HomeMy WebLinkAbout160124 05/28/2008 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00351368 Page 1 of 1 0 ONE CIVIC SQUARE WALLACK SOMERS HAAS PC CHECK AMOUNT: $44,125.39 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 ONE INDIANA SQUARE SUITE 1500 CHECK NUMBER: 160124 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46204 CHECK DATE: 5/28/2008 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 902 4340000 13518 5,933.25 LEGAL FEES 902 4460821 13520 2,201.89 CAC 902 4460810 13521 230.63 SHAPIRO'S 902 4460812 13522 1,891.88 O'MALIA'S 902 4460849 13523 4,102.02 TUESDAY MORNING 302 4460805 13524 27,072.58 RETAIL SITE #5 902 4460807 13525 2,693.14 PERFORMING ARTS CENTE i I Wallack Somer Haas, May 2008 Payable in May 2008 Invoice No. Parcel Line Item Amount 13520 Parcel 21 60821 2,201.89 13521 Parcel 10 60810 230.63 13522 Parcel 12 60812 1,891.88 13523 Parcel 49 60849 4,102.02 13524 Parcel 5 60805 27,072.58 2�q 13525 Parcel 7A 60807A 2 839 -39- 13518 General General 5,933.25 Total 44,-64 Wallack Somers Haas, P.C. One Indiana Square Suite 1500 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Phone: 317 /231 -9000 Fax: 317/231 -9900 City of Carmel May 12, 2008 One Civic Square Suite 140 Matter:;armparcel21 Carmel, IN 46032 Inv 13520 Attention: Mr. Les Olds RE: Parcel 21 FEES EXPLANATION ATTY HRS Apr -07 -08 Review and reply to email froin�K. Boren, re: horizontal RRW 0.25 property regime and as -built surveys. Apr -08 -08 Conference with L. Olds, re: status of Lurie proposal, review KPH 0.50 of financials, and sale of condo units; Follow -up on same. Apr -14 -08 Follow -up on project status. KPH 0.25 Apr -16 -08 Prepare for executive session and regular meeting; KPH 0.75 Pre meeting conference with J. Worrell and L. Olds. Apr -23 -08 Conference with K. Haas, re: work items from project RRW 0.25 agreement; Email L. Olds, re: same. Apr -24 -08 Attend to various project issues. KPH 0.25 Telephone call with M. Worthy, re: draft project agreement. RRW 0.25 Apr -25 -08 Conference with K. Haas, re: status of Weaver closing; RRW 0.25 Email K. Boren, re: same; Calls with K. Boren, re: same. Apr -28 -08 Telephone call with K. Boren, re: status of condo closing. RRW 0.25 Apr -29 -08 Conference with K. Haas, re: assignment of parking spaces; RRW 0.50 Telephone call with J. MacPherson, re: same. Apr -30 -08 Telephone call with J. MacPherson, re: reserved parking RRW 0.25 spaces; Telephone call with K. Boren, re: same. May -01 -08 Telephone call with Hamilton County Auditor, re: recording RRW 0.75 of declaration; Telephone call with J. MacPherson, re: same. May -05 -08 Review email from J. MacPherson, re: Mylar request; Leave RRW 0.50 voicemail message for J. MacPherson, re: same; Call with J. MacPherson, re: same. May -06 -08 Project status update; Conference with R. Wilmering, re: KPH 0.50 project synopsis. Discuss draft project agreement with K. Haas. RRW 1.00 May -07 -08 Various calls and emails; Initial review of Lurie financials. KPH 1.00 Review and reply to email from J. MacPherson, re: mylar for RRW 1.50 condos; Conference with K. Haas, re: parking and alley project agreement; Revise same; Email same to P. Reis; Draft first amendment to HPR; Email J. MacPherson, re: same. May -08 -08 Review email from J. MacPherson, re: recorded HPR; RRW 0.50 Review same; Email J. MacPherson, re: same; Review email from P. Reis, re: parking agreement; Revise first amendment to HPR. May -09 -08 Review email from J. MacPherson, re: recorded condo RRW 0.25 declaration; Revise first amendment to condo declaration; Email same to J. MacPherson. Totals 9.75 Total Fees $2,201.89 Total Disbursements $0.00 Total Fees and Disbursements $2,201.89 Previous Balance $4 Previous Payments $4,325.65 Balance Due Now $2,201.89 Wallack Somers Haas, P.C. One Indiana Square Suite 1500 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Phone: 317 /231 -9000 Fax: 317/231 -9900 City of Carmel May 12, 2008 One Civic Square Suite 140 Matter:.armparce110 Carmel IN 46032 Inv 13521 Attention: Mr. Les Olds RE: Parcel 10 FEES EXPLANATION ATTY HRS May -06 -08 Project status update; Conference with R. Wilmering, re: KPH 0.75 project synopsis. Totals 0.75 Total Fees $230.63 Total Disbursements $0.00 Total Fees and Disbursements $230.63 Previous Balance $3,189.39 Previous Payments $3,189.39 Balance Due Now $230.63 Wallack Somers Haas, P.C. One Indiana Square Suite 1500 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Phone: 317/231 -9000 Fax: 317/231 -9900 City of Carmel May 12, 2008 One Civic Square Suite 140 Matter:,armparcel12 Carmel, IN 46032 Inv 13522 Attention: Mr. Les Olds RE: Parcel 12 FEES EXPLANATION ATTY HRS Apr -04 -08 Attend to issues, re: parking management agreement; KPH 1.00 Conference with J. Shoup. Draft parking management agreement. JRS 3.50. May -06 -08 Project status update; Conference with R. Wilmering, re: KPH 0.25 project synopsis. May -08 -08 Attend to project synopsis; Conference with R. Wilmering. KPH 0.50 Draft project summary memo; Discuss same with K. Haas. RRW 1.50 Totals 6.75 Total Fees $1,891.88 Total Disbursements $0.00 Total Fees and Disbursements $1,891.88 Previous Balance $5,381.28 Previous Payments $5,381.28 Balance Due Now $1,891.88 I I Wallack Somers Haas, P.C. One Indiana Square Suite 1500 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Phone: 317 /231 -9000 Fax: 317/231 -9900 City of Carmel May 12, 2008 One Civic Square Suite 140 Matter:;armparcel49 Carmel, IN 46032 Inv 13523 Attention: Mr. Les Olds RE: Parcel 49 FEES EXPLANATION ATTY HRS Apr -08 -08 Conference with L. Olds, re: status of VFW deal and KPH 0.50 submission of developer bids; Follow --up on same. Gather executed documents to send to S. Mielke and J. RRW 0.25 Thomas. Apr -09 -08 Follow -up on VFW deal and Hearthview contracts; Emails KPH 0.50 with D. Coots and L. Olds. Review and revise letters to J. Thomas and S. Mielke. RRW 0.25 Apr =14 -08 Follow -up on project status. KPH 0.25 Apr -15 -08 Review comments from R. Hayes, re: amendments to JRS 0.75 Hearthview purchase agreements; Review and revise amendments to purchase agreements and send out. Apr -22 -08 Follow -up on bids; Calls with L. Olds; Emails to CRC KPH 0.50 group. Apr -23 -08 Follow -up on Hearthview purchase agreement extensions; KPH 0.50 Emails with R. Hayes. Apr -24 -08 Attend to RFP and bid issues. KPH 0.25 Apr -25 -08 Attend to RFP and bid issues. KPH 0.25 Apr -29 -08 Prepare materials for Commission meetings. KPH 0.50 Apr -30 -08 Preliminary review of Barrett Stokely and Keystone KPH 1.50 Construction bids. May -06 -08 Attend to bid review and timing issues; Conference call with KPH 1.50 J. Thomas; Conference with J. Shoup, re: bid review; Attend to VFW deal issues. May -07 -08 Attend to bid comparisons and bid issues; Various calls and KPH 2.50 emails; Prepare bid comparison matrix. Review bids and determine entries in bid comparison matrix. JRS 3.50 Totals 13.50 DISBURSEMENTS Disbursements Receipts Courier, Delivery 12.00 Totals $12.00 $0.00 Total Fees $4,090.02 Total Disbursements $12.00 Total Fees and Disbursements $4,102.02 Previous Balance $9,633.79 Previous Payments $9,633.79 Balance Due Now $4,102.02 Wallack Somers Haas, P.C. One Indiana Square Suite 1500 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Phone: 317/231 -9000 Fax: 317/231 -9900 City of Carmel May 12, 2008 One Civic Square Suite 140 Matter: carmparce15 Carmel, IN 46032 Inv 13524 Attention: Mr. Les Olds RE: Parcel FEES