HomeMy WebLinkAbout160560 06/10/2008 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 354867 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL CHECK AMOUNT: $652.34 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 410 W CARMEL DRIVE CARMEL IN 46032 CHECK NUMBER: 160560 CHECK DATE: 6110/2008 DEPARTMENT ACC OUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUM AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 651 5023990 230.61 OTHER EXPENSES 2201 4353099 95227 63.00 OTHER RENTAL LEASES 2201 4353099 95314 9.45 OTHER RENTAL LEASES 2201 4356001 95898 11.95 UNIFORMS 2201 4353099 95915 33.60 OTHER RENTAL LEASES 1205 4353099 97228 215.50 OTHER RENTAL LEASES 2201 4353099 97347 45.15 OTHER RENTAL LEASES 2201 4238900 97896 43.08 OTHER MAINT SUPPLIES RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL 410 WEST CARMEL DRIVE CARMEL, IN 46032 (317)566 -8888 STATEMENT DATE: 05/27/08 503 PRINTING DATE: 05/28/08 „REMIT,TO �k r CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL 3400 WEST 131ST STREET 410 WEST CARMEL DRIVE WESTFIELD IN 46074 CARMEL, IN 46032 DATE INV LOC D,ESCRIP:TION f n k�S RED AMOUNTS r 05/01/08 95227 100 PO# OLD SHOP 63.00 0.00 63.00 05/02/08 95314 100 PO# RP 9.45 0.00 9.45 05/08/08 95898 100 PO# RAIN GEAR 11.95 0.00 11.95 05/08/08 95915 100 PO# SHOP 33.60 0.00 33.60 05/22/08 97347 100 PO# STATUES 45.15 0.00 45.15 05/27/08 97896 100 PO# TRUCK 57 43.08 0.00 43.08 *Unapplied Payments Amount Allocated Remaining CURRENTk'f� "30''DAYS.w 'W r >'60 DA YS M DAYS'1y, K 1,20 DAYS .TOTAL DUE: 206.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 206.23 In consideration of the payment of additional rent classified as "damage waiver' by the Rentee, Renter agrees to, and hereby does waive its right, or any right it might have against the Rentee, arising from normal damage of the rental property, normal damage to be determined by Renter. The undersigned shall pay upon return of AeA property rented a sum equal to 5% of rental charge. This "damage waiver' does not include damage or loss of the property as a result of the negligence of the Rentee or in the case of abusive damage, theft or other gross negligence of the Rentee. This waiver shall not apply to any truck, tractor or trailer rented, or any part thereof, including, but not limited to tires, and it is understood the amount paid is not an insurance premium, and that this provision does not represent an insurance policy or EQUIPMENT DENTAL an agreement to insure. 410 W. Carmel Drive Carmel, I N 46032 The Rentee further acknowledges receipt of the aforementioned equipment and materials, or covenants to use said property in a careful and prudent manner and shall not loan, sublet, mortgage or in any manner dispose of same to any person without the written consent of the owner, and further agrees to return the equipment C -P,W6L e F15F16R5 INDIANAPOLIS to Renter in substantially good condition as when received, natural wear and tear excepted. 3 1 7 The parties agree that in the event the Rentee violates any of the terms and conditions of this agreement, the Renter may collect damages together with reasonable attorney fees, court cc& and interest of one and one half (1112) percent per month added to accounts c%er ten (10) days old, reflecting an annual percentage rate of eighteen (18) percent. FAX: 317 -566 -2990 The above equipment has been received by the undersigned for rental purposes only, and it is understood that Renter shall be held responsible for any accident or damage resulting directly or indirectly from the leased equipment. The Renter expressly disclaims all warranties, either expressed or implied, including any implied "Don't be C tool Rent one" warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, and neither assumes nor authorizes any other person to assume for It any liability connection with the use of this equipment. The Rentee agrees to indemnify Renter, from any claim, loss, damages to property, consequential damages, loss of income or any other www. runyonrenial. corn incidental damages, even those damages caused by the negligence of Rentee, together with attorney fees for defending any action brought as a result of the lease of this equipment. ®pen T Days a Week Monday Friday am 5:30 pm Saturday 7:00 am 4:30 pm Sunday 9:00 am 3:00 pm RENTED T0 JOB .:LOCA I ON, TICKET CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 503 OLD SHOP 3400 WEST 131ST STREET Con# 95227 WESTFIELD.TN 46074 Loc 100 DL /ID. DOBth 'SSN FEiONE DATE TIME 17- 733 -2001 W (31 7) 733- -2001 OUT 05/01/06 9: 50 AM BN F (317) 733 -2005 ID #3 PO /JOB "RECEIVED.�BX 0 OLD SHOP ERIC RUSSELL RETURNED 05/01/08 1:36 PM SAF *FINAL Page: 1 QTY_ ITEM# EXT AMT NET.. AMT MIN HO OVNITE 8 HOUR DAY WEE K 4 WEE 1 2097 -0025 MIXER MORTAR 7 CU FT GAS 60.00 60.00 $60.00 /D 60.00 60.00 24,0,- 720.00 Paymen s RENT 60.00 HAVE BEEN INSTRUCTED DEMONSTRATED ON THE SAFE 8 PROPER OPERATION OF THE ABOVE EQUIPMENT AND I SALE 0 00 FULLY UNDERSTANDTHOSEINSTRUCTIONS IALSOUNDERS7ANDTHATIAMTHEPERSONRENTINGTHISPROPERTY, ,AND OTHER 0.00 THAT RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL DOES NOT GIVE ME PERMISSION TO LEND THIS PROPERTY TO ANY OTHER PERSON. I UNDERSTAND THAT GIVING OR LENDING THIS PROPERTY TO ANY OTHER PERSON FOR ANY REASON IS UNAUTHORIZED DW /FEES 3. 00 BY RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL. X Addl TAX 0.00 THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING READ AND UNDERSTOOD THE ABOVE, HEREBY AGREES TO RENT THE ARTICLES NAMED SALES TAX O O 0 ON THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN THIS RENTAL AGREEMENT. I HAVE READ THE ABOVE INFORMATION AND ACKNOWLEDGETHAT IT IS CORRECT, COMPLETE AND ACCURATE. 1 PROMISE THAT AS A CONDITION OF RENTING DEPOSIT 0 00 EQUIPMENT THAT IF MY EMPLOYMENT, ADDRESS OR PHONE NUMBER BE CHANGED, I WILL NOTIFY RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IMMEDIATELY. RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IS AUTHORIZED TO BILL MY CREDIT CARD FOR ANY AND ALL COSTS, FEES, AND /OR INTEREST CHARGES ASSOCIATED WITH ANY CLAIM, LOSS, OR DAMAGES TO PROPERTY AS A RESULT OF THE RENTAL OFTHIS EQUIPMENT. TOTAL DUE 6 00 EQUIPMENT CELL AMT BILLED 63.00 LEASED BY X s Y i PHONE 0 13 3 7: 0 7 EQUIPMENT i RETURNED BY X T WE CHARGE FOR TIME OUT, NOTTIME USED. Equipment is clean and full of fuel please return as such or additional charges YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL TIRES, will apply. X 11,1: FUEL AND ELECTRIC CURRENT. We charge a 5% Damage Waiver on all equipment rentals. UN USUAL E LEVELS 3- WO R OR DAMAGE i The oil level in machinery is checked when equipment CORD leaves our yard. Maintenance of proper oil level in No electrical tools are supplied rented equipment is solely the responsibility of with safety grounded plugs for i Our damage waiver covers normal wear and tear. Damage customer. For proper oil grade, call us, use in grounded outlets due to neglect or ignorance will be the customer's (except for double insulated i responsibility at a charge of $$50.00 per hour plus parts. safety approved tools Do not fi, J�� cut off ground lug. No damage Waiver license, Sales or use IN CASE tapes are included in �b OF LOSS OR our rental rates'. The f All equipment is full of fuel TH EFT w� of equipment the customer will be and must be returned full or billed for list price plus rental up to are extra. a dditional charges will apply time of reporting loss or theft. 71 R RE". RENTAL CHARGES AND TERMS Customer is totally responsible Once the equipment leaves our yard, the customer is for ALL tire repair. It is the responsible for it until it has been returned and payment Equipment with hour meters is customer's option to check over received. NO equipment is to be left in our yard if we are allowed 8 hours use within a 24 the tires before the equipment hour period of time not open to receive it. Our insurance does not cover leaves and have one of our equipment while in customer's possession. we suggest people make note of any irregularities spotted. you contract your insurance agent for coverage. A week is 7 days. A month is 28 days. Renter will not be liable for any or all damage to vehicles You will be charged for while loading or unloading equipment. time out not time used. CLEANING Rental rates for equipment are based on usage CHARGES during an 8 hour shift, Equipment is to be returned as One day is 24 hours or 8 hours running time. clean as when it left. A charge of 16 hours running time in 24 hours 2 day charge. clean$ per hour will be charged for P 24 hours running time in 24 hours 3 days charge. If over 8 hours in 1 day you will be charged for extra hours on equipment. After being in the rental business for many years, we know what it takes to be successful good attitude, new or like new equipment, and good old fashioned service. We will never knowingly disappoint you. If for any reason you feel we haven't handled your transaction properly, please bring it to our attention. Thank you for renting from us. Reorder from In -A -Bind B00- 862 -2463 Farm #7899 In consideration of the payment of additional rent classified as "damage waiver by the Rentee, Renter agrees to, and hereby does waive its fight, or any right it might R U NYO N have against the Rentee, arising from normal damage of the rental property, normal damage to be determined by Renter. The undersigned shall pay upon return of AA Property rented a sum equal to 5% of rental charge. This "damage waiver does not include damage or loss of the property as a result of the negligence of the Rentee or in the case of abusive damage, theft or other gross negligence of the Rentee. This waiver shall not apply to any truck, tractor or trailer rented, or any part thereof, including, but not limited to Gres, and it is understood the amount paid is not an insurance premium, and that this provision does not represent an insurance policy or EQUIPMENT RENTAL an agreement to insure. 