HomeMy WebLinkAbout163518 09/04/2008 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 051000 Page 1 of 1 �F ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL WELDING SUPP INC CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 550 S. RANGELINE RD CHECK AMOUNT: $3,454.12 o �a CARMEL IN 46032 CHECK NUMBER: 163518 CHECK DATE: 9/4/2008 7EPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1125 4350000 PARKS 588.20 278041 .;1125 4350000 PARKS 130.00 279325 1125 4350000 PARKS 878.61 279408 1125 4350000 PARKS 588.20 279409 1125 4350000 PARKS 588.20 279442 1125 4350000 PARKS 588.20 279805 1125 4350000 PARKS 17.71 280083 1125 4350000 PARKS 75.00 280207 Necm CA RMEL WELDING cSi 2az 1 945 550 S. Rangeline Rd. Carmel, IN 46032 Ph. 317- 846 -3493 FAX: 3 1 7 848 8760 ldi BY: www.carmelweng.com SOLD TO: SHIP TO: F CLAY PARKS AND RF --'C. 1 Fc ARMEL CLAY PARKS AiND REG. 3093 1411 EAST 116111 STREET 1411 EAST 1 1CTH STREET CARMEL., :INDIANA 460, I CARMEL., INDIANA 4[503 I TERMINAL_: 12 T', Exeniption 00242-3120001 W4yW. CARM L.WEL-D111G. COM—... IF-%se keep receipt I fo parts ret urns flin 0 days. 1l resto SHIPPED VIA: CUSTOMER PICKUP char ne. No return on electrical or special orders 9 :.,:�9 04 PAGE-. 1 OF 1 m 31710:10`. 3 8 QQ113: 08 C- 8020 7 o f l- /011 1 -0 1. �E€ AIR FORK E i 75. 00 75. �L--) Q I C) f D W t I Z0 4 l _•"^'JPCIIAMf1iwMWR• 1/ U'r� jt�n P.O: Ci.1,•• 0 10 1 fAR ,7AL 01 Pull ase� i 1� #�I SC o —J 0. 0 Ap Date L Q. C75� 1 7. Oblib 0. el RECD B I I \IVOICE. FO fAL A 7Ca Ov IMPORTANT NOTICE If is agreed as part oilhe comcderatiorofor tiis sale'Ihat the price shown hereon for the goods shall be paid on or before the 10th day of the month following the month of purchase. Any portion of the sale price not paid within said time period shall thereafter bear interest at the Leo rate of EIGHTEEN PERCENT (16 PER ANNUM until paid with attorney's tees and casts of collection and without relief from valuation and appraisement laws. Ar claims and returned goods MUST be accompanied by this invoice, and all goods must he returned in new condition. There is a 20% restocking charge on all returns. There will to no refund or exchange on electrical parts. The factory warranty constitutes all of the warranties with respect to the sale m this itemlitems. The seller hereby expressly disclaims all warranties, either expressed or implied, including any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for s particular purpose and the seller neither assumes nor authorizes any other person 10 assume for it any liability in connection with the sale of this Item /Items. otTr t `C CARMELWE L DING F 194 1 55l Rangelirie Rd Carmel, IN 46032 g y Ph. 317-846-3493 FAX :317- 848 -8760 A UG 20178 x www.carmelweld.ing com' B V y 1p SOLD TO: SHIP TO: CARMEN LLAY PARKS AND. D. RE 7 FARMEL .CLAY. 'ARKS AND REC. 3093 1411 EAST: 116TH STREET 1411 EAST 11. ±TH T'REET CARME1j I ND I ANA 46032 I CARMEL t i�11�7I ANA 032 TERMINAL--. 19. L,'.. 7 x Exe�pti an 0024231000 21 s _WWW QARMELWEL,DING.C:OI -Plese .keep receipt Work Order 70948 a f pi^t.ref_�rrs t within ..days. rentockangs:' SHIF'T'ED VIA:- CUSTOMER ar UP. r�har�ge Igo re _r-n on. elec r� cal or pecia or i2n00e GAGE: 1' OF i C93 rLr��s `71�41 �9rk'��8 X 70 948- -58 o Z t i �iIWSTALL e D— STROBES Y.UBOTA. UTU 4 4 1IS STROBE L.Ea,D W..L�RACKE i 145.' 