HomeMy WebLinkAbout156913 02/27/2008 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR, 358710 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE H D SUPPLY WATERWORKS LTD CHECK AMOUNT: $583.92 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 aoBOX s IL cHicnco i� soesa CHECK NUMBER: 156913 CHECK DATE: 212712008 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 601 5023990 W08010 6577792 539.82 RING SEATS, VALVES 601 5023990 6681815 44.10 MATERIALS SUPPLIES I I� I Date Ordered Date Shipped Customer PO No. Job Name Job No. Bill of I_adm Shipped Via Order Number 1/25/o3 1/28/08 SEE BELOW STOCK UPS 6681815 Product Code Description Vuanoty Hack ption Ordered Shipped Oldcud Price Per Amount CUSTOMER PO VERBAL GREG OR SMIT Y HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS PO 3611210 /45006257879 HYDRANT PARTS FOR 1969 K -11 2 2 13.35000 EA 26.70 K -1133 FOR 51/4 HYDRANT /45006257880 HYDRANT PARTS FOR 1969 K -11 2 2 2.76000 EA 5.52 K- 1134 FOR /4'HYDRANT SHEAR PIN KEYWAY PLEASE SHIP UPS NEXT DAY AIR PER GREG SHIP ATTENTION GREG OR SMITTY T enns Subtntal NET 30 32.22 Freight Deliver Handlme Restock Mise fax Invoice Total 11.88 44.10 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER VISIT Please pap this amount WATERWORKS.HDSUPPLY.COM FOR' OTHER 'SERVICBS'OFFERED HDSWW INDIANAPOLIS IN -W t Branch 430' 1680 Expo Lane Page: 1 Indianapolis IN 46214 03254 Invoice: 6681815 TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SA All reference, y this document to ly ea shall Include each subsidiary or division M The Home Depot $unpiy Inc. whether or net rpsri6caily identified hre surd Seller's obhgc'mns ;n,.y hereunder be performed by any entity that Is part of Seller. All sales made to Buyer by Seller a, e subject to these Tat ,s and Conditions of Sale, which shall prevail over any Inconsistent terms of Buyer's purchase order or other 7 `0cur,rents. No terms and cnntlffdons In any all or modifying these orrnsions shall be binding upon Seller unless they are specifically Be authorzed ,n writing by Seller's authorized representative, and such ac.Laonal or different ter r.: r. are expressly objected to No modification or alteration of these pprovsions shall result by Soller's shipment of gods following receipt of at s purchase or,er, or other document., containing provisions, terms, or conditions m addition to, in confllet with, or inconsistent wits these provisions. T'iero are no terms, conditions, understand ^n"s, or agreements other than those stated [wreuT, and all prior propo.,ads and negotiations are merged herein Prices In quotations made by Seller did sabject to mangg ¢drou' notice, and all q rotations expire and heeome Invalid if rot arcell••.ted within 10 days frnrm the date of issue on'ees otherwise nobid h0elier In writing. Price extensions wh..i, roads are for Buyer's ;onvenience only, and they, as well as any rncdlfematical, stenographic or clerical errors, e rc r of binding nr Ye9ey races shown do not include any smes,exr :lse, or other govermnr :ntal tax or charge payable by Seiler to federal state or local authority ALy taxes now ornce,after Imposed ip )r sales or shipment= ^n9 he incremental to the purchase price and Buyer shall reimburse Seller for any such tax or provide Seller with an acceptable tax exemnron car ificat„ .\h p „ces and other terr s povided to Buyer urr'er this document roll be kept confidential except to the extent that n party is required by Ins to disclose the same Seller shall ro be liable for delay or default In delivery resuh,nyy from any cause be and Seller's reasoi I control. including, Lot not joined to, governmmntai action, strikes a cohc: labor co', Ll s, fir, damage or de of goods, wars ideclared or undecdared�. acts of terrorism, manufacturers'shortages inability to obtain transportation, materials, fuels, or supphcs, and acts of God toads a "Force Majeure Even`) Upon the occurrence of a Force Majeure Event, (a) the time for Sellors performance snail be extended reasonably and Buyer and .oeuel snail adjust all a°sQed dates acconfu l,, ord (b) the purchase pmre shall be adjusted for any Increased cost^ to Seller resulting from ew:h Force Majeure event. Seller :s d m^Nie' of goods and as sur.h noes