410 W. Carmel Drive Carmel, IN 46032 The Rentee further acknowledges receipt of the aforementioned equipment and materials, or covenants to use said property in a careful and prudent manner and shall not loan, sublet, mortgage or in any manner dispose of same to any person without the written consent of the owner, and further agrees to return the equipment CAR A6L 1`15HE7-5 INDIANAPOLIS to Renter in substantially good condition as when received, natural wear and tear excepted. 7 6 The parties agree that in the event the Rentee violates any of the terms and conditions of thus agreement, the Renter may collect damages together with reasonade attorney fees, court costs and interest of are and one hag (11/2) percent per month added to accounts overten (10) days old, reflecting an annual percentage rate of eighteen It 8) percent. FAX: 317- 566 -2990 The above equipment has been received by the undersigned for rental purposes only and it is understood that Renter shall be held responsible for any accident or damage resulting directly or indirectly from the leased equipment. The Renter expressly disclaims all warranties, either expressed or implied, including any implied "Don't be a fool Rent one" warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, and neither assumes nor authorizes any other person to assume for it any liability connection with the use of this equipment. The Rentee agrees to indemnify Renter, from any claim, loss, damages to property, consequential damages, loss of income or any other www. runyonrental. corn incidental damages, even those damages caused by the negligence of Rentee, together with attorney fees for defending any action brought as a result of the lease of this equipment. Open 7 Days a Week Monday Friday 7:00 am 5:30 pm Saturday 7:00 am 4:30 pm Sunday 9:00 am 3:00 pm RENTED TO JOB LOCATION TICKET CA•RMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 503 RP 3400 WEST 131ST STREET Con# 95314 WESTFIELD IN 46074 Loc 100 DL /ID DOBth. SSN PHONE DATE. TIME 317- 733 -2001 W (317) 733 -2001 OUT 05/02/08 9:14 AM SAF F (317) 733 -2005 ID #3 PO /JOB RECEIVED BY 0 RP FORCE, JASON S RE TURNED 05/02/08 11:04 AM WH *FINAL Page: 1 QTY ITEM# EXT AMT NET AMT MIN HOURLY OVNITE '8 —HOUR DAY WEEK 4, WEEK 1 6696 -0000 SEWER TEST PLUG 6 8" 9.00 9.00 $9.00 /D 9.00 36.00 108.00 Payments RENT 9.00 1 HAVE BEEN INSTRUCTED 8 DEMONSTRATED ON THE SAFE 8 PROPER OPERATION OF THE ABOVE EQUIPMENT AND I SALES 0 00 FULLY UNDERSTAND THOSE INSTRUCTIONS I ALSO UNDERSTAND THAT I AM THE PERSON RENTING THIS PROPERTY, AND OTHER 0 00 THAT RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL DOES NOT GIVE ME PERMISSION TO LEND THIS PROPERTY TO ANY OTHER PERSON. I UNDERSTAND THAT GIVING OR LENDING THIS PROPERTY TO ANY OTHER PERSON FOR ANY REASON 15 UNAUTHORIZED DW /FEES 0 45 BY RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL. X Addl TAX 0 00 THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING READ AND UNDERSTOOD THE ABOVE, HEREBY AGREES TO RENT THE ARTICLES NAMED SALES TAX 0. 00 ON THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN THIS RENTAL AGREEMENT. I HAVE READ THE ABOVE INFORMATION AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT IT IS CORRECT, COMPLETE AND ACCURATE. I PROMISE THAT AS A CONDITION OF RENTING DEPOSIT 0 00 EQUIPMENT THAT IF MY EMPLOYMENT, ADDRESS OR PHONE NUMBER BE CHANGED, I WILL NOTIFY RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IMMEDIATELY. RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IS AUTHORIZED TO BILL MY CREDIT CARD FOR ANY AND ALL COSTS, FEES, AND /OR INTEREST CHARGES ASSOCIATED WITH ANY CLAIM, LOSS, OR DAMAGES TO TOTAL DUE 9.45 PROPERTY AS A RESULT OF THE RENTAL OF THIS EQUIPMENT. EQUIPMENT CELL AMT BILLED 9.45 LEASED BY X PHONE 02- MAY -08 11:04:42 EQUIPMENT RETURNED BY X WE CHARGE FOR TIME OUT, NOT TIME USED. Equipment is clean and full of fuel please return as such or additional charges YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL TIRES, will apply. X FUEL AND ELECTRIC CURRENT. We charge a 5% Damage Waiver on all equipment rentals. m t P MUSUA L WEAR OIL LEVELS 3 -WORE The oil level in machinery is checked when equipment CORDS S leaves our yard. Maintenance of proper oil level in No electrical !Dols are supplied rented equipment is solely the responsibility of with safety grounded plugs for Our damage waiver covers normal wear and tear. Damage customer. For proper oil grade, call us. use in grounded outlets due to neglect or ignorance will be the customer's (except for double-insulated i responsibility at a charge of $50.00 per hour plus parts. safety approved tools). Do not cut off ground fug. No damage Waver license, sales or use IN CASE taxes are included in, FUEL OF LOSS OR our rental rates. They ''w. All equipment is full of fuel THEFT and must be returned full or of equipment, the customer will be are extra additional charges wilt ap ply. billed for list price plus rental up to time of reporting loss or theft. TIRES: N U R A H C E RENTAL CHARGES AND TERMS,. Customer is totally responsible Once the equipment leaves our yard,' the customer is for ALL tire repair. It is the responsible for it until it has been returned and payment Equipment with hour meters is customers option to check over received. NO equipment is to be left in our yard if we are allowed 8 hours use within a 24 the tires before the equipment hour period of time not open to receive it. Our insurance does not cover leaves and have one of our people make note of any equipment while in customer's possession. We suggest irregularities spotted. you contract your insurance agent for coverage. A week is 7 days. A month is 28 days. Renter will not be liable for any or all damage to vehicles You will be charged for while loading or unloading equipment. time out not time used. Tti i j jfi CLEANING CHARGES Rental rates for equipment are based on usage during an 8 hour shift. Equipment is to be returned as �II�1���r 1II� cleanup. One day is 24 hours or 8 hours running time. clean as when it left. A charge of L._ L J c per hour wifi be charged for 16 hours running time in 24 hours W 2 day charge. cleanup. 24 hours running time in 24 hours 3 days charge. If over 8 hours in 1 day you will be charged for extra hours on equipment. After being in the rental business for many years, we know what it takes to be successful good attitude, new or like new equipment, and good old fashioned service. We will never knowingly disappoint you. If for any reason you feel we haven't handled your transaction properly, please bring it to our attention. Thank you for renting from us. Reorder from In -A -Bind 800 -862 -2463 Form #7899 In consideration of the payment of additional rent classified as "damage waiver' by the Rentee, Renter agrees to, and hereby does waive its right, or any right h might R have against the Rentee, arising from normal damage of the rental property, normal damage to be determined by Renter. The undersigned shall pay upon return of properly rented a sum equal to 5% of rental charge. This "damage waiver' does not include damage or loss of the property as a result of the negligence of the Rentee or In the case of abusive damage, theft or other gross negligence of the Rentee. This waiver shall not apply to any truck, tractor or trailer rented, or any part thereof, including, but not limited to tires, and it is understood the amount paid is not an insurance premium, and that this provision does not represent an insurance policy or EQUIPMENT RENTAL an agreement to insure. 410 W. Carmel Drive Carmel, IN 46032 The Rentee further acknowledges receipt of the aforementioned equipment and materials, or covenants to use said property in a careful and prudent manner and shall not loan, sublet, mortgage or in any manner dispose of same to any person without the written consent of the owner, and further agrees to return the equipment GAW61- FlSHBRS INDIANAPOLIS to Renter in substantially good condition as when received, natural wear and tear excepted. 