HomeMy WebLinkAbout161976 07/23/2008 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 358765 Page 1 of 2 ONE CIVIC SQUARE NORTH AMERICAN SALT COMPANY CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO BOX 277043 CHECK AMOUNT: $21,115.92 ATLANTA GA 30384 CHECK NUMBER: 161976 CHECK DATE: 7123/2008 DEPARTMENT _A PO NU MBER INVOICE NUMBER A MOUNT DES CRIPTION 601 R5023990 W0703 70212986 1,584.14 SALT 601 R5023990 W0703 70213501 1,523.00 SALT 601 R5023990 W0705 70213863 1,472.86 SALT 601 R5023990 W0705 70214763 1,483.26 SALT 601 R5023990 W0705 70214764 1,511.38 SALT 601 R5023990 W0704 70214765 1,543.17 SALT 601 R5023990 W0704 70214766 1,469.19 SALT 601 R5023990 W0703 70214767 1,533.39 SALT 601 R5023990 W0703 70214768 1,458.19 SALT 601 R5023990 W0705 70214775 1,481.42 SALT 601 R5023990 W0705 70215753 1,532.17 SALT 601 R5023990 W0704 70215754 1,500.38 SALT 601 R5023990 W0704 70215756 1,502.82 SALT I CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 358765 Page 2 of 2 ONE CIVIC SQUARE NORTH AMERICAN SALT COMPANY CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO BOX 277043 CHECK AMOUNT: $21,115.92 ATLANTA GA 30384 CHECK NUMBER: 161976 CHECK DATE: 7/23/2008 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 601 R5023990 W0705 70215757 1,520.55 SALT I I North American Salt Company A Compass Minerals Company INVOICE Page 1 of 1 PLEASE REMIT TO: FEDERAL ID PAYMENT TERMS INVOICE DATE INVOICE NUMBER P.O. BOX 277043 48- 1047632 NET 60 DAYS 6/30/2008 70212986 ATLANTA, GA 30384 -7043 SOLD TO: 462129 C54512 SHIP To: 505808 CS54514 CARMEL UTILITIES CARMEL UTILITIES 3450 W. 131ST STREET 5484 E. 126TH STREET WESTFIELD, IN 46074 UNITED L STATES OF AMERICA SHIPPED FROM DATE SHIPPED CUSTOMER PO BILL OF LADING ORDER NUMBER ORDER TYPE 10995 AUGUSTROBBENSSONS 06/27/08 W0803E 220161 220161 SO CARRIER RAIL/ TRUCK EQUIPMENT TYPE F.O.B. FREIGHT TERMS TERRITORY 76599 SHIPPING POINT DELIVERED TRUCK B22 I TAX STATUS TAX ID RELEASE SALES REP EXEMPT I 0031201550 rl I 622 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION TAX QUANTITY UOM UNIT PRICE EXTENDED PRICE 7,517 BULK COARSE LA SALT Y 25.9100 TN 61.14 1,584.14 I PRODUCT 1,584.14 FREIGHT FUEL SUBTOTAL 1,584.14 STATE TAX COUNTY TAX CITY TAX MESSAGES: TOTAL WEIGHT 51,820.0000 Gross Pounds FOR BILLING INQUIRIES CALL 1- 800 743 -7258 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER PLEASE PAY WE APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS IN US DOLLARS US 1,584.14 This Sale of Goods is subject to the Terms and Conditions of Sale on the reverse side of this Invoice CREDIT NOTE US (Terms and Conditions of Sale are also available at vvvvvv.nasalt.com). IN US DOLLARS R 'PERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE. 1. OFFF,R. NO term+ stated by Buyer in its bid, Purchase Order, acknoMed;mem, or other forgo shall be binding upon the Seller excq m et,pressly agreed in writing by the Seller. Buyer is hereby notified of the Seller's objection to and rejection of ant• additional of different terms in Buyer'. hid- Purchase Order. ackuowlo:d g:a n ru, or o ms E ther ha. THE" PROPOSAL IS EXPRI':SSLY LIMITED '1'0 ACCEPTANCE LPON CC TfiE TERMS AND 'D TIONS CONTAINED HEREIN. 2. PAI'MENf. Buyer agrees to make payment at Seller's lactation and at the time specified on th-r Seller's nooicimT docarnent in lawful moncy of the U.S, 'Fite Seller niay, in its tole judgment, require such other payitienf tejtris a, it d&nis'aPprofniate, includir'n;'full'(jr pariad pi4uneni in advance (if' shipment or by letter tit' credit. 1'. .is. 3. 'PAST DUE AC( 'OUN "I'S..A Sin; +rice charge of the lesser ol' l SBc per "m6mh (l8 "c'- APR) or tore highest rule permnted.hy law will be asses,ed on all past clue accounts. Interest charged on a pact due invoice will fie assessed from the date of the invoice. a. PRICES. EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED IN THIS Of FER. PRICES ARE SUBJFt "i TO CHANGE W1 FIIOUT NOTICE. ORDERS WiLI. fit- INVOICED, (jNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED IN THIS OFFER, A'I'T11E SELLER'S PRICE IN EFFECT ON THE SCHEDULED DATE. Of SI IIPMF,NT. Prices on the invoicing document are net of all applicable discounts and promotional allowances. Nny questions by the buyer, about the hasis or accuracy of thi., pricing roust he subtniucd to the seller in writing within 60 days of the date of the. invoice. S. CANCELLATION AND MODIFICATION. Orders nose be canceled by Buyer only upon (1) written or oral notice to the Seller subsequently aecepled fin writing by the ;cll,.r and paymcut Eo the Seller of n'eas,mahle cancellation char ds to be solely debminned by the Sellci. 6. CREDIT. Credit payment terms must have the prior approval of the Seller', Credit Depairment and must be specific(] in writing on tale Seller`s imoicm, document Ifat tiny lime Buyer'srinaucitd responsibility hreorue, imprinted or unsatisfactory to the Seller. Seller reservice, die tight to stop shipment, on notification to Buyer and to demand payment rt advance or at tine time of delivery for future deliveries or to require other security satisfactory to the Seller, and in the absence hereof, to c; +r: -1 ilhont hahilil thr unElled portiow of this contract. 7. TAXLS. -,y' t.,\ or other go ;nnnentat charge sow- or Ix:reaftei levied upon production, severance, manufacture, delivery. storage, consumption, sale, use of shipneut of Prtdo'!, ordered Or old u ill h: charged war rued by the Rn, cr Sri,', taxes are not co r,"d in the Seller's 1 ic'.. 8. DELAYS. tR r are accepted ubjea to the Seller's ability to make delic.ry at the lime and in the quantities %pccilird, and the Seller ,fiali aul he liable poi dlr mges lot failure to make partied or complete shipment or for i the. delay in making shipments. The Buyer shall he liable for any added exprn,c, incurred by the Seller hex.,us< •i huycr', dclnv is hi, ,ishing requested information to the Seller, delays resulting from order changes by tint Buyer, or delay in unloading shipnenl: at delivery p th.it arc the fault of Buyer. The Seiler 0,311 not be, liable for deLry ur default, in leh °ery caused he fmc,�s beyond its oontr)t mcludir.e but not limned to floods, firs, storms, or other acts of God. by war or act of public enemy (or civil (lisutrbance), strikes. lock -out%, shortages of labor or raw materials and supplies fmclwfinr fuel) or produ'lion facifhics, trsar%pom'lll m service or egidpraeut lhorisges or fedures. action of any !ovetnmeinal authority or other comlitionx beyond the Seller', reasonable control. 9. SHIPMENT COSTS. (;mess otherwise specified on the S<;iler's invoicing docurrent, all transp charges, including but not limited w, carrier', charge, for notification priori to deliver, demniage caused by Buyer. delay in unloading, diversion, or recomignment will he paid by the Buyer. 10. Tk-kNSPORT RISKS AND CLAIMS. Risk of loss. amt title to Products transfers to the Buyer upon delivery at the F.O.B. point identified on the Seller's imoicing document. On receipt of tile. the Buyer is then responsible for proper protection of Produ< -ts and compliance wish all regulations and ordinance, and will indemnify the Seller against all claim, for personal injurie, or property damnagc. ansing front the %tomee, use of handling of suc Products C'lairns for damage or shortage in tract -it must he nndc hu the Buyer against the Carrier. The Buvor has the responsibility to inspect shipmcmts before or during unloadin to identify any such chimage or shortage and see that appropriate notation is made on the delivery tickets or an inspection report htrni%hed by the local tigent of the cattier in order to support chum. 11. VIARPLAN 1 Y. •the Seller warrants only that it will convey good tide to the product and that. at the tune of .shipment, the product will conform to the published specifications >f ih: Seller. Seller's ;u.ificalions are <,J jcot to change :t ac% time without mice to Buyer. NO Of ITER WARRAN1 Y OF ANY KIND, EXPRF,SSF.D OR 114PLIED. IS NIAD BY SELLER, IN('1..UI)I\G ANY IMPLII'D tfARRAN TIES OF NIERC'HANTA111.1 I'Y OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICU- LAR PURPOSF. Fadure of the Buyer thing thiriv t30) davo- after receipt of the Product dcfivured hereunder to give notice that such product is not as so waminLed ,hail he at untm °I ,t.ceprunce •t h pr"darr and .t ur et .rf ;:Ii claims o•. qir r. °.pet r rte, ct In the rtes: of alp- =d breach herew by i :c Seller, Jw. a e remedy ava ilahtt to t.ie Buycr tin <W'ounl of any defect in ii,, pn> lurt shall be bmii,ii to+ the replacc- ment ed such defective product bV' Qne :Sellet. In the event the temedy provided herein shall be demmnd t,o have failed its -min) purpo.wt ihrn the Ruy.r shaft he entitled only to a refund of the amounts paid to the Seller for such defective Product. 12. IAMITVrION OF LiABILITY. THE BUYER SHALL NOT BI's ENTITLED TO RECOVLR FRONT SELLER INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTiAL DAMAGES OR EXPENSES, iNCLUr:iN0, BUT NOI LiMI IED TO. THOSE INCURRED ON ACCOUNT Ol' TIIE QUALITY OR AMOUNT OF PRODUCT DELIVERED OR TILE NON DELIVERY OF PRODUC'i'. The Buyer assumes all risks and liability fix any damage to persons or property testdt:ng franc the use of the product delivered hereunder in manufacturing pioce,se, of the Buyer or in combination with other substances or otherwise 13. PATENTS. The Seller agrees to defend and protect the Buyer against lose or damage arising out of legal action for direct patent infringement in connection with the Seller's mtmufaciurc: of Product, provided the Seller is notified promptly of any such action with complete information and is given am opportunity to defend. Id. SECURITY INTEREST. The Buser hereby grants to the Seller and the Seller hereby retains a security interest in all Products furnished b% the Seller and the Proceeds thereof, uutii the purchase pri,c therefore is fully laid. Buyer agrees to exeeuu; such financial, statements and other documents as `letter may determine to be necessary to perfect Such security inn -rest. 17. GOVERNING LANN•. Any agreement based on tine acceptance of this offer :-hall he construed n, ace ordanc•e with and governed by the Laws of the State of Kansas provided that delivery to i tits shall be governed by INC'O "TERMS as published by the Internadional Chamber of Commerce. 16. ASSIGNABiLITV..Any agreement based on the acceputne; ol'tlus offer shall not he assignable b the. Buyer without the prior written Conseil of the Seller and any purported assignment without such consent shall he Void. 17. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. If accepted, this offer and the ternns on the Seller's invoicing document constitute the entire agreement of sale an,l purchase of the ptoducl named hurhn. No modification of this Agreement ,halt be of any force of effort unless it writing and signed by the parties sought to be bound thereby. and no modification shall be effected by the acknowledgment or acceptance of purchase order forms containing different terms ur conditions, North American Salt Company A Compass Minerals Company INVOICE Page 1 of 1 PLEASE REMIT' TO FEDERAL ID PAYMENT TERMS INVOICL RA'I'L INVOICE NUMBER P.O. BOX 277043 48- 1047632 NET 60 DAYS 7/1/2008 70213501 ATLANTA, GA 30384 -7043 SOLD TO: 462129 C54512 SHIP TO: 505808 CS54514 CARMEL UTILITIES CARMEL UTILITIES 3450 W. 131ST STREET 5484 E. 126TH STREET WESTFIELD, IN 46074 UNITED L �TATES OF AMERICA SHIPPED FROM DATE SHIPPED CUSTOMER PO BILL OF LADING ORDER NUMBER ORDER TYPE 10995 AUGUSTROBBENSSONS 06/30/08 W0803W 220163 220163 SO CARRIER RAIL/ TRUCK EQUIPMENT TYPE F.O.B. FREIGHT TERMS TERRITORY 7659 SHIPPING POINT DELIVERED TRUCK B22 TAX STATUS TAX ID RELEASE SALES REP EXEMPT 0031201550 B22 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION TAX QUANTITY UOM UNIT PRICE EXTENDED PRICE 7517 BULK COARSE LA SALT Y 24.9100 TN 61.14 1,523.00 I c UM M A. R?' PRODUCT 1,523.00 FREIGHT FUEL SUBTOTAL 1,523.00 STATE TAX COUNTY TAX CITY TAX MESSAGES: TOTAL WEIGHT. 49,820.0000 Gross Pounds FOR BILLING INQUIRIES CALL 1- 800 743 -7258 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER PLEASE PAY WE APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS IN US DOLLARS US 1,523.00 This Sale of Goods is subject to the Terms and Conditions of Sale on the reverse side of this Invoice CREDIT NOTE US (Terms and Conditions of Sale are also available at www.nasalt com) IN US DOLLARS 7 FRMS AND CON DiTIO S OF S•Ai.ls 1. OFFER. No terms stated by i3m•er in its hid, Purch ,sc^ Order, acknowledgnrem, or other fimn shall he bmcfins upon the Seller except as expressly agreed in Writing by the Seller. Buyer is hereby notified of the Seller's objection to and rejection of auy additional or different terms in Buyei's hid. Purchase Order, acknowledg l tit, or other forms. I IIF SELLER'S PPOPOSAL IS FYPRLSSi,Y 1,imrmI) TO ACCEPTANCE UPON TI IF TERNIS ANL) CONDITIONS C'ONTAiNED HEREIN. 2. PAYNIENf. Buyer agrees to make payment at Seller's Iodation and at the-.lime speoified on the Seller!s.i)tvuicm,•duuuneut•in lawful money of the U; S The Seller alai, nt its sole judgment, re suite such other paynter t'fvrms as' it'�eem:.ipixog rbate;`iiicl din Hilt or Oalhiid prim-, ^nt'tit advance cot shipment or by letter of sees »._sees..- sees 3.' PAST DCE ACCOUNT TS. X finance charge of the lesser 6f 1,5 per iiionth (18% APR) or the higher( rite permitted bylaw wiil'bc.ascscd oti all pEst'duc accounts. hit; i zst charged on a piist,Jill; it ivoice wing be av c:s,cd tram die date C.f the invoice. d. PRICES. fl XCP.Pi AS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED IN T] US OFFER. PRICES ARE SL Bit ('I' E (A1ANGh WITHOUT'.\oTiCE. ORDERS WILL BE 1 \VOICED. UNLESS OTIIERWISC' SPLCIFIED IN TiIIS OFFER, ATTHE SFIA -ER'S PRICE IN EFFFCT ON THi` SCIIED1IhED DA7'l 10 F SHIPNIENI Prices on the invoicing document an• net of .all applicable discounu5 and promotional allowances. Any question, by the buyer, about the basis or accumc)o of this pricing tnusl be submitted to the senior ui writing within W days of the date of litc invoice. 5. CANCELLATION AND MODIFICATION. Order, may be canceled by Buyer only upon i1) written or oral notice la the Seller subsequently accepted in writing by the Seller and t2) payment to the Seller of rca,l lnabfe cancellation ch:uges to be soleh determined by the Seller. 