HomeMy WebLinkAbout158688 04/15/2008 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00351368 Page 1 of 1
SUITE 1500
CHECK DATE: 4115/2008
902 4340000 13413 8,013.27 LEGAL FEES
902 4460812 13414 5,381.28 PARCEL 12
902 4460813 13415 76.88 PARCEL 13
902 4460816 13416 246.26 PARCEL 16
j 902 4460821 13417 4,325.65 PARCEL 21
902 4460849 13418 9,633.79 PARCEL 49
902 4460805 13419 19,736.95 PARCEL 5
902 4460807 13420 153.75 PARCEL 7A
Wallack Somers Haas
Payable in April 2008
Invoice No. Parcel Line Item Amount
13413 Gen. Matters 4340000 8,013.27
13414 Parcel 12 60812 5,381.28
13415 Parcel 13 60813 76.88
13416 Parcel 16 60816 246.26
13417 Parcel 21 60821 4,325.65
13418 Parcel 49 60849 9,633.79
13419 Parcel 60805 19,736.95
13420 Parcel 7A 60807 153.75
Total 47,567.83
Wallack Somers Haas, P.C.
One Indiana Square
Suite 1500
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Phone: 317 /231 -9000 Fax: 317/231 -9900
City of Carmel Redevelopment Commission Apr 07, 2008
One Civic Square
Carmel, IN 46032. Matter: carrnisc
Inv 13413
Attention: Mr. Les Olds
RE: General Matters
Mar -06 -08 Attend to updated cashflow projections; Emails with S. Lilly, KPH 0:75
re: project line items.
Mar -07 -08 Attend to proposed economic development area and KPH 1.56
reimbursement. agreement with Pedcor; Emails with S.
Bowen; Refine cashflow projection for presentation to
project lenders.
Mar -11 -08 Attend to.cashflow projections: Conference with L. Olds and KPH 0.50'
J. Shoup.
Conference with L. Olds and K. Haas. JRS 0.25
Mar -18 -08 Attend to. various administrative and budgeting matters;. KPH 1.50
Prepare for and attend CRC executive session and regular
monthly meeting.
Mar -19 -08 Review updated Umbaugh increment projections; Consider KPH 2.50
issues, re: utilizing redevelopment department; Review
applicable statutes; Update cashflow projections for
presentation to project lenders; Conference with R.
Wilmering; Multiple emails with J. Worrell, L. Olds and S.
Discuss department of redevelopment with K. Haas; Review RRW 1.25
email from R. Carter and statutes, re: same.
Mar -20 -08 Review updated Coonrod cashflow projection; Emails with KPH 1.00
J. Worrell, L. Olds, and S. Mielke.
Review statutes, memoranda, and IACT municipal handbook RRW 1.00
for powers of mayor, city council, and redevelopment
commission vis -a -vis a department of redevelopment.
Mar -21 -08 Consider issues, re: utilizing redevelopment department. KPH 0.25
Attend meeting with J. Brainard, R. Sharp, C. Coonrod, L. JRS 4.00
Matthes, B. Donaldson and K. Haas, re: budgeting and
related matters.
Review statutes, memorandums, and IACT handbook, re: RRW 0.25
powers of city council and redevelopment commission
vis -a -vis department of redevelopment.
Mar -24 -08 Attend to statutory meeting requirements; Review applicable KPH 3.00
statutes; Memo and email to R. Carter; Consider issues, re:
utilizing redevelopment departrment; Review applicable
statutes; Conference with R. Wilmering; Outline alternatives;
Consider daily operations and oversight; Conference call
with L. Olds.
Review statutes, memoranda, and IACT municipal RRW 3.50
handbook, re: powers of CRC vis -a -vis department of
redevelopment; Discuss same with K. Haas.
Mar -25 -08 Conference call with R. Carter; Memo, re: meeting notice KPH 0.50
requirements to J. Brainard and R. Carter.
Draft memo on delegation of administrative duties to mayor. RRW 5.25
Mar -26-08 Consider daily operations and oversight of CRC staff; KPH 0.50
Consider staff structure; Conference with R. Wilmering.
Draft memo on department of redevelopment; Review and RRW 1.25
revise same.
Mar -27 -08 Attend to updating projections. KPH 0.50
Mar -28 -08 Attend to updating projections; Emails with C. Coonrod; KPH 1.50
Review in detail materials from J. Rush.
Apr -01 -08 Attend to reimbursement agreement for proposed economic KPH 0.25
development area; Email with S. Bowen.