580.00 o I22--m! SWITCH 4 E2i 90 m i I i 1 T S fi.' W IRE 'HARNESS' 8�t�1. S i•f_ I 7 RT SHIP�'ING CHARGES. i 8..` 8.50 i 111 1 08 NSTALLATJ ON 115.00 k .J .i -1 MIS �PCL MUNI61PAL: I}TSCCIU� 145-00 1 C 1 PICKED U!a*` °DY CRAIG l 5 ko a 2Co 6/ G.L O f I SUB l OTAM }.4 r 3> mil HARD SAL Q� MIISG. Ill Y Daf R L PC R _7' 115.00 <i i Ql OSr TAX 7.0 ,60 0.00 RECD BY II�IVC3IC E TCITAL- 588.20 q IMPORTANT NOTICE It is agreed aspart of theiconsidermiun for this sale that the price shown hereon for the goods shall be paid on or before the 10th-day of the month tollowing the rd6blit of purchase Any portion of the sale price not paid within said lima period shall thereafter bear interest at the r: rate al EIGNTEEN:IIERCENT (1B°6J,PE8 ANNUM um; paid, with attorney's tees and costs of collection and without rel il iel from valualion'anArapprasement IawSit All claims and returned goods MUST be accompanied by this invoice, and all goods must be returned in new condition. Thera is a 20h:restocking charge on all returns. Thera will ba no refuntl or exchange on electrical pans. The factory warranty cort5lltutes all of the waiianties riitfi''resliect to the sale of this itemlitems. The seller hereby expressly disclaims all warranties, either -'rfg expressed o Implied rndutli�!g any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose and the seller neither assumes nor aulhonzes'a other pe an,toassume for i an y liability inconnec)ion with the sale of this itemRtema. P v 4Yw- °tva- 1 A RA I I VEL Dt C 1 a :Rnar 1948 x 550 S. Rangeline Rd: Carmel, IN 46032 CEg��� Ph. 317- 846 -3493 FAX. 317- 848 8760 AU 0 g 2008 www.carme1we1ding.comx.. BY: SOLD TO: SHIP TO: CARMEL CL -AY PARKS AND REC. I GARMEL ;CLAY �'f1�I:S AND REC. �,093 141.1 EAST 1 1.F TF-1 STREET 1411 EAST 1 16TH. STREET CARMEL; I ND I ANA 46032 CARMEL, I ND S AruA 480?,LD i :-TE RM I NAL o 1' Tax Exemption #0 00242310001 t WWW: CARMELWEL:DING.COM----- F'les.�- keep receipt, Work Order. #0 70' 84 -F'br par retl_trns within 30 'days. 20% restocking SHIPPED VIA. CUSTOMER PICKUP Charnra hln rat:flr -n nn mImrr-F:r -AI nr af7aria ni ^cler "tip: i.?�39.32 PAC#7 1 OF 1 mtx 7�003093� 7/30/08 2798075!!!!!!7 3 1 fiZ4070984 -24 1 g DESCRIPTION Fn PART NUMBER INSTALL STROBES f ,F PART NUMBER f;�, o 4 4 I S ON JD GA�OR STROBE K I L. E: 145.00 580.00 M. 1 11SI PWITC,H 22. 9 22.90 y I S �J I RE i-IARNiS 6, 80� 6. 80 t t j 1 1 RT _H I. PP I NG BHA RG�S' B. 50 8.50 I NSTALLAT (JAI 115.00 115. 0 �kh; f _08 �sF'CL MLJN I t I t✓'AL )DS.CNT 145. O�Z�,) 1.45. OOCR c ,rte i -r' k O y PAO C.. x k! O AUGy'0 a 2008 Y f I I i I OaE4 g ;a OTA 618. E0' HARD SAI_ atir I MISC. 0.00 z` 09 i T X 7.000 0.00 Aft RECD BY 1 I I INVOICE 0 "fAL -1 588 'c')Z► rs. IMPORTANT NOTICE It is agreed as part of t e for this sale that the rice shown hereon for the goods shall be paid on or belore the 10th da of the month followm Ihe of purchase. An p p period shall thereafter bear interest at the g A p g y g p y portion of the sale rice not aid within said time rate. of EIGHTEEN PERCENT (18 PER ANNUM until paid with aaorney's fees and costs of collection and without relief from valuation and appraisement laws' All claims and returned goods MUST be accompanied by this invoice, and alPgoods must be returned in new condition There a 20° rrestocking charge'on• ell returns There will be no refund or exchange on electrical parts The factory warranty constitutes all of Ihe'war�adties with. respect to the sale of this item /items. The seller hereby expressly disclaims all warranties.. either h-.,_w:.. rn n n n In. n„m nn° A :r nn rF r r mes nor autho4zes,any_ olhec rrspn ume it an liability •mow! ®ro••�r_i•fI� p Ss Y ry in connection with the sale of this_Itemlitems. t K ri CA RMEL WELDING „r 8 csuzCz 19 r ;j 550 5. Rangeline Rd.� Carmel, IN 46032 'Ph. 317 846 -3493 FAX. 317- 848 :8760 AUG 0 8 2008 4 wwwxarmelweloingxom z BY_ SOLD TO: SHIP TO: UHKmkL I:LHY 1 -'HKKS HNll KkC �HHMEL IL;LHY VAHK;i HNll KkL 141 1 ti-1� 1• •:3 l b I H 5 I Kkk I 141 1� kf-�5 1 1 1 E+I H� 1 Kkk L:HHMF-L9 1.NU I HNH 4b Vl.S:- UHHlYll=l_ p 1 NV 1 HNH 4bU,S►-' �•.k Kr11 NWL a kU l ax kxe'mpt 7, 'on #e UUd4e,. IeIZAL40I WWW.. L.1-1HlYltLWkLll1Nb. LUm y- -Wiese keep receipt Work Urder. #e /1165n for parts returns within ,:;IZA days. restockinrg t:SKIP-'kll V1Ho UU- PiUKUP -charge :'.1\16 return on electrical or speciall orders; In: 14:Ll' Pf 1 Ul 1 §OECIAL INFORMATION �VA,SV_�`3,3 0t3 e 0140`9 LN"I 17 f�f.5 I HLL 5 I KULik�°UN J. U hH I UK e y I 4' 4 YlIbi r I KUNk K 1 11 L. L. ll, 14,E 0 b8 LA. UVI O 4 *i mac:. 90 m S; Ylibi El. Kt, HHKNI }5b b.8 b.80 Cn PP I Nb U .HHHbEb..`. 6. t)14.• 8. bki 1 1 `F i 1 N5 1 HLLH 1 1 }lJN 1 I n. 0�' 1 i n. V1IL� I i n 1 �I- UL MUN 11... I F•• HL P4 SL;N 1 14Z:). 00 14,x. WILA ;K O C P.0. 01 j j AL 0 I I. I f... AUG 0 4'2008 0 iu I. 5-lb l U 1 H L b 18. In �Ls HKLj SHL a O 151:. e —off :fit 1`Hx /.WOO to. 00 RECD B t j 1 VULUE II U I HL n8b. ;-'iLI ,L� IMPORTANT NOTICE It is agreed as pan of the consideration for this sale that the price shown hereon for the goods shall be paid on or before the 10th day of the month following the modlh`dl purchase. Any portion of the sale price not paid within said time period shall thereafter bear interest at the rate of EIGHTEEN PERCENT (18 PER ANNUM until paid, with attorney's fees and costs of collection and without relief from valuation and appraisement Iaws.,Agrclaims and returned goods MUST be accompanied by this invoice. and all goods must be returned in new condition. There is a 20% restocking charge on all returns. There will be no refund or exchange on'electrical pans. The factory warranty constitutes-all of the warranties with to the sale of this item /items. The seller hereby expressly disclaims all warranties either expressed or implied ancluding'any implied ,warranty of merchantability or Illness for a particular purpose and the seller neither assumes nor authorizes any, other, person to _assume far-it any liability in connection with the sale of this item /items. C G F• 550S. Rangeline Rd.. ry Carmel, IN 46032 Ph. 317 846 -3493 FAX.' 317 848.8760 www:carmelwelding.com° C. SOLD TO: r SHIP TO: F"4IRMLL ULHY I- 'HKIib HNll Kll'. �HKMtL L:LHY WHKFSS HNll KLL ,5tG7`� 3 .1411 EH5 I A. l b I H b I KLL 1 1411 `LH5 I 1 1 L,'I H 5 I KLL 1 L:HKi+ftL 1 N 't HNH 4b111 S:: L HKI�'1LLy L NI) i RNH 4bLA, e ^i° LKM 1 Nf �L :�0 I II I aX k'x ieApt i on #F a V/10e.Alie,S l: MAIL►1 1 WWW UHHMLLWL LL) 1 NU. L:UM-- 17'1`C-- Plese. keep r Work Urder_:f /le00 Tor 'parts ;r w3.thin ,�O -d e r tiHll -'NL -li VlHe LU .IUi+1LK I�1LIiUI charge .N.o return on electrical or speclail order5 it): le. 1 I-'HUE: ie UI- L m Ik "k"JI `'J.3 cn= V G `y'+"LIt3 !L!