6. CREDIT. Credit payment tc•no, must have the prio, apprma] of the Sett: is Credit Departuru and must be <pe, -`icd in writing n iRe Seller'C invoil-mg document. If at any time Buyer's financial responsibility becomes impJired or unsatisfactory to the Seller. Seller reserves the right to stop shipment, on notification to Buvcr and to demand payment in ndN aw:e or at the lime ref driven tier future deliveries or to require other security sad to the Sellet, and in the absence thcre to CanCCI, Without liability, the unfilIC(l portion of this contract. 7. "{'AYES. Amp tar or other goveronx:nial charge now or hereafter levied Main pioducuon. severance. manufacture. delivery, storage. cottswnption, sale, use of shipment oI P ordered or sotoi .vih be, chtuged to and paid be the Boyer, ouch trues am not eov:•red in the Seller'•, price. N. DELAYS. All s are ic, cpwt >uhjcci to the Sclle:'t ahility to make dc'.: eiy :n the time and in the quantities speckled, and the Scher .shat] not he liable fl`r dama „es for f:,iluio to make partial or complete shipment or lot the delay in narking shipments. T'hc Buyer shall be liable for any added cxperses incurred by the Sell ^r hcCause 'h B :rc is dela: in f miehing rcqucsied n il to the Sebict, delays resulting (roil, order change. by tit,- Buyer. or delay in tadoading ohipturnis in delivery poini than ate the fault ,:f Buyer. The Seller .shall not be hable for delays or defaults in delivery caused by forces beyond its control including but not linrited to 11o"J fu s. ,t tin or e, a. ;l, of God, by tv,u of act of public en my tor cn it disturh.mce).. ;trikcs, lock -outs. ,shortages of lahor or raw to neriak and supplic•, rincluding rued or production lacilities. transportation service or equipment shortages or failures, action of any soremmental authoriry or other conditions hey -oriel bite S,11,r rcasunahlc eonu'oi 9. 5HIPMEN I COSTS. lJniess othcn:ac spcerficd oil tine Seller's inv oicmg document, till nanspontntion charges. including. but not limited to, carrier's charges for notification prior to deliver, demurrage caused by Buyer, delay in unloading. divei,ion, or reconsignrnent will he paid by the Buyer. 10. TRANSPORT RISKS AND C'LAiMS. Risk of loss and title to Products trarisfers to the Buren upon delivery at the EO,B, point idemifled on the Seller's invoicing document On receipt of title. the Buyer is then responsible foi propel protection of Produvis and compliance with all regulations and ,irdin.mce, mid will indemnify the Seller against all claims for personal injuries or properly damage )rising; from the stomee. use of handl'ni, of such Products. Claims for damap or shortage in transit roust he made by till- Buyer against the Caner, The Buye hits the reslxinibibicv to inspect shiprnent,s borne or during unloading to identify any such damage or shortage and sae that appropriate notation is made on the delivery tickets or an inspection report furnished by the local anent of the eatrricr in older to supp-Tt it c faun. 11. WARRANTY. ['he Seller san,,rts ook that it will convey goad title to the product and that, at the lime of shipment. tic product will Contort to the published specification, ill' tile Seller. Seller's specification are subject to change at .m y tonic without notice to Buyer. NO OTHER WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRF;SSED OR IMPLiED. IS MADE PY SLLUR, INI A- LiDING ANY I!1IPLIED WARRANTIES OF.MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR PARTICU- LAR PURPOSE. F;iilure of the Buyer wiihing thirty 130) days Lifter receipt of th, Product delivered hereunder to,iv -e notice that such product is not as so warranted .hall he an ung relifl. d x p[an e of ',Wi lrndtx;t aunt a +asst .if all ciahr,s wit:. tcapecl thereu,. In the eu Wt of .ui .ill, ged bleach hercoi hr the Seiler. the ,Ae renicdv aeeifable t,I the Buyer on nccx of any defect in the product ,hall he hrnited to the replace- tnerli of ,'a -•tivr ploducr by i!ie In the event the i:medy pro••idcd herein shall he Jecm J to hire failed its purpose, then the Bayei ,hall he eniii)ui only to it nfuntt of the amounts pail to the Seller for such defective Product. 12. LINIFFATION' OF LIABILITY. THE BUYER SHALL NOT BE ENI'I'fl -ED TO RECOVER FROM SELLER INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR I-.YPENS1 iNCL! �h>I':Ci, BUT Nr)'1' 1- 1,Mffl ?D TO. TiIOSF. INCURRED ON AC.(,'OUNT OF THE QUALITY OR AihtOl r 01' PRODUCT DELIVF,RED OR 'I HE NON DELIVERY OF PRODUCT "The Buyer assunies all risks and liability for any damage to persons or property resulting from the use of the product dcliv,•n J hereunder in rigs ,cit. pr, cesr: o Buvaa or m uauhnisuori with nboanc,s or oth, uivi,I•. 13. PATENTS' The Sche agrees to dclend and protect tfae Buyer against loss or ducriage arising, out of legal action Ior direct patent infringement in connection with the Seller manufacture of Product, provided the Seller is notified promptly of any such action with complete information and is given an opportunity to defend. 14. SECURITY INTEREST. The Buyer hereby grants to the Seller and the Seller hereby retains a security interest in all Products banished by the Seller and (lie proceeds thereof, until the purchase price therefore is fully paid. Buyer agrees to execute Such financing statements and other ducumerl as Seller may determine to be necessary to perfect such security mtcr: ;sr. 15. GOVERNING I,AW. Any agreeincw haled on the acceptance of this otter .shall he construed ,n accordance with and governed by tine Laws of the Slate of Kansas prvided that debiyery terms shall be governed by INCO'l FIRMS as published by the International Chaniber of Commerce. 16. ASSIGNABILITY'. Any agreement based on the accrpranec of this offer shad! not be assignable by the Buyer without the prior Written consent o1'the Seller and ally purported assigm tic tit without ,eeii consent shall he void. 17. ENTIRE AGREENIEN1'. 11' al- Cpted, this offer and the towns sari the Seller's invoicing document constitute the entire; agreement of sale and purchase of the product named herein. No modification of this Agreement shall be of tiny force or effort unless in writing and signed by the ponies sought to be hound thereby, and no modification shall he effected by the acknowledgment or acceptance of purchase: order forms containing different terms ill conditions. A/ North American Salt Company A Compass Minerals Company INVOICE Page 1 of 1 PLEASE REMI i i0' FEDERAL E NUMBER ID PAYMENT TERMS INVOICE UA'fE NVOIC ATLANOTA ?GA4330384 -7043 48- 1047632 NET 60 DAYS 7/7/2008 70214767 SOLD TO: 462129 C54512 SHIP TO: 505808 CS54514 CARMEL UTILITIES CARMEL UTILITIES 3450 W. 131ST STREET 5484 E. 126TH STREET WESTFIELD, IN 46074 UNITED IN 46033 UNITED TATES OF AMERICA SHIPPED FROM DATE SHIPPED CUSTOMER PO BILL OF LADING ORDER NUMBER ORDER TYPE 10995 AUGUSTROBBENSSONS 07/03/08 W0803E 222639 222639 SO CARRIER RAIL/ TRUCK EQUIPMENT TYPE F.O.B. FREIGHT TERMS TERRITORY 7659 SHI PPING POINT DELIVERED TRUCK B22 TAX STATUS TAX ID RELEASE SALES REP EXEMPT 0031201550 B22 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION TAX QUANTITY UOM UNIT PRICE EXTENDED PRICE 7517 BULK COARSE LA SALT Y 25.0800 TN 61.14 1,533.39 SUM PRODUCT 1,533.39 FREIGHT FUEL SUBTOTAL 1,533.39 STATE TAX COUNTY TAX CITY TAX MESSAGES: TOTAL WEIGHT 50,160.0000 Gross Pounds FOR BILLING INQUIRIES CALL 1- 800 743 -7258 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER PLEASE PAY WE APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS IN US DOLLARS US 1,533.39 This Sale of Goods is subject to the Terms and Conditions of Sale on the reverse side of this Invoice CREDIT NOTE (Terms and Conditions of Sale are also available at www nasall com) IN US DOLLARS US I TERNIS AND CONDITIONS OF `;ALF, 1. OFFER. 'mu r, stated by Il,r }cr tin it bid, Purchase Older, ackmo aled gnnent, or other form ,hail( be binding upon the Seller except as expressly agreed in writing by the Seller. Buyer is hereby notified of the Seller's o1jcction to and rejection of ally additional or diflerenr terms in Buyer'., hid, PUrehase Order acknovt-letlen :c ;nr. or o ;h t forut... THE SEL.LF.R'S PROPOSAL 1S EXPkESSLY LIMITED 1 "t) A_C_CEN1'ANCE. UPON THE TER, }_1S AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED IIERFIN. 2. PAY IENT.iliuyat agrees to ma}:c paytnen't lit :Seller'ss location and at thettiirie spectt ed(on the Sellev i lin orlcine, monument in law]ill'na kit the, ILS, :The °Seller mnv;"m its soleptdgment, r,tlurre'ruch other payment Yet•lns sri it deeuts appropriate, rocludirig 11111 orphriitil paymcut'iu "all ;uttY i>f'sh)pmPnt in "bvliitfts ol" credit. 3. PAST DUE: ACCOUNT'S. A f suuace charge of the lesser of l 5 per month (18% APRI or the highest rate penmm,d by law will be ass<ssed on all past due accounts. lmere charged on a pa,,t due. invoice will he 4tsse,% d from the date of the invoice. 4. PRICES. EXC E1 AS O1TIERWISf3 SPECIFIED IN THIS OFFER. PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE; W'ITHOUT NOTICE, ORDERS WILL BF. INVOICED, NLPSS CIrfIF.R`tVlW. SPF,C IFIED IN TI €(S OFFFR A71 T'H13 H.1,HR'S PRICE IN UPI :CT ON TIIE S(TILDLLd_D DATE 01 SIIIPMUNT. Prices tin the invoicing document ar• rr.t of all applic:,hic di..counrs and promotional allowances. Any questions by dnc buyer, about the ha.,rs or accuracy ill' this pricing must he suhrnrtted to the seller in wrong within 60 days of the date of the invoice 5. CANCF:IJ,A'RON AND NTOUIFICATION. Orders may he canceled by Buyer only upon 1) written or oral notice to the Seller subsequently accepted in writing by di, S Ilea and Q) payment to the Seller of tea ;ouahle cancellation charges to be solel} determined by tore Seller. 6. CREDIT. Ci'ctiil pa }meat tcrt utu;1 hale the prior approval of the Sc ;icr's Credit Dep:ntna.nt acrd ri ucl be apecificd in writing on the Seller's imoicmg doc•umene )fat any time Buyer's financial responsibility becomes impaired or unsausfactory to the Seller. Seller reserves doe right to Stop shipmrnl, on notificati us Ru; er and to d: t'r. paymern in ,a,leunre or at the time of delivery for future deliveries or to require other security satisfactory to the Seller, and in the absence thereof, to can. el. without liability. the unfilled portion of this contract. 7. TAXES. Any Ln or other govermnrntid charge now or hereaftet levied upon produt-tiun, sevetancd manufacture, d �!iverv. stoaage, com,anpuon, sale. u >c of shrpmeni of Products ordered or soil will he charged to and paid by the Buyer. Such taxes are not covered to the Seller's price, 8. DELAYS..All rider: are acceple ,,l suojW to the Seller's ability to make delivery at the time and in the quanuues specified, and the Seller ,hall not he liable lot d3o.i;w fix fail ry to make Partial nt comploic shipment or ?or the delay it) m<iki shipincrts, rl,: Ru shall be Iiak,, lot any added esl• mss incurred ht the Scll-�r hecause of buyer, delay in I nrushing requested information to the Seller, delays resulting front order changes by th, Buyer, ur delay in tmluadrng ehipnrenh at delive•� p: not tl,.: ,.re the fault :.r flu_ ;r. The S,Iler ;;atl not be liable for or (let auiis ill eh•ho•rry caused by totrcrS beyond it.> coniinl ucludine but not limned a, floods, fires, storms. or other acts of Gust by war or act of public enemy lot civil disturb::nce), strikes, lock -ours, shortage~ of labor or raw neat, rials and xtpplies i uu' sting ?ucl} nr produc,i.m f- ilitics, nrarnspol; auou service or rqur shortaec, or III lures. action of troy goceiumental authorrt} or other eondition< beyond the Sell, :r'S reasonable control. 9. SHIPMENT C'OST'S. Unless otherwise .pecitied tin the ';ellet's invoicing document. all transportation charges, including, but not limited( to. cz rrier's o;h.rrge, for notiti ation mot to deliver. Jctmloi,w caused by Ruyri. deiay in unloading, diversion, ur reconsignment will he paid by the Buyer. 10. T'RI'OS► ")RT RISKS AND CLAIMS. Risk of to and title to Product. h:ntsfers io the Bu;cr upon delivery at the FO.B. point identified on the Seller' imoicrng document. On receipt of title. the Buyer i, then responsrhle for proper protection of Produels and compliance w;th all rcgulafions and ordinance, lino will mdcnnnh the SAL against alt date ror personal injuries or property datnrage, arising, trout the storage, use of handling of wch Products Claims for damage or shortatge in transit n ust be tirade by the Buyer against the Carrier. The Buyer has the responsibility to inspect shipments before or during unloading to tdcntif`: any such damr��e r r shortage and that appropriate noradon is made on the deliveiv ticket; Oran inspection rep,rt furnished by the local agent of the currier in order to support a claim. 11. RARK.tNTY. the Seller warrants only that it will coney gooxl title to the product and that. at the time of shipment- the product will conform to the published pecrficatious of Ib< Seller. Seller'. specifications arc sot cct to change at any time without notice to Buyer. NO OTHER ANARRAN'lY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESSED OR INIPLIF.D. IS S7ADE BY SELLER, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTA1111,1TY OR FITNESS FOR A PAR171CU- LAR PURPOSF. l�adure of the Bup, i wnGmng thiriv (30) days after' receipt of the Product delivered hereunder to give nouce that such product is not as so warranted shall hear, tiny 1if i J ar.rptau'ce o _url: n d:,rl an,? a ve: rr.; of all elaim� t ;'n.' rc,:•,•ct ,heaete (n the eye. t of a _ed breach her: der S.Iler.'.., lied~ ava,':ahl: h: 'lintyei nn ;vet. ,any defeca :r: IL. tvosuct shall be hrnl� nn rite ttplacr- mend of .'uch d fc, ti.e product by it"' 'seller. In the ,\'cut liar, remedy provided herein ,hall W deemed to have failed its rss,enoial pmpose, then the Buyer shall he v,000ed only to a refund .,f tote irnonmis paid to the Seller frm such dereriive PrudurL, 12. LINIHAT'ION OF LIABILITY. 