Totals 31.00
DISBURSEME Disbursements Receipts
Courier, Delivery 12.00
Totals $12.00 $0.00
Total Fees $8,001.27
Total Disbursements $12.00
Total Fees and Disbursements $8,013.27
Previous Balance $13,472.01
Previous Payments $13,471.94
Balance Due Now $8,013.34
Wallack Somers Haas, P.C.
One Indiana Square
Suite 1500
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Phone: 317/231 -9000 Fax: 317/231 -9900
City of Carmel Apr 07, 2008
One Civic Square
Suite 140 Matter:,armparcel12
Carmel, IN 46032
Inv 13414
Attention: Mr. Les Olds
RE: Parcel 12
Mar -31 -08 Outline terms of parking management agreement (including KPH 1.25
differences between parcel 12 agreement and parcel 5
agreement); Conference with J. Shoup.
Draft parking management agreement. JRS 2.25
Apr -01 -08 Draft parking management agreement. JRS 3.25
Apr -02 -08 Attend to parking management agreement issues. KPH 0.75
Draft parking management agreement. JRS 3.25
Apr -03 -08 Draft parking management agreement. JRS 6.75
Totals 17.50
Total Fees $5,381.28
Total Disbursements $0.00
Total Fees and Disbursements $5,381.28
Previous Balance $2,306.28
Previous Payments $2,306.28
Balance Due Now $5,381.28
Wallack Somers Haas, P.C.
One Indiana Square
Suite 1500
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Phone: 317 /231 -9000 Fax: 317/231 -9900
City of Carmel Apr 07, 2008
One Civic Square
Suite 140 Matter:marmparcel13
Carmel, IN 46032
Inv 13415 i
Attention: Mr. Les Olds
RE: Parcel 13
Apr -01 -08 Attend to parking area conveyances. KPH 0.25
Totals 0.25
Total Fees $76.88
Total Disbursements $0.00
Total Fees and Disbursements $76.88
Previous Balance $76.88
Previous Payments $76.88
Balance Due Now $76.88
Wallack Somers Haas, P.C.
One Indiana Square
Suite 1500
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Phone: 317 /231 -9000 Fax: 317/231 -9900
City of Carmel Apr 07, 2008
One Civic Square
Suite 140 Matter:,armparcel16
Carmel, IN 46032
Inv 13416
Attention: Mr. Les Olds
RE: Parcel 16
Mar -24 -08 Attend to HCCVB sublease. KPH 0.25
Review email and attached sublease from HCCVB; Revise RRW 0.50
Apr -01 -08 Attend to parking area conveyances. KPH 0.25
Totals 1.00
Total Fees $246.26
Total Disbursements $0.00
Total Fees and Disbursements $246.26
Previous Balance $2,095.64
Previous Payments $2,095.63
Balance Due Now $246.27
Wallack Somers Haas, P.C.
One Indiana Square
Suite 1500
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Phone: 317 /231 -9000 Fax: 317/231 -9900
City of Carmel Apr 07, 2008
One Civic Square
Suite 140 Matter:;armparcel21
Carmel, IN 46032
Inv 13417
Attention: Mr. Les Olds
RE: Parcel 21
Mar -12 -08 Attend to various condo and operating matters; Various calls KPH 0.50
and emails.
Mar -18 -08 Attend to various condo and operating matters; review KPH 2.25
operating covenant; Prepare for and attend CRC executive
session and regular monthly meeting; Follow -up on Missing
Pieces; Emails with P. Reis, L. Olds, and M. Worthy.
Review emails from B. Sinders, re: condo unit closing; RRW 0.75
Telephone call with B. Sinders, re: same; Discuss same with
K. Haas; Draft warranty deed and vendor's affidavit.
Mar -19 -08 Attend to various gallery matters; Consider offer to purchase KPH 1.00
gallery; Review applicable agreements; Emails with R.
Sharp, J. Worrell, L. Olds and S. Mielke.
Telephone call with B. Sinders, re: title commitment and RRW 0.25
Mar -20 -08 Review letter to E. Lurie, re: gallery meeting; Call with L. KPH 0.75
Olds; Emails with J. Brainard, L. Olds and S. Mielke.
Discuss status of horizontal property regime with K. Haas RRW 0.50
and J. Shoup; Telephone calls with B. Sinders, re: same.
Mar -21 -08 Attend to E. Lurie materials request; Emails with S. Mielke. KPH 0.25
Telephone call with J. MacPherson, re: status of horizontal RRW 0.25
property regime.