�� "L ",1, 1 1 U1< "]IV T LG�- PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION 7 C lri M_ Pur:.�t Cn Cyr ,Ei� a Des�ci t 0 l ECEIVEM V e Descr AUG 2008Yr o x Da�'e r ytis 0 O t9ate b!ub I U I H!L baa. b 1 f HHKh 5HL o 1, M l bu- (LI. VAIVA F� 13a '•HXIJK /off j 1' �A. Off, t RECD BY I NVUl L:L I U I HL 8 /b. b 1 I i IMPORTANT NOTICE* j,'• It is agreed as pad 'of the cdnAerabon for this sale that the price shown hereon tor'the goods shall be paid on or before the 10th day of the month following the month rate of EIGHTEEN PERCENT (18 PER ANNUM until paid, with attorney's fees and costs of collection and without relief from valuation and ap of purchase: Any portion of the sale price not paid within said time period shall thereafter bear interest at the p reisement laws`Nhclaims and returned. goods MUST be accompanied by this invoice, and all goods must be returned in new condition. There is a 20%4estocking ,charge on all returns. There will be no iefund or exchange on electrical pans. The factory warranty cbnstitbtes all of the warrasties,with respect to the sale of this item /items. The seller hereby expressly disclaims all warranties, either expressed or�implled. iniKding any implied warranty of. merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose and the seller neither assumes nopa thoni'as any:other- person.to :assume 11 any liability in connection with the sale of this itemlitems. t`•Ifl fe i ti,'.�"",•y' CARMEL 1 N ELPING r dines 194&. 550 S. Rangellne Rd. y Carmel, IN 46032 AU 2008 1. `Ph. 317 -846 -3493 FAX. 317- 8488760 $fir www.carmelwe;lding.comt t d. SOLD TO: SHIP TO: s LHi^tMj�,1.. I.. LLHY. i-'HKKa' HNL) HEC. UHRMEL' lei.. HY I !HHKb HNll Kk4:. 51CIy,a 141 1, H� 1 1 1 lb I H S I NEE 1 1411 Hb 116 M 1 KLL t UHHP'ILL 1NLYIP4IV14 4bIii UHHMLLy 1ND1HNH 41bli tILKP'11NHL, tiI/ I l Lxem;Pt 1 ern 1 00e4 31:-'1flow1 L s WWW LsHHM LWELi11)tilla.LUI'i-- F'lese keep r- +cel Work Ur^eler� -a- f1� ILL► 5 tor parts'._r�e.turns within .60 Oa'7s. res�bcking SHIPPED V1H: I�U�IUirILK.I'11;�4U4 C� char icie. re'tur n on el e ctrical o r speCl o r dei^ Ib:1�; 11 a- 'Hf�te 1 UF- DATE 01 ACl NO. e Ixj403 !�Wl.g1n 1 1 uva SNYUL.i i li!W10 -43 r e Ill NUI DESCRIPT ION l u -uul r URR 1 INS I HI_L 1 1'1 i t IjUtil= K 1 I LD x: 41 4' yi 1 b R H I RUBE K 1 i L. k. l.) 1 4v UAL' `Ifiio. 011/1 m 5 D; 11b I1 �l�l1I UH 1. d `j ✓L i=ii. 9W cn WIRE HHHN S b 80 b 80 1 1' V1 1 U11 �J I HE LUUI+4.? I' j Vii. 4� fi. 4U cn rf. s I H 1 ELE 1. U y r U. 98 0 1 �i l Si e ffi 1 �L: L; L;HL �U� '1 gar 1 (Z 1 Z yl.l tsd �LUM I NUM .NHHLK E 1 1 1 1. t)a r 1 1', 1U 1Fit H1 If=KY j ,1!.`Jt). 161 9b z!