317 r J 66 8888 The parties agree that in the event the Rentee violates any of the terms and conditions of this agreement, the Renter may collect damages together with reasonable attorney fees, court costs and interest of one and one hall (11 V/2) percent per month added to accounts over ten (10) days old, reflecting an annual percentage rate of eighteen (18) percent. FAX: 317- 566 -2990 The above equipment has been received by the undersigned for rental purposes only, and it is understood that Renter shall be held responsible for any accident or damage resulting directly or indirectly from the leased equipment. The Renter expressly disclaims all warranties, either expressed or implied, including any implied "Don't be o fool Rent one" warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, and neither assumes nor authorizes any other person to assume for it any liability connection with the use of this equipment. The Rentee agrees to indemnify Renter, from any claim, loss, damages to property, consequential damages, loss of income or any other www. run onrental. corn incidental damages, even those damages caused by the negligence of Rentee, together with attorney fees for defending any action brought as a result of the lease y of this equipment. Open 7 Days a Week Monday Friday 7:00 am 5:30 pm Saturday 7:00 am 4:30 pm Sunday 9:00 am 3:00 pm RENTED TO JOB LOCATION' TICKET CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 503 RAIN GEAR 3400 WEST 131ST STREET Con# 95898 WESTFIELD IN 46074 Loc 100 DL /ID DOBth SSN PHONE DATE TIME i 317- 733 -2001 W (317) 733 -2001 OUT 05/08/08 9:26 AM JR F (317) 733 -2005 ID #3 PO /JOB RECEIVED BY 0 RAIN GEAR MOFFITT, SAMUEL 05/08/08 9:26 AM JR *FINAL Page: 1 QTY ITEM# w EXT AMT NET AMT MIN HOURLY.OVNITE 8 -HOUR DAY WEEK', 4, WEEK 1 072874300371 RAINSUIT 3 PIECE 35 MIL 2XL 11.95 1.1.95 11.95 Payments RENT 0.00 1 HAVE BEEN INSTRUCTED 8 DEMONSTRATED ON THE SAFE 8 PROPER OPERATION OF THE ABOVE EQUIPMENT AND I SATES 11.95 FULLY UN DERSTANDTHOSE INSTRUCTIONS I ALSO UNDERSTAND THAT I AM THE PERSON RENTING THIS PROPERTY, AND OTHER 0 00 THAT RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL DOES NOT GIVE ME PERMISSION TO LEND THIS PROPERTY TO ANY OTHER PERSON. I DW /FEES 0 0 0 UNDERSTAND THAT GIVING OR LENDING THIS PROPERTY TO ANY OTHER PERSON FOR ANY REASON IS UNAUTHORIZED BY RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL. X Addl TAX 0.00 THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING READ AND UNDERSTOOD THE ABOVE, HEREBY AGREES TO RENT THE ARTICLES NAMED SALES TAX 0 00 ON THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN THIS RENTAL AGREEMENT. I HAVE READ THE ABOVE INFORMATION AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT IT IS CORRECT, COMPLETE AND ACCURATE. I PROMISE THAT AS A CONDITION OF RENTING DEPOSIT 0 00 EQUIPMENT THAT IF MY EMPLOYMENT, ADDRESS OR PHONE NUMBER BE CHANGED, I WILL NOTIFY RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IMMEDIATELY. RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IS AUTHORIZED TO BILL MY CREDIT CARD FOR ANY AND ALL COSTS, FEES, AND /OR INTEREST CHARGES ASSOCIATED WITH ANY CLAIM, LOSS, OR DAMAGES TO TOTAL DUE 11.95 PROPERTY AS A RESULT OF THE RENTAL OF THIS EQUIPMENT. EQUIPMENT CELL AMT BILLED 11.95 LEASED BY X PHONE 08-MAY-08 0 9: 2 6: 5 7 EQUIPMENT RETURNED BY X WE CHARGE FOR TIME OUT, NOT TIME USED. Equipment is clean and full of fuel please return as such or additional charges YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL TIRES, will apply. X FUEL AND ELECTRIC CURRENT. We charge a 5% Damage Waiver on all equipment rentals. CF USUAL WEAR LEVELS 3-W RE OR DA M AGM oil level in machinery is checked when equipment CORD yid leaves our yard. Maintenance of proper oil level in No electrical tools are supplied rented equipment is solely the responsibility of with safety grounded plugs for Our damage waiver covers normal wear and tear. Damage i customer. For proper oil grade, call us. use in grounded outlets i due to neglect or ignorance will be the customer's (except for double- insutafed i responsibility at a charge of $50.00 per hour plus parts. safety approved tools). do not i cut off ground fug. e No damage Waiver license, sales or use IN CASE taxes are included in OF LOSS OR our rental rates. They All equipment is full of fuel THEFT and must be returned full or of equipment, the customer will be are ext ra. billed for list price plus rental up to additional charges Will apply. time of reporting loss or theft. I R I E E-3 X 6 U R A P4 RENTAL GELA- R,G'rES Customer is totally responsible Once the equipment leaves our yard, the customer is AND TERMS for ALL tire repair. It is the responsible for it until it has been returned and payment Equipment with hour meters is customer's option to check over allowed 8 hours use within a 24 received. NO equipment is to be left in our yard if we are the tires before the equipment hour period of time not open to receive it. Our insurance does not cover leaves and have one of our people make note of any equipment while in customer's possession. We suggest irregularities spotted. you contract your insurance agent for coverage. A week is 7 days. A month is 28 days. Renter will not be liable for any or ail damage to vehicles You will be charged for while loading or unloading equipment. time out not time used. CLEANING Rental rates for equipment are based on usage CHANGES during an 8 hour shift. Equipment is to be returned as n n dean as when it left. A charge of One day IS 24 hours or 8 hours running time. $50.00 per hour will be charged for I� J f�1 L J I 16 hours running time in 24 hours 2 day charge. cleanup. 24 hours running time in 24 hours 3 days charge. If over 8 hours in 1 day you will be charged for extra hours on equipment. After being in the rental business for many years, we know what it takes to be successful good attitude, new or like new equipment, and good old fashioned service. We will never knowingly disappoint you. if for any reason you feel we haven't handled your transaction properly, please bring it to our attention. Thank you for renting from us. Reorder from In -A -Bind 800- 862 -2463 Form #7899 In consideration of the payment of additional rent classified as "damage waiver by the Rentee, Renter agrees to, and hereby does waive its right, or any right it might R ��O have against the Rentee, arising from normal damage of the rental property, normal damage to be determined by Renter. The undersigned shall pay upon return of A or in the rented case of abusive damage, theft or rental charge. gross negligence of he Rentee. This waive damage shal not apply to the result of the negligence of the trailer rented, d, or any part thereof, including, but not limited to tires, and it is understood the amount paid is not an insurance premium, and that this provision does not represent an insurance policy or EQUIPMENT RENTAL an agreement to insure. 410 W. Carmel Drive Carmel, IN 46032 The Rentee further acknowledges receipt of the aforementioned equipment and materials, or covenants to use said property in a careful and prudent manner and shall not loan, sublet, mortgage or in any manner dispose of same to any person without the written consent of the owner, and further agrees to return the equipment C ARMEL 1`1511lER5 INDIANAPOLIS to Renter in substantially good condition as when received, natural wear and tear excepted. 317 566 8888 The parties agree that in the event the Rentee violates any of the terms and conditions of this agreement, the Renter may collect damages together with reasonable attorney fees, court costs and interest of one and one W (11/2) percent per month added to accounts over ten (10) days old, reflecting an annual percentage rate of eighteen (18) percent FAX: 317- 566 -2990 The above equipment has been received by the undersigned for rental purposes only, and it is understood that Renter shall be held responsible for any accident or damage resulting directly or indirectly from the leased equipment. The Renter expressly disclaims all warranties, either expressed or implied, including arty implied "Don't be a tool Rent one" warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, and neither assumes nor authorizes any other person to assume for it any liability connection with the use of this equipment. The Rentee agrees to indemnify Renter, from any claim, loss, damages to property, consequential damages, loss of income or any other www. run onrental. com incidental damages, even those damages caused by the negligence of Rentee, together with attorney fees for defending any action brought as a result of the lease y of this equipment. Open 7 Days a Week Monday Friday 7:00 am 5:30 pm 0 Saturday 7:00 am 4:30 pm Sunday 9:00 am 3:00 pm RENTED TO JOB LOCATION TICKET. CAtPMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 503 SHOP 1. 3400 WEST 131ST STREET Con# 95915 WESTFIELD IN 46074 Loc 100 DL /ID DOBth SSN PHONE DATE TIME 1317- 733 -2001 W (317) 733 -2001 OUT 05/08/08 11:23 AM JR F (317) 733 -2005 ID #3 PO /JOB V RECEIVED' BY 0 SHOP PRIVETT, SHAUN R TURNED 05/08/08 3:41 PM JR +Y *FINAL *4' Page: 1 QTY ITEM# -EXT AMT NET AMT MIN HOURLY OVNITE 8 -HOUR DAY WEEK 4 W EEK 1 6707 -0001 SEWER AUGER FLOOR 50' 32.00 32.00 Payments RENT 32.00 1 HAVE BEEN INSTRUCTED 8 DEMONSTRATED ON THE SAFE 8 PROPER OPERATION OF THE ABOVE EQUIPMENT AND I SALES 0 0 0 FULLY UNDERSTAND THOSE INSTRUCTIONS IALSOUNDERSTANDTHATIAMTHEPERSONRENTINGTHISPROPERTYAND OTHER 0.00 THAT RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL DOES NOT GIVE ME PERMISSION TO LEND THIS PROPERTY TO ANY OTHER PERSON, I UNDERSTAND THAT GIVING OR LENDING THIS PROPERTY TO ANY OTHER PERSON FOR ANY REASON IS UNAUTHORIZED DW /FEES 1 60 BY RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL, X Addl. `PAX 0.00 THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING READ AND UNDERSTOOD THE ABOVE, HEREBY AGREES TO RENT THE ARTICLES NAMED SALE TAX 0 00 ON THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN THIS RENTAL AGREEMENT. I HAVE READ THE ABOVE INFORMATION AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT IT IS CORRECT, COMPLETE AND ACCURATE. I PROMISE THAT AS A CONDITION OF RENTING DEPOSIT 0 00 EQUIPMENT THAT IF MY EMPLOYMENT, ADDRESS OR PHONE NUMBER BE CHANGED, I WILL NOTIFY RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IMMEDIATELY. RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IS AUTHORIZED TO BILL MY CREDIT CARD FOR ANY AND ALL COSTS, FEES, AND /OR INTEREST CHARGES ASSOCIATED WITH ANY CLAIM, LOSS, OR DAMAGES TO TOTAL DUE 33.60 PROPERTY AS A RESULT OF THE RENTAL OF THIS EQUIPMENT. EQUIPMENT CELL AMT BILLED 33.60 LEASED BY X PHONE 08- MAY -08 15:42:34 EQUIPMENT RETURNED BY X WE CHARGE FOR TIME OUT, NOT TIME USED. Equipment is clean and full of fuel please return as such or additional charges YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL TIRES, will apply. X FUEL AND ELECTRIC CURRENT. We charge a 5% Damage Waiver on all equipment rentals. �Pj S OME THNGS Y O SHO KN UIV USNQ L WEAR ®AIL ILIE�IL� 3eWW9 MEE The oil level in machinery is checked when equipment d�(� leaves our yard. Maintenance of proper oil level in No electrical tools are supplied rented equipment is solely the responsibility of with safety grounded plugs for Our damage waiver covers normal wear and tear. Damage customer. For proper oil grade, call us. use in grounded outlets due to neglect or ignorance will be the customer's (except for double insulated responsibility at a charge of $50.00 per hour plus parts. safety approved tools). Do not cut o r ground lug. off ro f t No damage Waiver 't 1• license, sales or use IN CASE taxes are included in IFUTF4 OF LOSS OR our rental ra They All equipment is full of fuel THEFT and must be returned full or of equipment, the customer will be are extra billed for list price plus rental up to additional charges will apply. time of reporting loss or theft. U V� Q U V C IS RENTAL CHARGES Customer is totally responsible Once the equipment leaves our yard, the customer is for ALL tire repair. It is the responsible for it until it has been returned and payment Equipment with hour., meters is customer's option to check over received. NO equipment is to be left in our yard if we are allowed 8 hours use within a 24 the tires before the equipment hour period of time not open to receive it. Our insurance does not cover leaves and have one of our equipment while in customer's possession. We suggest people make note of any irregularities spotted. you contract your insurance agent for coverage. A week is 7 days. A month is 28 days. Renter will not be liable for any or all damage to vehicles You will be charged for while loading or unloading equipment. time out not time used. CLEANING Rental rates for equipment are based on usage CHARGES during an 8 hour shift. Equipment is to be returned as FL] [F E:ff One day is 24 hours or 8 hours running time. clean as when it left. A charge of $50.00 per hour will be charged for 16 hours running time in 24 hours 2 day charge. cleanup. 24 hours running time in 24 hours 3 days charge. If over 8 hours in 1 day you will be charged for extra hours on equipment. After being in the rental business for many years, we know what it takes to be successful good attitude, new or like new equipment, and good old fashioned, service. We will never knowingly disappoint you. If for any reason you feel we haven't handled your transaction properly, please bring it to our attention. Thank you for renting from us. Reorder from In -A -Bind 800 -662 -2463 Form 47899 In consideration of the payment of additional rent classified as *damage waiver by the Rentee, Renter agrees to, and hereby does waive its right, or any right it might R ��O have against the Rentee, arising from normal damage of the rental property, normal damage to be determined by Renter. The undersigned shall pay upon return of AT i property th case of ab siv equal dmage, theft o rental her charge. oss negligence of the Rentee. This h waiver shall not loss pply to damage l any truck, tractor or trailer negligence of the Rentee or any part thereof, including, but not limited to tires, and it is understood the amount paid is not an insurance premium, and that this provision does not represent an insurance policy or EQUIPMENT RENTAL an agreement to insure. 410 W. Carmel Drive Carmel, IN 46032 The Rentee further acknowledges receipt of the aforementioned equipment and materials, or covenants to use said property in a careful and prudent manner and shall not loan, sublet, mortgage or in any manner dispose of same to any person without the written consent of the owner, and further agrees to return the equipment CN?LtAEL FISHERS INDIANAPOLIS to Renter in substantially good condition as when received, natural wear and tear excepted. 317 566 8888 The parties agree that in the event the Rentee violates arty of the terms and conditions of this agreement, the Renter may collect damages together with reasonable attorney fees, court costs and interest of one and one half (11/2) percent per month added to accounts overten (10) days old, reflecting an annual percentage rate of eighteen (18) percent. FAX: 317- 566 -2990 The above equipment has been received by the undersigned for rental purposes only, and it is understood that Renter shall be held responsible for any accident or damage resulting directly or indirectly from the leased equipment. The Renter expressly disclaims all warranties, either expressed or implied, including any implied "Don't be a tool Rent one" warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, and neither assumes nor authorizes any other person to assume for it any liability connection with the use of this equipment. The Rentee agrees to indemnify Renter, from any claim, loss, damages to property, consequential damages, loss of income or any other www. run onrental. corn incidental damages, even those damages caused by the negligence of Rentee, together with attorney fees for defending any action brought as a result of the lease y of this equipment. Open 7 Days a Week Monday Friday 7:00 am 5:30 pm Saturday 7:00 am 4:30 pm Sunday 9:00 am 3:00 pm RENTED TO JOB LOCATION TICKET CA STREET DEPARTMENT 503 STATUES 3400 WEST 131ST STREET Con# 97347 WE- STFIELD IN 46074 Loc 100 DL /ID DOBth SSN PHONE DATE TIME 17 733 -2001 W (317) 733 -2001 OUT 05/22/08 9:24 AM BN F (317) 733 -2005 jID #3 PO /JOB RECEIVED BY !0 STATUES OTTINGER, MARK A RE 05/22/08 12:23 PM BN *FINAL* Page: 1 QTY ITEM# EXT AMT NET AMT MIN HOURLY OVNITE 8 —HOUR DAY WEEK 4 WEEK 1 8364 -0001 HAMMER DRILL ROTARY SMALL SDS 22.00 22.00 522.00/4 32.00 32.00 12.'8 00 >,384.00 1 292 -0000 BIT SDS V 1" X 12 -13" 11.00 11.00 $11.00 /D 11.00 11'.0'(J 44:00 132.00 1 2920 -0000 BIT SDS R 3/4" 10.00 10.00 $10.00 /D 10y.00 10.00 4,0.00 '120.00:; Payments RENT 43.00 1 HAVE BEEN INSTRUCTED DEMONSTRATED ON THE SAFE PROPER OPERATION OF THE ABOVE EQUIPMENT AND I SALE 0 00 FULLY UNDERSTAND THOSE INSTRUCTIONS I ALSO UNDERSTAND THAT I AM THE PERSON RENTING THIS PROPERTY, AND OTHER 0.00 THAT RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL DOES NOT GIVE ME PERMISSION TO LEND THIS PROPERTY TO ANY OTHER PERSON. I UNDERSTAND THAT GIVING OR LENDING THIS PROPERTY TO ANY OTHER PERSON FOR ANY REASON IS UNAUTHORIZED DW FEE S 2 15 BY RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL. X Addl TAX 0 0 THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING READ AND UNDERSTOOD THE ABOVE, HEREBY AGREES TO RENT THE ARTICLES NAMED SALES TAX 0 0 ON THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN THIS RENTAL AGREEMENT. I HAVE READ THE ABOVE INFORMATION AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT IT IS CORRECT, COMPLETE AND ACCURATE. I PROMISE THAT AS A CONDITION OF RENTING DEPOSIT 0 00 EQUIPMENT THAT IF MY EMPLOYMENT, ADDRESS OR PHONE NUMBER BE CHANGED, I WILL NOTIFY RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IMMEDIATELY. RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IS AUTHORIZED TO BILL MY CREDIT CARD FOR ANY AND ALL COSTS, FEES, AND /OR INTEREST CHARGES ASSOCIATED WITH ANY CLAIM, LOSS, OR