'I HE BUYER Sit U1 NOT BE ENTFI'LLD TO REC'OVI.R FROM SELLER INC'IDF.NTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL. DA: .,CAGES OR EXPENSES, )NCLUDWO, BUT NOT LINII "LD TO.'rilOSE INCURRED ON ACY'Ot'NT OF Tf IE QUALITY OR AMOUNT OF PRODUCT DEL 1Vl -RED OR T! TF NON -0L-HVERV OF PRODUCT 1'he Buyer assumes till ri,ks and liability for any damage to persons or property resuldn, from the use of the pnKluct dt9ivrn d heretmder rn nrmnf r to ir.,I pro _rs.., of R!ncr or in rnhm atiorr a"iih ,•+h; r soh once- or tdlter% •c 13. 1'ATfiV'PS.'ltic Sclha agrees n, (lefend and protect ih, f.iuv, :r against loss o; damage arising out Orr lc: at action for dime, peteut infiingemow in connection with the Seller's maunuRacnnro of Product. paovided the Seller i, notified promptly of any such action with complete information and is given an opportunity to defend. 14. SECURITY INTEREST. The Buyer hereby grants to the Seller and the Seller hereby retain. a security interest in all Products furnished by the Seller and the proceed, ihere,zf: until the pmrchasc )rire t_herel ;ire is fully paid. Buyer agrees 1•, execute such rtnanetng matzrrients and other documents a, Seller uuty determine to be necessary to perfect wch security interest. 15. GOVERNING LAW. Any agreement ba,ed on tine li,xepixice of this oflv,; shall be, construed lit accordance with and governed by the I <aw-s of the State of Kansas provided that deliver} tern:; snail ]x governed by INCO'l ERMS aS publisi.ed by the International Chamber of Cunnnnerce. i 16..ASS1GNAB1LI l'Y. Any agreement h.:scd ou the acccptemec of this oifer,hall not he.assignable by the Buyer without the prior written consent of the Seller and any purported assi,m1rent without Such cnra,ent .hall he no,i:l. 17.. GN'CIRIi A(.;REENIEIN'T..If ac:. pted, this; offer and the terms on the Sells.3', u,voicing doci r rum COMGIute the enure agreement of ,ale and puteha,e of the product named herein.. No niudificauon of this Agreement ,hall be of tom force or effort unless in omen; and Signed by the parties .Sought to be bound thereby. and Ilk modilicatioil :halt be effected by the acknowledgment of ac.eputnce of purcha,c order forms containing vBf "ferent terms or conditions. North American Salt Company A Compass Minerals Company INVOICE Page 1 of 1 PLEASE REMIT TO: FEDERAL ID PS INVOICE DATE INVOICE NUMBER P BOX 48- 1047632 NET 60 DAYS 1 7/7/2008 70214768 SOLD TO: 462129 C54512 SHIP TO: 505808 CS54514 CARMEL UTILITIES CARMEL UTILITIES 3450 W. 131 ST STREET 5484 E. 126TH STREET WESTFIELD, IN 46074 CARMEL IN 46033 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA SHIPPED FROM DATE SHIPPED CUSTOMER PO BILL OF LADING ORDER NUMBER ORDER TYPE 10995 AUGUSTROBBENSSONS 07/07/08 W0803W 222640 222640 SO CARRIER RAIL TRUCK EQUIPMENT TYPE F.O.B. FREIGHT TERMS TERRITORY 7659 SHIPPING POINT DELI TRUCK B22 'IAX STATUS TAX ID RELEASE SALES REP v EXEMPT 0031201550 622 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION TAX QUANTITY I UOM I UNIT PRICE I EXTENDED PRICE 7517 BULK COARSE LA SALT Y 23.8500 TN 61.14 1,458.19 i SU MMARY: PRODUCT 1,458.19 FREIGHT FUEL SUBTOTAL 1,458.19 STATE TAX COUNTY TAX CITY TAX MESSAGES: TOTAL WEIGHT 47,700.0000 Gross Pounds FOR BILLING INQUIRIES CALL 1- 800 743 -7258 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER PLEASE PAY WE APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS IN US DOLLARS US 1,458.19 This Sale of Goods is subject to the Terms and Conditions of Sale on the reverse side of this Invoice CREDIT NOTE US (Terms and Conditions of Sale are also available at www.nasalt.com). IN US DOLLARS l ERMS AND CONDITIONS IONS O1' SALF 1. OhGER. No ternns stated by Buyer in its hid, Punhu,: Order, acknowledgniem, or other form ;hall be hinding upon that Seller except as expressly agreed in writing by the Szllcr. Buser is h, :rcb edified o€ the S,1ler's ohjectiou u> and rejection of any .,ddidored or different teens in Buyatr', hid. Purchase eider, acknowledgment, or othei forms. 'i HE SELLER PROPOSAL IS EXPRESSLY LIi411TED TO ACCEPTANCE UPON THE. TERMS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED HERIIN.: 2. PdY W V1'. Buyer agrees to make paygneni at Scillies location an,d at the lime specified on the SclleX` iniviginy d cement in lawful money of tar C.S „The Seller :a..in.t holejudgnrent, reuuire such other payment.unns as it deems.apprupritue, tnl;lu(d1r1g.FUl1 Or part ill] paA'ITlert in 3dy:IneC of Shinmeilt or by letter it credit. 3. PAST Dl `E ACCOUNTS. A finance charge of the lesser of 1.5 per nismth (1 S% APR) or the highest rate permitted by law will be a ou all past title accoum hueicst charged on a pa,t due invoice will be atsscssed front the date of the invoice. J. PRICES. EXCEPT AS O'rifFR \VISE SPECIFIED IN THiS OFFER. PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANCE WITHOUT NOTICE. ORDERS WILL BF. INVOICED. (NLESS OT HER ISE SPECIFIED IN THiS OFFER, A`f TI iF SFI,1 -ER'S PRICE IN EFFECT ON THP. SCHEDULED DAfE OF SHIPMENT'. Prices on the invoicing document lac net fall ap }plicahh discounts and piomutional allowances. my question; by the huyei. about the ha.,i, or a curac,V of this pricing must be ,obinitted to the seder in writing within 60 Jays of the date of the mvoice:. 5. CANCELLAT ION AND MODIFICATION. Orders may he canceled by Buyer only upon t I written or oral notice to the Seller soh- queutly accepted ill iwtitine by the Seiiermd (2) payrucni to the Selici of reasonable cancellation charges to be solely detcmuned by the Seller. 6. CREDIT. C payment trrni, mu,f have the prior ;:ppro\a] of the :1!er'c C'redir Departtn vt and must be .pcciCi.d in writing on !3 Scllcr's imm,,:ing docuunnt. if at -o tine Bu -or's fioancial respon,ihildy impaired "a unsatisfacu v fo the ticltci. Seller reser,,es the right to stop shipment, on notification to Bever and tx+ denand payment in advance or at the time of delivery for future deliveries or to rexluire other security satisfactory to the Seller, and in the absence tce!rof. ;o cane c ithoul fiahihr: the uniiiled portion of this contract. 7. TAXES. Anv tax or other govemmental charge now or hereafter levied upon production, severance, manufacture, deliveiy, storage. consumption, sale, use or shipment ni l`a odaets ordered or sold will be charged loam' )aid by the Buvvr such taxes are not co Bred in the Seller'. price. R. DiiLAYS. All order are accepted sul}lect to the Seller', ability to make delivery at the time and in the quantitie, specified. and the Seller :,hall not he liable foi damat,.rs 6'r fail, it to make parti I or complete shipment „r fm the dekn in m akin_ shipments, The Buyer shall he hable f0i any added cops arcs inclined bti the Seller hCCODUC r!' fkner's delay in f;,rnishmg requeAed inlonnation to the Seller, delays resulting from order changes by the Bever. or delay in unloading shipments at delivery point ;hat me ta,-, fault of Buyer. The Seller shall not be liable for delay or defaults in delivery caused by forces beyond its cmun including but riot limned Iv Leask. i!:es. ,hfftrls, or her act, of God, by war or act of public rneol} (or ei\ it disturb, et, strikes, lock -outs, >hoitages of Libor +aw material, .uxl supplici (inctudu +,t fuel) or production facilities, tian,poitolion sca\ice or equipment shortages or failures, action of any governmental authonrs or other conditions beyond the Seller'i reasonable cone of i l. SHIPME Y C;Os unless otherwise specified on the Seller', invoicing document, all trtisportation charges, including. but not limited n carrier's charges for notification prior to deliver, demurrage caused by Buyer, delay in unloading, diversion, or reconsignmem will be paid by the Buyer. 10. TRANSPORT RISKS AND CLAIMS. Risk of loss imd title to Products transfers to the Buyer upon deliver at the F.O.B. point identified on the Seller's invoicing document On receipt of title, the Buyer is then responsible fat proper protection of Product, and connplianee with alt regulations and ordinances and will indemnify ih: S l; r agaiii't all claim, tin personal igiuric r property dama;;c .tai, inr hoe the stora^.;, use ot'handlin, of such Products. Claim, for damage or shortage in transit must he made by the Buyer against the Carrier. 'ilte Buyer has the responsibility to inspect shipments bcfote or during unloading to identify any such damage or shortage and sec that appropriate notation is made on the delivery tickets or ant inspection report finished by the local agent of [he carrier in order to support a claim. 11. WiLRRANTY.'fhe Seller \vauauts only that it will codve}' good title to the product and that, at the tittle of shipment. the product will conlemu to the published specifications of the Seller Seller's specifications are subject to chance at any tittle without notice to Buyer. NO OTHER WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. EXPRESSED OR IMPLiED. IS MADE BY SELLER, L \f'LU )ING ANY IkIPf,iLl) WARRANTiFS OF LIFRCI IANTABILiTY OR FiTNFSS FOR A PARTIC 13 1-:aK PURPOSE. i allure of the 13ue r wuivng rhirt (3U) day.<, after receipt of du Product dcliveicd hereunder to give notice that such pralurl i, not as so warranted hall he an unqualified acceptance +f such product and a w' :ik zr of all claims with recpccl thereto. Ill the rux,f tit au .a!ieged b.c:t.h hcrcof by .be Seflea, tar h.: remcd, available; to the Buyer on ac. out, of any defect in the product ahatl he linoird to tit. replacc- ineiv ol'such deft%m c product bt the S; Ier In the event iPe remedy provided herein shall he deemed to have failed its essential purpose, then the Buvei shall be emit \ed oo\y W a ,it d+ the afrh.4nm pa.J t„ the Srllcr for .nth defectiwc Pf"duct 12. i,(MFrATION OF LIABILITY'. THE BUYER SHALL NOT BE ENTITI -ED TO RECOVER FROM SELLER INCiDENT.AL OR CONSEQUENTIAL. DAS1AGLS OP I XPFNSI,S, IN('IA01ti(3, BUT NO'i' 1_t 1'li'fF,D TO.'I'I1t)Sdi INCt1RR1J) ON A{ :COUNT OF THF' OUALITY OR ANim NT Ol PRODUCT Df,LI VERI :D OR I HE NON- DELI VERY OF PRODUCT, Ilse Buyer assumes all risks and liability for any damage to persons or property resuling from the use of the pnxhtct cicic.ared hereunder in nannFtc'm ing morc<se\ d tilt: Buyei or in combination with other substances or otherwise, 13. 1 XFFNTS.'tne Seller agrees to defend aml protect dnc Buyer against loss or damage arising out of legal action for direct patent infringement in connection with the Seller', manut :lcuere of Product, provided the Seller is nn =hied promptly of any such action with complete; information and is given an opportunity to defend. ld. SECURITY IN`I'F,RES`i'. The Buyer hereby grants to the Seiler and the Seller hereby retains a xccurity interest in all Products furnished by the Seller and the proceeds thereof, until the puicha�c price therefore is fill paid. Buyer agrees to execute Such financing statements and other documents as Seller m3v determine to be necessary to p °rfect such security mtcresi. 15. GOVERNING LAW''. Any agreement based on file :a: �ptance of this offei shall he construed m accordance wish and ••ovemed by the t.;,ws (it' the State of Kansas provided that delivery. term; .hall bra govcmcd by INC:OTERNIS as published by the International Chamber of Cunimerce. 16. ASSICNABILITY. Any agreement based on the avert +tan.¢ of (hrs ,hall not be assignable bt the Buyer without the prior written cow,llt of file Seller and am purported assignment without ,itch consent shall be void. 17. ENTIRE A(; REEMENT. II' a; ceptcd, this offer and Ill.. terms on the S Atcr's ur eking doCUnat t consuttne the entire a �reement of sale ,rid purchase of the product rained herein. No modification of this Agieement .,hall he of any force or effort unless in writing and signed by the parties sought to be hound thereby, and no m xlilieation ,hall he effected by the acknowledgment or arecputnce of purchase order fomns containin different teens m conditions A/ North American Salt Company A Compass Minerals Company INVOICE Page 1 of 1 PLEASE REMIT TO: FEDERAL ID PAYMENT TERMS INVOICE DATE INVOICE NUMBER P.O. BOX 2 7 7 43 30384 -7043 48- 1047632 NET 60 DAYS 7/9/2008 70215756 SOLD To: 462129 C54512 SHIP To: 505808 CS54514 CARMEL UTILITIES CARMEL UTILITIES 3450 W. 131 ST STREET 5484 E. 126TH STREET WESTFIELD, IN 46074 CARMEL IN 46033 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA SHIPPED FROM DATE SHIPPED CUSTOMER PO BILL OF LADING ORDER NUMBER ORDER TYPE 10995 AUGUSTROBBENSSONS 07/09/08 W0804W 222664 1 222664 SO CARRIER RAIL TRUCK EQUIPMENT TYPE F.O.B. FREIGHT TERMS TERRITORY -76599 SHIPPING POINT DELIVERED TRUCK B22 TAX STATUS TAX ID RELEASE SALES REP EXEMPT 0031201550 B22 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION TAX QUANTITY UOMI UNIT PRICE I EXTENDED PRICE 7517 BULK COARSE LA SALT Y 24.5800 TN 61.14 1,502.82 SUMMARY PRODUCT 1,502.82 FREIGHT FUEL SUBTOTAL 1,502.82 STATE TAX COUNTY TAX CITY TAX MESSAGES: TOTAL WEIGHT 49,160.0000 Gross Pounds FOR BILLING INQUIRIES CALL 1- 800 743 -7258 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER PLEASE PAY WE APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS IN US DOLLARS US 1,502.82 This Sale of Goods is subject to the Terms and Conditions of Sale on the reverse side of this Invoice CREDIT NOTE us (Terms and Conditions of Sale are also available at www.nasalt com). IN US DOLLARS I_ L OFFER. N,wirn 3,i m ,to hid l`un;:. B"ukki-A not Qd1WQL acknowledvir, ai or outer Form !';W 4ELLER'S M(WOSAL IS EXPRi Nscs I jmrw() 4) WATTAN(T I Nnq rHE TMA A AND CON ERTMnS CONTAINIT­&RIHN. 1 1'AYMIA1. Bunragmes in N. to p"Writat QV"A 61 M We jol'iJ I un I SW's Moo, A low M 5W n P a o-N iddle U.S. LL C credit. T ormon 04% -AM) m 0�hjlwmnv V omy t t KiP h-womITall pmoe account Irize I Anrged,io n p, I W ad Trom Me 5w I Aw inolio, A PRkMK,APWTAS OTHWINS 91PITIF110 IN THIS OFFER VIMMq "Is St k f7 TO UMN611 AnIMAITNO15K WMRS WUL K VISIMP1 IN TAG UFFEROT 05 v 1 VRA MF?L n DAd F :)I SHIP"'IFNT flrice,, on i; ,�mingdoi:'ulno' 1 ,2 AN W all N "WL, OWUMS aol 0 Wwnl AkmalhV., AUY I:LAcr. abou! the i nr accuntcy tit 11ii, pricirlf; owsb- admawd ru IN uh 4 wrubg Wn m4gs ate Kan 0, iriw&e, I CANCEIT %'I ION AND 4IOPIFICA'110N. Or l,' le'l, he cadle"ied i" Bklaka only Opk'a I wiWen or ,"'ii no: c, to the Sells .ut,s. qkienfly accepted ill CREDrL lWit 1myrnsit RA, oo" ilaw 1, p4 i qRmwi of uv S-. TO& Fl W nwmv Q la wm• a UWA M,Qhn�' document. responsibility b3conaes impalrod or'Inqaosfactury w Ihv SAI-r, Seller resew IN On w sty ApmW on nnfwtiam w Mow z•!'