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CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00351368 Page 1 of 1
CHECK DATE: 3/19/2008
905 4340000 13308 1,383.77 LEGAL FEES
902 4340000 13309 13,471.94 LEGAL FEES
902 4460812 13310 2,306.28 O'MALIA'S PARCEL 12
902 4460813 13311 76.88 ANDISH PARCEL 13
902 4460816 13312 2,095.63 PELTON PARCEL 16
902 4460821 13313 2,739.41 CAC PARCEL 21
4460849 13314 3,140.04 TUESDAY MORNING PCL 4
X902 4460805 13315 13,222.55 RETAIL SITE #5 PCL 5
902 4460807 13316 768.75 PAC,PARCEL 7A
Wallack Somers Haas
Payable in March 2008
Invoice No. Parcel Line Item Amount
13309 Gen. Matters 4340000 13,471.94
13310 Parcel 12 60812 2,306.28
13311 Parcel 13 60813 76.88
13312 Parcel 16 60816 2,095.63
13313 Parcel 21 60821 2,739.41
13314 Parcel 49 60849 3,140.04
13315 Parcel 60805 13,222.55
13316 Parcel 7A 60807 768.75
Total 37,821.48
Wallack Somers Haas, P.C.
One Indiana Square
Suite 1500
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Phone: 317 /231 -9000 Fax: 317/231 -9900
City of Carmel Redevelopment Commission Mar 10, 2008
One Civic Square
Carmel, IN 46032 Matter: carmisc
Inv 13309
Attention: Mr. Les Olds
RE: General Matters
Jan -30 -08 Calls and. emails with L. Olds and S. Miekke; Review notes KPH 2.50
and files; Identify CRC financial obligations; Prepare fifth
and sixth parking garage floor long -term annual cost
projections; Extended memo and email to C. Coonrod.
Jan -31 -08 Attend to budgeting and projections; Identify additional CRC KPH 1.25
financial obligations; Memo and email to C. Coonrod.
Feb -01 -08 Identify remaining CRC financial obligations; Memo and KPH 0.50
email to C. Coonrod.
Feb -05 -08 Attend to Monon overlay issues; Attend to budgeting; KPH 1.75
Conference with L. Olds; Attend to cash flow projections;
Conference call with C. Coonrod; Review updated
projections; Consider alternative Pedcor joint financings.
Attend weekly projects meeting with Pedcor team; Review JRS 1.00
and revise confirmation of ARC meeting.
Feb -06 -08 Attend to budgeting and cash flow projections; Conference KPH 1.25
call with L. Olds.
Feb -07 -08 Attend to budgeting and cash flow projections; Review and KPH 3.75
revise Pedcor joint financing projections; Review and revise
CRC cash commitment projections; Review and comment on
C. Coonrod updated projections; Extended memos and
emails to C. Coonrod.
Attend to email from R. Brown, re: fifth amendment to city JRS 0.75
center declaration; Discuss same on weekly conference call
with Pedcor group.
Feb -08 -08 Attend to budgeting and cash flow projections; Emails with KPH 1.00
J. Brainard, L. Olds, S. Miekle, and C. Coonrod.
Feb -09 -08 Attend to budgeting and cash flow projections; Anticipate KPH 0.50
lender and underwriting requirements; Memos and emails to
J. Brainard, L. Olds, S. Mielke, and C. Coonrod.
Feb -11 -08 Conference call with J. Brainard and C. Coonrod, re: KPH 1.75
budgeting and cash flow projections; Consider and propose
alternatives; Review land sale contract; Prepare comments.
Feb -12 -08 Prepare for and attend weekly projects meeting with B. KPH 2.00
Cordingley and Pedcor team; Address Monon overlay and
plan approval issues; Attend to budgeting and cash flow
projections; Conference with L. Olds; Address historic
homes relocation issues; Attend to notice requirements and
administrative issues; Conferences with R. Wilmering.
