HomeMy WebLinkAbout164668 10/16/2008 CITY OF CARMFL, INDIANA VENDOR: 069001 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE CRYSTAL FLASH CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO Box 105080 CHECK AMOUNT: $2,364.39 s= ATLANTA GA 30348 -508D CHECK NUMBER: 164668 CHECK DATE: 10/16/2008 DEPA RTMENT ACCO PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTI 1120 4231400 BG1297998 1,745.95 GASOLINE 1202 4231400 BG1298100 352.48. GASOLINE 1110 4231400 BG1298138 26 S.96;!yGASOLINE 2673101.2"1 W22970I.W n8 41=A7YS7-AL7PLAw14- Local Office: Crystal Flash Petroleum PL PO BOX 105080 For billing questions call: (800) 903 -9368 ATLANTA, GA 30348 -5080 Account BG1298138 Please reference account on all payments 1111111 1EI III 11E 111 1H IN 708 STATEMENT NP14700394 DATE 10/03/2008 CITY OF CARMEL POLICE DUE DATE 10/17/2008 1 CIVIC SQ TOTAL BALANCE DUE $265.96 CARMEL IN 46032 -2584 PAYMENT TERMS Net 14 days MN Please make sure to review your report. It may include important notifications about your account. DESCRIPTION OF CURRENT ACTIVITIES Services and Fees as reported 9/30/2008 Date Description Gallons Amount Due 09/23/2008 CREDIT: Payment Without Remit Coupon $280.31 CR 10/03/2008 Fleet 1315510 Name: CITY OF CARMEL- POLICE 67.920 $265.96 Current Activity Previous Statement Prior Balance Payments and Gallons Charges Total Balance Due Date Adjustments 09101/2008 $280.31 $280.31 CR 67.920 $265.96 $265.96 FOR PROPER PAYMENT POSTING. PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR CHECK WITH ONLY THE REMITTANCE COPY BELOW, Po aox 105080 FLEET MANAGEMENT REPORT ATLANTA, GA 30348 -5080 Account BG1298138 FLEET 1315510 Provided By: Name: CITY OF CARMEL- POLICE Crystal Flash Petroleum PL (800) 903 -9368 MATCHING STATEMENT NP14700394 Page: 1 of 1 CITY OF CARMEL POLICE 1 CIVIC SID CARMEL IN 46032 FLEET MANAGEMENT REPORT FOR 9/1/2008 9/30/2008 SUMMARY OF TRANSACTIONS THIS REPORTING PERIOD FOR ALL VEHICLES IN YOUR FLEET PRODUCT QUANTITY BASE PRICE F EDERAL STATE OTHER T OTAL UNL 16.229 $50.86 $3.01 $6.65 $0.00 $60.52 UNL+ 51.691 $173.87 $9.51 $22.06 $0.00 $205.44 nMF n re s _F ""AIAW�V' a r Total�� k 67:920 x p 224 730"'9 f x .$12 52 �'w..; a 5, r :$28:71 .c .yt h"'+ i x �a� ..e t�� �w1 oz's` .xcPbe:»Bas'aifl.r"�!r K This report is for information only. Please see remittance copy on the statement for the total payment amount. TOTAL MILES: 1,641 Tr nar sact o� l]eta�lfor Gusto`mer N01315510C1TY¢OF CPiRMEL~POLICE 9'1R1/2008`9130'12(1tl8. 4Q. 12 IN FUEL NET TOTAL EXCEPT DATE TIME SITE DRIVER ODOMETER MPG TYPE QTY PRICE TAXES AMT CODE N n e t2. ''tv� k r' a ';0 _..^a 16719, CAR 129, y h� E 09102 11:53 885419 DRIVER 10 6443 31.2 UNL+ 4.001 120170 0.60013 $15.20 09110 13:36 885419 DRIVER 10 6582 30.5 UNL+ 4.555 3.44240 0.61668 $18.49 09126 14:39 885419 DRIVER 10 6733 31.7 UNL+ 4.768 3.26550 0.60380 $18.45 Miles: 415 31.1 13.324 $52.14 567168 CAR 1 f9" y s rN ZV '2 �N �+k ..`aacs.'� s' s��d�. ,i.' b -t°i: 3ar'. ...x' t,i.aaa�s'*.+ds 1 a�. �,:..#„s 09102 11:53 885419 DRIVER 10 21439 34.4 UNL+ 3.027 3.20450 0.59983 $11.50 09109 09:51 885419 DRIVER 10 21556 33.6 UNL+ 3.478 3.22890 0.60233 $13.32 09116 09:28 885419 DRIVER 10 21673 32.0 UNL+ 3.652 3.72400 0.63532 $15.92 09124 08:21 885419 DRIVER 10 21803 35.2 UNL+ 3.689 3.42370 0.61645 $14.90 09/26 1439 885419 DRIVER 10 21907 34.0 UNL+ 3.055 3.26680 0.60432 $11.82 Miles: 572 33.8 16.901 $67.46 67168; CA �W�� -0 -M IN, "4�'� 7 ti x �t��a to 09102 11:53 885419 DRIVER 10 17651 32.9 UNL+ 4.164 3.20130 0.60093 $15.821 09/10 13:33 885419 DRIVER 10 17795 31.7 UNL+ 4.542 3.44120 0.61737 $18.44t/ 09117 14:31 885419 DRIVER 10 17950 33.8 UNL+ 4.591 3.71160 0.63657 $19.97 09126 14:42 885419 DRIVER 10 18066 31.7 UNL+ 3.657 3.26500 0.60489 $14.15 Miles: 552 32.5 16.954 $68.38 P, X567169 `_CAR 128. 09/27 07:47 885412 DRIVER 10 3455 22.6 UNL+ 4.512 3.26460 0.60347 $17.46 Miles: 102 22.6 4.512 $17.46 09/03 16:10 885396 DRIVER 10 18502 0.0 UNL 16.229 3.13390 0.59517 $60.52 Miles: 16.229 $60.52 SITE LEGEND SITE SITE NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE 885396 Crystal Flash #2 -p @p 910 3rd St Columbus IN 885412 Crystal Flash #41 -p @p 10598 N College Ave Indianapolis IN 885419 Crystal Flash #67 -p @p 545 S Rangeline Rd Carmel IN Prescribed by State Board of Accounts ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bil! to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Crystal Flash Petroleum PL Purchase Order No. P.0 Box 105080 Terms Atlanta, GA 30348 -5080 Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 10/3/08 NP14700394 payment for gasoline 265.96 Total I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Crystal Flash Petroleum PL IN SUM OF P.O. Box 105080 Atlanta, GA 30348 -5080 265.96 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR police general fund Board Members Po# or INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT DEPT. I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 1110 NP14700394 314 265.96 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except October 8 20 08 Signature Chief of Police Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund 2GT;n XWIH1 f125]G'l l OOIX16 1 Local Office: Crystal Flash Petroleum PL PO BOX 105080 For billing questions call: (800 903 -9368 ATLANTA, GA 30348 -5080 Account BG1297998 Please reference account on all payments IIIhI 1111111111111111111111 Iii 5 STATEMENT NP14700392 DATE 10/03/2008 CITY OF CARMEL -FIRE DUE DATE 10/17/2008 1 CIVIC SO TOTAL BALANCE DUE $1,745.95 CARMEL IN 46032 -2584 PAYMENT TERMS Net 14 days MN Please make sure to review your report. It may include important notifications about your account. DESCRIPTION OF CURRENT ACTIVITIES Services and Fees as reported 9/30/2008 Date Description Gallons Amount Due 09/23/2008 CREDIT: Payment Without Remit Coupon $2106.02 CR 10/03/2008 Fleet 1315390 Name: CITY OF CARMEL -FIRE 527.850 $1745.95 Current Activity Previous Statement Prior Balance Payments and Gallons Charges Total Balance Due Date Adjustments 09/01/2008 $2,106.02 $2,106.02 CR 527.850 $1,745.95 $1,745.95 FOR PROPER PAYMENT POSTING. PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR CHECK WITH ONLY THE REMITTANCE COPY BELOW. 267MOts 81W257001 .aaooa Pb BOX 105080 FLEET MANAGEMENT REPORT ATLANTA, GA 30348 -5080 Account BG1297998 FLEET 1315390 Provided By: Name: CITY OF CARMEL -FIRE Crystal Flash Petroleum PL (800) 903 -9368 MATCHING STATEMENT NP14700392 Page: 1 of 2 CITY OF CARMEL -FIRE 1 CIVIC SQ CARMEL IN 46032 FLEET MANAGEMENT REPORT FOR 9/1/2008 9/30 /2008 SUMMARY OF TRANSACTIONS THIS REPORTING PERIOD FOR ALL VEHICLES IN YOUR FLEET PRODUCT QUANTITY BASE PRICE FEDERAL STATE OTHER TOTAL UNL 32.237 $103.32 $5.98 $13.39 $0.00 $122.69 UNL+ 495.613 $1,343.01 $91.72 $188.53 $0.00 $1,623.26 t �w ,4 rgo-.,.txx ."�"`a "':�mc,�c+W Total E gi ,,x627 $50, $1 446.33 ��E $97:70E� x;$201 92 d .w q €;.$000 4 a m.�u.n w u a.. �xs-a a. au� .�t+,a�. a€ Zsna ;�rsi?50b z€ !..j ,'gj€e�'. i�.�, s..`5�.°'' _x.,. �..a This report is for information only. Please see remittance copy on the statement for the total payment amount. TOTAL MILES: 4,218 131 39 �r -.r: Fa -rte. ^.s /20 aa?,u moms T "a E rn�a €7 -4 Transaction Detail'for3Customer N,0ITY 0 OF CARMEL FIRE A9l1 °!2008 9L,3008s 11� w uY t.>< ,nrA, ­�2�,�.�,rA3�n:; FUEL NET TOTAL EXCEPT DATE TIME SITE DRIVER ODOMETER MPG TYPE QTY PRICE TAXES AMT CODE _ki' Er g iii, r 567148 -GAR 4503 nv „r a I A -r 4� E ,s..,:: nEs maE >'w'. e.� .i,z 3..... �.ti ro. W.;��...2 S"� dv.. 'r' La, 2 ..mac -r.,`� na,�3'«m�.' s 09108 07:51 885419 DRIVER 1 1367 10.3 UNL+ 23.238 2.63880 0.56066 $74.34 09/12 20:26 885419 DRIVER 1 1603 10.5 UNL+ 22.561 2.73170 0.56711 $74.43 09/19 07:47 885419 DRIVER 1 1858 10.7 UNL+ 23.783 2.82560 0.57365 $80.84 09/23 08:29 885419 DRIVER 1 2071 11.2 UNL+ 19.005 2.82560 0.57356 $64.60 09128 14:15 885419 DRIVER 1 2253 9.9 UNL+ 18.380 2.63870 0.56072 $58.80 09/30 15:44 885419 DRIVER 1 2458 10.4 UNL+ 19.747 2.53610 0.55344 $61.00 M i les: 1331 10.5 126.714 $414.01 =567148 CAR 4501^ l"jlsa' '0,01 xi, 5,.,. N x�4u'U"' a..,a s a "s, a. L s �P�.�.�fa, 09/03 08:20 885419 DRIVER 1 14500 0.0 UNL+ 19.593 2.54480 0.55383 $60.72 09105 08:22 885419 DRIVER 1 14500 0.0 UNL+ 13.666 2.63870 0.56032 $43.72 09108 08:23 885419 DRIVER 1 14500 0.0 UNL+ 19 -356 2.63900 0.56066 $61.92 09111 13:55 885419 DRIVER 1 14500 0.0 UNL+ 21.133 2.73180 0.56731 $69.72 09/12 08:30 885419 DRIVER 1 14500 0.0 UNL+ 7.532 2.72970 0.56770 $24.85 09/14 18:35 885414 DRIVER 1 14500 0.0 UNL 5.811 3.53470 0.62300 $24.17 09115 08:23 885419 DRIVER 1 14500 0.0 UNL+ 20.377 3.01270 0.58670 $73.34 09117 15:03 885419 DRIVER 1 14500 0.0 UNL+ 11.219 3.01360 0.58644 $40.38 09119 08:19 885419 DRIVER 1 14500 0.0 UNL+ 13.298 2.82600 0.57372 $45.20 09/22 08:16 885419 DRIVER 1 14500 0.0 UNL+ 13.501 2.82500 0.57369 $45.89 09/23 20:17 885414 DRIVER 1 14500 0.0 UNL 10.271 3.08730 0.59231 $37.79 09/25 -0823_ _886419 DRIVER 1 14500 0.0 UNL+ 11.758 2.73_180 0.56740 $38.79 63 09/26 08:19 885419 DRIVER 1 14500 0.0 UNL+ 14.320 2.900 0.56025 $45.81 09130 08:22 885419 DRIVER 1 14500 0.0 UNL+ 21.194 2.53560 0.55354 $65.47 Miles: 203.029 $677.77 yes kEm a ffi �r c!` w ik? a a" �1E zr- Efi v:e 56 ?148. -CAR 4502 r 53 iii 3 �:�aa^�a ���,Nx�:'s``G t�ii 'm;t,,,3.- ..,,..........a! -.t a` m..'_.� 09/03 17:25 885419 DRIVER 1� 944 9.4� UNL+ 21.565 2.54440 0.554.18 $66.83 Miles: 202 9.4 21.565 $66.83 bra 567148 p CAR 4504_ SZ 09/02 13:33 885419 DRIVER 1 31020 17.1 UNL+ 13.391 2.54570 0.55367 $41.50 09104 12:45 885419 DRIVER 1 31214 15.6 UNL+ 12.423 2.54610 0.55389 $38.50 09/08 07:35 885419 DRIVER 1 31407 17.9 UNL+ 10.784 2.63910 0.56065 $34.50 09/10 15:30 885419 DRIVER 1 31618 16.4 UNL+ 12.897 2.73160 0.56748 $42.55 09/15 10:26 885419 DRIVER 1 31831 17.4 UNL+ 12.225 3.01270 0.58705 $44.00 09/17 13:28 885419 DRIVER 1 32024 17.3 UNL+ 11.183 3.01260 0.58712 $40.25 09120 15:36 885419 DRIVER 1 32183 15.0 UNL+ 10.591 2.82500 0.57347 $36.00 FLEET MANAGEMENT REPORT �L Account BG1297998 PO Box 105080 FLEET 1315390 ATLANTA, GA 30348 -5080 Name: CITY OF CARMEL -FIRE MATCHING STATEMENT NP14700392 Page: 2 of 2 FUEL NET TOTAL EXCEPT DATE TIME SITE DRIVER ODOMETER MPG TYPE QTY PRICE TAXES AMT CODE** 5$7148 CAR4 504 4contsrtue�) v AA a �3 �;ka�� s v a :aavv ..e�i'«" °s{ �,�'.r� ,xa":a �w dt#'�iL.:&i_. V a -g 9a S s ,�.,,o. .zx. m .�a..,. ..yw a..mr, a ,.:r. 09/23 14:09 885419 DRIVER 1 32365 15.5 UNL+ 11.768 2.82550 0.57403 $40.00 09/25 14:10 885419 DRIVER 1 32558 15.8 UNL+ 12.191 2.63970 0.56057 $39.00 Miles: 1767 16.4 107.453 $356.30 1567148= BATTALIONCMIEFt en w E r �d k: .a.z. a:;C�a` �a "c'"s R.�., des„ €w 09/05 21:26 885419 DRIVER 1 41809 0.0 UNL 16.155 3.16130 0.59741 $60.73 M i ies: 16.155 $60.73 °r, s i� rT7, s� ..t 5l a e?�d3�e z E` j 3...� ai:: s x i`m�A k fir u s 3,'e'4''a1 09102 17:35 885419 DRIVER 1 63955 17.2 UNL+ 10.135 2.54660 0.55378 $31.41 09104 08:05 885419 DRIVER 1 64125 16.9 UNL+ 10.045 2.54460 0.55438 $31.13 09/06 21:12 885419 DRIVER 1 64350 17.8 UNL+ 12.619 2.63810 0.56062 $40.37 09/09 17:23 885419 DRIVER 1 64521 17.6 UNL+ 9.705 2.82430 0.57406 $32.99 09111 16:57 885419 DRIVER 1 64699 17.1 UNL+ 10.430 2.73250 0.56694 $34.41 Miles: 918 17.3 52.934 $170.31 SITE LEGEND SITE# SITE NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE 885414 Crystal Flash #43 -p @p 7935 -d S Emerson Indianapolis IN 885419 Crystal Flash #67 -p @p 545 S Rangeline Rd Carmel IN VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. Crystal Flash ALLOWED 20 IN SUM OF P.O. Box 684 Indianapolis, IN 46206 $1,745.95 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Fire Department PO# Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT #frITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1120 42- 314.00 $1,745.95 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except OCT 13 2008 Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) BG1297998 $1,745.95 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20 Clerk- Treasurer 2673401 2008100257001 D0007 Local Office: Crystal Flash Petroleum PL PO BOX 105080 For billing questions call: (800) 903 -9368 ATLANTA, GA 30348 -5080 Account BG1298100 Please reference account on all payments 11111 11 R11 ON li 11 1111 1111 III! 7 STATEMENT NP14700393 DATE 1010312008 CITY OF CARMEL MAINTENANCE DUE DATE 10/17/2008 1 CIVIC SQ TOTAL BALANCE DUE $670.53 CARMEL IN 46032 -2584 PAYMENT TERMS Net 14 days MN Please make sure to review your report. It may include important notifications about your account. DESCRIPTION OF CURRENT ACTIVITIES Services and Fees as reported 9/30/2008 Date Description Gallons Amount Due 10/03/2008 Fleet 1315492 Name: CITY OF CARMEL- MAINTENANCE 92.413 $352.48 Current Activity Previous Statement Prior Balance Payments and Ad Adjustments Gallons Charges Total Balance Due Date 1 09/01/2008 $318.05 $0.00 92.413 $352.48 $670.53 FOR PROPER PAYMENT POSTING, PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR CHECK WITH ONLY THE REMITTANCE COPY BELOW. 267. 1M 2W81W257DOl. as T i y �L CA Y'ST F1-,4H14. PO BOX 105080 FLEET MANAGEMENT REPORT ATLANTA, GA 30348 -5080 Account BG1298100 FLEET 1315492 Provided By: Name: CITY OF CARMEL- MAINTENANCE Crystal Flash Petroleum PL (800) 903 -9368 MATCHING STATEMENT NP14700393 Page: 1 of 1 CITY OF CARMEL MAINTENANCE 1 CIVIC SQ CARMEL IN 46032 FLEET MANAGEMENT REPORT FOR 9/1/20013 9/30/2008 SUMMARY OF TRANSACTIONS THIS REPORTING PERIOD FOR ALL VEHICLES IN YOUR FLEET PRODUCT QUANTITY BASE PRICE FEDERAL STATE OTHER TOTAL UNL 92.413 $296.97 $17.12 $38.39 $0.00 $352.48 .3 r- a Tatal a {x,92 413 i $296 97 $17 12, $38 39 $352 48, x $0`00 This report is for information only. Please see remittance copy on the statement for the total payment amount. TOTAL MILES: 0 EXCEPTION CODES: 11 Odometer entry is out of sequence. M '°7 P c e� AI K id's a TransaC #ton Detatl for Cus #omer NO x1315492 CITY OF CARMEL MAINTENANCE 1 91112008, 9/30/2008 a u sow x.�. FUEL NET TOTAL EXCEPT DATE TIME SITE DRIVER ODOMETER MPG TYPE QTY PRICE TAXES AMT CODE" 581400 GRASS:42 a n b •`.=^x�.��v V Ta �:.,,m...a H, ,..�'u. ^...#.`,^aC`� «=z >8E i.r� 09102 16:37 885419 DRIVER 1 0 0.0 UNL 13.223 3.01220 0.58694 $47.59 11 09108 09:37 882083 DRIVER 1 0 0.0 UNL 17.560 3.09620 0.59273 $64.78 11 09114 10:26 885419 DRIVER 1 0 0.0 UNL 18.410 3.53610 0.62342 $76.57 11 09122 12:43 882081 DRIVER i 0 0.0 UNL 15.360 3.38610 0.61282 $61.42 11 09124 17:06 885419 DRIVER 1 0 0.0 UNL 11.674 3.19940 0.59962 $44.35 11 09130 17:16 885419 DRIVER 1 0 0.0 UNL 16.186 2.98470 0.58463 $57.77 11 Miles: 92.413 $352.48 SITE LEGEND SITE SITE NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE 882081 Circle K 2275 Shell -p @p 1230 S Range Line Rd Carmel IN 882083 Circle K #2281- pay @pump 1821 E 151th St Westfield IN 885419 Crystal Flash #67 -p @p 545 S Rangeline Rd Carmel IN Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee C Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) e1W) AA 10/03/08 INP14700393 Gas Total $352.48 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER) 061 WARRANT NO. eum orp ALLOWED 20 X 105080 IN SUM OF Atlanta GA 30343 -.5n3n $352.48 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR GENERALFUND 1202 Information Systems Board Members PO# or DEPT INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the 4 52.4$ materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 20 Si btu eAU Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund