuosmnvmxoser"n(lox°/ena'sp/uomnmepmuum/"mmvpvsueos/unma ^ummonoamo/.vvxhmspoo/ toady product ,etimaumoo/eo�nAm/azs¥.rema/nmmpuormna,unmmammmeu prMuct u uyo/,e*ur Helena atmen'/ginn/rmnnmo point n,Aum/,nme. /nnaoonas Halite, mavoaxiuoato. SEE BELOW FOR xoomnwoL TERMS, AND CONDFTiONSOF SALE INCLUI)FIG HELENA'S L.11AITED WARRANTY AND LIMIT ATION OF I IABILITY AND RFMED;ES, LIMITED WARRANTY AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY AND REMEDIES uo,e,*m,mn*m/e and ma' good "emorue.cunknnm Ins /aum/ueucopoor.x/em//ze//u sold hemvnuv/m bulk and mus has nu MO. mouer warrants that smmfe,uxze,coownnsmmeana/yu/smemx Mar arov,00eonvru,a^m»e,wm/noy)oaovemum our*,, Thee /s^oou`e,*a,rantyo,repesemaoun,u/anrm"u onrem Lit implied, "o,`uornmomeoo^u INCLUDING woIMPLIED WARRMAY OF MERCHAMAMMY OR FITNESS OF THE CX FOR AN I CULAR PURPOSE, AND mosuoi i VVxnnAmnss SHALL es IMPLIED eY LAW. mo/mmm,xemvnaa,oxanue asserted umeoumrwp^dam.,mwn;o,omo,c/mm/umvnueumm* Seller /nwmmo *Am m/rt RDdaw and Me Ahmmo*e mike m arty claim wimm such pemcal shall mnvmueanahsolme and vnommonmwaite, m saw =,/m. THE EXMTSWE REMEDY AGAINSPRAE SFUER FOR AM CMNE OF ACI ION IS A CLAIM FOR DAMAGFS Al IN NO evEwTaHxuoAwAasS3on ANY OTHER nLcuvsR,opxmv KIND AGAINST SELLER EXCEED r*spmosoFrnsopeo/F/c GOODS WHICH CALISF THE ALLEGED LOSS. DAMAGE, INJURY OR 01 C[.AlM, SELLER SHALL NOT BE LIABLE, AND ANY AND xuc1-NwsxGwmor SPIER AnsWameo ronapEo/xL DIRECT onoowSsousmruLoxwAGesoRsxpewsssop Amr NATURE. /ncLuom*uu MOT umvForo. LOSS oFpnor/rson/moows. I�nop osxonoxmAss �10R GHARGFS AIAD FIALKITF CHARGES. AHLI HER OR NOT RASED ON THE SELLER S N1,I3LU:-NCL. E3HID` OF wmnnxwrIern/cruxaurv/wIonron ANY or HER oAu�sor^C,mn SEED WARRANTY nnercnantability, fitness or othLrmse extends beyond labal deschplion onseed tags. No liability hensunaer shall be as� urfless Me buyer orusw mpMs to Helena Chemical Company h4m a wasonable pered aller discovery (no to exceed 30 dap), ary IN CASE OF ERRORS OR INQUIRIES ABOUT YOUR B|LL The Pnmera/ Truth /ri mmmo Act reqo/mumnmpt correction mmmnnmiswkas. )TW mmw =u a^." "="".vr" ^�omm*mau"m",��c�m*nw',�mmxp°o".o��m^» z a am°um A w" Wnd h ~rv'e n°/' it u w"? wx kip xa=,w"Wx. MOW mw°m,p°"°" wm." no" mm""Al"m uo "I axaa*m:vmmk^/n On Y ammt'^.^~"m°.vApu^/^ ikk Anm .u""U4".x w r "m/ g 'w r .~m,°,"n"m"mA .*.=a, jnu,muno PAN n""=',~,mno. im.m^v/ u .m",p,0.'^m.^=." I sm Kum, lu*="umc.x^uvme^,wenv ."u hill °^~°`uL'm.c/�4, V,�` vmj lw) �./""*~o"..:a="�,m..^,"=um.l w .mw^ in°uc/", m°,"` I'll °"nin o *p, *"pma .O,°"."a,/sxa.=u°=^ ^"`vIF'"" 1 "m.^^xw,w "In =,u.� m,.""."". ,n\C:,.d I,uu""."ym"'/w"�luu""�,"i,ulk"/"ao/"pm°m §="ok Ale wp ..u., n.^!" 10 ."m.ui" m moo m�a"°dmi,".u`wo .h"m,.1o~"°* x.".^. .Mx". '5 o.v/xm` 0 ',"I `�I,'su^1,�i `x"".,�o ml:t 'AIA !;-As, w.'^',/,^.n.,".I ..e^~oII:, =~^a�°'u^.`wI"uo"'°'`m,/*c '1111Im"m/m°^"`� o u11,�"=u (Liberty Center (IN)) Helena Chemi I C O. H Delivery Ticket 73637313 3073 S Main St Liberty Center, IN 46766 Loaded Date 04/02/2008 Bill To: CITY OF CARMEL BROOKSHIPE GOLF COURSE Time 5:31:08 PM 12120 BROOKSHIRE PWY CARMEL, IN 46033 Customer ID 3576723/- Customer PO# Salesperson 17090 Shipping Via. A B T TRUCKING Ship To: 12120 BROOKSHIRE PWY Description CARMEL, IN 46033 Ticket Type Pickup Comments: Quantity Description EPA Registration Load Amount Unit Price 5.000 BAG Grass Helena Pedigree Rye (50 Lb Bag)(Bag) 5.000 BAG 3.000 BAG Grass Helena Caribbean Blue Bid (50 Lbs) 3.000 BAG 2.000 GAL Podium (2x1 Gal)(Gal) 1.000 CS Recommendation Was Made By or Provided to the Seller. DYesF No Received by: Date: PURCHASER ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE NOTED ON THE REVERSE SIDE HEREOF. CITY OF CARMEL BROOKSHIPE GOLF COURSE Delivery Ticket 73637313 Pesticide N35567 Exp. Date 12/31/2008 "'ERW8S AND CONDITIONS {}F SALr- oveupunmnutled*a/enis/.rmnmnmysummo/,,WArum,vrm:^*``�/ r. nuc^�ep�,�o�~pmum/ne,`u"mn�umxu.xxmnuouu�omrv*o�eu�"oexe.e�n�mm�umu*apro/^�x� a^ot%(w bomwe% W eAng nm puwawmmppmcmumc newmUwxovcarwcem,mx`v"W,ye^anvr. .wc'ommnurap" ed e sKmAea ur.vLwrmrca How /w *+°o:,n,,^,xr4) Fw"M 0m^o m *,"om"we�o*v�meno�uuaxnn�aaso*�mu,vnsw*romompm`m�e��now N*aua 'onp,.`^,'',+�~."� napnvnmas0�l"'nm /,e fra 1)" b Ho )a a/ uvn^v muum'mA/r"r~u^e v, p�memW adzna0vv.p"/.un.om& oM "mn nm m»muvc/ruoskucamuznnqymnaumm`mo�`mp,ur4smw,"*au~m^Q ,emnm wasan vAn mm"I movpmuvma/mnmarw'", Amhz,,aoxxn^."0.,="/,snu"m"�,/�.~. mcm"ncu c kumn`asH&ms -ay oewnru~ oecouOx^Fox^n�''/... H�emsxmouo% NMI mus HELENA a//m/rsnwwRn^mrvt�mouw/7mmmopu^nx r-,m`ne''=�.' L]KUITEnNu\RRANTY A00L[10[[AlHDMOFL|AE)LITY AND REMEMM '-"nx mmm: vpre '^e-s/emn'mmwnwx"w u «t 'l'" �u*"m Vw.s^vmv°usmmmrz,,u /wcuouws^o'm�'�� m w��c^�m/waur/onp/nveasc�rv�mocuu/�H x�vpArn�u�xn�u�poa� /w/�xosec� v,esumermmxo*a�ow wan ar bw U M9V I �asur.°~,a'n^w":.� tA r'/u.smm. sr ww,.a^, nevam 'map op"y^m,r"aon*e^.�.'T"m."o-^'"w'*' ^'s.5 CK°'', r+FsxcLUSws REMEDY AamwKrnsaeILEero*xwvo^uSsm m?",c/wwponoAe*ssssxommo pvEmrm*m�� o»w�asaon�mvorHsnneuovcn,or ANY END xswmsrae'�sRsuceporrsp9��V�rocapcc/p'c ^-'`,E �xx' /Ho,o o^: ~D a/ /m sa w^RaNw WC! uwCun/.TOR! om ANY ornAno^usscv A0no,%,, SEED WARRAFM! 1N CASE QF ERRORS DP|F ABOUT YOUR D00L mcpeaem/rnrn 'nLonm^o A «qu/e,promp m,reolionn,uo"nrI-IStaey. ,Im~^^&�.°m"»oC'm"~p"*"v^`mp =.uw= Imp m� Ami =°m°mp".,° pow m thi,�n//�m��.�� uu°,ol� or w^."-t,^^"'~":^ MAW ..^m ""M"`.~^".^". mc "m. w� .m.^, o+u,u. "AN OIL A 4 ^"','..w./-J,"^ "mi,.. 1" "^n`.^ t p, hme y m. 0" vwrNH wn avoT u"n�~"~~u,",°m*,"nm="~,A°x^%° SHIPPING ORDER FROM: (Liberty Center (IN)) Helena Chemical Co. Ticket 73637313 3073 S Main St Date: 04/02/2008 Liberty Center, IN 46766 Phone: 260- 694 -6926 TO: CITY OF CARMEL BROOKSHIPE GOLF COURSE Field: 12120 BROOKSHIRE PWY CARMEL, IN 46033 Package Unit HM Quantity Unit Product EPA Registration Weight(Ibs) 5.000 BAG 5.000 BAG Grass Helena Pedigree Rye (50 Lb Bag)(Bag) 250.000 3.000 BAG 3.000 BAG Grass Helena Caribbean Blue Bld (50 Lbs) 150.000 1.000 CS 2.000 GAL NOT REGULATED BY D.O.T. Fungicides, N.O.I., Other than Poison (NMFC Item 102120, Class 60) "Non -DOT Regulated" Podium (2x1 Gal)(Gal) 20.000 This is to certify that the above -named materials are properly classified, described, packaged, marked and labeled, and are in proper condition for transportation according to the applicable regulations of the Department of Transportation. Emergency Phone CHEMTRAC 1- 800 424 -9300 Placards: Placards Offered Placards Refused Tie Down Offered Tie Down Refused Shipper: Carrier: Per: Per: Date: Date: Customer Copy Prescribed by State Board of Accounts ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee �t Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) V -3-D9 7 36 2a y i3 Total 7 7 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 IN SUM OF ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board Members PO# or INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT DEPT. I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 05 7 L OW bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except y a� 200 Si ure Cost distribution ledger classification if J Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund ass:'