Mar -25 -08 Follow -up on Missing Pieces; Emails with L. Olds and M. KPH 0.25
Mar -26 -08 Attend to Missing Pieces issues, condo closing preparation, KPH 0.75
and operating covenant default; Conferences with R.
Discuss condo closing with K. Haas; Email I MacPherson, RRW 0.25
re: status of title search; Review reply from J. MacPherson,
re: same.
Mar -27 -08 Telephone call with K. Boren, re: status of horizontal RRW 4.50
property regime and as -built declaration; Review and revise
condo declaration; Discuss same with K. Haas; Email K.
Boren, re: same.
Mar -28 -08 Review and revise condo declaration; Review and revise RRW 2.25
draft project agreement for Missing Pieces.
Mar -31 -08 Review and revise draft project agreement for Missing RRW 0.50
Apr -02 -08 Review and reply to email from I MacPherson, re: condo RRW 0.25
Apr -03 -08 Review and revise condo declaration. KPH 2.00
Discuss horizontal property regime with K. Haas; Revise RRW 1.00
condo declaration.
Totals 18.25
Total Fees $4,325.65
Total Disbursements $0.00
Total Fees and Disbursements $4,325.65
Previous Balance $2,739.41
Previous Payments $2,739.41
Balance Due Now $4,325.65
Wallack Somers Haas, P.C.
One Indiana Square
Suite 1500
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Phone: 317 /231 -9000 Fax: 317/231 -9900
City of Carmel Apr 07, 2008
One Civic Square
Suite 140 Matter:;armparcel49
Carmel, IN 46032
Inv 13418
Attention: Mr. Les Olds
RE: Parcel 49
Mar -04 -08 Conference with R. Wilmering, re: discovery issue. MSW 0.25
Mar -06 -08 Attend to Hearthview purchase agreements and exhibits; KPH 0.75
Conference with R. Wilmering.
Mar -07 -08 Email T. Perkins, re: subpoena instructions memorandum; RRW 4.00
Review email from A. Metzel, re: Pattyn Properties /Tuesday
Morning litigation; Review complaint and
answer /counterclaims; Draft critical dates summary for
purchase agreement; Discuss same with K. Haas.
Mar -10 -08 Attend to subpoena memo and disclosures; Conference with KPH 1.00
R. Wilmering.
Attend to RFP matters; Conference call with L. Olds; KPH 1.00
Prepare RFP exhibits list; Emails with L. Olds.
Draft critical dates summary; Discuss subpoena memo with RRW 2.25
K. Haas; Email to K. Haas.
Mar -11 -08 Attend to RFP matters; Conference with L. Olds and J. KPH 0.50
Prepare missing exhibits and complete missing information RRW 0.50
for purchase agreements.
Mar -12 -08 Attend to various RFP and VFW matters; Various calls and KPH 0.50
Mar -18 -08 Attend to RFP and VFW matters; Review and revise RFP; KPH 2.00
Prepare for and attend CRC executive session and regular
monthly meeting.
Mar -19 -08 Arrange extensions of Hearthview purchase agreements; KPH 2.00
Conference call with L. Olds, re: RFP; Outline terms of
VFW deal; Conference with R. Wilmering; Emails with J.
Scimia, J. Thomas, B. Cranor, D. Coots and L. Olds.
Discuss VFW purchase agreement and RFP with K. Haas. RRW 0.25
Mar -20 -08 Arrange and negotiate extensions of Hearthview purchase KPH 1.00
agreements; Extended memo and email to J. Scimia; Emails
with J. Thomas, B. Cranor and L. Olds.
Draft VFW post replacement agreement. RRW 3.00
Mar -21 -08 Draft VFW post replacement agreement. RRW 1.00
Mar -24 -08 Attend to subpoena compliance and disclosure; Conference KPH 2.00
with R. Wilmering; Conference call with L. Olds; Review
and revise RFP.
Discuss subpoena with K. Haas; Revise subpoena memo and RRW 1.25
email same to K. Haas; Revise VFW post replacement
Mar -25 -08 Conference call with R. Carter; Prepare notice of RFP for KPH 1.25
publication; Conference call with L. Olds and S. Mielke;
Emails with L. Olds, S. Mielke and A. Stumpf.
Attend to subpoena compliance and disclosures; Emails with KPH 0.25
CRC Commission Members and staff; Emails with L. Olds
and M. Worthy.
Mar -26 -08 Outline terms of Hearthview purchase agreement extensions; KPH 3.75
Conference with J. Shoup; Attend to RFP exhibits and
matters; Conference call with J. Thomas; Attend to subpoena
compliance and disclosure; Conference with R. Wilmering;
Attend to VFW agreement and terms; Review and revise
RFP exhibits and project agreement outline; Emails with W.