[ h' and p'ly ricni aC" ol at the tiny", delivery Gn QWV Kowa cr 0 r WK wam! nox wu to me &T awl I to Amm e TAXEV.a., KWAO hAdy a un o. 'felpillent"! i" lrdcledol DKI• VS. A! Oda, we a. my two W we S A s loaq U, moo At win at the Will; "A 0 the quamves pi an! and the A Y OYH rnt hs HAk P An Q .&owmkc p a d r04TO"mmly W Buqr char bcAdQ No any .;u,tcd urr l h, A', S'A!::r hn:ao r 'dv a a a, oAlNi�!)'clualol iis•�inwiow to to A &Q, MMTQ 1. W"Ada Awy% i an. Rpen a 110 Wwon www" A Twow p 1 z are to on 1 in on Rk" MA 4 two Am> W debuT, vx'ra Cou>ad I ti licyond ­1 ir,'4,iing!',(o '�ivod in ov, of God. i" or clot of pni'll v, ""r cl,ii et, strikc,. ?,W;: -torw of k )5 Tow •ninenab. i 'Ijppow i'Tlcn 2 i'loil or tram, "Ooq •O.0 0pTW" Amages is action of u,et:Eal it T::" "r other the r'a'sole'blo o':I; 9. N'or orro,:oil ,ninoa will be jmjil lo, Buya 10. TRANSWRY NAKS AM" LUMT W4 if In mat mW to Prows i"Ibr, w dic T.+-.;r pun dawiT,. no FaK pa"S nVhd on the MIT' On B"irri- Own m,wMaKi myn pnMLqM of PSAWk.Uld C011IMMI uchilrkajuus Claim, for orstwirta,­(! in an& mist be lilune h"k BMr apmA K Currim'Me Bqm Ko"A m 00. m laspea Apmn befuire on Arin unloading to ally such dain.:,vc in huriageand t appropriate nolitioll 1, made on th, delivialy ticket., or 'm lil'pe(uon report I'lifili'lle(i bt the local agent of the oan er in order losuppon -Aann. IL 'AARRAN V. Vw Seller wmw ",lno that if AM nwo yW U& w "ba and An x nnu Aymm dwmdua uill wwvmo to Be pWT 'pocificwit"' .:J' il�w Salta, t: -'��""Jcet to chano" tinic wilb,iii o ii,:c to lliwc;, ',V 'e, OF ANY Kl';D. EXME59D 1 A MUTLED. K n! CO. HN SELI HR, V 0RUJING ANY kl AARRAN %IFR( H V; is I YOR fd'l FOR A I'AVIl(Ai' LAR KIRMA, Wale d0o, H•� Wmig 04, f0h on" recap, AS= isAus dWQ a, I L sTuflun gm"-,; &A uA prulun A no w so warm kd 'hAl he iin on". nAu "d AXW "n" 5=1" In l(wo"'U'l ti. e 1 11 li• Cl oo r o in.t o��"- z' l'i t. J10 I. J A -A j M "'Alt nu too, 1, rnmdy Or W" Amm AM o �',d w Wo AK' W vaT-w. n 1 Hawr mor- eliblIal onI", I" •vonrdol fln—nollo 110IJ n, the ',ellor U. LIMITAI W OF LIABH 11 K I HE Mn IT Sh ME NOT HE EN H HXD 1`0 KEU" 1 R FROM SELLFT IWIDFNUAL '1;, 1(_',NSFQI:f'NTIAI DANIAGF., FXPE'NSES, IANIG, BLT'.01 ITMVILD TO.'1110SE INCURRED ON 00 THAT or'rijf­ :AIATY OR Ab lli-N I Of- PRODUU; DRLiVEtt}:a) r: "fJ f}:' NL ?N- I)}:l,i •.'I =RI' f)F PKUI�t t; i 'h Buyer as,a,,tca .dl r,aks trod bahisir- :or .Inc dantag<: r; i .a, or p.oprrr: r'; ,;r ne tiom the uae r' the product dL!,clut! ianeurwf:r n I'd),: Buyer i): i :i in't nai ion with "r :at l 11PNITNTS i:e Scllet a ^_n:,: 's: ;('noJ and Ixotca,i i;i fluter ag:x3nst lu laneuge a si„}i €,t ..f ILgaJ a lout i+'c, I iota ing -;t -,a connrcria'e::, {ti, t h e seHcC�„o';o-A'oi,ure' of WAWL I "xkiixl the SAW A prorrpto Awl such aawn woh, Klionwho nd N Vvell an oty,,owmV wd,Aond. U. SE(T kill V IN FEREW Ti, nyer hereby pms "alu Sal and to �K hereby retain, a w"Ay monot it 0 Pnduds funnowd by Ow Seller mM Q he runcenny uqosdli such surniq net 15. G0kT'RN1 NG LAM`. Am malt based on flic: oftlt Qal be sirimw,i in ascordaricu 00, no pwarlod by On ,_.as N the Stay Q Kara pm ln,1LdCIjVC)y N."T MH A governed Ly 'NVM'ERMS as r• IPA by the 'L­ Cllalnb.l of nlorar,c. I& 1AWKWU ITh A, pm• w Nmd on to xTq Can ni'dus whi �.,H an he asignal? w the Byer nth" is U swom "vw I of go RMT x,; "%purpolic'l v'nb :U; h- o'�. 17. ENTIRF AGREENIENT, pwd. Thi olfor 'lo, a t, r illi. invoicing I'll WW'11:1! 'Ornalaue 411 To ''A,'ao"An Of z0'1 perch -c .I pochwi nwn KwA No nit of Wk Qmmm W he of ny hn"q Am uMn A w" and awn% W ourt" wyl 4 ioamd therca w,i i"Clptalax of l': der forni, 'W anrn! different tor:['. ­rondiriom North American Salt Company A/A Compass Minerals Company INVOICE Page 1 of 1 PLEASE REMIT TO: FEDERAL ID PAYMENT TERMS INVOICE DATE INVOICE NUMBER P.O. BOX 277043 ATLANTA, GA 30384 -7043 48- 1047632 NET 60 DAYS 7/9/2008 70215754 SOLD TO: 462129 C54512 SHIP TO: 505808 CS54514 CARMEL UTILITIES CARMEL UTILITIES 3450 W. 131 ST STREET 5484 E. 126TH STREET WESTFIELD, IN 46074 CARMEL IN 46033 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA SHIPPED FROM I DATE SHIPPED CUSTOMER PO BILL OF LADING ORDER NUMBER ORDER TYPE 10995 AUGUSTROBBENSSONS 07/08/08 W0804E 222661 222661 SO CARRIER RAIL TRUCK EQUIPMENT TYPE F.O.B. FREIGHT TERMS TERRITORY 76599 SHIPPING POINT DELIVE TRUCK B22 TAX STATUS TAX ID RELEASE SALES REP EXEMPT 0031201550 B22 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION TAX QUANTITY UOM I UNIT PRICE I EXTENDED PRICE 7517 BULK COARSE LA SALT Y 24.5400 TN 61.14 1,500.38 SUMMARY: PRODUCT 1,500.38 FREIGHT FUEL SUBTOTAL 1,500.38 STATE TAX COUNTY TAX CITY TAX MESSAGES: TOTAL WEIGHT 49,080.0000 Gross Pounds FOR BILLING INQUIRIES CALL 1- 800 743 -7258 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER PLEASE PAY WE APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS IN US DOLLARS US 1,500.38 This Sale of Goods is subject to the Terms and Conditions of Sale on the reverse side of this Invoice CREDIT NOTE us (Terms and Conditions of Sale are also available at www.nasall.com). IN US DOLLARS I`ERNIS AND CONDITIONS OF SAIL L OFFER. No terns stated by Buyer to its bid, Purchase Order. acknowledgment, or other form shall be binding upon the Seller except as expressly agreed in writing bj the: SAler, Buyer is h Eeby notilied of the S IIerS objection to and rejection of an: additional or doff died terms in 13u;ct s bid, Purchase Order, acknowledgment, or other firms. THE SELLER'S PROPOSAL iS EXPRESSLY" LIRIIThD TO ACCEPTANCE UPON THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINh:U HEREIN: 2. PAYNTENT. "B'u4ef­ agrees to u)ake puymer t'<it,Selter'a locaiton' and at tho: fiolq S'pecifie'd on ,he Set :ecs,invbic,intl,di;cwnrnt m lawful nt�liey.vF'the U.S. "hie Seller niay,'jn its solc_ judgment, require such other payment terms its itdeems appropriate, includinvF, full-or .partial- paymem -in ndrance of shipment or by Irtter of--- credit. 3. PAST DUE ACCOUNTS. A4 finance charge of the Ic -er of •1.> per ,-month ;18% APR i or the hivhest rate p:rmincd by law ti dl be :ase on all pat due accounts. Interest charged on a pal due invoice will be assessed from tite date of the invoice. 4. PRiCi•:S. EXCEPT AS OPIIFRW1SE SPECIFIED IN THIS OFFER. PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WHHOUT NOTICF. ORDERS WILL BF: INVOICED, UNLESS OTHERNV[SE SPF,CIFIED IN TIIiS OFFER, AT THP; Slid L.ER'S PRICE, t\' FFFFC'rON run. SCHRDI I_ED D,CI'E OF SHIPMENT. Prices on the invoicing document :{re net of till applictihfe discounts and prtunotxinal allowances Anp questions hp the buyer, about the hmsis or accuracy of ens pricing must he subnuned to the seller in writing within 60 days of the date of the invoice. 5. CANCELLATION AND MODIFICATION, Orden may die canceled by Buyer only upon (1) written or oral notice to the Seller subsequently accepted in writing by the Seller and (2) payment ar the Seller of iea;onabte citric ellation charges to be solely dc,erniincd by the Scher b. CREDIT. Credit payment tern: musr have the prior approval of the `cflcr s Credit Depart cnf and nm,f he •.pc;: icd ci tenting r,n the teller's int dnemnem; 1f izr ar,y ums;•Buyer's finantrd redpnnsibin[v'bccumes impitired or unsatisfactory to the Seller; Super lesenes the right to stop shiftnent. oh notifieatii;ri to' Buyer and to deo. :aid pavment in advance or at rite time of delivery for future deliveries or to icooire other securiry sari.aacton to the Scflef, noel in the ahsoncc thereof, h gene,,, i.itho:rt hah�ldt :r.: uchlled poitinn of ties contract. 7. '1A%ES. Ant .av of other gov, °mncntal charge now -t hereafter levied upon production, eL r.utce, manufacture, delivcrv, stur<,_ _'r, rmun:puon. sale. u,e u• ehipntcm of 1'rodu;t, ordered or old will he charged to and Maid by the Buvcr. Such taxes ale not co: in the Seller' pre:,. 8. DELAYS. All orders life accepted subject to the Seller's ability to milk,- delivery at the time and in the quantities specified, and the Sell ,ia:! not he lialdc kie dames:. 4::iu:.: to cake p.utia, .;r rontplete shif,mcm o. for the delay i,, masntg shgnrncuts 'fie Boyd shidl he ;mlllc foi :inc added y incurred fix tb, Seller because, of Buyer= dclar in fumisdung reque:tcd information to the Seller. delays resulting from order charges by tine Buyer, of delay in un`o :tdine shil wren! i:t dcliUcr} ;>!w fat ar, the tall•. I Buyer. The Seller shall not be liable f delay, of defaults fit delivery Caused b� foices b.yond its control including but u,•i limited ttn flood,, fires, storms, or other acts of God, by wai of act of public menfv for civil dismrb:mce) strike lock -outs, shortages of lah *ir or raw materinic an.! ,upplics t mciudw fuel) of pit. tile(,.it f a,ilities. tram;pocanon service or egoipnnait shortage or i .iiure,, action of any voverninentai autlwiav nr outer condiuom beyond the Seller' reasonable coutrml. y 9. SRIPNIENT COSTS. Unless otherwise specified on the Seller's invoicing document. till transportation charges, including. but not limited to, carver's charge for not 6cifi6 prior to deliver, den .-imigc caused by 8uyc^ delay in unkaading, d„ crsiun, or reconsignimm will he paid by the Buyer. 10. TRANSPORT RISKS AND ('I,AINIS. Risk of lo„ .mid title to Products, tran,,fers to the Bigger upon deliveft ai the I.O.B. point idc.Millcd on the Seller' invoicing doc:urneni. On receipt of title, the Buyer is then responsible for proper protection of Products and compliance with all regulations and ordinances and will indemnify the ScPcr against all clan:,-, for personal injro ic, or property danlnce ari,im, From the stor :!c, use of hatdlir of ^.fell Products Claims for damp} :t' or horiage in :namn must he amide li, the Buyer al;ldvsi the. Carricl. 11ne Bu ha, the reslxmsfhfht} to inspect •slupawim Indic, of during unloading to identify any such damage of shortage and scc that appropriate notation is made on the delivery tickets or an inspection report furnished by the local agent of the °anger in under to supp: rr it claim 11. Y1'1RRAN'fY. lbe Seller warr..;ts. :nly that it vidl c, grey good title. to the product and drat, at life time of'shipin tit. da product will conform to the published specifications of the Seller Sellers speafication are subject to change in any time without notice to Buyer. NO O'IHER WARRANTY OF AAY KIND, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, is 31 luF Ill' SELI-FR, I\`.`: UD:NG ANY INAPi ILD WARRANI IF S OF MERCI IA'ti i;lbii..ITY OR FiTVti S'S FOR A PARIICU- LAR PURPOSE. I of the Bu}cr wiring fluty (30) &)g after receipt of the Product delivered hereunder to give notice that ,,uuh product is not as so w•amloted :hall he an o `,.d accept:a e 10i or,, a w oradd claim... spec ihcr: t,,. 1 die roc n! r c r7 brca C h h' idc rL'rr. ,1., wily ud.ci Buirt o ;ic my t1e feet :r e[fe lose.. t chid he f,..Jtc the tcphi,X went of such dcfc :tile Product dry IN S,•Ler. h, the etcnt the r.!nedy p owi, :cd ht!win hall h: r) dee, :d to have failed it, e-,ewial propose, then d:e filter shall he citlOecd .gut}' tot a r,JUnd „t the ao wu:,td pw,d to the Seiler toe such defe'uee Produ,: I 12. IAMI'IATION 01 LIABILITY. TfiE BUYER 511'J-L NOT 13E H`'IITLED'10 RECD 'vcR FROM SELLER I AL OR CONSE.QUEN11AL DAMAGES OR EXPENSES, INCLUDING. BUT NOT I_iMI MD TO, THOSE INCURRED ON ACCOUNT OF THE QUALITY OR A1IO1'.\'I'( PRODUCT DELf" FiRF,D Oil I HE `tiON -DFI I YLRV OF PR(A)U(T Ilia: Buyer assunfe, all risks and fiabiln} for luny damage to persons of property re <ultiigi Isom the u of the product delivered hereunder in i anudactw irw processes of the Buyer or of combination with other ubstaficc or oi;t •c. 13. PAT'EN1 :S.1 "he Seller agrees to defend and protect the Buyer against loss or damage arising out of feral action for direct patent infringement in connection with 'lie Belle(, mauufc.cture of Proeluci. ,aovfded the Sellea is if filled promptly w any such action with complete information una is given an opportunity to defend. 14. SECURITY INTEREST. The koycf hereby grunt to the Seller and the Seller hereby retains if ccunty interest in tilt Products furnished by life Seller and the proceeds thereof, until the purchase price therefore is fully paid. Buyer agree, to execute such financing statement and oncct documents as Sellcr may determine to be necessary to pc.`.vcl such sc•cufity �idcrc,,t. 15. GOVERNING i.AW. Any ogres :nfet,t based on the a :rcpnufcc of thy,, offer ,hail he construed in accordance (gill) at,i cove) ned hp tlx: Law, of the State of Kansas provided that delivery terms ,hall he governed by INCOTERMS as published by the inrc iiiati;mal Chiun!xr of Comnveice, 16. ASSIGNABiLITY. Any agreenrnt haeed on the acceptance of the offer shall out be assignable h} tb: Buyer Without th.' print written eofn. tit if the Sept and any purport""; a. <,i.; :unen( without ,e,.1; c„nsrnt ;hidI be i 17. ENTIRE AGREEMEVT'. dl acc,pt d, this offer and the tc•rnns on'thc Srtfer's nnoicing docutucnt comstiha: the entire. agreemerti of sale and purchase of the product named herein. No nnxdification of this Agreement he of tiny lot: e or Of unless in tvi in.e and signed by 1 1 parties ,,ought to hi: hound thereb} and no modification shad be effected by the acknowledgment of ,icceptancu of purchase order dorms conuidming different terms or conditions. North American Salt Company A Compass Minerals Company INVOICE Page 1 of 1 PLEASE REMIT TO FEDERAL ID PAYMENT TERMS INVOICE DATE NVOICE NUMBER P.O. BOX 277043 48- 1047632 NET 60 DAYS 7/7/2008 70214766 ATLANTA, GA 30384 -7043 SOLD To: 462129 C54512 SHIP To: 505808 CS54514 CARMEL UTILITIES CARMEL UTILITIES 3450 W. 131 ST STREET 5484 E. 126TH STREET WESTFIELD, IN 46074 CARMEL IN 46033 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA SHIPPED FROM I DATE SHIPPED CUSTOMER PO BILL OF LADING ORDER NUMBER ORDER TYPE 10995 AUGUSTROBBENSSONS 07/03/08 W0804W 222638 222638 SO CARRIER RAIL TRUCK EQUIPMENT TYPE F.O.B. FREIGHT TERMS TERRITORY SHIPPING POINT DELIVERED TRUCK B22 TAX STATUS 7AX ID RELEASE SALES REP EXEMPT 0031201550 B22 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION TAX QUANTITY UOM UNIT PRICE EXTENDED PRICE 7517 BULK COARSE LA SALT Y 24.0300 TN 61.14 1,469.19 I SUMMARY: PRODUCT 1,469.19 FREIGHT FUEL SUBTOTAL 1,469.19 STATE TAX COUNTY TAX CITY TAX MESSAGES: TOTAL WEIGHT 48,060.0000 Gross Pounds FOR BILLING INQUIRIES CALL 1- 800 743 -7258 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER PLEASE PAY WE APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS IN US DOLLARS US 1,469.19 This Sale of Goods is subject to the Terms and Conditions of Sale on the reverse side of this Invoice CREDIT NOTE us (Terms and Conditions of Sale are also available at w w.nasalt com) IN US DOLLARS I FINIS AM) Of"Al,h 1. OFFEK nnc stmc,l ill it: bid, q other toll. Imfl b: incur t4t­it fle, SAJ,�rcKcopt :Nprc"s1v 'wro"." i.' 1E­ Surer it, "Wifica (A oblection ii% 'i Cjrctiofl of aoj,' t,iditiOMII or letITIN in BM, I Purchase Othvi 1`t;! ll;j M 1 )I IS FXl LIM111'i) !'O ('141: _1112vs com)l CON'r_Af\;-i, :LRt IN. 2. PAY `,l F.N Bio'er ap L-, to payment at sulci's location specified oa trt• sdiel"t, il).