not provide a warranty for the goods It supplies hereunder Notwithstandingg'he !oregom he; Seller s I pass through to B_�yy r ar transfer bl_ I isswfacturer's siacda•d warranties with respect to goods purchased hereunder BUYER AND PERSONS CLAIMING THROUGH BUYER SHALL SEEK RECCURSE EXCLUBiVcI (,­RCM MANUFACTURERS IN CONNED. IOM WITH ANY DEFEC rte IN OR FAILURES OF I,OODS, AND THIS SHALL BE THE EXCLUS JE RECOURSE OF But ?ER AND PERfr ONS CLAIMING FHRGUGH BUYER FOR DE7ECTIVE GOODS (!RRESPECTIVE OF WHETHER THE CLAIM OF BUYER OR THE PERSON CLAIMING THROUGH BUYER SHY LSOUND IN CONTHAC TIN TORT, IN STR,C r LIABILITY, PURSUANTTO STATUTE, OR FOR NEGLIGENCE) SELLER EXCLUDES AND DISCLAIMS ALI OTHER EXPRESS NND IMPLIED WARRANT ILS. INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. SELLER ASELIMES NO RESPGNc713ILITY WHATSOEVER 'OR SELLER'S INTERPRETATION OF PLANS OR SPECIFICAT,ONS PROVIDED BY BUYER, AND BUYER'S ACCEPTANCE ANN, US. OF GOODS S!k PLIED HEREUNDER SHALLBE PREMISED ON FINAL APPROVAI BY BUYER OR BY ARr;HI rECTS. ENGINEERS. OR OTHER THIRD PARTIES RATHER THAN ON SELLER S INTERPRETATION LAID EVENT, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, WARRANTY INDEMNITY, "TORT (INCLUDING NErdt IGENCEL STRICr I_ OR OTHFRrVISE. ARISINC DIPSCTL NT. Y OR INDIREOLd OUT OF THE PERFORMANCE OR BREACH OF THIS DOCUME SHALL SELLER BE LIABLE FOR (a) ANY CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAI_. SPECIAL, Or, INDIRECT DAMAGES SUCH AS LOST PFOrI rS OR DELAY DAMAGES, EVEN IF SUCFI DAMAGES WERE FORESEEABL E OR CALI,CD BY SELLER'S BE EACH OF TH IS GGJUMENT, ((b) AIJY CL THAT PROPERI Y IS A CLAIM AGAINST THE MANUFACTURER, OR pp ANY AMOUN t ciXGEEDING THE AG,3i iEGATE AMOUNT PAID .O SELLER FOh GOODS KURNISL ED TO BUYER UNDER THIS DOCUMENT Buyer shell ide.mmfy, defend. and mold Seller its officers, cireciers, employees.: rid affiliates harmless from any and all liabtlft° resulting from or routed to any third Fait 'aim, complarrt ,r m, 'L r ludgmenl ans :nrl Buyer's use of any occu furnished hereu ble:, as well as any negnye ill, Intentional, or i( I t act or omssior or Ruymr or any materol o arh by Buyer .f hie cozument When gc )C- iolrvered to Ba r n Sellers own venitics, the FOR point steal Le Buyer's desicnat,)d it nery alto, bur m .nl' c'hmr cases the FOB onint shall be Sellars score or wareF,o.,x r r.' ;espo,s,b Ity aril rosts of crippled and duhvery beyond H,c L pgl:cable FO.8 par,: -Let be borne by Bute• Title and risk of Io ^s shall pass to Buyer )t Ino zpplrah, F. rn :o! which for 3neds not delivered In Se own vehicles shall Le when Seller da ivom the goods to the corn, )n carrier. No claim re. hortle of goods a fir loss or darr.ago'r r do as to which Seller has the risk of loss shat be allowed url Buyer, within 10 days afer receipt of the short d• damaged shipment. civ =s Seller written i oily desarbrrg!if, alleged shortage or t mage. Any change m product specifications. quantities. destmabons, shipping senedules, or any other aspect of file scope of supply m tf result In a price adjustment by Seller. No credit Tor goods re' Ario J Fly Buyer shall be pry in without Seller's wuoen authorization Al! rotunts are subject fee restocking charge. Unless odc rx'se agreed in writhe, payment terms are net 30 days Notwithstanding the foregoing, all orders are subject to Seller's continuing app:o %al of Buyer's credit. If Bayer's credit is pot approved or becomes ur satisfactory to Seller then Seller, in its sole dre,reton, may require drferunt payment terms, including cash on ddelrve: or m advance of shipment. In additoe. mayy In its d:scret c n :squire an advance dmposil of up to 1009. of Seller's selling pope for any specially manufactured goods ordered by 7uyer hereunder. Pay Tents due hereunuel snail be made r, t: is form of cash, check. or money order. Seller may apply Buyer's payment against any open charges within Sollor's sole discretion Pact due accoumsuearnterest atthelesae.r.l1.5°. at month er thm maximum rate permitted by applicable law, continuing after Sell et obtains a judgment agar, far Buyer Seller may ex -miss setoff or re.oupment to apply to or sanely Buyer's outstand' rig debt. Buyer shall have no right of setoff hereunder, the same being ecpressly