HomeMy WebLinkAbout160122 05/28/2008 r CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00352108 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE WAL -MART COMMUNITY CHECK AMOUNT: $52.39 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO BOX 530933 ATLANTA GA 30353 -0933 CHECK NUMBER: 160122 CHECK DATE: 5/2812008 DE PARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUM INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 2201 4238900 003292 52.39 6032202000135815 i ACCOUNT:INFORMATION BALANCE SUMMARY Account Number 6032 2020 0013 5815 Previous Balance $54.15 Statement Date 05/16/'2008 Payments $53.65 Payment Due Date 06/11/2008 FINANCE CHARGE (net) $0.00 Days In Billing Period 30 New Purchases $51.89 Credit Line $3,000 Credits, Insurance, Fees Adjustments (net) $0.00 Available Credit $2,947 New Balance $52.39 Minimum Payment $52.39 :VAANSACTIONIZUMMARY Buyer# Date Invoice Number Description Amount 02 04114 003292 EAST 151 STREET CARMEL IN $37.43 02 04/16 004949 EAST 151 STREET CARMEL IN $14.46 TOTAL FOR AUTHORIZED BUYER NO 02 $51.89 04/18 PAYMENT THANK YOU $37.44CR 05/09 PAYMENT THANK YOU $16.21CR Monthly Corresponding Portion of Balance Subject Late Periodic Annual Balance Assessed to Late Charge Rate Percentage This Rate Charge Rate 0.000% 0.00% ENTIRE $0.00 $0.00 ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE 0.000% CARDHOLDER=NEWS <INFORMATION A SAM'S CLUB Business Membership offers incredible savings on essential business items. We invite you to experience our Every Day Low Cost. Come and discover the kind of savings, convenience, services, and benefits our Business Members enjoy. Already a SAM'S CLUB Business Member? Upgrade to a Business Plus Membership and enjoy more business solutions to boost your bottom line. I INQUIRIES: FOR CUSTOMER SERVICE: MAIL PAYMENTS TO: Send Inquiries (no payments) including your account number to: For customer service or to report your card lost Wal -Mart or stolen, call: Wal -Mart P.O. Box 981064 P.O. Box 530934 El Paso, TX 79998 -1064 1- 877 294 -1086 Atlanta, GA 30353 -09 ,14 Telephoning about billing errors will not preserve your rights, Notice: See below for Billing Rights and other please write to the Billing Rights Summary Address below. important information. Purchases, returns, and payments made just prior to billing date may not appear until next month's statement. Unless promotions call for special terms, additional finance charges can be avoided if we receive the new balance by 5 p.m. (ET) on the due date. We reserve the right to obtain payment electronically for any check or other instrument that you send to us by initiating an ACH (electronic) debit in the amount of your check or instrul7nent to your account. Your check or instrument will not be returned to you by us or your bank. Your bank account may be debited as early as the same day we receive your payment. You may choose not to have your payment collected electronically by sending your payment to: P.O. Box 960095, Orlando, FL 32896 -0095 and not the Payment Address. Billing Errors and Questions: In case of Errors or Questions about Payments: if you make a payment at a location other than the address your Bill: If you think your bill is wrong, or if you need more information about shown on the front of this statement for receipt of payment, crediting that a transaction on your bill, write to us on a separate sheet at P.O. Box payment to your account may be delayed by up to 5 days. Payments 981401, El Paso, TX 79998 -1401 as soon as possible. In your letter give us received by 5:00 p.m. (ET) at the address shown on the front of this the following information: Your name and account. The dollar amount of the statement for receipt of payments will be credited as of the date received. suspected error. Describe the error and explain, if you can, why you believe Conditional Payments: Any check or payment instrument in an amount less there is an error. If you need more information, describe the item you are than the full amount due that you send us marked "PAID IN FULL' or you unsure about. otherwise tender as full satisfaction of a disputed amount, must be sent to Credit Reports and Account Information: If you believe that us at P.O. Box 981401, El Paso, TX 79998 -1401 and NOT the "Payments" we have reported inaccurate information about you to a credit bureau, address shown on the front of this statement for your undisputed amounts. please write to us at P.O. Box 981400, El Paso, TX 79998 -1400. In doing Telephone Monitoring: We treat every customer call confidentially. so, please identify the inaccurate information and tell us why you believe To ensure that you receive accurate and courteous customer service, on it is incorrect. If you have a copy of the credit report that includes the occasion, your call may be monitored by a second employee. inaccurate information, please send a copy of that report to us as well. Bankruptcy Notice: If you file bankruptcy you must send us notice, including account number and all information related to the proceeding to the following address, GE Money Bank, Attn: Bankruptcy Dept., P.O. Box 103104, Roswell, GA 30076. WAL *MAP.T Community 0002 0002 CITY OF CARMEL STREET DEPT 32935 AUTHORIZED BUYER 02 ACCOUNT #:6032 2020 0013 5815 P.O. INVOICE 003292 DATE OF SALE: 041408 STORE 1601 TRANSACTION 3292 AUTHORIZATION: 014893 REGISTER 10 S'K.U. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE EXT. PRICE 037451934 GV COOKING SPRAY 8 Z 1.000 EA $1.5700 $1.57 03, 8322149 PAM REG SPRAY 8 OZ 11.000 EA $3.2600 $35.86 Q SUB $37.43 TAX $0.00 TOTAL INVOICE $37.43 CREDITS TOTAL $0.00 BALANCE DUE $37.43 CITY OF CARMEL STREET DEPT 32935 AUTHORIZED BUYER 02 ACCOUNT #:6032 2020 0013 5815 P.O. INVOICE 004949 DATE OF SALE: 041608 STORE 1601 TRANSACTION 4949 AUTHORIZATION: 016616 REGISTER 20 S.K.U. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE EXT. PRICE 049382819 SONY STD 8MM 3PK 2.000 EA $7.2300 $14.46 SUB $14.46 TAX $0.00 TOTAL INVOICE $14.46 CREDITS TOTAL $0.00 BALANCE DUE $14.46 0 0 0 This is an attempt to collect debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. Credit Bureau Reporting: We may report information about your account to credit bureaus. Late payments, missed payments, or other defaults on your account may be reflected in your credit report I Please print change of address, phone number, and or email below. Street Address City, ST, ZIP Phone E -mail Business Phone Cell phone or other phone E -mail address we can use to contact you I INQUIRIES: FOR CUSTOMER SERVICE: MAIL PAYMENTS TO: Send Inquiries (no payments) including your account number to: For customer service or to report your card lost Wal -Mart or stolen, call: Wal -Mart P.O. Box 981064 P.O. Box 530934 El Paso, TX 79998 -1064 1- 877 294 -1086 Atlanta, GA 30353 -0934 Telephoning about billing errors will not preserve your rights, Notice: See below for Billing Rights and other please write to the Billing Rights Summary Address below. important information. Purchases, returns, and payments made just prior to billing date may not appear until next month's statement. Unless promotions call for special terms, additional finance charges can be avoided if we receive the new balance by 5 p.m. (ET) on the due date. We reserve the right to obtain payment electronically for any check or other instrument that you send to us by initiating an ACH (electronic) debit in the amount of your check or instrument to your account. Your check or instrument will not be returned to you by us or your bank. Your bank account may be debited as early as the same day we receive your payment. You may choose not to have your payment collected electronically by sending your payment to: P.O. Box 960095, Orlando, FL 32896 -0095 and not the Payment Address. Billing Errors and Questions: In case of Errors or Questions about Payments: If you make a payment at a location other than the address your Bill If you think your bill is wrong, or if you need more information about shown on the front of this statement for receipt of payment, crediting that a transaction on your bill, write to us on a separate sheet at P.O. Box payment to your account may be delayed by up to 5 days Payments 981401, El Paso, TX 79998 -1401 as soon as possible In your letter give us received by 5:00 p m. (ET) at the address shown on the front of this the following information: Your name and account. The dollar amount of the statement for receipt of payments will be credited as of the date received suspected error. Describe the error and explain, if you can, why you believe Conditional Payments: Any check or payment instrument in an amount less there is an error. If you need more information, describe the item you are than the full amount due that you send us marked "PAID IN FULL' or you unsure about, otherwise tender as full satisfaction of a disputed amount, must be sent to Credit Reports and Account Information: If you believe that us at P.O. Box 981401, El Paso, TX 79998 -1401 and NOT the "Payments" we have reported inaccurate information about you to a credit bureau, address shown on the front of this statement for your undisputed amounts. please write to us at P.O. Box 981400, El Paso, TX 79998 -1400. In doing Telephone Monitoring: We treat every customer call confidentially. so, please identify the inaccurate information and tell us why you believe To ensure that you receive accurate and courteous customer service, on it is incorrect. If you have a copy of the credit report that includes the occasion, your call may be monitored by a second employee. inaccurate information, please send a copy of that report