%OiLjoc „(:urucqt.in lawl'al mi ol'the U.S fn, Seller nJV it, t'jejudVoun S., {t Other pa.).: tmf I hit, 2:, it', etmr .illproptinle, inclu 'flllf i­ inent or b\ leti.n, of 3. PAS"i DCI 'COUN't's. c charge of Ill, of 1.5% per w,,xi 11 AP U; ,t higlic,i rate p,_, aw4ivd by law will bc, on all past trot accounts, on a l,(,Jlle invoice will fron the date -i'Llilm- invoice, 4. PRICLS� EXCEP17 AS 01 ffi:%6'% ISE SPFC11 ;N 'FlIIS OFFFR. 'i'WC I ARE SL IIJI '1'0 CHAN MI'l ORDERS W11A. hi; INVOJCFI' Ei ESS O'TffFRWJS ',PECIFIED IVI I!! OFFER, VI >iq,LEWS PRICY' i'. ;+1 F(JN THE WHEDULED DAYS OF Still'N'lEIN1 Prices on the dimuncill liet oT all appli'mi'L do;counts and plomolknitil. allowmice, "P. question, by fh,' bi about the or accuracy of t1bi pricing trin,I L,- mlb;llived In lfv "c!{. r io Wlitill, «Nllbm ol'thc date ot'(hc llikolce, 5. CANCVI.i.AHON AND ();clw in,v be cancehed t- rluycr onk upon 1 1) .krjtten or oral to the ScItcr accepted writing by ih, and l,'.) pt,cm,n Mlcl to be solely Jcirrmincd by the Se!Ic G. CRLDI F paynWnt wu have Lh apjml iul of lll,: CrCcilt fk:m!­ cl and mil'i 1:ed in tfiting )tt S, ductiment, tliv dint impaired .nsmisfactory to ti,t, Seller rezerot the riobt to s top t.,L;pnT.m, ,n notification w BUICr IT,! o, or at the 1,o),: ''t dellWI 1 o Lw r t or o, :t c rc other �rcurilv to the wd in tic; ab, 'I'Ax(-s' 3•.. oilier chaq_ twrezd'tcr Ic t manut'.Wiltm aorag "a1c, ,I "lupilmo n, t:111"red ;r i 0 c 1;h;lr2e1' b. I)v the Bwl it I:Lx"': cuc, tl:: in Ibe t„ 8, DEVA. v, or. thi,ci to trio :,I,hity t ly a [lie tl,,: qunititi•, and the S iuC not N 1,1 it t::, i hol the dclo” t l�, !'o, tun' add.cel t 0 1 'll.. :11" ;"M'l "'r, I'lle, l p not tL• luihl� bCry catl•d [,yolld it- o i r ift,:xd1m 1%ttt wz� at God, h} n tict of t_ for ciA strike:,, ;oci; s hoitage> '4 i jejF cj ("t il'➢ll"Fil ShOlm"'u ,t aelion hc,i,ilat 1!lc 9. SHIVNII.` I 1 :0,S"I'S. t Inn, 4:t "ncclfjcdc S"ller', ilo 01C111" d0:'UMCDI, 1111 trio ptttwiondi:tiges hr lolling, but not limit,,; t. carrier's cIelq, for In will hcp;,w 1•, uwBuyet. RISKS AND INJS. Rkk oi' 4 title to Proj,g­ lrtmster, to the upon de3ivcr3 the F.0,13, point Ncivif4A )it the Scl :C, invoicing &c.. :m. On reuipt the Bit v, l i t,;!t ­,ponsible Tot p­p.,r piolecdon ot'P:od*, xid complian,:,! all regulatwij� arl oidinallue, and w,it indemnify iti. ;:ry :,gains:t all cki joy pCIMInat i nittfi-.. or moperty ni,i!)g fiont the use of'handling tl noel Product,. Inc or sholtal- 11) ,ttNL must he mt,iv t J• Buyer tiv; Camer. 'Flic Bu, ;r has the lespollQ3ilay to inspect shipintots befoie or dwin unloading 2 1 t„ id,iitil} I any such or ,hortage and that appropriate; notation is made on Iltr delivery Li(;kci or tut inspection report fulmshed by the kuli agent of th e oiderlo supf­ 1F. NNARRA` !'h Seller it ollk that It Wilt ­OVeV g00d t�� ul, product ;lrlj thin, it 111C little the Product will :o0t,m to the publi 1 to challf ,R WARR `I' Me Seller 'p 'k,� it m'v time to Buyer. NO 01M A\Ti OF ANY KIND, EXPRHSSP):'lii IMPIJFI_), IS V,',!, BY SELLER, i,'.t1IjDlN(j AM t NIERCIiAV; FOR \PAR1'lCU LAR 1 ttiluie of th" I,"l� ;Ilhing thilt, ;C of rye ipl or !induct delkcl,J h wlnlderto that such Vmxnict i, not a, so warri3m .h he air ol­, 'Cv,! "t •a product wf! "raH !I, 't. S 'm -1 I 'ot" &I. 1 Jklet 'IvAU itce•, )'v zo i it pjocc 11zr in il;, ,flat] he to have filti-I 11, buyer Am;! unfilleo It 1, wluud of the ""o- :t!, paw to Ill, Scib:x i", .wh defecti,c Vroju,:(_ 12. UNIT I Ot LIARIVI 'PHE li(,'1 I,R 1. NO III I� N't'l C1 I'M '1'0 RECC FROM SET L''t i ',CIDENTAL C)I, t,' )'NSEOUEN'l J:N! DANIA(;I,S \FILMLS, 1 '�:C! BU 1 N(Yi _i If'H;D M l'IN ;NC URRLD i l.,', r JWN'I' Of I I ll: ALFVY ()R A%W: r if PRODI I(A Of LIVFRI i H NON-DFL Vf ff OF PRODi"t i i lit BuN cr as,iuojt: At risks and liaf)thl, any dtnmtg: t" i or propero; r(, ilina from the n*, the pr,unlc! 7i rt",Z the fitou if i t% ol"i'mifion WiF•, or 13. P.-VJ'YN'f Sello a•rec i�t a;ld P.roiC.," Fit- :i d,tniage ari,i: tiro of (cgat action for o paterit ,11 Connection vifli the sciler" I' Vrodu, i(Icd the selk, i prompik, it t,lv tatuch aclion iviil: t:mpicit irdorinacl ,rid i, atvcu at, oj-p,)Nlrlm} to derellit, 14. tit~ CLIZ(Y4 11crif) Y rc i� �llh� vji, (!ran', 1 t th, Setter and i);, hereby r,:UnF ,­,�,rihy imm-t i•i al' Products fuylus',eft hi_ the Seller and the 'L Buyer agree- tl� ',:XQ,'Ute. such lin,nwinL trilement aud t�l'r clocunlenL� a, 1 3,01cr ni3y determine t,, pr,)ceQd, ihc,c,, until the jpuwlm 1i,­ero be uch ::b .c 15. GONERN NG I.MK Any jQj ­m"'m hosed On 01, ­:c "Pt3tice of thj� ol.� i hall be con.stmed in ac: ordrul,.V. with tulo vi'verned be Ill, I nw� of the Slate ut Kit I ze,pro•.'u l that deloery terilt; the i nternal I :haniber I' on merce. hasedollfk nee beasigm,14, nv thc Buyer Kilhouttfw an'l '111V J)HIPOr-I without tilitclit ,hall hi "'id. 17. EN FIRE A(,REEMEN 11 thi, offer a,d the imn, on the Scht il),oicing Joutuo,n conmianc the entire merecinevt of xA purd'aso "f lh,: product nam, f:tzviu- No nx)dihcxi,,; )f th Agicem,w sii:dl tic ol'an ft or effort unle" in riling and signed by dw p:,mc, soinJn k li, hound therchy, and no rnod shall be effected lim reknowledgment wceputtwe order Tonn" 0:11;It"'Jog different teen, or condition,. North American Salt RI Company A Compass Minerals Company INVOICE Page 1 of 1 C PLEASE REMIT T0, FEDERAL ID PAYMENT TERMS INVOICE DATE INVOICE NUMBER P.O. BOX 48- 1047632 NET 60 DAYS 7/7/2008 70214765 SOLD TO: 462129 C54512 SHIP TO: 505808 CS54514 CARMEL UTILITIES CARMEL UTILITIES 3450 W. 131 ST STREET 5484 E. 126TH STREET WESTFIELD, IN 46074 CARMEL I 46033 UNIITED�TATES OF AMERICA SHIPPED FROM DATE SHIPPED CUSTOMER PO BILL OF LADING ORDER NUMBER ORDER TYPE 10995 AUGUSTROBBENSSONS 07/02/08 W0804E 222637 222637 SO CARRIER RAIL TRUCK EQUIPMENT TYPE F.O.B. FREIGHT TERMS TERRITORY 76599 SI;IPPINGf'OIf�T CELf�ERECTRvCK 822 TAX STATUS TAX ID RELEASE SALES REP EXEMPT 0031201550 B22 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION TAX QUANTITY UOM UNIT PRICE EXTENDED PRICE 7517. BULK COARSE LA SALT Y 25.2400 TN 61.14 1,543.17 PRODUCT 1,543.17 FREIGHT FUEL SUBTOTAL 1,543.17 STATE TAX COUNTY TAX CITY TAX MESSAGES: TOTAL WEIGHT 50,480.0000 Gross Pounds FOR BILLING INQUIRIES CALL 1- 800 743 -7258 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER PLEASE PAY WE APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS IN US DOLLARS US 1,543.17 This Sale of Goods is subject to the Terms and Conditions of Sale on the reverse side of this Invoice CREDIT NOTE U.S (Terms and Conditions of Sale are also available at www.nasall com IN US DOLLARS 'I I 'RNJS AV) CONDITIONS OF 10F L OFFER. —mm and bg ovuli w hid, Pvw Y Older, ackwwKyntmi, m other On" 101 be hinduly upw We hHer exav a, nWndy nme't wriNg by A &Am H"m I ?a N mWal of On Wcln objeckm an injurion W mi 5,11orial a 14mm wral, in Huyw I Purowu OrAr ackiiowia!jo, fiawi Am" HE SO I MR 3 P10314SAL IS EXPRISSULMITIRD i A( VITTANCI :'PON THE TENS! S CONTAI^j,` i!`YFJN. 2. PAYMI1, mines ,s YWWM M Wo location mom OW41W speumed out ;c Sam! Imuizing aw:vMW W lawful W" a cc U.S. 1`l,: S ell-I may, ja F5 uch other inchJinL myrnmop" of by lenci t 4 3. V. WCOUNTS. NA-we briwo(Th Vyn,& )6% per a"W"(1% -AM) w Ow highest raw porn mai by Ww will K nmvd tin all past W h"Anwil! E" dievvinin, 4. PRICE AS OFIIL;',V!Sl; SPECIFIEV; 1N THIS Of 1114 IMMS A11M SWMAI TO CHAMY QrHOUTNOTITIb OWDERS %YUA_ !,I INVOW MKIFTIAN nrSOKIIATTITLTA IRA MWE 1 Price, on !he, ,:ncan& docullwol at of till and p"Noval AMMOA Inking nw< 1w nbruntedivia, w4v is wnmg Min V,ys ate W 1•w invoke, 7 iilwn or,nal lo? ce to the Seller 10 ,ecjllcnfly itcceptcd i" swo MAQ, 160, vMqAxUW xvLn� Oak 13i4n-mA and mug i,e p-d,ed in wrinng(,n !6_ Sefla's )nn,,Gficatwnn� t 1 1 p_,wont at if,,: 461n, An Ono AAW" (o k, wpAv uOwr YwAty adstam; to to Ab and 5 Ow Anw, ,.:,o oth, ntau Ch. n=A= Low a pwWonn ;-v v, Illantif"'o"I" 'Aip'lco! .1'.0" 01delal or I be charged 1. Mid rod by de: Buy v lnj, taxes are M, owma in We %NMI cmv, K DEW n. Mim, a w•� :.at to to xT b 5&q to m": anx W t h e mric v d n the qmm"n o 311 and We Seto, W pw Q hnv: ",;tkc so- OM&W Av.no x Aw the WT L; me hymm" on Rqer own be 0 CA !W ;MY ahod 0, V_ AMMU4 4, S, O'S eb. g re„n,stc.7 ,.t :atior, to Am Qy Joe make 1•M CBS owns k beer; ordoU 3 �"Whn A kW!- '1QU= 00 W DUACT TbV U Al not i> liable 0, Aly,wdebuln K 1KwrycnW 4 xm� Kjorld K.wmk vMmRg in w 14nn;es, t nct¢(,[ God. b q am mmaKix w­, tlpp n: bcvonJ!­ I C;iS,n1lb6c o SHIMIEW flu Is. WIV Amm" Wood o" q. SdW imnswe Avurncm A mm,wanon charges, in+!nding, but net w, airrier', chary:, for notifie :niiC Codelivo, Caused by uw„­, Oelay in uriloa,:im diversion, Or FVC011\�'_mutant Will he jNna by the BuyS. N. TRANMN;Rr KINKS AND 11AMIMA dk�ud into tolfndu t. nainktow ICBM" Ulan deliver~' a' O, point id wilj­l Un the &W, KINg Own am On wort on -o be Buyer i Ono N,mMle %row, pnWM A NWU 1 and i di.jd regulation:: onlituince, and n Uldemm"Ov 0 to against A a AV pun MW by& 0 propoly risjn° from the ',wl n­, me of halicil iny "i aach Product, Cbihns for borUnc A transit awns! be tondc :q um 13"m aphl the Cider Tile Wn No W nNnAwO, a hia" Apwan hKw of kmi,= iufloadinv 'o nl;!} any or 0)origU,W,i blat appr"Priatc ;Ildoll C, made on i, &!iveiy ticket :it) section rq-,,a :rnitihed by the 's Cci1 anent ofrhe ri­ in order it) -;t a it, IL "A RR Wilic SAW nov- mly than h sAl -xcy good dde Y 1 w. prmlwi and Aw d, dmc of hipt son 0, Imsdws "HI tivm to Te pullli sjvcificwi,:n .t t:w Seller. ";"::ijicalioll- to Olin e z any dw WWO we w Buyer tit? OA HER NVARR %'i\ OF ANY K1 EXINLKIRD K 5411MAL IS A BY SLLLFIQ PA A UINVI ANY001 'I'D IAARRAN ()I: FYOR F()R A PAI610, FAR i "C:vre tit 0, Dy" Mmip Hwy C. qn r_. I aw onwo oawtv "n"thrr W P" V"n� oil such pmwa A M1 a so W" Mu" ,WH IV x" qv. 1 aw.vion. ''n; CoCc; .Pa In the i I -'!­rtan hall hat- fad, t! C- ilt,,d ptl;p= t ;in Buyer S11 n. entitled io,i refund of the mmnra� i to ceSeflcy Cj achdefc,:CC,e 1 f, 11 LIW IA PN IW 15%;tl! ill'. BUYLIJ P 01 NOT BP I %FAI 10 A) KININIX FROM %AID: ACUMNIAL IM VNIANAN110, DANIAGI CX PFNSB M' 1 ON0, BUT'sf i I P HTIA-) TO. "7HO INCURREI) ON vr of F: P: :+t,ALJTY OR A i:_:i :N I OF PkOIN 1, DEL h i SO "1 11 OF NOW DO '"AV OF MW Q 1 nw Wer an,= A "M and hab ho Q my dwnqj: —W U POTA 0 .1 "WE Ran On; 111v produc, baatwir�! m "nq_1m"T pwo-, 4 1 13". a -MA&M Min M watwe, N r,. U. INTENQ we SdAn an(" -0mid aml potno� lid; uagaviM W—UnwTe mob, rd wynd action Q Q­ I anvil WAines 1 comrawn wd!� :,Vded die khy N. SECI-RU INTEREST. Ti, i5,,.er hereby Eint, the Sam and 1, MW Kwhy wtvan w"my irimmi w 01 AQuets hlmoikm by Use Sam a n d W pr,xred, *h.:, until dse pmclrt:. i-n. i therefotc i> p.:id. Buyer ag =.:c- dxccatu strett rs,,,;..,sn, stau;mcnts :nss1 tl ;tcunteuh c: t,: may deternrimt gich wc :anres:, It (AM EKN NG LAW A0 mg na"d on 0. oVarim 4 N, "m 5011v wln&w d W awnrillme On W governed by 0 1 nw+' of Te 3wo w K,i­z: I 4. i odeh voi n:- i ',i I i be governed 015) H W M S 0 r Awd by the Ims an "van f Tat Wn 4 1. m mo Ic li"U" Wavy Aq V"- Avegm me of" tits, oji, UN Waxstyndo 1 W OW River MOP To Qwvmmm .-T 0 410 hd"W I,P, riVp !,I la I it w;O .,.I: Al:si: F 1 ll VNI mr AKEMENT E n C kJ, Ellk Aa WrLn An 00 .M., 11M&H12 a -:31 aalgiRue C' U ;q, o. a,H puch;"c Inadtin r v No w5vw a "s Ap-ma ml IV a n• to v Ala uWv i pm 0 mid Qwd h •s all ht i. oond terchy and Io I": effected A anowleQua W )i oI p,;, h. older Arin onnie, Oliffier(wit raw; )f North American Salt Company A Compass Minerals Company INVOICE Page 1 of 1 PLEASE REMIT TO: FEDERAL ID PAYMENT TERMS INVOICE DAl E INVOICE NUMBER P.O. BOX 277043 48- 1047632 NET 60 DAYS 7/2/2008 70213863 ATLANTA, GA 30384 -7043 SOLD TO: 462129 C54512 SHIP To: 505808 CS54514 CARMEL UTILITIES CARMEL UTILITIES 3450 W. 131 ST STREET 5484 E. 126TH STREET WESTFIELD, IN 46074 CARMEL IN 46033 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA SHIPPED FROM I DATE SHIPPED CUSTOMER PO BILL OF LADING ORDER NUMBER ORDER TYPE 10995- AUGUSTROBBENSSONS 07/01/08 W0805E 220164 220164 SO CARRIER RAIL TRUCK EQUIPMENT TYPE F.O.B. FREIGHT TERMS TERRITORY 76599 SHIPPING POINT *DELIVERED TRUCK; 622 TAX STATUS TAX ID RELEASE SALES REP EXEMPT 0031201550 B22 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION TAX QUANTITY UOM UNIT PRICE EXTENDED PRICE 7517 BULK COARSE LA SALT Y 24.0900 TN 61.14 1,472.86 i SUMMARY: PRODUCT 1,472.86 FREIGHT FUEL SUBTOTAL 1,472.86 STATE TAX COUNTY TAX CITY TAX MESSAGES: TOTAL WEIGHT 48,180.0000 Gross Pounds FOR BILLING INQUIRIES CALL 1- 800 743 -7258 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER PLEASE PAY WE APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS IN US DOLLARS US 1,472.86 This Sale of Goods is subject to the Terms and Conditions of Sale on the reverse side of this Invoice CREDIT NOTE US (Terms and Conditions of Sale are also available at www nasals com) IN US DOLLARS TERMS AND CONDPI'IONS OF SALE 1. OFFER. No r ens suited by Bu yer in ma bid, Purchase Order, acknowfedgmni t, or other form ,hall be hinchn} upon the Seller weepy as expressly agreed in carting by the Seller. Buvef is hereby notified of the Seller's objection to and rejection of tiny additional or different terms in Buyer's hid, Purchase Order. acknowledgment. or other form,. THE SELLER'S PROPOSAL_ IS EXPRESSLY i,IMITED TO ACCEPPAtiCI; UPON THE TERA9S Ati17 "PIONS COIVTAINPI) i iEREIN' 3. PAYNIE' N'L Ouver agrees.to make payment at Selle'r's location and at tlic'Iimr spucifteii oiaathe Seller 's'inVoicirig•do tmient in lawful money o} ih U.S. The Seller may. in its sole judgment, require such other payment teens as it deems appropriate, including full or pariud payment'iri adh:ince of shipment or be letter of credit. 