EXPLANATION ATTY HRS Apr -04 -08 Attend to issues, re: parking management agreement and KPH 2.75 public areas management agreement; Begin outlining public areas management agreement and permitted Pedcor uses. Apr -07 -08 Prepare ancillary documents for signature by R. Carter. JRS 0.50 Apr -08 -08 Prepare for and attend weekly projects meeting with B. KPH 1.00 Cordingley and Pedcor team; Address issues, re: joint/assisted financing; Follow -up on same. Attend weekly projects meeting with Pedcor team. JRS 0.50 Apr -09 -08 Revise joint/assisted financings proposal and summary. KPH 2.00 Apr -10 -08 Revise joint/assisted financings proposal and summary; KPH 1.50 Revise cost/expenditure projections. Apr -11 -08 Revise joint/assisted financings proposal and summary; KPH 2.00 Revise cost/expenditure projections; Conference with J. Shoup, re: exhibits to various ancillary documents. Review exhibits from O. Lands for various ancillary JRS 1.00 documents. Apr -14 -08 Work on public areas management agreement and other KPH 4.75 ancillary documents; Work on joint/assisted financings; Prepare materials and presentation for Tuesday projects meeting; Revise reconciliation; Emails with L. Olds, S. Mielke, and Pedcor group; Memo and email to B. Cordingley, R. Brown, D. Krohne, and O. Lands, re: pass through basis of joint/assisted financings. Draft public areas management agreement. JRS 3.75 Apr -15 -08 Prepare for and attend weekly projects meeting with B. KPH 4.25 Cordingley and Pedcor team; Address issues, re: reconciliation and joint/assisted financings; Address issues, re: amendment to street support purchase agreement; Outline revisions to same; Conference with J. Shoup; Revise reconciliations based on meeting comments; Memo and email, re: same to L. Olds, S. Mielke, and Pedcor group. Attend weekly projects meeting with Pedcor team; Prepare JRS 3.50 ancillary documents for signature by R. Carter; Conference with K. Haas, re: amending street support purchase agreement; Draft amendment to street support purchase agreement. Apr -16 -08 Prepare for executive session and regular meeting; Attend to KPH 3.25 public areas management agreement and amendment to street support purchase agreement; Attend to and address Pedcor project draws and reconciliation; Prepare summaries of restrooms and entry atrium deal structures; Document execution. Draft public areas management agreement; Draft amendment JRS 3.25 to street support purchase agreement. Apr -17 -08 Attend to public areas management agreement and KPH 5.75 amendment to street support purchase agreement; Conference call with Pedcor legal team; Revise and supplement reconciliation; Prepare explanations; Check reconciliation against multiple records. Draft public areas management agreement; Participate in JRS 6.00 telephone call with Pedcor team. Apr -18 -08 Work on public areas management agreement; Outline types KPH 5.50 and terms of permitted Pedcor uses; Conferences with J. Shoup. Draft public areas management agreement; Conference with JRS 3.25 K. Haas, re: same. Apr -21 -08 Revise and supplement reconciliation so supplement KPH 2.25 reconciles draws made, draws remaining, cash required, joint/assisted financings, and bond funds; Emails with L. Olds, S. Mielke, and Pedcor group; Attend to public areas management agreement. Draft public areas management agreement. JRS 3.50 Apr -22 -08 Prepare for and attend weekly projects meeting with B. KPH 2.50 Cordingley and Pedcor team; Extended memo and email to R. Brown and J. Brown outlining categories of Pedcor permitted use of public areas; Attend to public areas management agreement. Attend weekly projects meeting with Pedcor team; Attend to JRS 2.75 email from J. Brown, re: public areas. Apr -23 -08 Attend to joint/assisted financings. KPH 0.50 Apr -24 -08 Attend to joint/assisted financings. KPH 0.25 Apr -28 -08 Attend to joint/assisted financings; Calls and emails with R. KPH 0.50 Brown and Pedcor group. Apr -29 -08 Conference call with Pedcor team; Address parking KPH 2.00 management and public management issues; Prepare materials for Commission meetings. Participate in weekly conference call with Pedcor team. JRS 0.75 Apr -30 -08 Prepare materials for Commission meetings. KPH 0.75 May -03 -08 Attend to joint/assisted financings. KPH 0.50 May -05 -08 Review conditional assignment of construction management KPH 2.75 agreements; Prepare comments; Extended memo and email to R. Brown and Pedcor group; Attend to parking management agreement, public areas use.agreement, and master project agreement amendments; Conference with J. Shoup. Review and revise parking management agreement; JRS 3.50 Conference with K. Haas, re: public areas use agreement; Review third amendment to master project agreement; Prepare list of items to send to Pedcor for review. May -06 -08 Prepare for and attend weekly projects meeting with B. KPH 2.25 Cordingley and Pedcor team; Address issues third amendment to master project agreement,'parking management agreement, and finalizing ancillary documents; Address issues, re: definition of affiliates for payment provisions of parking management agreement and responsibility for warranties. Attend weekly projects meeting with Pedcor team; Review JRS 4.75 and revise parking management agreement per discussion at meeting. May -07 -08 Prepare multi -stage revisions to master project agreement KPH 4.00 Exhibit K (funding schedule); Conform revisions to reconciliations and amendment to master project agreement. Totals 88.00 DISBURSEMENTS Disbursements Receipts Courier, Delivery 12.50 Totals $12.50 $0.00 Total Fees $27,060.08 Total Disbursements $12.50 Total Fees and Disbursements $27,072.58 Previous Balance $19,736.95 Previous Payments $19,736.95 Balance Due Now $27,072.58 Wallack Somers Haas, P.C. One Indiana Square Suite 1500 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Phone: 317 /231 -9000 Fax: 317/231 -9900 City of Carmel May 12, 2008 One Civic Square Suite 140 Matter: ,-armparcel7a Carmel, IN 46032 Inv 13525 Attention: Mr. Les Olds RE: Parcel 7A FEES EXPLANATION ATTY HRS Apr =08 -08 Prepare for and attend weekly projects meeting with B. KPH 1.75 Cordingley and Pedcor team; Conference with L. Olds, re: permissibility of bid extensions and funding relief, Follow -up on permissibility of bid extensions; Conference with R. Wilmering. Attend weekly projects meeting with Pedcor team; JRS 1.00• Post- meeting conference with L. Olds and K. Haas. Conference with K. Haas, re: ability of CRC to hold open RRW 1.50 bids; Research same; Email M. Anderson, re: same. Apr -09 -08 Research ability of CRC to delay contract awards; Review RRW 1.25 and reply to email from M. Anderson, re: same. Apr -15 -08 Prepare for and attend weekly projects meeting with B. KPH 1.00 Cordingley and Pedcor team; Address issues, re: box seats and attendant rights; Attend to construction manager reimbursables; Conference with R. Wilmering. Review emails from S. Mielke, R. Sharp, and K. Haas, re: RRW 2.25 reimbursements to construction manager; Conference with K. Haas; Review construction management agreement; Draft memo, re: CRC's reimbursement obligations under same. Apr -16 -08 Prepare for executive session and regular meeting; Address KPH 0.75 construction manager reimbursables; Pre meeting conference with J. Worrell and L. Olds. Apr -22 -08 Attend to staging/storage space lease by construction KPH 0.25 manager. May -08 -08 Attend to contractor proposed amendment to contract; KPH 