��s 1 1 Uhl hHL1H11�H IL HLU1�7.,h,!LH 1 L X3.1 `3. fit+ is 1' 1 :r 'i I HNL1HKLi 1 NS I Hl=,_lf14 I' l UN 1 1 Z r 0 11 Vii. 00 p HLAUL' 1N61 HILL. I VII 1..i0. IM i<iPUL MUN I t I F'HL ;ll 1 L:N I II 1 si v LAO 14t5. UUI: H t ULI- L Hit l ,I?ti= lT!U11tELY H1)01 11UNPL I J '•UF-'F-'LIEb f4ND EXj1 EHNHL_ NH l i Ev KY 1 q' UI- PL U Y HN, H E IUiI Kk 1D HL >131� i '�4�' Nb I HLLH 11UN� E RNLI F-H N -i i RECD BY x IMPORTANT NOTICE �T Y It is agreed as part of the cdnsidera�ivn for this sale that the price shown hereon for the goods shall be paid on or before the 10th day of the monthfollowing the month of per �iypodion of the sale price not paid within said into period shall thereafter bear interest at the rate of EIGHTEEN PERCENT t11i PER ANNUM until paid, with attorney's lees and costs of collection and without relief from valuation and'appraisemenl Iaws.jAtl I aide, and all goods must be returned in new condillon The re ls 2n on all returns. There will be no refund or exchange on electrical pan stitutes s. The factory warranty con all of the warranties ,with respect to. the sale of this itemlifems. The se or to by expressly disclaims all warranties either: expressed or impGeq. mcludrsg any rm l wartanty of memhantabiliry or irness for a particular purpose and the seller neither assumes nor,aulhorizbieny other person p assuma for it any liability in connection with the sale of this itemlitems. r '`T CARMEL V I /EL DING �o L. 1&nde 1948 550 S. Rangeline Rd.. Carmel, IN 46032 Ph. 317-846-3493 FAX:317- 848 -8760 www.carmelweloing.com A f SOLD TO: i SHIP TO: �HKP7Lt; L L HY' h'HKY,S HNll HE( f. f �HKPILL t LHY F-'f Kt'.� HNll Itf =l:. i 1. V 1 1:,i 141 1 4-.444.1 1 1 b t H b 1 KLL 1 :R:' 1411 LR�5 1 1 1 b• ql AV b I KLL 1 I :HKIvILL 9 1 NU`1 HNN 4b4C1,S:1 �HHMEL' l NU 1 HNH 4bo.S IjE HI I i NHL 4 1 b 9 I; lax Exemption Vftl`4:1,S1:1111001 J WWW >t;RHMLLWELll1Nb. L;um--- t;— h'lese keep receipt Work Urder•i i #e J1lf;1111t3 for parts ;.returns within :IZA days. °J. rest'ocki SH11 -'VLll V1He t_USI�Ui�ILK F'1trFSUF' 'ti•: charge No; return on electr ~A.cal or. specia� order 11.49'Lb I -'f- 1 Ut- 1 SPECIAL INFOR MATION'�' m i L 141.�147`�J i J/ 1 J 141ti i1 /`9 5:=.� 1 1 1 (l .��ti° :��b c i PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION II K���WI: 1 UK I S •K VUM .6IB41oj c� O L •LK NUM X 1:16 bVq I p: m �JLLll HKIrI j b;r°'�� bpi. VAW 1 -1 _IZA11 IKHIUHILN FU'HK bZ:P.VA V bn.VIA �;nase o/J/�J 1 I' �D �l Xf (�f20 5 t w I o scnptfon �C t c PorF 1 T CE u ei o I 1 0 4 20 8 A G 0 ,2008 0 I it SUB IUIRL 0.00 HKIa 5 o t "-V m 1 bu- IA. VAIVA A&' i L BUK 1,SLA. 00 I R 147111 0. 147141 r l INVUILE IU1HL 1 1314►. VIIZA RECD B I I s I II y IMPORTANT NOTICE (4' It is agreed as pan of the consiaerahon for this sale t at the ce shown hereon for the goods shall be paid on or before the 10th day of the month following the month ofipurchase, Any portion of the sale price not paid within s aid time period shall thereafter bear interest al the rate of EIGHTEEN PERCENT,(18 PER ANNUM it d, with attorney's fees and costs of collection and without relief from valuation and 4praisement laws. Ahr rms and retumed goods MUST be accompanied by this invoice, and all goods must be returned in new condition. There is a 20% restocking