3. PAST DUE ACCOUNTS. A finance charge aC the les,er of 1.5% per month (18% APR) or the highest rate permitted by law will be assessed on 311 past clue accounts, interest charged on a past due imvice will he assessed from the date of the invoice, 4. PRICE'S. L^?s!'EPT AS Off IFR WISE SPECIFIED 1N '1 HiS OFF CR. PRICF-S ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE, `r }''II'UOUT NOTICE. ORDERS WILL BF INVOICED, (iNLESS OTHEMVISE SPECIFIED 1N TI IIS OFFER, AT'TIfG SELLER'S PRICE IN EFFECT ON fHL SCHLDULi:D DATE 01 SHIPMENT. Prices on the inudcine document :ia• root of all aprficahlc di,eounis and prnnodomil allowances, Any questions by the huyrr, about the bests or accunte:y of this pricing mu,t he submitted to the seller in %tinting within 60 dati, of the date of the im oice. 5. CANCELLATION AND MODIFICATION. Orders may he canceled by Buyer only ulxm (1) written or oral notice to the Seller subsequently accepted in writing by dw Scll ;et and psiymeat to tt.e Seller rr.a>tmah;c canceli pion charges to be solely dCttxmmed by the Sillies 6. CREDIT. Credit payment terms must have the prier approval, of lilt: Seller's Credit Delia) i and ruu�t be specified in writing on the Seller's inuiicin, document, if at tiny rime }3uyei's financial re ponsihility becomes impaired or unsatisfactory to the Seller, Seller reserves the right to slop Shipment, on notification in Buyer :,r it dr„t. nd payment at adv,nc c or at its; tome of ceiivo,v for future defi%cries or m requne. (€they security satisYactory to the SMor, and in the aht.ucc thereof. t. cancel. without lability. the unfilled portion of this Contract. 7. TAXES. Any !:i> or other governm, nud charge now or hereafter levied upon production. srceiance, manufacture, delivery. Storage, consnmptiun. side, w,r or shiprrtem of Prudn,ts ordeted .a' sold wn ;l he charged to and paid by the Buger. Su, fi rases are not covewd in the Seller's prier, 8. DELAYS. All oidcrn are accepted subject to the Seller's ahibly to make delivery at the tirue and in the quantities specified, and the Seller Shalt n<u he liable flit danciftl tirr I,iilure ill Illid p:oiiad „r complete shipment or for the deli, in mahint shipmew, I'hr Bever .shall he halls flit any added esp• n incurrcd h.. the Seller 01 it }ors felt: in huui,him requested hdormation to the tiE;11cr, delay resulting Iron order changes by the Buccr, iii dJ,,} in unlo.idmg shipr:icia: at dehv :,y point that are the I,iuh of Buyer The Seller Ohall not be liable for delar> or defaults in dehvery caused by forces beyond it., control including' but riot firmed to flood,, fires. uormO, of other acts of God. by war or act of public enemy (or civil &iurbantce), Strikes. Joel outs, slortagits of labor or raw rnaterials and supplic snchi lin.i racl) or }:r, tion I ".a,ihrics, trnmeporlauon srnice o cqugtmela shortages or l;ailures. action of imy eovemnienual auuw or other eondinori, beyond the Seller' reasonable control, 9. SHIPMENT' COST'S. Unie othencise specified on the Seller's invoicing document, all transportation charges, including. but not limited to, ctUrier's ch;ar_es for notification pri,.r to deliver, demmitipe caused by Buver, delay in unloading, diver -ion, or rr,•onsi mnent will he paid by the Buver. ICI. 'TRANSPORT RISKS AND CLAIMS. Risk of loss and title to Pmduets transfers to the Buyer upon delivery at the E.O.H. point identified on the Seller's invoicing' document. On receipt of uric. the Buyer i, then responsible for proper protection of Lroducts and compliance with all regulations and ordinances and will mdemnifc the Scllrr against all efainr f, r moral iniurics of property damn, ;u arising from the storage, use of handlirig of such Products Claim; for damage or shortage in transit must be made by the Buyer against the Carrier. The Buyer has the reOporsihility to inspect shipments before or doing unlitadinr to idantifv mnv such damage or shortage and gee t appropnatr notation is made on the deii ery tic•kety or an iuOpectiim rcpuit furnished by the hxal agent of the carrier M order to support a chum. 11. NVARR4NTY. The Seller warrant only that it will conicq good title to the product and that. at the time of shipment, the product will conform to the published >peeifications of (hz Seller. S,ller'O pc,ificatiou„ are suh;c,t to chanLo at any nine w•ilh,,m notice to Buyer. NO OT'HER'NARRAVIY OF ANY KI :D, EXPRESSED OR INIPLIED. IS k1ADF: BY SELLER, INCLUDING ANY iNIPLiE.D WARRANT 11 OE MERCHANTABILI l'Y OR F1INESS FOR A PAVUCU- LAR PURPOSE. Faifure of the Buyer withmg thirty (30) day, stet receipt of the Product delivered hereunder to give nouee that such product is not as so wairanted shall he all ungn ilifit,d acceptame na' Wh q:oduct and a waiter of all claim. welt rvzpect therei: In the e -c:r of m ,eked hies:. t I, reoi h% r,;c Sells:. iii, -oh. rtmcdy avail ;gtic to the Huyer on a, count of arty defect in the product ;hall be limited to the rephrcr- Meal of Al:h clef cnvc product by the Setlei, In the wean the remedy provided herein :hall be deemed n have failed its essenti.il purpose, then the Buger shall he _entitled only u, a ariuml of the amounts paid to the Seller for such defeotive Pnxfuor._ 1_'. u.mri "tries, OF LIABILITY. '1 HI? BUYI.R SHALL NOT Bit ENTiTLED TO RLC•OVLR FROM SELLER INCIDENTAL. OR CONSF.OL•EV i IA1, DAMAGES OR EXPENSF.S, INCLUDING, BUT \t)'1' 1_IMffLD TO. THOSF INCURRED ON ACCi")l: NT OF 'I I IF QUALITY OR MOUN'I OF PRODOXT DL•L_IVLREI) OR "JIF NON J)Pi.iVER)' OF PROF C "f. 1'ha Buyer at ,i wE till ri-k, and habait for ;an dama c- r pe r or plop; i! ::.alone aium the r,, of the product deli%rr• J hcreundct in rnaunt- ieturing pic:CCSS>', t,i ;he Buyer ,if �n co:nc:r:auou will, om; f suh>:ences or oti rm l,c 13. lfwaNTS. ibe Seller agrees to defend and protect the Buyer against lo,e or damage arising out of legal action for direct parent infringement in connection with the Seller's nianuf,iewre of 1'io,wU p30l iced the Sella rs manly -.d promptly of any such action %vith complete information and is liven an opptinanity to defend. Id. SECURITY INTEREST. The Buyer hereby grants to the Seller and the Seller heichy retain, a secunty interest in all Pr?dueis fhmished by the Seller and the proceeds thereof. mail the puicha,e. price therefore is fully paid. Buyer agrea to execute Stich financing statements and other documents a, Seller may determine to be neces >are to pet Iect each secuniy iluerumr 15. GOVERNING LAiV. Any acrcitimin based oo the acceptance of this after shall be eon,trued in accordance wiih and go,erned by the Laws of ftte Slate f Kansas provided th; t delivery n shall lac goverriol by INCOI ERMS a1 fuihlished by the Intcrnanonal Chamber of( onlnterce 16. ASSIGNABILITY. Any agreement hasecf on the acceptance of this offer shall not be assignable hy_ the Buver w-ithota the prior written conse at the Seller mol any purported asst; ronent without Such consent .hall he void. 17. ENTIRE AGREE6iF,VT. If accepted, this offer and the terms on the Seller's invoicing document constitute the enure agreement of sale and purchase of the product trained herein. No moditicauuu of this Agieement shall be of any force or effort tale, s in wriun; and signed by the Pantie:, sought to he bound ilierebv. ;rod no modif:eation <hall he effeeteil by the acknowledgment or acccptanco of pmcha,e hider firm, containing different terms or conditions. A/ North American Salt Company A Compass Minerals Company INVOICE Page 1 of 1 PLEASE REMIT T0, FEDERAL ID PAYMENT TERMS INVOICE DATE INVOICE NUMBER P.O. BOX 277043 48- 1047632 NET 60 DAYS 7/7/2008 70214763 ,ATLANTA, GA 30384 -7043 SOLD TO: 462129 C54512 SHIP TO: 505808 CS54514 CARMEL UTILITIES CARMEL UTILITIES 3450 W. 131 ST STREET 5484 E. 126TH STREET WESTFIELD, IN 46074 CARMEL IN 46033 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA SHIPPED FROM I DATE SHIPPED CUSTOMER PO BILL OF LADING ORDER NUMBER ORDER TYPE 10995- AUGUSTROBBENSSONS 07/01/08 W0805W 222635 222635 SO CARRIER RAIL I TRUCK EQUIPMENT TYPE F.O.B. FREIGHT TERMS TERRITORY 76590. 1 SHIPPING POINT DELIVERED TRUCK B22 TAX STATUS TAX ID RELEASE SALES REP EXEMPT 0031201550 B22 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION TAX QUANTITY UOM UNIT PRICE EXTENDED PRICE 7517 BULK COARSE LA SALT Y 24.2600 TN 61.14 1,483.26 -.SUMMARY: PRODUCT 1,483.26 FREIGHT FUEL SUBTOTAL 1,483.26 STATE TAX COUNTY TAX CITY TAX MESSAGES: TOTAL WEIGHT 48,520.0000 Gross Pounds FOR BILLING INQUIRIES CALL 1- 800 743 -7258 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER PLEASE PAY WE APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS IN US DOLLARS US 1,483.26 This Sale of Goods is subject to the Terms and Conditions of Sale on the reverse s -de of th's Invoice CREDIT NOTE US (Terms and Conditions of Sale are also available at www nasall com). IN US DOLLARS I ERNIS ANN) (.0NDITIONS I. (WFER. n stated li, n as bid, ParWAiFc Order, Or ol"Na MR be hinIng UN, Ire An. emppo "pwj nwA i'l S1rnlq m A Buyer i, lc :bv nolilied o� '=.vde!'s G&Kvu W vW "Am M an addimal a TAmni norm, in Buy- A bit Purchnu Mder acknmkied, Or uthei loin ih SEI,LFR'ti PROPOSAL IS EXIT' AS LY [ANUTED 'a) ACCHPIANCL 1 "UK THE TITU, AND CTINDITKA" CONT%!V:�; REIN, 2, PAN ILL, I W) a agwes t,Q p=wm M 45, n1cati'm ruld all ibc tint.' spuujfiedydA,. Sul A! M oiso, scubmw I Jamul "=1 of the A. Mc SoI•I Way, 1r: i: I)LjOdgIncill, �­_uch Othu 0 nincrivin Or by lor, I TASTMXACXOUV1A 1 h4ra I 5t#: per w-0 08% -AM) m dw hwkq raw nnank yw 04" jw m womail past �n: usu" hum "haned m a pn 4 c a 04, pW v Q Am Tv Qn: as We inwice. 4. IIRRT i" (ATIK•WISE SPIWIF&P A IHIS CHI H1. PXRTS ARE SURPVTTO CHAMT MITIOUT NOTICE, ORDERS IM11 1, I>[, INVOICIA 1 AYSS OTITRWKV MERMIA IN n As Z*l­Ek,Vf'Vq HUNS MKI PARTUPON UT ATWUMD DMOW SlIIPMIAT', Vlacc. on a documcul •r" net of all and la-, :rnifmal alJolvan"'A %ny questions bY Hic fi about the I i nn or a"urac) Of thi, W :he Seller rA j 'r:nmecl by the S I CREIM y 1 04 A 1 hi v MW hn v I- P 1 qTm"I of Hm C bMu 5,w"m and nwA V ad in wridq A2 Sdkr� ir..n.o document. nnw :Connn; imparcd v tar: A n Sau mwr" 5w 44 w wy Am•, on nM&A a Bu: er a r, 1 1 t,% 0. n or at thy .iw V &Hwy Q w� a 00 ww, w m 4 Vre MRr mywh, u wGun; h, the N. Tm am hi we Avnv no F.: A �Qvd P•&" f hN "noct, A TAX! 5 :p Mer p �wwwd duag so hwafn LAW p"wrknn we. rum&wn AQW, M*dy�- WWONT YQ LW N nume �ndvted ,l d! hr charged :A Pao NY to Ba VT kWh arc 1W, OWN&, M we ,Sc Al "s prin K IWIM 4 0 430 e V�; i KYS to to 00, to muo r­ at On InO" in RIC quannuo'-", :Aied, and the i; M be li,11)!; 1111MA"_­ 1 nn r", om*w Ai v 'I on Hr don, _nn„ Apma no Bray VIA be W 1 v 6N my mlay e" N,_� Imm A 1 yvdcr 1) `�:i­ v 7 nkV aqwvd -N qnumm u We so p x JQq muAw vmu bider AmpT V i w Rga, w 110 i �Wh uAng d"n ­i' :a ww 0 a nu cc M ""a. The SA a "I Wt 4 PAW q, $tm ur deown Aswry caund 4 oat wyand a c- 0 njoNg W I .r( aorm wn of G:':!. V W WL 5 PTI, MMI M 001 itrike'. ],),:k ;aIv 11111terzal, 01' nl tNfl n!urr- action ofa.' nt neutal adnl)rocn 0, dflief onndF 5r 1 4 SJFJR i COSYS. k n:,­ 1: imoo,:in docunient, all mw,numn onagn. W­:u,fins,. but nor lh: i!:,f v mrrior' Q"Aamn mun to deliver- &wmyc caused 4 A"L May in urt"Ay Twkm of mm"ymm MH 4 p d I the er. It TRAM t5l RNKS AW MAMSA RiA 14 &,—W uE In NQw,. mni�feN to Cc Rup upon dch :d Jz" F.0,B, point 1,ik'niflcd on tile hn"ing Aw"pnt. is MMWMI am the Buyer 0 AW 1 W"name Q prWer p"ushart of I'Mom and connom. Min A repaww" ud unTimm nndw! mdennafytIA- urijoad a, c:, any Or shurlagc aznJ.:: e to N"roluav w•lm I rna,d"w on •1im; 101 ou h1mmm ryott Amn0mi by the Avi agent of tfie­ ici in order to hUpt:,!'I z {-lann, IL 'AARRANTI �Me Sob v w nv wly Tm 4 v M oam, ME ;-O MOW VIN AL V the UMC Of AYMW 4. V IWAW URI =&Mn V1 be P111610d speclfic.auor dW Sella. M, 'pot Boat; OL 0 to cbma xg Aw MA-t:: i Mae un Player NO CO I MR I NARRAN I OF ANY M ND, EXIT1,01111 T MIN.HJX N A B Y SELL FR, Z':,::AJQNG ANI QVTWD 1ARRAN! V M MERCHA rivu A ry OR H 1 NESS MR A 15101 %4 Won ,411hein— nic`l­ 1W n.et 100, -V vv4W$ emntea ante- rc).r rau)nd lit rate a)nn :+rtt� uaid to the Seller re)r such detective Yrottuet. UANIAGi� :APVNSE4 DEL I 0E NO'ti i-A k',ma,, s, ­i; u propc'l nc 1'103r Ga t Q,v, p- t,r plu 0i d1Q 13. MIEN Solei a•eu: todcfund and po i kuycr against :)rduuuwe avhm ha TWO PMMH hms'Nown W cormeown it the n .:i tune kil'IWAw. In" Old he Seder 4 MOM pmWQ w, such xwu wA. wuphte Infonnn4v "d K own an cW mmly a Mom. 14. SECI Rt %'e' INTER KST.']';;, It hereby pwn Y) Q &Her and d, whiQueby remum a aunty umm to ad MOWs Mndoka Q be ;seller arv! 5, naJI the p=U. ow Imbre a 05 NU Buyer agree* ""m such aatefnents a0d natter docuratint-I'Sok'r lnat determine 1. IR" nC.CcS,br":f, P�.Jcct such I& G()1'ERMNG LAM Any ao sad band on ih-wa=m W 14 WW Mall A cmAno A in arcordance 01 and pnemod b) Ow L=% of be WWW Kan,nv j-,fo­,' I il,aL deliver) :.:r m, be goveria t I 1NO) HNNIS n jpoI, h,xl by the linern.a:nial Chambei o! aWnea I& ASSUX W" At Any y w n WaCm troo"Onve 4 thin Ma OAK not be vsyndw M We 10 e wv1py Im pi "mom u m, q V Cc SO" J01 !n1,1cr: I 'i" n 0"N" Jndi! It EN Oki Qnlwxv d& ath: %Mw M Or j, mAw; d n,,n mWww W­';- ;q:f,vjncn ri,! janch:­ e;. Z". d,an!al­r No rncdo,. inc, Apccnic" Penn Tial is t.::n� :nld ion: tIt fv,-Co, sou�'!I, bonnd fberch 'i a., niond'W'vj"' .6: ,r be, cft :trni :r W"PumuNparer a- ader Awrn "Op w4 dimnyu WIM nn -)ni(fi-don'. 