Review email from K. Haas and A. Stumpf, re: notice RRW 1.50
requirements; Research same; Discuss same with K. Haas;
Discuss land sale contract with K. Haas.
Feb -13 -08 Address budgeting and cash flow project issues; Conference KPH 1.00
call with B. Donaldson; Emails with B. Donaldson.
Review land sale contract; Revise and edit same. RRW 1.25
Feb -14 -08 Conference call with L. Olds, re: budgeting; Attend to same; KPH 0.50
Various emails.
Revise land sale contract. RRW 2.75
Feb -15 -08 Outline project financing options; Conference call with J. KPH 1.50
Brainard; Emails with J. Brainard, L. Olds, S. Mielke, L.
Matthes, and B. Donaldson.
Revise land sale contract. RRW 1.25
Feb -18 -08 Conference call with L. Olds and S. Mielke, re: executive KPH 3.00
session agenda and budgeting; Follow up on same; Consider
financing options and event charge capitalization.
Feb -19 -08 Budgeting conference with L. Olds; Follow up on same; KPH 1.25
Conference with L. Olds, re: historic homes relocation;
Prepare for and attend CRC executive session; Prepare for
and attend CRC regular meeting.
Feb -20 -08 Prepare for and attend financial projection, financings, and KPH 2.25
fundings meeting with J. Brainard, R. Carter, L. Olds, S.
Mielke, C. Coonrod, L. Matthes, and B. Donaldson; Follow
up conference with B. Donaldson; Begin to consider and
determine effect of meeting directions on CRC costs; Follow
up conference call with L. Olds.
Feb -21 -08 Review and revise projections of financings and cash flows KPH 1.50
to reflect effect of meeting directions; Conference call with
L. Olds.
Feb -22 -08 Review and revise projections of financings and cash flows KPH 1.25
to reflect effect of meeting directions; Extended memo and
email to L. Olds.
Review and revise confirmation of ARC meeting and fifth IRS 1.25
amendment to City Center declaration.
Feb -25 -08 Conference call with L.Olds, re: budgeting and cashflows. KPH 0.50
Review and revise confirmation of ARC meeting and fifth JRS 0.75
amendment to City Center declaration; Draft and send email
to R. Brown, re: same.
Feb -26 -08 Budgeting and cashflows conference with L. Olds. KPH 0.50
Prepare fifth amendment to City Center declaration and JRS 0.25
confirmation of ARC meeting for execution and send same
to R. Brown.
Feb -27 -08 Address capital asset issues and State report requirements; KPH 0.50
Calls with S. Mielke.
Feb -28 -08 Review and revise cashflow projections; Extended memo KPH 2.50
and email to C. Coonrod.
Feb -29 -08 Review and revise cashflow projections; Extended memos KPH 2.25
and emails to L. Olds, S. Mielke, C. Coonrod, and B.
Donaldson; Review revised projections from C. Coonrod;
Address marketing services bid issues; Emails with S.
Mar -03 -08 Attend to budgeting and marketing services bid issues; KPH 0.50
Emails with S. Mielke.
Mar -05 -08 Attend to administrative matters. KPH 0.50
Totals 46.50
Total Fees $13,471.94
Total Disbursements $0.00
Total Fees and Disbursements $13,471.94
Previous Balance $13,177.26
Previous Payments $13,177.19
Balance Due Now $13,472.01
Wallack Somers Haas, P.C.
One Indiana Square
Suite 1500
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Phone: 317 /231 -9000 Fax: 317/231 -9900
City of Carmel Mar 10, 2008
One Civic Square
Suite 140 Matter:;armparcel12
Carmel, IN 46032
Inv 13310
Attention: Mr. Les Olds
RE: Parcel 12
Feb -12 -08 Address parking usage and control issues. KPH 0.50
Feb -14 -08 Address parking management agreement issues; Outline KPH 0.50
agreement terms.
Feb -15 -08 Attend to parking management agreement and parking KPH 0.75
garage conveyance.
