HomeMy WebLinkAboutDept Report CARMEL BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS HEARING OFFICER JUNE 27, 2011 DEPARTMENT REPORT 4. (V) 431 First Ave NW (King Residence) Garage Height The applicant seeks the follow development standards variance approval: Docket No. 11060003 V Ordinance Chptr 25.01.O1.B —max. height for an accessory structure The site is located at 431 First Ave NW. It is zoned R -2 /Residence within the Character Subarea of the Old Town Overlay. Filed by Jeff King, owner. 4 i `L ',Nt 1,1,44! 7 x a 7 04' ,73,"4 9' k Urd*d .'7 va `B N T 8 General Info 4 4� sue; �s `s'` x 0' t o gaj t s.` Analysis: m W S �!"''!t q krr r 1 k�d.� d' t h 4 �t a y l 3 u r �'w S1fi st� N,�t f i k °�a r The petitioner 'i fr` -t'` z"� S'ik' Y r -sx Y+n -s ,•n�� rt i.. r`'+ -a?� »��F i "4v :i x t z�g4"f"L yr 4 lr x w a a 1 seeks variance 5� i� r f za �?c- u .s r ^si w a r l a �s►yy1 a� g s Q a approval to have p SM i., #f i' r6 t ,A, 1 9§y e ?fit, -!?n f art �'d pp y i4�;` r, 'Y'"' h -131,,,! !"a Y °4�` t.3 }G 1� s d s .c _:,?a D ti'' 4 t, 3 �a y c M 1ef ^',F Y xs'�.c- '2' i an accessory 1'' t e'T� =1'k e w 'tfi" `s"p``S.a j iiP"s t' 'tO T 4 P aSb i x t�. 'S. A t� """�"..e. 9 J wS a, ;1\1' b u ild ingp with a Z a .t f a= {4 f �+c v� t t�,� Y -sue '�.a.,}. d 5.,1 r �t b t a ��3 r n C,€, tt 4 yp� l w.+' d 'Y� -+A§'t h� ts�+ p S �y�yT _�,dk"xa 'ES q uw`xF he about 5 '!S ys j� ma 5 a 7" J m G s.} k'i v r. F ,.r, t v "t d ht 3 a A s ;K i .s t f ,rw r; r feet taller than 7 tY i f e f t R Z fS L .t i,�° y K� �.,tZ e ai d k f u 1 3�' 1 1 7 l 1 V 7 ',att.!, �s k a� T the max y a N a-ti i'«s .T t nn 1 a I a. s t t l'i at w b Y Y 25: t g r• jfk�e', "J -1,„, permitted. y 2 v .�.'2 +:1_512 Soh r,.' i i t 1 '''s.112,--- T3 V 6 .t Y t k .k 6'b,'k+u r "r' r t 11 's) t' 't f lq �5 ,3: t r e a= l' "1�i`� ,t .7 As r F w C "n�,"�,�"r w Y t t t 'G ..-.'W a 'G r '"'tt+" "n4` +M' G #t x ti A a The zoning 1 r --"r �?.r �+i ry�x wry¢ c �,T 1 .r" M k y N 11 'A4 S+ �'4� �y.. r"�' v 4,1, 'I t s o rdinance 3„, ,,t .Y a ,�y a 3- h Tr l ti 1 ,mr' n a �i r� +M QeY 4t' 4A-,,, t l 'AA! 1. p"( t J F Y 4 n 4 "i v x "'M :K 'F• J t "A- r defines Building ri. r .,-,,N a ,A.,.;,....109..., :-1 �'t He as the id 0„ t 4.ff. '11° F M %,:t..: 4.,„:.1,10 X1 4. T.� tx v ertical distance from the lot ground level to the highest point of the roof for a flat roof, to the deck line of a mansard roof and to the mean height between eaves and ridges for gable, hip and gambrel roofs. The building height is measured halfway up, between the ridge and eaves, so an accessory structure could actually be taller than 18 ft. This accessory building is located at the eastern part of the property, on an alley. Please see the informational packet for more detail. Findings of Fact: 1. The approval of these variances will not be injurious to the public health, safet mor als, and general welfare of the community because: the garage building height is about 5 feet taller than the maximum height permitted. The architecture, colors, and materials of this accessory structure complement the primary structure/house. 2. The use and value of the area adjacent to the property included in the variance will not be affected in a substantially adverse manner because: the garage building height is about 5 fee taller than the anaxiinum height permitted. The architecture, colors, .an -rr ateriais of this accessory struc.re complement the pri mary structure/house. 3. The strict application of the terms of the Zoning Ordinance to the property will result in practical difficulties in the use of the property because: the garage height will have to be re d u ced by 5 feet, thus having to alter the roofline and pitch to get the height down, in which the finished product may or may not look aesthetically pleasing. Recommendation: After all concerns have been addressed, the Dept. of Community Services recommends positive consideration of Docket Nos. 11060003 V.