waived hereby Buyer shall not export or re- export, directly or indirectly, ell or any part of the goods or related techno :eggy obtained from Seller under this document unless In accordance v,uh applicable expert laws and regulations of the United States of P U S) Further, a Buyer that Is a no company or citizen shall similarly limit any export or re- export I to that which would be useless cmaplrant with US export la,vs and regulations If performed by a US company or citizen. The foreqoing requirements snall survive any satisfaction or termination nt this document and abngaircr s hereunder. Buyer Sh91 nry Seller all costs and expenses of collector, ziat, or other legal action brought as a result of the commercial relationship between them, Including all actual auoroevs and pare'eg:'s' foes Incurred pre-sntl, through trial, on appeal, and in any adibrostrative or bankruptcy proceedings. Any cause of action that Seller has against Buyer mov of assigned v. tno.j' Buyer's consent to T he Home Depot Supply, Inc or to any afuliate of The Home Depot Supply. Inc. This doc imerp end the account and'oas:r,ess relat :on:,hilb between Buyer and Seller shall be governed and construed In accordance with the laws of Florida without reverd to conflicts mf Irws Subject to the loregomg, Buyer and Seller agree that any legal nrtmn brought by either as a result of the account or business refatiori between Buyer ant trader shall be oroLght .n the venue of led state where the sales from Seller to Buyer occurred, and any right to object to such venue or to assert the meonvenioncs of such forum is hereby waived If Buyer h:'I, e comply with these Terms and Conditions of sale, Seller may terminato or restrict any order upon notice to Bu 'a so at certifies that It Is solvent and that a will advise di Seller olat'Ay If h water becomes Insolvent. Buyer agrees to send Seller wat notice of any changes in the form of ownerXio of l3uyer's business within 5 days of such changes Buyer and Sc llcr are the only harried beneficiaries of this document, and these aye no third party be, ehrnanes 3828740 vd r rr a upprrome t our prompt puy nu'nt. Dare Ordered llaie Shipped Customer PO No. Job Name Job No Bill of Laden Shipped Via Order Number 1 /04 /0 e 1/25/08 VERBAL VERBAL WILL CALL 6577792 Product Code Description QuanUY. Quantity Buck O,dezed Shipped Ordered Price Per Amount 61KEK1132 K1132 RING SEAT /5 -1/4 K -11 HYD 2 2 153.31000 EA 306 62 P/N K 1132 61KEK1130D K1130 DRAIN VALVE 2 2 116.60000 EA 233.20 INCLUDES K1129 Terms Subtotal NET 30 539.82 Freight Delivery Handling Restock Misc Tax Invoice Total 539.82 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER VISIT WATERWORKS HDSUPPLY COM Please pay this amount FOR OTHER SERVICES OFFERED j I HDSWW INDIANAPOLIS IN -E Branch 509 7281 East 30th St Page: 1 Indi.enapo2is IN 46219 02796 Invoice: 6577792 TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF $ALE All refersnccs In :Pis document to Seder'shall Include eacti subsidiary or division of The Home Depot Supply, Inc whether or not speuBCally Identified herein, and Seller's obrnot -ors hereunder flat Le performed by cry entity that is part of Seder All sales made to Buyer by Seller are subject to these Tee ms antl Conditions of Sale which shall prevail river any Inconsistent teams of Buyer's purchase order or other uocumpnis. rJo terms and conditions in anyway alum ig or modifying these provisions shall be binding upon Seller unless they are specifically authorized In writing by Seib a's authorized repro,on!anve n and such addr'ICal or different tern, are expressly ob)eaod to No modification or opera ion of these p rnmaions shall resullt by Sale; shipment of goods following receipt of Buyer's purchase ceder, or tither documents mniainmg provtss, ¢m terms or conditions in addition to. in conflict with, or inconsistent with these provisions There are no terms, conditions, undmsianhmgs, or agreements otho• than those stated herein, and all prior proposals and negotiations are merged herein. Prices n qup!avns made by Seller are subject to changge without notice, and all quo e: Initiations expire and brooms Invalid If not ac pp ed within 10 days `rom the date of issue, unless otherwise n „fed b Seller in writing Fnce extenswns'.vhrnmade are for Buyer', ronvenrence only and they, as well as any me;h�amallcal, stenographic or clerical errors, arc not binding on Seller Prices shown J� not Include any sales, oar Ise, or other governmental tax or charge payable by Seller to federal, state or local authority Any taxes now or hereafter rmposnd Noun sales or shipments "'Ill be incremental to tie purchase price, and buyer shall reimburse Seller for any such tax or provide Seller with an acceptable tar exemption cerhicatc sll prices and other hoot p'ovided to Buyer nicer this document shall be kept confidential exist to the extent that a party Is required by law to disclose the same. Seller shall i.o, he liable for delay or default in delivery rest ibnn from any cause ho and Sellers reason tie control, including, bu. Trot limited to, goverun tai action, strikes L. other labor troubles, fire, damage or deatmotion of goods. war Insulated or undeclared), .acts of terrorism, manufacturers shortages Inability to obtain transportation, materials fuel,. or supplies, and dots of God (each a "Force Majeure Event Upon the occurrence of a Force Majeure Event, (a) the time for Seller's performance shall tie extended reasoll and Buyer and e'ler shall adjust all aifcc!ed dates accordm.4. and (b) the purchase pace shall be adjusted far any Increased cost to Seller resulting from such Force Majeure Event Seller is a rel of goods and as such does not PProv:d a warranty for the goods It supplies hereunder. Notwithstandinq the foregoin] Seller snail Pass through to Buver trig transferol l> manufacturer's standa�d warranties 12 to pq t to oods purchased hereunder BUYER AND PERSONS CLAIMING THROUGH BUYER SHALL SEEK RECOURSE EXCLUSIVELY FROM MANUFACT RERS IN CONNECTIJyJ WITHANY DEFECT SIN OR FAILURES OF GOODS, AND THIS SHALL BE THE EXCLUSIVE RECOURSE OF SLIVER AND PERSONS CLAIMING THROUGH BUYER FOR DEFECTIVE GOODS (IRRESPECTIVE OF WHETHER THE CLAIM Or BUYER OR THE PERSON CLAIMING THROUGH BUYER SHALL SOUND IN CONTRACT, IN TORT, IN STRICT LIABILITY, PURSU ANT TO STATUTE, OF! FOR NEGLIGENCE t SELLER EXCLUDES AND DISCLAIMS ALL Or HER EXPRESS PND IMPLIED WARRAN I IES, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE SELLER ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY WHATSOEVER FOR SELLER'S IN I ERPRETATION OF PLANS OR SPECIFICATIONS PROVIDED BY BUYER. AND BUYER'S ACCEPTANCE AND USE OF GOODS SUPPLIED HEREUNDERRHALL BE PREMISED ON FINAL APPROVAL EY BUYER OR BY ARCHITECTS ENGINEERS, OR OTHER THIRD FARTIES RATHER THANON SELLEFTS'N RE RPRETATION IN NO PVENT. WHETHER IN CONTRACT. WARRANTY, INDEMNITY 1 CRT INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE, ARISING D3ECTLY OR INDIREC FLY OUT OF THE PERFORMANCE OR BREACH OF THIS DOCUMENT. SHAD SELLER BE LIABLE FOR ((a) AN'/ CON6'EQUENTIAL, INC'DEP� TAI SPECIAL, GR INDIRECT DAMAGES SUCH AS LOST PROFITS OR DELAY O4MAGES EVEN IF SUCH DAMAGES WERE FORESEEABLE OR CAUSED BY SELLERS BREACH OF THIS DOCUMENT, tb) ANY CLAIM FLAT PROPERLY IS A CLAIM AGAINST THE MANUFACTURER, OR (c) ANY AMOUNT EXCEEDING THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT PAID TO SELLER FOR GOODS FURNISHED TO BUYER UNDER THIS DOCUMENT. Buyer shall irdrmnify, defend, and hold Seller Its effects, directors. employees and affiliates harmless front any and all liability resulting from or raised to any third Saar claun, complaint ar.0 e: judgment ansmy dory. Buyers use of any goods furnished hereunder, as well as any negligent, intentional, or tortious actor emission of Buyer or any material rimarn by Buyer ar't.rs locument V, nun ywus a:e detrvered m BuyLc .r z, let's own aemcles, Inc F-O.B, print shall he Buyer's desRnated delivery site but ir. all other cases the FC P Point shall be Se7er c etcre or waam6u.,e oao of responsibility e r hosts of shipping antl deuvery beyond the applcable FO, clot shall be borne by Silver Title and risk of toss shall pass to Burp: of the o darnel F .to C IT goods as to which Sale, go f delivered in Bettors own vehicles has the risk of los snail oe allowed unlesslBr w 1 10 days after re of the short or damaged shipment, gives Seller written arnica fully describing fife mieged shortage or damage. Any change if I