Feb -18 -08 Outline terms of parking management agreement. KPH 0.75
Feb -19 -08 Prepare for and attend weekly projects meeting with B. KPH 1.25
Cordingley and Pedcor team; Address parking usage and
control issues; Prepare for and attend CRC executive
Attend weekly projects meeting with Pedcor team. JRS 0.50
Feb -26 -08 Prepare for and attend weekly projects meeting with B. KPH 0.50
Cordingley and Pedcor team; Address parking management
Attend weekly projects meeting with Pedcor team. JRS 0.25
Feb -27 -08 Address capital asset issues and State report requirements; KPH 0.50
Calls with S. Mielke; Review closing documents.
Feb -29 -08 Outline parking management terms; Conference with J. KPH 1.25
Conference with K. Haas, re: parking management JRS 0.75
Totals 7.50
Total Fees $2,306.28
Total Disbursements $0.00
Total Fees and Disbursements $2,306.28
Previous Balance $292.50
Previous Payments $292.50
Balance Due Now $2,306.28
Wallack Somers Haas, P.C.
One Indiana Square
Suite 1500
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Phone: 317 /231 -9000 Fax: 317/231 -9900
City of Carmel Mar 10, 2008
One Civic Square
Suite 140 Matter:.arrnparcel13
Carmel, IN 46032 Inv 13311
Attention: Mr. Les Olds
RE: Parcel 13
Feb -27 -08 Address capital asset issues and State report requirements; KPH 0.25
Calls with S. Mielke.
Totals 0.25
Total Fees $76.88
Total Disbursements $0.00
Total Fees and Disbursements $76.88
Previous Balance $292.51
Previous Payments $292.51
Balance Due Now- $76.88
Wallack Somers Haas, P.C.
One Indiana Square
Suite 1500
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Phone: 317 /231 -9000 Fax: 317/231 -9900
City of Carmel Mar 10, 2008
One Civic Square
Suite 140 Matter:,armparcel16
Carmel, IN 46032
Inv 13312
Attention: Mr. L es O lds
RE: Parcel 16
Feb -25 -08 Attend to HCCVB sublease; Outline terms of same; KPH 0.50
Conference with R. Wilmering.
Discuss sublease of unit 3 space with K. Haas. RRW 0.25
Feb -26 -08 Review and revise sublease. RRW 3.00
Feb -27 -08 Address capital asset issues and State report requirements; KPH 0.25
Calls with S. Mielke.
Revise sublease. RRW 2.50
Feb -28 -08 Revise sublease; Discuss same with K. Haas. RRW 2.00
Feb -29 -08 Revise sublease. RRW 1.50
Mar -05 -08 Attend to HCCVB sublease; Call with L. Olds. KPH 0.50
Totals 10.50
Total Fees $2,095.63
Total Disbursements $0.00
Total Fees and Disbursements $2,095.63
Previous Balance $922.51
Previous Payments $922.50
Balance Due Now $2,095.64
Wallack Somers Haas, P.C.
One Indiana Square
Suite 1500
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Phone: 317 /231 -9000 Fax: 317/231 -9900
City of Carmel Mar 10, 2008
One Civic Square
Suite 140 Matter:;armparcel2l
Carmel, IN 46032 Inv 13313
Attention: Mr. Les Olds
RE: Parcel 21
Jan -30 -08 Attend to CRC lease of second floor; Conference call with L. KPH 0.50
Feb -05 -08 Attend to second floor lease; Conference with L. Olds. KPH 0.25
Feb -10 -08 Review proposed second floor lease and prepare comments. KPH 1.25
Feb -11 -08 Outline revisions to second floor lease; Conference with R. KPH 0.75
Discuss master lease with K. Haas. RRW 0.50
Feb -12 -08 Conference with L. Olds, re: project issues, condo sales, and KPH 0.25
second floor lease; Attend to same.
Review lease and draft memo, re: same; Discuss same with RRW 2.00
K. Haas.
Feb -19 -08 Project conference with L. Olds; Follow up on same; Prepare KPH 0.75
for and attend CRC executive session.
Feb -20 -08 Consider effect of operating covenant default; Conference KPH 0.50
with R. Wilmering, re: CRC rights and remedies.
Discuss rights of CRC upon operating covenant default with RRW 0.25
K. Haas.
Feb -21 -08 Follow up on effect of operating convenant default; KPH 0.25
Conference with R. Wilmering.
Draft memo, re: CRC rights upon operating covenant default. RRW 0.50
Feb -22 -08 Draft memo on CRC rights upon operating covenant default. RRW 125
Feb -25 -08 Draft memo, re: CRC's rights upon default by Lurie; Discuss RRW 0.75
same with K. Haas.
Feb -26 -08 Project conference with L. Olds; Follow up on same. KPH 0.25
Feb -27 -08 Address capital asset issues and State report requirements, KPH 1.00
Calls with S. Mielke; Review closing documents; Attend to
missing pieces; Calls with P. Reis and L. Olds.
Totals 11.00
Total Fees $2,739.41
Total Disbursements $0.00
Total Fees and Disbursements $2,739.41
Previous Balance $1,076.27
Previous Pa}nnents $1,076.27
Balance Due Now $2,739.41
Wallack Somers Haas, P.C.
One Indiana Square
Suite 1500
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Phone: 317 /231 -9000 Fax: 317/231 -9900
City of Carmel Mar 10, 2008
One Civic Square
Suite 140 Matter:;armparce149
Carmel, IN 46032
Inv 13314
Attention: Mr. Les Olds
RE: Parcel 49
Feb -05 -08 Attend to project status; Conference with L. Olds; Consider KPH 0.75
VFW deal structure.
Conference with L. Olds and K. Haas following weekly JRS 0.25
projects meeting with Pedcor team.
Feb -06 -08 Conference call with J. Thomas, B. Cranor, and J. Scimia; KPH 0.50
Calls with L. Olds.
Feb -12 -08 Conference with L. Olds, re: offering and VFW deal status; KPH 0.25
Attend to same.
Feb -19 -08 Project conference with L. Olds; Follow up on same; Prepare KPH 0.50
for and attend CRC executive session.
Feb -26 -08 Project conference with L. Olds, Follow up on same. KPH 0.25
Conference with L. Olds and K. Haas after weekly meeting JRS 0.25
with Pedcor team.
Feb -27 -08 Attend to VFW deal; Conference calls with R. Gole and L. KPH 0.75
Mar 703 -08 Attend to Tuesday Morning subpoena; Conferences with R. KPH 1.50
Wilmering; Emails with J. Scimia.
Discuss subpoena and coordination of production of RRW 1.00
documents with K. Haas; Attend to same.
Mar -04 -08 Project conference with L. Olds, Address project and KPH 0.75
subpoena issues.
Discuss subpoena with M. Wallack; Review Indiana Trial RRW 3.00
Rules for non -party obligations in discovery; Email A.
Metzel, re: subpoena; Draft instructions to CRC for
compliance with subpoena; Discuss same with K. Haas;
Leave voicemail messages for A. Metzel and T. Perkins.
Mar -05 -08 Address project and subpoena issues. KPH 0.25
Listen to voicemail message from A. Metzel, re: subpoena RRW 0.50
and complaint; Leave voicemail message for A. Metzel, re:
same; Leave voicemail message for T. Perkins, re: same;
Telephone call with T. Perkins, re: same; Email draft memo
to T. Perkins.
Mar -06 -08 Discuss executed agreements and exhibits with K. Haas; RRW 2.50
Review and compile final, executed agreements; Email J.
Scimia, re: same; Review purchase agreement for fee parcel
between Hearthview Old Town II and Pattyn Properties.