Hammer, J. Thomas, B. Cranor, J. Scimia, L. Olds, S.
Mielke and M. Worthy.
Conference with K. Haas, re: extending due diligence JRS 0.25
periods under contracts.
Discuss subpoena with K. Haas; Email A. Metzel, re: same. RRW 0.25
Mar -27 -08 Finalize RFP; Finish preparation of exhibits; Prepare notice KPH 1.00
of RFP correction; Follow up on VFW status; Conference
call with L. Olds; Emails with J. Thomas, B. Cranor, J.
Scimia, L. Olds, S. Mielke, and M. Worthy.
Distribute amendments to purchase agreements; Emails with KPH 0.25
J. Thomas, B. Cranor, J. Scimia, and L. Olds.
Draft amendments to purchase agreements. JRS 2.50
Mar -31 -08 Telephone call with C. Anker, re: subpoena; Telephone call RRW 1.25
with A. Metzel, re: same; Review produced documents for
privilege; Discuss same with K. Haas.
Apr -01 -08 Review documents to be produced. RRW 1.00
Apr -02 -08 Attend to VFW deal and RFP response issues. KPH 0.75
Discuss document production with K. Haas; Email A. RRW 1.00
Metzel, re: same; Telephone call with K. Boren, re: copies of
deed and vendor's affidavit.
Apr -03 -08 Review documents to be produced for privilege; Conference KPH 0.50
with R. Wilmering.
Review documents to be produced; Email A. Metzel, re: RRW 0.75
same; Conference with K. Haas.
Totals 38.00
Total Fees $9,633.79
Total Disbursements $0.00
Total Fees and Disbursements $9,633.79
Previous Balance $3,140.04
Previous Payments $3,140.04
Balance Due Now $9,633.79
Wallack Somers Haas, P.C.
One Indiana Square
Suite 1500
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Phone: 317/231 -9000 Fax: 317/231 -9900
City of Carmel Apr 07, 2008
One Civic Square
Suite 140 Matter: carmparce15
Carmel, IN 46032 Inv 13419
Attention: Mr. Les Olds
RE: Parcel
Mar -06 -08 Legal issues conference call with R. Brown and Pedcor KPH 5.25
group; Address issues, re: street supports and motorcourt;
Prepare for reconveyance; Attend to Pedcor phase 1 project
draws; Attend to master project agreement revisions;
Conferences with J. Shoup; Attend to street support and
motorcourt legal descriptions and surveys; Attend to
ancillary documents; Review and revise third amendment to
project agreement; Review and revise energy center
Review and revise third amendment to master project JRS 2.00
agreement and send out; Review and revise parking
management agreement.
Mar -07 -08 Attend to street support and motorcourt issues; Attend to KPH 2.50
master project agreement revisions; Work on structuring
joint/assisted financings; Attend to parking management
agreement issues.
Mar -10 -08 Attend to street support and motorcourt closing matters; KPH 3.50
Work on structuring joint/assisted financings; Attend to
parking management agreement issues; Review and compare
Pedcor phase 1 project draws to applicable exhibits to master
project agreement and phase 1 project agreement; Determine
timeliness of draws; Prepare materials for discussion at
Tuesday meeting; Conference call with L. Olds; Emails with
D. Krohne, R. Brown, L. Olds, and S. Mielke.
Review and revise parking management agreement; Attend JRS 6.25
to emails, re: closings for motorcourt area and street
Discuss conveyances of street supports and motorcourt to RRW 1.50
CRC with K. Haas; Review title commitment and survey;
Discuss same with K. Haas; Email O. Lands, re: same.
Mar -11 -08 Prepare for and attend weekly projects meeting with B. KPH 2.50
Cordingley and Pedcor team; Address Pedcor phase 1 project
draws in relation to applicable exhibits to master project
agreement and phase 1 project agreement; Attend to parking
management agreement issues; Work on structuring
joint/assisted financings; Conference with L. Olds.
Attend weekly projects meeting with Pedcor team; JRS 5.00
Telephone call with B. Olsen, re: closings for street support
and motorcourt; Review and revise parking management
Review title commitments and surveys for street supports RRW 2.00
and motorcourt; Draft title and survey objection letters;
Discuss same with K. Haas; Email title and survey objections
to O. Lands.