to us as well. Bankruptcy Notice: If you file bankruptcy you must send us notice, including account number and all information related to the proceeding to the following address, GE Money Bank, Attn: Bankruptcy Dept., P.O. Box 103104. Roswell. GA 30076. New:. .1 WAL*MAWV' 4-nmunity P. 4 IM 0ont mol or- :A 03/12/08 1 $311.00 $392.87 $392.87 6032 2020 0013 5815 AMOUNT T PAID 11 Z7 MAR 3 Mi payment due includes $31100 past due. Ne- or email? Check the box at left and Please pay minimum payment amount PROMPTLY. print changes on back. CITY OF CARMEL STREET DEPT 43483 000 A/P 3400 W 131 ST ST lbiketlai'mcni7i) WAL-MART COMMUNITY WESTFIELD IN 46074-8267 P.O. BOX 530933 ATLANTA, GA 30353-0933 11 All III IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII III IIIIIII 11111111111111111111111 00392870001292 003928700039287000 6032202000135815 22 Make check payable in U.S Dollais to Wal-Man. Please use blue of black ink. Detach and mail this coupon with your payment to the address above. ACCOUNT INFORMATION BALANCE SUMMARY Account Number 6032 2020 0013 5815 Previous Balance $311-00 Statement Date 0211612008 Payments $0.00 Payment Due Date 03/12/2008 FINANCE CHARGE (net) 1%alk Days In Billing Period 31 New Purchases ($81.87 Credits, insurance, Fees Adjustments (net) New Balance $392.87 Minimum Payment $39287 TRANSACTION. SUMM Buyer* Date Invoice Number Description Amount 02 02/06 007282 EAST 151 STREET CARMEL IN $81.137 TOTAL FOR AUTHORIZED BUYER NO 02 $81.87 Fa LA �O X X Monthly Corresponding Portion of Balance Subject Late Periodic Annual Balance Assessed to Late Charge Rate Percentage This Rate Charge Rate i 0.000% 0.00% ENTIRE $0.06 $0.00 ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE 0.000% CARDHOLDER NEWS INFORMATION YOUR ACCOUNT HAS 2 PAYMENTS DUE. PLEASE MAIL THE MINIMUM PAYMENT DUE TODAY. PLEASE DISREGARD IF PAYMENT HAS ALREADY BEEN MAILED. A SAM'S CLUB Business Membership offers incredible savings on essential business items. We invite you to experience our Every Day Low Cost. Come and discover the kind of savings, convenience, services, and benefits our Business Members enjoy Already a SAM'S CLUB Business Member? Upgrade to a Business Plus Membership and enjoy more business solutions to boost your bottom line. Due`.Date ;Hmuu,n 6032 2020 0013 5815 05/12/08 $3 QFd 15 $54.15 APR 2008 AMOUNT e PAID 1 ment due includes Minimu$ a 3 94 Past due. Please pay minimum a ment atrounf PROMPTLY. New address or email? PY Check the box at left and print changes on back. CITY OF CARMEL STREET DEPT 33809 000 A/P bfakePaymenrTo: WAL -MART COMMUNITY 3400 W 131 ST ST P.O. BOX 530933 WESTFIELD IN 46074 -8267 ATLANTA, GA 30353 -0933 �r�n�r��n��nr�nt�r�n��n�rn�t�r��u�nr���rrr��rtir��rr� �n��r��nnr��u�r�nr��r��nr�r�nrr��rrt��rrr��trr��n�r�r� 00054150008137 000541500005415000 6032202000135815 22 on with your payment to the address above. A A Make check payable in U.S. Dollars to wal -Mart. Please use blue or black ink. Detach and ma il th is coupon r UMMARX 1 CCOUNT :INFORMATION:' >:,:;::;`6032 2020 0013 58t5 7 Account Number 04/162008 Statement Date 05/122008 HARGE (net) $16 21 Payment Due Date 3i es 0.00 Days In Billing Period Credits, Insurance, Fees Adjustments (net) $0.15 New Balance $54.15 Minimum Payment 5 4 F. Amount :;:;:::s:::: s::::;::::.: IR Buyer# Date Invoice Number Description $16.21 04/07 001858 EAST 151 STREET CARMEL IN 02 $16.21 02 TOTAL FOR AUTHORIZED BUYER NO $81 37CR 0324 PAYMENT -THANK YOU R0 is ii iii' i iiSiii` ic: ii ii: i': i';' i:: i':::::: Ism r777777 LAT:�'�'yARGE'Sf1[ MAR: Y:.:::.:- t e Ch Monthly Corresponding Portion of Balance Subje t to Late Periodic Annual BaanceAssess d 9 e Rate Percentage This Rate Char Rate 0.00% ENTIRE $0.00 $0.00 0.000 ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE 0.000 .0 N ARDHOLDEREWS: &:INFORMAThON: >::z YOUR TODAYNPLEASE DISREGARD D IF PAYMENT HAS I AL RE MINIM BEEN MAILED. PAYMEN DUE A SAM'S CLUB Business Membership offers incredible savings on essential business items. We invite you to experience our Every Day Low Cost. Came and discover the kind of savings, convenience, services, and benefits our Business Members enjoy. Already a SAM'S CLUB Business Member? Upgrade to a Business Plus Membership and enjoy more business solutions to boost your bottom line. Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No..201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. 't Payee Purchase'Ord "er No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 5z. Total I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. 20 Clerk- Treasurer O J O .-i 0 z n v� 6 p x a o O z C C`i z CL C z 3 nj 0 o z O C�J� CD CL O CD n C j o' m I O —I s m O O z J I CD m r m 3 m z Q CT m CD x o CD O D 3 cD 3 m a c m n a CD CD CD CZ, m o CD m 0 l� co Q s =3 Q 0 CD a N Q 0 5 G W Q Cl o o. o J o m No CD 0 CD I cn