product specifications, quantities, destinations shipping schedules, or any other aspect of the scope of supply ma9 result In a price adjustment by Seller. No credit for goods rsturri by Buyer shall be given without Seller's written authorization All returns are subject to a restocking charge Unless otherwise agreed in wrifine. payment terms are act 30 days Notwithstanding the foregoing, all elders are subject to Sellar's continuing approve; of Buyer's credit. If Buyer's credit Is not ceppproved or becomes uneahsfactory to Seiler then Seller, in Its sole discretion, map requite adjutant payment terms, including cash on delive, y or In advance of shipment In ace nor duller mayy in its discretion require an advance deposit of up to 100- of Sellers selling price fur any specially manufactured goods ordered by Buyer hereunder. Payments due heracmde• shall be made to tor. form of cash, check. or money order. Seller may apply Buyers payment against any open charges within Seller's sole discretion Past due accounts b ^ar Interest at the lesser A 1.5°'. per month urtho mmaroum rate pernfided by applicable law, onnnulng after Seiler outreas a judgment against Buyer Seller may exercise setoff or'e'o,pri to apply to or ^.apedy Buyers outstanding debt Buyer shall have no right of setoff hereunder, the same being expressly waived hereby. Buyer stall not export or re- export daectly or mdirectiq, all or any part of the goods or related technology obtained from Seller under this document unless in accordance with applicable oxrort laws and regulations of the United State., of America S). Fur her a Buyer that is a non -US company or citizen shall similarly limit any export or re- export activity to that what cur pliant be deemed cu pliant with US export Idws and regu l otions if pedormed by a US company or citizen. The foregoing requirements shall Survive any satisfaction or termer rcI this document and obligations hereunder Buyer shat pay Seller all costs and expenses of collection but!, or other legal action brought as a result of the commercial relationship between them, including all actual aecrum s' and paralegals fees Incurred pre suit, through trial. on appeal, and In env administrative or bankmpiry proceedings Any cause of action that Seller has against Buyer may be assigned will our Buyers consent to The Home Depot Supply Inc or to any affiliate of The Home Depot Guoply, Inc. This coot, uv and the account and business relationship between Buyer and Seiler shall be governed and construed In accordance with the tress or Florida without he rd to cenfircR. l sins. r Subject tre fr yo'r g, Buyer and Seller agree that any legal action brought by either as a result of the account of business relatbnemp between Buyer anti Srper shall he b m the venue of the ::Pie where the sales fi inn Seller to Buyer ormirred and any right to e tje;t to such venue or to assert the incorrrenience of such forum i� 1 miobv waived it Buyer fmi., .o.xrcply with Iteso 71-ml and Conditions of Sale, Seller may let minaw or restrict any ortler upon notice to Buyyer Buyer certifies that it IF solvent and that It will critics Seller Imir :c Puny If It becomes nsolverit Buyer agrees to Lnd Seiler written notice of any changes In the form of ownershtp c' Buyers business .Hdnm 5 days of such charges Buyer am fit s are the only rata rl 3d osnsficianes of this document, and there ate no third party bee 4.ianes If 3828745 v5 VOUCHER 074678 WARRANT ALLOWED 350591 t VEO? IN SUM OF HD, SUPPLY WATERWORKS N PO BOX 91036 CHICAGO, IL 60693 -1036 oAERN('� Carmel Water Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO INV ACCT AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 6577792 01- 6200 -06 $53982 G� 6 818 t 5 C( 69M ko Voucher Total 3 q Z$5 82 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No 201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc Payee 350591 HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS Purchase Order No PO BOX 91036 Terms CHICAGO, IL 60693 -1036 Due Date 2/11/2008 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 2/11/2008 6577792 $539.82 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill($) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 Date Officer