Mar -12 -08 Address Pedcor phase 1 project draws in relation to KPH 1.75
applicable exhibits to master project agreement and phase 1
project agreement; Attend to parking management agreement
issues; Work on structuring joint/assisted financings; Attend
to street support and motorcourt closing matters; Extended
memo and email to J. Baxter, re: mortgage release.
Review and revise parking management agreement. JRS 3.50
Mar -13 -08 Work on structuring joint/assisted financings; Legal issues KPH 0.75
conference call with R. Brown and Pedcor ;coup.
Mar- 17 -08 Work on structuring joint/assisted financings; Conference KPH 0.75
call with L. Olds; Review materials from D. Krohne for
Council Finance Committee Meeting; Prepare for and attend
Council Finance Committee Meeting; NO CHARGE FOR
Mar -18 -08 Prepare for and attend weekly projects meeting with B. KPH 3.00
Cordingley and Pedcor team; Address various project and
financing matters; Prepare for and attend CRC executive
session and regular monthly meeting.
Attend weekly projects meeting with Pedcor team. JRS 1.75
Mar -20 -08 Attend to joint /assisted financing issues; Financing options KPH 1.00
conference call with J. Rush; Initial review of materials from
J. Rush.
Mar -21 -08 Address various project and financing matters; Work on KPH 3.75
structuring joint/assisted financings; Prepare for meetings;
Meetings with J. Brainard, R. Sharp, C. Coonrod, L.
Matthes, B. Donaldson, and J. Shoup; Explain joint/assisted
Mar -25 -08 Prepare for and attend weekly projects meeting with B. KPH 1.75
Cordingley and Peccor team; Address parking management
agreement issues; Address Pedcor draws.
Attend weekly project meeting with Pedcor team. JRS 1.00
Mar -26 -08 Review and revise parking management agreement. JRS 1.25
Mar -27 -08 Legal issues conference call with R. Brown and Pedcor KPH 1.00
group; Address issues, re: amendment to street support
purchase agreement and construction management contracts;
Work on structuring joint /assisted financings; Attend to
street support appraisals.
Attend to emails from O. Lands, re: exhibits to various JRS 1.75
documents; Review and revise fifth amendment to City
Center declaration and confirmation of ARC meeting and
review exhibits for each; Participate in conference call with
Pedcor group; Review and revise parking management
Mar -28 -08 Work on structuring joint/assisted financings; Attempt to KPH 0.75
coordinate financings with materials from J. Rush.
Mar -30 -08 Review and revise parking management agreement. JRS 3.50
Mar -31 -08 Work on structuring joint /assisted financings; Attempt to KPH 1.25
coordinate financings with materials from J. Rush; Prepare
materials for Tuesday's meeting; Attend to parking
management agreement issues; Emails with J. Rush, D.
Krohne, and L. Olds.
Apr -01 -08 Prepare and review financing materials for meeting with J. KPH 3.00
Rush and D. Krohne; Prepare for and attend weekly projects
meeting with B. Coordingley, J. Rush, D. Krohne, and
Pedcor team; Address and explain joint/assisted financings;
Address issues, re: CRC work and excess work costs;
Review applicable project agreement provisions; Prepare
responses to D. Krohne questions; Extended response memo
and email to D. Krohne.
Attend weekly projects meeting with Pedcor team; Attend to JRS 1.50
email from O. Lands, re: amending the street support
purchase agreement.
Apr -02 -08 Work on structuring joint/assisted financings; Make KPH 1.25
adjustments to reflect discussion during Tuesday's meeting.
Apr -03 -08 Work on structuring joint/assisted financings; Legal issues KPH 0.75
conference call with R. Brown and Pedcor group.
Participate in conference call with Pedcor Group. JRS 0.25
Totals 65.75
Total Fees $19,736.95
Total Disbursements $0.00
Total Fees and Disbursements $19,736.95
Previous Balance $13,222.55
Previous Payments $13,222.55
Balance Due Now $19,736.95
Wallack Somers Haas, P.C.
One Indiana Square
Suite 1500
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Phone: 317 /231 -9000 Fax: 317/231 -9900
City of Carmel Apr 07, 2008
One Civic Square
Suite 140 Matter: .-armparcel7a
Carmel,lN 46032
Inv 13420
Attention: Mr. Les Olds
RE: Parcel 7A
Apr -03 -08 Project status conference call with L. Olds. KPH 0.50
Totals 0.50
Total Fees $153.75
Total Disbursements $0.00
Total Fees and Disbursements $153.75
Previous Balance $915.00
Previous Payments $768.75
Balance Due Now $300.00
Prescribed by State Board of Accounts ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995)
An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by
whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc.
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