1.00 Attend to construction manager reimbursables; Various calls and emails, re: same. Totals 10.75 Total Fees $2,693.14 Total Disbursements $0.00 Total Fees and Disbursements $2,693.14 Previous Balance $300.00 Previous Payments $153.75 Balance Due Now $2,839.39 I Wallack Somers Haas, P.C. One Indiana Square Suite 1500 Indianapolis, IN 46204 Phone: 317 /231 -9000 Fax: 317/231 -9900 City of Carmel Redevelopment Commission May 12, 2008 One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Matter: carmisc Inv 13518 Attention: Mr. Les Olds RE: General Matters FEES EXPLANATION ATTY HRS Apr -04 -08 Review and update financial projections; Attend to Pedcor KPH 1.75 reimbursement agreement. Review notes in preparation of drafting reimbursement JRS 2.25 agreement; Draft reimbursement agreement. Apr -07 -08 Review and update financial projections; Attend to Pedcor KPH 1.25 reimbursement agreement. Draft reimbursement agreement; Conference with K. Haas, JRS 2.50 re: same. Apr -08 -08 Conference with L. Olds, re: various administrative matters; KPH 0.50 Follow -up on same. Apr -14 -08 Conference call with L. Olds; Attend to administrative KPH 0.50 matters. Apr -15 -08 Conference with L. Olds; Attend to various administrative KPH 0.50 matters, including form of meeting agenda and content of meeting notices. Apr -16 -08 Prepare for executive session and regular meeting; KPH 0.75 Pre meeting conference with L. Olds. Apr -23 -08 Attend to meeting notice and agenda issues; Extended KPH 1.50 memos and emails to R. Carter, L. Olds, S. Mielke, and A. Stumpf; Review applicable statutes. Apr -24 -08 Attend to meeting notice and agenda issues; Extended KPH 1.50 memos and emails to J. Brainard, R. Carter, L. Olds, S. Mielke, and A. Stumpf; Review applicable statutes; Attend to other administrative issues; Various calls. Apr -25 -08 Calls, re: various administrative issues. KPH 0.75 Apr -28 -08 Attend to meeting notice and agenda issues; Emails to J. KPH 1.25 Brainard, R. Carter, L. Olds, S. Mielke, and A. Stumpf, Review applicable statutes; Attend to other administrative issues. Telephone call with A. Stumpf, re: notice requirements for RRW 0.25 public meeting; Research same; Email A. Stumpf, re: same. Apr -29 -08 Prepare materials for Commission meetings; Review KPH 1.50 applicable statutes. Apr -30 -08 Attend to administrative matters. KPH 0.50 Travel to and attend Commission meetings =(CHARGE] KPH 11.00 May -01 -08 Attend an d participate in Commission meeting [NO KPH 8.00 CHARGE May -02 -08 Attend and travel from Commission meetings [NO KPH 11.00 CHARGE] May -05 -08 tten to request for documents; Various emails; Initial KPH 1.00 review of audit letter request; Check files for relevant information. Conference with K. Haas, re: drafting audit letter response. JRS 0.25 May -06 -08 Attend to request for documents; Calls with L. Olds; Emails KPH 0.50 with R. Carter. Discuss summaries of CRC projects with K. Haas. RRW 0.25 M ay- 12 -08 Discount $9,225.0�for O CHARGE entr 1 KPH Totals 49.25 DISBURSEMENTS Disbursements Rece Courier, Delivery 12.00 Outside Copy Service 63.02 Totals $75.02 $0.00 Total Fees $5,858.16 Total Disbursements $75.02 Total Fees and Disbursements $5,933.18 Previous Balance $8,013.34 Previous Payments $8,013.27 Balance Due Now $5,933.25 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee (Al 114 C k S eller! N P, c Purchase Order No. 4^ l-.d,. sy� f�,1� Isoo Terms P,1,,, TM y Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Total Z5 3q I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. 20 Clerk- Treasurer o R 4/ 2,O D Q 0 n 3 \k o o O 7 ƒ c 2 Q. g z O 0 z CD g VA A 0 0 q Cl r 2 0 K 7 C 0 CD 3 0 r zy O U 2 q l e T _a k 9 CD 2 CD k k zr A 7 C) 0 k k o 3 7 o CD a