DAMAGES TO TOTAL DUE 45.15 PROPERTY AS A RESULT OF THE RENTAL OF THIS EQUIPMENT. EQUIPMENT CELL AMT BILLED 45.15 LEASED BY X PHONE 22- MAY -08 12:23: 53 EQUIPMENT RETURNED BY X WE CHARGE FOR TIME OUT, NOT TIME USED. Equipment is clean and full of fuel please return as such or additional charges YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL TIRES, will apply. X FUEL AND ELECTRIC CURRENT. We charge a 5% Damage Waiver on all equipment rentals. DM E THNOR YOU S KNEW UiVMS UAL� WEAR (GEL LEVELS DG =J AMA GE The oil level in machinery is checked when equipment CORDS U�d G leaves our yard. Maintenance of proper oil level in No electrical tools are supplied i rented equipment is solely the responsibility of with safety grounded plugs for Our damage waiver covers normal wear and tear. Damage customer. For proper oil grade, call us. use in grounded outlets i due to neglect or ignorance will be the customer's (except for double insulated responsibility at a charge of $50.00 per hour plus parts. safety approved tools). Do not c° cut o ground g ft ro lug. No damage Waiver license, Sales or use IN CASE taxes are included in, OF LOSS OR IFUZIL our rental rates. They ey 'fir All equipment is full of fuel THEFT and must be returned full or of equipment, the customer will be are extra billed for list price plus rental up to additional charges will apply, time of reporting loss or theft. THR Q 0 U V 3 V t� Q #Y C E RENTAL CHARGES AND TERMS Customer is totally responsible Once the equipment leaves our yard, the customer is for ALL tire repair. It is the responsible for it until it has been returned and payment Equipment with hour meters is customer's option to check over received. NO equipment is to be left in our yard if we are allowed 8 hours use within a 24 the tires before the equipment hour period of time not open to receive it. Our insurance does not cover leaves and have one of our people make note of any equipment while in customer's possession. We suggest irregularities spotted. you contract your insurance agent for coverage. A week is 7 days. A month is 28 days. Renter will not be liable for any or all damage to vehicles You will be charged for while loading or unloading equipment. time out not time used. CLEANING Rental rates for equipment are based on usage CHARGES during an 8 hour shift. Equipment is to be returned as One day is 24 hours or 8 hours running time. clean as when it left. A charge of $50.00 per hour will be charged for 16 hours running time in 24 hours 2 day charge. cleanup. 24 hours running time in 24 hours 3 days charge. If over 8 hours in 1 day you will be charged for extra hours on equipment. L w l After being in the rental business for many years, we know what it takes to be successful good attitude, new or like new equipment, and good old fashioned service. We will never knowingly disappoint you. If for any reason you feel we haven't handled your transaction properly, please bring it to our attention. Thank you for renting from us. Reorder from In -A -Bind 800- 862 -2463 Form #7899 In consideration of the payment of additional rent classified as "damage waiver' by the Rentee, Renter agrees to, and hereby does waive its right, or any right h might R O A— have against the Rentee, arising from normal damage of the rental property, normal damage to be determined by Renter. The undersigned shall pay upon return of Y ArA property rented a sum equal to 5 0 /o of rental charge. This 'damage waiver' does not include damage or loss of the property as a result of the negligence of the Rentee or In the case of abusive damage, theft or other gross negligence of the Rentee. This waiver shall not apply to any truck, tractor or trailer rented, or any part thereof, including, but not limited to tires, and it is understood the amount paid is not an insurance premium, and that this provision does not represent an insurance policy or EQUIPMENT RENTAL an agreement to insure. 410 W. Carmel Drive Carmel, IN 46032 The Rentee further acknowledges receipt of the aforementioned equipment and materials, or covenants to use said property in a careful and prudent manner and shall not loan, sublet, mortgage or in any manner dispose of same to any person without the written consent of the owner, and further agrees to return the equipment CAW CL FISHERS INDIANAPOLIS to Renter in substantially good condition as when received, natural wear and tear excepted. 317 566 8888 The parties agree that in the event the Rentee violates any of the terms and conditions of this agreement, the Renter may collect damages together with reasonable attorney tees, court costs and interest of one and one V (1 12) percent per month added to accounts over ten (10) days old, reflecting an annual percentage rate of eighteen (18) percent. FAX: 317- 566 -2990 The above equipment has been received by the undersigned for rental purposes only, and it is understood that Renter shall be held responsible for any accident or damage resulting directly or indirectly from the leased equipment. The Renter expressly disclaims all warranties, either expressed or implied, including any implied "Don't be a tool Rent one" warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, and neither assumes nor authorizes any other person to assume for it any liability connection with the use of this equipment. The Rentee agrees to indemnify Renter, from any claim, loss, damages to property, consequential damages, loss of income or any other www.runyonrental.com incidental damages, even those damages caused by the negligence of Rentee, together with attorney fees for defending any action brought as a result of the lease of this equipment. Open 7 Days a Week Monday Friday 7:00 am 5:30 pm Saturday 7:00 am 4:30 pm Sunday 9:00 am 3:00 pm RENTED TO 'JOB LOCATION TICKET CA2MEL STREET DEPARTMENT 503 TRUCK 57 3400 WEST 131ST STREET Con# 97896 WESTFIELD IN 46074 Loc 100 IDL /ID DOBth SSN PHONE DATE TIME 317- 733 -2001 W (317) 733 -2001 OUT 05/27;08 9:14 AM SAF F (3 17) 733 -20 IID #3 PO /JOB RECEIVED BY f0 TRUCK 57 JAMES 05/27/08 9:16 AM SAF *FINAL Page: 1 QTY ITEM# EXT AMT NET AMT MIN HOURLY OVNITE 8 -HOUR DAY WEEK 4 W EEK 12 043281001915 PAINT MARKING WHITE 20 OZ SEY 3.59 43.08 43.08 Payments RENT 0.00 I HAVE BEEN INSTRUCTED 8 DEMONSTRATED ON THE SAFE 8 PROPER OPERATION OF THE ABOVE EQUIPMENT AND I SATES 43 08 FULLY UNDERSTAND THOSE INSTRUCTIONS I ALSO UNDERSTAND THAT I AM THE PERSON RENTING THIS PROPERTY, AND OTHER 0 00 THAT RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL DOES NOT GIVE ME PERMISSION TO LEND THIS PROPERTY TO ANY OTHER PERSON. I UNDERSTAND THAT GIVING OR LENDING THIS PROPERTY TO ANY OTHER PERSON FOR ANY REASON IS UNAUTHORIZED DW FEES 0 00 BY RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL. X Addl TAX 0.00 THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING READ AND UNDERSTOOD THE ABOVE, HEREBY AGREES TO RENT THE ARTICLES NAMED SALES TAX 0 00 ON THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN THIS RENTAL AGREEMENT. I HAVE READ THE ABOVE INFORMATION AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT IT IS CORRECT, COMPLETE AND ACCURATE. I PROMISE THAT AS A CONDITION OF RENTING DEPOSIT 0 00 EQUIPMENT THAT IF MY EMPLOYMENT, ADDRESS OR PHONE NUMBER BE CHANGED, I WILL NOTIFY RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IMMEDIATELY. RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IS AUTHORIZED TO BILL MY CREDIT CARD FOR ANY AND ALL COSTS, FEES, AND /OR INTEREST CHARGES ASSOCIATED WITH ANY CLAIM, LOSS, OR DAMAGES TO TOTAL DUE 43.08 PROPERTY AS A RESULT OF THE RENTAL OF THIS EQUIPMENT. EQUIPMENT CELL AMT BILLED 43.08 LEASED BY X PHONE 27- MAY -08 09:16:21 EQUIPMENT RETURNED BY X WE CHARGE FOR TIME OUT, NOT TIME USED. Equipment is clean and full of fuel please return as such or additional charges YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL TIRES, will apply. X 1' FUEL AND ELECTRIC CURRENT. We charge a 5% Damage Waiver on all equipment rentals. SOME THNGS YOU G UIV USUAL WEAR ®AIL LEVELS 3mMoQIE OR DAMA The oil level in machinery is checked when equipment leaves our yard. Maintenance of proper oil level in No electrical tools are supplied rented equipment is solely the responsibility of with safety grounded plugs for i i Our damage waiver covers normal wear and tear. Damage customer. For proper oil grade, call us. use in grounded outlets due to neglect or ignorance will be the customer's (except for double insulated responsibility at a charge of 550.00 per hour plus parts. safety approved tools). Do not cut o g round g f{r ro lug. No damage Waiver. license, sales or use IN CASE taxes are included in YU ]EIL of LOSS OR our rental rates. They ti All equipment is full of fuel THEFT and must be returned full or of equipment, the customer will be are extra additional charges will ap ply billed for list price plus, rental up to g pp y time of reporting loss or theft. THR p Q U LIV V Q lJV L RENTAL CHARGES AND TERMS Customer is totally responsible Once the equipment leaves our yard, the customer is for ALL tire repair. It is the responsible f Equipment with hour meters is or it until it has been returned and payment customer's option to check over received. NO equipment is to be left in our yard if we are allowed 8 hours use within a 24 the tires before the equipment hour period of time not open to receive it. Our insurance does not cover leaves and have one of our equipment while in customer's possession. We suggest people make note of any irregularities spotted. you contract your insurance agent for coverage. A week is 7 days. A month is 28 days. Renter will not be liable for any or all damage to vehicles You will be charged for l while loading or unloading equipment. time out not time used. CLEANING CHARGES Rental rates for equipment are based on usage during an 8 hour shift. Equipment is to be returned as clean as when it left. A charge of One day is 24 hours or 8 hours running time. $50.00 per hour will be charged for 16 hours running time in 24 hours 2 day charge. cleanup. 24 hours running time in 24 hours 3 days charge. If over 8 hours in 1 day you will be charged for extra hours on equipment. After being in the rental business for many years, we know what it takes to be successful good attitude, new or like new equipment, and good old fashioned service. We will never knowingly disappoint you. If for any reason you feel we haven't handled your transaction properly, please bring it to our attention. Thank you for renting from us. Reorder from In•A•Bind 800 862 -2463 Form #7899 VO NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Runyon Equipment Rental IN SUM OF 410 W. Carmel Drive Carmel, IN 46032 $206.23 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Street Department PO# Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT /TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 2201 95227 43- 530.99 $63.00 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 2201 95314 43- 530.99 $9.45 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the 2201 95915 43- 530.99 $33.60 materials or services itemized thereon for 2201 95898 43- 560.01 $11.95 2201 97347 43 530.99 $45.15 which charge is made were ordered and 2201 97896 42 389.00 $43.08 received except Friday, June 06, 2008 rn t y street Con�IS5i6 Title d Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 05/01/08 95227 $63.00 05/02/08 95314 $9.45 05/08/08 95915 $33.60 05/08/08 95898 $11.95 05/22/08 97347 $45.15 05/27/08 97896 $43.08 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 2a Clerk- Treasurer 6 Q In consideration of the payment of additional rent classified as "damage waiver' by the Rentee, Renter agrees to, and hereby does waive its right, or any right it might 5 y u jMy0 have against the Rentee, arising from normal damage of the rental property, normal damage to be determined by Renter. The undersigned shall pay upon return of ArA property rented a sum equal to 5% of rental charge. This "damage waiver" does not include damage or loss of the property as a result of the negligence of the Rentee or in the case of abusive damage, theft or other gross negligence of the Rentee. This waiver shall not apply to any truck tractor or trailer rented, or any part thereof, including, but not limited to tires, and it is understood the amount paid is not an insurance premium, and that this provision does not represent an insurance policy or EQUIPMENT 7 an agreement to insure. 410 W. Carmel Drive Carmel, IN 46032 The Rentee further acknowledges receipt of the aforementioned equipment and materials, or covenants to use said property in a careful and prudent manner and shall not loan, sublet, mortgage or in any manner dispose of same to any person without the written consent of the owner, and further agrees to return the equipment LAIKMU FI'al INDIANAP to Renter in substantially good condition as when received, natural wear and tear excepted. 317 �J s 8888 The parties agree that in the event the Rentee violates any of the terms and conditions of this agreement, the Renter may collect damages tcg0 er with reasonade attorney Peas, court costs and interest of one and one half (1 112) percent per math added to accounts overten (10) days old, rerlacting an annual percentage rate of eighteen (18) percent FAX: 317 -566 -2990 The above equipment has been received by the undersigned for rental purposes only and it is understood that Renter shall be held responsible for any accident or damage resulting directly or indirectly from the leased equipment. The Renter expressly disclaims all warranties, either expressed or implied, including any implied Don't be a toot Rent one" warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, and neither assumes nor authorizes any other person to assume for it any liability connection with the use of this equipment. The Rentee agrees to indemnify Renter, from any claim, loss, damages to property, consequential damages, loss of income or any other www. run onrental. corn incidental damages, even those damages caused by the negligence of Rentee, together with attorney fees for defending any action brought as a result of the tease y of this equipment. Open 7 Days a Week Monday Friday 7:00 am 5:30 pm Saturday 7:00 am 4:30 pm Sunday 9:00 am 3:00 pm RENTED TO JOB LOCATION TICKET ICITY OF CARHEL 448 FLAG POLE OA�E CIVIC SgiJAR Con# 97228 CARMEL IN 461032 Loc 100 DL /ID DOBth...:.. SSN: PHONE DATE. TIME 31 511 2448 W (317) 571' -2448 OUT 051 2i 1 08 8 :24 AM JP (317; 571 -2409 SID #3 PO /JOB RECEIVED B 0 FLAG POLE, JASON RETURNED 05/21/08 11:38 AM Wi-i ;­—FINAL J Page: QTY ITEM# EXT.AMT NET AMT MIN HOURLY. OVNITE 8 -HOUR" DAY WEEK 4. W EEK 1 579° -0002 LIFT 45' ARTICULATING BOOM?, 200.00 200.01) $200,0014 250. 00 250. 00 8 00 20`60. 00 1 5 DIESEL i 1 ,'5'.50 5.50 `,.50 Pay:nen�s RENT 200.00 1 HAVE BEEN INSTRUCTED 8 DEMONSTRATED ON THE SAFE &PROPER OPERATION OF THE ABOVE EQUIPMENT AND I SALES 5 5 0 FULLY UNDERSTANDTHOSEINSTRUCTIONS IALSOUNDERSTANDTHATIAMTHEPERSONRENTINGTHISPROPERTY ,AND OTHER 00 THAT RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL DOES NOT GIVE ME PERMISSION TO LEND THIS PROPERTY TO ANY OTHER PERSON. I UNDERSTAND THAT GIVING OR LENDING THIS PROPERTY TO ANY OTHER PERSON FOR ANY REASON IS UNAUTHORIZED DW FE E S 1 BY RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL. X J AdCil TAX 0, THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING READ AND UNDERSTOOD THE ABOVE, HEREBY AGREES TO RENT THE ARTICLES NAMED SALE TAX 0 ON THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN THIS RENTAL AGREEMENT. I HAVE READ THE ABOVE INFORMATION ANDACKNOWLEDGE THAT IT IS CORRECT, COMPLETE AND ACCURATE. I PROMISE THAT AS A CONDITION OF RENTING DEPOSIT 0.00 EQUIPMENT. THAT IF MY EMPLOYMENT, ADDRESS OR PHONE NUMBER BE CHANGED, I WILL NOTIFY RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IMMEDIATELY. RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IS AUTHORIZED TO BILL MY CREDIT CARD FOR ANY AND ALL COSTS, FEES, ANDIOR INTEREST CHARGES ASSOCIATED WITH ANY CLAIM, LOSS, OR DAMAGES TO TOTAL DUE 215.50 PROPERTY AS A RESULT OF THE RENTAL OF THIS EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT S J CELL AMT BT LL.ED 215. LEASED BY X i :i. r':':s... PHONE 21- MA" -03 11:41: 35 EQUIPMENT RETURNED BY X WE CHARGE FOR TIME OUT, NOTTIME USED. Equipment is clean and full of fuel please return as such or additional charges YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALLTIRES, will apply. X ,I. FUEL AND ELECTRIC CURRFNT- We charge a 5% Damage Waiver on all equipment rentals. ,7' ae3 u US WEAR LEVELS 3 -WI The oil level in machinery is checked when equipment C O PI leaves our yard. Maintenance of proper oil level in No electrical tools are supplied rented equipment is solely the responsibility of with safety grounded plugs for i i Our damage waiver covers normal wear and tear. Damage customer. For proper oil grade, call us. use in grounded outlets due to neglect or ignorance will be the customer's (except for double insulated responsibility at a charge of $50.00 per hour plus parts, safety approved tools). Do not out oft ground lug No damage Wa iver v: license, sales or use s IN CASE aes are included in FUEL OF LOSS OR THEFT our rental rates. They All equipment is full of fuel and must be returned full or of equipment, the customer will be are extra billed for list price plus rental up to additional charges will apply time of reporting loss or theft. TIRES Q ;5 U §7 A #V C E RENTAL CHARGES AND TERMS Customer is totally responsible Once the equipment leaves our yard, the customer is for ALL tire repair. It is the responsible for it until it has been returned and payment Equipment with hour meters is customer's option to check over received. NO equipment is to be left in our yard if we are allowed 8 hours use within a 24 the tires before the equipment hour period of time leaves and have one of our not open to receive it. Our insurance does not cover people make note of any equipment while in customer's possession. We suggest irregularities spotted. you contract your insurance agent for coverage. A week is 7 days. A month is 28 days. Renter will not be liable for any or all damage to vehicles You will be charged for while loading or unloading equipment. time out not time used. 'l EAM �t tir�11` CLEANING Rental rates for equipment are based on usage CHARGES during an 8 hour shift. Equipment is to be returned as ET V�� A charge of as when it left, One day is 24 hours or 8 hours running time. clean $50.0 per hour will charged for 16 hours running time in 24 hours 2 day charge. cleanup. 24 hours running time in 24 hours 3 days charge. If over 8 hours in 1 day you will be charged for extra hours on equipment. After being in the rental business for many years, we know what it takes to be successful good attitude, new or like new equipment, and good old fashioned service. We will never knowingly disappoint you. If for any reason you feel we haven't handled your transaction properly, please bring it to our attention. Thank you for renting from us. Reorder from In -A -Bind 800- 862 -2463 Form ff7899 RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL 410 WEST CARMEL DRIVE CARMEL, IN 46032 (317)566 -8888 STATEMENT DATE: 05/27/08 448 PRINTING DATE: 05/28/08 a CITY OF CARMEL RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL ONE CIVIC SQUARE 410 WEST CARMEL DRIVE CARMEL IN 46032 CARMEL, IN 46032 QATE „tNUOtCE# LOC DESCRfCO,M M AMOUNTS.", BALANCE 05/21/08 97228 100 PO# FLAG POLE 215.50 0.00 215.50 *Unapplied Payments Amount Allocated Remaining CLIRRENT X 30 DAYS 64 DAYSA 90 DAYS' 120 [7AYS� t TOTAL° DUES d U 215.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 215.50 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Runyon Equipment Rental Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 45 Boom $215.50 Total 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. 06/09/08 ALLOWED 20 Runyon Equipment Rental IN SUM OF 410 West Carmel Drive Carmel, IN 46032 $215.50 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR GENERALFUND 1205 Administration Board Members DEPT or INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the 1205 97228 50 materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 20 r Sign j�j Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund In consideration of the payment of additional rent classified as damage waiver" by the Rentee, Renter agrees to, and hereby does waive its right, or any right it might O have against the Rentee, arising from normal damage of the rental property, normal damage to be determined by Renter. The undersigned shall pay upon return of Y A property rented a sum equal to 5% of rental charge. This "damage waiver does not include damage or loss of the property as a result of the negligence of the Rentee or In the case of abusive damage, theft or other gross negligence of the Rentee. This waiver shall not apply to any truck, tractor or trailer rented, or any part thereof, including, but not limited to tires, and it is understood the amount paid is not an insurance premium, and that this provision does not represent an insurance policy or EQUIPMENT RENTAL an agreement to insure. 410 W. Carmel Drive Carmel, IN 46032 The Rentee further acknowledges receipt of the aforementioned equipment and materials, or covenants to use said property in a careful and prudent manner and shall not loan, sublet, mortgage or in any manner dispose of same to any person without the written consent of the owner, and further agrees to return the equipment CAR AeL 1`151%95 INDIANAPOLI5 to Renter in substantially good condition as when received, natural wear and tear excepted. 3 1 7 rJ The parties agree that in the event the Rentee violates any of the terms and conditions of this agreement, the Renter may collect damages together with reasonable attorney fees, court costs and interest of one and one had (11/2) percent per month added to accounts over ten (10) days old, reflecting an annual percentage rate of eighteen (18) percent FAX: 317- 566 -2990 The above equipment has been received by the undersigned for rental purposes only and it is understood that Renter shall be held responsible for any accident or damage resulting directly or indirectly from the leased equipment. The Renter expressly disclaims all warranties, either expressed or implied, including any implied "Don't be a fool Rent one" warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, and neither assumes nor authorizes any other person to assume for it any liability connection with the use of this equipment. The Rentee agrees to indemnify Renter, from any claim, loss, damages to property, consequential damages, loss of income or any other www.runyonrental.com incidental damages, even those damages caused by the negligence of Rentee, together with attorney fees for defending any action brought as a result of the lease of this equipment. Open 7 Days a Week Monday Friday 7:00 am 5:30 pm Saturday 7:00 am 4:30 pm Sunday 9:00 am 3:00 pm RENTED TO JOB LOCATION TICKET CARMEL WASTE WATER 9855 PLANT 760 3RD AVENUE SW Con# 95106 SUITE 110 (INDIANAPOLIS IN 46032 Loc 100 �DL /ID DOBth` SSN PHONE DATE TIME 1317 -571 -2634 H (317) 571 -2.534 OUT 04/30/08 9:38 AM SAF F (317) 571 -2636 ID #3 PO /JOB RECEIVED BY i0 PLANT ROBDY REITURNED 05/01/08 9:28 AM SAF Page 1 QTY ITEM# EXT AMT NET AMT MIN HOURLY OVNITE 8 -HOUR DAY WEEK 4 WEEK 1 5125 -0001 STUMP CUTTER LARGE 4 WHEELS 175.00 175.00 $125.00/4 175.00 175.00 700 24 761445001709 SANDBAGS 14 "X26" 0.99 23.76 23.76 Pavments RENT 175.00 1 HAVE BEEN INSTRUCTED 8 DEMONSTRATED ON THE SAFE d PROPER OPERATION OF THE ABOVE EQUIPMENT AND I SALES 23 76 FULLY UNDERSTANDTHOSE INSTRUCTIONS I ALSO UNDERSTAND THAT I AM THE PERSON RENTING THIS PROPERTY, AND OTHER 0 00 THAT RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL DOES NOT GIVE ME PERMISSION TO LEND THIS PROPERTY TO ANY OTHER PERSON. I UNDERSTAND THAT GIVING OR LENDING THIS PROPERTY TO ANY OTHER PERSON FOR ANY REASON IS UNAUTHORIZED D W /FEES 8 75 BY RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL. X Addl TAX 0 00 THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING READ AND UNDERSTOOD THE ABOVE, HEREBY AGREES TO RENT THE ARTICLES NAMED SALES TAX 0 00 ON THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN THIS RENTAL AGREEMENT. I HAVE READ THE ABOVE INFORMATION AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT IT IS CORRECT, COMPLETE AND ACCURATE, I PROMISE THAT AS A CONDITION OF RENTING DEPOSIT 0 00 EQUIPMENT THAT IF MY EMPLOYMENT, ADDRESS OR PHONE NUMBER BE CHANGED, I WILL NOTIFY RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IMMEDIATELY. RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IS AUTHORIZED TO BILL MY CREDIT CARD FOR ANY AND ALL COSTS, FEES, AND /OR INTEREST CHARGES ASSOCIATED WITH ANY CLAIM, LOSS, OR DAMAGES TO TOTAL DUE 2 .51 PROPERTY AS A RESULT OF THE RENTAL OF THIS EQUIPMENT. EQUIPMENT CELL AMT BILLED 207.51 LEASED BY X '.iL.,. PHONE 01- MAY -08 09: 28: 40 EQUIPMENT RETURNED BY X WE CHARGE FOR TIME OUT, NOT TIME USED. Equipment is clean and full of fuel please return as such or additional charges YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL TIRES, will apply. X 1 FUEL AND ELECTRIC CURRENT. We charge a 5% Damage Waiver on all equipment rentals. W EAR OIL UNUS A L E 3-WORE OR DAMAGE The oil level in machinery is checked when equipment VORDS leaves our yard. Maintenance of proper oil level in No electrical fools are supplied rented equipment is solely the responsibility of with safety grounded plugs for Our damage waiver covers normal wear and tear. Damage customer. For proper oil grade, call us, use in grounded outlets due to neglect or ignorance will be the customer's (except for double insulated responsibility at a charge of $50.00 per hour plus parts. safety approved tools). Do not i cut off ground lug. V, 1 N damage waiver t license, sales or use IN CASE taxes are included in FUE OF LOSS OR our rental rates. They All equipment is full. of fuel THEFT and must be returned full or of equipment, the customer will be are extra billed for list price plus rental up to additional charges will apply. time of reporting loss or theft. T I R n" I N U R A N C RENTAL CHARGES AND TENNIS Customer is totally responsible Once the equipment leaves our yard, the customer is for ALL tire repair. it is the responsible for it until it has been returned and payment Equipment with hour meters is customer's option to check over received. NO equipment is to be left in our yard if we are allowed 8 hours use within a 24 the tires before the equipment hour period of time not open to receive it. Our insurance does not cover leaves and have one of our people make note of any equipment while in customer's possession. We suggest irregularities spatted, you contract your insurance agent for coverage. A week is 7 days. A month is 28 days. Renter will not be liable for any or all damage to vehicles You will be charged for while loading or unloading equipment. time out not time used, CLEANING CHARGES Rental rates for equipment are based on usage during an 8 hour shift, Equipment is to be returned as One day Is 24 hours or 8 hours running time. clean as when it left. A charge of 50.00 per hour will be charged for cleanu 16 hours running time in 24 hours 2 day charge. cleanup. 24 hours running time in 24 hours 3 days charge. If over 8 hours in 1 day you will be charged for extra hours on equipment. After being in the rental business for many years, we know what it takes to be successful good attitude, new or like new equipment, and good old fashioned service, We will never knowingly disappoint you. If for any reason you feel we haven't handled your transaction properly, please bring it to our attention, Thank you for renting from us. Reorder from In -A -Bind 800. 862 -2463 Form x7899 In consideration of the payment of additional rent classed as 'damage waiver' by the Rentee, Renter agrees to, and hereby does waive its right, or any right it might O have against the Rentee, arising from normal damage of the rental property, normal damage to be determined by Renter. The undersigned shall pay upon return of property rented a sum equal to 5% of rental charge. This 'damage waiver does not include damage or loss of the property as a result of the negligence of the Rentee AA or In the case of abusive damage, theft or other gross negligence of the Rentee. This waiver shall not apply to any truck, tractor or trailer rented, or any part thereof, including, but not limited to tires, and it is understood the amount paid is not an insurance premium, and that this provision does not represent an insurance policy or EQUIPMENT RENTAL an agreement to insure. 410 W. Carmel Drive Carmel, IN 46032 The Rentee further acknowledges receipt of the aforementioned equipment and materials, or covenants to use said property in a careful and prudent manner and shall not loan, sublet, mortgage or in any manner dispose of same to any person without the written consent of the owner, and further agrees to return the equipment LAKMEL fI5HE95 INDIANAPOLIS to Renter in substantially good condition as when received, natural wear and tear excepted. 317 566 8888 The parties agree that in the event the Rentee violates any of the terms and conditions of this agreement, the Renter may collect damages together with reasonable attorney tees, court costs and interest of one and one haft (1 1/2) percent per month added to accounts over ten (10) days old, reflecting an annual percentage rate of eighteen (18) percent. FAX: 317- 566 -2990 The above equipment has been received by the undersigned for rental purposes only, and it is understood that Renter shall be held responsible for any accident or damage resulting directly or indirectly from the leased equipment. The Renter expressly disclaims all warranties, either expressed or implied, including any implied "Don't be o tool Rent one" warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, and neither assumes nor authorizes any other person to assume for it any liability connection with the use of this equipment. The Rentee agrees to indemnify Renter, from any claim, loss, damages to property, consequential damages, loss of income or any other onrental. corn incidental damages, even those damages caused by the negligence of Rentee, together with attorney fees for defending any action brought as a result of the lease www. run y of this equipment. Open 7 Days a Week Monday Friday 7:00 am 5:30 pm o Saturday 7:00 am 4:30 pm Sunday 9:00 am 3:00 pm RENTED TO JOB LOCATION TICKET CARREL WASTE WATER 9855 I 760 3RD AVENUE SW Con# 95620 SUITE 110 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46032 Loc 100 DL /ID DOBth SSN PHONE DATE TIME 317 -571 -2634 Y: (317) 571 -2634 OUT 05/05/08 8:56 AM SAF F (317) 571 -2636 ID #3 PO /JOB RECEIVED BY 0 CALVIN RETURNED 05/05/08 11:07 AM BN *FINAL+' Page: 1 QTY ITEM# EXT AMT NET AMT MIN HOURLY OVNITE 8_ -HOUR DAY WEEK 4 WEEK 1 5147 -0009 TILLER FRONT TINE MEDIUM 22.00 22.00 f Payments RENT 22.00 1 HAVE BEEN INSTRUCTED 8 DEMONSTRATED ON THE SAFE PROPER OPERATION OF THE ABOVE EQUIPMENT AND I SALES 0 00 FULLY UNDERSTAND THOSE INSTRUCTIONS I ALSO UNDERSTAND THAT I AM THE PERSON RENTING THIS PROPERTY, AND OTHER 0 00 THAT RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL DOES NOT GIVE ME PERMISSION TO LEND THIS PROPERTY TO ANY OTHER PERSON. I UNDERSTAND THAT GIVING OR LENDING THIS PROPERTY TO ANY OTHER PERSON FOR ANY REASON IS UNAUTHORIZED DW /FEES 1 10 BY RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL. X Addl TAX 0.00 THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING READ AND UNDERSTOOD THE ABOVE, HEREBY AGREES TO RENT THE ARTICLES NAMED SALES TAX 0 00 ON THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN THIS RENTAL AGREEMENT. I HAVE READ THE ABOVE INFORMATION AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT IT IS CORRECT, COMPLETE AND ACCURATE. I PROMISE THAT AS A CONDITION OF RENTING DEPOSIT 0 00 EQUIPMENT THAT IF MY EMPLOYMENT, ADDRESS OR PHONE NUMBER BE CHANGED, I WILL NOTIFY RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IMMEDIATELY. RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL IS AUTHORIZED TO BILL MY CREDIT CARD FOR ANY AND ALL COSTS, FEES, AND /OR INTEREST CHARGES ASSOCIATED WITH ANY CLAIM, LOSS, OR DAMAGES TO TOTAL DUE 23.10 PROPERTY AS A RESULT OF THE RENTAL OF THIS EQUIPMENT. EQUIPMENT CELL AMT BILLED 23.10 LEASED BY X PHONE 05- MAY -08 11:08:31 EQUIPMENT RETURNED BY X WE CHARGE FOR TIME OUT, NOT TIME USED. Equipment is clean and full of fuel please return as such or additional charges YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL TIRES, will apply. X FUEL AND ELECTRIC CURRENT. We charge a 5% Damage Waiver on all equipment rentals. SOME TH YOU S HOULD JK (�I�USUAL� WEAR ®AIL ILIE�IL� 3 h] /t �a The oil level in machinery is checked when equipment COO P03 p!/U A 11 1 leaves our yard. Maintenance of proper oil level in No electrical tools are supplied rented equipment is solely the responsibility of with safety grounded plugs for Our damage waiver covers normal wear and tear. Damage i customer. For proper oil grade, call us. use in grounded outlets.! due to neglect or ignorance will be the customer's (except for double insulated i responsibility at a charge of $50.00 per hour plus parts. safety approved tools). Do not cut o ground lug. off gro I No damage waiver license, sales or use IN CASE S taxes are included inUZIL OF LOSS OR our rental rates. They All equipment is full of fuel THEFT and must be returned full or of equipment, the customer will be are extra billed for list price plus rental up to additional charges will apply. time of reporting loss or theft. THRES o Q U V 3 V� Q U V RENTAL CHARGES AND TERMS MS Customer is totally responsible Once the equipment leaves our yard, the customer is for ALL tire repair. It is the responsible for it until it has been returned and payment Equipment with hour meters is customer's option to check over received. NO equipment is to be left in our yard if we are allowed 8 hours use within a 24 the tires before the equipment hour period of time not open to receive it. Our insurance does not cover leaves and have one of our people make note of any equipment while in customer's possession. We suggest irregularities spotted. you contract your insurance agent for coverage. A week is 7 days. A month is 28 days. Renter will not be liable for any or all damage to vehicles You will be charged for while loading or unloading equipment. time out not time used. CLEANING CHARGES Rental rates for equipment are based on usage during an 8 hour shift. Equipment is to be returned as IF One day is 24 hours or 8 hours running time. clean as when it left. A charge of Q3 LFIJ $50.00 per hour will charged for 16 hours running time in 24 hours 2 day charge. cleanup. 24 hours running time in 24 hours 3 days charge. If over 8 hours in 1 day you will be charged for extra hours on equipment. After being in the rental business for many years, we know what it takes to be successful good attitude, new or like new equipment, and good old fashioned service. We will never knowingly disappoint you. If for any reason you feel we haven't handled your transaction properly, please bring it to our attention. Thank you for renting from us. Reorder from In -A -Bind 800 862 -2463 Form #7899 VOUCHER 085609 WARRANT ALLOWED 354867 IN SUM OF RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL 410 W. Carmel Drive Carmel, IN 46032 Carmel Wastewater Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO INV ACCT AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 95106 01- 7200 -02 $23.76 95106 01- 7360 -02 �$1�83.75 U ll(•JI. Q5 620 0030.09 2 3.10 V i Voucher Total �1 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 354867 RUNYON EQUIPMENT RENTAL Purchase Order No. 410 W. Carmel Drive Terms Carmel, IN 46032 Due Date 6/2/2008 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 6/2/2008 95106 $207.51 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 Date Officer