0 North American Salt C ompany AJ A Compass Minerals Company INVOICE Page 1 of 1 PLEASE REMIT T0, FEDERAL ID PAYMENT TERMS INVOICE DATE INVOICE NUMBER A BOX 2 A -7043 48- 1047632 NET 60 DAYS 7/7/2008 70214764 SOLD TO: 462129 C54512 SHIP TO: 505808 CS54514 CARMEL UTILITIES CARMEL UTILITIES 3450 W. 131 ST STREET 5484 E. 126TH STREET CARMEL IN 46033 WESTFIELD, IN 46074 UNITED JTATES OF AMERICA SHIPPED FROM I DATE SHIPPED CUSTOMER PO BILL OF LADING ORDER NUMBER ORDER TYPE 10995 AUGUSTROBBENSSONS 07/02/08 W0805E 222636 222636 SO CARRIER RAIL TRUCK EQUIPMENT TYPE F.O.B. FREIGHT TERMS TERRITORY 76500- S HIPPING POINT DELIVERED TRUCK B22 TAX STATUS TAX ID RELEASE SALES REP EXEMPT 0031201550 B22 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION TAX QUANTITY UOM UNIT PRICE EXTENDED PRICE 7517 BULK COARSE LA SALT Y 24.7200 TN 61.14 1,511.38 SUMMARY: PRODUCT 1,511.38 FREIGHT FUEL SUBTOTAL 1,511.38 STATE TAX COUNTY TAX CITY TAX MESSAGES: TOTAL WEIGHT 49,440.0000 Gross Pounds FOR BILLING INQUIRIES CALL 1- 800 743 -7258 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER PLEASE PAY WE APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS IN US DOLLARS US 1,511.38 This Sale of Goods is subject to the Terms and Conditions of Sale on the reverse side of this Invoice CREDIT NOTE US (Terms and Conditions of Sale are also available at www.nasalt com) IN US DOLLARS ITRIOS AN 0F.", '0,E, L OFFFR. to ruts stated L"• 0 as N1 b"wo OW, w"w4nmem"n Ma Qm olall be hm&" a w be Seller cwpno mprinkly qvm, i;l witin M ov Koller Byer 6 in "In, nm&d W Kv 40a 4 QmGm w ind rejection of a(ldnional m d,fl, l;nt ierm., in Buyl, aid, Purchase Ool-i I her Else 'i!IF, SFIJTRA P"AUSMAS FNMOSTY IMUTIN 0) A(VEPTANCP ANA THE BMMq AND CONDITON! COXI_AfN4:j W-REIN. 1 151 N110R.My" agwas in woosym ',;afiorl .illfi is ,it. loo" spccifitA Sellerl. Owicln­ in 1a,vfa! iPoroyol the L',S !'to Seller i ,,Ic 1" wc lush &tc� Ti in' ruflhn partitil jlal udvkirl­ )f 0);pul'ilit or by letter of clelil- 3 -FAA 1:1)i j, %CCAKAVFS_ ol'1.5r-il mo A M N m vAl -A) hownt raw pr5nd 4 few w w A w MR In md A p, O mm ho w A QWd on I uu'. will o"'... .-.­cd froill f!W jon. I! hw[ce, J. PRIvi Excu r AS 0! M 1" ISE SKCIF A iN T1 US OFFER INIATS ARE W HhU n CnAN(a. VTl HOUT 1"YnCt ORDERS IV ILL WE INVOICE! S OTIUTA WE qTURED IN To IS OE M& XF Tl W LOT JXR'S PRIC1' i%' i+E( ON THE M3131)4 U_ED DAJ F OF q HIMENT, Prown on do n",ikmg dmoilm: w net of all VTA,n• Ascomr, a n d po,Omnl Wkww", Any qwW" by N"L AM the E. W WMITUT A, liricing mum ho stsmival h"he v VT in d&g 000 054 q of cc AR VAM Mwice, 5. CA VION AND 7t WlA;iiCA'f 10N,, ()'a Puy he cam el:.' i 1 Ryer onk q o j, •nwn wml v"Q t dle SeAr eperrd; ="pA iil WIN Saw 01 vl"� G. CREDIT. 0 iv�­ pull,avow" Y ,u"MWA I docuotent. d;;4 tune C3u�...r': r.,: ,n, last tesponstbi!ii•: t,�.t =Ines iatpaire,i ,.,:nisi ;ict,trp t,, iJ,:'. Scliai. Seller rc�,:r• ;c° the right to ..tnp •e... "1. r notiti, ati•s� u '1AhWqAqfW :vW­TiWorvn"xiW"x=Wt I AX0 onn MNY n_" ownis sale n 0 W vircafter W"A PAWWM M am, flValul Wnrn!_teikv torai:, ,hTill, h, K� ty &And U."1143by to Hapc R IWI A! N. _MW X• W do I— DMI U) M& G wq ill we into 1 in to quarnwi T'•kd- and t 400 ,',all Wt 4 HAW I ­'A) ni ..-olj,lcic r loi the d;;•, Ayw"3 w hgo AM K FON AT any w= a iromw 'llrin­k!,} L ­iAing Io tjw:�, "rAt lava re 'l H, order chaTue:i 1- tj,, Bover. or ails adir bilvi i;IIIH-1 I F:nn.,1fynjl. a WIN A G 0 on or W in OW old An"I Mxr, Awn, Kula •im mmerKh'xi aA` p; tl.,N n •:.titan sell acfion o! an; 'n' older i" bl hv 9. SUIPT11 1 EMNIN IJQ<. -w -w 4=Jin dw ARaN KwA w; &wwwv, all Awl-liPtion Aaie,(is Pl iolfing. but net hm nomkm, F ludelill't, (;e i'Pm,�,; cause l by Bi,ja dch) in unhwIT dw•vion. MIT AqWj t the Buyer. It TRANS•Mf RISKS AM"J%MT RU A A- a 65 Plv&yn tmin1% To to It upon deliver- a I PAn plim wwMA,w the to a', hvwhw 1, u-nav On ircup 1 Wk Ow Buys N 4 n,lnalci foi p p r potiscrion tq PR M, :.ad w"Oxi• 01 A repUmv wKWirium vO ml! i- personat or properly adiaug flout th, Inc ofhandlol�:. r '116l 1 or %11(llm ec :i I rnitil 1, 12 Buyer uplinm Ow Arricir. The 0q .r has be inpurmilky w MWa Al"mm klme or unloading r an such or ,poring: ailt le" That approprijii: ri is made on l; delivery ticket, at IspectAllepim hmstival 4 dw Wl agcrfl cif th: i, ner ijiolder to mute -i t,islain IL WARRA"TY, GeScHerwi specifoatli'):- I C; Sclh;r Svii­' 'peeell Icatlow to 0m pi any tittle xjflu) 'i, lice to Buyer. 011 tARIA WARRANTY 131 ANY KIND, EXPRF S' _D %Fl JIMPLIETT 0 n UT BY %IJXR "I tMING ANY KWKVD WARTV4no OF NIFRCIIr N I'\1 OR FITN) FOR A I"10TRA I LAR IIL'R," (-.l lure of Ox to .,'W&I 101 60 ONs alter weAr S no Pm Wm day i Nre❑Ax to n"n nolOn that vad pnAv not Y, wirimml Adl be j!l Z n pr ofaflIann %Pll'e'reol tkol"v Q 0. ,j 1i. >,A Q n! t swirl V. .Cni,Q A 0, "0 Riga M V. -i ap j'A a in to dpwinct,wit F, Awam will: IWLW'- r I zll�� n W �A MW pt deer �i, 1 on W A �-n to WM4 yw� a noon VlaU he a u 2i Ni tutee fame,' W o.cll;j pun"c, joi ij Bqvj AmN F,� =RMmy w MAd ofth"mmm paid to 11 IM": 0% (W LQW HT III LA n: I L NOT 0 150 TO RH LA 1 R PROM SM 1 V ALMHTTAI 4"-t ASE(JAN! 41 D %MMa 5 LKMNSIN I A A WAQ- W ITN 1 isti3; ;`iUR A QATOF I ;A AL! Flr OF „1Ii NTOF LRJAV"I"i. 1111NON 0' OF' llc, pti,ei ji, .,P. iroli. :I,, he pr0(!U,` hcfellnkb :l :1', lal.lfing i l0a: i -,I the Buy,ij ''llohlriali011 W,11 nObILU4:2S ill 11rl,1' 11 PUTNn'N Am Soo agree.. afam and M. I W Buyer MOM 0, a dnamige arwy mu 4logal action filrdam! patent h5mg,voril in connection "A.h the Seller liu')+ lure ofpnQ"n pats wed We SAW oWtcd pr o 1pily w amy inctla wX c, unpins mQuirdw and i,Wen an qpolunty w MAIL It SMITITN IN FERE94 1 h 0 ya hirrehy past w Q Seller aridhh, Seller lorchy rcl,'li:l:_ jv Pi:oducts hani,b FP the Seller and I•C proccalb wN be Invick a ow 1imbi• W 04 NU Buyer nw, m=w such d0CUMCllI`,,1i, l :fiei nl;3y Jetorriuric to be ne,:c,\l.ri l, iic so:-r:i, I& (Un EUMNG LAVK My mrmmtar hved w On %x Tirarice J On Qi AMl he ainari•d in acmdanve nth Ord nunervied by 11v I ows of he Wx at urm dcllslxy 1?•; goverm !N('01 LRMS a, ptt'h")ed by the Challibei of( 11 AQK N NN"T Any a um NwAin I x, manx I GYMOr WaR not be awymil& M be Byer "n &nx We poi written ­nt a Ar Sells ato: oPrrir' ll'olitilliall k ­;d. 17, EM Wi %Z:RE10,1EN't. H owl to NO n:: Aw fam,on 0 A ka, W"Amg QrMwlll C011,tnute agreclllcpt, i!,l "xill ptlrcl 'I-c product h,'rein, No ni, c. of Ibis Agiccliictit &M be N wq kn cMqt uAry in A QQ and iopled Ly the jutos myN w 0 hwld tbov4.and no modilool -hall N e "6 do ac""*W"Hni, ",,,,ccpnuo, of """H"'c "'J" I o"", c"'i"i""'g fre"u'u":'i" con"', A/ North American Salt Company A Compass Minerals Company INVOICE Page 1 of 1 PLEASE REMIT TO FEDERAL ID PAYMENT ICE NUMBER TERMS INVOICE DATE INVO P.O. BOX 277043 48- 1047632 NET 60 DAYS 7/7/2008 70214775 ATLANTA, GA 30384 -7043 SOLD TO: 462129 C54512 SHIP To: 505808 CS54514 CARMEL UTILITIES CARMEL UTILITIES 3450 W. 131 ST STREET 5484 E. 126TH STREET WESTFIELD, IN 46074 CARMEL IN 46033 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA SHIPPED FROM DATE SHIPPED CUSTOMER PO BILL OF LADING ORDER NUMBER ORDER TYPE 10995- AUGUSTROBBENSSONS 07/07/08 W0805E 222659 222659 SO CARRIER RAIL I TRUCK EQUIPMENT TYPE F.O.B. FREIGHT TERMS TERRITORY 76599 SHIPPING-POINT DEL !VERED-TRI I t22 TAX STATUS TAX ID RELEASE SALES REP EXEMPT 0031201550 B22 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION TAX QUANTITY UOM UNIT PRICE EXTENDED PRICE 7517 BULK COARSE LA SALT Y 24.2300 TN 61.14 1,481.42 SUMMARY;, PRODUCT 1,481.42 FREIGHT FUEL SUBTOTAL 1,481.42 STATE TAX COUNTY TAX CITY TAX MESSAGES: TOTAL WEIGHT 48,460.0000 Gross Pounds FOR BILLING INQUIRIES CALL 1- 800 743 -7258 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER PLEASE PAY WE APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS IN US DOLLARS US 1,481.42 This Sale of Goods is subject to the Terms and Conditions of Sale on the reverse side of this Invoice CREDIT NOTE us (Terms and Conditions of Sale are also available at www nasalt com) IN US DOLLARS 1. (WFER. i U=N mined r"e 1 its bid, hn"n Olt "s Nall he hirAmp upat the Seiler owepi o expressly ag reed v writ I rl� by "F !",(-I Nr Buyer is I Io I ofied of [.:t- I T! objcdion t•. rujecoila I of niz 'Odalono I or di ;i, r:n: to m, in Buy l hid. Purchase I )o!,! aAnow rc, i� o r other lir IE S I I LLR'S ;OKI GM, IS FXM I JAMITH) 0) A( rEPTANCO I'll I ITRNl'i %Nl) CONDITIONS CONT,M\F', �Hfil M I PAN him, Ewa VOO 0 ppment M qjh 1 t4m Mat W taro ro *A& M V "a d sac.0 inwy s 0 e a t U b"ol Wiley S I Idun WPAST M I %UOWN'N. nce cirmpe a1 oq V.yuf lAq punwA 1 0% AMY to .0 hipficat talc Nrn=M Ft law MIN y"wd on A pm It incpuln". Lll l"-1 c#�ugcd on v inwrce a Of F,: i ,­,V(j,fr6m the dan', i the invoice. 4. PRK'ES• IXOT I AS ty qkM NE SMA1FqD N VJIS OFFFN?. FRI(AiS ARE SC BJJ!,_'rTO CIIANO. V,'l'J'IlOtjT NOl ICE. ORDERS NVILL BF INVOICEA) Nil, S 01 IFIFD I\INIS OFI'ER,,VFTHF lj�jj IIRI(::F 3 THE WALINAND DAM OFAMPMENI. 1 ou the :naang doiaamn,! not "I'all Mid! P. =n WA whWamm "Mo. Y 6, Won Am the or anmrmy; of 0 guy M" I Morons UAW ow is WMY own 0 4, dw date 0 Amm"c CANCELI ATU)N AND NHWIFICATION, may be "nchd A Hayer only n"i i 1) wnwn or oral pc, ku to the Sdkr nowelpon" "pted �il wiTy Q Ow Otto and 0) pown to dic Sao of rea -UP nmawy :';,.sup n to b"At Aundiled by the 91 r U. CREDIT. "Jet pi_'ymnli W", mu• have the pn n aMrowl of me VU 4 Cortrin Dnao, and mom bw 1, MO it Mid, a, le SAU', ilnon ing time Buy.o's facni, iA rcspcailohiFt} n._•conles impaired of :'nati'raoory to fl;c Sao'. Alterre,avo, 1ho zigIll to mop mlipflu-ni, oil noolluation lo Buy"y pl'i 0 n"Mm"g at the is -0 dchwq fur Wn ichwAs or m q0to other w"nj n0rantory no to Alm mid I the Asemu 7. TAXL -tu-n other anzat diarrow­ a bereafta Owd "n pluenou, mambomv swrtys-" nT low '6% we, C•' i f n [be do,:,•, Bu}crylah be h,hiv f'orxny add t p'ns:, moUl•d I;— h"'."o to tit:' Inlays rusulla'' ­1 ordel b ai: Bayer. no,Aing bn',!,• &T 0 -'A niz x; to Im Equ. Tim AT r AA mq be hW"� _Q or &ri'my CaIN"d u, nat'c" 1"ytod il'. nor. -1 niciudol'; tlui on" 0 -4 M WS W Gild, F; nu or ad or' pu "W 00 IM&.wo, Mau" loci: -a"Arivy"'I wh 0 'W um mocrink V', Y'lPfnic, SCIVIce or t': :;Fhwra Ampes 0 shmadiort ofaq p"Mmilemy wimp to other cin;J :uer 9. SH11"01- nw0w spec AJ in hi QUA hwknn Awmem"11 UmTowthmit dmgc holn%& but not hw•d 0"arno's dwq, A UNHWO.0 mum, by A a dAy to whuw• 6WIM otwommmmuA kpw Me Myer. M 1'RANT10101 RNKS AND I K IBM KA of k YO AN to lodw transfer, to In Bqn up clAxer"a K •UM pm"&ARd m Me im"A aig xwwww On recent A 4k to Buya k pwo w,mble 0 pm mmmor, or MANo mUl u,minnimu wo A r up unow mu momm"m n; "Jecimly A 4 Am naliv 0 •lin A pwmahmn& r p my &w" mW" Mm Mo nogwin ahamAy „f -xh MAU,. ON= A d. nmv to slumagn a;. we nwA he md-7 to Buyer twiny Me (AMer. Ile Lou has We iNw.lil• w NMU Apwo Whw or Tool: M110AdoU, ".0 i,i• :Wif+ inlyAlch J.'aW,UV or shortag." 11Mt appropriau notation is trade on t delivery uckVn i an in iepori fimushcd by the local a,cnt .,r in,ndcrto 11. I IVARRAYTV; ['he So!"r W:. -n"Ty that 0 "p. Val pod Win At- radu arld &V n Aw lime of Aqw,". uw Padua 01' w x"M to the poilwo'! spuciticnt;on S'1' On' Seller ;;d,ject to char, c', ;:ny time Mtto•nl n,!it;e to Bu}, Nl: OTHIA WAkftANTY OF ANN Kl\l). EAPRFSst IMPLIED, A 4 jT BY TITEM I OT1211ING ANN n1 QD VARR j" VV OF MFR('IIA\ i %MIA FY OR i toR, A pARTICfj LAR Pr_'Pl'k 1- miluroot :'S o! Pr Awt de kkmi W„ ,whr U, g" wwv ihia MIA proniv no in owmmw6 'frill he :r• 1, iiCd all ";.'JTA in (r, "n �o the "V A lwodc.', r, r %J tho IqA J'wdo. li,'!c o:toQdy 1'.' t" hake p-croo-, .i'z Oo 'h'a! 1). collolcxJoillyioulauncl of the Jolfiaw. fund to the Seiler' Jl1r such detective Product. 12, L[Nlf' LiAiW F!!F n I NOT HL OK!q�D TO RKO- k FROM SM I R IMMENFM (T (ANSUH1 NUM DANIM,f­ i X'PUN.St- I IW;C, MIFN YAH&TO !OKA INURRIN"X V Q)iWTOI THno,%104 OR '%i"N fM'Pl?&&A'! IAT&Flbj x MEN= U. !A, MPRJU; ,h: A Aww" I "n duns k "W""MWq n-l"y swisc A :e6licreonda", tae Bu)eior­ 13. PAIEN'i' !'Ile Sam loss ,,cclaniago arising t=ut 4 Egad action Am two patent Abnycrina in connection a itin the `lessor e.'.t :rus :,ctutr of Pri t. p "',,t idcd the tic11,:; r promptly vi <nrt- such action c +i ei,m1 }lore mti,nn:inor .,tad is g.t,•en an n, ;v to defen€i. It SECIAUTI INTKREKLIon linter holy gms win Sam mid ale WlPrhcrchy rul.irr-.i i;, it Al Products ttjtmsh,;d hy the Altorand the procc.d\ 0,:o f, unfil the grLFd pri, c ffioefore N IQ Ni; Buyer Wur: w wmmw such hmmy Amolwan mni,dler in SA4T may dettorriale I, he nm:c, pcAmt such secct in lo'n'e cr. 11 (HAEk%lNG LAW Any ng•ani" hatod on qw;ampance of ON Oki shall he cmmrooi in accordanc•_ with and gowned by On I,= of the State of Ksn,:a },r ;rat deh+etq t; i hall he f ;rile ?,v :�t.'t)'t E.ItN'IS ,a, po' •,t,l,ecl hr the [nte;nanotul Chantb��r ri t .,,:;;metre W AQWN AM "YAny Mw ow haled on di"c,wu of this Mo M11 not be anqm• Q dic H", "Now We Sau w'd any jaup,r­', jth .'cq:.cnt shall I'? 17. E:N'f llf% A 0"0116 An 0.1 me knm 01 to qw& ni'"my 4,t �.A nomaut" Ow -.1,11 rV.1,,RuM1'ln or, r,' .aid PURIMIC 11" prodiV i \o rn,,00a.a nofllos Atncem :.&M be any 1 em" Ulu W my Mo signed h I p ups WYM W 4 KWO Am, a nu W&W 0, *A A Volvo 4, me "bWWRIM.-t acceptance of p,a,:lanc, order forrn.,' colitairing diffeient tell,!, 01 "'Indilion, North American Salt C ompany A/A Compass Minerals Company INVOICE Page 1 of 1 PLEASE REMIT TO FEDERAL ID PAYMENT TERMS INVOICE DATE INVOICE NUMBER AT O LAN OX 7 43 30384 -7043 48- 1047632 NET 60 DAYS 7/9/2008 70215757 SOLD TO: 462129 C54512 SHIP TO: 505808 CS54514 CARMEL UTILITIES CARMEL UTILITIES 3450 W. 131 ST STREET 5484 E. 126TH STREET WESTFIELD, IN 46074 CARMEL IN 46033 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA SHIPPED FROM DATE SHIPPED CUSTOMER PO BILL OF LADING ORDER NUMBER ORDER TYPE 10995 AUGUSTROBBENSSONS 07/09/08 W0805E 222665 1 222665 SO CARRIER RAIL I TRUCK EQUIPMENT TYPE F.O.B. FREIGHT TERMS TERRITORY 76599 I SH!PPIKIG POINT DELIVERED -TRUCK B22 TAX STATUS TAX ID RELEASE SALES REP EXEMPT 0031201550 B22 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION TAX QUANTITY UOM I UNIT PRICE I EXTENDED PRICE 7517 BULK COARSE LA SALT Y 24.8700 TN 61.14 1,520.55 t SUMMARY: PRODUCT 1,520.55 FREIGHT FUEL SUBTOTAL 1,520.55 STATE TAX COUNTY TAX CITY TAX MESSAGES: TOTAL WEIGHT 49,740.0000 Gross Pounds FOR BILLING INQUIRIES CALL 1- 800 743 -7258 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER PLEASE PAY WE APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS IN US DOLLARS US 1,520.55 This Sale of Goods is subject to the Terms and Conditions of Sale on the reverse side of this Invoice CREDIT NOTE us (Terms and Conditions of Sale are also available at www nasalt com) IN US DOLLARS TFRN AND OF L OFFER. W i=ms ;mod 4 4qu K a bid No hnc OW ;idwwKtMMq or owar NO WWI W binding 'g- Ow Sely I%qA N uqwny vj"J'tl Minig IM, By" is kwK mAWd 4 Mc &do nW"?m V zwd it�Jectio ;daitiomd oro.1',­_ i, mi; iv B t PuCclim, or otlwi fi,rw, H iF, SELLERA HMOSAL IS LINIITI,3' T A(VEPIANCf I I YM TFIF PEP As .