HomeMy WebLinkAbout160130 05/28/2008 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 356310 Page 1 of 1 i ONE CIVIC SQUARE MICHELE WHITTINGTON CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 429 W MAIN STREET CHECK AMOUNT: $238.56 M KNIGHTSTOWN IN 46148 CHECK NUMBER: 160130 CHECK DATE: 5/28/2008 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1201 4343002 238.56 EXTERNAL TRAINING TRA it �t`l OF C46 CITY OF CARMEL Expense Report (required for all travel expenses) EMPLOYEE NAME: Michele Whittington DEPARTURE DATE: 5/20/2008 TIME: 4:30 PM DEPARTMENT: Human.Resources RETURN DATE: 5/21/2008 TIME: 5:00 PM REASON FOR TRAVEL: HR Business Meetgin DESTINATION CITY: Marshall, IN TRAVEL EXPENSES ARE FOR (check all that apply): ADVANCE REIMBURSEMENT X PER DIEM, X Transportation Gas/Tolls/ Meals Date Lodging Misc. Total Air -fare Car Rental Other Parking Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snacks Per Diem 5/20/08 $77.70 $25.00 4102.7,0 5/21/08 $50.00 $50:.00 $0:00 $0;00 $0;00 $0::00 $0:00 mm $0:00 $0.00 ,$0.00 $0:00 $0:00 $0.00 $0._00 $0:00 $0.00 $0:00 $0:00 0.00 total ;$0:00:,x, $0:00 $0:00 ',$0.00 $77:70 ,:.$0.00;$0 00 „$0':00 .$0.00: $75.00 ..$0 :00 x,,$152:70, DIRECTOR'S STATEMENT: I hereby affirm that all expenses listed conform to the City's travel policy and are within my department's appropriated budget. Director Signature: Date: City of Carmel Form ER06 Revision Date 5/22/2008 Page 1 For advance payments, claim form must be submitted ten (10) business days in advance of travel. Claim will not be processed without the following documentation: 1) Conference or course registration form, if applicable 2) Travel itinerary or car rental agreement, if applicable 3) Original itemized receipts for all expenses (or affidavits if appropriate), except for meal per diems (which require hotel receipt) Prorated meal allowance: For travel that commences before 1:00 p.m. (flight departure time, if traveling by air), $50 for in -state travel and $60 for out -of -state travel For travel that commences after 1:00 p.m. (flight departure time, if traveling by air), $25 for in -state travel and $30 for out -of -state travel For travel that ends before 1:00 p.m. (flight arrival time, if traveling by air), $25 for in -state travel and $30 for out -of -state travel For travel that ends after 1:00 p.m. (flight arrival time, if traveling by air), $50 for in -state travel and $60 for out -of -state travel EMPLOYEE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF MEAL ADVANCE AND OBLIGATION TO DOCUMENT EXPENDITURES: I hereby acknowledge receipt of such funds being advanced to me by the City of Carmel solely for the purpose of purchasing meals while traveling to participate in official business for the City. I accept responsibility for these funds and agree to repay them if lost or stolen. I understand that within ten (10) business days of my return (as stated on opposite side), I am responsible to: 1) Submit original itemized receipts to the office of the Clerk- Treasurer documenting all meal expenditures; and 2) Return all unused funds to the office of the Clerk- Treasurer I further understand that failure to provide the required documentation shall result in the total amount of the advance being deducted from the first paycheck issued more than 30 days after the date of my return. Failure to return unused funds will result in the amount of the unused funds (total advance minus documented expenditures) being deducted from the first paycheck issued more than 30 days after the date of my return. Employee Signature:; 1-Qa �t.e�a Date: City of Carmel Form ER06 Revision Date 5/22/2008 Page 2 Page 1 of 1 Turkey Run State Park 8102 E Park Road Marshall, IN 47859 765 -597 -2211 nmyers @dnr.in.gov OWES i'TA' Michele Whittington Room Foli 1 Ch eckln s Ch kOut Balanc 429 W Main St. 201 121253 05/20/2008 05/21/2008 0.00 Knightstown, IN 46148 Master Folio Peak/Off Peak �Date� Roomy Descrt� #ionl�.V,oucher �9. Charges Credits Balance 05/20/2008 201 Advance Deposit From Conf 91081 77.70 -77.70 I I j 05/20/2008 201 Rooms State Tax Exempt 74.001 -3.70 i I 05/20/2008 201 Tax Rate 2 5.000% 3.70 0.00 Balance Due 0.00 i i Summary and Taxes j Taxable Sales 74.00 Tax Rate 2 5.00% 3.70 I I i I i I I I I I i i' i I j I 1 I I I I I I 4 i I I 1 i 1. L MB Thank you for choosing Turkey Run Inn! 05/21/2008 08:25 AM 2008 IMPACT Annual n Q NO O` L ,a II II The IMPACT Officers have planned a two -day confer- o ence designed to help municipal human resource professionals develop their skills, keep up -to -date on o e m a the latest developments and network with their =7 Q D peers from around the state. z :3 N cn s U, T urhey Rine State Park N o 19P The Turkey Run Inn is the host hotel and will host all w k. workshops. The park also features hiking trails, w t= canoeing and other activities. For directions, visit o rt http: /www.in.gov /dnr /parklake /inns /turkeyrun. `N o, Please note that there is a $4.00 fee per car to enter "A` Q the park. o� `N z e.9tlllills S Contact Brandon Cockrum, (317) 237 -6200 or bcock- MA rum @citiesandtowns.org or Sue Jones (317) 873- 8244 or sjones@zionsville-in.gov. 2008 IMPACT officers mK AN President: Sue Jones, Town of Zionsville Vice President: EV Stephanie Sherwood, City