Total s 13.00
Total Fees $3,140.04
Total Disbursements $0.00
Total Fees and Disbursements $3,140.04
Previous Balance $6,380.65
Previous Payments $6,380.65
Balance Due Now $3,140.04
Wallack Somers Haas, P.C.
One Indiana Square
Suite 1500
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Phone: 317 /231 -9000 Fax: 317/231 -9900
City of Carmel Mar 10, 2008
One Civic Square
Suite 140 Matter: carmparcel5
Carmel, IN 46032 Inv 13315
Attention. Mr. Les Olds
RE: Parcel
Feb -04 -08 Attend to ancillary agreements. KPH 0.50
Feb -05 -08 Prepare for and attend weekly projects meeting with B. KPH 1.50
Cordingley and Pedcor team; Attend to ancillary documents;
Attend to plan approval; Conferences with J. Shoup.
Review executed ancillary documents to determine exhibits JRS 2.00
still needed; Draft memorandum of garage option agreement.
Feb -07 -08 Conference call with R. Brown and Pedcor group; Attend to KPH 0.50
declaration amendment and ancillary documents.
Feb -12 -08 Prepare for and attend weekly projects meeting with B. KPH 1.50
Cordingley and Pedcor team; Address ancillary document
issues; Address IT loop issues; Address motorcourt
reconveyance issues; Address public area usage issues.
Feb -14 -08 Address parking management agreement issues; Outline KPH 0.50
agreement terms.
Feb -15 -08 Attend to motorcourt reconveyance; Emails with O. Lands. KPH 0.25
Feb -19 -08 Prepare for and attend weekly projects meeting with B. KPH 1.75
Cordingley and Pedcor team; Address public areas usage and
control issues; Address stacking easement and cost sharing
issues; Prepare for and attend CRC executive session.
Feb -20 -08 Prepare for and attend financial projection, financings, and KPH 1.75
fundings meeting with J. Brainard, R. Carter, L. Olds, S.
Mielke, C. Coonrod, L. Matthes, and B. Donaldson; Follow
up conference with B. Donaldson; Begin to consider and
determine effect of meeting directions on CRC costs; Follow
up conference call with L. Olds.
Feb -21 -08 Review and revise projections of financings and cash flows KPH 1.75
to reflect effect of meeting directions; Conference call with
L. Olds.
Feb -22 -08 Review and revise projections of financings and cash flows KPH 1.50
to reflect effect of meeting directions; Extended memo to L.
Olds; Conference with J. Shoup, re: reconveyance of
motorcourt to CRC.
Conference with K. Haas, re: reconveyance of motorcourt to JRS 0.50
Feb -25 -08 Prepare joint financing proposal materials for Tuesday KPH 2.50
Pedcor projects meeting; Attend to ancillary documents.
Draft memorandum of garage option agreement; Prepare JRS 0.50
notary pages for legal description agreement.
Feb -26 -08 Prepare for and attend weekly projects meeting with B. KPH 3.25
Cordingley and Pedcor team; Address parking management
issues; Present joint financings proposal; Project conference
with L. Olds; Follow up on same; Begin preparing joint
financings synopsis for B. Cordingley, D. Krohne, and R.
Attend weekly projects meeting with Pedcor team; Complete JRS 2.50
memorandum of garage option agreement and sent out,
Review and revise public areas stacking declaration.
Feb -27 -08 Continue preparing joint financing synopsis; Attend to KPH 2.00
ancillary documents; Attend to motorcourt reconveyance and
title insurance; Emails, re: same.
Feb -28 -08 Continue preparing joint financing synopsis; Attend to KPH 1.25
ENVAC Monon easements.
Attend to emails, re: motorcourt reconveyance; Review JRS 1.25
provisions of master project agreement, re: same.
Feb -29 -08 Attend to CRC work funding; Extended memo and email to KPH 0.75
L. Olds, re: same.
Mar -01 -08 Prepare joint financings explanatory memo to D. Krohne. KPH 0.75
Mar -02 -08 Prepare joint financings explanatory memo to D. Krohne; KPH 2.25
Review and revise parking management agreement.
Mar -03 -08 Update cash flow projections to reflect joint financings and KPH 2.50
bond issuance; Complete memo to D. Krohne; Assemble
materials; Transmit same; Emails with L. Olds and S.
Mielke; Prepare for Tuesday Pedcor project meeting; Review
Pedcor draws of Parcel 5 fiinds.
Mar -04 -08 Prepare for and attend weekly projects meeting with B. KPH 3.50
Cordingley and Pedcor team; Address street support
reconveyance issues; Attend to ancillary documents; Explain
and discuss proposed joint financings; Follow up conference
with L. Olds; Address joint financing issues; Review and
revise parking management agreement.
Attend weekly projects meeting with Pedcor team. JRS 1.00
Mar -05 -08 Attend to joint financings; Attend to Pedcor draws of Parcel KPH 1.00
5 funds; Calls with L. Olds.
Mar -06 -08 Draft third amendment to master project agreement; JRS 4.00
Participate in weekly conference call with Pedcor team.
Totals 43.00
Total Fees $13,222.55
Total Disbursements $0.00
Total Fees and Disbursements $13,222.55
Previous Balance $9,117.54
Previous Payments $9,117.54
Balance Due Now $13,222.55
Wallack Somers Haas, P.C.
One Indiana Square
Suite 1500
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Phone: 317 /231 -9000 Fax: 317/231 -9900
City of Carmel Mar 10, 2008
One Civic Square
Suite 140 Matter: ,-armparcel7a
Carmel, IN 46032
Inv 13316
Attention: Mr. Les Olds
RE: Parcel 7A
Feb -08 -08 Address Hagennan contract and bond issues; Calls and KPH 0.50
emails with K. Altice.
Feb -12 -08 Follow -up on Hagerman contract and bond issues; Calls and KPH 0.50
emails with K. Altice, D. Brewer, and L. Olds.
Feb -15 -08 Address contractor indemnity issues; Emails with K. Altice. KPH 0.50
Feb -19 -08 Prepare for and attend CRC regular meeting. KPH 1.00
Totals 2.50
Total Fees $768.75
Total Disbursements $0.00
Total Fees and Disbursements $768.75
Previous Balance $300.00
Previous Payments $153.75
Balance Due Nov $915.00
Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995)
An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by
whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc.
"I f a d< lsaCYe'Cs a 4c�_as Purchase Order No.
11 t' 7a�� ��u�c ao Terms
ZACQLagA�eoi t.s- Date Due
Invoice Invoice Description Amount
Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s))
3 l o B ��Ccss -ms
I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same
with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6.
Clerk- Treasurer
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Wallack Somers Haas; P.C.
One Indiana Square
Suite 1500
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Phone: 317/231 -9000 Fax: 317/231 -9900
City of Carmel Mar 10, 2008
One Civic Square
Suite 140 Matter: canngolf
Cannel, IN 46032 Inv 13308
Attention: Mr. Les Olds
RE: Brookshire
Feb -08 -08 Attend to various issues, including food and beverage service KPH 1.25
operations; Calls and emails with L. Olds and S. Godby;
Emails with commission members and S. Mielke.
Feb -09 -08 Attend to food and beverage service operations; Emails with KPH 0.50
R. Carter, R. Sharp, and L. Olds.
Feb -11 -08 Attend to various issues, including food and beverage service KPH 0.75
operations; Emails with J. Brainard, R. Carter, R. Sharp, L.
Olds, and S. Mielke.
Feb -12 -08 Conference with L. Olds, re: various operating issues, KPH 0.25
including food and beverage service operations; Attend to
same; Emails with A. Stumpf.
Feb -19 -08 Prepare for and attend CRC executive session; Prepare for KPH 1.25
and attend CRC regular meeting.
Feb -25 -08 Attend to liquor license issues; Calls and emails with L. KPH 0.50
Totals 4.50
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