charge on all returns. There will be no refund or exchange on electrical parts. The factory warranty constitutes all of•the warmNfes respect to the sale of.this item /items. The seller hereby expressly disclaims all warranties, either.. expressed or implied�inGu'd -any implied warranty of merchantability or Fitness for a Panicular purpose and the seller neither assumes nor autho }1Ze any'oth�er person'to'assu "me for it'any liability in connection with of this iteml.ltems. ac 1..:.' la w. IIS ¢g CARMEL WELD! G 1=&nCE 1948 s f 550 S. Rangeline Rd:. fi Carmel, IN 46032. CEIVED Ph. 317- 846 -3493 FAX 317-848 ,A www.carmelwelding.com: AUG 0 BY: SOLD TO: SHIP TO: FARMEE;` CLAY fi'ARN,S AND RE �ARMEL `CLAY .1~`ARKS AND REC. 3093' 1411. EAST 116TH STREET 1411 EAST 116TH STREET r CARMEL 4 INDIANA 46032 CARMEL' INDIANA 46032 "TERMINAL: 20 Tax, Exemption 00242' 312-0001 WWW CARMELWE! -DING. COM F'lese keep receipt Work Order #a 71340 Is for pars returns within 30 ;,days. 20/ restockingg SHIPPED VIA.- CUSTOMER PICKUP charye,d No return on elect vocal or .special order °.s' 18 .-14:00 PAC--,:e 1 OF 1 NUMBER Z+003093' 7 2 794422[ 0.90 015 1 TOD SNYDE;,_ 071340 -63 M PART NUMB s I NSTALL STROBES; --ON JD GATOR 1 4 4 YI I S 1 TR0BE 1'. I T L. E. D 145. 0�cA W 580. 00 1. 1 I S WITCH 22.. c8. 90 D I S 1 t A I RE HARNESS. 6.90 6.80 Cf): 1 -ART Hlpp'ING CHARGE 8.5�� 8.50 y i, _'15 :t. I NSTAI_i -AT I ON 115.001 115. 00 -1 I. Purdue 15 l RCE MUNICIPAL DSCNT 145.001 145. 00C R nj 5 ;y' Q tea► I I AUG 0 4 -2008 BY: i 6f 0 1 JB TOTAL 618 E0" HARG SAI- 1 M I SC. 0. 00 a L 2 1BOR 30.00CR T X 7.000 0.00 REC'D BY INVOICE �OTAL- -7 i 588. 20 T IMPORTANT NOTICE It is agreed as part of the consid a ertion for this sale that the rice shown hereon for the goods shall be aid on or before the 10th day of the month followi the month of p urchase. An g p g p y g p y portion of the sale price not paid within said lime period shall thereafter bear interest at the rate of EIGHTEEN.PERCENT (18 PER,ANNUM until paid, with attorney's fees and costs of collection and without relief from valuation and aplopsemenl laws ?•All claims and returned goods MUST be accompanied by this invoice, and all goods must be returned in new condition. There is a 2oYfiestocking, charge on all returns. There will be no refund or exchange on electrical parts. The factory warramy constitutes all of the warranties with•respect to the sale of this item /items, The seller hereby expressly disclaims all warranties, either expressed or. Q6ding any impljed of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose and the seller neither assumes,rtor authorizes arty.olher person tgassume for it any liability in connection with the sale of this item litems, CARMEL WELDING Sincz 1948 550 S. Rangeline Rd. r Carmel, IN 46032 Ph. 317 -846 -3493 FAX 317- 848 -8760 www.carmelwelding.com SOLD TO: SHIP TO: I CARM L. CLAY PARKS AND REC. cARIyIEL- CLAY PARKS AND R1.CCo 14.11 EAST 1 1 6 TH STRE=ET 1411 EAST 11 STREET CARMEL, INDIANA 454,: 2 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 i TERM I NAL. e 16 Tax Exemption 00242-111c:0001 l_ WWWe CARMELWELDINGn _keep receipt for parts retl_!rnis within 30 dAys. 20% restocking SHIPPED VIA: CUSTOMER PICKUP cliarne. 1\10 retf_irn on electrical or sDecia.l orders 14:55 :51 PAGE„ 1 OF 1 DATE INVOICE NO. SPECIAL m m 000. 093 8/05/08 280083 007/007 1 v M PART NUMBER DESCRIPTIO (n 1 1 •DTI I PMN -44 tHA I N 12I N P'MN 3 -8P 17.71 17.71. o m Purcha Q D CD I GSA cki yts� d im rL� wu RIV P.Q! PorF Cn Bu dget AUG 0 8 2008 M si4 W U ee er L /,O. I BI z Purchaser Dane n .b Approval Date 0 .d S JD TOTA 17.71 CHARGE' SA!_ o O M SC. 0.00 L BOR 0o00. RECD er I IUVOICE OTAL.�-> 17.71 IMPORTANT NOTICE It is agreed as part of the consideration for this sale that the price shown hereon for the goods shall be paid on or before the 10th day of the month following the month of purchase. Any portion of the sale price not paid within said time period shall thereafter bear interest at the rate of EIGHTEEN PERCENT (18 PER ANNUM until paid, with attorney's fees and costs of collection and without relief from valuation and appraisement laws. All claims and returned goods MUST be accompanied by this invoice, and all goods must be returned in new condition, There is a 20% restocking charge on all returns. There will be no refund or exchange on electrical parts. The factory warranty constitutes all of the warranties with respect to the sale of this item /items. The seller hereby expressly disclaims all warranties, either expressed or implied, including any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose and the seller neither assumes nor authorizes any other person to assume for it any liability in connection with the sale of this Itemlitems. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice of bill to be properly itemized must show; kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. 051000 Carmel Welding Terms 550 S. Rangeline Rd. Date Due Carmel, IN 46032 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 8/8108 280207 Welding repairs on Ferris 75.00 6/24/08 278041 Kubota strobe kit install PC 1 x(0(0 588.20 7/30/08 279805 Gator strobe kit install p Z(o(a 588.20 7/22/08 279409 Gator strobe kit install Pin *I iq 21-pCo 588.20 7122/08 279408 Golf cart strobe kit install Po t' 1 878.61 7121108 279325 Repair to Dixie chopper 130.00 7122108 279442 Gator strobe kit install 588.20 815108 280083 Chainsaw chain sharpening 17.71 Total 3,454.12 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 1 20 Clerk- Treasurer Voucher No. Warrant No. 051000 Carmel Welding Allowed 20 550 S. Rangeline Rd. Carmel, IN 46032 In Sum of 3,454.12 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 101 General Fund PO# or INVOICE NO. ckCCT#rrITLI AMOUNT Board Members Dept 1125 280207 4350000 75.00 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 1125 278041 4350000 588.20 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the 1125 279805 4350000 588.20 materials or services itemized thereon for 1125 279409 4350000 588.20 which charge is made were ordered and 1125 279408 4350000 878.61 received except 1125 279325 4350000 130.00 1125 279442 4350000 588.20 1125 280083 4350000 17.71 18 -Aug 2008 1 P &)'t oimlm� Signature 3,454.12 Accounts Payable Coordinator Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund