HomeMy WebLinkAbout163583 09/15/2008 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 069001 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE CRYSTAL FLASH CHECK AMOUNT: $2,591.02 CARMEL. INDIANA 46032 Po Box 105080 ATLANTA GA 30348 5080 CHECK NUMBER: 163583 CHECK DATE: 9/15/2008 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVO NUM AM DESCRIPTION 1110 4231400 BG1297958 280.31 BG1298138 1120 4231400 3G1297958 2,1.06.02 BG1297998 1192 4231400 BG1297958 89.45 BG1297958 601 5023990 BG1297958 115.24 BG1298219 I 2M,111W 11.1 0— M7YSAE7PL Local Office: Crystal Flash Petroleum PL PO BOX 105080 For billing questions call: (800) 903 -9368 ATLANTA, GA 30348 -5080 Account BG1298219 Please reference account on all payments IIIII�I� IIIIIIIIIIIII 24 STATEMENT# NP14245601 DATE 09/01/2008 CITY OF CARMEL ITILITIES DUE DATE 09/15/2008 1 CIVIC SO TOTAL BALANCE DUE $115.24 CARMEL IN 46032 -2584 PAYMENT TERMS Net 14 days MN Please make sure to review your report. It may include important notifications about your account. DESCRIPTION OF CURRENT ACTIVITIES Services and Fees as reported 8/31/2008 Date Description Gallons Amount Due 09101/2008 Fleet 1315591 Name: CITY OF CARMEL UTILITIES 29.862 $115.24 Current Activity Previous Statement Prior Balance Payments and Gallons Charges Total Balance Due Date Adjustments 08/01/2008 $0.00 $0.00 29.862 $115.24 $115.24 FOR PROPER PAYMENT POSTING_ PLFASF S1lRMIT Yn1JR r14FrK WITH nNI v TwF arwiTTANrr- rnov RFI nw zmain i �rw.xrsnn nnn nioai C PO BOX 105080 FLEET MANAGEMENT REPORT ATLANTA. GA 30348 -5080 Account BG1298219 FLEET 1315591 Provided By: Name: CITY OF CARMEL UTILITIES Crystal Flash Petroleum PL (800) 903 -9368 MATCHING STATEMENT NP14245601 Page: 1 of 1 CITY OF CARMEL- ITILITIES 1 CIVIC SQ CARMEL IN 46032 FLEET MANAGEMENT REPORT FOR 811!2008 8/31/2008 SUMMARY OF TRANSACTIONS THIS REPORTING PERIOD FOR ALL VEHICLES IN YOUR FLEET PRODUCT QUANTITY BASE PRICE FEDERAL STATE OTHER TOTAL UNL 29.862 $97.20 $5.53 $12.51 $0.00 $115.24 Total 29 862 $97 20 $5:53 $12 51 $000 $115 24' ,p This report is for p information only. Please see remittance copy on the statement for the total payment amount. TOTAL MILES: 0 �Transactlon Detail for Customer ND1315591 C[TY OF:CARML ITILlTIES,�811f2008 81312008'-A'- 1� ,...M .�u. 2, FUEL NET TOTAL EXCEPT DATE TIME SITE DRIVER ODOMETER M TYPE QTY PRICE TAXES AMT CODE "567175 =1963 CHEVY RiG #90 a 08107 12:03 885419 DRIVER 1 7222 0.0 UNL 29.862 3.25500 �0.60391 5115.24 Miles: 29.862 $115.24 SITE LEGEND SITE SITE NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE 885419 Crystal Flash #67 -p @p 545 S Rangeline Rd Carmel IN VOUCHER 083030 WARRANT ALLOWED 0,69001 IN SUM OF CR YSTAL FLASH PETROLEUM CORP P0_830X 4:_t.c ao-S- I NDbVq O:L fS` 6 Carmel Water Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO INV ACCT AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 090108 01- 6500 -05 $11524 Voucher Total $115.24 i, 4 'Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 069001' CRYSTAL FLASH PETROLEUM CORP Purchase Order No. PO BOX 684 Terms INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46206 Due Date 9/9/2008 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 9/9/2008 090108 $115.24 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and 0. orrect and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 J Date Officer 2613101.2000090010301 01141 Local Office: Crystal Flash Petroleum PL PO BOX 105080 For billing questions call: (800) 903 -9368 ATLANTA, GA 30348 -5080 Account BG1298138 Please reference account on all payments VIII 11$ III 111111111111111111 1794 STATEMENT NP14245597 k DATE 0910112008 CITY OF CARMEL POLICE DUE DATE 09/15/2008 1 CIVIC SQ TOTAL BALANCE DUE $280.31 CARMEL IN 46032 -2584 PAYMENT TERMS Net 14 days MN Please make sure to review your report. It may include important notifications about your account. DESCRIPTION OF CURRENT ACTIVITIES Services and Fees as reported 8]3112008 Date Description Gallons Amount Due 08/29/2008 CREDIT: Payment Without Remit Coupon $495.27 CR 09/01/2008 Fleet 1315510 Name: CITY OF CARMEL- POLICE 71.527 $280.31 Current Activity Previous Statement Prior Balance Payments and Ad Adjustments Gallons Charges Total Balance Due Date 1 0810112008 $495.27 $495.27 CR 71.527 $280.31 $280.31 FOR PROPER PAYMENT POSTING, PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR CHECK WITH ONLY THE REMITTANCE COPY BELOW. 2673101.200K9W1 D,%1 01794 PO BOX 105080 FLEET MANAGEMENT REPORT ATLANTA, GA 30348 -5080 Account BG1298138 FLEET 1315510 Provided By. Name: CITY OF CARMEL- POLICE Crystal Flash Petroleum PL (800) 9103 -9368 MATCHING STATEMENT NP 14245597 Page: 1 of 2 CITY OF CARMEL POLICE 1 CIVIC SQ CARMEL IN 46032 FLEET MANAGEMENT REPORT FOR 8/1/2008 8/31/2008 SUMMARY OF TRANSACTIONS THIS REPORTING PERIOD FOR ALL VEHICLES IN YOUR FLEET PRODUCT QUANTITY BASE PRICE FEDERAL STATE OTHER TOTAL UNL 15.643 $50.04 $2.90 $6.49 $0.00 $59.43 UNL+ 55.884 $186.89 $10.29 $23.70 $0.00 $220.88 n ff`; I a Ice a�ia s &x k m3 rr ale 6Total 71 X527 93p 6� s a'31K a a 13 �:19a $30 49 $0'Oir I urn sue. ,w5�* �.�.a�� x a.. °u;wu�N�� a�Ew a mw�.lda,� ®C .N This report is for information only. Please see remittance copy on the statement for the total payment amount. TOTAL MILES: 1,509 EXCEPTION CODES: 11 Odometer entry is out of sequence. TransacttoriEDetailfor Custotier N 13155QCITY OFCARIVIEL POLICE`' 81 11 2tiD8�- $!3,912008_ p as �>a.m s .s,,. a.><: €c, .,9. �,i ,.,a:. ;ems 1e<"t ';r.:;aa a 3 Ha.[m &b. „o. a'� ..�,m ,w„ ,wa_*sa.' 1 !s €I"a E>e' .��n. ;ar ,ww w! a w,.w,.rs OvTlL mk &K FUEL NET TOTAL EXCEPT DATE TIME SITE DRIVER ODOMETER MPG TYPE QTY PRICE TAXES AMT CODE`* 167 CAR'129 a gel w i r �l,s, a A ^„w.... erw i ;.a"'s''R k,�m.a'e`,. ...z.,,m „"�..n..�`sl -"cd v`�a�a�e W ay 3 �w;.° ,r?,r+�,.V,1>,.".E``'a'�.aa�'iR da€m o, w.r .�asdr+ann,«: k,.. »:..:b€�'. 08101 08:48 885419 DRIVER 10 5989 29.8 UNL+ 3.763 3.38830 0 61170 $15.05 08113 11:47 885419 DRIVER 10 6105 29.2 UNL+ 3.977 3.29390 0.60652 $15.51 08/13 11:47 885419 DRIVER 10 6105 29.2 UNL+ -3.977 3.29390 0.60652 08113 11:47 885419 DRIVER 10 6105 0.0 UNL+ 3.977 3.29390 0.60652 Qi5:91 /11 08/19 10:29 885419 DRIVER 10 6182 31.3 UNL+ 2.463 3.34550 0.61068 $9.73// 08/26 14:14 885419 DRIVER 10 6318 31.3 UNL+ 4.339 132340 0.60796 $17.05' Miles: 441 30.2 14.542 $57.34 p ��li�a a I .a +ass a�kFe k(4,ty €„'y` .a .�R 567164 CAR 83� 0. 3 "w�` .��fu4a`� i I �.z��`r� a9 a�t ,�6J ,a 08/16 14:48 885419 DRIVER 10 13191 37.6 UNL 15.643 3.19890 0.59957 l 08116 14:48 455' 08/16 14:48 885419 DRIVER 10 13191 0.0 UNL 15.643 3.19890 0.59957 $59.4 885419 DRIVER 10 13191 37.6 UNL 15.643 3.19890 0.59957 Miles: 588 37.6 15.643 $59.43 g' tt a #�s �-a rY z +�F a W r anti f '?E'g a ,mz 567168 SCAR 1 1 9 :y 1 k .0 .n., iffi. _m "a "t..., �IR dy a §Xx w 08/01 08:49 885419 DRIVER 10 20830 34.4 UNL+ 3.900 3.38970 0.61365 $15.60 08/07 07:38 885419 DRIVER 10 20969 31.7 UNL+ 4.390 3.29610 0.60526 $17.12 08/13 09:40 885419 DRIVER 10 21092 35.5 UNL+ 3.467 3.29970 0.60594 $13.52✓ 08/13 09:40 885419 DRIVER 10 21092 35.5 UNL+ -3.467 3.29970 0.60594 $1352_ 08113 09:40 885419 DRIVER 10 21092 0.0 UNL+ 3.467 3.29970 0.60594 $113,-12. 11 08121 09:03 885419 DRIVER 10 21222 32.9 UNL+ 3.949 3.29700 0 -60563 $15.40 08127 09:08 885419 DRIVER 10 21335 35.5 UNL+ 3.180 3.29560 0.60789 $12.40 Miles: 639 34.3 18.886 $74.04 u•*_ a T I 3rx g �"y (w a e r M CA IA cc- �'+ra. 08/01 08:48 885419 DRIVER 10 17085 30.0 UNL+ 4.661 3.38550 ,a 0.61334 $18.64 08/08 09:15 885419 DRIVER 10 17202 26.8 UNL+ 4.358 3.44420 0.61613 $17.69 08/19 10:29 885419 DRIVER 10 17348 33.2 UNL+ 4.403 3.34090 0.60912 $17.39 08126 14:13 885419 DRIVER 10 17514 33.2 UNL+ 5.006 3.31800 0.60891 $19.6 M iles: 569 30.8 18.428 $73.39 FLEET MANAGEMENT REPORT Account BG1298138 PO BOX 105080 FLEET 1315510 ATLANTA, GA 30348 -5080 Name: CITY OF CARMEL POLICE MATCHING STATEMENT NP14245597 Page: 2 of 2 FUEL NET TOTAL EXCEPT DATE TIME SITE DRIVER ODOMETER MPG TYPE QTY PRICE TAXES AMT CODE :u� ��W �k� 567169 —CAR X28 e �A s �G� a�a., w��U, v' "w k��'. .�E.,d�a WC:am ,�1. 5 N r n .=sw, 08 /01 08:49 885419 DRIVER 10 3353 24.6 UNL+ 4.028 3.38630 0.61352 $16.11 Miles: 99 24.6 4.028 $16.11 SITE LEGEND SITE SITE NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE 885419 Crystal Flash #67 -p @p 545 S Rangeline Rd Carmel IN Prescri�ed by State Board of Accounts ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Crystal Flash Petroleum Purchase Order No. P.O. Box 105080 Terms Atlanta, GA 30348 -5080 Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 919109 payment for g asoline 280.31 Total I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 C rystal Flash Petroleum IN SUM OF P.O. Box 105080 Atlanta, GA 30348 -5080 280.31 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR p general fund Board Members PO# or INVOICE NO. ACCT #!TITLE AMOUNT DEPT. I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 1110 314 280.31 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except September 9 20 08 Signature Chidf"of Police Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund ze v a i m .2 onao�o i o sm o nsz Y Lipid Y f Local Office: Crystal Flash Petroleum PL PO BOX 105080 For billing questions call: (800) 903 -9368 ATLANTA, GA 30348 -5080 8 C ERIE D DpCS Account BG1297958 Please reference account on all payments 1793 STATEMENT NP14245594 City of Carme DATE 0910112008 CITY OF CARMEL- DOCS ORIGI NA L �1 DUE DATE 09/15/2008 1 CIVIC SQ A TOTAL BALANCE DUE $179.61 CARMEL IN 46032 -2584 Dept, of Community Se, PAYMENT TERMS Net 14 days MN Please make sure to re view your report. It may incl important. n about account. DESCRIPTION OF CURRENT ACTIVITIES Services and Fees as reported 8/31/2008 Date Description Gallons Amount Due 09/01/2008 Fleet 1315350 Name: CITY OF CARMEL -DOCS 23.710 $89.45 Current Activity Previous Statement Prior Balance Payments and Gallons Charges Total Balance Due Date Adjustments 08101/2008 $90.16 $0.00 23.710 $89.45 $179.61 FOR PROPER PAYMENT POSTING, PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR CHECK WITH ONLY THE REMITTANCE COPY BELOW. 2fi73101.ZfAIB119'g1U:fU1 Ill /93 PO BOX 105080 FLEET MANAGEMENT REPORT ATLANTA, GA 30348 -5080 Account BG1297958 FLEET 1315350 Provided By: Name: CITY OF CARMEL -DOCS Crystal Flash Petroleum PL (800) 903 -9368 MATCHING STATEMENT NP14245594 Page: 1 of 1 CITY OF CARMEL -ROCS 1 CIVIC SQ CARMEL IN 46032 FLEET MANAGEMENT REPORT FOR 81112008 8131/2008 _SUMMARY OF TR THIS REPORTING PERIOD FOR ALL VEHICLES IN YOUR FLEET PRODUCT QUANTITY BASE PRICE FEDERAL STATE OTHER TOTAL UNL 23.710 $75.28 $4.38 $9.79 $0.00 $89.45 ^°r °r ri d"": 3���'°�"a s` i g� ;s'. ✓n 5 �'a� r� s M.xgs*_?�gva'1 I s.. ee -s i "'s' E E m Total'1 Z3 710 $75 28 4 38 t4 $9 79 a $D -00 air $9.45r .�w>S CK i ,�.,�.e, 5°�'.. s -s LL s =L: w..n�„� This report is for information only. Please see remittance copy on the statement for the total payment amount. TOTAL MILES: 270 EXCEPTION CODES: 11 Odometer entry is out of sequence. 3 sTU•� Iw�� r Trans�actionDetail forCu`stomer N� 1315350 CITYOF CARMEL DOGS 811%2008� kry g ^Pka2 Z: 12 2 FUEL NET TOTAL EXCEPT DATE TIME SITE DRIVER ODOMETER MPG TYPE QTY PRICE TAXES AMT CODE E �1 ?J S a E ".I S pE g r'rsh eTtiwyri �i 5fi7153 DOGS =3; n� a. a a tiis:��, W .r: 1. 5- A_ 08104 15:54 882045 DRIVER 1 13550 0.0 UNL 12.060 3.09700 0.59244 $44.49 11 08110 22:23 885419 DRIVER 1 13820 23.2 UNL 11.650 3.25580 0.60352 $44.96 M lies: 270 23.2 23.710 $89.45 SITE LEGEND SITE SITE NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE 882045 Circle K 2313 -p @p 7788 E 96th St Fishers IN 885419 Crystal Flash #67 -p @p 545 S Rangeline Rd Carmel IN Prescribed by State Board of Accounts ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER Cdty Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Total, y 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 IN SUM OF �D l®5o8a ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 60t Board Members PO# or INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT DEPT. I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 1 NP 3,q gq, 4 6 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except SigneLtur Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund ni 2tM]dtf,HMViI'li Mai d q ?3 1 Local Office: Crystal Flash Petroleum PL PO BOX 105080 For billing questions call: (800) 903 -9368 ATLANTA, GA 30348 -5080 Account BG1297998 Please reference account on all payments 11111 IIII 11H 111111111 22 STATEMENT NP14245595 I DATE 09101/2008 CITY OF CARMEL -FIRE DUE DATE 09/1512008 1 CIVIC SQ TOTAL BALANCE DUE $2,106.02 CARMEL IN 46032 -2584 PAYMENT TERMS Net 14 days MN Please make sure to review your report. It may include important notifications about your account. DESCRIPTION OF CURRENT ACTIVITIES Services and Fees as reported 8/31/2008 Date Description Gallons Amount Due 08/29/2008 CREDIT: Payment Without Remit Coupon $1709.29 CR 09/01/2008 Fleet 1315390 Name: CITY OF CARMEL -FIRE 637.807 $2106.02 Current Activity Previous Statement Prior Balance Payments and Gallons Charges Total Balance Due Date Adjustments 08/01/2008 $1,709.29 $1,709.29 CR 637.807 $2,106.02 $2,106.02 FOR PROPER PAYMENT POSTING, PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR CHECK WITH ONLY THE REMITTANCE COPY BELOW. i 101 20 1 ,A.IN, 7ff� 1 W22 I PO BOX 105080 FLEET MANAGEMENT REPORT ATLANTA, GA 30348 -5080 A BG1297998 FLEET 1315390 Provided By.' Name: CITY OF CARMEL -FIRE Crystal Flash Petroleum PL (800) 903 -9368 MATCHING STATEMENT NP14245595 Page: 1 of 2 CITY OF CARMEL -FIRE 1 CIVIC SQ CARMEL IN 46032 FLEET MANAGEMENT REPORT FOR 8!112008 8/3112008 SUMMARY OF TRANSACTIONS THIS REPORTING PERIOD FOR ALL VEHICLES IN YOUR FLEET PRODUCT QUANTITY BASE PRICE FEDERAL STATE OTHER TOTAL UNL 34328 $106.06 $6.36 $13.98 $0.00 $126.40 UNL+ 603.479 $1,638.16 $111.71 $229.75 $0.00 $1,979.62 Total 637 807 $1,744 22� $118,07 $243 73 $0 00 $2106 07' This report is for information only. Please see remittance copy on the statement for the total payment amount. TOTAL MILES: 4,404 EXCEPTION CODES: 11 Odometer entry is out of sequence. T ansacti n Detarl3for Customer NC) 1315390 CITY OI= GARMEL FIRE 8d1I2008' 8131!2008, m A r a y FUEL NET TOTAL EXCEPT DATE TIME SITE DRIVER ODOMETER MPG TYPE QTY PRICE TAXES AMT CODE :567148 „CAR 4543 a d a cl w 08/03 19:10 885419 DRIVER 1 29079 17.0 UNL+ 13.053 2.82540 0.57361 $44.37 08108 02:25 885419 DRIVER 1 29303 16.7 UNL+ 13.407 2.63890 0.56091 $42.89 08/11 07:57 885419 DRIVER 1 29551 16.8 UNL+ 14.801 2.73230 0.56707 $48.83 08/11 07:57 885419 DRIVER 1 29551 16.8 UNL+ 14.801 2.73230 0.56707 $48.83 08111 07:57 885419 DRIVER 1 29551 0.0 UNL+ 14.801 2.73230 0.56707 $48.83 08/11 1339 885419 DRIVER 1 180 0.0 UNL+ 15.932 2.73100 0.56726 $52.56 11 08111 13:39 885419 DRIVER 1 180 0.0 UNL+ 15.932 2.73100 0.56726 $52.56 08/11 13:39 885419 DRIVER 1 180 0.0 UNL+ 15.932 2.73100 0.56726 $52.56 11 08115 19:15 885419 DRIVER 1 439 12.0 UNL+ 21.600 2.73150 0.56732 $71.26 08115 19:15 885419 DRIVER 1 439 12.0 UNL+ 21.600 2.73150 0.56732 $7126 08/15 1915 885419 DRIVER 1 439 0.0 UNL+ 21.600 2.73150_ 0.56732 11 08121 10:53 885419 DRIVER 1 677 11.7 UNL+ 20.409 2.63950 0.56040 $65.29 08126 08:03 885419 DRIVER 1 920 10.7 UNL+ 22.773 2.73170 0.56708 $75.13 08131 19:22 885419 DRIVER 1 1127 10.1 UNL+ 20.440 2.63890 0.56061 $65.39 Miles: 1641 13.8 142.415 $465.72 ;567148 S CAR 4501 a e a 3 a k€�, 1 411_ ,..'a. ^m£...- a..r».'kko Ot",m Y� 08/01 08:11 885419 DRIVER 1 14500 0.0 UNL+ 6.778 2.82380 0.57436 $23.04 08/03 10:30 885414 DRIVER 1 14500 0.0 UNL 15.761 3.11470 0.59408 $58.46 08/04 08:26 885419 DRIVER 1 14500 0.0 UNL+ 18.970 2.82550 0.57392 $64.48 08/07 09:27 885419 DRIVER 1 14500 0.0 UNL+ 19.068 2.63850 0.56084 $61.00 08/11 16:53 885419 DRIVER 1 14500 0.0 UNL+ 12.418 2.73310 0.56685 $40.97 08111 16:53 885419 DRIVER 1 14500 0.0 UNL+ 12.418 2.73310 0.56685 $40.97 08/11 16:53 885419 DRIVER 1 14500 0.0 UNL+ 12.418 2.73310 0.56685 $40.97 08/13 08:20 885419 DRIVER 1 14500 0.0 UNL+ 15.314 2.63810 0.56064 $48.99 08/13 08:20 885419 DRIVER 1 14500 0.0 UNL+ 15.314 2.63810 0.56064 $48.99 08/13 08:20 885419 DRIVER 1 14500 0.0 UNL+ 15.314 2.63810 0.56064 $48.99 08115 09:50 885419 DRIVER 1 14500 0.0 UNL+ 7.687 2.73060 0.56772 $25.36 08115 09:50 885419 DRIVER 1 14500 0.0 UNL+ -7.687 2.73060 0.56772 $25.36 08/15 09:50 885419 DRIVER 1 14500 0.0 UNL+ 7.687 2.73060 0.56772 $25.36 08/16 13:52 885414 DRIVER 1 14500 0.0 UNL 18.567 3.06840 0.59063 $67.94 08116 13:52 885414 DRIVER 1 14500 0.0 UNL 18.567 3.06840 0.59063 $67.94 08/16 13:52 885414 DRIVER 1 14500 0.0 UNL 18.567 3.06840 0.59063 $67.94 FLEET MANAGEMENT REPORT �L Account BG1297998' Po Box 105080 FLEET 1315390 ATLANTA, GA 30348 -5080 Name: CITY OF CARMEL -FIRE MATCHING STATEMENT NP14245595 Page: 2 of 2 FUEL NET TOTAL EXCEPT DATE TIME SITE DRIVER OD MPG TYPE QTY PRICE TAXES AMT CODE" 567148- CAR 4501 (continued 08/18 1231 885419 DRIVER 1 14500 0.0 UNL+ 13.446 2.73240 0.56707 $44.36 08122 08:19 885419 DRIVER 1 14500 0.0 UNL+ 22.885 2.63840 0.56046 $73.21 08/24 16:12 885419 DRIVER 1 14500 0.0 UNL+ 12.819 2.73110 0.56709 $42.29 08/26 08:21 885419 DRIVER 1 14500 0.0 UNL+ 16.947 2.73210 0.56696 $55.91 08/29 08:46 885419 DRIVER 1 14500 0.0 UNL+ 18.221 2.63870 0.56069 $58.29 Miles: 198.881 $664.30 567148 CAR 4502 08101 16:29 885419 DRIVER 1 263 12.9 UNL+ 11.353 282660 0.57338 $38.59 08102 10:54 885419 DRIVER 1 278 0.0 UNL+ 6.790 2.82470 0.57401 $23.08 08/07 13:18 885419 DRIVER 1 368 7.8 UNL+ 11.591 2.63830 0.56068 $37.08 08/08 12:40 885419 DRIVER 1 433 10.3 UNL+ 6.335 2.73090 0.56777 $20.90 08/14 07:00 885419 DRIVER 1 567 9.6 UNL+ 14.004 2.82560 0.57370 $47.60 08114 07:00 885419 DRIVER 1 567 9.6 UNL+ 14.004 2.82560 0.57370 $47.60 08114 07:00 885419 DRIVER 1 567 0.0 UNL+ 14.004 2.82560 0.57370 $47.60 11 08/22 15:05 885419 DRIVER 1 742 8.6 UNL+ 20.437 2.78860 0.57091 $68.65 M lies: 611 9.8 70.510 $235.90 °567148 -CAR 4504 08/13 13:51 885419 DRIVER 1 29700 0.0 UNL+ 9.046 2.82450 0.57417 $30.75 08/13 13:51 885419 DRIVER 1 29700 0.0 UNL+ -9.046 2.82450 0.57417 $30.75 08/13 13:51 885419 DRIVER 1 29700 0.0 UNL+ 9.046 2.82450 0.57417 $30.75 11 08/15 13:07 885419 DRIVER 1 29852 15.9 UNL+ 9.548 2.73150 0.56685 $31.50 08/15 13:07 885419 DRIVER 1 29852 15.9 UNL+ -9.548 2.73150 0.56685 $31.50 08/15 1107 885419 DRIVER 1 29852 0.0 UNL+ 9.548 2.73150 0.56685 $31.50 11 08118 13:07 885419 DRIVER 1 30061 17.9 UNL+ 11.655 2.73190 0.56738 $38.45 08/20 15:38 885419 DRIVER 1 30220 17.1 UNL+ 9.284 2.63900 0.56045 $29.70 08123 1326 885419 DRIVER 1 30431 16.3 UNL+ 12.958 2.73190 0.56735 $42.75 08/26 13:08 885419 DRIVER 1 30619 15.6 UNL+ 12.035 2.63900 0.56048 $38.50 08/28 13:37 885419 DRIVER 1 30791 15.7 UNL+ 10.987 2.63860 0.56086 $3515 Miles: 1091 16.3 75.513 $246.80 ;_567149 CAR o s; 08/01 08.30 885419 DRIVER 1� 61371 17.7 UNL+ 9.390 2.82640 0.57327 $31.92 08/04 09:40 885419 DRIVER 1 61618 17.0 UNL+ 14.521 2.82560 0.57352 $49.36 08/05 15:51 885419 DRIVER 1 61756 14.7 UNL+ 9.356 2.64000 0.56010 $29.93 08/07 18:31 885419 DRIVER 1 61951 16.1 UNL+ 12.094 2.63930 0.56041 $38.69 08/08 15:49 885419 DRIVER 1 62031 20.3 UNL+ 3.949 2.73490 0.56764 $13.03 08/12 10:31 885419 DRIVER 1 62250 15.6 UNL+ 14.058 2.73230 0.56725 $46.38 08/12 10:31 885419 DRIVER 1 62250 15.6 UNL+ 14.058 2.73230 0.56725 $46.38 08/12 10:31 885419 DRIVER 1 62250 0.0 UNL+ 14.058 2.73230 0.56725 $46.38 11 08/13 11:42 885419 DRIVER 1 62412 16.3 UNL+ 9.943 2.63900 0.56024 $31.81 .08/13 11:42 885419 DRIVER 1 62412 16.3 UNL+ -9.943 2.63900 0.56024 $31.81 08/13 11:42 885419 DRIVER 1 62412 0.0 UNL+ 9.943 2.63900 0.56024 $31.81 11 08115 08:44 885419 DRIVER 1 62624 18.7 UNL+ 11.354 2.73300 0.56719 $3746 08/15 08:44 885419 DRIVER 1 62624 18.7 UNL+ 11.354 2.73300 0.56719 $37.46 08/15 08:44 885419 DRIVER 1 62624 0.0 UNL+ 11.354 2.73300 0.56719 $37.46 11 08/16 08:57 885419 DRIVER 1 62753 18.2 UNL+ 7.093 2.73090 0.56693 $23.40 08/16 08:57 885419 DRIVER 1 62753 18.2 UNL+ -7.093 2.73090 0.56693 $23.40 08/16 08:57 885419 DRIVER 1 62753 0.0 UNL+ 7.093 2.73090 0.56693 $23.40 11 08/19 1445 885419 DRIVER 1 62916 17.0 UNL+ 9.605 2.73190 0.56676 $31.69 08/21 10:09 885419 DRIVER 1 63149 17.7 UNL+ 13.144 2.63770 0.56083 $42.05 08/24 1510 885419 DRIVER 1 63405 17.2 UNL+ 14.925 2.73230 0.56681 $4924 08/26 08:48 885419 DRIVER 1 63588 187 UNL+ 9.784 2.73200 0.56734 $32.28 08/28 17:02 885419 DRIVER 1 63781 17.1 UNL+ 11.272 2.63930 0.56061 $36.06 Miles: 2576 17.3 150.488 $493.30 SITE LEGEND SITE SITE NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE 885414 Crystal Flash #43 -p @p 7935 -d S Emerson Indianapolis IN 885419 Crystal Flash #67 -p @p 545 S Rangeline Rd Carmel IN VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. r ALLOWED 20 Crystal Flash IN SUM OF P.O. Box 684 Indianapolis, IN 46206 $2,106.02 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Fire Department PO Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT #!TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1120 NP14245595 42- 314.00 $2,106.02 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) NP14245595 Fuel $2,106.02 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20 Clerk- Treasurer