of Richmond Secretary: Aimee Ector, Town of Fishers Past President: Jennifer Whitaker, City of Warsaw Executive Committee: Janet Alexander, City of Franklin Laura Dillon, City of Huntington Tamara Runyon, City of Bluffton ;ix Researcher: CD r Holly Ramon, City of Noblesville;�� N W I Legislative Liason: rt o Katherine Tanner, Town of Edgewood N ED co r F" Tu M ay 20 Hotel ese ons 7:30 -10:00 pm Welcome Reception at 3:30 4:00 pm Six Sigma and the High- Reservations must be made by April 28 to guarantee Overlook Cabin Performance Government a room at the Turkey Run Inn. Contact the inn at Network Overview 1- 877 500 -6151 and be sure to mention you are part W ednesday, May 21 Kate Love Jacobson, HPGN of the IMPACT Conference. Also, advise them that 8:00 8:30 am Registration and Breakfast Drive high performance in local government. you are tax exempt; you will have to provide the paperwork at check -in. 8:30 am Welcome and Introduction 4:00 4:30 pm Legislative Review Review action from the 2008 Indiana General For a map and directions to Turkey Run visit 9:15 10:45 am Say 'YES' to the Future: Assembly. http: /www.in.gov /dnr /parklake /inns /turkeyrun. Creative Problem Solving Len Mozzi, Dramatic Difference Lodging is also available in nearby Marshall, IN. 4:30 pm Adjourn 12 :00 noon Dining Etiquette enie a ee n ote t hat there is a $4.00 fee per car to Enjoy a learning lunch with Katie Anderson, Ivy Tech. IMPACT Annual Conference liSti 2110 ill Fail Deadline May 16 1:00 3:30 pm When Johnny's Family Registrations not made by May 16 will incur a $25 late fee. Register online at Goes Marching Off... www•citiesandtowns.org; or, by mail to IMPACT, 200 S. Meridian St., Suite 340, Indianapolis, IN, Matthew S. Effland, Ogletree Deakins 46225; or, by fax to (317) 237 -6206. F11/1LA •Active Duty /Caregiver Leave IN $200.00 IMPACT Member (Full Registration) $130.00 IMPACT Member (One Day) Military Leave Law $250.00 Non member (Full Registration) $180.00 Non member (One Day) 7:30 10:00 pm Dessert Bar Reception at Total Overlook Cabin Wednesday Lunch Selection (circle one): Chicken Cordon Bleu Vegetable Alfredo l8e Thursday Lunch Selection (circle one): Covered Bridge Club Sandwich Vegetarian Sandwich Breakfast in Dining Room at Your Leisure Circle the events you plan to attend: Tuesday Evening Welcome Reception Wednesday Evening Dessert Bar 9:00 10:30 am Reduction in Force Tom Bredeweg, IACT Name Tide Email Best practices for drastic budget cuts. Telephone Fax Municipality /Company P 10:30 12:00 pm Exercising Care: Conducting a Harassment Investigation Dennis Dunlap, SPHR, Dunlap HR Consulting I\adress c,n /Town state zip 12:00 1:00 pm Lunch in the Park l.x ;ration Date a Credit Card /Check Number Discover /MC /Visa Name on Card P 1:00 3:30 pm Meet and Confer John Neighbours, Baker Daniels I Billing Address ('f different frorn above) Recent law affects labor negotiations in commu- a nities with more than 7 residents. i�atc r Authorized Signature Claim No. Warrant No. I have examined the within claim and hereby IN FAVOR OF certify as follows: That it is,in•proper form. That it is duly uthenticated as req uired Y 4 by law That it is based upon statutory authority. That it is apparently correct incorrect Disbursing Officer On Account of Appropriation No. for a "a 0 m 0 N Allowed 19 m a n a_ n w a N r1 in the sum of b x m m N a 0 M a M m a rt rE r y 0 a M a a 0 0 o (Board or Commission) 0 El o fL M rt a b FILED m Q. M a 0 w Ca (Official Title) 0 o C M 0 C M rt e tD j P tr. C• `p A.E. BOYCE Co., INC. MUNCIE, IN 01136 PRESCRIBED BY STATE BOARD OF ACCOUNTS GENERAL FORM NO. 101 (1986) MILEAGE CLAIM TO_ (GO ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION NO. FOR (OFFICE, BOARD, DEPARTMENT OR INSTITUTION) FROM TO SPEEDOMETER AUTO MILEAGE NATURE OF BUSINESS DATE READING 4• 90 S Q a —D'-21 POINT POINT START FINISH TRAVELED ER IL PER MILE a cn �a AUTO LICENSE NO. TOTALS SPEEDOMETER READING columns are to be used only when distance between points cannot be determined by fixed mileage or official highway map. Pursuant to the provisions and penalties of Chapter 155, Acts 1953, I hereby certify that the foregoing account is just and correct, that the amount claimed is legally due, after allowing all just, credits and that no part of the same has been paid. Date VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. 0523108 ALLOWED 20 Michele Whittington IN SUM OF $238.56 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR GENERAL FUND 1201 Human Resources Board Members or P 0 p r INVOICE NO. ACCT #!TITLE AMOUNT DEPT. I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the 86 materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and 1201 430 -02 $152.70received except 20 mature Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNT ABLE VOUCHER CITN CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: ki f service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, nu r ber of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Michele Whittington Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due 1 Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) IV Mileage to hum Tiaikey Run State Park Conference Total 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. 20 Clerk- Treasurer