%ND CONTA rV 10 coN't T!. !;FRFIN 2. PAY EN i'. Bv qieex v mike pnwrtt at A*n bnw, x v. vm spec ifi"jan "Meli"A KmWw wmwirt N"n mo=3 of Vie U.S 1 Cc Seller ra„ ui 'relit. APR! o, Widgkirate prmqwd by lay; Kbe :,owdnn.all put accoutw. lwere i charged on a pa k dla: frorli the d:,':. ific itivoin. A PRICE4 ENOTT AS 0 1 MRWISE SPECIP" 1 V nIIS ORS1 MKTS ARE Y %Pnl 1U COM"I Wn MIT MnMV ONTIG voyx�� MVOWFf• I 01ASS OTHER5 WINIFIED IN I ITS (WIFER, An in SVIIER3 MICS 0 hXUXON TIV WHEDULED KA A0 MHPMFN Pricesoi) 1h­;moi(.int g dommile,": ila of all appfi':a!0c dlseoullt' am W—Mo m my aemm0 Aq W.& b­ 4 aNim AM KIA or accuracy oI diet pricing mo,t sibriaited to 11" ra ir1writilig willia t­ d" s of the itivoice. 5. CAN(TIA,ALjON AND NU H)HICNFION (10 ,F may In carl,&A t,. Bea My efm, 'A 611 le:• to the Sellet :-,I AU CREDITOodkti AXACin" Dy"wia aild m" be v embed mwmiq.q QSaKsKmAllg do':omelliAt ome' irliptale'! ­t Hiner w'd t' or ,a ,he *ins. ,1 shvey KW vw- udt"rin, or b­ Qy Met serum i .Qxvq to dl AWL and W OW AWP I 1ANK. n, M% owl :I —0"Mal Ala•u hexAs 1NU a YWWG, "—"W4 ❑MIN x •nwq qmp, Moo= ow. t .htpmeot "i 'dq,"­'ofaed"� -a it! t'"m;t pAdby th, :�,o tax,-,NAW Rol +o, in the S,Her' L. K. DF1 11 M LIWN ZM= n, "dijew to M, S. Why to nk kv. o.q za Me un— a 1 m Cc qmmw s x4 0 wK aEd M S wji om 0 U 0 to 1":­ Milictu oI for the il: :o ,k;n how" 7K 11"n Kill :m -I Seller o, it ::n OqL1,."v.' ;!n .;'3. d':Iay.� ol ,I 'lJ:':adiry S!"pUh'.. W Ah r 1 0 AW FlU TL "An 0 Tem The SO: A" not be on 0 ...An a deim3 w A"eq "ismm K Ln" bywo 1 AwA bldwAg ka ImJit;d �o 1k, :`ire. toms d rr arts of'G­(i a y an apAT ij f AG kO W• 0miages a x um nank "d �Uppli,'x;l shmqm A AN"A w1am a w- v worimmal m&•j w Alveww4m ,'euorlofl' SHIMil N F t A FIS. I At— norm be 1voil0kc to &Am! moo An J vment, UH wtv q io. PRANK" IRT RISKSAW e TIME RA a 0— YA Wk io hs•u :m4m WHw Moo upon delis,: imohow &_0Qa (M Ono k 'AY we Bye, 4 H." W"MIR IN pnw t:,, gall Al re :o,i ordinances mw .!H M&MA 40 1 nainq V n kg powmal of propmtr 6.11 ,:k: any from dw i;,e udi Prodw is Cjaim io, t or r- mc:m he r. li: fhc Btj}cr 0w ('arriel. nc NVa his the wjw to inspe,l belorc oi (mQ kinloadilie L(, i.fy att'; si'J' J" .,loll;,_': r, .t at' Gat approx"a pow 6 made— Tv &Hwq Coke, m hiTution n­P. hamlied hr do kwa! :'?al of tin ;:"llm in mjel'tU I i t'Jdrn IL AV= %STK Dv Ukr­ OnQ Jett a 0 1 ng pA VA n 1 mom MW TW 1 wo qme A myw Hy PROW1 WHI 0QWM to we pwKy': ltw SMUT Ihb'n 10 Tli;' it riw idvr to UTIIFR N\ \RV I Y OF A.\Y EXME"Fo W MUTIRM, K 10,+ BY SE!. FR. 1 i X FIM3 QN TnUT) WARRQ: !iil 3"I'y OR [Ti'_ 3 FOR A PARTK LAR f ohme,4 fli,! miflhjrlo 1131o""' at l"r N�:;j I Pnwwl di-. n qvMja P; 1h, Mob yn� omw a, ww"Mu'l "H hr an Pokc 0 Or 4 A 0- ";'C'l tw. 00 No L:. w 1 o t'mwd-'� 1' t"fl t, o hj'C Mow oto W a W"d a W am., PW to W smor W s &Now Mom. 11 In" OF 5 1',. 11,:.. 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NECTNI INTERE&L Th Uryt Imehy qw A, Ole Se% viv1W A 0 lxrm q�M4% A' &W4 im my K "K lV daets Ills:`.',:') a Has Seller WA Q"' PIT I "I W� Yin tlionve K PU Beva V� v rum" Ems 5w, bg .01 .114 doalliem 0 ,`ill:, my tkiwww io he WU no a WWO as MW ww' It Q7"1 V VNG LAW Au= wwat Kwww x mowce of 0-- 0 4all he "a or 1 m a coduve wO -xQ go•nwd K C 1 st, of 1, Zink of it 11 be dte, it— ;;'Cecpttla'l' of p, "o­.'- ord,l tonIll ,miieg ,Idiaoll it 'ofiJdiv:i: A/ North American Salt Company A Compass Minerals Company INVOICE Page 1 of 1 PLEASE REMIT T0: FEDERAL ID PAYMENT TERMS INVOICE DATE INVOICE NUMBER P.O. BOX 277043 48- 1047632 NET 60 DAYS 7/9/2008 70215753 ATLANTA, GA 30384 -7043 SOLD To: 462129 C54512 SHIP To: 505808 CS54514 CARMEL UTILITIES CARMEL UTILITIES 3450 W. 131 ST STREET 5484 E. 126TH STREET WESTFIELD, IN 46074 CARMEL IN 46033 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA SHIPPED FROM DATE SHIPPED CUSTOMER PO BILL OF LADING ORDER NUMBER ORDER TYPE 10995 AUGUSTROBBENSSONS 07/08/08 W0805W 222660 222660 SO CARRIER RAIL I TRUCK EQUIPMENT TYPE F.O.B. FREIGHT TERMS TERRITORY 76599 SHIPPING POINT DELI TRUCK B22 TAX STATUS TAX ID J RELEASE SALES'REP EXEMPT 0031201550 B22 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION TAX QUANTITY UOM UNIT PRICE I EXTENDED PRICE 7517 BULK COARSE LA SALT Y 25.0600 TN 61.14 1,532.17 SUMMA PRODUCT 1,532.17 FREIGHT FUEL SUBTOTAL 1,532.17 STATE TAX COUNTY TAX CITY TAX MESSAGES: TOTAL WEIGHT 50,120.0000 Gross Pounds FOR BILLING INQUIRIES CALL 1- 800 743 -7258 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER PLEASE PAY WE APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS IN US DOLLARS US 1,532.17 This Sale of Goods is subject to the Terms and Conditions of Sale on the reverse side of this Invoice CREDIT NOTE US (Terms and Conditions of Sale are also available at www.nasalt.com). IN US DOLLARS TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALL 1. OFFER. No term, stated hp Buy: r in its bid, Purcha =c• Orden, acknowlednment, or other form shall be binding uron the Seller except as 0xpressly agreed in writing by the Seller. Buyer is hereby notified of the Seller's objection to and rejection of anq additional or difterent terms tit Buyer's hid, Parches Order, acknowledgiucnt. or other Iixul >,l Ill' SEI.I,ER'S PROPOSAL IS EXPRE sSi.Y' LiMiTID TO ACCEPTANCE I'I THI; TERMS AND C'ONUITIONS CONTAINED I fERFIN. 2. PAYb1L:NT. 8uger'agrees to make payment at':SrHdc's location and ac the fnne�spcdifhcd (in the Sellers nvoieiiig!d)c uiiw•nt in lawdul monev he U.S. life Scllti niay. iii its iole�jtidgi lent. rcyitit 'suchother'p9yniem Icrnts'ns it de'emc appropriate: including fait partini pay: root hn advert e of- >htipnfant ur y letter .rl' 1.._... credit. 3. GIST IDLE WCOUVT'S. A notice charge of the Ir o1' 1.5%; per month (18% APR) or the highest rate permitted by law'will be assessed on all past due accounts. Interest charged on it past due invoice will be assessed from the date of the invoice. 4. PRICES. EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED IN THiS OFFER PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE W11HOUT NOTICE. ORDERS WILL. BL INVOICED, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED IN'fl Ifs OI-FER. AFTHF; SULER'S PRICE; IN t'sFFECI'ON THI. CCHFDULED DNrE OF SHIPMEti'i'. prices on the inroicmg document me net of all applicable discounts and prowotionfl allowances. Any question, by tie buyer, about the h:isis or accuracy of ibis pricing ntu.t he submitted to the seller in writing within 60 days of the date of Ibe invoice. 5. CANCELLATION AND MODIFICATION. Ordei= may be canceled hp Buyer only upon 0 t written or oral notice to the Seller subsequently accepted in writing by the Seller find (2) payment to the Seller of reasonable cancellation charges to lie solely determined by the Seh': h 6. C'RI;DiT. Credit payment term, must have the prior approval of the SciEei's Credit Department and must be omfilA in writing „n the Seller's mvo€:ing ,locomen;, `I at rune Raper sfui ^nerd responsibility hecolncx impaired of uusarist:tctory to the Sellr!, Seller re,en: the right io stop shipment. on noufic,dion to Buyer and to demand payufent nt advance or at the time of dCIlVery for t'utme. deliveries or to imluire• notch security satisfactory to the Seller, and in the ab "'mcc therC,t, to cane without habi,;tt tlrt unfilled portion of this c onoact. T:1XES. Any tat or other governmental charge now of hereafter levied �:.ron production, sc thug:, m.allufa.am <.:kaarry, aesr:p(r-, c, Inc ::p,in sale, u::: ;,r shiprmeni of Pro oadcr,d o old will he charged in paid by the Buyer Such taxes arc not em -;red tit the Seller' mace. 8. It1iLa1'ti..,'• orders are arerp e I suhiect to [tic Sell, r', ahiliry to make drlivery ;it the unit; .tad in fire quantities spocitcd. auf the Scllei,' riot be Ilabh' lbr da tomes ivy huiure to make partial or complete shipment, or Ior the delay in :raking shipments. The Buyer shall be i.,ibic for airy added c .peti.t; mcurcd by rho tieller bc0<use <•i' River's dahcy in iir.nishnrg reyur>:ed raottnation Cu tilt; Sc`ha delays resulting from order changes he the flu y t:r, or dcia: in unloading shipments at defiler, point that are the fault of Buyer. The Seller ,hall not In liable for delays or defaults ill delivery cau III, force; beyond its conned including but not limited to Hood fire,, storms •,t other acts of Oo(L by "z ai or act of pul acid• (or civil distc: stnke lock nut shonagcs of lr,hor m raw matrmai and wpplics f includim lire!) of productiou facilities, trtnspottation service or equipment shortage or failures, action of atny governmental aurhottty or other conchuons heyond the Scher', reasonable :outrol, 9. SHIPMENT COSTS. I.;ulr,s otherwise specified ou this Seller's in:oicutg” document. all transportation charges, hiauding, but not limited 3o, camer's cbrrges for notificruion prior to deliver. dem.urragc caused by Buyer, delay in unloading. diversion, or iecoosignment will he patid by the Buyer. 10. TRANSPORT RISKS AND CLAIMS. Risk of lo,s and title to Products transfers to the Guyer upon delivery at the E.O.B. point identified on the Seller's invoicing docurnent, On receipt of title, cite Buyer i then responsible for proper protection of Products and compliance with all regulations and ordinances zinc[ sill indernnif, the :,oiler agatitst all clauas fisr personal i;1un or property damai- uri..ing from the sto•"aFe. use of handhns of such Products. (:,fauns for damage or shortage in transit must he :eau by the Buyer itgau;s:i the Carrie). "1 f3:;yer has the n• <ponvinhty to inspect slut before of during unloading to identify any such damage or shuhtage and :cc that appropriate rotation is made on the deliver). tickets Oran inspection report furnished by the to cid agent of the tamer in order to support it claim. 11. NV'ARRAN C1'. 11te Seller wanants only that it will convey good title to the product and that, at the time of >nipment. the product will conlbrnt to the Iwbli pucificati.nm of the Seller. `ells spechficaraon<'r: subject to charge :ai any tune wrtho t notice to Buit:r. 'JO OTHER Y'.' \RR OF A.�Y KIND, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS MADE BY SELLER. INCLUDING ANY JIMPLIED WARR\NIIES OF 19ERUTAN I'ABiLiTY OR FPI"ti1:SS FOR A PARTI('U- LAR PURPOS,;. I-adure of the Bu,:a wrthm Anil OU) dais: alter ieccipt if fife Produn tklivr:: J hctcuntl:r to nve rntic, that such 1tru,: -za i; not as so warranted .hall be an mqu dilicd accepur"". t f,uch product :uld s'.aairx of all claim ah re,pec ther::to. !it he "VI a!l gel hire.. h•: d I ti the Sri!, rte ;:;Ir r: n 3y :t :ils:i ac to ft:e Ruyer,ni ac:;oun! of am dcfxt +r, The product slsli K hotted to the t ;•place meat tit ,ireh ,i- recline product by the Srllcr to the event the remedy provided herein ,hall be dcemed to have talle,I its essential putpos: rhrn the Buyer sh<_lf lie entitled t L,IY t,: a refund of the ..,,t „ants paid to the `Jl, +r such ddfct fi,e i';oduct. 12. idMHATION 01' LiABiLI I Y. THE BUYS;R `.HALL. NOT [Ito F` I'ITl_F,D TO RFU FROM SELI FIR iNC1UEN I "Al. OR CONSEQUENTIAL DA,MA( ;FS OP EXPENSES, !N0.1 "Di NCI. Bt T Nu I ,i',TIED 1'O, HIOSE. 3NCI: RRt.D ON ACC:OUN'1 OF 7111, QLTA J 1'Y CDR :1,MO1 N1 OF PRODUC'f DELIVE RED OR 1HE NON Nil iVLRY OI PRUI —:k '1. 'E be Btocr r. ,ores :+i: risks and babf: t, i any tan LIC per:on, pr "I ,.,n. ;C Ie!ihrg iron O n c• le o•l the product e,.,d her. end:= m usm ::ctur:nr p rs (,'tile Buyer or i conrhinatunn with 5 110r e'ull'u'll ea nr O %ti:c. 13. I, The Sella agree:., to defend and protect the Buyer agadnm loss of damage unsure, tt of legal action for direct patent ittfrim enux t in connection with the Seller's manufacture of Product, provided the Seller is notified promptly o3 any such action with complete int'onna @on and k given an opportunity to defend. Id. SF;CUtdiTY IWEREST. Tht Buyer hereby ;:raru to the Seller and the Seller hereby retains it a°curity interest in all Producus firriNhed by the Seller and the proceed, thereof, until the purchase price therefore is fully paid. Buyer agrees to execute such fin.mcing statemout and other documents a Seller may detemni, +e to be necessary f:I perfect rich -,mitt' interest. 15, GOVERNING LAIR'. Ant a based ,nil 11w acceptance o; this oiler shall he c+msrled in accordance with and grvemed by the Law, of the Stttie o1 Kan provi :led that delnery Willi ,hall be governed by iNC'OTERMS' as publWied by [lie Intenntional C'hauuber otcbmmeice. 16. ASSN NMOLITY. any ;gnoomcm haled on the a, ceputpce of "this of h r shall not be a"ienahle by the Buyer wuhout the prior wellies; con.ent If the Sella and auy purported a >sigrttnent without such consent ;hail he raid, 17. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. 11' accepted, thin offor and the tcrmh, kill the Sollcr s tin Oicing document constitute the entire a;reein mt or v.ae and purcua f th product uamca herein, No ntc „tiuc. :nun of ibis Agreem rrt shall he of any n ice tie eflnrt unless I wetting and ,until M tt,c parties souv!tt to ht; hound thrteh;, aril no modification hall he effected hr the acknowledgment or acc eptance of purchase order forum containin different terms cs conditions. Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee .358765 NORTH AMERICAN SALT Purchase Order No. PO BOX 277043 Terms ATLANTA, GA 30384 Due Date 7/15/2008 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 7/15/2008 70215753 $1,532.17 P I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5 11- 10 -1.6 Date Officer VOUCHER 082333 WARRANT ALLOWED 353765 T� IN SUM OF NORTH AMERICAN SALT PO BOX 277043 044 O ATLANTA, GA 30384 Carmel Water Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO INV ACCT AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 215753 01- 6180 -03 $1,532.17 v 6 1y7(4 ol.L.IrO•o3 t5�1,3g• 2117193 bl =00-b3 l Ll '33. �?b 13 F6 bl l� ig765 bl.lolK� Q� 1 5a3. a 1 �1 1��e. c t �1�� L�3 1 4i e`t ,1 of 575y a► -��86 b� 1 ST 3Cs ►S 7 5 1 61.11 G3 t 5p�„ S (R a 49G S 1)►.6 -1W Q�� 6�1�"ll�� Oti ,l Q l�p,p3. 153�•� D I �5c al 1Q1� pb3 j5 �3.� b� I �RS� bt. 03 15.1. Voucher Total Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund